Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 28, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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With Good Bieettton a Ar-
come Every ObstatU.Coxn
"-'J "MllUUv
-jc v v.. :: .
1 CEs) 4Mb
I pppppBJVSlBH)ff g ttl !Sk I 1.SBb Mf A 1 .MiHBSWBSj
ri Fl,'-tfl, HCS" Il'b v'tMAt. tffr ?Ma -kwaWW1 kmam hIvvISpAK
r ?.:
nd rfija I'vjrjsi v VAiifi
l miv.i k w m . s jf vtAAj
inome a. xucti s sieve
here is the greatest stove offer ever made to the buying public of this city.
through special arrangements with the Buck's Stove and Range Company
we are enabled to deliver to any home in the city or vicinity, a Buck's range,
cook stove, hard coal or hot blast heater for a thorough approval test.
if the stove does not perform all of its functions properly does not do all
that we say it will do, we will cheerfully remove it and refund any payment
that may have been made on the same.
and we will give you our written guarantee that we will do just as we say
we will do.
this once-in-a-life-time-offer is based on our faith in these wonderful stoves
you cannot afford to miss it.
take advantage of it today, as the offer stands good but for a short time.
' (&jfy '
r v
, . . .'I
I" ' ' '
- "
B Irtr liiiifni'llrV in muni umiii
m. t: sn 1.: if ma m v i a . .. t
msk.ftAA?XKJn v'i-. ,r : . . ,4..
.Kvr-.tJ ,:, r. i- .
wr V- '. j r rr..i ' r
&J w'&Jt) JS&tlri y
Chicago, Aug. 28. Wanton bru
tality on the part of the flend who
terribly mutilated and murdered
Lizzie Schroeder, aged 7 years, of
Gary, nd., may he -.the means of
bringing him to justice. In over
coming the child ho trampled upon
her arm and today the Initials "T.
M." Btand out plainly in the livid
flesh. Apparently the murderer had
the Initials In double-headed tacks
on the soles of Ills' boots. The same
Initials can bo traced through the
Bands for many rods.
In tho Btruggle tho girl aUo toro
off his green necktie, or he may have
.snatched it off himsolf with tho In
dention of strangling her. In any
i event It Is an important clow. Tho
entire Northern part of Indiana Is
aroused, and fully GOO mon, with
I bloodhounds, aro engaged In tho
It Is admitted thnt If tho man Is
captured by any of tho posses, not
accompanied by two or three officers,
tho wrotch will be speedily lynched.
Five mon havo boon nrrcBted, but nil
but two havo proved satisfactory ali
bis. Tho others, ono of whom Is a
i negro, told corifllctlng stories, nnd
aro closoly guarded.
. -o
Dumb Bout to Cortelyou.
Philadelphia, Aug. 2S. Tho ex
plosion of what nppeared to havo
been n largo percussion cap In n
' pnekago addrossod to tho secretary
of tho troasury, George B. Cortol
you, created oxcltomont In N'Icotown,
a sub-station of the Philadelphia
postolhco, yesterday.
I Tho packago, which was collected
from n box In tho northorn section
of tho city, was rocalvod by Mr. Rob-
' ortB, n clerk, who says It was four
Inches long by two inches wldo.
What was Inside tho pnekngo, asldo
, from tho explosive, tho ofllclnls will
not any.
v -wv
Si. y
Mil. R. Y. LKOKIE, Kenoj
writes: i
"I write to toll you of tho greii
ma tnat roruna has accoraplliij
mo. It hns cured mo of rtu.j
ecomingly all tho other llli thit
subject to.
can eat anvthlntr fofa.
digest anything I eat. Pliyilulti
a now man." 1
With woak or doranced dlcpitii
ourco of strength and vltalltji
pairou, tlio nerves aro woak, tha
clrpnlatcs roomy.
No man is capable of thlnkli
curatoly or dolnK anTthintr Tir,i
while Buffering with indigestion
To net tho stomach of cUrr
produco clean, healthy mncont
urancs nnu thus correct the dlgw
Poruna has tho reputation the
over for doing this vory thing. Al
of Pcruna promptly and com
seta ho digestive organs at ttt
a white enameled oven which
sures clean, wholesome food
KimmI health W lat'Kvly tlcix'ntlt'iit iihmi cltiut foixl lcau ftHMl
iniiiiixt lie proimml lit u dirty ovou,
NUtltary nvoti U won 11 nrca(T noconnlty tliuu a naiiltary ix.
frlKonilm for tlurliiK tbo provomt of IuiUIiik, iluimlral rltntiito
ivtalor (oiitiuitliuitloii (Utiilily oitiy.
why ko ntxwt uv lit Uu projutnttloit of it lino cWo,. for.. In
htaiuf tlu-it Imko It lit nil mon, (ho M-aui and Jolutn of which
niv flllott Hlth MitnitiliintliiK IllltliV
lUiik'M vUiltn oiutiiwl U not n lutlnt but it wlvlto uluvs oanuiol
hut-mil Into tlu iuirt of tho Iron mu U itntctlcwlly 'rla-.tln.
Ituck'M ovcitN urt itMilutoIy 1 Iran Hi nttMMt tthy you hltoulil
own oiks
this duplex grate will reduce your
JWI ovnnncoc
tbo HrM tost of it llurkVi iiuiko In but it hiuall tart of tho Dual
costtlio iitiiKo Is m loiig-llvtHl that it oats up many t linos Us
orlKlual prloo In fuel.
thlo iluplov K"'" htwvn fuol for It udiultN oxjkoii to tbo buriilin;
fuol lit hiit'li iiunutltloit ttmt nil Us Im-uIIiik powur N ohau.tl nntl
st vory tuuill MtvliiK of fuol ouch tlay iimhiiih n troutondouH iuiv
Iiik durliiK tbo Hfotlino of tho tovo a Having of nuuiy times tbo
original isMt.
ami furtbor tbU Bmto amy lw cIuuiko1 In an liutant as
bunt oltUT wkh! or itxtl ana u my U rually romovotl for
iloanhiK or ronnlr 1 wlthuut cUsturblng the tvtT Iwck.
thU U ono of tbo ninny rvitou why yon hhouhl own a ItiukV.
DoforH Derision on Silmiltz Cum.
San Francisco, Aug. 28. Ex
Mayor Schmltz appoarod boforo
Judgo Dtinno this morning, oxpoctltif?
to henr a decision on tho merits of
his demurrers to the Indictments
charging him with nccepMng brlboa
from tho United Ilnllromls nnd the
gas company. Judgo Dunno wns not
ready to hand down his doclslon,
stating that othor builnees wns on
gaging hU time. It may ho sovornl
weeks before the ruling U made.
Two Steamers Sink.
1 n't do. 0., Auk. 2S. The frelht
steamers laac lSlwood nnd Ilrewor
collided off liar Point In Lake I3rle
lant niitht, and both mnk. Doth
ahlpM aro In deep water, but tholr
dicks ate clear and tho crows imf.
i.-t -. MS .
one dollar a week pays for any Buck's stove or range selected from" our
stock and sent to your home for free and thoroueh test.
. . at.u,.- fail.. ,n. , , ifinVT r.i " -- . - . .
T ' 1
I'losltlent Welcomes Prluro.
Oyster Hay, Aug. 2S. Prlnco
William of Sweden, camo today and
wns tho guest of the President nt
j lunch. Tho Swodlsh mlnlstor and
govornmont oHlclal, army and navy
onicor8 and diplomats, woro ulso
Tnft GtH's to Denver.
Kansas City, Aug. 2S Taft left
, this morning for Denver. Thero was
a groat crowd at tho depot to bid
him fnrowoll.
the utnt llltontl trtUt nuil tbo
littM oourttHuu
(eutletl o all.
treatment e
I c n t 1 t JV1 iV RTtml 1 TfUWwi
4verylliliK for tbo home fur
nit ore, enroots, ilntKTles nt
rlubt prltvv
Say Sultan Was .UNivslnatetJ.
Tnnglor. Moroccco. Aug. 28. It Is
rumorod tho Sultan was assassinated
last night In his palace at Fox. A
column of th Sultan troops wns
nttnckod and 20 soldiers killed.
Chicago Markets.
Chicago, Aug. 2S. Whoat S9H
SOS, corn 59e596, oats 50S
Prime and PnUlenl.
U)lor Uu N. Y , Auk 3$. -Prlnco
Wllheltu. Kraadaen of Klttg
0cr of fc(wUea and a t tke
cmwu prime, vm the Rui . Pret
ttut and Mr. ltoevlt at luHftkeMt
Prlnoti Wllllw, n iKKtrtt tho
UwedUh erulr KyUU. arrtveU oS
Oytr liny thu moinlwg aud
glvtt u OKivedlnsly cordial wvU
tfowt to the aittumer eapltal.
The KyUlit will rotualn here until
tomorrow iuovuIur aud will then
carry Ih Hbc tt Nw York, vrhet
X wilt b oUtrUlly welcomed by
tke city talker aud wilt be the kuwt
t tanttor at many Important ocUl
HKtHott, Wklle la Nw York tb
tl will to A vWt to CoBi?y 11-
svmI. Tk Kylttl. wHk hr rojall
itt4er aUtNtrtl,
itrxt Tuela
will Mil tor SwedfH
Vf U the "Hotter Half."
Wuln. oVUt.. Aim?. 4. Ttmt
riw. WaloMjm'a rel Ueadetl two
MvrHnr. odltor and tuHt qaudl
itatt fur mrkhmk trout tttli dUtrUvt,
ha tt wife wht U an t- morg oom
Pteut atattMiuau than he 1.
What l more, Mr, -rsuon
known it and ahamoluMly admtta
the truth of the oharso. Duriug the
heat of (he faiupaljtu a poltlltal ad
ternary ititluuated that Mr. FVrsu
win supplied a soodly jortloa of th
Kray tuattor uiej in furthierlni: the
polittrat authitloa of tho Watoasa
slltor, aad declared that the was tar
wore mpetat to reprwent Okla
horn In cou(jr ia her huband.
Kvrj;uiMH i ioHt)il a.luu',,1 his
NUlIt and d!arl that thu was the
only caarxw made again! bun during
the awNtlKa that had Ua utetan-lUtted.
i - -o-A
Dramatic l'luUlu
Wehator Olb la.. Ak. s In
lliht ot an RtUhed crowd. Carl
Vtoie$. an aotar, tday made a
bonllro In the street ot io9 in na
per uony. throw hla dhtMoad rinir
and tud In tho sewer aad then an
nounced to a group ot aU frteads In
the lark Hotel loby that he was
Kotng to kill himself.
H drw a revolver, walked aoro
the atrwt to the city park. and. rail.
Inj; to serhy to watch hicj jll.
flred a bullet Into hi brain. He tell
laitaatly, Prrlcy. whtaa
well known throiiKhout thu and I
....1..V.I...... ... t.. . .. . . . . r
tng heuvlly for two weeks.
o ....
Hard I.uvk for Oypltt.
ChioagQ.-Aug. $S. Oyjwlw naw
boring SO Men. wotwea aad chlWrea.
who had been arreeted In nTaij
counties In Texas for hene-etoallBc.
were caught steallag 2d head of cat
tle (n Starr county by a baud of vlg
llaute. who horsewhlpj tho men
and drov the whole baad acros the
border Into Mexico. They flnt forced
them to pay J 100 a head for the
stolen rattle.
All wen threatened with death If
they returned. Today It wa learned
that, talllBs to .pay the Mexican
headtax, they were crowded Into
a ftrleea.
Professor Jaffa, of the Calif
Btato food laboratory, says thl
moro food substance in peanuts
In six times tho weight o(
hoiiHo stoak, No use ot anpaj
lug hungry today.
Prosldont Mooro nnd Cathld
rls nro both sorrowful, rvcntol
Rmnll crtmlnnls gencrn'lv sbo
llnr symptoms when caught wis
Cnshlor Morris .( r d
Portland Savings Bank avb
tako off his coat, pi rark I
bank, and work for " nter
the tleposltori." M " Intjl
had ho been working f l?N
The tologrnph com; af!n
thoy nro doing nil businca o5
nnd tho Chicago lloa'-d of
asltB the Prosldent todnv tjinte
nnd settle tho strlk. berauH
tolgrnph buslnoss of the count
paralyzed." Somcbodv 1j lylnj
ty hard.
Holon Oldflold, In an article!
Ing "how to win a woman
among other things, ' a man
not forgot tho woman t blrtM
Go to. Helen, you're ViddWSl
That Is ono thing the w'e lorol
first forget.
Since li to 1 has bcme
number the stato fair advertu
to 21.
What makes a lK"-- a'wJ
at an elephant Is he qv'fr
that animal has of ca K n
gago In front of hi1" ' t
WcSOlirk VAlU-hnnt.
ing business; and J
with the assurance
on our pari that k
wiH be kept strictly
Sateni, OretM
tiiv i.mii.i:' PKUFE
iiL-ivn inui)ilt. !J. W'
it; ,tv nilOUTl MTY TO
niMivr vnr WITH ITS Ql'Al
it Tiu-tsniTOK TlHAfc'
uivviu Til T U'K AIl
vcu iv. it is A HOME