f DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL,. SALEM, ORB JON FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1007 I?" W f SHORT TALKS BY L,. T. COOPER. BACKACHE. i jJKX. r. MtOHAKD, 1 Mil sympitliize with a sufferer froia rstWs awful symptom of weak kidneys. mat soreness and pain in the small of the back tells too plainly of serious troublo behind it. It's not a hot water bottle or a plaster you need. That won't cure diseased kidneys. It may reliovo you Tor a time it's true but why mask the real cause and allow the trouble to grow? Don't do it. Weak , , kidneys can be eared but Bri&ht'a disease, which always follows neglect of them cannot. Go and sJetflbottloofCoopcr'sNcwDiscorcryand Ceopcr's Quick Relief and use them faith Sully. Your backache will disappear be came your kidney troublo is corrected net for a day but for good. When your Scidaeys are in "shlp.shapo" there will be settling more to cause it. Here's a letter from a man who suffered for years in this way and took my advice: "I have been in such bad health for some years that I finally had to give up work. I suffered from kidney trouble. My back was so tore and lame that I euld scarcely get up and down. My Stomach was also out of order and my nervous system broken down. I have been tiling the Cooper medicines for one week and actually feel like a new man. My food digests perfectly. The soreness ad pain has entirely gone from my back ad my kidneys are in fine shape. The medicine has strengthened me wonderfully ad I cheerfully give you this testimonial ,fer publication." Mr. P. Leonard, 49 Kehool St., Allegheny, Pa. GIRLS IK SHOUT DRESSES. We have heard a number of favorable icamments on the Cooper preparations from people who bay purchased thtm sVem m. J. C. PERRY ''Gay Pnroo" Costumes Bespangled With Well Done Eggs. "Gay Pareo" may not. bo what Donorn, Pa., thought It waB, and surely Donora, Pa., is not what "Gay Pareo" anticipated. Eight burlesquo girls Interpreting "Gay Pareo" In a thcatro In Donora Saturday night last recolvod violent criticism at tho hands of an audience of mill workers, oxprcHsed by the ac curato throwing of overripe eggs. Tho girls fled out of tho tent, took rcfugo In the First National Bank building, tho men took to the Arc cs caps, and finally Biiccccdcd In getting to tho Donora hotol under fire. Whllo tho Informal entertainment was on tho manager of tho company hurriedly loft town with all tho vls lblo fundB. Donora now has eight real actress es on Its hands and a population of critical mill workers who will not stnnd a bonoflt performance. Incl dsntally tho girls havo no clothes asldo from abbreviated costumes trimmed with omlets. An Eastern View of Taylor's Selection tjq yOTT GET UP That tho man chosen to act as mayor of San Francisco with almost WITH A TyAMB BACK? absolute powers should turn out to ,, ., ,, . ,.., x,iP.Mt,i .... , , Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable, be a prominent scholar, educator and ,uu,"'Jr nhvslclan. 1b another indication of' Almost everybody who reads the news- :, ,. , , . , , " papers is sure to know oi incwomicnui tho distance we have traveled froin l curc3 ntade by Dr. i Kilmer's Swamp- I Root, the great kld Lncy, lfvcr and blad der remcuy. It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent Kinney aim i - j i . ajgy iiy ' - JxT Thought filio Ifail Him. "Gooryd," said tho young wlfo, nobbing over her teacup, "you havo told mo nn awful untruth." "How so, my dear?" asked George, in surprise "Why, didn't you toll mo that you .vent to a Htag dinner tho other nlRlitV" "Yes." "Well, I havo Investigated nnd found (lint deer nro out of Reason. So you couldn't havo hud any stag for dinner nt all." Chicago Nowb. .. o . An Adjustable King. "That Idea In novel," said Thomas A. Edison of n now auroplnno. "It In a striking Idea. I havo soon noth ing to beat it slnco last summor. "Then a young man uhowod mo an engagement ring that ho wnd going to patent. 'But' I said, examining tho very ordlnnry looking clrclo, 'what 1.H thoro patentable about thin?' '"It 1b adjustnblo, sir,' Bald tho young man proudly." Washington Post. ' o ltoiuexly for Dlarrhoca-Nover Known to Tall. "I want to eny a few words for Clinmborlnln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I havo used this preparation in my family for tho past flvo years and hnvo rccouuuondod It to a number of people In York coun ty and havo novor known It to fall to effect a euro It any Instance I fool that I can not Bay too much for tho boat remedy of tho kind In tho world." S. Jomlson, Spring Grove, York county, Pa. This romody Is for miiIo at Dr Rtnno's drug storo, ' ' ' o Tho .Motor Knee, A fow days ago n well known por souago was motoring In Durbyshlro when u policeman Htoppod him. "You'll havo to tnko off that uutHk." iwld tho ollleor, "It'n frlghtoulug every ou who sooa IU" "Hut I'm not wearing ono," ox pi allied the unfurtuuuto offotulor. London Tailor. ii Tho old Pennsylvania Dutch Duu knrd vooommonds "Hickory Bark Cough Remedy." Gunrnutvod to euro your cough, nnd guaranteed to bo pure. Mado from tho bark of tho shell bark or white hickory trea For snlo by dealers ovorywhoro. tho time when that rare species, "the scholar In politics," was tolerated by the practical politicians only be cause public opinion would not quite sanction cruelty to a harmless crea ture actuated by good Intentions. A writer and n student of American history, up in Now Hampshire, hns tiiifTorflnd In lirtfitrlmr tlio' tirnnMnn! politicians face to face with a prob-1 Madder specialist and J"" , , ,. .1 .i .. 4 I successful in promptly curing lame back, lent and a situation that are not att acid( catarrh of the bladder and all to bo discounted. Another novel- Bright's Disease, which is the worst 1st seems to h.o attaining merit as form of kidney trouble, mayor of Toledo. Even at Albany I JSSSP they havo heard somothlng of a mnn kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be with tin temperament of the Juristic ! found just the remedy you need. It has rcholur, who saved a great party been tested in so many ways, in hosp al worti urn ui innuw j."-...., .. .- proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which nil readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, nlso n book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to findoutifyouliave kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this irncrous offer in tills pnper anu scnu your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamtoii, N. Y. The regular fiftv-cent and one- dollar size bottlc9 are I'mn of Bwunp-Ooot. from utter ruin that Its practical leaders so zealously propored' for It. And to Bhow how the world has moved on, it strikes us as nothing unusual that In Its present desperate plight San Francisco should turn to a men whoso geographical knowledge extends beyond tho boundaries of his ward, nnd whoso mnthmctics contain no formulno for tho determination of political assessments on shop- UeoperB and dives. Now York Evening Post. o Can you afford to triflo with so scrl ous a matter as to neglect a bad cold or cough, when for n trifling amount you can sccuro n bottle of "Hick ory Bark Cough Remedy," that Is guaranteed to euro or money refund ed. Prico 2Cc, GOo nnd $1.00 per botllo. For 8ttlo by all dealers ovory-whoro. aajiBmZSHMti ttS ssaei.ii JW'HyEsFM FANCY GOODS AT BIG SALE i y Our mid-summer clearance sale Big stock of ladles' and children's muslin underwear. Ladles' white petticoats from 81.00 up to ?D.50. Ladles' muslin and cambric chemise, drawers, corset covers. Ladies' lawn kimonos, from 50o up to $5.00. Ladies' Japanese crepe kimona s. short ones, $1.00, long ones (ill A splendid showing or wnito sniu waists, going at low prices. Silk waists, '$2.00 up to $10, al lover net waists $5.00 up, Ladles' long gloves In greys, tan and brown. Wrappers of all kinds made In lawn, calicoes, dlmltlos. Men's working shirts; sell them CO cents up. Men's fancy dress shirts, $1.00 up to $5.00. Men's overalls, neckties, socks, all kinds of men'a furnishing toil Children's and Infants white muslin dresses. Men's night shirts selling at low prices. China dishes, cupb and saucer s, latorns, fans, matting; all u price. fl sold by nil good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamtoii, N. Y., on every bottle. 8 1 I I I II I I I I I I t I I 111 I I I 1 1 1' PITCHER PITTENGER. Tho nble curvo nrtist of tho Philadelphia Nationals. O- ' Croup Is a violent Inflammation of tho mucous mombrnuo of tho wind plpo, which somotlmoB extends to tho lar ynx nnd bronchial tubes; nnd Is ono of tho moat dnngorous diseases of children. It almost always comoa on In tho night. Gtvo froquont small doBos of Ballard's Hprohound Syrup and apply Ballard's Snow Liniment oxtornally to tho throat, 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. Poor MarkNiiinuslilp. "Goo wills!" said tho nervous paB- Kongor, "you only Just missed that man buck thorn." "Yos, I know It; and thnt'rt tho Hoeoml I'vo mlBuod this morning, confound HI" returned tho chauffeur, Indignantly. "Must lis something wrong wth tho stoorlnu gur." The Chaparral. Tho old romedlos nro tho best. Long Distanco Foretelling. "You will mnrry a rich nnd benutl ful blonde," said tho fortuno toller, "nnd become tho father of a largo family." "Thon I'll hnvo a long tlmo to wait," said tho young mnn with a hnlf sigh. "I married a rich but homoly brunetto a couple of wcoktf ago nnd Bho looks good for fifty years yot." Chicago Tribune. a Endorsed by tho Country. "Tho most popular remedy In Otso- go county, nnd tho host friend of my family," writes Wm. M. Dlotz, editor and publisher of tho Otsego Journal, Ollbortsvlllo, N. Y., "Is Dr. King's Now DIscovory. It hns proved to bo an Infalllblo cure for coughB nnd colds, making short work of tho worst of thorn. Wo always kocp a bottlo In tho houso. I bollovo It to bo tho most valunblo proscription known for Lung nnd Throat dis eases." Guaranteed to novor disap point tho tnkor, by J. C. Porry'a drug I store. Prlco COo and $1.00. Trial bottlo frco. o . TroultloiiH Times. First Landlady -It's hard to toll what to do. Socond Landlady Yos, If they carry suit cases you suspect thorn of being omboizlors, nnd If thoy don't you don't want to trust them for board. New York Sun. O ' Why Fwt and Worry Whou your child has a sovoro cold. You nood not fonr pnoumonln or othor pulmonary dlseasos. Keep sup. (Pllod with Ballard's Horehound Syrup a posltlvo euro for Colds, Coughs, Whooping Cough nnd Bron chitis. Mrs. Hall of Sioux Falls, 8. D., wrltos. "I havo usod your won durful Ballard's Ilorohound Svrun, j Ice Cream and Soda Water at the f O. K. STORE TWELFTH STJtEET, NEAIt THE WOOLEN MILL. You will find this a conveni ent plneo to get refreshments of the best and to do your trad ing. Phono youc orders for Ico crenm and soda water to Main 122. Treatment O. K. A. A. E.VGLEBAKT, Prop. IlilllllllliHIII tlllllil-fr HUIE WING SANG CfJ Chinese and Japanese Bazaar 346Couft Street Salem. OftgJ mimm miii m iimni Tlu Outlook. Fnnuor llayrlok What la tho prospect for tho Hummer? Farmer Cornorlb Fluo; l'vo got p ' ten eowa for tho railroad to run over k and any numb or of hogs for tho auto folora. I' oughtor oloar 1500. Puck. Don't Ho Illun Aud loso all lntoreat when help Is within roach. Horblno will mako that llvor perform Its duties propor ly. J, B, Vaughn Klbi Ala., Mrltea "Bolng ti constant nuffaror from con tlpatlon ami a disordered llvor,' 1 Vavo found Horblno to bo tho best wcillciuo, for theso troubles, ou tho markot, I havo used It constantly I bollovo It to bo tho best ruodtcltio of Its kind, aud I wish all uutforers from theso troublos to know tho good Iferblne hi doao uie." Sold by D. J Fry. Hlokory Bark Cough lUmody hns oa y ohlhlron for flvo yoars. Its ro boen In uso for ovor ono hundred '8U,tB lmv0 u00u wondorfnl." Sold by J, Fry. years by tho old Dutch Dunkards of Pennsylvania, and Is still In uso by nil tho old famllloa of Wostorn Penn sylvania. Is nbsolutoly pure; mado from tho bark of the whlto or shell bark hlokory troo. Tho bark Is ship ped from tho oast, and mnnufaoturod In Salem, Oro., For nnlo by nil deal ers ovorywhoio. o Where tho Troublo l4iy. Tho following scrap of oonvorsn- tlou was ovurhuard tho othor day; hut It hits probably boon spokon or thought thousands of thno a year for ngoa back. "Why don't you go for a wook'a holiday. Goorg?" kuggastod tho lox" Ing wlfo. "Your omployor oan sure ly do without you." '1 know It," replied nor stumer you It out."- Tatler. D. In Search of Peiuv. Proprlotros8 . And why did loavo your last plaoo? Maid I was with som nowly mnrrlod pooplo nnd I got tired of tholr ovorhiBtlng "darling" nnd "treasure." PraprlotrtXHS -Woll, I have plnw that will Just suit you. then The pooplo havo bon mnrrlod ten ear8. Maid Oh, thats too long I want a llttlo poaeo nnd qulot Vie Pour ltlro. The i ' White House Restaurant For thoso Delicious PIES They can't be beat McGilchrist & Son Proprietors. in i iimimiiii ii in in Hardwood Floors IN CANS Spread them on your old floors with a good brush, and tail un up-to-dnto reception room, dining-room, hall or parlor. .Nt!- ural wood finish, tough, elastic and durable VARNO-LAC Exactly Imitate all flno woods, no matter how old tho flur.t bo stained. Tho only artlclo mado that requires no Bklll to (ftl duco good results. Avoid disappointment by romcmborlng to ftil for Varno-Lack. Mado by Acme Whito Load & Color Worb, trolt, Michigan. GEO. B. JACOB FRONT AND PINK STHEBTS, NORTn SALB.M.PnOXE W. USB n MEALS 15c AT THE Salem Restaurant 030 COUNT STKEKT. Call and try thorn. Moals 15c. Board por week $2,75, also furnished rooms very rnnonnnlilrt g VH..., V. SM)jsjsiaasuiaa SELF RISING B. B. B, Flour For Boston Brown Bread, Grlddlo Cakes, MuflUia and Plum PwHhf ALLEN'S B. n. B. FLOUK CO., INC., SAN Jose, Csh sm "KrybMly .Should Know" Says C. G. Hays, a prominent hiul iioss man of Bluff, Mo., that Buck Ion's Arnica Salvo U tho quickest nnd surest healing salvo ovor applied to half, "but I don't want him to find P 80rp burn r wound, or to a enso SALEM BRICK YARD A. A. BUUTON. Prop. Brick ulva3 on hand, In car lova ov othorwlso. Pressed brick mado to order. Yard on Stato Btreet, south of pontltentlnry. -7-1-tf. rmm9mmm099Mamm9ay9e Gold Dust Flour Made by TID3 SYDNEY POW- i E COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. ! Made for family uso. Ask jout grocer for it. Braa nnd sVert alwuys on band. II. Don't Gnimblo Whou your Joluta ncho nnd you suf .for from Uhoumatlsm. Bu a bottlo of Ballard's Snow Ltnlmont and get Instant relief. A posltlvo euro for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Contract ed Muscle, Soro Choat, otc, Mr. I. T. Bogy, ft prominent merchant at Wil low Polut, Toxat, says that ho fluda Ballard's Suow Liniment the best all round Liniment ho over mod. Sold by D, J, Pry. of piles. I've usod it and know what I'm talking about." Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist, 25c RpwiM Eastern Excursion rates. May 20, 21, June 6, 7, 8, .tnly S, 4, 6, August 8, 9, 10, September 11, 13, 13. To Chicago and return, $73.15, St, Louis and return, J69.H St, Paul and return, Omaha, Cousetl Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Joe, Kansas City and return 161.65. WM. M'MURRAY, "- Gii. Pas, AtJt, P. B. Wallace AGENT a aaasjuaasM FOR RK.NT Jrtjr iteHt Soveu-room houso. hot and cold water, electric light, bata room. Inquire, of Aug. Schrelb er, 560 North, High street. 3-25-ti CHIGHESTER'SPILU jTfLtK IjUW.I MijirltaMiMj, mv r - teias?ft,-'CT!' VuBt.Sltll....-.H.Tcl' SUtYWrl!OJSTSRDamiie LOOICIXa FOR SOMETHING ' to make tho breakfast a delight as well as a fortifier for tho day? Thw Capital Bakery's freh baked rolls will help out amazingly. It's a mat tor of prldo with us to turn out rolls, bread, pies, cakes and all kinds of pastry to make tho household heal thy and happy. Trial orders please. CAPITAL BAKERY, C. ULLOSI, Prop. Phono No. 380. O C. T. Co. wkXUjA 7M sTX MSjl TO SATISFY PEOrLK TO T1KTAIV THEIR tva PATRONAGE. THAT'S WlUfl ARE AFTER. WITH THIS Mf iNTPKVTinc WE MANTFJv ONLY HIGH GRADE I1AK1.V0' tw run vppi.KV'S '" TIO.N WHICn WB PIT W0 ERLASTING GWSS JAIto- v at.t. nimCERS. J3 TUIIED BY C. M. KPPtWfJ -STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGONA LEAVE FOR PORTLAND DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY AT O A. SI. P. H BALDWIN, Agt. Suoerior Restai 103 nigh Street, rpi PJrst-elnss In all appoint place for ladles and gentleo an Kinas or uum ! famous LI Hung Chung CM and Taknma. R. H. Bak o.. ...- wh Sen To QUliV39UI iv .. Salem Fence W riOLtisTrr.-! Rocky Mountain Tea Nugget A Bmj itedicit, fr Bny Ptopls. Brtir. OalJ(a Hr.V .., b.;..5. IqJIcmUoii. Ux Btizgi Osliw Hsililj tc4 Rewe4 viw .-.i vi ... -. .- L' iiuiEHunn. l. srV',j."v..r 'p'i' an4 UAckcli. Irt form IV a JIocustw Daro OoMrAvV. iffl?"J pirn. Mitm.. ItniKiM ift pIS?1 It0weta- U-JicU J?ky Jlounuun T la ui l by Scr Jlmdqwrten tor W FeacsT Votiinc Pickets. GatW, ,V.,444JQ, - m- n neidT Rooflntr, ., .....,iKTa Wlndo SOU UJUHM.v -- ,.j aii .t lowest ft Walter MofW otcnriirr Q. 5 imiUH NUMETS FMt $JUX0 f$f I