DAILT OATITAIi JOURNAL BAJJSM, ORR20N. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1007" fwm m ABOUT WALL STREET Stock Gamblers Feci Pessimistic Be ? cuse "Lambs Wool" Is Scarce Now York August 10, 1007. Tho Standard Oil decision and tho popu lar outcry against corporation mis deed overshadowed all other Issues in tho stock market this week. Prices havo undwgono a sharp re action and thTO aro Indications that 'liquidation Id still incomplete In .tho public mind tho decline In secur .itics is Inrgoly 'attributed to tho recent rttacks upon corporations. Undoubtedly those havo had a dis turbing offect, but thoy aro by no meano tho only or oven tho chief causo. As 1ms been porslstontly pointed out, 'io main reason for rw nctlon in tho Stock Exchnngo Is tho exceedingly unBatlsfactory condition of tho money market resulting from gonoral ovordolng. Bank roaorvea nro low and without liquidatien: thoro will bo no clianco for roplonlshmont beforo crop-moving demands begin. Thooo havo boon dolayod somowhat by bnckwnrdncse of tho growing soa con, but tliqy miiBt soon bo faced. It Is unfortunato that thono demands promise to assort thomsclvcs nt a timo whon financial rosorves aro low and when tho demands of goncrnl business will bo vory prosslng. It Is doubly unfortunato that such do innndit should como at a tlmo of un usual strain in tho i:octirlty mnrkoU; for tho latter aro In an exceedingly ftonslttvo condition and llkoly to bo tho first to yiold to monotnry prcs suro. If nil accounts nro true, thoro Jo likely to bo li brisk demand for fundu this fall. 'General business in tho West Is ntlll vory actlvo and with prices at tholr prvwont high lovol tho ofllcloncy of money Is matorinlly diminished. Hollof must como from Homowhoro, and will bo obtained moat readily by prcBsuro on tho point of greutcnt" wenknves, which at prcwont Is In Wall Stroot. Crodlta nro still ovor-oxtonded and In somo quarters thoro has boen moro or less over-trading. Our supply of capital 1 4 oxhnunted, and In consoquonco now ontorprlooA imiut bo postponed until tho country has had an oppor tunity of roplrnlflhlng Its supply of capital. Tho reoorvon of tho Now York banks a wook ago Btood at 17,000,000, against $H,000,000 Inst year, $U'.000,000 tho year boforo and $50,000,000 In 1904. Tho Western bank rouorves aro also low or than usual, but this Is partly ex plained by tho fact .that thoy aro largo hohloro of commercial papor which will ohortly mature and pro vide thorn with means for moving tho eroptf. Nbvortholoes, tho burden of tho latter Is nlao roll directly or I ml I root ly at thl contor. How Now York 13 going to stand any particular drain from tho Intorlor romalna to bo oon. Tho situation abroad 1b not favornblo to our obtaining any groat tiKHlHtnnco thoro. Tho Kuro pean mnrkota hnvo Btrr.lns and troubles of tholr own, besides which thoy nro loan -disponed thnn formurly to glvo ub ilnnnclnl aid, owing In part to rccont dovolopmonts in cor poration nrfnlni, Tho treasury Ib In n good position for affording asslst nnco and consldoroblo holp may bo oxpectcd from this quarter. Outsldo of Wall Bfcreot conditions nro generally atlfnctory. It now lookH art If wo should havo a good corn crop, probably tho third In else lu our history, If woathor con ditions continue favornblo. Thla Important crop has mado vory rapid recovery ilurlua tho past two months nud now give fair promise of an nbundant yield, provided It osonpo early frot. Tho condition of spring wheat Is poor, but tho winter wheat harvest has turnud out battor than expected, and oomo rollabb oroi au thorities aro looking for a lold pos llily as high as 060.000.000 luuhols. For corn thi outlook la 2,000,000. 000. Throughout tho West business continues on an actlvo scale. Thoro has boon no rociitulon of conso quonco lu enloa of goods going Into consumption. Tho masses aro pros porous and ponding frooly. Our jrarmlui; clnst.oa aro rlohor than over In tholr history and better ublo than ever to withstand any agricultural wetback. Fort u nut oly, thoro is no prospect of tho lattor at this writing, Tho only sign of rocoo3lon in any airoctlon Is that inferred to above, tho Dtoppngo of now business enter prise lmpouod by tlo limitations of tho money market, Banker In all prU of tho country nro becoming exceedingly cotworvatlvo nud aro ef fectively applying tho brako oa 4uctloaablo operations. In no part Women as Well as Men Arc Mads Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. ;! vSjJ v u ) m Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dlscourngcsaudlcsscnsnmbitiou; beauty, X mm m d ! Mitt A vf 1 - ncss Boon disappear when the kidneys nre out of order or dis eased. Kidne-trouble has become bo prevalent that It is not uncom mon for n child to be born afflicted with M,inlr ltirltipvs. If lite child urinates too oucn, u uie urwc scams the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control tho passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-.ting, depend upon it, the cause of thediffl. culty is kidney trouble, nnd the first step should be towards the treatment of these importantorgans. This unpleasant trouble Ib due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. m'u te cltcci oi It is sold 4....M Home of Swamp-Hoot. 'rim ttillrt nml tlm illllllCi Swamp-Root is soon realized by druggists, in Iilty cciit and one-dollar size bottles. You may have n sample bottle Vi. ,,m!1 fre nlno a pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters resolved from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, rV vMmnrNi Swniiin-Root. and the ad- dress, Blnghamton, N. Y., on every txmic. NEEDS LARGER, of tho country can any pessimism bo discovered corresponding to that which oxlflts on Manhattan Island south of Fulton stroot. That seems to bo tho bluest spot on earth Just now. Many of our great corporation leadors aro much dlBturbed and dis pleased at tho rocont activity of uovurnmont nud stato ofllclals. For this thoy can hardly bo blamed, nlnco not a fow atato attacks nro In dlBcrlmlnnt'j nnd Ill-judged. Novor tholess nn em of roform In corpora tion management has already begun, tho offect of which will ultlmntoly bo beneficial to stockholders and will do much towards removing tho political and social discontent which bail been irlslng In a threatening do- greo for sovornl years past. Thoro lu tho boat of roaaon for stating that tho fcdonal government has no "trust smashing" policy In vlow. IMinnn linn linM, milnll fVf1Ilninflnn ft ..vi j ...hi .fww. .....w. .n.nov" . -. as to t.ho Intentions of tho govern ment In -thlH irospoct, nnd nil that Is llkoly to bo enforced so far oa can bo uRcortalnod Is a qulot but firm policy of compelling tho groat cor porations to oboy tho law equally with tho humblost cltlrons. Of courso, thoro Is moro or leas public hyuborla connected with thoso movo montu, but this In tlmo will disap pear, and tho irosults of past agita tion will unquestionably leavo ua with pormnnontly hlghor standanls of corporato management and responsibility. Tho outlook for tho stock mnrkct Is hardly promising. Wo can only continue our advlco to our customers to bo cautious In go'tlng Into debt. Stocks oven at thoso prlcoj cannot bo regarded nu cheap so long as money commando JUs presont rates, with tho propecta of going still hlghor. Thoro Is no real euro for tho prooont congestion In tho security mnrkots, except liquidation, which lo a pain ful but necessary romody. A con siderable short Intor-'-t has boon de veloped, tho covorlng of which may at nuy tlmo caiiBO sharp rallies. No permanent rlo In tho market, how- ovor, can ba oxpocted until money ratt return to tho normal. Thla cannot bo accomplished until securi ties havo touohod a lowor lovol. Tho prospoctfl, thoroforo, aro for an Ir roular market; occasional rallb-s bolng followotl by tilt furthor dips downward. Much caution will bo uocosanry In stock market operations for tho next fow months. Heury Clows. i o Tho old Pennsylvania Dutch bun kard recommends "Hickory Dark CoUKh Romody." Quarantood to euro your cough, and guaranteed to bo pure. Mndo from tho bark of tho shell bark or whlto hickory treo. For salo by denlors o vory whore. Dwp-Ijild Siiwnio. "Stirudo, tho real ostato man, la booming a now suburban town that's to bo known as "Jonosburat." "Woll, ho certainly couldn't havo Bolooted a more commonplaco name." "Yo, but ho figures that every Jryioa In tho city will want to bo known as Mr. Jones of Jones burst.' " Philadelphia Press. " O ..ii. Tlw Toxhs Wondw, Cures all kidney, bladdor and rhoumatlo troubled; sold by all drug gist, or two months' trial treatment by mall for 11,00. Dr. B. W. Hall, 29J Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo 86a4 for totliDoalale. Sold by SKoa' Mvt Mki. FLEET Great Goast Line and Rapid Growth of the West Gompcl It From Oytor Bay It is announced, tho following authoritativo state ment hns been Issued. "The present plan of the navy department is to hav the battle ships leavo on a cruise early In the fall. They may go on to the Pacific. The destination has not yet been determined." A little while ago tho govern ment, and tho peop'e were strenuous ly admonished to pay, no heed to Idle clamor. Tho little flurry that aroso when tho reported lntontlon to Bend 10 battle-ships Into Pnclflo va. terB was first declared mado it evl dont that the scarecrow business was poor and unpopular business In this country, whether pursued by newspapers or by politicians. Tho purposes of tho American people aro peaceful, and, as it has been demon strated, their heads aro level enough to condemn any policy that sacri fices their welfare to passion or tin- (y M$rr) JOHN A. JOHNSON. Qovornor of Minnesota, who baa boon twice elected to that offico by largo majorities, though n Demo orat and though Minnesota is a strong Republican state on nation al isauo8. Editor Honry Wnttorson of tho Louisvillo Courier-Journnl la grooming him as n candidate for tho Democratic presidential nomi nation in 1008. worthy aontlmont of any sort. The Jingo hns had his rebuke, and It was a tolling one. Tho rebuke having been admin istered tho question recurs for settlo mont. Should wo send n largo di vision of our battle-ships to tho Pa cific ports? It Is authoritatively an nounced that tha destination of tho proposed fall crulso hns not yet been dotormlnod. Deciding without ref oronco to newspaper or political clamor, Jingo or pnclflBt; without" reference to passion, Inimical or timorous, thoro can bo but oue an swer to tho quostlon. Our perma nent naval forco In the Pacific must be largoly Incroasod. It la a badly balanced schomo of naval dofonso that has ulnotoen twontletliB of our.fionttug armament In tho Atlantic. Thoro, It U truo, tho bulk of our commerco llos; but that commerco Is mainly carried In foreign bot toms. Tho grontor length of const lino Is In tho Pacific; In the Pacific Is tho lnrgor part of our oxposed and outlying poB90s3ious; in tho Pacific a mighty commoroe is building. For tho prosout Ineffective nnd Irrational distribution of our naval forces thoro Is no oxcuso except that most of our boats wore launched from Atlnutlc shipyards. In seek ing to approach an equilibrium of our ships as botwoon the two sens, wo nood no mor consider the opin ions of our friends the Japanoso than of our othor friends, tho Brit ish, tho French, the Germans and tho Russians, who have Asiatic naval Btntlons. They are about equally far away from our Pacific ports somo six or seven thousand miles, Vow York Mall. Ecseiua, For tho good of thoso suffering with ocseina or other such trouble, I wish to say, my vrlfo had something of that kind and after UBlng tho doe tors' remedies for some time eon eluded to try Ctumfeerlala's Salve, and It proved to be better tka asy talc aa had tried. For sale at Dr. SoV drug store. Real Happiness noflo nnf mnfilst of riches but Is for tbnsc who possess good health. A sickly man or woman, besides being miserable, Is bauiy nancucapneu m tifn'a mpp. but then there's no ex- cuse for being sickly. Just let HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS build lip and renew the entire sys tem, make tho stomach strong and healthy, and enjoy true happiness. It will euro Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costhcncss, Billlousncss, Dlnrrhocn or Female Ills. WORLD'S WATER HIGHWAYS All Nations Are Increasing Natural Waterways Washington, August 10. Pro- Balc commerce is more likely to bring about world peoco than all the so called peaco congresses that may bo held at Tho Hague from now till Gabriel's trump sounds. This Ib tho belief of thoso who havo studied tho question. Their theory is baaed on Btrnngo grounds, but it Is thor oughly plnitBlble. It Is simply that tho expenditures being mado or In contemplation by tho groat nations of tho world for tho advancement of commerco nro growing so onormous that llttlo or nothing will bo loft with which to wngo wars. Much of this expenditure Is found In tho present world-wldo policy of wntor way development. The United States is pouring millions Into tho Panama Cannl and is contemplat ing an outlny of more millions In bet torments to Its rivers nnd harbors at home. Commerco demands It, nnd commerco Ib mlstrCBJ that brooks no refusal. Tho other commercial na tions also aro busy along tho same lines, drlvon by tho same necessity, nnd reports of gigantic undertakings nro becoming so frequent as to oc casion but pausing Interest. Two projects, however we're re ported this wcok that go to Bhow how Important this form of work hns become Ono of these is in Frnnce, while Germany is about to undertake, tho other. Both corre spond in a great measuro with a number of waterway dovolopment schemes under consideration In thlB country, and for which th Ameri can peoplo, aroused by tho National Rivers and Harbors Congress, havo boon clamoring during tho last few years. Tho French project contemplatets tho construction of a canal to con nect tho vnlley of tho Rhone with tho nort of Mnrselles. Tho work will cost 115,200,00, and as tho hills sep arating tho Rhono from tho city aro too high to bo surmounted by locks, tho French government will tunnel through them. This tunnel, measured by tho amount of dirt ex cavated, will bo tho larcest In tho world. It will bo seven kilometers, or 4 1-5 miles In length and is ex pected to cost nearly $7, 000,000. Tho Gorman work Is oven moro gl cnntlc. It contemplates a now ship canal botwoen Hamburg and Bremen which will be sovonty-flve mllos In longth. Tho waterway will mean an Immense saving of !lmo In tho pas sage of ships between tho two towns. Tho prosont route for vessels In the Inter-clty trade Is down the Elbe, vln Cuxhaven, Into the North Sea, and thou up tho Woser to Dromon, or vice vorsn. Not only doos this lengthy route oat up tlmo, but It exposos river vossels to tho dangors of tho opeu sea. The now waterway will directly connect tho Kibe with tho Rlvor Wemme, which flows past Bremon. Tho rlvor Elbo will bo ono of thft links used, and it and tho Wummo will bo deoponod, n canal connecting tho two b-.lng dug so that It will pass close to tho towns of Tolstadt and Molsburg. This vory project was first dis cussed seventy years ago. and has como up for discussion intermit tently evor since. Each time It was abandoned because of lack of funds. Tho government needed tho money for tho support of Its many estab lishments, and commerce had to ac cept tho Snovltable. Now commerce Is of more Importance .than tho array and the works of peaco of greater Interest than preparatioaa for war. Thus It may seem that commerco is tho handmaiden of peace. To carry out the metaphor, the National Rivera and Harbors Congress Is the discourager of armed camps through ST06 FANCY GOODS AT BIG SALE i Having sole on nil Drygoods, Men's Furnishing Qm have room for Fall Goods, Ladles' Japanese crepo klmonas selling at cost price. Tallin' silk wrnnnor. trimmed with Insertion nnri i : . . ' aw tn names' lawn wrappers $j n. i A beautuui line oi nignigowns, unuersKins, cnomlse, ets. "Wo aro showing the best calicots, ginghams and other dress, T n 4lnn Innr. rnMrifa am lirnl ii orod Italia nf liUUUO l.U ,-..., V... W.W.UW.WM w.w M.V. ........... ft. -...'.. . -S Beautiful lino of Ladies hanciungs. Trunks and suit case3, telescopes all going at cost price. T.ntvn nrwl slllf fnihrnlt1(rprl wn.ltlt.1 from o n "" T ?i.UUDptjl Ladles' hose in black lace, pink nnu uiuo Men's overalls, working shirts, gloves, dross shirts, selling tl very low prices. All kinds of notions, back and sldo combs, Chlneso matting HUJE WING SANG Q Chinese and Japanese Bazaar 346Cotttt Street Salem, Its powerful advocacy of waterway development In this country. At present it Is seeking to mnko its work moro effective by increasing its membership, which is already large. o Tho Futuro of Fifth Avenue. Tho rato of tho driftuptown In Manhattan Is known by tho petition of a group of merchants on Fifth Av enuo for tho wldonlng of thnt Btreot for ton blocks between Thirty-third and Forty-third streets. Of courso these men do not wnat tho buildings moved bnck or tho fronts cut off from them, for that would injuro tholr own property. But originally tho houdes on Fifth avenue had llttlo spaces In front of them, llko thoso that servo for grass plots In tho rcsldenco streets of Brooklyn. Tho Knickerbocker Trust Company, nt Thirty-fourth stroot, put n handsome pillared portico In thnt space, which tho courts havo held must como down at tho decree of tho city ofllclals. Tho merchants say that decision holds thnt thoso courts belong to tho city of Now York and thnt If tho sidewalks should bo set bnck Into thoso courts for this busiest half mile the chango would relieve tho crush of vehicles which marks that part of tho street. There Is at present no domnnd for widening tho street either nbovo or bolow tho.30 limits. Tho petitioners b t forth that long lines of carriages aro regularly held up above and be low this district whoso occcupants nro waiting to enter it. A few years ago this was among tho choicest residence sections of New York. Now it la utterly given over to business, and the business archi tecture of tho etroet has recently ovolved a dignity and beauty conscA nnnt with tho high values of tho ground space occupied and with tho exalted social rank wich has not yet departed from the neighborhood. If this widening shall be ordered by tho aldormon there Is no telling how long It will be before tho same pro cess will have to be applied to tho blocks reaching up to Central Park. The doom of Manhattan ns a resi dence borough was sounded by be glnlng of tunnels under the north and East rivers. The tlmo when private residences In that borough, as distinguished from apartments, will bo rostrlcted to the northern ond of tho Island boars an intimate relation to tho completion of an adequate transit system east and west from Manhattan Island Many of the people who own houses along Fifth avenue already havo large and beautiful suburban sum mer places In Long Island or New Jersey. For many of these families of wealth the suburban houses now serve as the family homes, supple mented by a free, use of Now York hotels In tho gay season and by va rious "lodges" and "cottages" In more remote regions. When it' be comes easy to return to Wheatley Hills region after the opera at night, such barriers as fashion has Inter posed to the commercializing of the residence districts of Manhattan will bo weakened or withdrawn, and tho future of Manhattan as a bor ough of ofilces, hotelB and big apart ment houses will arrive, Broeklya HE STILL SUFFER From tho Accident of the fa Tragedy of a FJiwndjl In a llttlo homo In norths vallls, thoy know the kiiu iirucniCKur. u IS 1 Btory. A pinched little fw bod proves It. He Is Un;i Ho Is so weak from his lord lng ithat hi remains coi bed. It will bo wMkiuij yet boforo ho will recorer, been In bed since the fa July. Thnt morning, h firecrackers. Nobody untj how it happened. Thofu house heard him scrc&slx! ran to tho door and win! 5 was Lcroy running towtrii clothing ablaze. Ho rui thorn for help, but sudd ' and ran In an opposite im was an awful sight. woro burning Into his and' bin screams of piiaal will not bo forgotten. crackers had ignited the his back. Had the flams front, ho would havo bretiM and died. When ho was Anally on and the flames extlnpiliKj ly all tho skin onblsbieU Thero was llttlo patches i thero, and from these tl Is growing bo that la ua will restore what the tis off. But under one ann Owl jugly spot that Is stubborn to in Pivon much trouble, ui t will have to bo cauterii,l means moro pala and ks tin niilft maimed nine iW waa a costly morning's ipj J llttlo boy. and all Com 'thi with him In &' Thoro is a tragedy Ib " cracker, if it only geuw Corvallls Times. Can you afford to trifle - oa In neElW,!l ,. .), fnratnw you can secure a bottii T1-..V fniiPh itecu guaranteed to cure or ncf' . rt WriCB 2 0k't "vv " .- bottle. For sale by all do where. Always the S . inm ne ire" rroicsaui v." - h '.....,.- .... iritiniDhanw io,rB. ";,; .iw-w dear Alma, how it. anecdotes about our . 'ness; you Bee, I naval Wl" .umbrella. , Mrs. rruic". you man ii-- you; you left it fort Wltzblatt. . ..- ihj, C ..-.En Sat! "Toe mw" "'- Ktf" go county, ana family," w. - I and publisher oi -- i Gilbertsvllle, N. - New Discover. an Infallible cm. j colds, making 8- .1 worst of them. 'hnttla in the bouse. J be the most talJ VOM the taker. WJ atore. Price , lMJttle free.