4 DAILY OAPirAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, J07. "SB GOSSIP AT THE CAPITAL Tolllfcs1 Water Transporlatlon, Battle ships, the Ice Trust and Other Things Washington, Aug. 2. Dy far tho no8t discussed topic In Washington today 1b tho cluHh of federal aid Btnto authority In North Carollno Speculation Ih rlfo as to tho outcome ot tho matter, and many and varied nro the opinions expressed by poli ticians and others who havo made n study of tlio situation and havo flttinmcd tip Its possibilities. All aro Agreed, however, that It will require extremely dollcato handling if tho tllfllculty Is to be adjusted wlthoui tiorlous conHcquonccs, and ofllclals of tho administration therefore nro -lon'th to commit themsolves, refus 'ing to express any opinion. Asldo from tho possibilities of a serious 'conflict betwoon tho fcdoral and 'fltnto governments and all which that might Involvo, tho political aspoct Is 'of vast Importance Men of fore sight, who havo analyzed tho matter minutely, point out that tho result 'Of tho next presidential oloctloii t?o$lly may hlngo upon tho manner hi which tho situation is handled or "developed, at, In tho ovont of a seri ous clash, there undoubtedly will bo moro or less popular demand for a recession to consorvatlsni and autl Imporiallsm, tho trouble being nttrl butod by some at loast to tho nianlu 'tor drastic and revolutionary lobu lation wliloh has becomo epldomlc In Washington and tho capitals of h,ov "oral statoH. Whatovor tho outcomo, the probloiu cortalnly will prove a ltnotty one, and tho administration ofllclals havo moro than a Unlit sum inor tailc In effecting Us solution. Franco has Just honored a Wash ington educator by appointing Dr. Joseph Duiiu an ofllcor of tho French ttcadomy because or his researches In Uretnn folto lore and his Interest In Jlroton lltorntiiio. Dr. Dunn had boon a prollllc contributor to tho best imignzlnos on thoso subjects, and his 'articles havo been so well received In Franco that tho government finally decided to confer tho appointment. Ho Is one of tho youngest Americans over to receive tho title, being only SO years old. Distinctions from for eign governments aro falling faHt these days on scientists and educa tors In tho national capital. Only n few dayH ago Oscar P. Austin, chief of tho government bureau of statistic-! and occupants of the chair of commerce and finance in the Cleorgo Washington uulvrUy, wax Hindu a member of the royal commis sion of statistics of Holglum, an hon or that Is seldom conforrvd upon for, olgnors and oipoclaly upon Ameri cans, it Is only natural, howovcr, that thoso honors should come to Washington, where tho opportuni ties for ruMoaroh havo attracted so many sclonllllu men of national an.l international reputation. Ilecauso of the presence of thoso men here, Washington is rvgurdod an the log ical locatou for a typically Amorlcan university, a position that Genrgo Washington university nsplros to till, and whloh the administration olll clalu from Presldont Roosevelt down t)ollovo it Is amply able to do. a Simultaneously with tho Institu tion of a suit thU week by tho gov ernment against tho "powder triiHt," routes tho ehargo.in an open letter to tho President, that tho Georgia dis aster waH not, as tho navy board con cluded, duo to a tlurebaok of tho Wives, but to Inferior powder which was fraudulently foisted upon tho lllllllllllllllllllllllll jj STRICTLY ii PRIVATE.. Wc solicit your bank- : : Ing business; mid :: with the assurance :: on our part that R :: will be kept strictly :: private. SALEM STATE BANK Scjtui,. Oregon IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE MUSIC LOVERS AND PIANO SEEKERS OF SALEM AND VICINITY WE IfAVK JUST SKOUIIKn THIS EXCLUSIVE 4GENCY FOR THE INCOMPARAHLE LINK OF PIANOS AND ORGANS CONTROLLED THROUGHOUT THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST 11Y EILERS PIANO HOUSE AND HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THIS .GREAT PIANO SELLING ORGANIZATION HY WHICH WE SHALL NOW HE AllLl: TO OFFER NOT ONLY HETTER PIANOS FOR LESS MONEY THAN HAVE EVER IIEFORE REEN SOLI) IN THIS CITY, HUT ALSO TO OFFER THEM ON THE FAMOUS EILERS MONEY-SAVING, EASY-PAYING PLAN. THIS MEANS TO THE PIANO HUYERS OF SALEM AND VICINITY, AN OPPORTUNITY TO CHOOSE FROM THE FINEST LINE OF INSTRUMENTS SOLD ON THE PACIFIC COAST. IT MEANS THE HIGHEST QUALITY FOR THE LEAST COST. WE SHALL RE IN A POSI TION TO DEMONSTRATE AN AIISOLUTE SUPREMACY IN THE MATTER OF VALUES GREATER, MORE DECISIVE THAN EVER HE FORE. WE SHALL RE ARLE TO GIVE VOU MORE GENEROUS TERMS A MORE DEFINITE GUARANTEE A .MORE LIRERAL EX CHANGE PRIVILEGE, WHICH MAKES IT POSSIRLE TO HUY AN INSTRUMENT OF MODERATE COST, AND LATER EXCHANGE IT FOR ONE OF FINER QUALITY. ORTAINING PRACTICALLY AN ALLOWANCE FOR ALMOST ALL THAT HAS UEEX PAID UPON THE LESS. EXPENSIVE INSTRUMENT. AND IT MEANS, TOO, THAT EVERY PIANO SOLD RY US WILL SAVE THE RUYER FROM $50 TO $150 OF THE PRICE ASKED FOR EQUAL VALUE ELSEWHERE. A LIST OF MAKES EVERYONE KNOWS 111 j iimh iTjW!;P POPULAR PIANOS OF WORLD WIDE PRESTIGE THE RENOWNED KIMBALL, STORY & CLARK, MARSHALL & WENDELL, SCHUMANN, CLARENDON, BAILEY. PIANOLA PIANO, AUTO PIANO AND OTHERS EQUALLY MERITORIOUS SUCH MAKES AK THESE PRECLUDE ANY CHANCE FOR DISSATISFACTION, FOU THOUSANDS OF TIIEM ARE TO HE FOUND TO DAY IN THE HOMES OF PLEASED PPRCIIASKRS ALL OVER THE WORLD. NOT ONLY ARE THEY OFFERED WITH OUR OWN UN LIMITED ENDORSEMENT, HUT WHEN YOU PURCHASE THEM, YOU HAVE THE ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATION OF TJIE GREAT EST AND REST-KNOWN PIANO SELLING ORGANIZATION IN AMKRIUA.COUPLED WITH THE GUARANTEES OF THE FOREMOST FAC TORIES IN THE WORLD. HUYING UNDER SUCH CONDITIONS AS THESE IS THEREFORE ARSOLUTELY SAFE, AND ROUND TO HE SATISFACTORY IN EVERY ESSENTIAL. WE INVITE YOU TO OUR OPENING DISPLAY Saturday, August 3, ALL DAY AND EVENING In addition to the interestinh introductory exhibit, which will offer you an op portunity to judge for yourself the matchless array of splendid makes, and to see what unparalleled values and inducements are now to be had. We shall also provide a SPLENDID MUSICAL PROGRAM Saturday evening fo you further enjoyment and entertainment. We want you all to come. Everybody welcome. lll'UIXG OUR INTRODUCTORY, DISPLAY AND SALB, WII SHALL RE ASSISTED IIV MR. It. L. RURTON, OF EILERS PIANO HOUSE OUTLAND, WHO WILL HE READY AND PLEASED TO ANSWER ANY SPECIAL INQUIRIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE MERITS Ol lAUTICUIAU INSTRUMENTS, KTO. Wenger & Cheington 247 Commercial Street Salem, Oregon novnrnmont i... ... . , powder than tho ... ?'i tho government for t., la made by Robert S w,,r dent of an Independent pnny of Peoria, J? i costs tn tho x-.,,'' fio !, limit be established bvu" '1 hiblting future ottJ. 1 of tho men behind .. n i tho record" m rapld-flre X.7 tlco. Thla 11II.M..H. 'st mlcht llfi lirlnnfoJ Wfc without Injury to the utH with benefit tn .u. MrTl. Whether or'Hot fc , ferior. it Is rnrtnt., it. r gun crew been emio ,. l" Hah a new record for rania tailed the loss of 8o " -turrea. Tt h known a8 yet what actios "" w,u ""rge mads t,,' 1 'Another clash of state and fc "'"4 uuine mis weeu Mimicrl. It l ,.... . M :,.,,,:a"a,rttiin ......in iw uiu pro and con uiu iiucoiiun 01 siaie's rlghti j hardly attain the magnitude'' North Cnrollnn rnnfli.i --- vuiuilLL. ft . stationed at Fort Drandy, Mick! aniui bio. iMnno, while firing sorter who was atteronllne arrest, missed his mark and kr .uiiiiuiiiu Kin wno was cross!. n.-uivHiiun. ncmeraberlni trouble which the Homer Ci easo caused, tho military mv; Immediately placed the mantv." tho shooting under arrest, m will be tried by court martial, civil authorities have In th.! tlmo demanded his surrender lot- In tho Btnto courts, but this t fiiBod by tho war department j withstanding that tho shoo'i-j curred ton a military reierm.i civil authorities claim Inrlii- by reason of tho fact that tteJ try Ib nt pcaco and tho military foro should bo subservient ovor, tho supreme court of theN States established a preceded u decision of tho Grafton uu,: tho stnto courts will not be & to havo custody of the mil : Grafton enso, It will bo rcmesli conters around his shooting et: Filipinos on a government re tlon and his subsequent coaii for manBlaughter by tho chili aftor his acquittal by court a- Tho caso was appealed nnd era ly tho Btipromo 'court held tm second trial was Illegal In tteJ defondnnt wns twlco In Jeopxra the snmo act. Contnlnod In five short llnatl consular roport this weekunj m found a wholo sermon on thetol 1 of wntor transportation Thepj the mattor is n comparuon on galvanized Iron nnd crmer'tl England to .Tolinnnr-hurg Tt port la mndo by Consul R R W of Ellznboth, Capo Colony 1M that tho cost of transporting pto Ized Iron from England to Natiirl thouunnd mllos, is $C 07 per t Tho chnrge by rail on the w!; f .-...-. Vntol tn Tnlinnnnjhlir.l .win .Vllllll vw .."--- - mllos, is $20.77, or more th!i times as much, although the dlf- by Bon Is nenrly 15 times aj I From nnd to tho snmo place. rel of cement costs 9S cenUi $78. resnoctlvely. These nro onllghtenlng, and bear o' contention mado by the Rivera and Harbors congrew." has .discovered that the dll botweon rail and water ratwU11 countrv Is nractlcally as grrtw trnnsnortntlon on the avera?' one-sixth of that by rail, ttl' tho P.ront Lakes much KM- olivine tnhtnnerd In the W 'Stntea would bo much greater' the waterways of the cowwj velopcd so ob to admit of steaaj Harbors congress Is working to i ond, and Us urging upon conpjj necessity for ninroirIaIng 00 a year to propecu such Tho organization's special o John A. Fox. at pre nt tho various soctions of the eoi seeking tho moral and flnanci" port of cities, commun! ics , pers; its secretary. Cant J ' ann nt Hlnolnnatl. a'sO l ' i nn,in..nrn tn InfCSSe C lit IMUVIIlUllUh "- (Vlf ship so that the Influence ol ganlzatlon may be made m by tho time tho sixtieth con?re venes. ,!,. . t.rictpnins oft" Willi HIW uiii.- . battleship Utah, the nT ...in ,o ovhausted .. . . - I-nrlfl SlS' UBt oi names i i war craft, and will have v J serious problem of nau.u names for the battleships tare. Although the -. . ru iiaiii" . .i possus uuif - - mm Btate except Utah ai P'-- namesake among our nvr HHHMH1 mHMtH I (Cfcatti wwwsww'iWfiK.; zz.-zm' "-, rrrs z jftt.-C3'-: :