Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 16, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Washington, D. 0., Aug. 14. Tho
"annual import of grazing on tho Na
tional Forests for tho fiscal year
1900-1907, which has Just beon com
Tilctod. tthowo that 0.057,083 sheep
nnd gouta and 1,200,158 horaoB and
cattlo graced under pornilt on tho
ranges. Tho previous year's totals
woro, sheop and goats 4,203,100,
nnd hor3C3 and cattlo 1,025,148.
Tho total rocolpta from grazing por
mltn for Uio year woro $857,850.83.
For tho proceeding year tho amount
wm $514,092.87.
During tho year Just closed tho
voport showH that 23,002 applicants
for pasturo woro approved, and of
these applicants 21,780 paid tho
foes,, nnd woro granted pormlts.
Thai -was 92 por cont. Last year
Micro woro 18,040 applications, and
111,593 pormlts or 92 por cont. Tho
ifacl that tho porcontago of pormLts
'was tho samo In both yoors tonds to
flhow that tho method of transacting
tho buHlnttw Is systematic, and that
great fluctuations need not bo ox-
Tho lucronso In tho numbor of
Htock on tho ranges for this year Is
tluo almost wholly to tho Increased
nrnii of Mio ranrco. nnd does not
moan that tho pastures nro crowded
moro this yoar than Inst.
Tho total area of tho fonmtB
is far greater this year than last,
mid a greater numbor of stock can
'bo nceommodaiod without an ln
"crcjuio por noro. Tho aroa or tho
National Forost.1 of tho United
States and Alaska nmountH to 150,
000,000 acres, but stock Is not
pastured on all of tho forosls. In
hoiuo roglonri cattlo and horses pre
dominate, in others shaop and goats.
Tho natural conditions of tho land
throughout tho mountains of tho
Woutoru sUitos are such that tho
boundurl'B of tho National Forostu
of nucoHslty Include many opon
parks chiolly valuable for grazing.
Tho ImporUinco or tho llvo-Btock In
dustry HlomnndH that those ranges
bo fully and fairly utilized lu tho
lnlowUs of Iho communities which
dopond miciii U. Tho grazing regu
lations of tho Forantfl Sorvlco are
Intondod to mubt the douuiud with
tho utmost card, so as to unsure tho
people of tho West the continued
uno nnd coniitaut Improvomont or
tho National Forest Hnngo.
Stork mou who wish to mnko mo
or tho riuu'o apply for penults.
Thoy itnto tho kind or Htock thoy
hnve. the uuuntlty nnd location of
iho rungo lhy want, and tho olllo rw
In charge mako ullotmonli. appor
tioning Ilia available pasture among
Xhu applicants on an equitable n
basis an practicable.
Many stooktnon ilvlnic on tho
lioidors or fo- l bavo rnngo or
tholr own. but to reach It with stock
r. Is froiiuonlly nooowinry, or con
venient to drlvo across portions or
tho rorowU. To do this thoy uru rn
quired to obtain a permit, but no
chargv Is nuulu for It. This yoar
833 .such permits woro granted, and
510,807 horses and cattlo, and 2,051,
830 Hhoop and goal" crossed. Last
year 259 permits of that kind w ro
loaned and 12,020 horwes and cattlo,
nnd 092,540 Hhtwp oroosod.
Sometimes stookmon who llvo
near forontH, or havw stook near
them, allow their Uck to drift
nomas tho line. If this Is done curo
lessly, negligently, or wilfully, It Is
considered trospiuw, and tho offender
h subject to a tine, and may also bo
liable to pay damage. Tho numbor
ot trespass canes this yoar was 183,
nnd 108 of those settled without go
ing to court, that Is, they paid tho
amount agreed upon as Just. Tho
remaining 15 had not yet settled at
tho closo of tho fiscal year, but It Is
believed that most of thorn will do
as tho others have done. There Is
Httlo disposition to go to law or
mako trouble over such matters.
The total damages collected for tres
pass for tho year was $5,570.
Another kind of permit lrf Issued
In cortnln cases. Sometimes a man
owns land Inside a forest, or partly
surrounded by it, and rather than
fence It to keep his Btock In, he
signs an ngreemont that If his stock
la allowed .to graze In tno lorcsc,
othor stock In tho forest may graze
on his land. Arrangements of that
kind aro frequent, anil are often vory
convonlont and satisfactory. He
Blmnly swaps his range for an equal
amount of grazing outsldo his linos,
and It Is all used In common. This
year 015 such pormlts wero Issued,
for 15.024 horses and cattle, and
182,022 sheep and goats. Last year
thore woro 244 similar permits, and
tho stock affected consisted of 18,
823 horses and cattle, and 118,400
sheep and goats.
Tho business rotations botweon
stockmon nnd forest officers,
throughout tho entire grazing reg
ion, hnvo boon pleasant and satis
factory. No soiIoub troublo or mls
undorstanding occurned anywhero
during tho yonr.
. o -
To Select Talnia Contestants.
Port Clinton, 0., Aug. 16. Pre
liminary contests will bo held todny
and tomorrow for plnccs on tho team
which will represent tho United
Gallant Officer Says Girls May Wear
Them On the Streets
It Is not a penal offense for a
pretty young woman, with Bhapely
limbs, to walk tho stroots of Rock
away beach clad in a bathing suit,
cut low at tho top and high at tho
bottom unless "the act bo done with
criminal intent." This, after an ex
haustive research Into all tho author
ities, Is tho official finding of Cor
poration Counsel Ellison.
Tho opinion Is a knockout blow
for tho Rockaway Beach Taxpayors
association, which has been shocked
by throngs of pretty young women In
abbreviated bathing skirts walking
through tho town, admired by tho
men. '
Mr. Ellison, In addition to bolng a
great legal authority, has consider
able admiration for femlnlno beauty.
IIo says tho police havo no business
whatever to lntorfero with the shapo
ly bathers, and Intimates If tho mem
bers of tho Rockaway Deach Taxpay
ers' association don't llko tho bath
ers parndo thoy can look tho othor
Vlrnt nomifv Pnllon flnmmlRHlnnOr
States In tho International contest 0.Kcofo of Brooklyn nnd then Corn
er tho Palma trophy, which will bo inl8!uonor ningham himself gave up
shot at Rockllffo range, Ottawa, ,. l)rollIom of tho fttr bathors.
Out.. Hontmior (. ljiouicimiu
In tho complaint of tho taxpayors,
which was sent to Mr. Ellison, this
stntoment wns mnde:
"Tho custom of our summor poo-
pjo parading through our utreots lu
Colonol N. U. Thurston, of Now
York, will bo cnptnln.of tho team
and Is dlrocllng tho pn-llmlnnrlOT.
IIo has boon captain of tho Now
York rlllo toam for many years,
which toam has won victories In '
many closo Interstate contosts. Tho
remaining ofllcors of tho toam will
bo nimolntod by tho exccutlvo com
mittee on recommendation of tho
captain. Tho membors of tho toam
will bo Holoctcd from thoio who
mako tho host score In accordance .,, whothor ,. i,thlne suit Is.
I '.' .. . . . ..
under tno circunuiuucos, a crime, ii
In some parts of Lane county tho
rhittlm bark craze of a few years
ago has about strlpp-d tho country
of tho available supply, but tho vl-,
inittf r.f rtnnilwnnd. In tho northern
part of tho county, a good deal lst
said to be left. Tho fact of tho pres
ent scarcity, of tho bark Is not vltalj
howovor, for tho reason that it aoes
not tako chlttlm long to grow again.
Along tho banks of the sloughs or
around tho fences tho brush will
spring up before tho rancher realizes
his good fortune that is if it has Been
plentiful In his section. It springs
from tho seed. Frequently If a treo
Is cut down tho next spring will
seo a clump of chlttlm spring up
around tho stump. This kind Is not
so valuable, howovor, as is tho tall
kind that grows In shaded forests.
At certain times, when tho sap is
running fast, nil tho bark may bo
stripped off tho trunk of a chlttlm
treo and tho tro will not be killed,
a second bark coming out nt once.
This is In Juno ns a rule. Dog
wood has tho Bamo quality.
It used to bo that men that made
their living gathering chlttlm bark
filled up their bags with dog wood
and alder ar woll . Tho local buyers
could get rid of it as chlttlm and did
not care. Often It Is said tho small
Jlmbs of tho chlttlm trees woro
broken up Into small blocks and sold
for tho bark.
New York Terrorized by Murderers,
Thugs and Blackmallcrs-'Should
Take a Lesson from the "Lawless"
West and Lynch a Few Hundred
Knife Men
is uetoove (vvn
also accomnnii .'
dogs which ho i'
for the nrnf,.. t"t ,
a i. -:v n ot m,v
1WV.U.1.0 IMUPn nf l "' '
nrnnr!.,. . DUs'HSi ,
A dispatch from Now York
Wednesday Bays:
At least threo wealthy Armenians
havo been notified to pay largo sums
to tho Hunchaklst blackmailing
society or. die.
Ono of the men who has been
doomed to dlo is Armon F. Aloon,
tho millionaire rug dealer. Aleon is
taking no chances, but Is 'armed
with two rovolvoro and his house
surrounded by guards, ho holds all-
night vigils at his beautiful homo In
East Orange.
So Borlously does Aleon vlow tho
situation that ho has arranged all
his oflloa affairs and mado his will.
In a statement to a nowspaporman
tho millionaire said ho was willing
to nccopt death rather than to glvo
tho slightest encouragement to tho
blackmallora by yleSdlng to tho
threats that havo como to him by
mall and ovor telephone.
I will contlnuo to go to my storo
no usual," ho said. "Wo aro all
roconcllcd and willing to tako tho
rosult. Mothlotr and sister nro vory
Chlttlm Is a wonderful medicine, uorvoua uut both aro prepared
as Is vouched for by tho experience
of a Lane county rancher. Bolng ill,
ho camo to a doctor in town, who
tholr bathing Biilts, Is n thing thntJI)roacriued somo mixture, nB usual,
..... , ..L . 1, ll" ....., ...
IlllWt. DO BUJI'l'lHl lit UUCC, IS IHO H Villi
'mont of all classes of citizens, for It
Is Bomothlng awful to seo botweon
5000 nnd 10,000 at ono tlmo going
through our streets without any
"Tho only question," Mr. Elllsoa
with tho following rules:
hi addition to tho scores mndo lu
tho nrollmlnnry cont wis today and
tomorrow, thoro will bo added thoso
not, tho pollco should not Intcrforc.
Tlitay aro not tho censors or public
iiim'nta tnwl ni'il Inn rl 1 v n nnrsnn run
Bcorm mado In tho Wimbledon cup lhQm ft8 ,lQ op flho vQMca, so long
us tho nttlro worn Is not a dlsgulso
or n broach ot nubile decency. To
mnteb, tho Loooh cup match and tho
800 and 1,000 yard stagos ot 'tlo
mciM ilnit'B match, ail omg ovunw i
of tho National
wiiinirR maicii, mi ..ui..K , conBlUuto ft or,no In Buch a caso
tho National Itlllo aHsoclutlon, to;tliaro n,8t u0 c,.imlnnt lntont upon
Hhot on tho Olilo rniik'tt during tho (ho mpt ()f tJ0 wenrw.t Soaring a
tiitu' u-iuik. Kmiii tho auiireeato ............ i...n.i.... .. ni .. . .. ..i.i
-" n --" nillllllllU UlllIlIU IlllllU III II buhbiu'J
or all thono scorai tho toam will Ojra-ort whoro l)athlng Is nlmost unl
HPluctwl n rollews: Nino on tho vopin, , not oggnntinlly a crlmo."
l.iiHlrt or hlKh nKKi'ORatw and throe
Brioctud by tho oxoeutlvo rommlttee,
making twolvo lu all, tour or whom
will be nllornntoj. The eighth nmn
who will nhoot In tho match will bo
auluotod by tho ton in captain nftwr
piollmlnai;y praotlco In Canuda. Th
twnn, nttor bolng fwlcotud on tno
ovonlng or AugUHt 21, will bo no-
tmblod nnd tralnud on tho rnnito
We solicit your bank
ing business; nnd ::
with the assurance ::
on our part that it ::
wiH be kept strictly : :
Stikm, Oregon
(Jitiit for SmikcM.
Senvoy' Point, on tho McKonzlo,
two mlloo uhovo tho Coburg wagon
brldvo. vleo with tho Spoucor Butto
country mm tho boot Lane county
Mtaud of polnonoui rattloounkos and
ImlKir reptlloa. Some men working
thorw say that thoy havo to drive
thorn out of tholr bads, and whllo no
horo. t 'ono has boon bltton, a good supply of
Among tho eantonhiuU In todays ttjnaUo ,0mody is kopt In that
prollmliuvrloH uuo Captain Ed. Wolls jvtlnuy
and Sergeant Ooylo of tho Sovonty
lhnt Now York and Dr. W. O. Short,
of tho Seventh Now York regiment,
nil of whom woro on tho rlllo team
which wont to England four yours
ami. Among othor tatos roprosont-
ud in tho proiimiimnos aro uwrgm, ijH ftlRO 8H,(l
. .. 1 . ...... .K11. I
Maine, Moiunna, ow ovrwt, ouijkmi
chusotts and Ohio. Tho four rogu
uar sorvlco trouiM of tho United
States army, marlno corps and navy
aro also ropmntwl In tho trluls by
tlwlr oraok shots. Lloutonunt Hol
comb of tho marlno corps toam, who
has mndo somo phenomenal records
of Into, Is expected to bo a cortaln
winner of a placo on tho Internation
al thHUU. ,
All or tho contestants In today'J
con Uut woro required to furnish
Btutomonts from tho adjutant gen
eral of their states or othor compo
Umt authodtlcti that thoy havo at
tained during tho year a record In
competition ot nt least & por cont
at S00 yards. U0 por cent at 00
ynrdd and 86 por cont at 1,000 yards,
lu u Btrlng of consecutive shots.
Many rltUunon haw already ar
rived for tho big sluHit of tho Na
tional Hlllo aiwoclatloii, to bo hold
during all of next wook at Camp
I'orry Ono of tho now foaturos of
tho big tournament will bo tho pross
match. A vory handsomo and valu
able silver cup will go to tho news
papor ropuvontoil by tho wlnnor,
and a miniature of tho oup will go
to tho wlnnor himself. All nows
pnpor mon, Includldg editors, re
porters or correspondents, are eligi
ble. Somo ot tho biggest news
papers of tw country will bo ropro
sontod by tho crack shots of their
staff. Tho conditions aro two Bight
lug shots and ton shots for record
at R00 yards.
Sunvoy's Point, nour which thvro
1h a forry, has long beon ramous as
tho .homo or roptllos, tho peoplo liv
ing near thoro claiming It Is tho
greatest rnttlosnnko producing com
munity In tho Willamette valley. It
that tho Qlla moiiBtors
are thoro, tho Uznrd-liko creaturo
whoso very breath Is said to bo poi
sonous. Thwjo horrible crenturo3
aro vory raro, and whothor ever scon
except after a man hna absorbed a
cortnln amount of Peruna Is not
known. Tholr homo Is In southwn
California nnd tho arid district of
tho bouthwest.
Whllo rattlesnakes aro found In
tho Wlllnmotto valloy thoro aro not
many places whoro thoy nro thick.
This yoar eoins to bo an especially
good ono for thorn, and they wo
quite plentiful In several places.
Most pooplo dWllko to go to tho
mountains just because of thoso
rontllos. proforrlng to go to tho
const, whoro thoy aro nut found.
Strange though It may seom, rattlo-
Buakos aro rnroly or never found
ncrare tho summit of the Coast
Itango, tho reason being that tho
climate Is too damp.
. o
a. K. Harrington, an attendant at
tho O. S, I. A., wout to Portland today.
nrotcct thomsolvos If nocosaary."
Tho throats agnliiBt Aleon and
two othor wcnlthy Armenians who
havo sought olice protection, como
proscriueu somo iiuahuu, ho .... nnvo sougnt once luuiuwuwu, nw...-
I.. Intl.. Tin fnolf It In fl llrilC Store. L n. ..l,nlnnHnn nf tlm VOdTS Of
and In tho couraa of half on hour It 'biackmnlllng by tho Arnjonlan out-
..,.,,. mniln nit nnil tlir rntichor WOUt 1 1 rri.n nnw tlirnnfa nml SOOinlllC
w.ia iimuu "i' ... --- i nmn. iiiu '" v...-.. "
homo, tho doctor hnvlng charged 'nctivlty or tho ascasBins show that
him $1.D0, and tho druggist $1. Tho'u ,)0nco i,nvo not yot rounded up
......nn..n ln.lin,l lilm tint lin tnlll Ills' . .... i ... n.i Hint tlin nnnfiRI-
iiiuiiiuiiiv ii.uv. , - - nil mo luuiuia, uiiu i. --
wlfo ho thought It was nothing but t roniniu3 for nctlvo dotoctlvo work.
. .- r. I I.I l.nllln . . .. 1 1- I...
nlilttlin hark. So wllOll Ills bottlo
was ompty ho put a bunch or chlttlm
bark, a llttlo million and Oregon
grnpo root in n pot and boiled It
down until thoro was about a quart.
Then ho strained It, leaving about a
pint of liquid, strong nnd black.
Then ho put In a pint ot sugar,
boiled It again for a short time, nnd
bottled 't hot. Tho modlclno did
Just twice us much good as tno
doctor's proscription, bolng, ho said,
twlco as strong.
One Mjiii'h Loss Another's (Juln.
Ho (doBporatoly) Uut I cannot
llvo without you, darling.
Sho (coldly) That wllJ bo de
light ful nows for the undortnkor.
- -Chicago News.
Aleon ochoco tho nppoal mado by
Calustlan, tho former "strong arm"
man of tho association, who said
that Blnco ho Jind mndo a stntoment
to tho pollco ho could novor rest In
penco until tho pollco had found
Aloxnn Arzooln, reputed bond ot tho
blackmalWs In tho United States.
Prcclsoly tho camo tonr was ox
prossod by Aloon, who said:
"Arzooln la tho man ror whom tho
detectlvos must hunt. I shall novor
fool safe until ho is caught. I sup
pose District Attorney Joromo know
what ho was doing In froelng bo
many or tho Armonlnn sucpocts, but
it seems to mo ho Is taking a great
With Alton, as a pcrsonnl guard,
ami nil a- .
" in rv
obliged to state their M
thoy aro nr Jf. .r Hd
place. w
by detectives, ti,. Wl
asked the police of thu !?
a watch over his w 7
possibly thoaMaMta,,
wU..t.j ou, sHvornl v- .
tors, may attempt to hrmS
who Is nrnmlnnn, . '
Identified with Mrs. c ?
in nnavnfni .i.ii. -11
IAA UWUfUiUl w in v 1.--
. "utuiiiian r-iH .1.1
-t ,. . .. " !!
an uio precautions are
Tho family was Blven &
oLiior nignt when ther fciu
ono was trying to enter (J
u.m tuu jiuuto were caiij
pnono. airs. Kazanjtanbt!
Airmenian who killed u
H. S. TavshanJIaa hA ,l
uu iu ma wurK Dy othen, 1
v..v inn eiuoiy iormi
woaitny Armoniana Uim,
convictions ot the leaden
blackmailing society.
M. Kalnghouslan, anothtr,
airo Armenian rue deilw .
beon marked for death ki 1
laws, ion 1110 summer haj
8uporlntonunt, T, J,
Spring Lake, nnd camo to U
bocaufo tho fact thttbeblp
tho qulot New Jersey rotrettfa
como known. Ho will uijj
ments In a sonslioro Ina fort
Kalaghouslnn, who hu nt
Now York and a largo n
In Freehold, N. J, recelrj
secret agents ot tho Hau
letter threatening him Ti
tho day beforo Tavsl
Tho letter said hU dcial
matter of but a few houvj
ho failed to send $100,001 ti
"Boforo you receive ui t
gado dog, worth ns murhuj
will havo died," said thektl
that bo a warning tojwl
moan whnt wo say."
On tho following darl
learrted or tho death ol liH
Tavsnanjinn. u
Mrs. Kalaglicuslan tJi
pany hor husband to tti
Tho merchant c?ys ho vIV
Now York ofllcos from taVi
during the summer, lot rli
bo closoly gurvdd
Hownrd L and brotttfi
r.on. who were nimmoncdtsi
sldo of thrli- fnMiT la Sc;1'l
nrrlvul Inst nigh'. nndl.!n
mornintr. Mr Loci cc:i
.reported somewhat Impw!
Bishop's Ready-Tailored SuJ
Shipping Sheep,
llockor Bros, today began tho
shlpmont of 3000 CoUwold sheop,
which, thoy havo beon scenting dur
ing tho past vtvoks for shipment to
a big company In Wyoming and Colo
rado, all bucks. About 1500 will bo
loaded at tho Albany stock yards,
and tho rest at othor points lu jtho
valloy. Besides these thore will bo
1500 shipped by otlwr stock men,
4500 In all, a big deal that will bring
nearly $25,000 into tho hands of
valley stock raisers. This has In
volved a good deal ot work and)
rustlo, as woll as judgment, for onlf
a high class lot ot sheep will bo ac
cepted In the dal. Albany Democrat.
Regular prices
$1 0 to $25
Sale prices
$6.50 to $1 8
People who know
are taking advantage of
these exceptionally good
We have all sizes
and styles in black, heavy
and light weights.
Call and see how
well you can do at this
Y r
f '
'. v-
Washg ,
(I 3uum.u r-rr
HfcS. TIM ".