DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAC EM, OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1007. -i HEADY TOR THE BIG FAIR Grounds and Buildings In Fine Shape Many Splendid Exhibits Arranged For, and a Splendid Exhibition of All Kinds of Stock As Well As Fine Speed Gontests Assured Tho Btato fair is only a mattor of thrco weeks nwny, and tho manngo tnont has everything In excellent Bhapo. Tho big barnB aro completed inside and out and having recolvod a couplo of coatH of" red paint, they loom up llko a summer sunsot. Five of tho bnrna aro arranged for Btabllng horses; Ihroo will bo used for cattle; two tor Hhcop, and ono each for Boats nnd awlne. 'Ono of tho bnrnB with stalls for fclJ animals, has already boon on fKgcd by Mr. Uuby, who will havo a '"HO ot of horrios lioro, which ho has TSathcrod in Franco, Rolglum nnd Gormany. It already acomn certain that wltli all tho barn room mndo this year, thcro will bo demand Tor more. Tho county exhibits In tho pavilion will perhapB not bo bo mi moron a as Inst your, but thoy will bo first class. Denton, Clatsop, Columbia, Multno mah, Lnno nnd Marlon hnvo already Applied for space nnd others may yet npjily. Honldcs tho county ex hibits thuro will bo two fluo Individ ual exhibits ono from Linn and tho ""other from Polk that will onch rlvnl tho county exhibits. Tho grounds aro In splondld shaiio, nnd tho grass Is mowed in tho grounds botwocn tho pavilion nnd tho track. Tho fountain hns boon ovorhnulcd and cleaned, and a bod of nastur tiums Is growing llnoly around it. The big "stuff" Btatuo of Coros looms up In front of tho pavilion, vhlch Hho facoH. Tho horso editor wont up oIoho to hop and noticed that avIiIIo she was much bottor shaiio thnn "Mrs. Oregon," she still needed fixing. This, by tho way, sho will get, for iirrangomoutH havo boon mado for a "staff" artist to como up nml graft now cuticle on hor ami the balance of tho "Hconory." Htudohultor & Co. will mako a lino Xixhlbtt of vohlcloH, having a spami of 715 by RR foot nut apart for their display. Tho racing atahlo aro lllllug up. tho latent arrival bolng Mr. llonnfll from Itodlnuds In southern Califor nia, whohrluKM It. Ambrose, ono of the spued lout horses on tho coast, and Mao a very pedy paring maro. Bam Castro Ih thoia, of coui'M, ami hat i htrltiK of HVHti, ioin0 of which will no doubt bu hoard from. Sim Llnd nay hnii tin oe, and Mauzlo throo or four. 9. Wallneo ban four, John "Ponder la trying out throe and C. A. llnrrlsuu of Portland two or throe Thuro aro several others with good liorflos, but Tho Journal man failed to find them all. Tho track is In good Bhapo, and nonui good tlmo Is bolng mndo In tho tryouts, iiiiiiiu of thorn cutting under "J: u In tho mllo. Thn poultry exhibit promises to ox iiol all previous attempts along this lino, and lovers of tho fonthorod trlbo on tho I'noillo roast aro looktng forward .to tho show with keen antic ipation. II. 0. Sohollhous of Port land Is rtiiperlntoiulent of this divis ion Tho poultry building has boon lurnod half-way around to conform with tho now system of walks and uxhlhlt for this year's fair. An an nex will bo built especially for Incu bator and poultry supply displays and olllco room. In addition, tho coopa will bo ro-nrraugod and painted, nnd tho interior of the building thorough ly renovated. Among tho dozens of exhibitor who havo already applied for entry blanks, Warren Cooper of Tacoma 1 a prominent breeder, as Is James Wlldor of North Yakima, who will send a big exhibit of Cochins add Duff Leghorns, Harry Collier of Tncoma will gather a large Washington ex hibit from the smaller breeders of tho state, which will contain from 150 to 200 birds. In the vicinity of Salem, John Jefferson, Mrs. J. A. Blake, FT. S. Polsal, Sam Castro, and numerous others will bo represented. Tho pigeon exhibit will bo mado a special feature of tho 1907 show. Tho coops for tho pigeons will bo found In tho center of tho building. Tho Portland Pigeon club will bo a chief factor In this department. The homor pigeon rnccs to bo started at tho fair grounds, nnd ended at Port land, which will be contested dally, aro an nttrnotlvo featuro to pigeon fnnclcrs. Besides tho regular chicken breeds nnd tho pigeons, thcro will be special classes for gamo fowls, bantams, tur keys, geese, ducks and pheasants. Tho Petnlumn Incubator company and the Olcndalc Incubator company, two California concerns, havp npplled for Bpacc. Thoy propose to havo ma chines in operntion In tho poultry building, demonstrating tho artificial raising of tho chicks In nil its stages. Tozlorvlllo Is in lino shape, and the way It Is staked off reminds ono of tho wny ground Is located In a new mining camp. Mayor Tozlcr Is on tho grounds, nnd ho manages them so successfully nil by his lonosomo, that ono Is led to think Hint mnybo Salem would run smoothor If the council mayor and other city ofTlccrs nil worso tho snmo lint. Thoro Is a great deal of harmony In a one mnn gpv ornmont. Tho grounds hnvo been put In Bhapo by a gang from tho pon, and tho men wore resting near tho gnto waiting for n car when The Journal mnn passed thorn. Thoy wore not a bad or criminal looking lot, and tholr faces scorned "weak," rather than criminal. It scorned pa thetic somehow, to think that they prepared tho grounds for othors, nnd none of thorn would bo permitted to enjoy tho big mooting tholr work hnd done so much for. However, thoy hnvo ono compensation, they won't hnvo to listen to tho splolers or go brouo on tho pink .lomnnndo bars. Kczcum. For tho good of t thoso suffering with oozenm or other such troublo, I wish to say, my rIfo had somothlng of that kind nnd after using tho dor- tors' romodtes for somo tlmo con cluded to try Chnmborlnin's Salvo, nnd It provod to b bottor than any thing she had tried. For sale at Dr. Stono's drug storo. o mmiimii!itiiimiii i STRICTLY II PRIVATE.. Wc solicit your bank- : : ins business; and :: with the assurance :: on our part that it :: will be kept strictly :: private. t SALEM STATE BANK Safem, Oregon "TtngmifiimiimtiiiM Now Incorporations. Tho following companion filed ur tlelos of Incorporation with tho sec retary or state yestorday and today Adams Clardlulor Lumber Com pany; Incorporutors F. V. Adams, J. K Adnms and Frank (lardlnler: main olllco Baker City; capital, $30,000. Tho Seaside Light and Wator Com pany; Incorporators, J. H. McNary, A. Welch, K, W. Hall; mala oillco, Portland; capital, $50,000. Tho Pacific Photo Company; In corporators, L. Blrdsall, L. W, Jonos and F. II. McClure: main otllco. Port land; capital, $10,000. Tho llrlarhlll Coal, & Coko Com pany; Incorporators, Kollo T. Smith, F A. Ilruckmnn nnd Arthur C. Em mons; aiiilii olllco, Portland; capital, $16,000. Tho Venetian Scenic (Hubs Com pnny; Incorporators, A. Duchamp, (loo. F. Sohott and Fred E. Forbos; main otllco, Portland; capital, $5000. Tho Jnspor Lumber Company; In corporators, Albert Brown, J. W, Holoman and W. E. Gregory; main otllco, Eugene; capital, $10,000. Spoctator Publishing Company; Incorporators, Hugh Hume, J. S. Tjlor and italph E. Moody; mnln of fice, Portland; capital, $9000. '--' "O Thoy Moan It. No ono should suffer a moment I lougor with Piles, for Dr. Loon hardt'a Horn-Hold will euro. A gunrantoo for $1,009.00 gooa with every package of tho Hem-Hold. No matter what kind you havo. Blind, Blooding, Internal, External, Itching or Suppurating, Dr. Loon hardt'a Horn-Hold will cure you. This Is a strong statomont, but It la supported by a thousand testimon ials from thoso who havo boon por manontly cured by Horn-Hold. If you aro not cured you got your monoy back. .$1.00 at druggists or Dr. Loonhardt Co.. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Proprietors. Sold by Dr. S, O Stono, Salem. o A substltuto Is never na good as I -let us deliver to yon home &l Buck's stov on approval X. Sty If In. r ilv rAm-o1k-r.rt- rt'M m. .4-4-s4 r.4 trvrt t" fi-VS nHtitHA1 ttntils through special arrangements with the Buck's Stove and Range Compa we are enabled to deliver to any home in the city or vicinity, a Buck's rani cook stove, hard coal or hot blast heater tor a thorough approval test if the stove does not perform all of its functions properly does not doa that we say it will do, we will cheerfully remove it and refund any paymti that may have been made on the same. and we will give you our written guarantee that we will do just as m sj we will do. this once-in-a-lifetime-offer is based on our faith in these wonderful stow you cannot afford to miss it. take advantage of it today, as the offer stands good but for a short I1""""" ---I i'jjfeirr-'T-iiiiiiiuil i i i mo i i i - "Vjt (('"''' ' ft p---4. I ' ill (OVi Mltw.,f sfcPl rif H r czF$i) 4 y7LivJi3r A 1&v i,B afewhite enameled oven which in sures clean, wholesome food clean food clean food than a sanitary iv chomlcal changes good health In largely dependent upon enunot be ptrpaml in a dirty oven a Miultary oen Is een a greater lux-esslty filgerator for iliulng tho prom., of baking, ivuiier couiauunauou iioumy easy. why take great euro In tho preparation of a fine cake, for In- htaiuT then Iwiko it In an oven, the seams and joints of which mo tilled with eoutamliiatiiig tilth? llui'k'N lilte enamel Is not a mlut but a white glass enamel buriul into the poret. of the Iron and is practically everlast- log. Buck's ovens are absolutely clean a reason why you should own one. This duplex grate will reduce yc fuel expenses the first cost of a Buck's ituiiro is but a small imrt of the i cost the range In so long-llfoctl that it eats up nmny tliaM I" iglual i)il( In fuel. a very small saving of fuol onch day means a trcmilo,B,'J during the lifetime of tho Move a saving of many thnrtW Inal cost. this dunhw irrato saves fuel for it iidiults oxi-gcn to the I fuel In siifli niiimf Itlou Hint nil Ifu liontlni' IKIHIT is ClIuHiwNl used. 1 ...! .1.1 . i. i . I.. .... Inst-W Miiitt tin iiii-r-iuiM fniiu iiiiijr uu ciuiiinni'iH . ti lllll'ti nUlint. uniul .n r.rnl mwl It tnnf ll eilSllV R'BSOT' ... .... .....v. ........ ... .... ...... .V J "- w cleaning or ivpalrs and without disturbing tho wtcf this is ono of many reasons why ytfu should own Ink' -one dollar a week pays for any Buck's stove or range selected from stock-and sent to your home for free and thorough test. the most liberal credit and tho most courteous, treatment ex tended to all. everything for the i" ..t..k iMi rivets. dnp right prices. tho original thoroforo luslst on got ting what you ask for. A dealer who la always wanting to sell you some thing just aa good Is not working for your Interests, but tor tho extra profit Iho hopes to make. CANXKKY BUSY. mm wm m Hail a Slack Tlmo, But Will Hun to Capacity Now. Tho manngomoat of the Salem cannory expects to commence opera tions next wook with a forco of about 100. This Is to tako care of tho poar and applo crops, which aro Juat now beginning to bo markoted In largo quantities. A forco of only about 30 is used this woek, but that Is much bottor than has boon done for somo time. Indeed It was very difficult to keop it running at all a few weeks back. It could not bo dono at all on tho local supply, and It was necessary to shin fruit tn. tm IwlH not bo necessary much longer, as the quantll of npples and pears coming Into town is becoming larger every day. Tho now nddldtlon Is progressing rapidly, and the congostion in the storngo room of tho old faotory will soon bo rolloved. Tho greater part of tho wall is alroady up, and many of tho cases aro already In It. 'Regular as tho Sim" Is an expression as old as tho race. No doubt tho rising and setting of the sun Is the most regular perform ance In the universe, unless It Is the action of the liver and bowels when regulated with Dr. King's New Life Guaranteed by J. C. Perrr. - - w 9 Pills. IX TI1K BOXEYAHD. .Maude," the Faithful Garden Bend Car, Makes Last Hun. alone "Maude" has finally gono to the bonoyard. Not the Maude of comic plcturos, tho phenomenal kloker who doos business for Si, but our own Httlo "Maude," tho car running on tho Garden Road lino. Maude was little and old, rheumatic of running gflar, wheezy of breath, unkempt, uncared for, dirty and disreputable, but honest and true, always at her post and faithful to the end both ends. For lo, these many years sho has traveled back and forth over the little line, solitary and friendless. ntl . ... .1 n.inlr 11 one leil UlUimwuj. - .; . lll( l onfl BIIUV- .- .....lo herrff1 bllng .Mnuat? u.- -rniiv rotting tw and seeing her duty dld , W nhllltV. Of tOW .,-. irht bo things inut "' ' Ml . . i i..i no vM against nvr. .. -Z .nnAviird. heroic" ' suriU" way so man j - i go, nothing eui: should bo reaiem- now junk, just o.u- wood. Let us hope - not resurrect be' ( BmmIU J fifth druggist. 25c the last rose of summer, so to speak, X -e?J&M