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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGONTPHUHSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1007. : - . J. L. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER "CUER CLEARINGS WHICH MEAN MONEY IN THE CKI7TS OF THOSE WHO TAKE ADVANTAKE OP THE OPPORTUNITY. it v yn irasols ill parasols are offered atsalo r . . iinr iimbrollaa fees uecouso n - , , Lg to tako tholr Placed. . j valued for 3oc I1.58-J1.68 values for. $1.10 12.00 value for $140 r ' UTED TALCUM POWDER big 6-ounce can of high Tjde talcum 6c can Wash GoodS ftVET OBIP SUPPORTERS. b have Jus; -ecelved anothe7 bent BATHING SUITS 3ATHING TRUNKS All sizes for men and boys All .wash goods, nr onthq slaughter tabid. W daotwant to, carry over ono single yn'ra, so wo offor'them at r ' Half Price Straw Hats A big tablo full of mt-n's, boys' children's straw hats, worth 25c to 75c; special 1 0c each Another lino shown In. ou CommorcIaJ etveet window; values 50c to 75c; special 38c each Genuine Oregon buckskin gloves, Indian tan, homo-made. $1 .25 pr RATES ARE TOO HIGH Complaint as to Tariffs On Columbia Southern-Branch of 0. R, & N$ SMILES en th: b-pln throwing bombs sslonarki In Connecticut, It Is o quit objecting to llttlo cnnnl- c tcnJ nclc3 among tho uncn- ned heathen, or grilling of re- colporteurs In China. Den Jones did such a thor- J job filing complaints ngnlnat ellroad, the people simply got bomplalnt now nnywhoro In tho and sign it Jones. That does uslnes3 and tho railrond corn- la docs the rest. i dismissal of tho radical ngltn- irrow by the Mining Federation la wiso step. Ills wholesale uc aspersions were nearly fatal defense in tho Haywood caso. r tamers had It all tholr way ithtse beautiful showers camo. m really needed something to Ibont so as not to get out of tho GENERAL OUTLOOK FOR HOPS Watcrville Times and Hop Rcporlr's Resume of the Situation flklng of the stock of aprons nd In the only dry goodB store I MrJcn of Eden, Evo is said to remarked to Adnm that there pot enough to fhifc a-car In a great city is a common ence, but lost in a Salem dry tore is a new ono. Rut that t happened to a llttlo cirl in tlcago s'oro at Salem tho othor The distracted mother finally the Il'tle ono In ono of tho a'!erlc3, about a quarter of a fom tho front door ontranco. one month thore are to bo car crossing the North Com r ,treet bridge. Trioro should celebration with fireworks It really accomplished. I'olU County Ijimi Suit. lit Of DaVid80n VS. THntinr,!. polk county land case, will be eiore th supremo court thit oon by Mo,,., ei,.i . -.. tum nuu Quality House Tho continued fino summer weath er is this states has caused a very sat isfactory growth of tho vino In all sections, and reports coming In nro very much more cncourngtng than horotoforo. Estimates of tho ylold aro being raised, and Is now pre dicted that with continued lino woathor wo will havo a crop very llt tlo bolow tho nverngo. Tho yards aro entirely frco cf mold, which makes tho outlook bright for lino quality. Most of the yards nro now In blow, nnd It Is said tho hops aro blowing out very low on tho poles, indicating n heavy yield In proportion to tho vine. Tho coast outlook Is unchangod. Some esti mates nro made ns high as 175,000 bnloa for tho Oregon crop, but this is considered excessivo by rollable parties, Tho growljig weather In all coast sections hns boon very favor able. Crop news from England U very conflicting, somo reporting tho crop to bo very backward and estl mating tho'yoold ns 300,000 cwt. Other reports aro that tho vino show n good average growth, and with favorablo weather they jvlll grow an avorngo crop and today estimating tho crop at 400,000 to 425,000 cwt. Locally tho market for spot hops U lifolcss, and tho small hand-to-hand domand from brewora is easily sup plied from dealers stocks. Tho Coast markets aro also qulot, with growers showing a llttlo more anxiety to sell their holdings, From Now York State wo hear of tho sale of tho largest remaining lot In grower' hands, amounting to 94 bftleij at 13 cents to grower. S" SBsB-- pioneer optician of Meed. 4,as la the onticai iia t a the paclfi. ... . K Honest prices and result. Try u next time. H. HINGES We Obum.. ... ", S3 Commercial .to Capital Natl! : Proposals for Rids, Proposals for buildings to be orected at tho Oregon Institution for Feeble Minded, including steam heat ing plant, plumbing and electric wiring. Salem, Ore., August C, 1907. Sealed proposals, endorsed ' on the outside of tho envelope, "Proposals for buildings for tho Oregon Institu tion for Feeble Minded, Salem, Ore gon," and addressed to S. A. Kozor, clerk of tho board, will bo received at the secretary of state's office, btate capital, Salem, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m. of August 14, 1907, for furnishing materials and labor re quired to construct and complete tho following buildings with electric lighting: Frame administration building, frame dormitory, frame barn, brick laundry building, brick boiler house, steam heating plant and plumbing, In strict accordance with plans, specifications, and In structions to bidders, which may be oxamlned at the secretary of state's office, capltol building, and at thi office of W. D. Pugh, Salem, Oregon. Bids submitted otherwise than on proposal sheet attached to each speclMcatloa will not be entertained. .8S A. Kocer, 8-15 , Clerk, j To the Honorable Railroad Commis sion of tho Stnto of Oregen: Tho undersigned, William II. Biggs, complains and respectfully al leges: ' i St That he has been for moro thin 20 years last past, a residont of tjab stnto of Oregon, and has resided affd now resides at Wasco, in the county of Shermnn.n said state. That he Is tho owner of dlvors tracts of agricultural land wltli'ln said county and state, largoly de voted to tho production of wheat, grain hay and other products; hns occasion to travel over the Oregon iRallroad & Navigation Co.'s llnoa of railroad within snld state, and tho prices of his products nnd that of tho supplies used by him aro affect ed by tho'trnlffs, rates and charges of tho said railroad corporation. That tho said Oregon Railroad & Navigation owns nnd operntcs a branch lino of railrond from Biggs on tho Columbia river, in tho snlij county of Sherman, to Shnnlko, in tho county of Wasco, nil In said stato of uregon, a distance or about 71 or 72 .miles, said branch being former ly known nnd designated ns "The Co lumbia Southorn Railway." That tho pnssongor tariffs, ratos and chnrges over said branch lino of railroad, are four cents per mile, nro too high, unreasonable and unjust nnd ought to be reduced, tho service offorod bolng only ordinary. That tho freight tariffs, ratos and chnrgos upon snld branch lino nro unreasonable, unjust nnd nro nlao discriminatory and ought to bo re duced nnd modified and mndo just and equitable, and In support of hid contention, ho cites tho following ns illustratiens: That from points along tho Colum bia river as from Rufus, Grants or Biggs, to Portland, Oregon, tho rntos for wheat In carload lots, is ono nnd sovonty-nino hundredths (1.79) conts pcMon per mile, and a gonoral rato of $2,50 por ton, whllo from Wasco, on snld branch lino, bolng only nbout four miles further from Portlnnd than Rufus nforosnld, tho rato Is two nnd thlrty-sovon hun dredths conts por ton per mile, and a gonoral rnto of $2.80 por ton bj Ing nn Incroaso In tho rnto of 75 cents por ton bolng moro than 3G por cent Increase, nn Increnso of nourly two nnd a quartor conts por bUBhol of whent which la certainly unjust. And whllo thoro Is a llttlo difference, In thnt Wasco Ib on n branch nnd tho grndo from Biggs is hoavy, thoro certainly cannot bo n sufllclont dlfforenco to justify that difference In rates. Then from Was co to Klondike, a dlatanco of about flvo mlle3 further, tho rato is two nnd forty-eight hundredths contB per" ton por mile bolng n rnto from thorn to Portlnnd of $3.05 por'ton an In crease of only 25 conts per ton for thoso flvo miles, whllo tho Increase of tho rato between that of Rufus and that of Wasco Is 70 conts per-ton. That between Klondlko nnd Sum mit a distance of some two miles or possibly a llttlo over, thoro 1b nn In crease of rato of 25 cents pdr ton and tho samo rate prevails on up tho lino to Moro a distance of 12 miles with tho result that tho rato from Sum mit Is two and forty-eight hundredths (2.48) conts per ton por mllo to Portland, while that from Moro 12 miles further, Is only two nnd forty four hundredths, (2.44) cents por ton per mllo a slight decease In tho rate as compared with Summit. Between Moro and Graas Valley a distanco of ton miles thero is an In crease of rate of 30 conts por ton, being a rato of two and forty-eight hundredths cents per ton per mile to Portland, tho samo relative rato as from Summit aforesaid, and from S.hanlko a distanco of 34 miles ur thereabout tho rate is $3. CO per ton to Portland and is the samo as from Grass Valloy per ton, but Is only two cents per ton per mllo a consider ably cheapor rato relatively than any other point along the line. That complainant Is informed and believes and therefore allegea that tho rates, tariffs and charges made by said railroad In other particulars and In relation to other commodi ties are likewise unjust, unreason able and discriminatory both as to incoming and out-going freights. That complainant Is further In formed and believes and therefore al leges that said branch line of rail returns upon tho capital Invested ' therein and Its present earnings avo ' nmpio to meet its operating expenses, pay good returns upon tho" money actually Invested and still havo a surplus, nd that a moderate re duction can and should bo mado up on Us tariffs upon said branch line. Thnt complalnnnt Is Informed nnd bolloves that tho tariffs' rates nnd charges madq by said railroad cor poration, from Shnnlko to Portlnnd, STANDARD APPEALS ' ITS CASE b Chicago, Aug, 8. Standnrd Oil attornoys today filed formal notlc'o -M- M0YER WANTS DARROW Donvor, Aug. 8. Moyor will prob ably decide tonight on which attorney ho wants to defend him. Ho Is con ferring with Dnrrowtodny, and If the mnttor Is loft to him ontlroly, Dnrrow will bo solectod. nro ample to meet tho operating ex-' of aJ,P.caM.onHaBS?iV.d,, fl.c'a!n ponses, allow reasonable returns upt.fln,nS tho u'st. Indlctmpnts arg bo on tho money invested, and all things ,nE drawn by govornfnont bxporta considered, renlizo n net profit of nsalust tho railroads alleged to havo reasonable proportions, and that It Granted rebates and' concessions to M manifestly unjust, unfair and un- Standard, r'easonnblo that shlppors botwobrn Biggs and Shnnlko, whero tho dis tances are considerable less should bo required to pay proportionately high er rates and tariffs for tho same work. Complainant further states that nil tho records, pnpora and documents concerning tho schdulcs, rate3 and tariffs, tho gross rccolpts, oporatlng expenses, net results, etc., are In tho possession nnd custody of said Ore gon Railroad & Navigation company, nro" unavailable to complalnnnt ao that ho Is unable to glvo moro definite Information nnd mako moro specific tho points of complnlnt. Wherefore complainant prays thnt your honorable body will thorough ly investigate tho mnttors nnd cir cumstances herein suggested, alleged and complnlned of; nnd thnt tho tariffs, rates and chnrges upon snld branch railroad bo so modified ns to bo just and equitable to all concern ed, nnd discrimination be discontin ued. Dntod nt Wnsco, Sherman county, Oregon, this 7th dny of. August, A. D., 1907. WM. H. BIGGS, Complainant. o For nn Impaired Appetite. To improvo tho nppotlto nnd strengthen tho digestion try a fow doses of Chamborlnln's Stomnch nnd Liver Tablets. Mr. J. II. Soltz of De troit, Mich., snyB: "Thoy restored my nppctito whon impaired, rolioved mo EXPECT FUEL FAMINE Washington, Aug. 8. Tho lntor stno commission today issued a warn ing to the people of tho northwest to propnro for another fuel fnmlno next winter by buying conl nnd wood nt onco. Conl la oxpectod to go to $25 n ton in Montnnn. o Tho old romodloa nro tho best. Hickory Bark Cough Remedy has been In uso for ovor ono hundred yonra by tho old Dutch DunknrdB of Pennsylvania, and Is still In uso by WOULD GET KID OP ISLANDS Rut Longworth Thinks Frco Trade feqiwro Dcnl for' Philippines. Honolulu, Aug. 8. Congreasman Nicholas Longworth, In a speech mado at tho Commorcinl club's lunch eon yostordny, snld ho hoped that tho Philippines "would not long bo with us. - In tho meantime freo trndo with tho Philippines would bo a Bqunro doalahd frcb sugar 'would not injuro Hawaii.,'"' o GREAT FLEET C0PG (CoaUsiued frotn page oe). Of Dayton's floot tho first Bquad-ron-wlll bo tho West Virginia, Colo rado, Maryland and Pennsylvania all eighteen guns. Tho accond division will bo tho Tonncsso and Washington of 20 guns nnd tho California and South Dakota of 18 guns. Tho third division will bo tho St. Louis, Char leston nnl Mllwnukoo ench with. 14 guns nnd tho Chicago IS. Tho shlpa In tho first squadron nro all 13.G30 tonB. If Jnpnn strikes a sudden blow tho Philippines nnd othor Pacific tn sulnr possessions will bo loft nt Jn pnn's mercy so far ns tho navy Is con cerned ns tho present, forco In tho fur enst la lusufilclont to copo with tho enemy, nnd any attempt to strengthen thnt forco would bo re sented by Jnpnn ns nn unfrlondly net. n- FOR THE PINKY WOODS. Cooko Pntton JoIiih Mountain Climb ers (q Try to IUtluco Ills Wright. of n bloating feeling and caused n all tho old families of Western Penn pleasant and satisfactory movement of tho bowels." Prlco 25 conts. Sam- sylvnnln. Is absolutely puro; mado from tho bark of tho whlto or sholl- Attorney Gonornl Crawford having quite n sufficiency of tho referendum, this morning took tho Initiative on u vacation nnd nlso tho cars for Roaoburg. IIo was accompnnled by hlB son, "Jimmy," nnd Cooko Patton. Tho lnttor going to rest up his fnco nnd got It ready for tho fall stylo of smiles. At Roseburg tho party will bo joined by Mrs. Crawford and Mr. Crawford's nloco, Miss SuoVntson, nnd thoy will nil rotlro to tho woodJ nnd mountains, going down nearly to Klamath nnd staying until thoy nro ready to como homo which will plos freo. For ealo at Dr. Stono'a bark hickory troo. Tho bnrk Is ship- probably bo throo wooks or a month. drug store. ped from tho onBt, and manufactured in Salem, Oro., For salo by nil deal orB everywhere. o Says Olgu Kllhd If or Mother. Berlin, Aug. 8. On tho strength of tho stntcmont mndo by Bnron von tho Llndonnu, who Is uudor arrest, thnt i, ' Mctt'or Size of Football. El Paso, Aug. 7. A vomnrknblo meteor was soon horo at' 4:1b Wodnosday morning nnd wns vlslblo slowly moving ncross tho honvona from tho southwest sklos to north'onst nt 5 o'clock. Olga Mllltor and not Cnrl Hnu, who It prcsontcd tho nppenranco of n Is under sontunco to bo bohondod, comet nbout tho slzo of n football killed hor mother. Olgn has boon nr with a tall ojipnrontly 50 foot long, j rested nt Bndon Baden. Tho bnron from which showors of meteors foil mnkos tho charge In n lottor to tho continuously. Tho ball waa of n prosecutor at Carlsruho. groonisu youow coior wnwo mo iau o was whlto. ' "Regular nn tho Sun" o i in nn expression aa old as tho race Remwly for Dlnrrliooa-Nover Known No doubt tho rising nnd sotting of to Fall. the aim is tho most rogulnr porform- "I want to say n fow words for nnco In tho unlvorso, unless It Is tho Chamborlnln's Colic, Cholera and notion of tho llvor nnd bowols whon Diarrhoea Romody. I havo used thlB regulated with Dr. Klng'B Now Llfo preparation In my family for tho past Pills. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, flvo years and havo rccommondod It druggist, 25c. to n numbor of pcoplo Ip York coun ty nnd havo never known It to fall to effect a euro In any Instance I fool Cooko hnd a far-away look In his oyo, both of thorn In fact, ns ho camo ovor and told tho horso editor good byo, nnd ho confidingly told him that what ho was roally going for waB to got tho oxorclao and rodttco his weight. Ho snld nutl-fnt modlcinos no longer had any effect on him nnd ho hnd boon Htondlly tnklng on flosh, until It wns becoming burdotiBomo, In fact, had added nlinost throo ouncoH to his weight sluco last Cltrlst mns. Tho horso editor waB dcoply moved and stucoroly wished htm suc cess in ins orrort, nuu tunc nin shadow might grow loss If It could. Mrs. J. D. Sutherland occompnnloa tho party. Explorer Drowned. Vancouver, B. C, Aug, 8, A mom- that I can not say too much for tho bor of a party of explorers from tho best remody of tho kind In tho Smithsonian Instltuto was drowned world." S. Jomlaon, Spring Grove, In tho Cold stream, a rlvor tributary York county, Pa. This remody is to tho Columbia rlvor, near Golden, for salo at Dr Stono's drug store, ,B. C. Tho ennoo upset whllo ho waa crossing tho stream. Tho unfortunnto Woman u Now Zealand. man clung to tho craft and was swept Wellington, Now Zealand, Aug. 8. nway. Tho canoo was found smashed --Tho bill making women ollglblo to to pieces. Tho man'a nnmo was not electlqn to tho upper houao passed learned, the committee stage today. "Everybody Should Know" Saya C. O. Hays, a prominent busi ness man of Bluff, Mo., thnt Buck Ion's Arnica Salvo 1b tho quickest and surest healing Balvo ovor appltod to a eoro, burn or wound, or to a case of piles. I'vo used It and know what I'm talking about." Guaranteed by J. O. Perry, druggist, 25c. Why Frot and Worry Can ybu afford to trlflo with bo sorl When your child hns a sovoro cold, ous a matter as to noglect a bad cold you n0C(j not foar pnoumonla or or cough, when for a trifling amount otil0r pulmonary diseases. Kcop sup you cau secure a bottle pf "Hick- 'pUod with Ballard's Horobound qry Bark Cough Romody," that H'syrup a posltlvo euro for Colds, guaranteed to euro or money refund- coughs, Whooping Cough and Bron ed. Prlco 25c, 50o and $1.00 per 'chltls. Mrs. Hall of Sioux Falls, fl. bottle. where. For salo by all dealers every- Williams Beats Vardrnan. JackBon, Miss., Aug. 8. Tko Dem ocratic state oxecutlvo committee to day declared Williams the party nomlneo for United States senator. Williams had a majority of G43. Thoro Is no contest. o A Setisuttloiial Import. Washington, Aug. 8. Tho sensa tional confidential report of Attorney Kellog, who Investigated tho oil tiuat management In tho government suits for dissolution of tho Standard, la filed In tho department of justic awaiting tho return of Bonaparte. m i Tfw Texan Wonder, Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic troubled; gold by all drug gists, or two woatks trial treatment liVLaall tntr If DA rr- w w tr-ll leges mai aiu urum i "'Y v ,w'" " ! m.,1 ka from the data of Its con- 2fl2t Olfve street, St. Le(. Ho. trtMearta-thejW!-! for tetUnoBlals. goI4 by Bjteae'a yielded large sad aaple results asd dmcT More. D., writes. "I havo ueod your won dorful Ballard's Horonound Syrup, on my children for flvo ycarB. Its re sults havo boon wondorful." Sold by D. J. Fry. a Will CoiiHlder Strike. " Chicago, Aug. 8. A special meot lng of tho executlvo board of Tele graphers' union has been called to consider tho Los Angeles strlko situ ation as it Is deemed critical horo. It is reported that Small has tele graphed that preparations would ho mado for emergencies, Don't Grumble When your Joints acho and you suf fer from Rheumatism. Bu a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment and get Instant rolief. A posltlvo cure for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Contract ed Muscles, Sore Cheat, etc., Mr. I. T. Bogy, a promlaent merchant at Wil low .Point, Texas, says that he tads Ballard's Snow Lislaeet the beet all ratted Llalweat he ever need. Sold by D. J. Fry. THE PUREST And moat dellcloua Soda It Is pos sible to buy bo found right here, A cool, refreshing pleasant drink In a groat varloty of lavors, All puro fruit syrups, OUR ICE CREAM SODA Is conBldored by all to bo tho beit In town. All new a.nd delightful Summer beverages at our soda fouu tain. . THE SPA 'J