DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BACiEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1007. '1 SEATTLE GOES TO THE CIRCUS Arrival of Rlngllngs' Show Made Oo caslon For General llolldayAccom modailonsNot Equal to Demand For Admission and Many Hundreds Fail to See Performance Tho Scnttlo TlmoB has tho follow ing concerning tho RlngHng Broth orBB clrcufl, duo horo next Wednes day: All over town today tho question 1b naked: "Did you go to tho cir cus? Which act did you llko tho best? My, but woron't tho clownB funny?" , Circus day In Soattlo Is always a Ihdllday. Yoatordny morning long bo rfdre tho tlmo aot for tho parndo, rcrowflB thronged tho utreotB, and all -f 'thorn woro In a Jovial mood and vvury ordorly. At tho nppolnted time 'Tor tho circus pnrado to arrlvo both PIrt and Socond nvonues woro "crowded to tholr utmost. Windows In all of tho buildings woro rosorved -for frlond of tho occupants. Evory point of vnntngo was taken and somo men woro seated on top of tolcgrnph poles. "Whon tho pnrado was ovor It was tlion tlmo for tho Hniall boy to follow It 'to tho clroun grounds and If pos sible to got a Job carrying wntor to tho olophuntH. Early In tho nftor- noon pooplo stronmed to tho circus 'grounds. If posslblo to got, had .chil dren with thorn. In bouio casos thoy borrowed children to take to tho clroun ho as to bo able to say: "Oh, yos, tho children wanted to hoc It, so I took thorn." On onterlng tho main cntrnnco of tho big show tho first thing ono on 'countors Is tho peanut stand; nftor that conies tho animals, and a llnor collection of them has never boon noon upon thlH const. Tho cages aro full, and lucliulo a groat vnrloty. Tho only giraffe that has boon able to crnis tho mountains without gutting n Horo throat and dying of tonsllltlB is tho ono belonging to tho Rlngllng Rrothors. Lions, tlgors, pumas and, 4t would soom, ovorythlng that bites or Hcratoho'i Is owned by tho hIiow, After tho nnlninlH comes tho stadium, whoro tho big acts take place. Beforo tho circus proper only criticism that can be mado of Mio show was that It was too good and too big. Long, beforo tho show opened tho ticket wagon had closed Its doors and no more people wero admitted, only those having 'reserved tickets. At least 3000 porsons woro rofusedvnd mittnnco to tho big Bhow. Thoso falling to got Into tho stadium took- advantage of tho sldo shows, all of which wero well patronized. w After tho main show was over the concert started. Many porsons to avoid tho rush to tho street cars, stayed to tho "vawdyveol," which was" declared to bo tho "finest over seon upon any stago in tho world." Wcll.anyhow, It amused tho peoplo until tho cars wero loss crowded. This nftornoon tho performance was given again, and tonight tho last porformanco will bo given. Those dc Blrlng to gain admittance to the big tent had better go early or they will bo refused admission, as was dono last night to many persons who woro willing to pay doublo tho prlco to see tho show. Dcforo tho Inst act is over tonjght nearly half of tho circus will bo well on its way to Tacoma, and Bhdrtly nftor tho show closos tonight noth ing of Rlngllng Brothers' World's Greatest SIiowb will bo loft in Seat tlo with tho exception of tho plens- ant inomorlos that It leaves in tho minds of thoso who patronize It. OREGON SIENNA PAINT It Is Made In Salem and Rivals the Best Italian Product WANT A LIBRARY. Y. W. C. A. to Iiook After the Hop Pickers. "A lottor was yesterday received by tho library commission, asking for a travollng library to bo used at Ki;ob Bros.' hop yards, near Indo pondonco during tho picking season. Thoso ynrds this year will bo In chargo of tho Portland Y. W, C. A. Moro than COO women and children will bo cmployod In these hops yards this year, and tho housing and feed ing thorn alwayB prcsonts n sorlotiB problem to tho munngomout. Tho actual picking dono will not bo In chargo of the Portland Institution, but ovorythlng olso will bo. Tho eating house and tho womon's quar ters will bo cared for by representa tives of tho association, and will bo run In tho host mnnnor posslblo for tho physlcnl nnd moral woll-bolng of tho workers. Desldes a waiting tent, a reading tout, with mngnzluea and good literature will bo established, and It Is for this that tho traveling library Is required. Tho association Ih also contemplating outnbltshlng n starts Albert Swoot and hlrf band on- gospel tout. . tortnln tho crowd. Promptly at U o'clock and at 8: in o'clock trumpots arc hoard and off to tho loft of tho urnndHtand glittering colors aro soon nnd the olrouH starts. Ab tho rubbur mlndod press ngont Bays: "Never .boforo bun thorp boon soon hucIi a prodigal display of Hpuctncular Intor It Is hoped that by this moans tho Burroundlnga of tho hop pickers will bo bonollclal, rathor than othorwlio, nnd that tho harmful lnfluoncos that hnvo boon notorious in tho larger yards wljl bo to a groat dogreo elim inated. Sovoral crimes committed In tho boo yards last yoar havo tst, combining tho bunutlful tones of awakonod tho pooplo on this mattor, luxuriant fabrics and royal trap pings, with tho noblo moil nnd worn on of tho ploturoHquo days and deeds xt romantic history." etc. Tho grand opening Ih ovor and tho main Bhow starts. Tho Knuffman troupo of blcycHstu woro uumrfing. Yos, tho man walked down stair on his head and scorned to enjoy It. Tho elephants woro "cuto," bo ono young lady described It, but tho trained pigs- thoso plga bad ovoryono guosalng, nnd pooplo Avoro nigh Into hysterics whon they concluded tholr act with tho "chuto tho chutou." Tho horso wont to bed grncofully, naturally, and without hestltatlon Tho rest of tho horso tnmlly woro well rocoived also, Tho burlesque bull light was un doubtedly tho funulost thing in tho tihow. A donkey woarlng hornB of n hull, and two clownB, woro respon sible for tho mirth and hyatorlca of tho pooplo. So on down tho lino ov orythlng wont with a rush, and tho nnd tho oxporlmont will bo watched with Intorost. Portland Y. W. C, A. havo alroady dono excellent work along other linos, nnd It would bo dtllluult to think of any body moro fitted to tnko chargo of this work. Tho request was rocoived yester day, and will bo complied with at tho earliest opportunity. PREPARING FOR WINTER. Kllngr Grand Getting Heady for a Lively TIoatrltnl Season, U 1 1 11 I 111 1 1 1 M I HI 1 1 1 H 1 1 i STRICTLY I PRIVATE.. We solicit your bank- : ; ins business; and :: wHIi the assurance on our, part that it :: wIN be kept strictly : : private. SALEM ; STATE BANK Safom, Oregon UIHMHUllllllllliH It seems that Salem Is to havo a good stock Bhow this wlntor. At least Jack Cooper has promised us ono after Soptombor 1st, and by tho linprovoiuontH that aro being mndc at the Klluger Grand It seems that th omanagomont aro prnprlng for somothlng decidedly bettor than U accustomed to bo produced at that theatre. Tho plnyB will bo given by travollng bIiowb on Tabor & Com pany's circuit, instoad of a porma nont Block company, as was tho caso last season. This Insuroa a much hotter quality of plays, and n much hotter production of tho plays glvon. With a permanent com pany tho actors nro compelled to loarn a largo number of plays, to produce a nv ono onco or twlco a weok, and cannot bo oxpectod to be prollclent In any particular ono. Un der tho other Bystem each company U employed altogether In throo or four plays, nnd only stays n short time, porluips ono or two weeks in each town. Tho stage has boon mado two foot wider, nnd extended' Bovoral feet outward. A largo quantity of now scenery lina boon ordered and tho wiring completely renovated, The theatro has boon painted on tho out Bldo, and now presents a very at tractive appearance. Tho Oregon Slonna Paint Com pany, on Trado Btroet, la adding ma chinery to Its equipmont, which will moro than doublo its output. This company has been in existence less than a year, and machinery was add ed only a few months ago' that In creased .tho output materially. The management say that still further improvements will be mado beforo tho end of tho year, so- it la difficult to 03tlmato tho proportions that the Industry will eventually attain. The now mlxor has Just arrived, but hns not yot been put In place. It has a much greater capacity than any at present In use, and is of tho most modern mnko. It will bo Installed on tho Becond floor, with tho ma chinery necessary to carry tho raw material up to It, and pour them In tholr proper proportion Into tho ma chine. Bcsldos this sovoral now tanks, With n capacity of ovor 100 gallons each nro to bo plocod on tho ground floor. This now and rapidly growing In dustry Is made posslblo by tho valu ablo deposits of palnt-benrlng ores on tho company's ' grounds nenr Cottago Grove. Most of tho slonna used In America Is shipped from Italy, and Is now shipped In largo quantities to Ameri ca and other places all ovor tho world. Tho Orogon product shows practically tho flamo composition as tho Italian. It contains ovor 30 per cent of Iron nnd alumlpum oxide, nnd stands practical tests ns well as any known. Tho finished paint Is put up In -12 beautiful tints, which nro vory popular. Tho company found, sovornl weeks ago, a Ono doposlt of sky blue ochre, which will In tho near futuro bo em ployed exclusively for making paints of this color, if It Btands tho tost of oxporlmont. Half a carload of It will bo shipped to Salem at onco, along with a largo shipment of oth er colors. Tho comimny docs not lu tond to Injure Us reputation gained by tho superior quality of Its matorl al by mixing It with Inforlor Ingro dlonts. Only tho host qunllty of lond and llnseod oil nro used, and thoy aro ground and mlxod with tho best modoru maehlnory. Until lately tho product of tho factory has boon used largely only by local consumers, and many houscB In Snlom hnvo boon pnlntod with this homo product, nut Intoly tho surrounding towns hnvo discov ered tho suporlor qunllty of tho pro duct, and ordei'B nro being rocolvod which will tax tho full capacity of tho plant. Ordors hnvo boon Intoly rocoived from Portland and Pugot Sound firms, nnd tho extra equip ment of tho plant hns come nono too torly to meet thorowlng domand. Tho brldgo across tho Willamctto at Snlom Is now being painted with "homo grown slonna," and two casks woro ordorod by tho palatcrs for this work. Somo of tho bulldlnga on tho fair grounds nro being pnlntod with UiIb slonna paint, nnd will thus bo a standing oxhiblt of tho resources of tho state, and tho growth of tho In dustries of Snlom. Evory poraon loynl to Oregon la urged to Investigate tho product of this homo company, whoro thoy will got tho boat nrtlclo mado and bo guaranteed satisfaction. MAKE YOUR WI HAPPY .?. By taking borne lot ket me one o mote of the convenient articles we constantly have on hand, that MAKES WORK IN THE KITCHEN EASY AND PLEAS ANT One of those new IRONING BOARDS we have Jtist received would make boning a pleasure lot any woman If you want yout shifts itoned better she can do it with one of these Then one of those New Perfection Oil Stoves would make cooking easier and more pleasant these hot days It is so simple and easy, fast a match the turn of a handle and the fig is burning; another turn and it is out No worry No Bother Banning in an instant out in an instant, A child can operate it We also have gasoline and gas stoves and many other little conveniences that serve to make work in the kitchen easy and pleasant, WADE PEARCE & 0 COR. COM'L AND COURT STREETS PHONE MAUUr "EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE" m-am-cc m tlti Vb fan litttM BmmI Can you afford to trlflo with so sori ous a matter as to nogloct a bad cold or cough, when for a trifling amount you can eocuro a bottle of "Hick ory Bark Cough Itomedy," that U guaranteed to cure or money refund ed. Prlco 26c, 50c nnd $1.00 psr bottlo. For sale by all dealers everywhere o Imitators nro not loved by truo Amorlcnus, nor is tho manufacturer who ondeavors to imitate a well ad vortlBed artlclo by using a similar trado-mnrk or pnekago, hoping to fool tho public. Do not be fooled insist on getting what you askod for. - . o KCZCHM, For tho good of those suffering with ecsoma or other such trouble, I wish to say, my wife had sometUlag of that klad and after using the doe tor' remedies for some time con cluded to try Ohamberlala's Salve, au It proM t tetter tha aay- thlag ah ha4 tried. Mom's drug (. ADDITIONAL SOCIAL (Continued from pago six). far sale, at Bf A Newport Surprise. An onjoynblo afternoon party waa glvon by Mrs. C. L. Watt, of Salem, nnd Mrs. C. L. McKcnnn, of Portlnud, nt tho Watt camp at Nye beach last Tuesday, In honor of Miss Harriett Loach, of Portland. HnmmockB, swings and artistic seats had beon plnced In tho spa clous grovo, add tho tlmo was spont In gnmoB and a social Hour, after which watormolon and candy woro served. Thoso present woro tho MlBsoa Harriott Loach, Margaret Mc Konnn, Nottlo Van Znnto, Mabel Van Zanto, Ruth Williams, Sylvia Mc Qulnn, Ponrl McKonnn, Florence Loach, Anna Oswold, Miss Wesley, Mrs. C. L. McKonua, Mrs. C, L. Watt, Mrs. Charlos Brant nnd Messrs, Bort Ruth, Burns Powell, Philip Knlsor, Ward Flshor, Ivan Martin nnd Lnlrd M. McKonna. Two Newport Events. A very pleasant chlckon dinner party was enjoyed by a number of Newport young peoplo last Sunday nt tho Hotel Monteroy. Tho pnrty walked up tho beach, giving them a good appotlto, and then a general good tlmo and somo music was had boforo dinner. Aftor the feast a vis It was mndo to tho Monteroy big trees, and then tho group wnudored homo In tlmo to soe the departure of tho Sunday excursion. The party was composed o.' tho Misses Eva Catching, AUco Wohrung, Althea Moores, Jesslo Bybee, Ethel Graves, Ryth Gatch, Lucia Campbell, Lucia WIlkhiB, Juno Gray, and May mo Bab cock, and tho Messrs. Chester ChrUt mnn, Chester Mooros, Allen Cros-, man, Harry Rollo, Burns Powell, Lnurenco Hofer, Earl Latourette, Emll Gordon and Ford Tarpley, 300" Party. Ono of the social events of tho weok at Newport was a five hundred party, given by Miss Althea Moores, at tho Moores' cottago, at Nye creek. Cheater Moores and MiS3 Jessie By beo were tho lucky ones in getting the highest scores, and woro given an extra share In the two large water melons which were served as a ter mtaue (or the happy eveaiag. Thoe pret were the Mleeee Luck Campbell, AUco Wohrung, Jesslo By beo, Ethel Graves, Ryth Gatch, Eva Catching nnd Althea Mooros nnd tho Mossrs. Allon Crosmnn, Chester Mooros, ChoBtor CrlBinan nnd Laur onco Hofor. Cry Nickers Entertain. Tho most successful social ovent of tho season was a danco given last Wednesday evening nt tho Casino by a club of young Indies, who nro spondlng tho summer nt Nye creek. Tho hall was artistically docorato" with ferns, overgreons nnd many va rieties of Newport Bhrubbory. In dian blnnketB, supplied "by the va rious cottages, mado offoctlvo cozy corners. Punch was sorved from . a chnrmlngly decorated booth, Tho danco was oponed by a novol grand march, led by Miss Hurloy, of Portland, and Mr. "Gordon Moorjjs, of Salem, during which tho pro-, grams, dono in wntor colors by Mrs. Gatch, of Salem, were distributed. Excellent music was furnished by Walker's orchostrn. Tho patroness es woro Mesdnmes C. B. Moores, A. N. Mooros, Claud Gatch and L. Mc intosh. o Don't Bo Blue And loso ah Interest when help Is within reach. Herblno will maka that liver perform its duties proper ly. J. B. Vaughn Elba, Ala., writes: "Being a constant sufferer from con stipatlon and a disordered liver, I havo found Herblno to bo tho best medicine, for thoso troubles, on tho market. I have used It constantly I boliovo It to bo tho best mediclno of its kind, and I wish all sufferers from these troubles to know tho good Herblno has done mo." Sold by D. J Fry. YOU STAMI Wbr roibrouih tlt with hiWoitofwW) nnctire roui EiBcnMliuulLicunlM" Uli Irora hurUrtcii we tute csrtj narko! t tbc cuter, but younc or cli. cu ansa cure , bo par. sv! r' u " " lumen irul wt will kiJ lanltt pirktlu M rAGiriGSeHMirHSUMMlUII NO CASH NO BOOZE. their nKonts. because of the I changes of prohibition ot Ml Hon districts. These havo resulted la iome lltlati tho company, espec ally In v& saa districts. For tbli reawa s nro forbidden, after Septet hnndllng nny liquor ibljuseui D. Tho company wl. 0I contlnuo to carry liquors b and to collect the regulu i but novor C. 0. D. MnnnKor Dcckebacb, ot tw brewery, was seen, and be aflj concern will at obce coaiori" now ruling of the expreu as thoy believe la strict c.lih ..II mihlln reCUlatlOBL ' olrno.U- oon.llnc OUt tO U . niRtomora notices of the Bf and, while thoy have a M th in. of this buslnewW1 co-operation and complin tho new conditions. They Jfe" ! . ni...iii Hiiffer a i0 UUO BHUUIM A irnnrnnteo for f'!;J with every package otM No matter what Iom re Blind. Bleeding, W"! Itching or ""P''"'",,, car I I hardt's Hem-Roid wl 11 ew i This is a strong k-;;mJMi is supported by &Xi H lals from those gil nTot,Xifl ml jr - , nft l "... E.prvss Compunlcs Will Nof Ship Liquors O. O. 1). Hereafter it will bo Impossible for consumers or dealers to receive or ship liquors of any kind by express C. O. D., as the officials of Wella Fargo's Express Company refuso to receive any Buch shipments. They attribute their cou-se to tho wceat onactmont of Jaws In many states re straining such shipments, coupled with the dimculty of securlag exact observasce of such regulattau hf money dbcr. " Vm! r; Dr. Leonhardt CaNWJ-j Y rropnciu. Stone, Salem. Astory IsfiolnBt, the Western fnioa de-, bed ono of its roes"W' quit, through some J Aro there no m ; i! The writer w0U,o,,,tfi game tried la a -- WRy not bo much i Will BUi o. j - klj .Bd the rot. r- rev, it. -