M DAILY OATITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1007. I ,r.W0lk. .I-i'wnie Blood. "" . nrflVeS l,luw In iJ Important "ffkiyf, fi,ier r 5iti4twf'' .. Vsfflffi jSjSSKif-utodoiu W . .... II l..ntn .J''!!- fir ?' 7m make no 3 BSSS'K iflNi .SLiuiroiidcrfttl cures S-,3Er ifl". ; vi my "Sf irfiSrSmpWrt telling you &Uf yo bve kidney or dentil y j Ulls paper t bM4-- .,"". , rn.. illnir- IAeanv mistake, tte name, Swarop-Root, STj-mRRool, and ne au- ntMhuaton.W.y.i"""" - : FIRE AT AMAXV. Mence of II. K. Olillng s IVslroj-od. .HciJtnM of It. K. Ohllng, on .I.. treet. between Eighth jEttk itreets, was consumed by 'ar!y h!i morning, with pnrt of feOHUR ho ffas 8'e0P,n6 In .mm alone bis family being ti; tbs awakened by tho Atr of flames In his own room, sUilJuittlmo to Jump from his itttoa his pants, grab n coat j tit eat of tho houso and glvo in'm. which was turned In by lltoW. The alarm was sound- I IS, and tho hook and ladder id hose cart wero soon there, Kuwonnt of a misunderstand- i men thinking tho flro was e-at engine was not at the ictil 408. Then good work list, la the menntlmo tho ; hmlturo, rugs, etc., had iptti out of tho first floor, towlet brigade was formod Oi aouso adjoining on tho friii kept wet, as woll as n IkjJi la tho rear. Tho resl- vat F Conn, on tho south, lti protected by troos. The ITcd with two streams on Wi and left a chnrrod frame I A rH(lenco was a rebuilt struc- fa tea condition. The low Is ISHO In the home and about i the furniture, on which, al- . there Is an InBtirnnco of initrirln of tho flro Is n mys- ire nad been no flro In tho for two weeks. Tho flamoa A to come from tho wall nonr a the south. The homo was llffi, coal Oil lnmns linlm. Mr Online lind Mnwn m.f t on retiring, leaving tho W the stand. Tho theory la ftSkeQUit hBVA rnrrlmt r,,nAl,., ' the wall. 4Rcttrenumernn , i,-i IjjM the dropping of a match In Z1W Unp ana " smouldor Jcroned electric wires on Hartjo Case Next Week. Pittsburg, Aug. 31. Fortunes havo beon spent by both Bides In se curing evldenco to be used In ono of Mio Greatest legal battles In tho his tory of Pittsburg rallllonnlretlom, In nn effort to anvo Augusta Hartje from tho penitentiary. The enso ngalnst Hartje, charged with perjury in connection with his sensational divorce suit ngalnst his wlfo, In which a negro coachman was named as co-respondent, Is set for trial next week after a years' do lay. Scores of detectives havo boon employed by tho mllllonalro paper manufacturer, who, It Is said, will attempt to reopen tho dlvorco Bult by Introducing a now co-respondent named Mltcholl. It Is not known who he Is or In what manner ho Is to bo connected with tho case. John Welshons, a wholosalo hard ware dealer, Indicted with Hartjo for aiding him In preparing alleged false testimony against tho young and beautiful wife, will ask a sopar ato trial and will endeavor to bo tried first, In order to afford Hartjo as much tlmo as possible. Dotoctlves for Mrs. Hartjo aro said to havo secured an Important witness In tho person of a sixteen year old urothor of Clifford Hooo, tho negro co-rc8pqndent who Is now Borvlng a Blx-yoar term In tho Western peni tentiary bocauso of tho deposition ho made against Mrs. Hartjo. Tho boy Is omployod at a local hotel, and Is said to bavo Information concerning tho flnanclnl relations botweon Hartje and Hooo. o Remedy for I)Inrrhocn--Ncvcr Known to Fall. "I want to say a few words for Chamborlaln's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy. I havo used this preparation In my family for tho past five years and havo recommonded It to a numbor of pooplo In York couu ty and havo novcr known It to fall to effect a euro In any Instance I foal that I can not say too much for tho best romody of tho kind. In tho world." S. Jomldon, Spring Grove, York county, Pa. This romody Is for salo at Dr Stono's drug store. o Shifting tho Responsibility. Mrs. Tolllt I'm going outto meet my husband nt 2 o'clock today to solcct tho paper for tho dining-room. Mrs. Asklt What do you wnnt him along for? Mrs. Tolllt If It don't look nil right, then I can say It Is his fault. Philadelphia Inquirer. Do You Think For YouraoSf ? Or. do yon open your mouth Wko a younS bird aM trulp down whatever food or modi itno mnYbc offered you ? 1 i v VrV UsN&varVin lntellltrent thinking woman. In need ofojsf from weakness, nervousness, pain and twRran?, then It means much to rou that therX i,tt jro1 tu) tF'n honest, Wllf'n" nr-ttiwji rpufrojjtTioy, sold b drugyUts for thu euro of vromsn's His. tti tf ! tt 4 Tho makers of Dr. Plerco's Favorite Pre scription, for the euro of weak, norvous, run down, ovor-worked. debllltatod. paln-racUod women, knowing tblsmcdlclno to bo made up of Ingredients, every ono of which has tho strongest posslblo Indorsement of the loading and standard authorities of tho sovcral schools of practlro, are perfectly willing, and In fact, aro only tpo glad to print, as thoy do. tho formula, or list of Ingredients, of which It 1 composed, in plain Knaltth, oa erory bottlo-wrapper. tjt fft tjf fjf Ijt Tho formula of Dr. Plcrco'a Favorite Pre- rlntlnn will hoar (tin mnt prltlrl nxnmlna- tlon of moUlcal exports, for It contains no alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or habit-forming drugs, and no ncont enters Into it that Is not highly recommended by the most advanctd and loading xredlcal teachers and author lfli. tt itr mrnril einn! nt vrAoflrA. These authorities recommend the Ingredients of lr. i'lclce'i Knvorltb Prccrlp(lon for tho i il.. :r .it ' r.. i. iff -'t 1 TfT.T- - euro of exactly the nme ailments for which Ibis world-f aimed mculclno Is advised tt. rt rll fh tti No other modlclno for woman's ills has any such professional ondorsoment as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription has received. In tho un qualified rccommonditlon of each of Its sovoral Ingredients by scores of loading medi cal men of all tho schools of practice. Is such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration A booktot of ingredients, with numerous authoratlvo profoslonal onuorscmonts by tho leading modlcal authorities of this country, will bo mailed frte to any one sending name and address with roqucst for same. Addres Dr. R. V. Plurce. Duff alo, N. Y. iFI1! VV Ar s ."J&s" l ' ' ,V w Ktl 9 W CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ..........,o - - -- -'- '- -" HB HIB 18 ieni)'l'gt l wf Hii i iwtiiw'iw iiiii i w-rwi TO SAXB. LOST. Vov Sale Thirty young Whlto Plymouth Rock chickens. Bnqulro at 827 Broadway, North Salem. f . . 8-31-3t DON'T LET TIH8 HATPKN Put those good resolutions that you made on January 1st Into effect at onco by replacing your old plumb ing with tho nowoat ideas In sanitary opon plumbing, and you will bo rid olLtbo annoyance of leaking nines and flooded floors, ns well as doctor's bllld. Wo will furnish estimates for plumbing, gas fitting and satisfaction is guaranteed as to workmanship and charges. A. L. FRASER BBS Btfito Stroot. Phono 185. For Sale nt a Uurgniii. Solid oak roller top desk, in good condition. Will tako $25, cost ?50. A. G. Magors. 8-29-3t For Sale. Good driving and work ing horso, about 6 years old.wolght about 1150. Also rubber tiro buggy and slnglo harness, both now. 1739 Asylum avenuo. 8-27-lwk Lost. A small University tof Oregon pin, groon onamel shlold with yel low lotter "O.," on gold bar about an inch long. 8-31-3t LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sher wood Forestore, No. 19. Moot Tuesday In Hurst ball, Stato street Leo Abbio, C. R.; A. L. Browa, F. S. For Salo I wiTl sell in tho next 20 days my dairy, consisting of 43 flrnt-class cows, 1 Boparator, 10 cans, 70 tons of hay, also 400 acres of land to rent for cash. rent. Ono mllo southeast of Turner. W. C. Gantz. 8-2 7-1 wk Central Lodge- No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall in Holman block, cor nor Stato and Liberty stroot. Tuesday of each weok at 7:30 9 m. Oscar Johnson, C. 0.; E. H. Anderson, K. of R. and S. Moiicrn Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 52 4 G. Moots ovory Thursday ovontng at 8 o'clock In Holman uall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Tumor, clork. f A Hn.j m Tl!i .;, "wiement. ,W"?.Dent Is mado with- eiiiM h"ob Hom-Rold Is Reparation In the world that f pJPW' m.RoId will ttu "" " Is lu the form of n 2 'r Pile remedy used In-ly,JWM?toeureaneatfth. rta iMrw,th o'ntments. WtxtC' InJectl0D3 or outward H Dr Leonhardt's Hem t ... . I Wk to your druggist about oahardtco.. Niatrnrn .. fcflSr0- VDr.s.o' Hi ET WHAT YOU ASK r The -- restaurant 'HeDeUclous .PIES VHHwHmH4J For nn finpnlrcd Appetite. To improvo tho appotlto and strengthen tho dlccstion try a fow doses of Chamborlaln's Stomach and Llvor Tablets. Mr. J, II. Scltz of De troit, Mich., says: "Thoy rcstprcd my appotlto when Impaired, rollovcd mo of a bloating fooling nnd caused n pleasant and satisfactory movomonl of tho bowels." Piico 25 conts. Sam- plus freo, For bhIo at Dr. Stono'a drug storo. o Tho Fatal Touch. Ono touch of naturo makes tho wholo world kin; Ono touch of humor makes tho wholo world crln: Ono touch of pathos makes us broth ers, every ono; But ono "touch" for money makes tho wholo world run. Chicago News. o Why Fret and Worry When your child ha3 a sovoro cold. You need not fear pneumonia or othor pulmonary diseases. Keep sup plied with Ballard's Horohound Syrup a positive euro for Colds, Coughs, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis. Mrs. Hall of Sioux Falls, R. D writes. "I havo used your won derful Ballard's Horehound Syrup, on my children for five years. Its ro- sult8 have been wonderful." Sold by D. J. Fry. Ono Oent a Pound. Larson & Kaufman sold their hops last week to Chas. Llvesley of Sa- Llem for ono cent a pound In tho yard. Sllverton Appeal. -o Tho Texas Wonder. Cures nil kidney, bladder and rheumatic troubled; sold by all drug gists, or two months' trial treatment by mall for $1.00. Dr. E. W. Hall, 292G Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo Send for testimonials;. Sold by Stono's drug store, Superior Restaurant 153 nigh Street, Upstairs. First-class In all ippoIntmonts. A placo for ladles nnd gentlemen to got all kinds of Chlneso dishes and the famous Li Hung Chung Chop Suoy nnd Yakama. R. It Baker Successor to Whey Sen Yow Co., Prop tammmmmmmmmjammmimmmmmmm Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll nover bothor with having It dono at homo again. Tlmo was whon overy family could not afford to Bend tho washing to a laundry, but tlmos havo changod so, too, bavo tho methods and prices. Today you can bettor afford to send the family washing hero than not to Ask about our prlcoa on family wash ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phono 25. 130-100 S. Liberty St. For Snle Threo acres land, dwell ing houso, storo building, stock of general merchandise Best loca tion in tho valley for country store Doing a splondld business. Address Box 221, Salem P. O 8-24-lm Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, In Holman hail, L, E. Ponnoll, C. C.j P. L. Fra lr, Clork. Wood for Snlc Plenty of, oak, aBh and big fir. Call on Hop Loo Co., 231 South Commercial stroto. 8-2C-Ct IsUILDING A HOUSE Wo can supply you with tho lum ber you naod nt tbo price that will materially oconomlzo in tho coat Just como nud soo un and look over our yards. GOODAL13 LTIMIffill CO., Yum Near Depot, A Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven wire Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, SblnglOB, F & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Door and Adjustlblo Window Screens All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St. Salem, Ore gWBesie)aaf g Gold Dast Fioistl irj i mri-Bi axmwBrtr PflW jhjiuo uy " . -w. BR COMPANY. Sidney, Oregon, i Made for family use. Ask your , grocer for It. 1 always on hand. Bran and fkortf ! ; P. B. Wallace AGENT ittllMMat For Snlc Two slnglo top bugglos, in flrst-clnso condition. Ono rub ber tired. Apply to C. W. Yannkd, Fashion stables. Telophono 44. 7-18-tf For Sale Ono of tho host dairy farms In Marlon county, contain ing 100 acres, one-half milo east of Aumsvlllo dopot) must boh on account of ago. F. H. Llghtfoot, Aumsvlllo, Or. 8-23-lm Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and pension lnsuranco; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid Good agents wanted. J. H. O. Mongomory, supromo organizer, Box432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, socrotary, 540 Stato street. rLUmERS. SAIEV1 WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY nALL. For water sorvlco apply at ofllco. Bills payablo monthly In advance Thco. M. Dnrr Plumbing, hot water and Btenm heating and tinning. 1C4 Commercial Btreot. Phone Main 102. 0-1-lyr M. J. Pctzel Plumbing, Bteam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox & Murphy, 22 G Commercial stroot, 'Prono Main 17. FOR RENT For Rent A No. 1 stock and dairy farm of 251 acres, ono-half mllo from Aumsvlllo, Oregon. Wrlto D. H. Swank, at AuniBvlllo, for particulars. 8-3 1-2 wk WANTED. Wuiiu?uranfryr girl lamrflsliwljsh or, at Wlllamotto Hotel. 8-29-3t -J33?ff For Rout Furnlshod roomB for houflo-keoplng or board for a slnglo lady or couplo. Apply to Mrs. Markowltscb, 730 North Front stroot. 8-15-lf. Wanted Man to do outBido work at Wlllamotto Hotel. 8-29-3t Hop Picker Wanted. Will pay 50c per box, John and Emll Sohlndlor Phono FnrmorB 17. 8-20-lk For Rent Sovon-room houao, hoi and cold wntor, electric light, bath room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrolb or, 5G0 North High Btroot. 3-25-tf ""rniQHr THE REST ROAST TnE FARniiY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our prlmo tender nnd Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our moats aro selected from tho cholcost, and propnred for tho tablo to BUlt tho domands of tho fastidious. Our prices are lowor for quality than you can find at any piano In Salem, E.C. CROSS, Phono SOI. 370 Stato St. O C T. Co. STEAMERS CLOVER SEED WANTED Wo pay cash for Red Clover nnd Alsike. Sond us sample and stato quantity you hayo to otter. John Hughes Co. 466 to 474 State' Street, Salem, Oregoa. MM)W MEALS 15c AT TnE Salem Restaurant 330 COURT STREET. Call and try them. Meals 15c, Board per week $2.76, also furnished rooms very vaaonnnhlA. llsJlt, POMONA AND OREGONA LEAVE FOR PORTLAND DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY AT O A. M. P. M BALDWIN, Agt. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Ib worth more than any other bread, yet tho price Is no higher For sale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas & Coolov. Props. HOLLIBTEH'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Msdklns for Busy PsopU. B-nsss Oolisa HmIUi and Renewed Vigor. A Bueclflo for Constipation, Indigestion, L1t md lKy Troubles. W. ""fJfffl Wood Bad Breath. Slutre ' Bowels, Jleaaacne MdBicfawheV It's Rocky Moustoln TeA la ul MfcmTeisU . Oeune mads by Houjsw Data Courxnr, Madison. Wis. MLBEN KUMET8 F0H SALLShV - IFfiENCHFEfflflLE PILLS. A B.r, Cutiix Btuir for BlfrMD Wn.Tiinx, HEVin KMHWM Tfl rill. H.f." Kur.l SiJr, Hull I ftcilun Guiri.u1 ur JUutj ItcftudfJ Jxul prcu.U ivrfl-OOurLoi. miiImu4 tWmoQUi lot. wilfor lio r.ilctM. Huupicra, It iuUfujjtHiii. uot III. !,!, UHlJ U1.J1 Il - W WM Vl.l, ,W . UKITIDMKDICAI.CO..JOXT4. Unctcw. I. MISCELLANEOUS. Salem Land and Investment Co. Has romovod from 309 Stato Btroot to 484 Court stroot, In tho opora houso block. 8-30-lwk Voget Lumber nnd Fuel Co. Lum ber .shingles, building material, wood nnd conl. Low prlcoH nnd prompt dollvorlos. Ono block east of S. P. passengcc depot. Phono 108. 7-2-tf Concreto Work. Got my prices on 6ldowaIks,,curbB, aoptlc tanks and cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M. Ward, Highland add. Phono 5G9. 8-11-tf Kutto & Wenderoth Flno wino3, liquors and cigars. Wo handlo tbo colobrated Kollog gand Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beor constantly on draught. South Commercial street. 0-3-lyr Enlarged Our meat raarkot on EaBt staio stroet hoB beon doubled In alzo and wo aro hotter prepared than ever to servo customers. Prompt sorvlco ana tho best of meats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop. Wo Aro Cash Purchasers Of poul try, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce. Berry crates mado up in unlimited lunntltles. Capital tJommloslon Co., 207 South Com mercial street, Salem. Phone Main 179. Attention, Ladles. I havo opened a parlor at 404 Court street, In tho I. O. O. F, building, wboro I am prepared to do shampooing and manicuring. . Scalp treatment a specialty. Children's hair treated Phono 477. 7-291m Sold in Salem by Dr. S. C. Stone CHICHESTER'S PILLS, M ilrat Al y?rl)ru I o Red M4 Uo YjtAti ChUki L.u uiU tatefa Mlu tun UwiM htt. . Al.tf KHUa Ii t A" a HraidV KILLAS. fX . Wanted Immcdlntoly, n competent girl for gonoral houso work. Small fnmlly, good wages. Apply at 160 North 13th stroot, Salem. 8-22-tt Highest CnNh Price Paid for chick ons at Willnmotto Hotol. 4-19-tl MUSICAL. - Ahurvo.fesentTonchor ofpl- nno; touch, tochnlc, Intorprotatloo Thorough proparntory course Ad vanced studonta prepared for pub "lo nppuaranco. Rosldonco 058 Contor St. Tol. Main 520. 2-28-tf SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. Frank M. Irown. Manufacturer ol Bash, doors, mouldings. All kind of houso finish and hard wood work. Front Btroot, betwoon State nnd Court. Mako nil complaints nt tho ofllco. DRAYMEN. Cunimln Hros.' Trasisfcr Ceinpnny- All kinds of trnnsfor work dono. Furnlturo nnd pianos boxod ready for Bhlpmont. Prompt servlco 1 our motto. Stand and ofllco at 253 South Commercial street. Phono 210. Rostdone Phono 908. tj YOUR EXPECTATION for a dollclous meal will bo fully realized If you patronize us, whon you buy Poultry, Salmon, Salmon Trout, Halibut, Oys tors; also Buttor and Eggs. SPECIAL Cholco Poultry for Saturday's. Highest cash prlco paid for Buttor and Eggs, THE STEINER MARKET. 82S North Commercial Phono 1125 It. H. Clark. Prop. HM sjsjBsjaaiiejnf ejs Hotel St. Philip Fourth and Fifth, and Rurnsldo Streets, Portland, Oregon. To tho Coast. Good teams and cov ered hacks for taking camping parties to the coast and mountains. Terms reasonable. E. M. Ackor man, 115 Miller street, Salem. 8-2-lm PROFESSIONAL. G. V. Ellis, M. D. Physician and surgeon. Telephone 307 Main. Offices. 646 Stato Btreet, opposite simanEVEKaE I . '-!-"'1'"" Now fireproof European Hotol. Stoam heat. Modorn conveniences. Rates $1.00 per day and up. Union depot car will land you at tho door. H. M. PIERCE, Prop. SALEM BRICK YARD A. A. HURTON. Prop. Brick always on hand, In car lots or otherwise. Pressed brick mado to order. Yard on State street, south. Af noBtltaatiary. T-l-tf. ; I i 5; : m