&! m 2 DAILY CAPITAL .im'IHAL. HAI.KM. OREOON, MONDAY, AUOP8T G, 1007. HOFER BROS., and Proprietors R. HOFER, Editor. A. P. HOFER. Manager. 111. I II I ! - . ' THE JTOUKNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LABOR. DESTRUCTION 01' SENNACHERIB. Tim Assyrian camo down llko a wolf on tho fold, And Ills cohorts woro gloaming In purple and gold; And tho slioon of their Bpeara was llko stars on tho sea, , Whim tho bluo wavo rolls nightly on deep Galileo. 1,Uhs tho leaves of tho forest when summer Is green, That host with thoir banner at uunset was seen; JJke tho IcaveB of tho forest when autumn hath blown, That host on tho morrow lay withered and strown. For the angel of Death spread hla wings on tho blast, And breathed in tho faco of tho foe ns ho passed; And tho oyoB of tho Bleopers waxed deadly and chill, , Ana thoir hearts but onco heaved, and forever grow still! And thoro lay tho steed with his nostrils all wide, But through thorn thoro rolled not tho breath of his prldo; And tho foam of hJH gasping lay whlto on tho turf. And cold ns tho spray of tho rock-boating surf. And thoro lny tho' rider distorted and palo, ' ' With tho dow on his brow, and tho mat on his mall; And tho tents woro all sllont, tho banners nlono, Tho lances unllfted. tho trumpot unblown. Ah1 tho widows of Ashur aro loud In thoir wall, Awl tho Idols aro broko In tho temple of Baal; ind tho might of tho Gontllo, unsinolo by. tho sword, Hath molted llko snow In tho glanco of tho Lord! ' Lord Byron. ( BRITISH JUSTICE. "Proaldont Androw D. Whlto recently said that as tho result of a long 'liro or observation In most parts of tho world and undor tho most favor able conditions for obtaining correct Information, ono of tho throo groat things which ho would nsk for, bin countrymen was tho British crlm Jnnl law and Its administration. Tho ossontlal foaturo of that law is tho llnallty of tho verdict of a Jury. In England whon a Jury, upon tho wldunco and under tho law ub laid down by tho court, has doclarod a jnan guilty of tho orlmo of which ho Is accused, that sottloa It. His solo volliineo thoronftor must bo on tlu lenity or tho Judgo In pnsslng son itonco and tho morcy of tho crown In tho oxorelao of tho pardoning power. It Is now said that n bill has pawed tho socond roadlng In tho house of commons In I hat body mwurliig llnnl passago permitting tho iiho of appeal In criminal oanos. With no kuowlodgo of tho details of tho bill, howovor, wo aro Bafo In prodlctlng'thnt It wIM bo found to boar vory limn ruHoniblnnno to Iho looso nrnctlco which obtains In our courts. It 1 4 morally certain that appeals will bo allowed only In tho rare canon In' vliloli thoy ought lo bo allowed. THERE IH NO DOUBT THAT JURIES SO.METIMKS MAKE MIS TAKES, BUT I-OR ONE ERROR TO THE DISADVANTAGE OF THE ACCUSED THERE ARE TEN ERRORS TO THE DISADVANTAGE OF SOCIETV. .It Is propor that tho rulos of tho gamo as established by law whould bo Htrlclly followed, but no appeal on technical groundj should lie allowed, except upon tho cortlfluato of tho trial Judgo, or of tho Judge of hoiiio higher court, that In his Judgmont, as tho rosult of tho orror, thoro has boon a mlscnrrlago of Justice and In nuch cases tho fltuto Hho'uld bo grantod all privileges of appeal which aro onjoyed by tho uoouaul. Undor our prnetlco a prisoner may bo conclusively proved KUllty of orlmo by evidence legally and morally compotont, and yet got i now trial by roaHon of orror lir tho trial Judge In admitting additional uvtdouoo not according to tho ruloH of procedure Or a now trial may bo Kol ou hoiiio orror In tho charge to tho Jury, and In dozotiB of othor caais in which no mourn tlul right or tho acusod huu boon lost or violated. In all criminal trials tho ono osiontlal point at Usuo Is 'DID THE ACCUSED COMMIT THE CRIME OF WHICH HE IS CHARGED?" IT IS THE DUTV OFTIIE.H'RYTO PASS UPON THAT QUESTION, AND WHEN IT HAS DONE HO IT SHOULD BE REGARDED AS SETTLED, UYCEIT IN THE RARE CASKS WHEN THE INJUSTICE IS OBVIOUS. No appeal nhould bo allowod oxcopt on an Issue dlroctl Involving guilt or Innoconco, a claim that no legal ovldonce BUlllclont to convxlct had boon lntroducod, or tho quoton of fact as to whothor. any crlmo lma boon ooiumlttod at all. And oxcopt upon a Judicial certlllouto of nroli ublo euuHo undor ono or thoso oategorlo the vordlot of tho Jury Bhould ho Until. Soolaty luu hoiiio rights, and thoy should bo rospootod. Tno pronumptlon of Innononco doos not axlst after a vordlot or conviction by si Jury Thoro Is thou proaumptlon or guilt. A MAN'S FACE HIS OWN. Your race may not always bo your rortune Indood, It U too ofUm Momothlng of a misfortune, as liunuin roaturos o In those days but it 1h oloarly your own and cannot bo "approprlatud" by anybody olso. With words to that offoot vloo-Clmncollor StuvtinB of tho Now Jrsey court of ohuuoory him Just rendered a decision forbidding tho u by a pntonl mcdloluu company of llkonoHsoa of Thomas A. Edison on Ub wrapporn. Tho Invoutor was hnfortunato onough about thirty yoara ago to com pound a preparation that gavo rolljf In oasos or neuralgia and fortu nuto enough to null It for Kt.OOOj fuctH that a recontly-rormod 'curo,, oompuny huvo boon using to tho extreme annoyance or Mr. Edlaon and to h.U own property, argues tho vlco-ohuncollor, as no loss an authority than tho United Btntoa aupromo court says, it Is dltllcult to understand -why tho pooullar cast of ono'a fonturos Is not also ono'a property, "and why Ma pecuniary value, If It has one, does hot bolong to Ms owner ruthor than to the person Booking to make an unauthorized uso of It." That hua tho sound of "good law," ovon In tho nbsonco of an especial onaotmont covering audi oaBos. And It would aeem that tho time has coinu ulno whon tho faco of a man or woman, ovon though ho or ho bo dead, Hhould l similarly protootod by law against Improper uso. PASTED ON THOUSANDS OF FENCES AND DEAD WALLS TODAY IS THE LIKENESS OF A DECEASED AMERICAN STATESMAN WHO IN LIFE WAS VERY DEAR 'It) THE PKOPLE AND WHOSE MEMORY IS VNIV-EIUSALLY RESPECTED AND REVERED and yet his faco Is be ing used to oxplolt a cheap cigar and In tho vory chonpoat and Irrovorent way polhlo; tho sight gives an Instant Hhouk to anybody who ovor hnow this good Amorlcan In llfo. Tho thing la an outrage that tho law ought to bo nbU to roach, and It would bo highly Interesting to havo a tost ease uind by Homobody with tho requisite authority to take suoh mutter up. to all tho churches of Helena and to the charitable institutions such as T'ZloLToT and .25,000 to each of two other brothers, $100,000 to a grand-daughter and $60,000 to a grand n Whon the subjects of tho king of Sweden read of a fortune like leter Larson's, their desire to come toAmerlca will not decrease. DEGIN8 MONDAY. Grading on tho Corvnllis & Alsca River Railroad Steel Ralls Arriving. Grading on tho Corvallls & Alaea River railroad Is to begin Monday. The call of Mr. Carver for men and teams Is to bo Been in another column. It Is not expected to put on a heavy force Just at tho present, but tho plan Is to get tho grade finished, If possible, before tho coun try gets muddy. Tho grading will boEln on tho Bouth otdo of Mary'B river at Corvallls and proceed Jut enst of tho old Southern Pacific right or way. Five miles out tho lino will dlvorgo to tho westward Bomowhat. At Corvnllla tho survey crosses Mary's river Just east of tho old S. P. bridge Bite and provides for depot grounds south and slightly east or tho S. P station. Tho lino along tho S. P. right of way south Is extreme ly onsy to build, and that route to Dollfountaln has been round to bo n mile shortor than tho original route. About lirtcon cars or steel rolls Tor tho lino have arrived up to tho nroHont, nnd additional cars itro coming In almost every day. Cor vallls Tlmos. o COMFORTING WORDS. coming nearer I saw that he was a irnnnlno Amorlcan street faker, using all tho arts of his trado to induce tho people to purchase. Ho spoke Spanish, and was Belling tiny alarm clocks and Jumping beans. When ho saw mo a broad smllo overspread his face, and as wo met ho said in an un un dereone: "Would -you bellovo it, but thoro are Just as many suckers bore as thoro are in tho states." Mrs. C. u. Mller In Leslie's. . -o In tho Barber Shop. "Am I sitting too low in tho chair for you?" "No, sir; no, sir; not at all." "Then why do you keep pulling mo up with your razor?" Houston Post. o Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Slowort has gono to Newport for an outing. I 1 I I I I 1 I 11 1 1 1 I 1 Ml I J' WHY IMMIGRANTS COME. Whon Colonel William Barbour of Now Jersey was a boy Juat camo to this country looking tor a Job, ho ant ono day on a big rook at tho odgo f Cranberry lako to roat and oat a lunoheon carried In hja handkorohlof. That waa fifty yoara ago. Ho thought at tho time tho rook would vtinka u lino monument and tho thought nevor loft him. Tho other day ho had It romovod to tho family camotQry at a cost of jro.ooo. Ho la a mllMonalro now. Ts'o wonder forolgnora como ovor to America by tho thousands. THE KING OF SWEDEN, WHO HAS ORDERED AN 1NVESTIGA TION AS TO THE REASONS HIS SUBJECTS LEAVE IK LARGE NUM. 11KIW FOR THE UNITED STATES, WILL NOT HAVE TO WAIT LONG JO LEARN THEM. Tho othor day P tot Lanou died at Holona, Mont., many time a rail- llonalro. Ho curio to Ihti country poor and whon ho died hla Interests were so various (hut It will require many weeks to find out the value of tho ittw KUlM leaving a fortuae to als wife and daughter, be gavo liberally Many a Salem Household Will Find Tlieni So. To havo the pulns nnd nchos of a bad back romovod; to bo onltrely froo from annoying dnngorous urin ary dUordors Is onough to make any kldnoy sufforer grntorul. To tell how this great change can bo brought about will prove comrortlng words to hundreds of Salnm readers P. Pratt, proprietor of Rod Front Llvory Stable, 2C8 Front Btroot. Salem, Orogon, anya: "Doan'B Kid ney Pills nro a remedy or oxcoiltlonal morlt and their valuo deserves to bo known to all In need or a remedy Tor backacho or kidney trouble. I hnd suffered from n dorangod stato of tho kldnoys and heavy aching through my bnck and loins whon I went to Dr. Stono'a drug Btoro for a supply of Doan'B Kldnoy Pills. I rocolved prompt nnd offoctlvo rollof almot from tho Ilrat doso and In a short tlmo I was in such good condition that I didn't fool nny necosslty to uuo thorn or nny othor romody or tho kind." For snlo by all dealora. Prlco CO cunts. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, aolo agonta ror tho United State. Romombor tho niimo Doans nnd take no othor, o A Quaint Old Cuban City. Whon Columbus dlscovorod Cuba In 1-192 ho landed on tho north const or what Is now Puorto Prlnolpo, and tho historians assort Mint a town benrlng tho niwno or tho provlnco wns ostabllshed thoro as oarly as 1515. At that tlmo plratos Infontcd tho 80,n, and woro also a terror to tho Inhabi tants along tho coast. Thoy ao uaraasod tho early Bottlers of tho Island thnt tho latter movod rnrther Into tho Interior, nud thus was round ed tho town or Camnguey. Today It retains more or tho evi dences and customs or tho sixteenth century thnn any othor city In Cuba. It has a population or CO, 000 pooplo, many of whoso Idoas and modes of living aro as primitive an thoy wore three conturles ago. Tho vory qualnt- uoss of tho placo ft Its chlof attrac tion. Its tiled, fluted roofs, Ma nar row stono pavements, and Ma crook od streets, which nro literally mado up of curves, all add to Its Interest as wol! as Indicate Its antiquity. Tradition hns It that tho streets woro built after this fnBhlou to fool tho plratos who purauod the sottlora ovon to tho Interior. Tho archltec- tmo of old Spanish predominates, and tho housoa havo been painted In ovory couoolvnblo color. One houso, howovor, on tho Carldad, the Prado of Camnguoy, Is a travesty on tho harmony of colors with brilliant rod columns supported by a baso of most vivid green. No Camnguoy child of the poorer class Is oxpocted to woar cUithes un til It is at least 7 yours of age, aud everywhere In tha streets ouo en counters little brown-skinned chil dren, absolutely nude, playing In tho suushluo. Thoro woro no streot cars to mar tho quaint picture whon I saw It, but ono waa not obliged to walk, for Cuban cabs were numerous and could ho hired for a mero trifle. Tho shopping section presented an animated appearance, as hero In par ticular tho old Spaulsh custom of tho clerks eating and sleeping la tho stores la In vogue. One day as I passed down tho Calle Republlca I noticed a crowd around a man, and 1 THE MARKETS. $ I fako Salem n Good Home Mnrlcct. 4Hlllllll III 1 1 ! 1 1 I I ! M-H- SALEM MARKET. Local Wholesale RLirkot. Eggs 20c. Butter 30c; fat, 28c. Hens lie; young chickens, 12 c Locnl whoat 7Cc. OatB 33c. Barley $21. Flour Hard wheat, $5.00; valloy $3.85 0) $4.00. Mill feed Bran, $19.50; shorts, $21. Hay Choat, $8.50 9, and clo vor, $7.00 por ton; timothy, $11.00 S $12.00 por ton. Onions $4.00 por cwt; potatoes, $1.00 por cwt. Hops Cholco, 10 lie; prime to choice, 8 9c; medium to prlmo, 8c. Chlttlm bark 4Cc. Wool 20c. Mohair 29c. Tropical Frulta. Bananas :$G.7C. Oranges $3 $4. Lomons $0.00 $0.50. Retail Market. Oats Whlto, $30; wheat, 90c por bu.; rolled barloy, $27. Egga 25c. Buttor Country, 25c; croamcry, 35c. Flour Valloy, $1.15 $1.20 por sack; bard wheat, $1.35 $1.40. Bran G5c por sack; $21 por ton. Hay Timothy, SGc por owt; ohunt, GOc; olovor, 50c por cwt.; shorts, 95c por cwt. , Livestock. Hogs Fat, Cc. Cattlo 1100 1200 lb atoera, 3c. Llghtor steors 33Uc. Stock hogs 5 Vj 6c. Cowa and holfora 900 1000 lb, 22ic. Lambs 4 c. Veal Dressed, 5 7c. , Portland Wholesalo Mnrket. Whoat Club, S3c; valloy, SOc; bluo 8 torn, SGc. Oata Cholco white, $25. Mlllstuff Bran, $17. Hay Timothy, $10 $18; alfalfa, $13. Vetch $8.50. Poultry Hens, 12 13c; Bprlng chickens, 14 15c; dressod chlckons, llo hlghor than live; ducks, young, 10 lie; pigeons, $1$1.25. Pork Best, 7Sc. LambsSpring, 9 9 c. Mutton 7c, Hops Cholco, per pound, 67o Hops Cholso, per pound, 6 7 He Wool Valley, coarao to medium, 2021c; eastern Oregon, 1621c. All Humors Aro lmparo matters which tho skin, liver, kldnoys and othor organs cannot take caro of without help. rimplcs, bolls, ccrema nnd other erup tions, loss ot oppctlto, that tired feollng, bilious tumB, fits of indigestion, dull head aches and many other troubles are duo to them. Thoy aro removed by Hood's Sarsaparilla Tn ,ml llauld form or In chocolated tablets known as SarsatabS. 100doaea$l. Ills Own Business. a nncfnn lnwver. who brohght hla wit from his native Dublin, while cross-examining tho plaintiff in a di vorce trial, brought forth tho iomow- lng: "You wish to divorce this woman because sho drinks?" "Yes, sir." "Do you drink yourself?" "That's my business!" angrily. Whereupon tho unmoved lawyor asked: "Have you any other business?" Detroit Freo Press. o HAD AN AWFUL TIME. I Ml ill-H- OFFlCIAll J DIKtCT More Valuable Than a Bank Account Is tho business character, and habits of thrift and oconomy formed whllo building tho uc couut. Theao nlono will onsuro suc cess and In value far exceod tho money actually saved and put tn tho bank. Young peoplo ospoolally aro In vited to open a savlnga account with us and reap the bentflts of tho saving habit. Savings Department Capital National Bank Rut Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him. It Is with plcasuro that 1 glvo you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago whon I had a severo caso of measles I got caught out In n hard rain nnd the measles sottled In my stomach and bowols. 1 had an awful tlmo and had It not boou for tho uso of Chnmborlaln'B Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not havo possibly lived but n few hours longer, but thanka to this romody I am now strong and woll. I havo written tho nbovo through sim ple gratltudo and I shall always spoak a good word for this romody. Sam H. Gwln, Concord, Gn. For snlo at Dr. Stono'n drug atoro. iLftnd CORVALLIS & EASTERN R. R. TIME TABLE NO 7. Trains from and to Yaqulnn. No. 1 Loaves Yaqulnn 7:15 n.m. Arrives nt Corvallls 11:00 a.m. Arrlvos ot Albany ll:C8a.m. No. 2 Leaves Albany 12:35 p.m. Loaves Corvallls 1:30 p.m. Arrives at Yaqulna 5:40 p.m. Trains to and from Detroit. No. 3 Loavos Albany 7:30 a.m. Arrives at Dotrolt 12:30 p.m. No. 1 Loavos Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 5:55 p.m. Trains for Corvnllis. No. S Loavos Albany 7.55 n.m. Arrlvos at Corvallls ..... 8:35a.m. No. 10 Loavos Albany 2:25 p.m. Arrlvos at Corvallls .... 3:05p.m. No. C Loavos Albany 7:35 p.m. Arrlvos at Corvallls 8:15 p.m. Trains for Albany. No. 5 Loaves Corvallls 0:30 a.m. Arrlvos at Albany 7:10 a.m. No. 9 Leaves Corvallls 12:30 p.m. Arrives at Albany 1:15 p.m. No. 7 Leaves Corvallls 6:00 p.m. Arrlvos at Albany C:40 p.m. No. 11 (Sunday only) Leaves Corvallls 11:15 a.m. Arrlvos at Albany 11:58 a.m. No. 12 (Sunday only) Leaves Albany 12:35 p.m. Arrives at Corvallls 1:18 p.m. For furthor Information apply to OEO. F, NEVINS, Gen. Pass, Agt., Albany, Ore. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Tlmo Card No, 48 Effectlvo Juno 10. Townrtl Portland Passenger. No. 165:23 a. m., Oregon Ex press. No. 188:40 a. to., Cottago Grove Passongor. No. 124:45 p. in., Shasta Ex press. No" 149:28 p. ra Portland Ex-ptess. Toward Portland Freight. No. 22210:56 a. m., departs 11:38 a. m., Portland Fast Freight. No. 22610:40 a. m., departs 11:38 a. m.. Wav FrotcM Toward Saa Francisco Passenger rso. 11 ii:03 a. m., Shasta Ex press. No. 170:42 p.m., Cottago Grove Passenger. No. 159:66 p. tn., California Ex press. No. 13 1:31 ,a. m., gan fg co Expreas. Toward Saa Frmdaco . Fi-slghi. No. 221 3; 33 a. m., Sam Fram clsco Fast Freight No. 23511:65 a. m., arrive U;2S. I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 )-H Delegation in Sennt.nr .inn.ti... rl Portland. Representative W. c. B PnnrnonnintlH. . ton ' U"BWR' Stato Official, Governor, George E r.- Sorotary of State, Tm5 Stato Treasurer, Georg. tlon, J. H. Ackorman. Attornoy General, A. m,c ouuu x-nnier, w. 8. Dctt, Stato Lnhnr Pnmri... ""M Supremo Court cutor justice, Roberts Associate Justice, Prank 7 Associaio Justice, Robert i commissioners, W. T R. King. Clerk, J. C. Morelanl. Roportor, R. Q. Uorroir. Bailiff, P. H. Raymoni Circuit Judges, Geo. H. Salem; William Gallowa;, vino. District Attorney, Joh Nary, Salem. Other Stato OfllcUlJ J. w. Bailey, Food and 1 mlsslonor, Portland. J. W, Baker, Gamo asl f warden, Cottago Grove. Robt. C. Yonny, Stale fin cer, Portlnnd. J. H. Lewis, Stato Ettja lom. E. Gllllngham, State lom. II. G. Van Dubod, Statt! mlBsIonor, Astoria. Chaa. V. Galloway, BUii Agont, Salem. W. W. Elder, Commanders Home, RoBcburg. Marlon County Officii! John H. Scott, County aaiJ Judge. R. D. Allen, Clerk ot Cc W. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, Tn E. T. Moores, Super! Schools. F. J. Rice, Assessor. B. B. Horrlck, Jr., J. C. Necdhani, W. H.C mlsslonors. A. M. Clough, Corontr.'J D. G. Drager, Recorder. Salem City 0WA Geo. F. Rodgors, Major.' W. A. Moores, Recorder i Judgo. D. W. Gibson, Marshall of Police Frank Moredlth, City To A. O. Condlt, City AUorsal Jna. W. Martin, Street slonor. John A. Darr, Chief ot Fti5 mont. W. C. Smith, Health 0 City Standing Cos Ways and Means JA' Churchill. Ordinances GreenU Goodo. Accounts and Current E Churchill. Radcllff, Bape. Stroota Downing, Btocihai Public Buildings StortWM Gosner. Sewerago, Stolr, Jacob, UJ Plumbing Fraser, Dov nor. Flro and Water !' flnnrin. Bridges Geaner, Chortil or. Health and Pollee-3 Waldo. Llehta Goodo, HaM. Cf( Printing Radcllff, W' Publlo Parks Dajo9. u- Rtnflrenn. Roanl of Edti w r Prnlsnn. CbalriM- A A Tnn H. C. Ep'tf' Moores, W. P. Babcock, , 1 H. A. Johnson, Jr., w- J. M. Powers, Cltyw" It used to be bread and ; kisses. Now It Is cbsoP and dlvroces. Life. m, . Tt.if tJ U& Tho most eminent tlsts nro unanimous i la JT sion tnac me h- g Ration of human Hf 3 below the attainment 1-7- the advanced knowiease- race Is now possessed . nerlod. that determw" . i - i.t'in 6 . seems 10 oe """: .. nroner care or "e ""..jiiSl , j f hfl tooiWTJ , - hen " S to Electric W-- ...a. toato saedlclae taai orftaa 0? ia ' m j. c. Parry, in "1 iiilWh. 4lf:M '-i "ftaaw zr3&&r - y, y -aWWiy;3uigxgj.a