ttfW-W DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM ORWGON MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1007. e rrum 't.i convL I since Mav. 1900, Aycr's Sarsaparilla has been entirely free from alcohol. If you are In poor health, weak, pale, nervous, ask your doctor about taking this non-alcoholic tonic and altera tive. If be has a better medicine, take his. Get the best, always. This is our advice VehT no aeorett! Wi publish J. O. Ajtr Co., throrginUorU our preparation. LowbII, Mm. SUPREME COURT UtofO. Referendum Case rilmon Ford said in part: InnonentB have expressuu mst of tho petitioners who j,g to have this law rererrea 0ple. This is mo mw vm- Iran mcre " ........... Lion for tho support ana nCe of tho University oi from $47,500 per year, to m rear; and providing ihall be n continuing fund, I h not all used up in ono t the remainder snau uo md appropriated for tho I la addition to tho $125.- Itaat current year, instead lig It back Into tho stnlo Our opponents complain petitioners nro not to ho (that they nro but flvo per oilstlns largely of tho Cg 01 cri'Hiiuu, Willi ihlng better to do than ire with tho laws passed by llature Tlicy, our oppon- to have forgotten that tho Ore?on, by tho passago of Illative and referendum lots to the constitution, blared a like distrust of tho assembly, and hnvo ro- Bto themselves tho right to End r fer laws, independent tody. Icople of Oregon, for tho on that they were dlstrust- i legislature, and know that tot at alt times ho entrusted bo filed within 90 days from tho ad journment of tho legislature which passed tho measure sought to bo re ferred. Nothing, by way of restriction can lawfully bo added by tho legislature, for tho courts hold "that It Is not within tho power of tho legislature to deny, abridge or extend tho con- atlfnHnnnl rlcvlif nf atIVfn.. mi. -. . uv.vuv. ...... ..D... w. OUUIUCJU. J.UU lljed By Hod. TllmOn rOTd right of suffrage is guarded with jeaious soncuuuo by a freo people, and should bo so viewed by those in trusted with tho mighty powor of guarding and vindicating their sovorelgn right. Such a construction of tho law as would permit tho dis franchisement of largo bodies of voters bocauso of an error of a slnglo Individual should nover ho adopted whore tho languago In ques tion Is clearly susceptible of nny other." So sny tho courts. Tho law of 1007, attempts to add tho further restriction, that tho "titlo" (which is not required by tho constitution), shall bo Included with tho full "text" of tho measure, which latter is provided for by tho constitution. In other words, they Bay that "Initiative petitions" shall hnvo attached to them "a full and correct copy of tho 'titta and text' of tho mensurc." and that "referendum petitions" shall hnvo attached to thorn a "full and correct copy of tho "measure." Now In tho cnBO nt bar, thoro was nttachod to tho referendum potltlon, a lull and correct copy of tho "monB uro," and wo understand tho language of tho law, and thoro wn& attached to it n "title" which was sufficient under tho constitution for any act. Howovor, tho titlo was not nn exact copy of tho titlo of tho act of tho lcgisiaturw. Our oppononta contend that "a full and correct copy of tho 'mensuro' " means n full mid correct copy of tho "titlo and text of tho measure." In this they aro undoubtedly mla meaning of tho act of tho legislature of 1907. Howovor, If our petition was not, for tho reason stated, sufficient within the meaning of tho law of 1907, then the law of 1907, in so far as It attempted to add tho additional restriction with respect to title, Is void, because It contravenes tho direction of tho constitution. Furthermore, If construed as directory only, that Is to say as ad visory to tho people, tho law might bo held to bo constitutional; but then tho law must bo liberally con strued, and if tho petition sufficiently points out tho law sought ito bo re ferred, so that no ono is misled as to what law It is to bo voted upon, then It is sufficient complianco with tho statute of 1907, as woll ns tho constitution. In conclusion I doslro to urge up on the court, that under section 1 of article IV, of tho amended constitu tion, when flvo por cont of tho legal voters havo signed up and presontod to tho secretary of stato, a petition asking that a law bo referred to tho peoplo for adoption or rejection at tho next general election, thon tho whole peoplo of tho state of Oregon, through said constitution amend ment, demand that that request bo complied with by tho secretary of state. dliburacmontB of public taken, becnuso tho legislature drew Ire adopted a sol f-oxecu ting on, reserving unto thom i right to legislate by Initia tion, and to provont tho go- effect of Ieglslntlvo nets, by kdtng that they first bo buu- a rote of tho people, nnd btltHy known ns tho "rofor- toartltutlonnl amendment. VA )lf& tnf nnl.i MAnAHiiml rv nub UlUJ lUOUIVl'U r. but they have placed In pdlaslon tho restrictions, Mr restrictions that can be tho right to inltlnto, or M to a votP of tho noonlo. R'.i!ifuroof 1907, has scom- esjted to place further bi upon tho rights reserved ople, and those additional restrictions are undoubt- onstltutlonal and void. ample, tho constitution pro- t the Inltlntivo petition Nn, In theso werds: "And la petition shall lncludo tho of tho mensuro so pro- r, the legislature by tho 1907, says: "Every inltla- loa shall contain a full and P7 of tho 'title and 'toxt FMiure so proposod." Thus wn that the leislslatiiM Pt!ag to compel tho peoplo e petition tho full tltlrt roposed measure, which Is Pred by the rnnaHtnilr.r. beyond the power of tho '. for when tho constltu-if-executlnS, the legislature aa restrictions whinh nm BQed In tho nnoH..Hn referendum petitions, tho pon nmvtdoc. .. 'ed with the sftrtnr Pt Cm ibn -I--... ... uiuuty any anal adjournment of tha 'i the legislature whiMi t9 tl I On WhlPh tha t-nfn-- 1 demanded " M :i here said a to what the Pl.IOn Shall rnntnln fair t pre8ume and Wg no O'ner N "-IUU Uilll than ,-, t. . . . . or. v . waa '"ended "ore should h ..!.., . "ill.. ",U Ul 'Petition than for an Petition Vb ,!,. ... Hon i.i mis ina; POO h!ch falrlv H.. ..., Cfit to be referred, so erenl" m,S,ed' u a " Tt ?h PetlUoa w,th the ot e constitution. .!? Ich tho ;- upon the right of to Betltln.. b l OI " ur rexerendum Won i. .. ' oters to - "Ha HI tk.i. .. . cn petuioa aiuU a clean distinction between "initia tive" and "referendum" potltions, by providing that a copy of tho "titlo and text of tho measure," should bo Included In tho former, and a "copy of tho measure should bo Included iu tho lattor." Furthermore, Iho legislature hnd no powor to say that both tho. "titlo nnd text" of tho measure, Bhould bo included in either, becauso it would ho adding a restriction to thoso al ready provided by tho plain wording of tho constitution. It is argued by counsel that the word "mensuro" bb used In tho law, is synonymous with tho words "bill" and "act"; but wo submit that tho words "bill" nnd "net" aro not synonymous terms, nnd havo hut to refer to tho Constitution of Oregon to prove our contention. It will ho seen that in section 1, of nrtlclo IV, of tho old constitution, it was pro vided that "Tho Btylo of every bill shall ho, 'Be It enacted by tho legis lative assembly of tho stato of Ore gon,' and no law shall bo enacted except by bill." And section 18 pro vides, "Dills may originate in either house, but may bo amended or re jected in tho other, except that bills for raising rovonuo shall originate in tho house of representatives." Thon section 19 provides for the manner ot reading, of "bills." Down to this place in tho constitu tion, nothing Is said of any "act of tho legislative assembly." Tho rea son Is plain. It is not yot an "act of the legislative assembly," for It nover becomes an "act" until Its final passage. Now It will be seen that section 20 provides that "Every act shall embrace but ono subject, which subject shall bo expressed In tho title." 'Nowhere In the constitu tion Is tho word "title" used In respect to a "bill." Tho titlo !s only required to bo n part of tho "act." And thus It is, when a hlU has been placed upon Its final pas sage, tuo presiding omcer osks ine question, "shall the titlo of tho hill, stand as tho title of tho act?" If it is then thought that the title, or naino given to tho bill, Is suffi ciently expressed under tho constitu tion, It Is permitted to stand as tho title of the "act," and If not it is then and there amended. This shows that the words bill, nnd act, are not synonymous ex pressions. In the case at bar, we did have tho exact title of the "bill" but It was not exactly as amended and attached to the "act," The word measure, as used In the law, refer to the "original draft of the bill." and inasmuch as we bad a Thoro is moro Catarrh in this sec tion of tho country than all other dis eases put together, nnd until tho last fow years was supposed to bo Incur able. For a great many years doc tors pronounced It u local dlsonso and prescribed local remedies, nnd by constantly falling to euro with local trcntmont, pronounced it incurable Scionco hna proven catarrh to bo n constitutional dlsoaso and therefore requires constitutional trcntmont. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, ii tho only constitutional euro on tho market. It Is taken Intornally in doses from 10 drops to a tenspoon ful. It acts directly on tho blood nnd mucous nurfuccs of tho systom. They offer ono hundred dollars for nny enso it falls to euro. Sond for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., To- lodo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o Pocntollo Isovh Hoirs to Millions. Arthur nnd John Watson of this city, employes of tho Oregon Short Lino, aro heirs to a portion of tho $5,000,000 cstnto loft 'by their dls- tnnt rolatlvo, M. Holt, a crockery manufacturer of Manchcstor, Eng land, who died not long ngo, leaving tho bulk of his Immense estato to tho children of his decensed daugh ter, Mrs. Emma Holt Watson, snys tho Pocntollo Trlbuno. A sister of tho Wntson boys. Mrs. John L. RlggB of Ulnckfoot, will also partici pate. Mrs. Rlggs received a letter from a firm of Manchester attorneys tho othor dny, notifying her heirship, and enclosing a check for $350. Mrs. Rlggs nnd her brothors will at onco arrango to go to Manchester to claim tho big fortuno. East Ore-gonlnn. X'Xll o regon WILL BE AT tate Fair Sept. 1 6 to 2 Inclusive They will find the gtounds in feette tfon and mote attractive than eve condi-heiote THE? WILL FIND MANY NEW BUILDINGS. ALL IN AIiL, THEY WILL SEE THAT OREGON HAS HOLDING, A V GREAT n FAin THE BEST FACILITIES OF ANY STATE WEST OF THE KOOIOES FOIt THE INCREASED CASH PREMIUMS AND SPECIALS WILL BRING THE SHOW EVER SEEN ON THE PACIFIC COAST, AND IT WILIi COMPARE FAVORABLY WITH THE BEST FAIRS OF THE EAST AND MIDDLE WEST. GREATEST XtVJSflTOOK ... :0 Some of the Best Horses in the United States Will Be Hee to Participate in the Speed Ptogtam SOME OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PURSES EVER nUNG UP FOR A WESTERN RACE MEET WILL t MAKE EACH INDIVIDUAL EVENT WORTH COMING LONG DISTANCES TO SEE. THE COUNTIES WILL PUT UP THJGIR BEST IN TRYING TO SECURE THE PRIZES FOR THE EXIIIIIITS OF THEIR PRODUCTS. THEIR WILL BE SPECIAL RATES ON ALL LINES OF TRANSPORTATION FOR PAS. SENGERS AND SPECIAL FREIGHT INDUCEMENTS FOR ALL EXHIBITS. If you wish any particular information it will be cheer fully given by W. H. DOWNING, Pres.t F. A. WELCH, Sec, SHAW, OREGON SALEM, OREGON HAD AN AWFUL TIME. But CIinmbcrlAin'fl Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him. SVS2ni the lecroUry or full and correct copy of Ut orliiaal . 'draft, attached to oar petltkw, it waa awply twlRlat witala tk It Is with pleasure that I glvo you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago whon I had a severe cano of moaslcs I got caught out in a hard rain and tho measles settled In my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for tho uso of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romcdy I could not havo possibly lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written tho above through sim ple gratltudo and I shall always spoak a good word for this remedy. Sara H. Qwln, Concord, Ga. For sale at Dr. Stone'., drug store. o Ono of Oklahoma's senators-elect U a blind man, but, to employ an Hlbernianlsm, ho can see Into a great many things In Washington If he keeps his ears open. Minne apolis Journal. o Tho Limit of Llfo. Tho most omlnent medical scion- tlsU aro unanimous in tho conclu sion that the generally accepted lim itation of human life is many years below the attainment possible with the advanced knowledgo of which tho race la now poesearfed. Tho critical period, that determines it duration, seems to he between 50 and 60; th proper care of the body during this decade cannot be too s-troagly urged; carelftMeaM then belag fatal to longevity. NaUre'a helper altar 69 1 Siectrte Blttera, tk ccUatilc teal wedlelaa that wltalkm rtj ergaa of tha hedy. Oaaratd r J. C. Parry, inu. itc. Snlem v Peaceful City. Tho city Jail contains only ono prisoner at present and ho is ro- tulnod only for a minor offonso nnd will bo rolonsod In a dny or so. Thoro has boon very fow urrosts dur ing this month which speaks woll for a city of flftoon thousand in habitants. Tho total amount which has boon collected from fines during July by Chlof of Pollco Gibson's hooks Is $200. While Salem Is not ovorburdoncd with pollcomcn yot In compnrlson to othor cities good pro tection Is given and tho crimes nro comparatively few, o ! Remedy for Dlarrhoca-Ncrer Known to Fail. "I want to say a fow words for Chamborlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I havo used this preparation In my family for tho past flvo years and havo recommended It to a number of peoplo In York coun ty and have nover known it to fall to effect a euro In any instance. I fool that I can not say too much for tha best remedy of tho kind In the world." S, Jomldon, Spring Grove, York county, Pa. Thia remedy Is for salo at Dr Stone's drug store. Oxford hns mado Mark Twain n doctor of litoruture, and cortnlnly It noeds ono. Philadelphia North Amorlcan. General Bell denies that ho over said there was anything the mnttor with tho army. We can now breathe freely again. Portland Express, o Eczema. For tho good of thoso suffering with oczema or othor such trouble, I wish to say, rny wifo had something of that kind and after using the doc tors' remedies for Bomo time con cluded to try Chamborlaln's Salve, and It proved to bo bettor than any thing sho had tried. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug store. o ' Would nny of tho good old gentle men who Blgned tho Declaration of Independence havo run from a sub poena server? Chicago Record-Hor aid. "Regular aa the 8a" In an axpreaaloa aa old a the race. No doubt tha rUlag aad setting ef the sua la tha neat ragalar Berfom aaea la the ualrer, aalaM K la tha actio of tha liver aad hawala whe ragnUted lth Dr. Klaag Haw Life Fills. Gaaraatead hy J. O. Perry, Jiriutt. Sfa. Tho old Pennsylvania Dutch Duu kard rccommonds "Hickory nark Cough Romody." Ounrantocd to euro your cough, and guaranteed to bo pure. Mndo from tho bark of tho sholl bark or whlto hickory treo. For salo by dealors ovorywhore. o Kiiriortjcd by tho Country. "Tho most popular romody In Otse go county, and tho best frlond of my family," wrltos Wm. M. Diet, editor and publiahor ot tho Otsego Journal, Gllhortsvlllo, N. Y "is Dr. King's Now Discovery. It has proved to be an infalllblo euro for coughs and colds, making short work of the worst of thom. Wo always koop a bottlo in tho house. I bollovo it to bo tho most valuahlo proscription known for Lung and Throat dis ease." Guaranteed to nover disap point tho taker, by J. O. Porry'a drug store. Prico 60c and $1.00. Trial Uottlo freo. Special Eastern Excursion rntca. May 20, 21, Juno G, 7, 8, July 3( 4, 6, AugtiBt 8, 0, 10, Soptomber 11, 12, 13. To Chicago and return, $73.15. St, Louis and return, $09, lb St. Paul and return, Omaha, Council niufTs, Sioux City, St. Joo, Kansas City and return $01. GC. WM. M'MURRAY, r-21-tf Gen. Pas. Agt. PUBLIC SALE I will soil nt public salo at tho State Fair Grounds, Salem, Or. Uoglnnlng ut 1 o'clock P. M., on Saturday, August 1 7, 1 907 80 Head of Horses Consisting ot hoavy draft horses, driving horsos, saddlo ponied, brood mares, two-ycnr-old coltd, noarly all tho abovo hroko to harness, must bo sold and will absolutely go to the highest hlddor. Anyono having horsos to soil can havo thom sold at this salo. J. A. COOPER, Owner. J. P. GOODE & SON, Auctioneer. fcaf tfliHtaV iilii&d1& KSSir TO IIUV A DAKINO POWDER WHOSE QUALITY IS UNIFORMLY GOOD, YOU SHOULD INSIST ON GETTING- EPPLEY'B PERFEC TION RAKING POWDEH. IT IS A HOME PRODUCT, AND IS PUT UP IN GLASS JARS AND IS HANDLED BY ALL LEADING GROCERfl. MANUFACTURED BY O. M. UtTLMY, IALHM, ORBGOX, a YOUR EXPECTATION for a dollclouB moal will bo fully reallzod If you patronlzo m, whon you buy Poultry, Salmon, Salmon Trout, Halibut, Oys tors; also Duttor and Eggs. SPECIAL Cholco Poultry for Saturday'd. Hlghoit cash prico paid for Duttor and Eggs. THE 8TEINER MARKET. H25 North Commercial Phono lli5 R. S. Clark, Prop. Mitat)8taeaii O C T. Co. -STEAMERS ! POMONA AND ORKGONA LKAVK POR PORTLAND DAILY, HXCMPT HUNBAY AT A. U. P. H BALDWIN, Ag.