Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 03, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Washington Law Goes .Into .Effect
mid Wakes Up tlin Fiends.
Do you know that we are running a Savings Bank? Yes, that
is a good name for it, because we help you to save money by
first letting you furnish your home before you have the capital
to do it. The plan is simple, you pick out your house furnishings
from parlor through to the kitchen. You make a small deposit,
then you have an open bank account with us. Deposit a little
each week, it is credited on your account. In a short time you
find yourself possessor of a comfortably furnished home. All
with money you might othewise have squandered.
Rt 00 a week pays for
any Back's stove
' hown on oar sample floor.
'"J" '" Jpg" "i tmtamTitimmmmSmmnmSSmm m'mm JMMjTiTagtt'T
'T'HE most liberal credit
and most courteous
treatment extended to all.
Ban Francisco, Bopt, 3. Judgo
.Lnwlor this morning overruled tlio
motion to Hot uMilo tlio IndlctmoiitB
ngalnst Sohmltz and tlio oHIolalii of
'tlio United Knllroadfl, gns nnd tole
littono companion. Tlio decision ro
movoH tlio Imit obstacle to tlio trial
of all Indlutoit In connection with tlio
Kraft canuH. Tlio dofondnntH claim
tlio grand Jury wan Invalid wlion tlio
3ntllctiiioiitH woro returned.
Shot UN Companion.
Medford, Or., Bopt. a. A niwi
MOiiKOf from tlio Itluu Lodge copper
mlno, In tlio Hlsklyouu, stales that n
iiinn nninod lad. Jlughos, formerly
'employed UH cook nt tho Nnsh Hotol.
lu Mod ford, wn incidentally klUtKl
iioar tlio Blue i.odKo inlno, whllo on
Xtiged in turgot shooting with Dr.
Svnrron Cameron, linvliiK hoon idiot
"by tlio latter Bntnrday morning
bout 10 o'clock, uud dying Sunday
morning at 2 o'clock. lliighos loaves
11 wlfo mid two children nt Montague,
It Ih roportod. llo Iiiih liocn In tlio
vmployo of tho HI no Led go for soiuo
tlmu pnat Tho ncoldontnl shooting
occurred nvor tho lino In California,
In tho Jurisdiction of tho coroner of
SUklyou county.
Jablxsijll luUlleet.
Now York, Sept. 3. Many moutha
ngo Edward Cox of WlllluiuHton, N.
Y., suffered a Htroko of paralysis. Ho
recovered IiIh phylacal strwottgth, hut
Ma Yocal organs romalnod puralyied
mid ho watt unnltlo to spak u word.
A fow dayH ago ho ant on tho bual-
NYc solicit your bank- : :
ing business; and ::
wkh the asstirnncc
on our part that H ::
will be kept strictly ::
fialMM. CUrwan
, .
lilt 1 1 HMt llf if t til i I HI
iichh oud of a tack. Mo Jumped up,
clapped lilu liiiuil to tho Injured por
tion of IiIh anatomy nnd hwoto round,
ly and loudly, In a manner Hint
Hhockud all tho neighbors within n
block. Slnco thou ho haa been able
to talk iih well as ovor. Ho attrlbutOH
IiIh recovery entirely to tho tuck, pos
ulbly nHHlHtod by tho accompanying
outbiiHt of profanity, nnd rocom
inondH other dumb puoplo to tost tho
Kbo Found Holler.
If you aro troubled with liver com
plaint and havo not rocelvod bolp
road thlH. Mrs. Mary K. Iluiiiinoiul,
Moody, Toxaa. "I wiih In ioor health
with llvor trotiblo for ovor a your.
Doctorx did mo no good d I trlud
llurbtuo, and throo bottle cured mo.
I can't nay too iiiiiuh for Ilorbliie, as
it lu a woudorful liver uiodloluo. I
alwayH havo It In tho Iiouho. l'ub
Halt whore you wish." Sold by 11. .1.
llo Saw the (Janu'.
The ollleo boy had burled count
less grandmothers, brothers, slstora,
aunta and cousins, but he felt an en
thusiasm for the baseball gamo that
day which would not he downed.
Buddunly an Idea struck him.
Approaching the easy boas with nn
air of familiarity, which had boon
nurtured by long usugo, ho naked:
"May I leave at noon today, Blr?"
"And why, my boy?"
"There la a fnncy fnlr at our
ohuroh, and mother wnntH mo to go
thla afternoon. Sho wna bo nnxloua
that alio bought me a tlckot which
cost a dollar, aa uho wna sure you
would allow mo tho few houra off. I
had to nsslst nt tho refreshment
atull, nnd It Booma a pity to wasto "
"Hut auroly you aro above Bitch
things ua that, which tnko you nwny
from your work. Why not kIvo tho
tlokot to one of our alators?"
"Well, you boo, air, thnt wouldn't
ho fnlr, for 1 'm the only one of our
family who can bo depended upon to
eat a dollar'a worth, and "
Hla aupremo nervo won tho day.
Smith's Magiulnu.
O '
Mlsa Juanttn Miller, of Lebanon,
hiu roturnod to her homo nftor vUlt
Iiir Salem frlonda. Sho (Jxpecta to
spend fair week la thla city.
Attornoy and Mrs. Wobstor
HolmoH and dauchtor havo returned
from Oconn Park, whoro thoy on
Joyed a mouth'a outliiK. Thoy wore
accoinpnnled by Mr. and Mra. W. L.
HullliiKtoii, of San Francisco. Mrs.
11 u III n b to n Ih a
Says Ills Company Will Sell AkiIcuN
dual IjiikIs Hut Xot Timber.
Hlstor of Mrs.
II. A. TowiiBond, tho woll-known
fruit Kiower, of Llborty, wna lu tho
city thla moruliiK to tako'out help
which arrlvod from lowor valloy
polnta. Ho Riiya thut pruno picking
lu hla orohard bogan yesterday, and
that tho crop Is fair Inquautlty and
of excellent (iiallty. llolp la vory
icarco, and ho and other growers of
thla Httctlou are aald to bu short many
U. J. Lehman haa gone to Lane
comity In tho lutroat of the Slonna
Taint Company. The company haa
valuable lands In this BOctlon which
furnish tho matorlal for the vnrlous
oxcellent paints manufactured. Sev
eral now colora hnro recontly boon
discovered In the tlntod clay, among
which are a bright bluo and a grcon.
T. M. Jonoa, the woll-known pro
prietor of tho Salem feed yard, loft
for Newport thla morning, whoro ho
wna called by tho lllnosa of hla wife.
MrB. Jones wont to tho coast a fow
weeka ago Buffering from nervous
trouble, and, up to Inst ovonlng,
seemed to bo Improving In health.
Mr, Jonoa roeolvod a tolegram thla
morning from tho proprietor of tho
hotel nt N'yo beach, whoro Mra. Jones
ta staying, Baying thnt she wna vory
til, Mr. Jonoa had Just tlmo to catch
the train, going directly from his
work nt tho feed bnrn. The result
of tin prosont nervous shock will bo
anxiously nwnlted by her many
frlemla In thla city.
Tho old remedies aro tho beat.
Hickory Hark Cough Remedy lins
been In use for over one hundred
yoara by tho old Dutch Dunknrds ot
Pennsylvania, and Is still In use by
all tho old fomllloa ot Weatorn Penn
aylvanla. la absolutely puro; made
from tho bark of the white or aholl
bark hickory tree. Tho bark U ahlp
pod from tho cast, and manufactured
la Saloiu, Ore.. For aalo by all deal
era everywhere.
"' o
Show the eubstltuter that you haT
a rulud ot your own by gottias
Accident at Albany
A Corvallla & Hnstorn train
backed Into a wagon containing eight
men at Albany nt 6:30 last night.
All Jumped but one. nnd escaped
without Injury. Wlllard Truar, a
boy 16 yoars of age, was with tho
party, aud owing to bolng partially
paralysed, was unable to escape. Ho
was caught under tho car and his
right leg was out ort nnd his left W
and loft arm broken. Ho will dlo.
An Ounce of Pnnentloii
U worth a pound of cure. Thoro aro
many poor aufferera, consumptives
who aro hopeless of gottlng well
who, If they had taken care of them
selves, would now bo well. A cough
la tho foundation of consumption.
Uullard's Horehound Syrup will cure
that cough. Mra. S . Great Falls,
Montana, writes: Ml havo used Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup in my fam
ily for years my children never suf
fer with coughs." Sold by D. J, Fry.
There Is a furor In the stato of
Washington over tho now cigarette
law, which goes Into effect today,
says an exchange of Monday. Accord
ing to C. S. Carew, one of tho striking
operators, who ha3 been on a visit In
Seattle and Tacoma during the pant
two weeks, and who returned to
Portland Saturday:
"It Is one of the funniest things I
over saw," said Mr. Carew to a Tel
egram reporter, "Just to see how tho
fiends In that country nro taking It.
Tho law as passed prohibits clga-,
tettcs to bo sold In the state after
September 1, and as a consequence
the dealers aro busy with bargain
counter cigarette sales already. Some
of the cluar stores resemble depart
ment stores, when cloth Is marked
down from $1 to 98e a yard, only
tho bargain fiends are masculine.
Somo of tho smokors aro defiant, and
pass their tlmo In telling Just how
they are going to evade tho law.
These nro tho boys who aro going to
'show 'em.' On the other hand,
there are a class of confirmed fiends
"I nm not prepared to mako any
announcement rognrdlng now lines.
"What Orogou needs most for de
velopment Is a different policy on
forost roservos, and somo way of
opouing the land grnntod to military
road companlos. Wo will soli agri
cultural land to settlors, but not to
upociilntors. Tho tlmbor wo will
koep for ties nnd bridgo mntorlnl.
"I mado a mlatako In not provid
ing now HtoamorH between Portland
aud San Francisco two yoars ago.
"Oregon lu August, nt lonst, hns
tho grontoat climate I ovor found.
"I know bh much about Orogon aa
nny one In tho city of Portland.
"To obtain tho host rosults, thoro
should bo a hotter fooling botweon
tho public and transportation com
panies. Railroad commissions nro
good things who n not used for polit
ical purpoBoa, and when the commis
sioners oxorcluo Judgmont."
Hand Concert Lnat K veiling.
Tho Si'lem Military Hand rondered
nn oxcollent opon air concert last ev
ening nt tho corner of Commercial
nnd Stnto streets. Salem has a bunch
of band mon which probnbiy ennnot
bo duplicated In any city of Its slzo
In tho Northwest, and could all tho
musicians bo Inducod to give a fow
ovonlnga each wook to band work the
city would soon havo an organization
that would rank high among tho pro
fessional bands of tho country. A
band ot this standard, which Salem
h ablo to support, would bo of great
advertising valuo to tho city, as woll
as a plcaauro and Inspiration to Its
oltizoiiB. Good music, llko good
books, has a roflnlng Intluonco, which
lifts tho soul from tho mire of dissi
pation and lndlfforence, and lights
tho way to a hlghor standard of cit
izenship. Let tho pooplo of Salem
show their appreciation for tho baml,
as woll as tho othor organization
which stand for tho bottormont of
tho city, and help mako It what t
should be.
o .
Daly Was Xot There.
Detroit, Or., Soph 3 John Daly,
tho votoran saloon man, whose sa
loon was dynamltod oarly Saturday
morning, and who was at first be
lieved to havo perished In the explo
sion, becauso ho was In the habit of
sleeping in tho building, was at MIM
City when tho dynamiting took place.
Greeks employed on tho C. & E.
nro suspocted of tho blowing up. Tho
Greeks bunkhouso recently burned,
with tho belongings, and somo of
them aro said to have blamed Daly
for persuading them not to go to tho
bunkhouso, on the statement that
tho story of It being ablaze was only
I a joke.
Sonntor from Washington, law
yer, ox-rnilrond mnn, ex-lumber"
man and nutivo of Kentucky.
who wolcomo tho law, and say they
Intend to tnko tho occasion to 'cut
out tho clgarottos.' I met a follow
who cut down his smoking from n
pnek ot tobneco to 20 clgarottcs a
day, and bragged about It, telling
pooplo ho was gottlng Into training.
Thoro nro fellows who, Instead of
trying to got Into training, nro
smoking more thnn thoy ovor did In
tholr Hv-b, Just to got enough boforo
the law shuts down on thorn.
On tho wholo tho peoplo fnvor tho
law, the blggost objections coming
from the doalors, who complain that
the trndo will nil como to Portland,
and thnt tho tobacco mon hore will
be nblo to work up a big mail-order
business. I guoss thoy nro right, too,
for thoro aro mon who will sond to
outsldo points for tholr fnvorlto form
of tho wood.
"The Sound country la nltogothor
tlod up ns fur ns tologrnph Is con
cornod. Hut three operators aro
working In Tacoma, and Soattlo la
practically off tho tolograph map."
or anvtliirifr f.w ...
aud exhausts the
uuivua, causes head
rw... .., IJlTinilllQ .
even 'attend church t
io, xiub on cars, oi
the water, nr J
there is the lonsf .
ment without an ntt
T) Milne: kJ.
Ptlls, taken as dire
win stop tno pain
avoid suffering take
as soon as you feei
uliuuh. cummg on.
druggist can tall
many who would no
witnout tnem.
"I have been troubled lth
headaches for many years i
tn una riv mil..!' fi?.- .
ao not"now Imv'e ."ul .8, X
2!K?iaaB.0V I' I.t5
Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pmiut,
yuui uruguni. wno wii fluarinii
...., ! jiu iciurn your meniv I
06 doiii. 3S rnnta. .... '...V' I
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart
Judge Wolverton is Home Ti-om
Judge Charles B. Wolvorton, of
tho United States district court, re
turned last night from passing a
two weeks' vacation nt Banff Hot
Springs and othor Drltlsh Columbia
points. Tho Judgo was accompanied
by Mrs. Wolvorton. Aftor passing
a week at Banff thoy wont to Lake
Loulso, an hour's ride from tho for
mer place, and thon to Vancouver,
Victoria and Soattlo, stopping a
snort tlmo at oach place. Judgo
Wolvorton is much rosted after his
outing and is roady for the long
wlntor grind of tho federal court.
As yet ho has nothing now to an
nounce relative to convening a jury
for tho trial of ponding criminal
cases. Telegram.
Local Wholesale Market!
Eggs 2-lc cash.
Butter 32c;fat, 3Cc.
Hens, lOe; young chlckend
Local wheat 75c.
Oats 3 2 33c.
Barloy $20.
Flour Hard wheat, $5.00; :
$3.85 $4.00.
Mill feed Bran, $19.50;
Hay Cheat, $100 $12, and
$9 $10 por ton; timothy, Jl)l
Onions $4.00 por cwt; po8
$1.00 por cwt.
Potatoes 90c cwt.
IIops Choice, 10011c; pri
cholco, 809c; medium to
Chlttlm bark Cc.
Wool 20c
Mohair 29c.
Tropical Fruits.
Bananas $C.
Oranges $!(?( $5.
Lomons $6. 000 $6.60.
Iletnll Market.
Oats Whlto, $28 per ton
90c por bu.; rolled barley, $21
Eggs 25c.
Butter Country, 33c, crea
15 c.
Flour Valley, $1.10S$HJ
sack; hard wheat, $1.350l.
Bran C5c por sack; $21 P
Hay Timothy, SGc per
choat. 70c; clover Coc per
shorts, 90095c per cwt.
" ' (.AaT
It It's our baking you eat bread
not holes. Just buy ono loaf of
Ullom's and notice tho flno and
closo grain In comparison with somo
of tho bragged about kinds. Tastes
better, too, and costs no more per
loaf. Why not, then, eat Ullom's
P. Ullow, Prop. vtume 60.
Hogs Fat, 6c.
Cattlo 110001200 B
Llghtor steers 3 0 3kc
RtncU hoes 54 0 6c.
Cows and heifers 900010
Lambs 4c.
Veal Dressed, 6 07c
Tnr(inml Wholesale SUrk
iuhn rinh ROc: vaflen
11 iivuv w
bluo stem, 82c.
Oats Cholco white, $.
MUlstuff Bran, $17.
Hay timothy, $150117,
Vfch J8.50.
n,..lf TTona. I'!!0!1
chickens, 14015c; dressed cUj
llc higher man '";'lfl.
young, 10011c; pigeons. ivi
Pork Best, 70&c
Lambs Spring, 9Q9HC
Mutton 7c.
xrntw nholce. per H), tc
Wool Valloy, coarse to
-.-. ... nrrcon. liv
.....,. Ill,.rflllH-4l Curtd M
.. i.,.,l.t'rlaln's C1K
era and l)larrlioi W'i
. Pnni an "
I was so weK .
diarrhoea that I could scartw
a- .t..tiaa when I too
Chamberlain's Cole, l"
Diarrhoea Remedy J'
ureiy ana t " -- .thl)tt
medicine for nine days wttW
I heartily recommena r
as being the best to my W
for bowel comp.; . 4
art. of the firm oi
Greenville, Als. For
Stone's drug store.