DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. flALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1007. I4fHffMMMfrti4M4H-44MH IseaIkaged1'- i ..... ., ocean monns? Ms U r; m like to know; ar be iu- lim,ortow. 3 plncnea JournB,. L,xhe I Is Jst the pain abe.. ! .- wnm wide. thr'3.. ..,.,;;. at the bar It tin'1' " "" 7... ..,i,fa i,i. M thin- oru, ... - L you'd ffoann bit yourself P ;. oni tiu n n whale, I now " , , Lng from a swordflsh, Pln5 . . ... .im, lila in 1. bnid lasn :; ;. ,WOP. I'lniauo'i'"'" mwo-.. hekte ocuin wooed the moon, Lv to a parson hied. sound you heard Is only this: be moaning oi iu u--. AUgUSl. iHlilnuv " my be It Is just because be sees her heavy swells broke upon the Httlo bars t the seasiuu uvw CtW?xr sOTX 'yfcLliiJS '." 1 F-dSi-v of-?':' '?' I BEN J. IDE WHEELER. President of tho University of lifomin, author of books on cdu- tonal topics. Endorsed by tho Country. rhe most popular remedy In Otso (county, and tho best friend of my Illy," writes Win. M. DIotz, editor i publisher of tho Otsego Journal, bertsvllle, N. Y., "Ib Dr. King's DIscovory. It has proved to bo Hnfalllblo euro for coughs nnd It, making short work of tho t of them. Wo always keep a He la tho houso. I bellovo It to he most valuablo prescription n tor Lung and Throat dls- n Guaranteed to novcr dlBap- Itt the taker, by J. C. Perry's drug w. Prlco 50c nnd $1.00. Trial m tut. MJwr Wllhelm has at last ro- I'fd the Roosevelt stunt of going to do Is to start an Ananias club itodo Is to stadt an Annnlas Club then It will bo a raco for nlr- pt. Neward Star. o here is inoro Catarrh In this sec- of the country than all other dls i put together, and until tho last years was supposed to bo Incur- For a groat many yeara doo- pronounced It a local disonso nnd crlbe4 local remedies, and by stantly falling to cure with local tment, pronounced It Incurable. nee has proven catarrh to bo a stitutlonal dlsenso nnd theroforo aires constitutional trentraont. 'I Catarrh Cure, manufactured P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, he only constitutional euro on tho rket. It Is taken Internally in ' irom 10 drops to a teaspoon- It acts directly on tho blood J mucous surfaces of tho system. 7 offer ono hundred dollars for r S8 It falls to cure. Send for Wars and testimonials. Mdri: p. j, chenoy & Co., To- o. Ohio. J by all druggists, 75c. We Hall's Family Pills for con- UUon. A Phllad- Iphia crook has con wfl to ,jxty robberies. Wonder lZ , ari1 of can,to1 trimmers Jl to miss hlra when it gavo contracts? Philadelphia ,ra American. Croup nLa. Tll ,nflamtlon of tho ? J? brtM f th0 wlDd ' an?? mM extenda t0 th0 lar- tna mbr?ch,al ; and Is ono Wren dangarou3 diseases of night r? aI.Way8 Cmea Q of ,, Glve Sequent small u4"8 Horehond Syrup Ml thmt' 25c. JlSoMbyD. J. Pry. ?ZT g,rl 8ays she P her C her R ?, "f0Und a man "rent ,.- If a hea wouW ta.naineand tho date on loud iWOtt,Id flnd that every le4 '.-Courier JountaJ. V n ma? Tf' R rjr .Mti i ' A IV WtA l For Summer Complaints Dysentery, Diarrhea, Chol era Morbus, Cholera Infan tum, Cramps, Colic, and all Bowel Affections, tho safest, quickest-acting' and most reli ablo medicine known is DR. D. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM In casea of Cramps, Colic and tyo eatery, you want a remedy that " iiwncuimeiy mat :s why you Biiouia nave a bottle of jaynea Carminative DaUam always in tho house. Sold by iui urugzisis, Z5c. per bottle. JATUB'B EAMATTVE mtfl - gentle, tart tod eflectlre "n meaicio. A Uit. A SQUARE DEAL AND A FAIR TRIAD OF OUR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. IP YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NEED NOT 11UY. I SELL TRACTION AND STATIONERY ENGINES, NICIIOL'S AND SIIEPARD'S RED RIVER SEPARATORS, HAY RALERS, STREET AND ROAD GRADING MACHINERY. WE HANDLE THE BUHG WAGONS, ENGER RUGGIES, HACKS AND CARRIAGES. "WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE ADRIANCE, BUCKEYE MOW ERS, CLIPPER PLOWS AND BLUE RIRRON CULTIVATORS, ALSO SOME SECOND HAND FARM IMPLEMENTS AND WAGONS VERY CHEAP. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES AT WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL, GLASS AND STAINS OF ALL KINDS, AND PAINTERS SUPPLIES. BUGGY TOPS, DASHBOARDS, WHIPS, ROBES, ETO. CORItESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIP TIVE CATALOGUES FURNISlfKD ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Ptop. PHONE 101 MAIN COR. FRONT AND PINE STREETS tire, uuuutic tod purs- .ire. apicnoja (or chUJcn. If Phlneas T. Bnrnum wore still In business Judgo Landls could glvo him tho nnmo of an Individual who would surpass tho woolly horse In making "tho greatest show on earth." Qrand Rapids News. O : Remedy for DiarrhoeaNever Known to Fall. "I want to say a few words for Chamborlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. I hnvo used this preparation In my family for tho past flvo years and hnvo recommended It t.u n nutnbor of peoplo in York coun ty nnd hnvo novcr known it to fall to effect n euro In any Instance. I fool that I can not say too much for tho best romody of tho kind in tho world." S. Jomlson, Spring Grove, York county, Pn. This remedy is for salo at Dr Stone's drug store. Proposals for Bids. Proposals for buildings to bo erected nt tho Oregon Institution for Fceblo Minded, Including steam heat ing plant, plumbing and electric wiring. Salem, Ore., August C, 1907. Sealed proposals, endorsed on tho outsldo of tho envelope, "Proposals for bulldlnga for tho Oregon Institu tion for Fooblo Minded, Snlom, Ore gon," and addressed to S. A. Kozor, clork of tho board, ylll bo rocolvod at tho secretary of stato's offlce, utato capital, Salem, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m. of August 1-1, 1907, for furnishing materials nnd labor re quired to construct and comploto tho following buildings with electric lighting: Framo administration building, framo dormitory, frame barn, brick laundry building, brick boiler house, steam heating plant and plumbing, In strict nccordnnco with plans, specifications, and in structions to bidders, which may bo oxnmlncd nt the secretary of stato's ofllco, capltol building, and at tho ofllco of W. D. Pugh, Salem, Oregon. Bids submitted otherwiso than on proposal shcot attached to each specification will not be entertained. S. A. Kozor, 8-12 CJerk. NEWPORT The Ideal Pacific Coast Resort on YAQUINA BAY Comfortably and quickly reached from SALEM via .Southern Pacific to Albany, thonco Corvtllla Si Eastern Railroad. Round trip rates from SALEM, ?5.000 for season tickets, good for return until October 31st, and $3.00 for three day tickets, good going Saturdays and roturnlnp Mondny following dnto of salo nil tlckots honored for going or return trip from Albnny on CorvnlllJ & Eastern "every Sunday" excursion train leaving Albany 7:30 A. M. nnd returning leavo Newport 5:30 P. M. For further Information call on ticket agent Southern Pacific, Salem, Corvnllls & Eaatorn, Albnny, or GEO. F. NEVINS, General Passenger Agent, Corvnllls & Knutern Railroad, Albnny, Or. USB cMxti SELF RISING B. B. B. Flour For Iloston Brown Bread, Griddle O akes, Mufllna nnd Plum Pudding." ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO., INC.. SAN Joho, Cal. rwVI MEALS 15c AT THE Salem Restaurant 330 COURT STREET. Call and try thorn. Moala IGo. Board por week J2.75, also furnliihod rooms very reasonable. Illllllllllllllilllllllil The t White House Restaurant For tltoso Delicious PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public sale at tho State Pair Grounds, Salem, Or. Beginning at 1 o'clock P. M., on Saturday, August 1 7, 1 907 80 Head of Horses Consisting of heavy draft horses, driving horsos, saddle ponies, brood mnres, two-year-old colts, nearly all the abovo broke to harness, must bo sold and will absolutely go to tho highest bidder. Anyono having horses to sell can bavo them sold at thiB sale. J. A. COOPER, Owner. J. F. GOODE & SON, Auctioneer. Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Wovea wlra Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P 1 & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doori and Adjustlble Window Screens All at loweat prleea. Walter Morley 250 Court St Satan, Ore PIES They can't bo beat McGilchrist & Son Proprietors. Ti 1 1 1 1 1 ii n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n i r Hi nra w i Gold Dust Flour I Made by THE SYDNX? POW SB COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Mad for fatally use. Ask your grocer for it. Bran and tkorti always on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT aBeBagMa8' 'UcawTill LOOKING FOR SOMETHING to mnko tho breakfast a dollght as well as n fortifier for tho day? Thw Capital Bakery's frsh baked rolls will holp out amazingly. It's n mat tor of prldo with us to turn out rolls, brond, pies, cakes and all kinds of pnstry to mnko tho household heal thy and happy. Trial orders ploaso, CAPITAL BAKERY, C. ULLOM, Prop. Thono No. 380. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 1 rr4r-r-9)4-ri-Wfi-J- ros saijs For Sale Light two-seated hnck. Enquire of W. S. Low at Stables. S-C-lw. t For Sale Good driving and work ing horBo about C year's old, weight about 1150. Also rubber tiro buggy and slnglo harnoss both new. 1739 Asylum Ave. S-G-lw" For Sale Two flno stnndard-brod yearling clots; onea pacer and ono a trotter, both top-notchors. Sam Castro, Fair Grounds. 8-7-Gt. For Snle High-grade Estoy organ, slightly used, good as uow. Won gor & Chorrlngton. S-C-tf. For Sale Plenty of clover hny, first quality. Phono 157 Suburban. II. Walker, Routo No. 7, Salem. 7-29-lm For Snlo or Rent Attention nursory mon and fnrmors, 320 acres, nil In cultivation, doop soil, flno Improve ments, convenient to rail and nav igation. This farm la capocially adapted for nursory business. In qulro of ownbr, George O'Brlon, 490 North Capital strcot, Salem, Oregon. 7-20-tf. For Salt? Two alnglo top buggies, in llrst-clasB condition. Ono rub ber tired. Apply to O. W. Ynnnko, Fashion stnblos. Tolophono 44. 7-18-tf Highland Store. Wo hnndlo a full lino of grocorics nnd fresh mentB nnd hnvo lately put In a supply of tlnwnro. Coll and leavo ordor or phono 490, nnd try ub for prompt dollvory. W. D. Wheeler. 7-lC-lm JUDGES. Foresters of America Court Shor- wood Forostors, No. 19. Mcotg Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stnto street Loo Abblo, C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lmlgo No. 18, JC. of P. Castle Hall In Holmnn block, cor ner Stnto and Liberty stroota. Tuesday of each week nt 7:30 p. m. Oscar Johnson, C. C; E. II. Anderson, K. of R, and S. ' Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Codnr Camp No. 52 1C. Moots every Thursday ovonlng at a o'clock In Holmnn hall. Wr. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Tumor, clork. Woodmen of World Moot every Frl ' day night nt 7:30, In Holman hall, L. E. Ponnell, C. C; P. L. Fra?. ir, Clerk. Lincoln Auuitlty. Union. Sick, accl dont nnd ponslon ltiBurnnco; ?2, 000,000 plodgrd; every clnlm palul Good agents wanted. J. II. O. Mongomory, supremo organiser. Boxl32 Snlom, Orogon. R. It, Ryan, secretary, 54 C Stato strrot. .MUSICAL. ArthnrS:onJe8Scnelic7 nno; touch, tochnic, lntorprctRtlow Thorough preparatory course Ad vanccd students prepnrod for pub 'Ic appearance. Rosldonco C5S Contor St. Tel. Main 620. 2-2 8 -tf For Snle Old papora, 10 conta por hundrod. Inqulro Journal offlco. FOR RENT For Rent Six-room houso to rent, newly papered; good woodBhod, ham and well. Apply nt 495 South 17th St., or phono 1152 Main. . 8-12-3t. SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. I'TaitK M. lirowH. -Manuiacturor oi Bnsh, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houso finish and hnrd wood work. Front Btroot, between Stats nnd Court. Mnko all complaints nt tho ofllco. in . i ii i iniiWM Fr Rent A 7-room houso. Soo F. A. Dnkor, 280 18th St. North. 8-10 tf. For Rent Or would sell 78-acro farm, ono nnd half miles from city. Also soveral modern houses c!o8o in to ront. Enqulro Joo Bnumgurtnor, BubIi'b bank or phono 738. S-9- lw For Rent Bovon-room house, hot and cold wator, electric light, batb room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrelb er, 5G0 North High street. 3-25-tf PLUMBERS. Theo. XI. Barr Plumbing, hot wator and Btcnm heating nnd tinning. 104 Commercial strcot. Phone Mnln 192. 9-1-lyr M. J. Pctzcl Plumbing, Btcam and gnB fitting. Successor to Knox A Murphy, 220 Commercial street, 'Prono Mnln 17. WANTJSD. i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i n 1 1 i i m 1 1 1 1 1 SALEM BRICK YARD A. A. BURTON. Prop. BrJck always on hand, in car lots or otherwise. Pressed brick mado to order. Yard on Stato street, south of pontltontlary. -7-1-tf. tiiaMaMtBtg YOUR EXPECTATION for a .IMlAtAns na1 u-111 JlO fllllV i realized If you patronize U3, Z wben you buy Poultry, aaimon, Salmon Trout, llallbut, Oys ters; also Butter and Eggs. SPECIAL Choice Poultry for Saturday's. Highest cash prlco paid for Butter and Eggs. THE STEINER JIARKET. SA5 North Commercial TH.u.i fe Tt S- rtcirk. Proft. i" Ice Cream and Soda Water at the J O. K. STORE 1 TWELFTH STREET, NEAR THE WOOLEN MILL. I You will flnd this a convonl- T ont place to get refreshments of the best and to do your trnd- X lng. Phono your orders for lco croam and soda wator to Main 122. Treatment O, K. I A. A. KNGLEI1ART, Prop. i Hiiiiiimiiiniiiiinii HOLLIQTCri'fe Rocky Mountain Tea NuyrjBis A Bur Xeditintt for Bmr PmdW. Bdav QoliUa Hulth ad lUatvid Vlgpr, A fPTfMo tor Con.tliwulon. ImllswtloB, IJfkV aA Jtiifcoy Trouble. Hmptev. Kwmtm, lHif)u Wood. Ad ilreath, ilujflli NowoU, MwnUcb Md ltclt. 'tXock3:ouaUlnTetUb' let torJu H cents k box. Oenul bw4 Mr Uouiim VniQ Cavrxxr, XiuMton, WM, MtrjN NtMMKTI PM MLLMV M ff MISCELLANEOUS. Voget Lumber and Fuel Co. Lum ber .shingles, . building material, wood and coal. Low prlcen nnd prpmpt dollvorles, Ono block oast of S. P. passongic dopot. Phono 198. 7-2-tf PJauo Tuner L. L. Woodfl, plnno ' port tuning, ropnlrlng and polish lng. Leave orders nt Goo C. Will's music store, Salem. 2-9-lyr. vvnntca to liny uood 2V&-lnou wagon, second hand. AddreM Ibor ChrlstouBen, Routo No. 9,, Snlom, Oro. 8-12-3t WANTED At Dr. Stono's drug storo, young mnn who doslre learning drug business. Falr- wngos. Apply at onco. 8-12-tf. Wanted at Onco Boy to carry paper routo. Can attond school nnd take tho routo for tho winter. Nono othor than a good steady boy uood apply. Journnl oflko. 8-10-tf. Wood Wanted 100 cords or lone. big fir or largo second growth, do Jlvorcd on cnrB or wagon. Ponlten tlary foundry, R. B. Flomlng, bu porlntondont, box 354, Snlom. 7-20-tf Highest Cash Prlco Paid for chick ous at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tf Ma DRAYMEN. Concivto Work. Got my prices on sldownlks, curbs, septic tanks and coment work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M. Word, Hlghloud add. Phono 6C9. C-ll-tf Butto & Wenderoth Flno wines, liquors nnd clgara. Wo hnndlo tho celobrnlcd Kollog gand Cnstlo whlsklos. Cool and refreshing Beer constantly on draught., south Commercial stroot. 9-3-lyr Enlargctl Our moat ranrket on East Stato street has boon doubled In slzo nnd wo nro bettor prepared than ever to servo customers. Prompt eorvlco nnd tho boat of meats our motto. Call or phono 199. IJ. K. Edwards, Prop. CiiiiiiiiIiim Bros.' Transfer GVmimiiy- All kinds of trnnsfor work dono. Furnlturo and pianos boxed roady for shipment. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto. Stand and ofllco at 253 South Commercial stroot. Phono 210. Iivsldcncft Phono 908. Wo Are Ciwh Purchasers Of poul try, eggs, and all klndB of farm produce. Berry crates made up in unlimited luantltlea. Capital Commission Co., 207 South Com mercial street, Salem. Phono Malo 179. Attention, Ladles, I havo opened a parlor at 404 Court street, In tho I. O. O. F. building, whoro I am prepared to do shampooing and manicuring. Scalp treatment a specialty. Children's hair treated Phono 477. 7-201m To the Coast. Good teams and cov ered hacks for taking camping parties to the coast and mouatalas. Tews reRJKable. . M. Acker soas, 115 Miller atrtt, galea. f-2-l Superior Restaurant IBS High Street, Upstairs. Flrst-clnsa Jn all appointments. A place for ladles and gcntlomen to got nil klndB of Chlnoso dishes nnd the famous Li Hung Chung Chop Buoy and Ynkama, R. II. Baker Successor to, Whey Sen Yow Co., Prop BUILDINGI A IIOUSK We caa supply you with the lu bor you aetd at the price that will jsaaterlally eeoaoiabe la the ewt. Just coase ini see aad look over ear yards, GOODALX LUWHKR CO., Xt4 NM 6s ri,. .,, gfitvifls. m fhu.