Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Tf W " T- V"
-.7Tprr?!l'rVT,wjPf '
Now Is the time to have your cottage wired, before
the rash of the fall season. We are in the market with a
complete line of wiring material, AND WILL FOR
LAR PRICES. Of we will, Instead of the above dis
count, give, with each contract amounting to $20, one
$2.50 bracket; with each contract from $20 to $35, one
5 chandelier j with each contract from $35 to $45, one
$7 chandelier; with each contract from $45 to $55, one
$0 chandelier.
We make this liberal offer as a medtom of Inducing
yotf to wire yotst home In a first class manner, thereby
Insuring yoa against loss by fire, thes LESSENING
YOUR RATES OF INSURANCE, and at the same
time give yoa a class of wiring that will pass the rigid
inspection of the NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UN
DERWRITERS. Don't forget to give us a call when yotf want any
labor, women's suffrnKo nnd eastern
questions put together the water
Mr. Lowell nlso remarks: "Ths
evidence of the handicraft points to
a highly Intelligent mind behind It.
A mind of no mean order would seem
to have presided over the system wo
see. Certainly what wo see hints at
tho existence of beings who are In ad
vance of, not behind us, In the Jour
ney of life." Hector Macpheraon In
London Chronicle.
Don't Ho Illno
And lose all Interest when help Is
within reach. Herblno will mako
that liver perform Its duties proper
ly. J. D. Vauchn Elba. Aln.. writes
"Being a constant sufferer from con
stipation nnd a disordered liver, 1
havo found Herblno to bo tho best
medicine, for theso troublos, on tho
market. I havo used It constantly
I believe It to bo the best medlclno of
Its kind, and I wish all sufferers
from theso troubles to know tho good
Horblno has done me." Sold by D.
J Fry.
Wf I MMWWMfrHil iaifllfll
5L .... Iiim r,,Aa-.T.iai.i .fi aiftiatfliiiaiaiitai It-HH-ft-f
I ila -. HJ .- l.-l- a .. 4 .m.,
A Simp If taken at once, ono comer
lot, 50x270, corner of 12tn and
Cross streets, Yow Pnrk. Also 400
pound DoLnrcl cream separator,
godd as now. F. A. Sutton, II. F.
D. No. 4. Phono Farmers 93.
este n Electee & Mfg Co I
Phone 263 245 Noth Liberty St.
ban nii itit.iwraitJnii of Ashos. '.working for a contractor are required
kdtan ami iiisnniml of nshoa la .to work Btoadlly and wel and manage
Ilea la which eo many cltlea to accomplish about twlco as much
fetretted that tho outcome of In a day aa tho average municipal
wtlgatlon Just complotod, as lo employe
ist method of handling tho If Philadelphia could Havo her
Is of general interest nnd work done for tho samo rato as Bur
PhlladPini.in Mi ninvoRtitrn- 'falo. 31 cents n cubic yard, and there
owed, pays tho hlgheBt price la no doubt that It could, the ta-
clty In the country for the payors wouiu uo Bavei -uo.uxu u
Ion of ashes. 68 centB a cubic year. Civic Improvement Society of
The work is done by municipal rhllndolphla.
'it, Cleveland, under the samo
Paid 71 cents a cubic vnrd.
fccntly changed Its plnn, ellm-
oases. arosubjoct to seasonal chango;
and that tho wholo canal system la
dopondont on tho molting or tno
polnr cap. Professor Lowell regards
tho linos which wo can call tho cnnnlfl
aa not tho canals proper, but tho
Btrlns of cround fertilized by thorn.
Aa tho Polar caps molt tho canals be-
como darker. A wnvo of vorduro
passes from tho poles down to the
equator, and Into tho opposlto hemis
pheres. Professor Lowell la of opin
ion that tho canal system la tho work
of tho Inhabitants of Mars; tho
planet la older thnn tho earth, .and
ft .
Jersey Hull Cnlf for Sale Pure bred
and superb animal, four months
old. Will Bell reasonably. T. II.
Blundoll, Mornlngsldo. Phono
1372. 8-33t
specialty. Children's hair treated.
Phono 477. 7-291m
To tho Const. Good tenrna and col
ored hacks for taking camping
pnrtles to tho const and mountains.
Torms reasonable. B. M. Ackor-
man, 115 Miller Btreot, Salem.
For sale Good 8-room houso, aov-
onteenth Btreot, 7 lots, small nnd
lnrgo fruits, would sell, on easy
terms. Also good houao In Oregon
City, and also 80 acres of timber
land bIx mllea from Oregon City.
W. N. Munsey, 35G Sovonteonth
Btreot. Phono 1171. 7-29-2wk
Foresters of America Court Slior-
wood ForcstorB, No. 19. Moota
Tuoailny In HurBt hall, Stato streot
Leo Abblc, C. R.; A. L. Brown,
F. S,
Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of 1
Castle Hall In Hoi man block, cor
ner Stnto and Llborty Btroots.
Tuesday of each week at 7:30 n.
m. Oscar Johnson, C. C; E. H.
Anderson, K. of II. and S.
For Solo Plenty of clover hay, first
quullty. Phono 157 Suburban. H.
Walker, Routo No. 7, Salem.
For Snlo or Kent Attention nursery
men and farmers, 320 acres, all in
cultivation, deep soil, flno improve
ments, convenient to rnll and nav
igation. Thla farm la especially
adapted for nurBcry business. In
qulro of owner, George O'Brlon,
490 North Capital stroet, Salem,
Oregon. 7-20-tf.
Modern Woodmen of Antcrlcn Oro-
gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Moota
every Thursday ovonlng at 8
o'clock In Holmnn hall. W. W.
Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, clerk.
For Sale Two Blnglo top bugglos,
In flrst-claBS condition. Ono rub
bor tired. Apply to O. W. Ynnnko,
. Fashion atablos. Tolopbono 44,
Highland Store. Wo hnndlo a full
lino of groceries and fresh moats
and havo lntoly put In a Biipply of
tinware. Call and lcavo order or
phono 496, nnd try ub for prompt
delivery. W. D. Wheeler.
7-1 0-1 m
For Sale Old papora, 10 cents per
hundred. Inqulro Journal ofllco.
For Sale Housohold goods; canned
fruit nnd chlckcnB, 1303 Elgli
toenth and Nebraska streets.
Woodmen of World Moot ovory Frl
day night nt 7:30, in Holmnn hall,
J. A. Dickey, C. S.; P. L. Frax
Ir, Clerk.
Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, accl
dont and ponslon Insurnnco; $2,
000,000 plodgrd; ovory claim paid
Good ngonta wanted. J. II. O.
Mongomory, supremo organizer,
Box432 Salem, Orogon. R, R.
Ryan, secretary, 540 Stnto street.
Arthur von JcsMm Toachor of pi
ano; touch, tcchnlc, lntorprotntlon
Thorough preparatory course. Ad
vnncod studonta prepared for pub
"lo nppearanco. Rosldonco GG&
Contor St. Tel. Main 620.
Clover twirler of the Detroit
Amoricnns, who is n hurd man to
hit. . .....
sash, doors, mouldlugB. All kinds
of houso finish nnd hard wood
work. Front Btreot, between State
and Court. Mnko all complaints
nt tho olllco. '
Why Frot and Worry
iiTH.n oniii. nltlM lina n nnvnrn cold.
IV 11UU JUUl WIIIIU Mw . ww t - -. -
rii.i..! . ,. . .. . ir.. . . nnmimnnln nr no mnrli nt ltn nurfaCQ nOUCarB to 1)0
vvum-ui muuence, ana u nna i uu uuu uuv wi. 4.v.. - - ..
past six months, upon a strict- other pulmonary disensoB. iveep aup-juesort mnu, n. nuuuro ""'
ness basis, done tho samo plied with Ballard's Horehound of wator. To romody this tho bui,-
fni-ini . i c,.r. n nnoitivn rum for Colds. inoBed inhabitants havo constructea
alo. which clvea tho' (.ontrnct Coughs. Whooping Cough nnd Bron-thls system of canals and havo mado
... .. . . 11- rt lit. .1 ..! I.. iltn inwlnno AnOAO
md of work to tho lowest chitla. Mrs. Hall of Bioux raus, o. ,uioir uoouo m . ttwu
sets it rtnna fn qi ., n n wHtfm "i havo used your won- which aro believed by Professor
iwd, whllo Cincinnati, under 'dorful Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Lowell to bo centers of population',
"extern ns Philadelphia pays' on my chlldron for live years. Jia re- wnoro xuo muauiuuiH, u,.,
10 cents, jsuits havo boon wonderful." Sold by tho deserts by 'scarcity of wator,
j Fr, (cluster around the. fertlllrod regions.
i n Both theories have been before
I'm Just crafcy to bo a reporter," the public for a number of years. A
wy employes, and the ten-isn,d tho r,ch mnn.fl daughter. 'fow years ago most astronomor&
- ...muDiimiu, ymu To j f'Tnuanltv Is no nuallllcatlon," re- soomod to mcuno lowaru iuu i'
Remcily for Dlnrrhocn-Nevcr Known
to Fail.
"I want to Eay n fow words for
Chamborlaln'B Colic, Cholera nnd
Diarrhoea Romody. I havo used thla
preparation In my family for tho pnat
flvo yoara and havo rccommonded It
io a numbor of pooplo In York coun
ty and havo nover known It to fall to
offect a euro In any Instance I feel
that I can not Bay too much for the
best remedy of tho kind in tho
world." S. JoralBon, Spring Grove,
York county, Pn. Thla romody 1b
for salo nt Br Stone's drug store.
hukee for yars nald $150.-
Caual'y for tho wnrlr. ft war
FT city employes, and the ten
v , . I 'insanity is no quuuuvuiiuu, n- Boui ....... .-,..-
JJ!! En t0 ensaB moro turned tho editor, closing the Inter- theory. Rut the observations mado
wied for ho actual work, as vew.PhiladelphIa Ledger. nt Flatstaff in 1903 nnd 1905 woro a
L 10 PTmlt esttrnvnpnnnn In I Li.. i.ln.,. 1ia i.vnnfhnHls. PfO-
P.. ' - '"M1MPSlt4.W
Ifllrectlcss, This t )ln in
oorlmtn hlnw tn tllO llVDOthCSlS. Pro
fossor Lowell detected In 1903 a
curious clustering of th doublo ca-
"-' " it uas ueen Th0 ol(1 romedies aro tho best.
i wai rntirely duo to po-'niBVn,v Tirv nnnch Remedy has '
aen- as In many otJier In- Wn ln uaB for over ono hundred'nala In tho equatorial regions.
u nA .(i.i a . . . -- i
r-.. ..romroi and opera- rB hy the old Dutch Dunkards of
. Pennsylvania, ana is sun in usw u;
rf rsPfndlture In Mitwau- all tho old families of Western Penn-
'l-rPCd bV thft rllnvni. itinf I 1 i T- .l,nn1..)nln nilFA' mndll
1 ql Hot n-rmlt thn tt-,V rt' a... i .. i.. -.l.ltn nr ehnll.
ov&ocltv The effort nf MiS.-i. i,ii. o Tim hnrV la shln-
. ,, . - . ... ,uui jv uiunui jr t.vv. . w ... .- -
am TOS0 nl the asnoa M uost ped from tho east, and manufactured
tant r . u,an vayias In Salem, Ore., For sale Dy an at-ai-
thrL!i.'eS fr th? work' for e overywliert.
w them In the streets, and " r .
nF Vlku- . m
--'. me streets were filthy
1 'aw has hPA n. .
ru. .-i, me asnes,
'ios are iin. ... . '
ct i. . ' wa' lo ' the
Ci U IS estlnmj 11... ....
N "vtu lUtt- unaer
rac st .v. ....
ban nT. iua cost "W"1 OQ
Lipai Bystem. of t inn
year -.--,.-,
C!Lfih!.,ave8t,ton is
tUE ?.?p
tractb. riUl.B.
earn ),. vuo P"i-
tot of .!- ol mn
"aiKW, Ha
Tho Theories Concerning Mnw.
Many theories have been pro
pounded to account for tho canals;
but latterly only two have been be-
fore the nubile, those of
r?Am1tl oml Prnfnsutr TWGll reSDeC-iorn llnoo
. U. A.W.WW. '- - IM.W ..M.M. "
tlvely. 8Ignor Cerulli regards mo 'Wnat will bo accomplished aunng m
Now, as Illusions cannot bo distrib
uted systematically, tho Inforonco Is
obvious that tho phenomena aro real.
In 1905 tko writer had the honor
to receive from Professor Lowell cop
ies of several photographs of Mara
secured at FlagBtaff, on which tno
canals woro plainly seen as stralgni,
dark lines, and not, as on tho illusion
theory, as dota of light and shade.
As Professor Lowell remarked In a
note to tho writer:
"The camera does not agree with
tho armchair crltlca of tho canals,
but will have It that the markings
It remains to be seen
IMnco to lUfx-'iit,
Singleton Whero aro you going
to spend your vacation, old man.
Woddorly At a little town In
North Dakota called Lolauro.
Singleton Ah, I bcc. I bellovo
you did marry in haste. Chicago
Endorsed by tho Country.
"Tho most popular remedy In Otso
go county, nnd tho best frlond of my
family," writes Wm. M. Dlotz, editor
and publisher of tho Otsego Journal,
GUbertsvlllo, N, Y., "la Dr. King's
Now Diecovory. It hna proved to bo
an infallible euro for coughB and
colds, making short work of tho
worst of them. Wo always keep a
bottlo In the houso. I bollevo it to
bo tho most valuablo prescription
known for Lun'g and Throat dis
eases." Guaranteed to novor dlsnp
polnt tho taker, by J. C. Perry's drug
store, Prlco 60c and $1.00. Trlul
bottlo free.
For Rent Boven-room house, hoi
and cold wator, eloctrlo light, batb
room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrelb
or, 5 GO North High street.
Vogct Lumber and Fuel Co. Lum
ber .Bhinglce, building material,
wood aud coal. Low prlcoti nnd
prompt dollvorlos. Ono block oast
of S. P. passcngic dopot. Phono
18. 7-2-tf
Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ox
port tuning, repairing and polish,
ing. Lonvo ordora nt Geo. O.
Will's music Btoro, Salem.
Thco. M. llnrr Plumbing, hot wator
nnd steam boating nnd tinning.
104 Commercial street. PIiohb
Main 192. 9-1-lyr
M. J. 1'eUel Plumbing, Htoam and
gas fitting. SuccoBBor to Knox fe
Murphy, 220 Commercial Btroot,
Prono Main 17.
Wiuitfti; -ldlovafor boy, at Willam
ette Ilotol. 8-3-3t
Wood Wanted 100 cords or loss.
big fir or largo socond growth, de
llvorcd on carB or wagon. Peniten
tiary foundry, R. B. Flomlng, su
perintendent, box 354, Salem,
Highlit Cah Prlco Paid for chlek
ons at Wlllamotte Hotel. 4-19-tl
Concrt'to Work. Got my prices on
..l.in..inl1,n ahmKh nniHn innta nnl
cement work of any kind. All ." Wmill-Ton
work guaranteed ilrst-clnBa. M.
Wnrd, Highland add. Phono 509.
M'hiiU1 At onco, girl to do laundry
work at Salem Hotel. 8-2-3t
Jlutto Vi Wenderoth Flno wlnoo,
HquorB and cigars. Wo handle
tho colobrnted Kellog gand Castle
whlBkles. Cool and rofroshlng buor
constantly on draught. South
Commercial street. 9-3-lyr
Snlein Iron Works. Founders, ma
chinists and blacksmiths. Manu
facturers of all klnda of sawmill
machinery. Hl '" u drying
stoves, otc. Manufacturer of tho
Salem Iron Works Hop PreBS.
toiiB of good
votch nnd grain hny wanted Boon.
Hofor Bros., Journal ofllco', Salem.
Cummins Jlros Transfer Ci'iiirmny
All kinds of trnnsfor work done.
Furnlturo nnd pianos boxed ready
for Bhlpment. Prompt service is
our motto. Stand and office at
253 South Commercial Btreot.
Phono 210. Residence Phono 968.
Salem Box & Lumber Co. Removed
from South Salem to 14th street,
near tho S. P. dopot. Boxob, Borry
canals as optical Illusions caused by
the action of the eyo In Bhaplng dots
of light and shade into regular form.
Professor Lowell, oa tho other
hand, does set question the reality
of the canals. His observations have
rereale the feet that both stagle am
double canals and the round spots
nnnnsltlnn nf 1907
Regarding the probable innaoi
tanta of tho planet, Professor Lowell
"If there be Inhabitants, then ir
rigation must be the chief material
v.r- ef1 tlwir live. I tne
MartaU I4 there will be ae ne-
at th eanal junctloas kww a Uo pereUay paramount to a the J
An Expensive Habit.
"Has ho any expensive bablts7"
"One. He has been married four
times." Philadelphia Press.
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Better Hum
Three Doctors.
"Three years ago we bad three doc
tors with our little boy and every
thing that they could do seemed In
vain. At last when all hope seemed
to be gone we began Ming Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and in a few henrs he ba
to laerere. To4y m m healthy a
child as parents could wish for."-
Mrs. X. J. Johnston, Linton, Miss.
For Je at Dr. Kone's drug
Crates, Fruit Tray3 and Perfection
Fruit Evnporatoro. Phono 201.
Our meat markot on Enst Stato
street has been doubled In slzo and
wo aro better prepared than ever to
servo customers. Prompt Bervlco nnd
tho best of moatB our motto. Call
or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop.
We Are Cash Purcliasers Of poul
try, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produce. Borry crates made np
In unlimited quantities. Capital
Commission Co., 267 South Com
mercial street, Salem. Phone Mala
Attention, Ladlw. I have opened a
parlor at 464 Court street, in the
I. O. O. 7. building, where I am
prepared to do shampooing and
manieurlag. Sealp treatment a
Formerly Baker, Lawrence A Baker.
Reliable Grocer, At the OM
ASm, CiMiiK lUiur hfttrnuuii Nwiign.
frIAwrUi. WW huIUmh lilil, Va U uUfof
SoW Sikm by Dr. 5. C Shx'