Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 02, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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know we haven't learned the art of marking gooda up so as
' nroflt when we son mom ai naii-ynce. wo navo never nn-
i reatlze a p nrtists to teach us how to fool tho nconlo.
Med any " " ... .-, --
hen We Say naiT-nrice we Mean it
hve don't know any
better than to do what wo advertise.
. i late and wo feel that wo had better suffer a Toss than
The season a "v
carry the goous ""
)c Lawns
jc Lawns
DC uoous
7 1-2c
- 10c
- 25c
Japanese Crepe
30 inches wide
20c quality 1 0c yard
Iwoiilum weight, bluo eolor, made very full. Sold everywhere at 50c
r urment" alSO VUU0 iuesil ouu is uuu iunisi ieb'U' uvu iiuuiiijr.
M-summer price,
Ladies' Kimonas
Ladies' Purses
Seo our showing of special val
ues In tho caso at corner ontrnnco.
Prominent Salem Firm Completes Big
Deal For Future Business
Tj'ho well-known Arm of
& Cherrlngton, for-' flvo years.one ot
tho! m63t progresjlve piano firms In
this section, have closed a contract
wsoreby they have Becured exclusive
representation of tho splendid lino of
instruments, controlled by tho great
Ilbusoiof Ellors. This Is nows which
means a great denl for tho music
lovers of Salem and vicinity, for it
means that the advantage offered
through tho Eilers' modern way of
selling pianos may now bo availed
of by local piano seekers right here
In Salem, A comploto stock of in
struments from tho wholesale head
quarters of Ellors Piano IIouso Is now
being shipped. Tho formal opening
will bo hold Saturday, both day and
evening, and a cordial Invitation Is
extended to all music lovers to call
and enjoy tho musical program
which will bo rendor.ed and to In
spect tho splendid display of fine pl-nnos.
i That He Did Not Award Painting
Contract to Dan J. Fry
widen t Downing, of tho stato
board, In speaking to a Journal
Erter yesterday said thnt ho wlsh-
lo Inform tho public that ho did
award the contract for painting
ptate fair buildings to D. J. Fry,
at previously published in these
It ias rather ridiculous," snld
Downing, "to think of ono
rdlng a contract when thoro Is a
liar building commlttco which
uctt Ml business connected with
bulld!nJl. This commlttco Is
pOHd of President Downing, F.
Matlock nnd Socretnry Frank
u i meeting which was hold on
Icdav morning, July 24," al 1
wore prcsont, namely, Ray Gilbert;
nnd D. J. Fry.
Tho committee then took tho mat
ter undor advisement and met'ln tho
afternoon when they woro jolnod by
F. W. Matlock, at which meeting tho
contract was awarded.
President Downing said that ho
had nothing but tho best o(, fcoling3
townrd tho Sienna Paint Co., and nil
business transacted In rognrd to tho
awarding of tho contract was open
and In regular form.
Tho mlsundorstanding had been
adjusted In an amicable and satisfac
tory manner to all concerned. The
Sienna Paint Co. has been glvon ono
hnlf of tho contract, the best of good
feeling now provalls, and tho Incldont
h closed.
r Japan has Increased hor navy
making "Junk out of Korea."
A United States district nttornoy
first lighting in n local squabble and
thon go'Ing Into tho business of form
ing a political club to chaso tho South
Downing "bids were opened forlorn Pnclilc out of politics, Is sproad-
Wlotlns of the liullillncs nnd ing himself out protty thin.
Fry llng th lowest bidder on
Ilonoy Is much like tho toad in tin
fnblo, that swelled up trying to look
(if Itlf fit n v A nnnnilttif t r 4li.t
lUd t 4tO (III WA JlliljUl Ulllf, IU II1U
'fablo tho
vork as a whole, was awarded
contract In due form."
e contract at specified In tho
re at follews:
1). .1. Fry's Hid.
'. Unwed oil S?15
lbs. Yenltlctn rod 5G
(Continued from pago four.)
explained by tho fact that only rc
contly havo tho nnmes of Btates boon
reserved for battloshlps; prior to tho
onactmont of tho law providing that
only battleships should bear tho
names of states, it was tho practice
to use tho names for vessols of other
clnssos. To chaugo tho names of all
vgsscIs bearing stato nnmos would
cnll forth all the superstitious fears
which a sailor fools concerning n
ship that hns been renamed, nnd It
l3 thoreforo likely that congress will
be asked to decldo what shall bo dono
in tho matter of naming tho battle
ships which It mny nuthorlzo to bo
toad ended his Hfo by
I'' i $2(58
I Slonna Paint Co. bid on samo
l. Linseed oil $220.00
ids. Venltlan rod 51.80
Vt makes a difference of $3.80
for ot the former bid.
iae meeting President Downlnc
5 that he opened thn hid nmi
f Secretary Welch to read tho
nICh WaB done. At thn nnnn.
ft the bids two of tho bidders
ie Quality House
th,fla;ha!InPUCaU,a0- B6St
free it fl COast' Conaul-
IT pr,cea and reault3
a- Tfy us next time.
QltB ft... .
.Mttto Capluxl NttlMrt
No, Mautllo, when Tho Journal
spoko of tho lato United States malln,
It did not mean to Imply they wero
dead only wnltlng.
Maud Fcaly was married tho
other day, and now Maudy is Borry,
and says sho will get a divorce, ThU
la a caBe whero tho dlvorco courts
can make a record, and hold Maudy
to her contract. Her abandoning
hor husband Is not sufficient ground
for her to get a .dlvorco on.
Tho previous report from Eugene
showed that city three whoolbarrow
loads of dirt ahead of Salem on the
street paving but tho last account
shows Eugene has three carloads of
bitumen. If that's tho way she's go
ing to act, sho can keep her old dish
es and doll baby at home1 we won't
play with her.
Tho best nowspapor comment tho
horse editor has seen on tho Hay
wood trial is that of -tho Santiam
Nows. It is direct, fair, manly and
honest. Shako.
Just n Little Trust.
Patrons of tho McMlnnvlllo dairies
yesterday found themsolvcs face to
faco with a trust of no small pro
portions. Notices wero left at the
doors announcing that from this dae
tho monthly rates for milk per quart
would bo increased from $1.50 to
$2.25, and fixing the rate for a plat
dally at $1.25 per month. Tho pro
prietors of tho two dairies, together
with a few individuals who keep a
cow and sell milk to their neighbors,
were parties to the agreement. There
la considerable indignation at what
is termed the "squeeze," and there is
a great scurrying among house
holders to become the owner of a
gentle Jersey amd & to of hay-
Havo tho ico magnates repented of
their bIuh of omission and commis
sion Inst summer nnd decided to
make all efforts to win back tho con
fidence and respect ot tho sweltering.
populaco? Last summer Washlng
tonlans havo bogun to think so, nnd
with reason. Last summor Washing
ton, llko many othor cltlos, suffered
from .an alleged Ico famine, and In
addition to several suits against tho'
ico combine, thore wero numborloss
prosecutions for "short wolght" re
tail dollvorles. This year tho seni
or of weights nnd monsuros of tho clla
trlct hns been especially actlvo In hln
ondenvors to round up thoso lcemon
who porsUt In giving tholr custom-
ors short wolght. Instead of having
a rich harvest of offonders as ho did
lost yoar, Mr. Ilaskoll roports tW
after a close observation extending
over n month or moro, ho has dis
covered that tho ico men of Washlnc
ton havo been giving from 50 to 100
per cent moro ico than they got pay
for. This generosity has boon espe
cially apparent In tho small pu--chnses,
and when tho attention of
tho local officials of tho American
Ico compnny was called to It, thov
expressed considerable surprise nnd
protested that they havo not boon
responsible for this wholesalo phil
anthropy. Now 'that tho pooplo of
Washington havo had tlmo to think
It over, they, too, believe It was un
intentional, and fear a return to tho
old wolghts.
Answers Complaint.
An answer to tho complaint against
tho C. & E. railroad, as to its Borvlco
botwoen Albany and Yaqulna, which
was filed recently by D. F. Jones,
has boon received in the railroad
commission office. Tho answer de
nies at length that tho seating capac
ity of tho cars Is Inadequate, and sei3
forth that all reasonable domands
nro mot In tho equipment and man
agement of tho road.
Superintendent Novlns sets forth
that tho complaint filed by Mr. Jones
Is false, and stntos that tho plaintiff
and -his wife recently rode in mo
smoking car after being told by the
conductor that it was unnecessary to
do so.
Tho answer also statos that tho
steamer Richardson is undor tho In
spection of tho government, and af
fords safe transportation from Ya
quina to Newport.
Is Busy These Nights Informally Dis
cussing All Phases of the
,: Situation
The city charter board will meet in
tho council chamber next Tuesday
evening when Important measures re
lating to street Improvements nnd
other vital questions will bo dls-
Theso meetings are growing in in
terest and tho mombers aro making
a deep study of tho city's needs and
best mothods of strengthening tho
present municipal government.
At tho last meotlng which was
held last Tuesday evening In tho
council chamber nearly all tho mem
bers of tho board woro present and
profitable discussion of tho policy to
bo adopted by the charter board with
roferenco to tho apportionment of
tnxes which aro levied on property
holders for Improvement purposes
was taken up. Mayor Rodgors ad
vocated tho district plan by which
taxes aro levied with regard to tho
benefits derived from such Improve
ment, which plan soomod to meet
tho npprovnl of many of tho speak
ers. Tho prosont system of taxing
abutting property owners, Is hold by
many to bo unjust, as In many
cases, especially In tho down town
districts, property docs not touch tho
slrcot Improved yet must pay tho
Bamo tax for lmprovomonts as that
which dorlvos a greater benoflt by bo
lng adjacent to tho surb. In soveral
Instanco proporty ownors own a nar
row strip bordorlng tho street while
othcis who havo roal estate running
behind this strip nro tnxod out of
proportion to tho business received
by thorn from such street. Thoro Is
alo snld to bo n dlscroponcy In regard
to taxing 'lots for street Intersections
whore tho property lnys at different
angels in tho block. This can bo
remedlod, according to tho views of
thoso who ndvocnto tho district plan,
by nssossing tho proporty according
to Us nroa and tho bonoflts dorlvcd
owing to location,
Tho public utilities question was
also discussed and It was tho con
sensus of opinion that tho pcoplo
should retain moro power for tho ac
qulromont of public utllltlos, thoreby
placing a safeguard around the
community's Intorcsts.
Tho bonrd will probably soon
reach some doflnlto plan whoroby
mnny of, the weak placo3 In the pros
ont charter may bo Improved.
Tho mombors of tho bonrd aro T.
B. Kay, H. D. Thlolson, A. GesnorrH.
P. McCornnck, H. S. Gilo, J. H. Al
bert, A. O. Condlt and Mayor George
Itodgors. ;
Oregon Apples In Dcmniiil.
The Norwood, N. Y., News says:
It Is stated that with tho exception
of Oregon thoro nro practically no
apples In the United States to bo
marketed this fall except thoso In
Now York stato. Oregon hns n fair
average ylold, which will bo market
ed through tho usttal channels for
tho boxed' trade. Missouri, Kansaa,
Iowa, IlHnol3, Ohio and tho Virgin
ins aro practically without apple
prospects and will havo to, import
fruit. Michigan has possibly 15 per
cent, somo estimates makes it leas
than 10 por cent of an averago yield.
In western New York tho crops
averago not nearly so largo ns last
year, although of quality somowhat
moro uniform. For onco conditions
favor the grower. Never before did
contracting begin when tho fruit had
not reached tho slzo of a amall mar
ble, but buyers aro already offorlns
$3 por barrel frcoly. Quito a mint-
bor of growers havo contracted tholr
orchards at that figure, but other
aro holding for $4 per barroll or more
for choice fruit.
Report for
Sitloin Public Library
July. 1007.
No. using reading room 1711
Dally averago 55
Total number of mombors. .. .1707
No. added during July -11
New books by gift 57
Now books by purchuso 200
Total' books In library 5200
No. of books loaned 1300
No. of periodicals 'loaned 1C1
Total 1401
Putting Lands Applied For In Hands
of "Innocent Third Purchasers"
A recent Albany dispatch says:
Tho Oregon & California Railroad
Company has transforrod a grcnt
portion ot Its holdings in Linn
county, through tho agency of tho
Union Trust Company, of Now York,
to tho Curtlss and Hammond lumber
companies. Yesterday a deed was
filed convoying 3,720.08 ncros in
township 10, south, rnngo 3 cast, to
tho Curtlss Lumbor Company for
Tho transfer to tho Hammond
Lumber Cmpany is much tho more
importnnt, as it covers n total of 14,
533.75 acro3 In townships 11 and 12
south, and In rnngos 1, 2 and 3 oast.
. Tho consideration In tho Ham
mond transaction is glvon as $11 C,
2C9.92. Tho doeds woro oxooutod
May 1 and April 17, rcsptctlvely, this
An Interesting fcuturo Is tho fact
that It covors practically all tho lauds
nppllod for by tho parties oxpectlng
i to purchaso from tho railroad In tho
ovont of tho government making
good In tho attempt to throw tho
InndB of tho Oregon & California on
3"'7 ,tho market, and uinlco tho land sub-
Joct to purchnBO in accordance with
tho terms of tho grant by conproaa.
Funeral of Will Stephens.
Tho funornl Borvlcos of tho late
William StophouB, who was nccldou
tally shot about ton dnys ago in Port
land by Policeman Griffith Roberts,
nnd died nt tho Good Samaritnn hos
pital Wednesday morning, was con
ducted by Rov. J. B. Comor this af-
tornoon nt 2 o'clock, from tho dough
undertaking parlors. Interment In
Odd FoIIowb' cemetery.
Mrs, M. Halbort and Mrs. J. Pru
ott, of HayoBvlllo, aro aunts of tho
deceased, and his slstors aro Mm. F.
A. Mclntlro, of Llborty; Mrs. M. F.
Ryan, of Sclo; MIsh Anna Stephens
and Mrs. A. L. McRcan, ot Aberdeen,
Washington. A brother, Joseph
Stephens, resides in Abordeon, Wash
ington, and a cousin, J. M. Rlngo, is
a rosldcut ot this city,
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Skiff and fami
ly loft today for Coscadla, whoro thoy
will spond the summor.
Dr. W. II. Darby and wife loft to
day for Glendale to spond two weeks
lir hunting and fishing.
Wo nro paying tho highest cash prices
for Oats, Whoat, Darloy, Rye, Vetch,
otc. Wo furnish sacks freo for nil
tho grain that wo buy. Bo ouro and
noo us boforo you soil, as-wo- ur'oin
tho market for any quantity.
We Btlll havo Borne storago loft
for liny, nnd can uso a limited quan
tity at tho market prico.
D. A. White & Sons
Phono 100
23.1 Commercial St.
Mado of Wood
If so, there is nothing too difficult
for A. M. Hansen to make perfectly.
Call at hla sash and door factory,
Church and Mill streets, and tell him
what you want.
Men who take advantage of oat Semi-Annual Clearance of Summer Salts
wlll'strifce It rich
at these exceptionally low prices.
$25 and;$22.50 Salts now only
$20 and $18 Salts now only
$ 6.50and $5 Salts nowenly
$ J 3.50 and $f 2.50 Salts now only
$ J 0.00 Salts now only
iFasNoned Apparel
Salem Woolen Mill Stoe