Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 07, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Miss Rose first,' 7jj Harris Street,
Appleton, Wis., W rites Something
of Interest to All Women.
JZead Wliat She Says:
iiiiu . , cfyTBK.
if.?-' HHBv'H
1 iHfeT;H
; mm u mmmMmm
i wmmmBmmiM.
I MP' &gfB9g
Tho refrigerating car will first bo
tried In tho shipment of oranges, as
that Is the problem upon which
Taylor and hlB assistants aro now
directly engaged. But tho expecta
tion Is to apply tho same treatment
to tho shipment of peaches and othdr
fruits when tho opportunity comes.
Tho principles upon which tho
work is now dono nppllcs pretty ful
ly to all of tire fruits which aro like
ly to be spoiled In transit, and tho
Shot mid Shot Towers.
Tho nceiyjlty for tho "shot" tower
arises from tho fact tnat molten
lr ad must bo dropped a long distance
to mako shot round and perfect in
shape. It Is an old-fashioned
method, but It does not seem to have
been Improved on. Tho lead Is first
molted and tested and then It Is run
out Into bars and transported to tho
top of tho building. There it Is
melted again and poured througt
expectation 1b that Undo Sam will colanders, which aro either hollow
bo able to show fruit growers how hemispherical Iron disks or rectang-
thoy can safoly leavo peaches on tti
trees threo or four days longer thah
they aro now doing.
That this Is within tho possibili
ties has been dcvoloped in tho courso
of tho oxporlments which show tlut
tho prccoollng saves threo or four
dnys in tho llfo of the fruit nftor
picking. Poaches and other fruits
gain very materially in size and will
gain particularly In color nfid flavor
In this extra tlmo.
T WANT to ay a word for PerunA
A for systemic catarrh and tniHl
'Others who road this may try It and ro
-colvo tho Hamo good from It that I did.
"1 lind boon ntlnjf for a tonjr time
nd nothing Hoainml to do mo any good,
although I tried many doctors and
nnyji)odlclnon, IJiadbocotno so baJ
that there was no ploumiro In living.
"I -wan finally aIcod by a friend to
tryPcrutta, which I did, with many
MtaKlvlugs. What was my dollght,
-uftur taking tho first botllo, to boo a
great chungo for tho hotter and I kopl
a Improving until completely rv
featured. ,
now ted like it new woman,
lt han dono wondorri for mo and J gladly
ocommond It to othors." Itoso llurut
No ailing woman can fall to bo inter
'(mUm! in tho above testimonial. Mini
Hurst was persuaded by a friend to try
I'oruna, and she Is now porfuatly wall
and fooirt like another woman, Bueh hi
lior story in brief.
AlnNkaii-Yiikon-l'ncKIc Exposition.
Tho Sonttlo Times says: Work has
commenced on tho interior finishings
of tho Administration Duildlng on
tho Alnskn-Yukon-I'nclflc Exposition
giotinds, Tho structure Is now be
ing glvon Its covering 'of Btaff and
tho building will b ready for oc
cupany by tho exposition oiriclnls
within a fow weeks. It Is expected
tho exposition corporation will bo
ablo to move Its olllcua from tho
Amnio Annex to tho exposition
grounds not lntor thnn Octobor 1.
In its arrnngomonts tho Adminis
tration Duildlng is well equipped for
tho accommodating of tho exposition
forcos. A complete hontlng systom
will be InBtallod nnd tho structuro
ular, flat sheets, each oive perforated
with a set of holes of uniform bIzo,
made porfectly smooth "and exact.
Tho icad when poured must be of
the proper temperature for tho
special slzo to be made, and the
workmen aro careful to keep a film
of oxide as a lining to the colandor,
which Is thought to improve the
roundness of tho Bhot, possibly by
expediting Its cooling whllo It Is
passing through tho air. Tho holes
vary from 1-GO to 1-3C0 of an lnc'i,
but the shot nro of larger diameter
than tho holos. In falling to tho
baso of tho tower tho particles of
semifluid load, acted upon nllko over
their whole surface by tho current
of air, assume tho globular form, and
by tho tlmo they reach tho bottom
they aro sufficiently hardened by tho
cooling to roslst tho shock of strik
ing tho Biirfaco of tho vessel of water
placed to rccelvo them. Lnrgc-slzcd
Hhot rouulro a greater height than
the smnllor, nnd for tho latter towers
no higher thnn 100 foot arc required
Tho talloit shot towor In tho world
Is said to bo In Vlllnch, Cnrlnthit, tho
structuro being 2 19 foot In height.
Taken from tho cistern of wnter
Into which they havo dropped, the
shot aro drlod and then assorted ac-
wlll opoii as complete in all 11b d
tails as It is oxpoctod to bo whon tho ccrdlng to their slzos by sifting them
fair is In progross. i n rovolvlng coppor cylinder set
'Die building Is locntod Just to the slightly incllnod nnd nerforatod with
loft of tho flito of tho main outran no
at Klftoonth Avonuo and Fortieth
Stroot northwest. Tho prosont car
lino to tho University passes cIobo to
tho building,
A hiiuiP army of ni"n Ib working
on tho exposition grounds. Eight
work nnd
holos, which incroaso In slzo toward
tho lowor end. Tho smallor slzos
thus drop through abovo and tho
larger ohob lowor down, nnd each
bIzo Is rocoivod In ltd own box. Tho
shot got their Biiporflclal finish by be
ing rovolvcd for somo tlmo In a
havo boon awarded fov (cylinder with pulvorlzod graphite
luny ncroH aro noing imnorfoct shot nro soimratoil from
i - -- -
Undo Sam Is Gonslrucllncj a RcfrIo
crating Machine On Wheels
cioarcd and graded. tho truly sphorlcnl by allowing nil
Tho work now bolng dono on tho to roll down nn Incllnod piano. The
exposition slto will preparo tho norfoct oiiob run ntrnlunt down tho
ground for tho main building of tho mlddlo whllo tho Imperfect work off
inn. wnuii mo iiiuu IS ronny nmi.to nnn n do nr tlir nUiop.
the laudHraiio gardonlug completed,
contracts will bo awarded for tho
buildings tho state commission nnd
A method of making Bhot without
high towors has been pntontcd In
this country. Tho aubBtltuto for
PoaohtM, oraugus and other frulta
"which aro Hhlppud long distant
will roach thole dtllnutlons In much
hotter condition In tho futuro, If
"William A. Taylor Iikh IiIh way.
Taylor In tho ponioloKUt In cihnr
of field InvoHtlgntlon, dupnrtmout of
ugrleulturo. Thiough his Initiative,
Uuclo Ham Is now constructing at
Chicago a rurrlgurntlug nuiohlno on
wheels, which Is uxpuutud to accom
plish not a llttlo for fruit shipments.
Taylor and his uHiltnntH havo
round out that tho brut way to sh'p
fruit 1h to thoroughly cool It boforo
ullowhiK it to go on tho road. That
fur In tho oxporlmonU It has hoan
iiucoMnary to load tho fruit and haul
It to a cold storage plant. Hut th-
Ulantu wore froiuontly at somu ills
tanco, and meanwhile tho fruit deteriorated.
This dlllloulty will bo met, Taylor
believes, by tho refrigerating car.
Upon the ear Is an oil-burning ou
tline a refrigerating plant which
operates by tho ammonia process
uiul a system of fans for forcing
"blasts of cold air through cars of
fruit Tho tofrlgorntlng car will bo
put next to car lomlqri with fruit
nnd tho cold blasts will bo sout
through tho fruit car for boiuo
twenty four hours Thou tho car
containing tho fruit will bo Iced and
sont on IU way rojololng.
tho Talr corporation aro to orect. thorn Is n low clovatlon, upon whh-h
Tho romalndor of tho ground will bo n powerful current Is blown, thus
propared by contractors as rnpld'y producing tho effect of a long con-
as It Is nooded. tltiuod fall. Still nnothor method Is
I'crnuiiifiit llulldliigs. by pouring lond upon n rovolvlng
After tho Administration Duildlng tablo on which Is placed a cyllndsr
U nmilo rondy tho principal work to o porforatod shoot brass. Tho 1 ad
bo taken up will bo that of tho ig thrown by contrlfugnl action
regents of tho state university. Dy through tho perforations In tho ld03
Iho turins of tho IMpur bills thoy aio forming round brilliant Bhot, which
authorized to oroet threo butldlims
to cost not Ions than $000,000.
ThoHti bulliflngs will bo of a pormn-
nout charaotor, Intended for ultlmato
urfo of tho unlvorslty, but lo ha
lonuud for tho temporary uso'of tho
Coutraots for building tho stato
and corporation buildings will not
lit awarded for several weoks,
o '
l'or nn Iiupalivd Appetite.
To Improve tho appotlto and
atrongthon tho dlgontlon try n fow
doses of Chamberlain's Stomach nnd
Llvor Tablets. Mr. J. II. Soltz of De
troit, Mloh., sayB: "Thoy roBtorod my
appotlto whon Impaired, rellovcd mo
of a bloating fooling nnd caused a
plonaant nnd satisfactory movomont
of tho bowels." Piico 25 conts. Sam
ples froo.
drug atore.
strlko against n llnon Hereon plnccJ
to Intercopt thorn. N'ow York Sun.
Don't (Ii'iimble
Whon your Joints ncho nnd you BUf
for from Ilhoumatism. Bu a bottlu
of DallanB Snow Liniment and got
Instnnt relief. A posltlvo cure for
Itheumatlsm, Hums, Cuts, Contract
ed Musclos, Sore Chost, otc, Mr. I. T.
Hogy, a promlnont merchant at Wil
low Point, Texas, says that ho finds
Dallnrd'B Snow Llnlmont tho host nil
round Llnlmont ho ovor used. Sold
by D. J. Pry.
Fortunate Jonc. "
Jonos Kino tlmo wo had nt the
club last night, ot?
Ilrown You bet! Did you got
For sale nt Dr. Stono'a !,,om, u11 rlht?
Jonos No, I was arrested boforo
I got thoro nud Bpout tho night In
tho polloo Btation.
Ilrown Lucky dog! I reached
homo. Philadelphia inqulror.
hh muHHMniiinim.
Wc solicit your bank
ing business; nnd
wUh the assurance
oil our part that it ::
will be kept strictly ::
Salem, Oregon j
Ilrinlty In tho Soul,
In a TonuesBeo court nn old
colored woman was put on tho wit
ness stand to tell what she kuuw
about tho annihilation of a hog by a
railway looomotlvo,
llolng sworn, she was naktid f slio
had seen tho train kill tho hog In
Yussah, 1 seed It."
"Then." said cminnol, "toll the
court In as few word a as possible
Jut how It occurred."
"Yo honah," rospondod the old
lady. "1 shoro kin toll yo' In a fow
words. It Jiw tooted nn' tuck him."
Sucoow Magnslno.
Tho Toaiis Wonder.
Curos all kidney-,' bladder nnd
rhoumntlo troubloj; sold by nil drug
gists, or two months' trial treatmonl
by mall for $1.00. Dr. H. W. Hall.
2926 Ollvo street. St. Loula. Mo
Seud for testimonials. Sold by Stouo't
drug dtore.
Cnn you afford to trlflo with bo serl
oua n matter as to nogloct n bad cold
or cough, when for n trifling amount
you cnn BQcur.o n bottle of "Hick
ory Dark Cough Itomedy," that li
gimrantoed to euro or monoy refund
ed. Price 2Cc, R0o nnd $1 00 per
boltlo. For salo by nil dealers eery-
This world could call full many
And run moro nearly right
If houwt men wore no so gruff
And crooks not no polite.
Washington Star.
Not to ito KU'Ud.
"Honlly." Bald Mrs. Starem's
crony, "Fm surprised to hear ou
say jou'ro having trouble to get 3,0 ir
munoy out of Mr. Starboard He
always boasted that ho paid as ho
"Yes,." complained Mrs. Starvem,
'out I can't got him to go.'" PhU.i
dolphin Press.
0 .-
'ItegHlar ns tho Sim"
Is nn oxpresslon as old as the race.
No doubt tho rising and setting of
the sun Is tho most regular perform
ance In tho universe, unless It is the
action ot the llvor and bowels whn
regulated with Dr. KlnsVNow Llfo
PUlt, Guarantco by j, 0. Perry,
Whete Ctops Nevet Fail
W!ieie People Enjoy Life
Summet and Winter
A Land of Fertile Valleys,
Rich Uplands, Incalculable
Forest Wealth and the Fin
est Ocean and Mountain
Resorts in the Wold.
Out Cities ate Growing. The
Cotmty is Settling Up.
The State is Rapidly Mul
tiplying Its Industries. Now
is the time to come to Oregon.
Co-operation of the Railroads
and the People and the
Newspapers will develope
There Is no climate eqaaltothat of Western Oregon.
There is no country so comfortable to live In as
HOW TO DO IT-Mark articles about Oregon In
this paper and mall two copies for a cent to East
ern friends. Write your name and address on
the wrapper.
The Daily and Weekly Capital Joarnal have a large
eastern circulation and present the facts about
Western Oregon. Write for a free copy to
Hofe B os., Pubs.
irstK. zc