Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 02, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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-Ono of the blt
Amcrlcana nnd
London, Aug 31,
torost attacks on
American Institutions ever published
in London Is that appearing in the
curront numbor of The Acndomy, n
lending lltornry publication, under
ilio titlo of "The United Statos of
Gohonnn." Arthur Mnchon, a Brit
ish writer and journnllst of local
fnmo, is tlio author of tho article,
which ho snya was written oftor a
thorough Btudy of tho lawB and peo
plo of tho United Statos. Among
omo of tho most calm and Judicial,
statements contnlned In tho artlclo
nro tho follewing:
"Tho wholo legal system of
America, from tho bribed bully on
tho bench to the unapcakablo police
men at tho station, is nbnndoncd to
t:ttor nnd nbomlnnblo corruption
and wickedness.
"Tho pcoplo of tho United States
liavo a mission In tho world? Yes,
if Tnrtnrtis should lack Inhabitants,
if hell rcqulro to bo ropopulated,
"It Is nmnzlng that an Amorlcan
should dnro to uttor anything in
England except thnnksglving that ho
hits loft tho foul soil from which ho
"It Is nothing Hint all tho munici
palities aro putrid with corruption;
this thoy ndmlttedly nro, from ono
end of tho country to tho other. Un
(llBgulsedly tlicro nro open marts
"whoro nro brought and sold what
ovor corresponds In nu Amorlcnn
soul to honesty, honor nnd comparn-
tivo decency. North nnd south, onst
nnd west, tho story Ib tho snmoj cor
ruption ovorywhoro In nil things
great nnd smnll; not tHo feoblOHt
jiroteiiHo at tho more olomontn nnd
outward symbols of honor. It would
bo nn insult to tho honesty of nny
ordiunry band of brigands to men
tion thoir nnmo In conjunction with
that of tho nverago mnyor nnd nldor
men of any Amorlcan city.
"What Is called llteraturo in
America Is only misorablo trnBb.
Ono must lenvo their nowspnporB
unconsidered, only alluding In pnsH
Ing to tho wholounlo ndiiltoratton of
truth, to tho ntnmniH of molton filth,
tho mountains Hob which tho public
eagerly buys.
"Tho poisoned rats, typhoid gorms
nnd 'tubercular bncllli called 'canned
boot' In Pncklngtown ia only nn ox
nmplo of tho filthy products of nil
manufacturers of foodstuffs.
"RollglonT What linn . America
gullied by Kb vnunti'd separation of
churcli and stnto? Crnukhraliicd
qunckorlca nnd horriblo and linhocllo
lmposturrH cnllud new religions,
which llourlsh llko maggots in a rot
ten carcass.
"Thoro hns been nothing llko tho
United StntcH of America since tho
foundations of tho world woro lnld
Ono wonders how long it will bo suf
fered to endure. Its purposu In tho
rchomu of thliiKH la plain enough.
It stands, that rotten, rapidly-decaying
figure of tho republic, ns nn aw
ful warning to tho nations ngnlnst
tho plague of domoernoy; and espe
cially to us Englishmen, who nro
uioro than tainted with those- main
dltw which have made tho body of
tho American stnto to boll with nn
obscene and filthy putrescence boforo
our eyes."
Only hair of tho horrible truth
was told by tho outraged Journalist,
it seems, for ho cencludes:
"I could Mil a wholo numbor of
Tho Acndomy with tho shameful rec
ord of u people who hnvo deliberate
ly rojololngly and boaHtfully prosti
tuted tmtiHsvlvwi to a debased dovll
worship, and call upon tho world
to ndmlr tho result. 1 hnvo no
vpneo In which to dHl with tho so
cial system nonurally; at tho top u
ghastly Htitl repulsive Imitntlun of
what thM poor Idiot think is tho
tone of good noelety iu Londen: nt
tho bottom mlwry, vice, degrada
tion, dirt and lonthaonioneiia o
nhocklng that it piuMvs all doscrlp
tlon." It in nn Interesting fact Unit Tho
Acndomy. I now odltod by Lord Al
fred Douglas. hoooiuI son of Un Mar
quis of Quoenshury, author of the
famous "ruloa" known to nil follow
era of tho prlxo ring. Lord Alfred
It said to entertain a cordial hatred
of Americana bocnuBo of tho cool
treatment accorded him wlun he vis
JttHl tho Vultod Statos sovoral years
ago, because of his numerous esca
lade and immoralities. Lord Al
fred first came into international
prouilnenco in connection with tho
famous case of Oscar Wilde, in which
bo was Involved.
It Is generally believed that Lord
Douglas luiulred Machen's article
and that it U tho hatred of the
noble, rather than thntof tlio schol
arly and glftod Journalist, that is
given expression. While tho hnrsh
ncBB of tho langunge omployod, ap
pearing In a Journal of tho high
standing of Tho Academy, created
something of a sensation, few tnke It
seriously, while Americans In London
only look upon It ns a good Joke.
O ' '
Trip Across the Mountains Put Off to
Sec the Agency Plains
A rumor Is current that tho Ore
gon Trust & Snvlngs Dank will short
ly bo reoporcd for business, says Fri
day's Tologrnm. For sovernl dnys
tho story hns heon In circulation
that ono of tho largest bnnkB in tho
city would soon bo established in the
quarters of tho Oregon Trust & Sav
ings, with W. H. Mooro as its offl
ctnl head.
Officers of tho suspended bnnk re
fuso to dlsctiBs'tho purport of theso
rumors, but thoro is nn atmosphere
about them and their actions which
would Boom to lndlcnto that thoro li
good news in store for the deposi
tors of tho bnnk.
Prostdcnt Mooro Is active about
tho city, and tho samoils tho enjo
with Cnshlor Morris. Both, tho ru-
moi hnu it nro engaged in n move
ment to rehabilitate tho Busponded.
bnnk nnd to start it anow. That
President Mooro will onjoy tho ful
lest public confldeuco in tho locnl
business world, should ho enter up
on a now banking venture, is pre
dicted, In light of his offer to sacri
fice his prlvnto fortuno to relmburao
tho depositors of tho insolvont bank.
President Mooro Is preparing to
turn over to tho rocolvor by a deed
of trust, GOOO acres of farm land in
Eastern Oregon, and his locnl wnro
houso property, Theso proportlos,
It Ih said, will aggrogato fully $250,
000 in vnluo. Tho Enstorn Oregon
lands nro nonrly nil undor whent cul
tivation, and nro onjy slightly In
cumbered. Rocolvor Dovlln hns engnged Ar
thur B. Mason to assist him in chock
ing over tho nBsots of tho bnnk, pre
paratory to making his report. Mr.
Mason outorcd upon Ills duties yec
terday noon. Ho was for six yoars
a clerk in tho First National Hank,
of this city, nnd Is fully qunlined in
point of banking oxporlonco. Ho han
been a rosldent of Portland slncj
1885. Mr, Mason left tho oniploy of
tho Flrnt National Bank about two
months ago.
ClinuuVrlnln'H Colic, Cholera and
DlnrrlKM'u Remedy Better Than
Three Doctors.
"Three years ago wo had threo doc
tor with our llttlo boy and every
thing that thoy could do seemed in
vain. At last when all liopo Boomed
to bo gono wo bognn using Chamber
Inln's Collo, Cholera nnd Dlarrhoen
Remedy nnd In a fow hours ho began
to Improve. Today is as hoalthy n
child on paronts could wish for,"
Mrs. B. J. Johnston, Linton, Miss.
For snlo at Dr. Stono's drug storo.
Mrs. liousekeep I want flvo
pounds of sugar, ploaso,
Clrocor Yos'm; anything oUo?
Mrs, HouBokoep No, that's all;
I'll tako it with mo if it Isn't too
heavy a package.
Orocor 01 It'll only weight throe
or found pounds, ma'am. Philadel
phia Prow.
Is a violent inflammation of tho
mucous membrane of tho wind pipe,
which somotlmos extends to tho lar
ynx and bronchial tubos; and Is ono
of tho most dangerous diseases of
children. It almost always comes ou
In tho night. Give froquout small
does of Ballard's Horohound Syrup
and apply Ballard's Snow Liniment
externally to tho throat, 25c, 60c
and 11.00, Sold by D. J. Fry.
Prlnevlllo, Or., Aug. 31. E, II.
Hnrrlmnn and J. P. O'Brien arrived
horo at 0:30 o'clock this evening In
thoir CO-hqrsopower automobile,
coming from Bend by way of Red
mond. The trip took up most of the
day, on oxnmlnntlon being made of
tho Irrigation system of the Des
Chutes Irrigation & Power com
pany. Secrotnry Stanley of the com
pnny pointed out tho fontures likely
to bo overlooked by the railroad men
who nro Btrangors to this section.
Messrs. Hnrrlman and O'Brien
woro Bomewhnt tired from their trip
but consented to moot a pnrty of
reprosentativo citizens and tho
Union Pacific magnate talked with
a number, of Prlnevlllo citizens, who
have Btrong hopes ' that his trip
through central Oregon menus some
thing loading to transportation facil
ities through tho Isolnted but produc
tive region.
SecH Country's Omit Wcnltli.
Mr. Hnrrlman was unusually ap
proachable, affablo and communica
tive. During this trip ho has over
looked nothing In tho country. He
has inspected the best timber tracts,
tho irrigation district, tho whont
lands nnd oven tho doscrt. Tomor
row will bo spent In an inspection
of a grain stack at Agency Plains
whont bolt. There arc 1,000,000
busholn nwaltlng tho advent of tho
Iron horse to transfer It to tho whent
mnrkots of tho world.
All Points to New Rnllroad.
Everything Is bolng conducted
systematically. Tho precision which
characterizes Mr. Hnrrlmnn, every
niovo ho Ib making, points to tho
fnct that his tour of inspection horo
Is mado for tho purpose of confirm
ing tho provlouB favorable report of
Mr. Kruttschnltt. That Is tho Im
pression given out by Mr. Hnrrlman
himself, although of courso ho hna
not snld so in bo many wonjB.
Mr. Hnrrimnn's sons nro not with
tho party, bolng out In tho moun
tains near Clear Lake on n bear
hunt. ' ' -r'f
Goes to Portland Mommy.
After Inspecting Agency Plains
whent bolt tomorrow, unless further
dovolopmenta occur to kcop Messrs.
Hnrrlmnn nnd O'Brlon in tho coun
try longer, they expect to leave for
Portland Monday In Mr. O'Brlon'3
prlvnto car.
Mr. Hnrrlnmn hns thoroughly on
Joyed his Btay In southern Oregon.
Ho says this ovonlng that ho has
not soon a rallrond or a nowspnper
for two weoks, but has been hunting
and fishing llko n schoolboy, and
had an appotlto llko a ranchhnnd.
Contrary to roport ho says ho has.
not been In corrospodence with Wall
street; that this trip was mado to
glvo his boys nn outing and himself
n rosplto from tho tlckor, as well as
to study Contral Orogon ns n dnll
rond proposition,
Will Come Out by Shnnlko.
Albnny, Or., Aug. 31. K. H. Hnr
rimnn's train has loft Dotrolt and
will arrive horo at 9 o'clock to leavo
for Portland. Mr. Hnrrlman Is not
aboard, and It Is roportod horo Hint
ho hns nbnndouod his trip ncross tho
mountnlns, and Is going out by way
of Shanlko,
"Ta tal I'm weary. Don't try to
nnd me, for It will be love's labor's
lost," read William F. Peacock, in
ternal revenue collector, when he re
turned to this city after an ofllclal
trip to hie homo In Sacramento, Cal
ifornia, last Monday. Tho note,
though unsigned, was written by his
wife and was loft for him in his dis
mantled home.
Before going on Saturday Mrs.
Peacock invited all tho neighbors In
and told them that she intended to
Ioave Sacramento. "Help your
selves," she said gayly, waving her
hand about the room. "Take what
you want." '
So when the husband returned ho
faced a domestic vacum. Ills wlfo
gone, and all that was left of $2000
worth of furniture nnd household
goods wnB what none of his neigh
bors wanted. Thoro was not a car
pet left on the floor. Tho stove wns
gono; tho furniture and linen, bed
clothing and silver In Bhort every
thing but a wire screen or two, a
fow broken dishes and somo empty
bottles of medicine. He hurried to
tho savings bank; but his wife hnd
been thoro first. All thnt was left
of a $700 savings account, to thei'
Joint credit, was a memory. Sho had
takon all tho money, too.
About tho only thing precious In
tho eyes of her husband which Mrs.
Peacock did not tako with her in
hor flight was thoir daughter draco,
n pretty girl 12 yoars old. Tho de
sortcd father finds comfort; in that
fact. Tho child had boon Bent to
Mr. Poacock's mother in Mnrysvlllo.
Both Peacock and his wlfo aro well
known in this city nnd throughout
tho valley.
Endorsed by tho Country.
"Tho most popular remedy in Otso
go county, and tho best friend of my
family," writes Wm. M. DIotz, editor
and publisher of tho Otsego Journal,
Ollbortsvlllo, N. Y "is Dr. King's
Now Discovery. It has proved to bo
nn infnlllblo euro for coughs and
colds, making short, work of tho
worst of thorn. Wo always kcop
bottle In tho house. I bollcvo It to
bo tho most valuable proscription
known for Lung and Throat dis
eases." Quarantocd to novor disap
point tho takor, by J. C. Perry's drug
storo. Prlco 60c and $1.00. Trial
bottlo froo.
First, that almost every operation
in our hospitals, performed upon
women, becomes necessary becauso
of neglect of such symptoms as
Backache, Irregularities, Displace
ments, Pnln in tho Sldo, Dragging
Sensations, Dizziness and Sleepless
ness. Second, that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, mado from
natives roots and herbs, has cured
moro cases of female- Ills than nny
other ono mcdiclno known. It reg
ulates, strengthens and restores women's health and is inMi.vJ
1-f-..- ""- , 0! Ch.
Third, the great volurao of unsolicited and grateful testimonial
fltn nt the Plnkham Laboratory nt Lvnn. Mass.. manv nf t,ui. r ai!
ttmo to tirao being published by special permission, give nbsolnff
dence of tho value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound anil
Pinkham's advice. " '
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoti
For more than ao years nas oeen curing ! omalo Complaints mi
Dragging Sensations. Weak Back, Falling nnd Displacement!.
flammntion and Ulceration, and Organic Diseases, and it dfcwi
ana expels xumors at an cany stage.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Wot
Women ffufforlnir from any form of female weakness nr .uJ
wrlto Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass. f or advico. Sho is the Mrs. PinkhaaS
lias been advising nick women freo of chargo for moro than -A
years, ana uciuru iuni buu usaioicu iiui uiuwicr-iaiaw, M'Ula E W
ham in advising. Thus sho is especially well qualified to tmM. ,
tYUUicu uu w uvwwil f . ,J wijr t w " w uu Ul WU laiO,
Special RAStent RxcHratoa rate.
May 20, 31, June 6, 7, 8, July 3,
4, 6, August 3, 9, 10, Soptember 11,
ia, IS. To Chicago and return,
f 73.15. St. Louis and roturn, I69.H
St, Paul and return, Omaha, Council
Bluffs, Sioux City, St, Joe, Kansas
City and return 161.65,
(31-tf Co. Pat, Axt.
Rut ChniulR'rlnln's Colic, Cholera
nnd Ulnrrhoiti Remedy Cured Ilttn.
It ta with ploasuro that I glvo you
this unsolicited testimonial. About
a year ngo when I had a severo caqo
pt inoaslos I got caught out In a
hard rnln nnd tho monsloa sattlcd In
my stomach nud bowels. I had nn
awful tlmo nud had It not boon for
tho ueo of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholorn and Diarrhoea Remedy I
could not havi possibly lived but a
fow hours longer, but thanks to this
remedy I am now strong and woll. I
have written the nbovo through sim
ple gratitude and I shall always
spoak a good word for this remedy.
Sam H. Gwln, Concord, Ga. For
sale at Dr. Stono- drug store.
Special Rates to National Irrigation
Meets at Sacramento. Cal., Sept.
2nd to 7th lucluslve. Ono faro for
round trip, $1S.60, Sale datos,
August 30th, 31st and Sopt, 1st; re
turn limit Sept. 16, 1907, California
stato fair will hold for a week longer
in tho same city. 8-26-tf.
sTf ,.
To Small to Bo Seen.
"Please sond my bathing suit by
mall. I forgot to pack It In my
trunk," wrote tho wlfo from tho sea
"Can't find It. You know you
took my Hold glnsses away with
you," Bald tho husband In his letter
of reply. Yonkors Statesman.
Regular as tho 8un"
In an expression ns old as tho rnco.
No doubt tho rising and sotting of
the sun is tho most regular perform
ance in tho univorso, unless It is tho
action of the liver and bowols when
rcgulatod with Dr. King's Now Life
Pills. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry,
druggist. 25c.
Sw,eet Singer I notice tho heavy
trngodian doosn't brag about tho
number of labels on his luggage.
Comedian No; not since thoy put
tho last ono on.
Sweet Slngor -And what was tho
last one?
Comodlnn "Don't touch. Seized
by tho Sheriff." Philadelphia In
qulror. o .
Tho old remedies nro tho best.
Hickory Bark Cough Remedy has
been In use for over ono hundrod
years by tho old Dutch Dunkards of
Pennsylvania, and is still In uso by
nil tho old families of Western Penn
sylvania. Is absolutely puro; madti
from tho bark of the whlto or shell-
bark hickory tree. Tho bark Is ship
ped from the east, and manufactured
in Salem, Ore., For salo by all deal
era overywhero.
Hardwood Floors
Spread them on your old floors with a good brush, and hi
an up-io-uaio reccpnon room, uining-room, nan or parlor. ,Vl
ural wood finish, tough, clastic and durable.
Exactly Imltnto all flno woods, no matter how old tho surface
bo Btalncd. Tho only artlclo mado that requires no skill to
duco good results. Avoid disappointment by romomberlng to
for Varno-Lack. Mado by Acme Whlto Lead & Color Worlu,
trolt, Michigan.
B. B. Bi
For Boston Brown Bread, Grlddlo Onkcs, Muffins and Plum
"Lot us see, Private Glrelllnl, If
you have qulto understood what nro
tho four points of the compass. Now
the east is in front of you, at your
left tho north, at your right the
south what Is behind you."
"My knapsack, captain." Trans
atlantic Tales,
o ..'
Fr luf&aU and Children,
Tli KM Yn Wm Always Bought
"ir. of &&ffi&gki I
Lnlxir Sunday for PrcsbytermiLs.
New York, Aug. 31. Pastors of
tho 11,00 Prosbytorlan churchoe In
tho United StatoB havo beon request
ed by tho Rev. Chnrlos Stolzlo, super
intendent of tho Presbyterian de
partment of church nnd labor, to
discuss somo phnso of tho labor
question in their sormons, nnd ns
Biirnnces recelvod by Dr. Stelzlo lend
to tho belief that practically all will
comply with tho request.
Labor Sunday on tho Sabbath pro
ceding Labor day, has become a
calondnr event of the Presbyterians.
Tho Rev. Stelzlo says, In his procla
mation, that Just ttB Memorial day
and tho severnl "birthdays" show
our appreciation of thoso who ren
dered patriotic services, and Just as
tho church holy days do honor to
thoso who have Berved mankind spir
itually, so Labor Sunday should be
observod by tho churchos in honor
of tho millions of toilers who daily
do tho work of the world nnd servo
mankind In tho humblor but mo.t
nocossary walks of life.
Tho Prosbytorlan plan hns re
colvod tho Indorsement of tho lend
ing central labor bodies of the coun
try nnd of prnctlcally tho entlro
labor press. Invitations havo been
sent to local labor unions by tho
ministers of churchos In all Indus
trial centors, nnd It Is oxpocted that
thousands of laboring men will at
tend church In a body that day.
The department of church and
labor was established In tho Prosby
terlan church flvo years ago. Its ob
ject is to interpret the church to
the worklngmen, to Interpret work
Ingmen to the church, and to Inter
pret omployer and employo to each
other, through education, inspira
tion, modlntlon and twentieth cen
tury methods of Christian work.
May Fight Adminlstratia
Sacrumonto, Cal , Aug. Sl-
dologates arrived today to
tho National Irrigation col
which opens hero Monday,
A preliminary meeting off
usors on tho government In!
projects was hold today, and I
tacks mado on the adralnUtri
connection with tho manages
public lnnds renders It llkelj
tho congress next week will
sceno of somo of the lively
lintoa In rooent history. DOI
supporters and opponents of i
ministration will bo here lal
nnd will defend their respectlj
Bltlons on tho rostrum.
nirford PInchot UnUd
forester, will come prepared
hold thn Government's forest I
Tho question of bow far tS
tlonnl government should go '
control of public lnnds 1$ one
lendinir nroblems before tc
can peoplo, a ad distinguish
ropreBentlng both sides oi i
tlon will be here uce m
Fnlrbanks will be an.ong the i
There is more Catarrh In t
tinn nf ihn country than all ot!
eases put together, and until t
fow yonrs was supposed to m
able. For a great many 7
tors pronounced it a local au
nrnsorlbod local rcmeu.,
constantly falling to cure
Don't Grumble
When your Joints ache and you Buf
fer from Rheumatism. Bu a bottlo
of Ballard's Snow Liniment and get
Instant relief, a positive euro for
Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Contract
ed Muscles, Sore Cheat, etc., Mr. I. T.
Bogy, a prominent merchant at wn.
low Point, Texas, says that he And
Ballard's Snow Liniment the best all
round Liniment he ever used. Sold
by D. J. Fry.
treatment, pronounc-d It BC"
Sclonco has proven ca ar
.nncHtiittnnnl rtlsfflSO &U& lfl
..., -ntmitLnal tre
luijuiioa vw.. fi
Tioii'o nninrrh Cure, m-"""!
by F.J. Cheney & Co, ToleJoJ
h tho only constitution - -market.
It is taken atet
- trnm 10 drODS tO
ful. It acts directly oatM.
and mucous surfaces w
,. j hundred cow
iney uuer unv -.-- gJ
onv naaa It lailS l" ."
circulars and testimonial
Address: F. J. CUenej
ledo, Ohio. ...
. - .11 AvyWL9 -
laKo nnii o
nfTI'TES '
ivnin.. si'u'1v'