Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 06, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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ITells About Some of the People lie Saw On the Train and What They Did;
Also Makes a Few Remarks About Surf Bathing In General and the Dif
ferent Way In Which It Seems to Strike People-Visitors Take Many
Uotlles Over to Take Home Samples of Sea Water
T)n Saturday thoro was the usual
4rush tor the beaches at Newport.
Rath sections of tho overland from
Portland woro emptied at Albany
Aind Jibout two more -coaches plokoJ
ip at Corvallls. Goncral Mannger
oa. FJ NovIiib had plenty of S. P.
coaches and inado d'vorybody com
ToTtnblo. Thoro were tho UBunl
Wurallty ol women and chlldron, not
many mon jotting oft In midsummer
Surf Entiling Sunday wbb vory fine.
Ht was not ready to pick until 3 p.
an,, hero was a cold northwost wind
Jultirfing that tempered tho water by
.putting gooso-plmples on your llosh
Jboforo you onlored. The oxporl
"onfced bather lakes a run from tho
Vbtifti-hotiHo, a header In tho first
"urciiKor ana comes up without any
o)iniico for a chill.
Newport Is growing moro popular
oh a summer rosort for fnnillloB each
onson. Tho fact that tho place
went dry (Iooh not kcop tho women
ind chlldron away. Tho men nro
geiiing mo niiDit or cunning over
"there in droves In tho fall to hunt
-xleur Jinil catch salmon, that not be
ing Ji closed huiihoii on liquid hup
IpTluH. lloozo shipments nro hiiIc! to
Mjo tin tho IneroiiHe to tho bay.
1 A Hplciiillri Showing.
Tho Sunday excursion was ntnrly
'n large an Saturday's mid was ao
uompnnlod by Goneral Manngor
Novum. Ilo Is giving close personal
attention to handling the crowds,
and whou It It considered that nolthoi
tho road nor tho equipment Is flrHt
c1ubb, tho results might bo a groat
"rtcnl worse, To carry ton or twolvo
thousand peoplo to Newport and
linck without ho much as a scratch
to unyouo Is no small performance.
'This has boon dono for many yimrs
not a wreck to speak of for fourteen
years, In which time lfiO.OOO pli
HonH havo been carried ovsr tho
"mountains and across tho hay a
warvoloiiB achievement.
Oono ItcgliiN to Work.
What a refreshment to loavo tho
3iot valley with dusty highways and
parched fluids, rldo up into tho cool
Jonry mountains and feel tho llrat
touch of the salt ocean
socks, low brown shoes, little flat
hats, and a smilo that crumbles tho
opon-mouthed femnlnlty Into willing
BUbmlHslon. Tho girls tako turns
sitting on each others laps, The two
young follows Bit on each otherB
laps. All chow gum and' thoro 1b
ondlcBs tittering. But they are hav
ing an awful good tlmo and why
not? Ono thing we feel grateful for
thoro wasn't a toddy bear or n
poodle-dog on tho trnln.
An old rancher sat on a pilo of
tics, whittling as our train pulled In
and remnrked: "Them city people
miiHt bo a dirty lot that hundreds of
them have to come over a hundred
and fifty miles to Kot a bath. I
wouldn't go J CO feet." Uefore tho
lis here with his wife. Like moat
lawyers, he has an aversion to cold
water. Tho fondness of tho profes
sion for getting people Into hot
water makes surf bathing at New
port unpopular with members of the
bar. So Oruber bathes in tho sun
shine and revls in tho oceans of
ozono that are blown across the
lllimltablo Pacific.
Miss Forbes, a Polk county teach
er, formorly from Fort Dodge, la.,
a niece of Secretary Forbes of the
Salem Y. M. C. A was among the
wave-Jumpers, over Sunday.
M. Bredemolor and wife, formorly
of Salem, now with tho Eastern
Manufacturing Co., Portrland, aro
here for a few days to get a Bnlff of
salt water. It 1b remarkablo at tho
seaside, how devoted a man can bo
to almost any woman but his wife.
Sho does not oven havo to bo hand
some to attract his attontlon. For a
man who has kept store so long,, was
Sunday school superintendent a long
tlmo and Is now a traveling man, M.
Dredemelor is vory devoted to his
wife. But then ho 1b verv homely
and sho does not object.
Would Not Answer an Encore.
It Is noticenblo that about tho only
married men who really enjoy the
Burf bathing aro Uiobo who havo
chlldron except Ilussoll Wyatt of
Albany. Jim Linn, the Salem ho.i
lUUMMimHWMWWH't " ,,""',fc''l iMMMiWiilMiiiiiBiiii
3n?"V .
IPli MWA i
JnHiLtTilF issiswT i f.v'i . .. --ik. i
5 m vgffi m 1
JJrot Jlnrto's diuightor, who Ima
boon ill and in finunuinl straits.
lioatlng upon your few rod brow. It
(a uiiunl to Hitting In u soft-drink
parlor on a hot day, with tho electric
lilano ami tho fans playing, and the
young ladloH Hying about lmmllux
you l(!-oram Meda with a Ioiik
Mtruw in
train reached Eddyvlllo each or tho
slHsy girls was Bitting on her fel
low's lap giving to tho wholo enr an
objoct lesson of tho wny things aro
done In high socloty on Goosohorry
creek. If girls fool thoy must do
such things to mnko themselves In
torostlug thoy might rusorvo tho ex
hibition for Mm lonn fnrnin it tin
n iiiu iirai i - -
atmosphere ilicIJtiotl cow imHtiiro Instead of a
crowded panKougor car.
Arc All In (lut Sului.
Lawyer Caroy Inrtln of Salem la
one of the most devotod mirf-rldort,
lie will k over on tho Sunday ox-
oumloii overy weok and be at hU
It. It is ono continual ox-lUW8K iony morning for ti,0 pioa
nftor vim buuln to rllmli "r f Hi. You novor And ihs
tlio roRrtt rango. Tho spoony young
Ionian leans her head linck against
iw young man who has got JiU arm
sivor tho buck of her seat. Devoted
surf too rough or tho wator too full J
or roiuiiuiurg or tho arctic ruglon for
his comfort.
Charley Pomoroy, wlfo and son,
Hlnglo young women ,'uo Jlt (m0 ()f tho .hnnrdlng houses
couples and
looking for devotion, get seats out (
on tlio piaiiorms. Tho gay young
mncured hay widow guts possession
of tho rear platform. As tho train
rotira through a tunnel thure aro
HhoutH and Horoams. Men with long
liluck bottles Hook into the smoker
iioxt tho baggage car. The two
wlusoy young Indies in blue mitts,
trlmmod with white braid opon-nt-tliO'throat
collars, ami Bailor hats,
Avho came on hoard nhuwhrg gum
-und chew It all tho way to tho Pa
ml llo ocean, havo gut into ono an
others' laps several times. Then
tholr follows show up.
The 1'rlucHM I'lmriiilug Arrive,
Thoy havo blue tvonleoo suits
ind r. d Hwuatom, wear ilgurod
We solicit yotir bank
ing business; and
with the assurance
on our part that it
wtM be kept slrktly i
S(amf Orej oil
hero. Ilo had Hitched his bathlnir
suit and iihoh it so regularly It does
not got a chanco to dry, oven on
Sunday. Newport Is dry all tho rost
of the weok. Pomoroy (sec) hah
got a complexion that Is a cross be
tween a boiled crab and a Slloti In
dian. Dr. Seymour Sklft saves n barber
shop bill once a woek by coming over
to Newport, lie has been chaporon
lug a young aunt of his and two
cousins from Touuessoe. and ono
from Albrla only one of them a
young man. Thoy aro regular mor
mulds and keep tho doctor In tho Ico
water by tho hour, and In hot wat-ir
tho rest of the time.
Iron mul Ileal Ivstnto.
Kd. Martin tho Jolly Turner
blacksmith, Is at tho Seaside with
his wife. Mo has been In tho waUr
ouco. Just to wash oft tho Boot of tho
blacksmith shop. Ho says ho has
absorbed so much Iron from pound
ing old horse-shooa, ho Is afraid ho
will sink and loavo the surf to men
with loss metal in their veins.
Fred Hurst, the Salem real oetato
rtiDtlcr, Is enjoying himself ' at tho
ocean Mrs. Hurst Is along to keep
him from paying too union attention
to business. Ho has not been in tho
hurf yet, but It Is n safe hot that
when ho goes In a lot of Wlllamotto
valley real estate will go dirt cheap.
Frod was over and took a bath
twelve or fourteen years ago and U
about ready for another.
John Farrar, wife and daughtor,
accompauled by Mra. WUkersou (nee
Kdlth Farrar), are. on the beaches.
Mrs. Wllkoraon ' wai formorly a
Salemlto, but uow halls from tho
wicked city of Pittsburg. Thla is
Farrar'a flnt dip In the briney in
twelve years.
Tks An Just Opinio.
S. II, Oruber, tho Portland lawyer,
Unitarian niiniator, who is prom
inent its an advocato of woman
suffrage throughout America.
buyor, goes into tho surf lots, but ho
Is excuseablo. Ho has somo llvo
klls to koop him busy In tho water
and that keeps him wnrm. Like
lawyers, hop growora seom to shun
tho wator until It has beon con
verted Into Borne form of a bovorago.
Harry DovlPlas, tho Albany pea
nuts, got to acting funny for tho
amusement of tho crowd, when the
train roachod Ynqunln. In the
course or hla voluntoor viuidt-Ylllo
atiiut he took a header In the bay
and eamo up something llko a
young pig that stuok Us hoad too
diop Into the swill buckot. Tho
crowd pulled him out by the cont
talls and ho was a quieter but
damper youth.
Tho liitebriial Hath Popular.
Newport Is not n perfect buccoss
as n dry town. In noarly twenty
years experience i navo nover seen
as many empty bottle adorning tho
A aoasldo rosort draws many peo
plo who spond money froely. If
they cannot spond tholr money In
tholr own way thoy will stay away.
This class who go to Newport carry
suit oasos with liquor supplier.
So there aro Bald to bo any number
or "blind plgB" running. Albany
and olhor placos aro infested with
lioya' clubs, who chip in and ordor
liquor shipped in, and indulge in
carousing. Those minors were uot
allowed In saloons. Not wUhlng to
be seen coming out of a blind pig
thoy stay In thorn until beastly
Lawyer Geo. G. Blnghnm of Salem
l,i n devoted surf bathor, one of tho
exceptions of tho bar. But he likjs
It best when there is no nor'west'ir
on. He says ho llks tho cold water,
but can't Btand It to bo hit h tho
cold air. Ho wont back to Salem to
bo prosont at tho hearing f the
Referendum case before the uprtnuo
court Wodnosdny whon he t-itcU
auothor ono or Fll Ford's cold bUsts.
Dr. lloauchnmp of Stnjton. form
orly of Salem, distinguished hlmsolf
by some very daring plunges in tho
surf Sunday. Tho doctor never com-
plains about the Icicles In the brlno,
for ho never goes lu without a flne
looklng lady and caring for his
partner, who is his patient for tho
time being, keeps off the chills and
Tho Texas WonoVr.
Cures all kidney, bladder and
rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug
gists, or wo months' treatment by
mall for l. Dr. E. W. Hall. 2926
Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo. Send
for testimonials. Sold by Stone's
drug store. dw-tyr
Whete Oops Neve Fail
Whete People Enjoy Life
Stfmme and Winter
A Land of Fertile Valleys,
Rich Uplands, Incalculable
IWest Wealth and the Fin
est Ocean and Mountain
Resorts in the Wold
Out Cities ae Growing. The
Country is Settling Up
The State is Rapidly Mul
tiplying Its Industries. Now
is the time to come to Oregon.
Go-operation of the Railroads
and the People and the
Newspapers will
There Is no climate equal to that of Western Oregon.
There Is no country so comfortable to live In as
Western Oregon. THERE IS O SCENERY
HOW TO DO IT-Marfc articles afcoot Oregon to
this paper and mall two copies for a cent to East
ern friends. Write your name and address on
the wrapper.
The Dally and Weekly Capital Journal have a large
eastern circulation and present the facts afcout
Western Oregon. Write for a free copy to
Hofer Bros., Pubs.
fTBtm imr "V -K wurjt.