Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 07, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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r . nffered at sale
king to tftk tneir pm-a.
5 tulucs for oc
fl.5S-?1.63 values for. $1.10
.00 value for .$1.40
i Me 6-ounce can of high
Irado talcum '
6c can
.inlfA(1 1 tlrtfr M)9
R'jhave jusi w -....,.
All sizes for
men and boys
Lr Rodgers and Councilman
bve declared war on tho dust,
jrlth keen perception and ex-
Judgment picked on a rainy
Is n cood cool day for tho
f to tackle the dust on Commer-
Ircct. Tho rain doesn't lntor-
Ith tho dust that has tho short-
It In. J. Plerp. Morgan or
jllarrlman couldn't water that
Hague peace conferenco and
ar In Morocco nro running n
close race, with tho latter n
Gnired corpses ahead, and tho
(or more, promising.
taUan of Morocco wags hid
i the wmo of Abdul Aslz. ' Do-
the rebel Ralsull and tho
i and Spaniards throwing shells
pi principal seaport ho Is llnblo
bs Abdul As-was.
ps-wed doctor back onst who
I'6t Greaser John's hoalth
Ihe old sinner has boon born
li now on'y 14 years old and
pe to bo 01 at least. This means
l 1 probably outllvo tho coal
ppljr, but by that time ho will
Jone Crlstr, 0rr his pcdastal
Nthfullj say "tho world la
j gambling games In Astoria
111 been c'oscd, Strange how
la prosecuting attorney can do
pne snows him how. Somo of
ol6ht find some of tho other
1 Oregon laws that nro not on-
and try their hands on them
ere not Mlssourlans.
The Scale.
MO hat Is concolt.
hat Is a confection.
Ml Is a 8Jn nnA a nhnmn nnil
tct Justification for going homo
other Louisville Courler-
Quality House
WOKtt ootid.. , o.,.
Zvx "'
free n WU(- conaui
Kd S!st prlcea an
us next time.
Optician, m commercial
'Beni Capiui KtttoMl
Wash Goods
All wash goods arc on tho
slaughter tablo. W do not want
to carry over ono single yard, so
wo offer them at
Half Price
Straw Hats
A big tablo full of men's, boys'
children's straw hats, worth 25c
to 75c; special
1 0c each
Another lino shown in our
Commercial afreet window;
values 50c to 75c;
38c each
Genuine Oregon buckBkln
gloves, Indian tan, home-made.
$1 .25 pr
ALLISON At tho Willamette sani
tarium on Winter street, Salem,
this Wednesday morning, August
7, 1907, at C a. m., Roglnnld Alli
son, aged 14 yenrs, of blood pois
oning. Tho body was takon to tho family
homo near Hopewell this aftornoon,
where tho funernl services will bo
conducted by Rov. Noff of tho United
Brethren church of this city Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services
will bo hold at tho Hopewell church
at 3 p. m. Intorment In Hopewell
At tho Altar.
"Will you hnvo this hero woman
tJ bo your lawful, woddod wife?"
"That's what I Mowed I would.'
"Will you love, honor and obey
"Ain't you got thnt switched
'round, pnrson?" snld tho groom.
"John!" said tho brldo-olect,
"don't you reckon tho pnrson knows
his business? Answer Iho ques
tion!" "Yes, sir," said tho groom, meek
ly, "I reckon I'll hnvo to!" Atlanta
.. o
Father's Method.
A man In a midland county owns
a numbor of horsos and has a grnt
reputation for skill In tho trcatmont
of them. Ono dny a farmer who
wanted somo valuable Information
npproached tho horsp owner'B little
boy and said;
"Look hero, my Uttlo man, when
ono of your fnthor's horses Is 111
what doos ho do?"
"Do you mean slightly HI or
seriously 111?'- askedj tho boy, cauti
ously. "Oh, sorlously 111," said tho farm
er. "Becauso," said tho child, "If n
horse Is only slightly III ho gives It
medicine; but If it Is sorlously 111 ho
Bolls It." Tlt-Blts.
i Oregon
i Prune Cakes
A delicious, toothsomo and
wholesome cake, nrndo of our
best Oregon prunes and pure
spices. Wo mnko them In
great quantities and sell them
as fast us wo can turn them
For a largo threo layer cake,
A visit to our store would
soon convinco you of tho fart
that wj keep the best line of
eatables la our city. .We study
your wants.
Roth & Graber!
410 State St. Pbtt S
Governor Chamberlain Solcct9 Rep
resentatives to Irrigation
Governor Chnmberlnln Tuesday 'ap
pointed tho following dolegates, to
tho National Irrigation congress; ,
P. E. Manchester, Portland.
Tom Richardson, Portland.
P. B. Holbrook, Portland.
J. W. Cook, Portland.
,A. Bennett, Irrfgon.
J. A. Mallery, lone. '
Sam Thomas, Lexington.
Prank Gllllnm, Heppner.
E. T. Allen, Irrlgon.
J. T. Llounllon, Adams.
C. A. Barrett, Athena.
B. B. Hall, Weston.
W. T. Shaw, Preewater.
C. L. Swan, Preowntor.
C. T. Goodwin, Milton.
D. 0. Brownell, Umatilla.
John T. Whlstlor, Hermlston.
A. C. Crawford, Hermlston.
J. P. McNaught, Hermlston.
Louis Scholl, Echo. t
S. A. Lowell, Pendleton.
Chas. P. Hyde, Baker City.
W. C. Cowglll, Baker City.
W. J. Pattorson, Baker City.
S. L. Baor, Baker .City.
Goo. T. Baldwin, Klamath Palls.
John H. Lowls, Salem.
W. P. Woodon, Jacksonville.
L. L. Mullt, Ashland.
C. L. Ronmos, Jacksonville.
E. C. Hnnley, Jacksonville.
Dr. C. R. Ray, Medford.
P. S. Young, Eugene.
James Johns, Pendleton.
J. R. Linn, Salem.
J. J. Dnlrymplo, Salem. '
A. E. Huckc8tln,c, Salem.
E. J. Fralslor, Eugene.
A. II. Dovors, Portland.
S. B. Rlggen, Portland.
SnrnM Cornoll, Portland.
Goo. McMillan, Portland.
A. N. Smith, Portlnnd.
J. II. Burgnrd, Portland.
A. L. Currcy, Baker City.
Sam Whlto, Baker City.
I. B. Bowon, Bnkor City.
Monto B. Gwlnn, Pendleton.,
W. J. Pumlsh, Pendleton.
E. C. Glltnor, Portland.
O. E. Wondorly, Rnlnlor.
C. C. Chapman, Portland.
Mrs. C. C. Chnpman, Portland.
L. Krnuso, Portland.
Sam Mendelsohn, Portland.
E. L. Thompson, Portland.
Jos. Malloy, Portlnnd.
H. C. WUlls, Pendleton.
C. A. Rhea, Heppner.
C. E. Rodflold, Heppner.
Sam E. Van Victor, Heppner.
Mrs. L. GrlndBtnff, Portland.
Jeff Hurd, Medford. "
Dr. J. T. Roddy, Medford.
Chns. K. Honny, Portlnnd.
C. B. Williams, Portland.
P.- W. Ponton, McMlnnvlllo.
E. P. Sholdon, Portland.
J. T. Carroll, Portland.
E. B. Plpor, Portlnnd.
C. S. Jackson, Portlnnd.
Chns. Ballard, Roseburg.
Dr. J. E. Shoaror, Roseburg.
W. A. Williams, Portland.
John Cordnno, Portland.
W. J. Smith, North Bend.
L. J. Simpson, North Bend.
W. P. Murphy, Marshflold.
E. E. Straw, Marshflold.
J. 8. Greene, Marshflold.
William Wright, Union.
B. P. Irvlno, Corvallls.
J. H. Whyto, Astoria.
A. B. Slauson, Portland.
J. Frnnk Adams, Merrill.
R. A. Alford, Klamath Palls.
L. Gorbor, Klamath Palls.
N. S. Merrill, Merrill.
Gustavo Anderson, Baker City.
P. P. Robinson, Baker City.
P. H. Dean, Baker City.
E, M. Brannlck, Portland.
Dr. C. W. Cornelius, Portland.
W. R. King, Salem.
Mrs. W. R. King, Salem.
Jas, Mahon, Mulo.
C. M. Redflold, Redmond.
Geo. L. Hartman, Portland.
C. D. Huffman, Ln Grande.
A. E. Eaton, Union.
Will M. Peterson. Athena.
S. D. Peterson, Athena.
R, A. Andrews, Portlnnd.
N. W. Rountree, Portland.
Henry Richardson, Burns.
Jas. Donnogan, Burns.
Jas. Blakely, Enterprise.
P. A. Seufort, Tho Dalles.
Julian Byrd, Burns.
C. W. Allen, Laldlaw.
G. W. Allen, Portland.
R. R. Johnson, Echo.
C. W. Mallett, Ontario.
J, B. Iabor, Portland.
J. R. Blackaby, Ontario.
J. M. Lackey, Ontario.
Miss Lavina Smith, Ontario.
Eugene D. White, Portland.
T. B. Neuhausen, Portland.
W. C. Bristol, Portland.
H. C. Jones, Portland.
C. H. Ball, Portland.
J. T, Welch and brc4kr-I-law,
Gtvtf EHmfcHr. 1H tWta aerate?
for Cow 37 w ,.
llandsomsly Furnished Little Art Gal
lery for Post Card Collectors
The Patton's last night opened tho
post card emporium on Stato Btroet
ln tho room formerly occupied by
Mnplethorpe, tho shooman. Tho
room Is Just made for tho purpose,
and the nicest tnste hns been dis
played in Its nrrangomont. Tho walls
nro hung with racks, and these aro
filled with pictures, as tho negro
hostess said of her mixed assortment
of guests, both "plnln and colored."
Tho walls aro simply each a big com
posite plcturo and there aro postal
cardB of "every color and of every
hue." Sentimental cards, comic,
pictures benutlful and grotesque, na
tural scenery, Oregon's pretty girls,'
public buildings and everything that
would sit still long enough to
have Its "plcturo took." Cooke Patton
was darting around among tho bevy
of handsome women and gjrls In tho
store last night, lllco n humming
bird ln a flower garden, or a brlghtl
winged butterfly In n poppy-flold. Ho
wore, besides a suit of store clothes,
a stand-up collar, 'and a big diamond
ring, a smllo na oxpanslvo nnd chco.
f nl ns n summer sunset ut tho mouth
of the Columbia. Hal wasn't there.
Two luminaries ln a room of that bIzo
spoil the Directs of tho olcctrlc lights
nud Cooko got there first.
Ono of tho nttrnctlons, and n chief
ono nmong tho cards, and not count
ing Cooke, Is tho benutlful burned
leather' work In orlglnnl designs, tho
same bolng tho nrtlatlc crcntlon of
Mrs. A. D. Wolch of South Salem.
The' work shows not only great skill
In its execution but rnro artistic con
ception ln tho subjocts nnd design.
Miss Nottlo Bccknor will hnvo charge
of tho room.
Reporting Exhibit.
Tho Oregon Agricultural Collogo
will provldo an nttrnctlvo exhibit at
tho Greater Oregon Stato Pair (Sep
tember 1C-21) at Salem. Thov
hnvo applied for tho ontlro spneo In
tho main pavilion w.est from tho on
tranco to tho auditorium. Tho Gov
ornmont Experimental Station of
Union will also parttclpato, using
COO foot of wall spneo for tho dis
play of grnlns and grnssos. A aloro
optlcan show, presenting viowa of
Oregon, on tho snmo plnn ns was
Boon at tho Lowls and Clark Exposi
tion In Portlnnd, froo to nil visitors,
will bo a feature, of this dopartmont,
Corvallls Tlmos.
Regular prices
$1 0 to $25
Sale prices
$6.50 to $1 8
People who know
are taking advantage of
these (exceptionally good
We have all sizes
and styles in black, heavy
and light weights.
Call and see how
well you can do at this
Salem Woolen Mill Stoe
San Francisco, Aug. 7. Emll J.
Zlmmor will bo tried by a Jury for
misdemeanor on tho chnrgo of con
tempt of court for refusing to testify
ln tho Glass trial, next Wednesday.
This morning in tho pollco court ho
pleaded that ho has alroady been
punished on tho charges by threo
Bentencos to tho county Jail and n
$500 fine, but tho court hold plea
was not well taken nnd the enso was
set for trial.
Killed by Lightning.
Pann, 111., Aug. 7. Robort rind
Frank Henderson woro killed by
lightning, and threo othors woro so
vcroly shocked last night. Crops
"- mi - -m mm m w ww w () w w t- . --- m -m-- w -ww. 4 w mm w
wore badly damaged and tho Catholic day, August 12, 1907, for tho Un
church at Nokomis nnd two homos provomont of Court stroot In tho city
wero destroyed.
Sholbyvlllo, III., Aug, 7. P. M,
Hollnnd nnd Frnnk Anderson woro
killed by lightning last night whllo
gathorlng hay.
Pennsylvania Man Kills Himself.
Pittsburg, Aug. 7. George W.
Dolmntor, formor Btnto senator nnd
lator candldnto for govornor of Penn-
Bylvnnla on tho Republican ticket,
Bitot and killed hlmsolf thld nftoruoon
In tho ofllco of tho Pennsylvania Stool
Tlo company, of which ho is prosl-
dent. Melancholy Is supposed to
hnvo been tho cnuBo, as ho has bon
worrying over tho death of his boh,
which occurred n month ago.
A lottor waH found on his person
which Is ln possession of tho coroner,
It Is thought to contain tho ronl causo
of his sulcldo.
That Dayton Murder.
Dayton, 0., Aug. 7. Hnrry, Jacob
and Bertha Mnrkowltz who woro ar
rostcd In connection with tho death
of their ststor, Anna, who was with '
Abo Cohon, when ho was shot Sun
day night, woro rolcnsod this aftor
noon to attend tho funoral of their
sister. Thoy aro not to bo charged
with tho murder.
Dr. Jaiueo Smith Drowned.
Dr. JnmoB M. Smith of Portland
was drowned at Long Bench yostorc
day morning about 11 o'clock whllo
trying to snvo his boh who was caught
by tho undortow nnd wns drowning.
A young man named Harry Tlnk r
throw ovor n llfo prosorvor nnd
though nlmost drowned hlmsolf snvod
tho boy, Lesllo who Is nbout 13 yoara
of ago, Dr. Smith's body was a en
In tho bronkors but has not boon re
covered. Ho was a nntlvo of Port- '
Ready-Tailored Suits
San Francisco, Aug. 7. This city
h fnclng a wqtor famine unless tho
extravagant consumption, ceasos. Tho
Spring Valley company which has tho
solo supply 1b financially broko and
cannot repair tho mains from tho
now sourco, Tho company will ap
ply to tho supervisors for financial
Cnll for Bids.
Notlco Is hereby gtvon that soalod
bids will bo rocolved by tho city of
Salem, Oregon, at tho offlco of tho
city recorder, at tho city hall ln Bald
city, up to 8 o'clock p. m. on Mon-
of Salem, Oregon, from tho oast lino
of Commercial street to tho west lino
of Church stroot, In tho snld city, by
grading snld portion of Court strcot
and paving tho same with Warron'a
Bltullthlo Wntorproof pavomont, In
nccordanco with tho plans and sped-
J ilcntlon now on fllo ln tho ofllco of
.tho city rocordor.
Snld plana nnd specifications call
for tho use of a binder comont, which
Is pntonted. Tho said patontccs Uavo
on fllo In my ofllco nu-ngroomont with
tho city, wherein ,thoy ngroo to sell
tho right to uso said comont to all
bidders on this Improvomont for a
cortnln, determined, flxod prlco.
Each bid iuubI bo accompanied by
a cortlflod chock to tho valuo of 10
per cont of tho nmount of tho bid
submitted, na n gunrantco thnt tho
btddor will bntor into a contract
! therein proscribed within 10 days
nftor having rocolvod notlco of tho
nccoptanco of his bid, said chock to
bo forfeited to tho city of Salem In
caso tho bidder falls to qifalify and
exocuto tho contract,
Tho city rcsorvca tho-rlght to ro
Ject any or all bids. Plana and speci
fications can bo soon nt tho ofllco of
tho rocordor at tho city hall.
By or-
dor of tho common council.
City Rocordor.
Datq of first publication of this
notlco, August 0, 1907.
Special Eastern KxcursKm rate.
May 20, 21, Juno 6, 7, 8, .uly 8,
4, C, August 8, 0, 10, Soptombar 11,
12, 13, To Chicago and return,
$73. 1G. St. Louln and roturn, $09. lb
St. Paul nnd return, Omaha, Council
Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Joe, Kana.ii
City and roturn IGl.Gfi.
R-21-tf Gon. Pas. Agt.
XSA n$tori
Cushioned Apparel
X-. WIIWWwTM tot