DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, E1ALEM, OREGON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1U07. 5 CYRIL SCOTT ' IN THE PRINCE CHAP THE KS8 E,'; SALE v1 I yy fall Paper. er. ' SEASON ABOUT OVER ' Otfgon Reports Fair Crop ad Good Prims. I Baitlett nr .... I. .....! i, r nui uua UUUUl - --.vu lu uiurKei, only a ; "u 'owning, .Man-1 .. . iuc iiocue itivor i wwtti onion, estimate that .. . . """ ui JJCUIB w iftippcd from tho valley 1004. !. ,tt 19 were sent out bv the to7,yv ' LP t0 TUe3i K'e had received no re- rrortr. ...i. .. W f. v ' " car natJ been VSJ? '?: T"at car C !" orchards. lid '"6 l0B growers about u Z ?' ,rult srower. ' Taiji;?r l0 reach Now imew':"" neW3 oi it win fcah lBs t0 the telegranh t ;ia8.fimc1 price all 0fc", they 9oiVS?eekwhard,but ,,.,.01 them have much CS"a the 20th ;?8.VB he,aterpear3 r!H,. 'Coni,c. 'iV crTriarvwt. that , bST nonth3 from I -Medtord Mail. IrsY "'8ajiiviiDjj ' &&5T Closin Out lie Beginning of the if Our Great Closing iiUlPVtiiMMMiitillliitiWatlitteitilhitttHi : The indications are that the sale of the next! i mii & t. X l. jWweeKS wns pus, us uui ui uusmess. We still have a plentiful supply of all kinds! if furniture, Carpets, Rugs, None of the profits for us; all for the pur-f ic House Furnishing 1 77 Liberty Street WWWWWWIiiWWWWWWMWWtilliWWIi'JlllilWIilMllllllllllllfclWIIilHIHteHHii ADDITIONAL PERSONALS MIbs niancho Brown is tho guest of friends In Portland. M18b Beatrice Sholton, tho well known music teachor, Is homo from Nye beach, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Martin, of Portland, aro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glover, of thlB city. Miss Ruby Elmoro, of Roseburg, Is In tho city, to tako a course in music at Willamette University. Oeorgo Hatch, tho veteran mall carrier, loft last evening for a two weoks' visit In San Francisco. Mrs. E. C. Carlton and little son have returned from Newport, where they enjoyed an outing on tho beach, Miss Mabel Robertson haB ro turned to Berkeley, where Bho will continue her studies In tho Universi ty of California. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Albert and Miss Margaret Rodger? returned yestorday from Newport, where they enjoyed an outing. William Rasowoll and family, of Portland, are the guest3 of R. G. Newton, who reside four miles east of Salem. Tho Rasewells. formerly were residents of this city. A party consisting of B. L. Branch, Edward Tato, Mabel Tate, J. P. Philips and B. P. Fresh, after an enjoyablo outing at Ocean Park, has returned to this city. Mr. J. g. Smith, a prominent farmer and Btock raiser of Nixon county, Nebraska, Is visiting his brother, A. C. Smith, of this city. The visitor is highly pleased with Oregon, and when the brother took him down to the Spauldlng mill and showed him Borne of the big saw logs he Just looked at them In won der. You see they have no timber so big la Nebraska, always except ing presidential timber. X Xv.xTtN??5 oiiai!vif? -i 11111 1 I Ending! Out Sale 3 3 " s Linoleums and i Company! Afflicted Ono. Mrs. Charltablo I can't read this lettor without my specs. What does It say? Wandorlng Will It. tolla how I became deaf and dumb, ma'am. Exchange. , o Eczema. For tho good of thoso suffering' with eczema or other such troublo, I wish to say, my wlfo had something of that kind and after using tho doc tors remedies for somo tlmo con cluded to try Chamborlaln's Salvo, and It proved to bo bettor than any thing she had tried. For salo at Dr. Stono's drug store. fr-n n i n 1 1 n i m ' 1 1 n n itfr 1 0. K. STORE i 12th Street J Everything in Groceries Also ICE CREAM AND : : SODA WATER !! NEW Blackberry, Grape and X ; Alberta Phosphate drinks. ; Phono in your orders for ; ; 3 3 groceries or Ice cream, Main . 3 3 122. ;; Everything O. K. :A. A. EnglebartJ Proprietor miiimiiiiiiiiiiituit Quite one of the most Interesting announcements that has been made this season In connection with things theatrical Is that of tho engagement ofx Cyril Scott and "The Prince Chap" nt the opera houso next Tuesday evening. "The Prince ChapW popularity in eastern cities has boon considerable, and It hns lont Us nnmo to a score of novoltles in many of the stores of tho country. It has proved to be one of tho luckiest draws In tho dramatic lot tery of many seasons. Of courao there were other successes locally as big, but few able to hold sway as "Tho Prince Chap" has done on both sides of the Atlantic. The original presentation was mado in New York with Cyril Scott as star at tho Mndl- son Square theater. The London Cyril Scott, in "The Prince Clmp." run was mado at Sir Charles Wynd- hnm's Criterion thenter. it would bo quito possible to tour sovoral compnnlcs of "Tho Prlnco Chap" successfully In this county, as in England, save for tho contracts mado which call for Cyril Scott and tho number ono company from Mndison Squnro and Webor's thentcrs In Now York. Few plays caught the Now York critics so completely as did Mr. Ed ward Peplo's Initial effort ns a play wright. No sensations woro sprung by the press agent to attract a first night audience, and It wns loft to tho play and Its people to win out. Tho result was tho unexpected. Whllo the opinions woro variod, oach particular feature of tho pieco Boom ed to find comment and pralso from each particular critic. Tho heart Interest, however, won universal eulogy. Tho episodes In which tho child figured thoroughly cnptlvatod thoso who had always been known ns cynics. There wore none so blnso that could resist sunh bountiful scones as Claudia's prayer and tho Christmas tree. Those who woro too blaso for Bontlment romalnod to laugh at tho oxhllnratlng comedy that springs spontaneously from overy scone. Everything- appeared to bo In contradiction to tho usual ordor of theatrical entertainments. Tho habitual playgoer becomoB by experience hardened, but "Tho Prlnco Chap" drew tearB from thoso who had apparpntly forgotten what It was to succumb to sentiment, and laughter Crom thoso whom fnrco and comic opern had failed to arouse. This proves it to bo a real play, tho kind of play that tolls a real story, that can bo told In language, which accounts for tho 'fact of Its being In domnnd In Paris, Vienna and Ber lin. It Is bnsed upon a vory simple theme. It Is, the story of a waif that Is adopted by an artist, and from It springs nil tho emotions that love and laughter hold. "Tho Prince Chap," wo bollevo, Is both a lesson and an ontortalnment, and tho rolo of tho artist ns played by Cyril Scott BEING WITHOUT BAKING POW DER, IT IS PRACTICALLY A NE C ESSITY. EVERYBODY FAMIL IAR WITH EPPLEY'S PERFEC TION RAKING POWDER PUT UP IN GLASS JARS, APPRECIATE ITS SUPERIOR QUALITIES OVER OTHER BRANDS. TIIEIt ISN'T A RARING POWDER TO EQUAL IT MANUFACTURED BY O. M. EP PLEY, SALEM, ORE. V ; ' If,, BROWN SHOE CO. Is celebrated for its policy of building shoes of Solid Leather Troughout Since tho heavy advance In lcathor It Is Important to know that tho shoes you buy nro mado In a reliable factory. Many factories nro giving their shoeB tho same finish ns formerly, but substituting Inferior grades of leather to keep tho prlco down, which Is In fact a dishonest moth od of advancing prices. 1 atafeomStoe Qs. ALWAYS BUY L WHITE W"K? 1 v House SHOES For Men & Jffii WZ&d' n fek tfvJ W V - 'Vv &$rj&,tssie4't &sy DRY GOODS, CLOTHING LADIES' AND MENS' FURNISHINGS We Undersell haB been quoted as a typo now to tho Btngo. In Mr. Scott's Bupport will bo found tho best of tho nrtlBts on gagod for tho original production, Including Uttlo Holon Pullmnn, Charles B. Wolls, George Schaeffor, Cecil DoMIIlo, Duano Wngar, Boryl Pullman, Ida Stnnhopo, Knthryn Rives, Mnry Keogh, Arnold Rayo, Albort Powers, F. B. Randall, etc., etc. o CJa.solliio Thft'Hher Siiccvkh, Tho gasollno engine threshing mn- chlno bought by tho momborfl of tho Danish colony hns proved vory suc cessful. They throsli about 100 bushols of whoat per hour. Thoy nro lndopondont of tho largo thresh ing crows and do not havo to wait. Ab soon na tho grain Is ready thoy movo their small machlno to Ifnnd put It Into tho sack In a few hours, Thoro no doubt will be ono or two moro such outfits hero next year, as several farmers havo oxprossed their intention to buy tho small gasollno onglno and smnll separator bo thoy can thresh tholr own grain at a small cost and got It dono beforo tho rain catches them, which It always does whon thoy wait their turn by tho old method. Thoy sny It Is money In tholr pockotB to do this. Eugene Guard. VETCH AND CHEAT SEED We havo a limited amount of each on hand, and If you will need any bettor put your ordor In early, ai tho supply will not equal tho de mand. Tillson & Co 5J-6 High Street Phone 39 Salem, Of. 191 - J The &om Process. ttram FLEXIBLE SOLE Whkte House; SHOE FOR WOMEN i'ffht R.TT SHOES If you want re liable quality Our prices are figured on a spot cash basis r0 Regular Stores ANOTHER INDUHTRY. Tho Avo Hnmlk' Factory Onco Moro In Operation. Chns, A. Hoff, recently from tho onst, haB associated with him Mossre, A. L. Dundna nnd Nod Gcrllnger, and havo lonscd and will at onco put in operation tho nxo luuullo plant la tho first ward. Mr. Hoff Is an ox porlonced mnn In this work nnd will hnvo ontlro supervision of tho plant. Ho will nt onco put a boltor at work on land at Salt crook, and thus bo onabled to kcop tho factory suppllod with bolts. A new $000 machlno will bo added to tho prcHont com plement, and tho forco necessary to handle tho output bo increased to 10 men. Thoro la a great demand for ax hnndlos nnd Mr. HofT oxpectfl to keop his mill running on full time, nnd add sovernl hundrod dollars i month to tho pay roll of Dallns. Polk County Itomlzor. o OASTOXIZA. Beui tho m lna " M Kind Yea Haw Always Boo&M t&S & tKEAti Is always eoaeonable, but surely nover quite bo thoroughly appreciated as during tho hot sumiuor wcathor. Our Ico Croflnt and Water Ices aro flnoly flavorod and carefully mado of tho CHOICEST AND PUREST materials. It will cost you but llttlo to ploaso tho whole by treating to Ico Cream today. THE SPA No, 8M MU 8tret. (QadfrOte tt. . , if '.1 j' ",T ! ,1 '"5 .f til i 1 "'., l Jftl J. .M . li ' 4 V. i Hi m VY '. g-1