8 DABLT CAPITAL JOTOtWAI, 8AIJBM, QBMQON MOfPAY, AUGUST SO, 107. K Fashion's Newest IN LADIES' SUITS AND WRAPS Such a arand assortment of fashions nowest. Ideas in styleBr fabrics and colorings. Wo aro pleased to bring boforo you so early such a cuporb gathering. Your Idcns can bo mot, your tasto satisfied and your purso will not bo drawn upon to audi an oxtont ad you would Imagine. Prlcos nro usually low for such flno qualities, workmanship and styles. Second Floor Dress Goods Wo havo prepared an elegant showing for your choosing nnd our assortments aro tlio largest nnd tho flneot array of tho moat ex cluslvo novelties. Prompt dollv orlOB (alroady rccetvod) enablo us to offer now a uplondld collection. Now 1b n Vdry good tlmo to mnlco your Holoctlon nnd obtain tho pick of tho host and most excluBlvo HnoB. Wo aro roudy now. Wednesday Only SPECIAL SALE NUMHER 347 A grand surprise event to In augurate our curtain department on Becond floor. For tho sale we offer two linen of LAC13 CURTAINS ARAIJIAN 3 yards long, 45 inches wide $1,25 vniuo. . . 78t WHITE NKT With Batternburg brnid hand trimming, 3 yards long, 42 Inches wide, a good ?2 valuo $1.48 Nono sold until 8:30 a. m. Wednesday. No phono orders taken. Don't bo among tho lato arrivals as tho quantity is limited. Church Workers will bo especially Interested In two nrticlos in THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL for Soptombor. "A Stranger In the Church" tolls of tho exper iences of a Journal correspondent In attending ono hundred and fifty churches about tho coun try. Tho first nrtlclo will deal with tho churches of New York, llrooklyn and Boston. You will find her oxporlcuccu instructive Tho other nrtlclo Is by Jano Addams of Hull Houeo, Chlcngo, and tho title- lo'Why Girls Go Wrong." MIbs AddamB speaks with dignity, nnd yot with frnnk noss. Thoro nro many othor Interest ing things in tho Soptombor Jour nal, and tho usunl departments. Wo dm furnish you with nny of The Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Tho Journal Itsolf is on Bnlo at our counter each month at 1G conts per copy, or wo will forward your annual subscription to tho publlBliOM at $1.G0 por year. T o cfaix success Sor.e study bookb, 'T-were better if ; They studied looks! T " r Zs7szs i -' LBfc ."V s '" r ' -- r jr- c- ' r y m y v llmi r. p. 'im TASTEFUL DRESSING IS A HABIT WORTH CULTIVATING. OUR PATRONS SOON BECOME 'CONFIRMED WEARERS OP GOOD CLOTHES. The New Goods ARE RAPIDLY BEING PLACED ON DISPLAY AND MORE COMING IN EVERY DAY. THE NEWEST AND BEST OP THE SEASON'S PRODUCTIONS ONLY FIND THEIR WAY INTO THIS STORE FOR THERE IS A CERTAIN STANDARD OF QUALITY THEY MUST EQUAL OR BACK THEY GO. TH 13 MEYERS QUALITY CAN BE DEPENDED UPON AND YOU WILL INVARIABLY PAY MORE TOR EQUAL GRADE IN, OTHER STORES. THERE'S SO MANY NEW THINGS TO BE SEEN HERE THAT A VISIT NOW WILL POST YOU AS TO PREVAILING STYLES. t ICeJ .ft? eu&iA $& INCORPORATED Lace Curtains Fall cleaning will soon be here you will no doubt need a few pftlr3 of curtains to brighten up your rooms. Our stock is all new and fresh and is otho newest de signs and patterns. All grades can be found here and you will be reasonably sure of finding something to your liking at the price you want to pay. 75c to $15 Blankets Camping nnd hop-picking re quire extra good and warm bed ding. Wo are ready with tho fin est assortment wo havo ever had and wo know our values aro .tho, best In this city. Entlro stock Is now nnd fresh. No old stock to chooso from. 39c to $10 Comforts Another shipment (sixteen doz en) of comforts, direct from tho mill, ronched us yostorday. You'll wonder at our great stock wo buy In Quantities nnd get lower prlcos. You got tho benefit of our business judgement. Prices rango from 95c to Fall Clothing For the Par. ticular Man Youtik men no ... w u IU B . that more attention shall be to the clothe3 tiny War would ordinarily be g!ven Z. cont must be cut .,.. '.. trousers must hang a certain'. 1 everythlnsr mnof n .l "i! so. To say that w. ,, men's clothes that satisfy, men Is saying all that could 2 said. l he new fall styles are now ready Shoes Snappy In style aro the M lasts lor fall wear. The shoeut handle wo can recommend Biyiu, coraiort ana service, v, can recommend them became w know they nro made right ires selected sklnB and tho miiM havo a reputation to sustain. If you aro thinking of a tet pair for Pall and Winter tuj, Btep in nnd see what we hue to offer. Our values cannot be fa ! plicated in this city. Suit Cases! Wo nro ready again with a M lino of suit coscb In all vuW styles and sizes the prodccU tho best known make of sultan Thcy'ro tho best to bo had aalw tho chenpest. j $2.50 to $ 1 2.50 MM! CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Par graphs for Your CoHalderatlon J 1'oot Card Hull Now aubjocta dally. tf. DoIiikh at Tho Toggery Now Samples for men's suits havo arrived. Aak to uoo thorn. HI FInIi Tho Condon Times snya tho Hah aro so big In tho upper Deschutes Mint llahormon uso young pupa and klttons for bait. Grub Oak tuul AhIi Wood For Sale Wllllnm Brown & Co. Phono Main 115. 10t-eod Kot tho Window 93.no, $1.00, $4. CO, $G,00 men's bIioob and Oxfords at $3.00. The Toggory. A Fish Report .Mr. Von DuBon, tho fish warden, reports that during hiB visit tho flow er and fruit carnival was lu progress at Mcdford, but that rain fell spoiled tho most of It. Ex. nnd DolugH at tho Toggery Now Bnmplea for men's suits hnvo nrrlved. Ask to bo ethum. Se the Window $3.G0, $1.00, $4.50, $5.00 men'B shoes nnd Oxfords for $3.00. Tho Toggery. HOP WIRKS RROKE. I Thousands of Shoes; Thous ands of Pairs of Shoes? Thousands of New Shoes; Thousands of Pairs of New Shoes 1 ShoeB for tho hop plckors, from 75c to $1.75 a pair. Shoos for ovorybody. Shoos just In, Shoes still coming. Other orders sent In. Shoes for tho babies. 8hoes for tho boys and girls, Shoes for tho old folks. Wo havo tennis shooa galore. This Is tho Salem Shoo Storo; tho shoo store In Salem that has everything In Bhoes, Everything that Is good. Wo cau fit you out In shoes. SALEM SHOE STORE, a?Mjg! 326 STATE ST. SALEM, OREGON Krebs mid Goujet Yards Damaged by Falling Wlr. Mr. Goulot, who hns a hop yard north of the city, was horo yostordny cftornoon, trying to got men to go down nnd help repair damagos to his hop yard, and that of his neighbor, Mr. Krebs. Tho yard stood tho storm nil right, but Sunday after noon, without any apparent cause, tho vines gavo way lu tho Goul?t yard, and about ono-thlrd of tho Held, somo 40 acres, foil Rut. About tho sumo tlmo a similar accident hap pened In tho Krebs yard, just aoross tho road, and about ono-thlrd of thoso also foil to tho ground. Men voro at onco put at work trying to got tho vinos up again. Ab a few days on tho ground will cause them to mold. Mr. Goulot is unable to ac count for tho accident, but Is of the opinion that tho wlroa were prob ably struck by lightning during tho storm, and somo of them weakened, nnd theso falling dragged down oth ers. Reports coming in since tho storm shows that in many of tho yards whoro wlros aro used tho vines wore thrown down, whllo yards using poles aro- uninjured. Wants Repot at Suver. A complaint was today filed with tho rullrond commission by J. E. James, a hop grower at Suver, con cerning conditions at tho depot at that place. Ho says that no agent Is maintained there, and that the - pot consists of nn open shed 10x20 feet, of which one-half is used as a waiting room. As tho complaint states that section Is ono of tho most fortllo In tho Willamette volley, and thickly sottled by prosperous fnrm ors. o Itulldlug Nearly Completed. Tho Western Electric and Manu facturing Company's now building, on Liberty street, is nenrlng comple tion, and several installments of ma chinery nud supplies have already ar rived. o Special Rates to National Irrigation Congress. Meets at Sacramento, Cal Sept. 2nd to 7th Inclusive. One faro for round trip, $18,60. Sill August 30th, 31flt and Sept 11 turn limit Sept. 16 1907. stato fair will hold for a ' In thn Rnmn r.ltv. M O- REFUSB SUBSTITUTES OR: TATIONS GET WHAT TOCJ FOR. ikn $un&, ytntinunitien and fishing ffaekk $ OUR VARIOUS LINES 9odct 9cdei Gutlern "Cutlery flaxen flaxen ARE COMPLETE Great care has keen taken In selecting otif goods, ths assuring oar patrons tBe experience and money can hay BICYCLES en S3 Wo liavo -1 bicycle repair shop lu tho city. That stand tho test, Rambler, National, Savage and llnest of all, tho Watt Sfiipp Special and tho Watt Sfaipp Savage the most complete Everything for the sport man in the way of Guns Ammunition and Fishing Tackle WE CAN OUTFIT YOU RIGHT We carry the fan KeenKtitte Damascus' Eclipse Cattaats Holler . .. f Dvtret Q0G and "Rttots Wlut you get for your moHcy Is Just as lmiKtrtaat as tho awouHt you pay." fujOi nvi l mrnA tiY)Mt f J& the par-'