Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 28, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 100.
d n non Intimates Party Has No Cinch On Election
ml Tones Down Thaw's lm-
knee-Defense Will Be That
Was Insane But Now Has
I Recovered
York, Aug. 28. Tho pica
aporary insanity, from , which
lllent has now fully recovered
eating so far as possible all tho
Itlonallsm that marked tho Inst
!U bo the ntothod adopted by
la W. Littleton In tljo next trial
haw. Long confinement has
Thaw less headstrong and
ameaablo to reason. Littleton
its no other mnn could havo
the strain ns Thaw haa. Ho
he has ruvcr even been do-
Bent. -
Snllor's Wife Finds It on Bench Ncor
Snn Frnnclsco.
San Francisco, Aug. 2S. After
tossing for weeks over miles and
miles of waters the shattered name
plato of the ill-fated Columbia has
been picked up on tho ocean shore
by tho wlfo of an old sailor who
cruised in tho wrecked vessel when
she was one of tho proud fleet on
! the Atlantic coast. It was Mrs. Al.
Gibson who recovered the broken
nameplato of t'f o Cotumbln. Mr. and
Mrs. Gibson livo at Edgemar on tho
ocean shore near Mussel Rock.
(i 1
Mason Lay Cornerstone.
Oregon City, Or., Aug. 28. With
public and ritualistic ceremonies
Tuesday afternoon, tho cornerstone
of the. New Masonic temple was Bet
by Grand Mnster Lot L. Pearce, as
sisted by other officers of tho grand
lodge of Orogon, Ancient, Free & Ac
cepted Masons. Tho weather waB
most auspicious and tho bright after
noon sun Bhone on tho bared heads
if 134 members of tho Masonic fra
lorlnty, ns tho Impressive Borvlccs
were carried out.
President Moore, of tho Oregon
Savings Bnnk, hns deeded .$300,000
worth of Sherman county wheat lan-l
to tho bank to pay creditors. A manly
act that will change public feeling
toward him. Now, If Lytlo would
turn over his inllroad, but neither
tho railroad nor Lytic nro built thnt
Favorable Weather In England and
Europe lias Improved Conditions
Materially and Crop Will Bo Fully
Up to the Average
ew Goods Sale
10,000 Worth of New Goods Direct
om the Manufacturers Now Opened
and Ready for Your Inspection at
Chicago Store, Salem's . Greatest
Bargain Giver
new merchandise represents the latest novelties of
Fall and Winter Wear, Consisting of
Beautiful si'ks, foreign and domestic .dress goods, ladies' swell
handsome coat and Jackets, hfgh classs millinery, silk pettl-
ladies handsome dross skirts, In all tho new materials. Misses
children s coats, ladies XXX seal Jackets, fine furs, raincoats,
ul'!ied flik cuaus, white furs, ladles' fine dress shoes, ostrich
I iTt b'ark and white and colorod fancy wings, breasts, flow-
and foreign foliage. This 3toro that has made such wonderful
sre&s in a -w juar8 j8 now roa(jy to gjvo jts patrons greater and
lBr values than ever.
y anii ends f goods all over the store sold less than cost.
CKKILS' SUPPLIES at manufacturers' prices. Our buyers
glla huntrs, go you can rest assured that we can give you
" pr,ce on any article you want In this establishment.
and court mnra.
The markot Ih In waiting position
todny, there being no transactions
reported In 100G hops, and It Is still
too soon for tho new crop. Picking
of somo of tho enrly yards will bo
gin in tho State next week, and a
few bales should be on tho markot
In nnothor ten days at tho most.
Picking is In full swing in tho Sac
ramento district of California, but
the crops In other sections will not
be harvested for another fortnight.
There Is no chnngo noticed In tho
crop news, nnd it begins to look aa
1' tho crop- is now assured. Thoro h
somo complaint in New York that
tho crop needs rain, but this la not
considered serious. Tho const condi
tions contlnuo good, although not
ninny wires aro pomlng through, on
account of tho telegraph Btrlko. Eng
land reports conditions unchanged
and an average crop In prospect. Ad
vices from tho Continent nro excep
tionally good, and their market has
shown a decided decline In quota
tions for 1907 crop. DuslncsB with
brewers Is reported very slow, as
they aro all waiting for now hops.
U. S. beer output for tho calendar
year was 57,108,288 barrels. Tho
output for 1907 is llkoly to pass
tho CO, 000, 000 mark, and will call
for 210,000 bales of hops, of which
about 33,500 bales will bo Imported
varletl03 and 170,500 domestic.
With a probablo domestic crop of
370,000 bales, as now estimated
(barring unforseen disaster), there
will bo left 193,500 bales for ex
port, for general uso other than
brewing, and for resorvo not to
speak of largo stock carried over
from last year.
Obviously tho world's present nnd
prospective supply of hops far ex
ceeds all chance of utilizing tho pro
duct In a single year, and low prices
aro Inevitable. Moreover, brewers
have tho advantage of cold Btorago
facilities, which growers havo not.
Hop Conditions In England.
(Maidstono South-Enstern Gazette,
August 7th.)
Ashford West Tho hops about
hero havo decidedly Improved. From
an inspection of tho gardens in a
wide district In Kent, tho conclusion
arrived at Is that an average crop
will bo grown, provld'ed that tho
present favorable weather con
tinue, and thoro Is no serious attack
of mold. Picking will bo late.
Benenden Tho hops aro vory un
even. Somo pleceB look vory woll,
whilst others aro standing Btlll.
There Is not sufllclont bine for a
heavy crop. Vermin still linger.
Canterbury Tho plant has maJ
little progress during tho week, the
cold nights being detrimental. Fresh
attacks of fly aro reported, and
washing ha3 to be frequently resorted
to. Mold, too. Is said to bo spread
ing, although In the boat cultivated
gardens there is little to complain of
In this respect. Even wJth tho
weather conditions favorable, ft
seems certain that the crop must fall
short of an average one.
Goudhurst The bops continue to
make fair progress, but burr is slow
In coming out, and picking must be
later than usual. Most growers havo
discontinued washing this week, al
though In about every garden vermin
are to bo found. Mold Is little
trouble at present.
Hadlow -The verdict, after a cur
sory! visit to tho plantations In this
neighborhood, would undou.btedly.be
"a gonernl Improvement," but a clos
er Inspection would revonl a far from
satisfactory state of affairs. Tho
fact; Is there is too much vermin
about. This is palpnbly evidenced
by t)io ladybirds already working In
the burr.
"Farnham Tho warm weather of
the past week has brought about
considerable Improvement In tho
plantations and If It Is maintained
for tho next few weeks, tho hop
qrop will be a fair averago one. Tho
bines are Just breaklpg In (lower,
and as a rulo are clean and vigorous.
Many gardens aro practically freo
from blight although washing is be
ing carried on generally.
Worcester Tho weather this last
week has beon variable, but on tho
whblo favorable, thero having boon
a fair amount of sunshine. Blight
is troublesome nnd keeps growors
busy. With improved weather tho
prospect is more favorable.
Medway Valley Thero Is still too
much vermin In most grounds, nnd
washing is going on nlmost every
where. This nnd tho weather seem
to havo kept the hops backward.
Very few pieces of Brambllngs nro
In full burr yet, nnd no hops show
ing. It is snld tho hop3 require to
bo out in hop at loast a month boforo
they nro ready to pick. This bo
Ing so, hop picking must ho vory
late. '
Slttingbournc The hops In this
district nre making good progress,
nlthough in. somo gnrdcnH they nro
bnckward. Washing In Btlll In pro
grow. Thero Is every Indication that
thoro will bo n heavy crop.
Worthan nnd DlBtrlct Tho burr
comes-out slowly in most gardens
and Is none too plentiful for tho
moderate show of bino. Given fn
vorablo weather the picking must ho
a late olio. As both vermin nnd mold
nro in ovidencc, qunntlty and quali
ty aro likely to vary to a largo ex
Tho trndq demand in tho borough
has not been ot much importance,
but It Is about sufllclont for tho rem
nnnts of the last crop, which nro
hold for vory full prices at 05b, 100c.
Hops In Wutililngtoii.
Western Washington hops will
likely bo of good quality this year,
according to tho Intent Ibbuo of tho
Seattle Register, which says:
While the growing hop crop is
backward on Pugct Sound, tho qunll
ty is reported as superior to any crop
so far raised. Weather conditions,
dry and hot, havo been vory favor
able to the growing vines, and llco
havo bo far been few and easily kopt
down, he yield of tho Btnto is now
placed nt about 15,000 bales. On
tho other hand, In the Yakima coun
try, on account of tho backward
spring, and a bnd attack of vermin,
it Is hard to toll what tho farmers
will get from their fields.
The Oneont'a Herald of August
15th says: OUogo growers stato
that there Is n fair outlook for an
averago crop this year of Biiporlor
quality. Picking, howover, will bo
about ten days later than usual. Thus
far no llco ar oreportod this soa
6on. The Cooperstown Journal, August
15th, says: The local hop markot
has been very Inactive for tho past
week, there being no salos foportcd.
The Incroasd acreage of this year
about ovens up what was plowed up.
Tho growing crop Is looking fino,
with no vermin, nnd one local dealer
predicts that the crop of 1907 will
about equal that of 1907
The Coblesklll Times, August 15th
sayBj At the present time tho hops
appear to be about two weeks back
ward from a number of years past.
If this is true growers should not
begin picking late hops before tho
second week In September. Up to
date the hops are fre from vermin,
llco or any other quality which would
compel growers to pick early. Tho
quality Is unexceptionally flno and
an endeavor should bo made to har
vest tho crop In a manner that New
York state hops should bo tho cream
of the marked and bring soveral
cents per pound wore than other
Portland Medical Students Put Doth
"Check and Change" On tho
Beautiful Willamette flowing Moon
Mad to tho Sea"
Threo human bodies in a big vat
wns thj grcwaomo find mndo by Wil
liam, Enrl and Vorjio Mclntlro, two
small boys, while- bathing In tho
Wlllnmotto river, on thq enBt Bhoro
of Ross Island yestorday nftomoon
Tho Inds Woro badly frightened nnd
reported their discovery to Pollco
Crtptnln Mooro. Captain Mooro Im
mediately dispatched Harbormaster
Spoler and Dotcctivo John Price
with tho two boyfi to tho sceno to
make an Investigation. When they
reached tho placo whero the boys
Bald tho bodies woro to bo found,
thoy behold two human slAllB half
submerged In tho vat.
Tho harbormaster and dotoctlvo
mndo a careful survey of tho camp
and then conducted a moro, mlnuto
Investigation of tho vntj In which
thoy - found-partH-.OfUrco.hnuian
skoletonB from whfchlffro flesh had
beon partially cooked. It Was peon
that tho p.lnco was tho rendezvous
of medical students who woro cook
ing tho floBh from tho bodies for tho
purpose of preaorvlng tho Bkolotons
for BClontlflc purposes. As tho floBh
was cooked from tho bones, It ,nnil
tho water In which tho bodies woro
cooked, woro dumped Into tho Wll
lnmotto river.
Further Investigation revealed tho
fact that tho "plant belonged to J. B.
Jones, n mcdlcnl student, and Dr. I).
O. Thornton, of tho Good Snmnrltua
Hospital, and thnt their headquar
ters while cleaning skeletons waB In
n noarby houBobont. Undor n bed In
tho housobont was found a largo box
of human bones.
Tho doctor nnd student woro
plnced undor arrest hut on explana
tions mado to Captain Mooro thoy
woro released from custody,
"That waB ono of tho womt sights
I over saw," said Harbormaster
Spolor thlB morning. "I told Cap
tain Mooro that I did not mind seeing
men on this earth, but I objected to
going between heaven and hell In
Bcarch of them. Ono of tho skull
In tho vat had tho nosh partly cooked
off, nnd thoro was a. tuft of hair on
tho back of tho head. A bullet hole
In tho forehoad showed that tho man
had died as tho result of n gunBhot
wound. Anothor of tho skulls con
tained several gold teeth,
"If those men aro not proseontod
I will take steps myaolf to prevent
such things hemnfter, If over any
thing of tho Bort Is ngain brought to
my nttenjlon. Tho water of tho riv
er should not bo polluted with such
things. It was a disgrace. Tho
proper place for those men to con
duct such things Is in a medical col
lege." Telegram,
mn tnimi ninn nin.
Cannon Makes a Prophecy.
Aloxnndrin Bay, N. Y., Aug ; j
28. Cannon today declared
he was not an actlvo cnmll- ',
date but "no ono ovor refused ;
a nomination, and neither will '
he If offered." Ho Bald "I am ! !
not talking because I am a can ; ;
dldato. I havo no bee buzzing 4
In my bonnet. Othors may ! I
talk but not mo. If congress ', '.
does not act wisely tho noxt ;
Besslon; mnkes mistakes and
falls to moct tho approval of !
tho pooplo, thoro will not be ; J
much need of tho Republican
party sending delegates to the ' !
next national convention." ! )
mt iiniiiMiiiimmif
Washington, Aug. 28. Details o
tho movement of tho gr,cnt battlo
shlp fleet around tho South Amorlcau
continent nro being systematically
dovolopod aboard Admlrnl Evanii'
llr.gship, the Connecticut, nnd nt tho
navy department, whor'o, by tho
Prosldont'B ordcro, the various bu
reaus aro now authorized to oxecuto
plans for tho flcots' movement, it
I j Bottled that tho bnttli'shlps, or at
least a number of them, will go to
Pugot Round, tho number to bo de
termined by the capacity of the
Sound to nrcommodatq them, The
hnttloshlps carry.only laOJathoms oC
anchor chain, nnd" most or the watop
thofo Is moro than CO fathoms doop,,
80 ns safe prnctlco roqulrotf that tha
chains bo not loss than threo Union
tho depth of tho wntor, ohly a few
vcbboIs can bo accommodated noar
Bromerton at onco.
At the Bouthorn drill grounds, 40
mlloH off tho Chenpenko, Admiral'
Evans' and tho floot, wjilch sailed
from 'Hampton Honda yostorday, will
remain two -weeks, practicing floot
nnd squadron formations, following
which will be tho regular fall targjt
ptactlco, occupying possibly a
Parliament Prorogued.
London, Aug. 28.Pnrllament
was prorogued today with tho pic
turesque old-fashlond c-romonlal.
Tho king's speech waB perfunctory.
Ono of tho longost nnd most arduous
ot parliament's sessions la ended.
. o- -
Shako at Martinique.
Port do Franco, Martinique, Aug.
28. An earthquako quite sovoro was
felt hero last night at 10:50, No
damage has yt been reported.
Flood In Jhimh.
Toklo, Aug. 28. Tho weather Is
resuming normal conditions; 10-14
were drowned sad 200 houses Ibub
dated fey the Jtoed.
Will Form Company,
Now York, Aug. 28. Tho tologra
phors' union la preparing to form "a
union toIographorH' telograph com
puny" to gnthor biiHlnotis, and forco
tho companies to handle It. Man
ager Barclay laughs at tho Idoa nnd
says: "We nro paying no more at
tention to tho union."
Luwjvi-h Kle-t Ollhvi-H.
Portlnnd, Me., Aug. 28. Tho
American Bar Asuoclatlou todny
olectod ofllcors ns follews: President,
John M. Dickinson, of Chicago; sec
retary, John Hlnkloy, Baltlmoro;
troauror, Fred K. Wadham, of Al
bany, and Charles Monroe, of Los
Angeles, was mndo n member of tho
oxooutlvo committee.
ToiiiiIm Champion.
Newport, L. I., Aug. 28.- W. A.
Larned today dofoatod Robert Loroy
In tho finals for tho national tonnH
championship. W. A. Clothlor, Inst
year's champion, dofnulted to Lar
nd In tho challongo match, and tho
title was transferred to Larned.
They Stuck TofgeUiPr.
Mama had sent llttlo Bessie to
tho pantry to fetch somo sticky fly
papor. She was gouo a long tlmo,
nnd finally the mother called?
"Bessie, hurry with the fly papor.
Havo you got It." Thero was a
pause, and then this In an earnest
volco. "No, mama, tho fly papor'a
got mo. But we'ro both coming!"
Dr. J. P. COOK
cook. commxATKm num.