2 DAXLY jOAl't'iMi JOURNAL. 8ALEM. ORKUON. MONDAY, AUGUST 12. 1007. HOFER BROS., Plishttn and Proprietors Ji. HOFER,. Editor. A. P. HOFER, Manager. THH JOURNAL- STANDS FOR PRO GRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADBD LABOR. GOOD f a SLEEP. Whon to soft Hloop wo glvo oursolvcB away, And in tho droam, as In a fairy bark, Drift on and on through tho enchanted dark To purple daybreak llttlo thought wo pay To that sweot-blttor world wo know by day. Wo are clean quit of It, as Is a lark, So high In heaven no human oyo can mark Tho thin swift pinion cleaving through tho gray. Tilt wo awnko tit fato can do no 111, Tho resting .heart shall not tako up again Tho hoavy load that yot must mako It bleed; For this brief spaco tho loud world's volco la still, No falnteBt ocho of It brings us pain. How will It bo when wo Bhall sleep Indeed? Thomas Balloy Aldrlch. The farmers of the state who have fair crops will, however, be able to tiell their grain at remunerative prices. The selling figures at present prevailing are excellent from the grow ers' standpoint, and as California will bo obliged to secure largo quanti ties of wheat from Oregon and Washington during the coming year for actual home requirements, there Is little probability that values will de cline. There Is av steady growing demand for California barloy for export to Europe, and oven with the reduced production there will bo a reason able quantity available to satisfy this foreign demand. Whllo tho cereal crops of tho state are short the aggregate returns to California will be partially mado up by tho enhanced valuations. In those parts of tho state where thoro has been a Bhortago in tho yield of grain tho deficiency has been mado up by other sources of Income. f ONE'S RIGHT TO HIS HOME. A moro clear and conclso statement of tho position taken by Pacific coast peoplo than the following-from tho Snn Francisco Chronlclo would "bo hard to mako. It Is nn unbiased and plain statement of conditions mako without projudlco nnl without faver: Slnco tho beginning or tho Insistent demand for tho restriction of tho 'Immigration of Orientals other than Chlnoso tho "Chronlclo" hns main tained that us between ua and tho Japanese thoro waB no quest Ion In volved of frlondllnosa or unfrlondllnoss, Inferiority or equality, but only recognition of tho fact that masses of Americans and Orlontals cannot bo brought Into contact on this contlnont or any other without, sooner or Intor, seeking to kill each othor. Thoro uro racial antagonisms which nro only aroused by Intlmato as aoclntlon In numbors largo oiioiikIi to affoct economic and Boclal condi tions, but which nro lnovltably ovoked by such contact, which no 'laws enn afford to Ignore. Itoforrlng to tho .Tapanoso moroly us tho most ontorprlslng of Orientals, wo can enjoy tho oxclmngo of comtoslos with tholr oducatod wild dlsllngulHliod moil, wo enn cordially Join thorn In sclontlllc Invoatl gntlotm nnd. pursuits, wo can trndo with thorn In a friendly spirit and can xompi-to with them for neutral trndo with only tho ordinary rivalry of commercialism, but wo ennnot peacefully mlnglo with them no mombors )f tho Haino body politic. Tho differences In IdealH and habits of thought nro such a noture os to bo absolutely Irreconcllublo. Tho two civilizations cannot amalgamate or compromise. Ono will lnovltably absorb tho othor and tho civilization which will provall in nut of nocosslty bo thnt under which tho loast human exertion "will mnlntnln a human being In a condition reasonably satisfactory to hlmsolf, And an botwoon Americans and JapanoiO, tho JapanoBo civilization will survive If Clio two races aro In contact and thoro Is no war. Hut If the Americans do not withdraw from tho neighborhood dls ngrooablo to HiuiiihoIvoh, sooner or lator thoy will light, and tho result vlll bo as tho battlo may go. wh in california insist that this continknt, bring the 1iomu of a wiiiti-: rack, shall 111 prkhkrvkd as such, and wh di:mami tiih exclusion of Asiatics rf.causk vr in sist THATTIIKV SHALL NOT RREAIC UP OUR IIOMK. Wo claim no right to outer Japan against tho wish of Its people, and now rorognlzo that our arinod Intrusion undor Commodoro Perry was an net or barbarism committed In tho hopo of exploitation. Wo have no doslro to ropont It upon any other nation, nor will wo per mit, without resistance, such Intrusion upon ouruolvos. Wo do-dro to llvo upon our own continent and to lot llvo upon othor contlnontu. Gradually tills view of tho caso Is piinotrntlng the Eastern mind, and, let uh hope, tho nlllolal mind or Japan. YoBtordny wo published an extract from an odltorlnl In The ltondor tYhll'h expressed proolHsly tho contention or this Journal during tho whole iIIhcuhhIdii. Lost moiiio of our renders overlooked It, wo roproduco tho closing paragraph: Lot tho portontoiis question once bo grasped by tho Caucasian race wild tho miHWor Is sure to be an lusurtlon or tho right claimed by tho "whlto raoo, conceded to tho browns, blackB nnd yollow tho right or each race to maintain Its rnelal oxlstonco, and to regard Its torrltory as n cltlxon regards his homo AS A SACRED FLACK INTO WHICH TIIOHIt ONLY MAV MIC ARMITTKD WHO HAVK Till: CAPACITY OF OUESTSHIP, THH PKRSONALITV WHICH MARKS IT POSSIRLE TO LIVK WITH THK HOST NATION ON TKRMS OF JUSTICE AND RIGHTKOUSNKSS. Ono by ono tho Intluontlal Journnli or tho Hast aro coming to boo thla aubjoct In Ua propor light, and thoro Is no quostlon that thoy both r -fleet and tulluonco public opinion, Tho Feminine Movement In France. Although the strugglo tor woman hood suffrage In Franco has thus wit nessed a rovlval, it must not bo sup posed that it 1b a now thing hore. For moro than half a century now fomlnlsmo has been a forco to bo reckoned with. Tho French woman being what she Is, almost supreme among tho world's women In Intelli gence, capacity, business instinct, anu iovo or power, it is not to bo wondered at if sjio hns seen moro quickly than moat tho Illogicality of her exclusion from tho right to help make tho laws which she must obey. And this, too; In a republic whose motto Is, "Llborto, Egallto, Frator- nlto." Dut on tho othor hand tin Fronch woman bolng essentially rominino In her characteristics, tak ing hor plnco In her world by vlrtuo of charm rather than by her un doubted mental qualifications, hor "gut for hor rights hns hlthorto been urged without nny nggresslvenoss. As In England, tho majority of thoso womon who havo recontly won notor iety undor tho namo of "suffragists" nro not mombors of tho rocnlnr organizations which havo worked In orthodox wnya for yoors post to at tain tho suffrage, so hore, tho womon who havo arranged theso latest demonstrations nro nenrly nil out side tho usual Hiirfrago soclotlos. Dut again as in England, soma of tho oldor workors In tho cniiBo, whllo holding aloof from tho nowor mothoda of propaganda, yot look with sympathy and approval upon tho orforts mado to attract tho at tention or tho public to tho olnlma or womanhood. "Thoso aro not tho lines wo havo adoptod," thoy say, "but lot us hoo what will como or thorn. Arter nil, wo ennnot boast or tho results which our patient work haB brought." Though tho Fronch womnn's posi tion Is In many rospocts logally a poor ono, still by vlrtuo or hor com manding lalont and power or at traction, It is In actual fact often a good ono. .Tho averago Fronch hus band, In Inw IiIb wlfo's lord and master, Is gonornlly hor ndmlrlns ami obedient subjoct. Every ono knows tho doforonco nnd dovotlon or tho Fronch son to his mothor which is a cuito in Franco. Womanly Logic. "Novor," groaned a Euclid avenue plcturo dealer tho other day, "never try to argue a woman Into believing that she ought to pay a bill when sho thinks otherwise. I tried It this morning presented a bill for Bomo stuff ordered two months ago. Hero was her irrefutablo legic: " 'I never ordered any pictures.' " 'If I did you never delivered riom ' " 'If you did I novor got them.' " 'If I did, I paid for them.' " 'If I didn't I must have had some good reason for It.' " 'And, H I had, or courso, I won't pay.' "What d'you think or that7" Cleveland Plain Denier. , o Croup Is n violent Inflammation or the mucous mombrano of tho wind pipe, which somotlmcs extends to tho lar ynx and bronchial tubes; and Is ono of tho most dnngorous diseases of children. It nlmoBt always comes on In tho night. Give frequent small dosos of Bnllard'a Horohound Syrup and apply Ballard's Snow Llnlmont oxtornally to tho throat. 2 Be, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. o . Alfonso Is encouraging tho Span iards to play goir. Dignified Castll- lon will thus bo enriched by a now and startling vocabulary. Minne apolis Journal. o Tho Te.vnj Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladdor and rhoumatlc troubloa; sold by all drug gists, or two monthB' trial troatmont by mall ror $1.00. Dr. E. W. Hall, 292G Ollvo Btroot, St. Louis, Mo Send lor testimonials. Sold by Qtono's drug atoro. Peculiar to Itself In selection, proportion and combination of ingredients, In tho process by which tholr remedial values aro extracted and preserved, In effectiveness, usefulness and economy, Caring tho widest rango of diseases, Doing tho most good for tho money, Having tho most medicinal merit, And the greatest record of cures, Hood's Sarsaparilia In nsaal liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. milium- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ton f Idle money is not profitable. Every dollnr ought to be earning something. If you linvo idle money on Iuuul awaiting investment, you can make It tmni tlireo per cent by depositing it in our Savings De partment, where it will bo avail able when wanted. Savings Department Capital National Bank CORVALLIS & EASTERN R. R. Somo Philadelphia porson has sent $100 to tho consclonco fund at WaBhlngton. Probably ono of thoBO cnpltol building grafters returning tho prlco of n lunch, Omaha Dee. THK CALIFORNIA GRAIN CROP. Ah the harvesting of tho cereal crops of California progresses reports vt tho yield Indicate that tho returns will be considerably below tho esti mates mado In tho early part or tho year. During tho past month thoro hnvo boon reports rocolvod In 'Frisco tioni nearly all tho business contort or tho grain-growing aoctlons and growers, iih well as grain donlora nnd Hour mill owners, express pessimistic opinions regarding tho yield of wheat and barley particularly nnd othor grains to a leas extent. Tho crop prospects seem to havo boon undergoing a Bort of rotrogrado movement, gradual but steady, for tho past threo or four months. Tho Han KiiviioIhco Chronlclo discussing tho wheat crop says: In round uumhorH tho production of wheat in 1900 was 325,000 tons, which was ono of tho smallest orops produced In this stato; but tho total for l'J07 It Is now known will fall considerably bolow that low tig ure. At this time tho hlghset eatlmntoa do not axceel 275,000 tons, whllo thero nro somo wtjlUiiformod authorities on grain who aro positive In tholr boiler that the yield will not bo ovor 225,000 tona. Probably the mlddlo-ground figure. 250,000 tons, Is a futr ostlmnto for tho wheat crop. The early expectations ror a bountiful yield of barley woro moro fnvorablo than for wheat, but returns Indicate that all ostlmntos for barloy will havo to bo liberally roduoed. Whero It was anticipated the Btnto would produce ovor 500,000 tons U now Booms certain tho aggregate will not roach 450,000 tons, and thero are some of tho local dealers who do not look for tho latter figures to bo realized. IN' SOMK SUCTIONS OF THE SACRAMENTO VALLKV THERE WILL BK NO WHEAT WHATKVER, THK GROUND HKING TOO WET TO PLOW "DURING THK SOWING 8KASON, WHILE IN OTHERS THE PLANT MADE SI CM A SLOW GROWTH THAT IT IS NOW HKING OUT VOli HAY. In tho groat Sau Joaquin valley thero was a largo decreaso In tho acreagt) usually sowed to grain, aud tho samo may bo said of Southern California. Along what Is known as tho west eldo of tho San Joaquin thero aro ow localities whero thoro will bo a fair yield. Tka prospects for wheat and hurley aro probably tho beat la tho Salinas vaHy Had la portloas ot Colusa. aai Olefin cowutlw. Don't G nimble Whon your Joints ncho and you suf fer from Rheumatism. Bu n bottle ot Ballard's Snow Llnlmont and get instant rollof. A posltlvo euro for In tholr homes, Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Contract- thon, tho Fronchwomon nro quooiu, cd MubcIob, Soro Chest, otc, Mr. I. T. but, as ono ot thorn clovorly said tho Bogy, a prominent morchant at Wil othor day, thoy do not wish to hold low Point, Toxns, says that ho finds tholr sovereignty by dlvlno right i Ballard's Snow Llnlmont tho best nil only. round Llnlmont ho over usod. Sold Still, oven In tho region of man- by D. J. Fry. mado laws, the Fronoh woman ha some logal advantages denied hor English alstor. Sho can prnctlco In tho law courts whon sho has qualified, nnd sho Is nor put undo1 such unequal dlvorco laws as Is tho English womnn. On tho othor hand, Bho haB no mnrrlod woman's prop- orty act to glvo hor a right to hor own proporty. Tho Fronchman has a right ovon to his wife's earnings. Ono ndvanco In this direction was made, howovor, In n law passed In 1881, which gave a married woman tho right to start a banking account In hor own namo, and ovon draw from It without first obtaining her husband's permission. Unfortunate ly, this omlnontly Just and sano law was aoinowhat modified twolvo yeais afterward, As ono result of tho con sistent work' dono by tho organized Boclotlos for women's advancement, twlco Inst year a proposal was brought before Fronoh parliament to glvo married womon a right to tholr own proporty, but was rejected. Today Fronoh women nro clear as to what .thoy want nnd why they want It. Very quietly aud forceful ly, novor losing tholr fonilnluo charm aud graco, thoy hold congrosses from time to tlmo and formulate what thoy call "vooux" to bo pre sented to Parliament. Tho rocent spirited notion of somo "now bloods" among them may glvo moro strength to theso appeals and awaken tho sympathies of tho nation. rarls correspondence ot tho London Chronicle, o "Everybody Qtvould Know" Says C, Ov Hays, a promlnont bujl- ueaa man of Bluff, Mo., that Buck Icn'a Arnica Salvo la tho quickest and surest healing salve ever applied to a tore, bura or wound, or to a caw of pile. I've used It aad kaow what I'm talking atoHt." Guaranteed by J. a Ferry, druggist, SS& Alas! Ho road tho Declaration ot Independence In n sonorous volco yostordny. Today ho Is wearing an alpaca oHlco coat and snoezos whon tho trust takes snuff. Now York Herald. TIME TABLE NO 37. Trains from and to Ynqulnn. No. 1 Loavos Yaqulna 7:15 a.m. Arrives at Corvnllls 11:00 a.m. Arrlvos at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 2 Loaves Albany 12:35 p.m. Leaves Corvallls 1:30 p.m. Arrives at Yaqulna 5: 10 p.m. Trains to and from Detroit. No. 3 Leaves Albany 7:30 a.m. Arrives at Dotrolt 12:30 p.m. No. i Loavos Dotrolt 1:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 6:55 p.m. Trains for CorvnlliB. No. 8 Loavos Albany 7.55 a.m. Arrlvos nt Corvallls .... 8:35a.m. No. 10 Leaves Albany 2:25 plm. Arrlvos nt Corvallls .... 3:05p.m. No. G Loavos Albany 7:35 p.m. Arrlvos at Corvallls 8:15 p.m. Trains for Albany. No. 5 Loavos Corvallls C:30 a.m. Arrlvos at Albany 7:10 a.m. No. 0 LcavoB Corvallls 12:30 p.m. Arrives at Ajbany 1:15 p.m. No. 7 Leavos Corvallls 6:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 0:40 p.m. No. 11 (Sunday only) Leaves Corvallls 11:15 a.m. Arrlvos at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 12 (Sunday only) Leuvcs Albany 12:35 p.m. Arrives at Corvallls 1:18 p.m. For further Information apply to GEO. F. NEVINS, Gen. Pass, Agr., Albany. Ore. 1 ID I II 1 1 I H- DelegaUon in ConrJT Senator ChaB. W. Fmtoa. , "c"""" "oaaman Bonn Portland. un. . lom. ' I(7lS Roprosentatlvo W. R. ElllJi p I Stato Officials. Governor, George E. Gbm Sorotary of State, Frank Jjl DUlli anno ArouBuror, Georeo i & l Suporlntondent ot pbi0 t J tion, J. H. Ackeraan. Attornoy Gonoral, A. M. Crufi Staff! Prlntor TIT a , 7411 State Labor Commissioner n Snprcmo Court, Chief Juatlco, Robort 8. Bes Associate Justice, Frank A v, Associate Justice, Robert Eiw. CommlsBionors, W. T. 81atWl Clork, J. C. Moroland. Reporter, R. O. Morrow. Bailiff, P. H. Raymond. Circuit Judges, Geo. H. B Salem; William Galloway,' Mi vino. District Attornoy, John H.J sary, aaiora. Other Stato Ofuclalj. J. W. Balloy, Food and Dalr; mlsBlonor, Portland. J. W. Baker, Gamo and Poi warden, Cottago Grove. Robt. C. Yenny, Stato Health ft cor, Portland. J. II. Lowls, Stato Engineer,! lom. E. Gllllngham, Stato Llbrarlu. lom. II. G. Van Duson, Stato Fish mlsBlonor, Astoria. Chna. V. Galloway, Stato Agent, Salem. W. W. Eldor, Commander Sol Home, Roseburg. Marlon County Official. John H. Scott, County and Judge. I R. D. Alien, Clerk of Court. W. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, Treajurtt Q. T. Mooros, Superintend! Schools. ' i'. j. into, nsbussor. ti ju. u. iiorriCK, jr., burvejoy J. C. Noodham, W. H. QouletW i SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. THE PUREST And most delicious Soda it is pos Blblo to buy bo found right hore, A cool, refreshing ploaannt drink in a groat variety of flavors. All puro fruit syrups. OUR ICE CREAM SODA Is considered by all to be the bert In town. All now and dollghtful Summer beverages at our soda foun tain. THE SPA x. sea sa . Tlmo Card No. 4R vtrn. Jano 10, Toward Portland Passenger. No. 16 5:23 a. m Oregon Ex press. No. 188:40 a. m., Cottago Grove Passongor. No. 124:45 p. m., Shasta Ex press. No. 149:28 p. m Portland Ex pross. Toward Portland Freight. No. 222 10: 5 i a. m departs 11:38 a. in., Portland Fast Freight. No. 22010:40 a. m.. deoarts u.-JS a. m., Way Frolght. Towartl Snn IYancIsco Passenger No. 1111:03 a. m.. 8hasta Ex. press. No. 176:42 p.m., Cottage Grove PaBaonger. No. 159:56 p. m., California Ex press. No. 131:31 a, m., San Francis co Express. Toward San Francisco Freight. No. 221 2:33 a. ra.. Bnn rv.. Cisco Fast Freight No. 22511:55 a, m.. arrives 11:25. CHIGHESTEKSPILLS V?ia lisL&a:l!t&!bS E( misslonors. A. M. Clough, Coroner. D. G. Drager, Recordor. Salem City Officials. Geo. F. Rodgors, Mayor. W. A. Mooros, Recorder and M Judgo. D. W. Gibson, Marshal anl Qlf of Police Frank Morodlth, City Trcaiart A. O. Condlt, City Attorney. Jas. W. Martin, Street ComI slonor. John A. Darr, Chief of FlreD,! mont. W. C. Smith, Health Officer. City Standing Commlttw. Ways and Means Jacob, Ti Churchill. Ordinances Groonbaum, Goode. Accounts and Current EipJ Churchill, Radcllff, Dayne. Streets Downing, Stockton, Public Buildings Stocktc. I Gesnor. Sewerage, Stolz, Jacob, Low. Plumbing Frasor, DowsHf. nor. Firo and Water Low, Goode. T-i-a- nHji f hnr.MlL , UftUgCB UWUtll, vmu.v -. ,. er. Health and Police HW Waldo. Llehts Goode. Haas, Or Printing Radcllff, Haw, F PnhHn Parka Dame. Or Stockton. Board of Educatio. E. m. Crnisnn. Chairman. A. A. Lee. H. C. Eplef. ' Moores, W. P. Babcock, Director H. A. Johnson, Jr., Cierx. J. M. Powers, City Supt. o " WTn. konllv lltHOVe tht 11 i, u tail tiutt.. ston meant thero is an un limit In Qnn T?mnpl8CO. NOtU3' , long remain un whipped wbel ston Is. Philadelphia Vti Miu i. u vrrTrrr.' t?..-KSj im bT rss feJ&ll5- Don't Bo M And loso all interest wae i n,ui,i. . ir.irhlne wl wiiuiii itULU - that liver perform Its dull J v r n Vaiifhn Elba, A- ... ' ' i ...ffprcr fw uemg a consiauv "--,. ui .it...! . o Hlsoraer" - . j! J,--. , ...! tTorlilna to M Medlclae, for theso tronlM JV .t v i.HA mtmort II W t hAiiitva it to be the b Z -ih all t. uu, aaa "-T ' , irom tasae ire - - i Haralae kaa doae bw. "" J Fry. - JTMaT smmTSEriJnmie