Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 31, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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The Average Household Finds
Pe-ru-na Not Only a Friend
in Time of Need, But a Sav
ing of Doctor Bills,
P.e-ru-na is to Be Found? in
Thousands of Homes of (he
Working Men, , y I
Mr. Victor 1'atnonudo, iJ Madison
wtroot, Topclta, Km., ti well known car.
pontor and mombof of Knights and
JLadlca of Hocurlty, writes s
"Twolvo years ago 1 had a sovoro at
tack of la grlppo and t novor roallv re-
covorod my lioalth and strength, but
grow weaker ovory year, until I was
unaulo to work. t
"Two yoars ago r bogan using 1'oruna
and It built up my strength mo that In a
couple of months I was a!)lo to go to
A workincrnmn'8 homo in usuniiv nnn .(, in.. r n m.n.i.. r
nil nges and both soxea aro boing roared. Thoy nro subjeot to 'slight nil-
... ouMimui. u. uoutor in fleni lor ovory time a potty aick-
fllRS nomira Thn nmnn Ill 1. it. r I. '
, .... ...u UA1,Uitou wm ACOp Wl0 mnuiy poor,
Iu iuch n household Porunn becomes a ronl blessing. It promptly meets
tho most commou ailments duo to tho cold of winter or tho heat of
numrnor A stitch in time saves nino. A doso or two of Poruna prevonts
Boilous and oxtondod illness many a timo.
Tho working-men ovorywhoro havo como to realize that Peruua Is tho
worKlncrmans frlondandsavos him nnf nni,f .jni,.. u..
dollars ovory yoar. ' """ Ul" " bIBai ,nnny
Ilov. J.Ci. Dukes, 1'antor of the Uni
tarian Church of i'lnulowu, N. C,
"My wltc has hoon In a very bad state
oi ncaim ror nevorai years, and nothing
teemed to do her any good until she be
gnu to uho Peruna, Hlnco thou the
color has returned to her face, and she
. Is gaining In flesh ovory day, and I he
llovo she Ih a well woman to-day Wo
Worcester Tho wenther continues
cold and unfavorable, and In the mid
dle of the week there was a heavy
hall storm. Tho hops have made lit
tle growth In the past few weuks
find the yards havo a patchy appear
ance. Fresh fly have appeared dur-
lnc the week; .and washlnc has been
done In some of the plantations, but
the blight 1b not so far very consid
erable. The backwardness of
growth, however, destroys all hope
of anything but a moderate crop.
Messrs. Manger & Henley, London,
S. E., repert: There Is more In
quiry for useful coppor hops, and
buyers begin to tako somo notice of
the continued unfavorable weather
and the attack of vermin, which are
certainly interfering with the chance
of growing an averago crop. Prices
have a hardening tendency.
Messrs. W. H. & II. E. LeMay,
London, repert: Tho market Is niilet
In Hplto of tho advorso conditions of
the wenther. Tho low temperature
is now having a very prejudicial ef
fect on tho hop plant; Its growth Is
checked and tho annearanco very
weak, especially In tho Goldlng
ground on the rock and chalk In
Mid and East Kent. The Fuggles, on
tho clays In tho Woald and Sussex,
are stronger. Tho -aphis blight !a
giving Bomo troublo In all districts,
and at this porlod It is far more than
May or Juno attacks.
Nmv York Nols.
Tho Schoharlo Republican, July
18th, says: Froouont rnlns nnd hot
woathor havo brought out tho arms
In the hop yards very rapidly, and
,lho hop In now coming Into blow
Tho first arms nro not woll enough
developed to hiako a crop as largo ns
last yoar, and our ostlmato of 75 per
cent still holds good.
I Tho Cooporstown Farmer, July
,10th, says: Magnlflcont growing
woathor contlnuoa to favor tho hop
yards of Otsogo county, but thoro Is
nothing now to report. Had It not
been for tholr onrly sot-back, It
would havo boon a bumpor crop.
Tho Morrlsvlllo Loader, July IStli,
says: During tho pnst two or thrco
weokB tho hop vino has made splon-
clld growth, and tho yard a that Imw
climatic conditions,
in the hands of tho growors
moro than I00 lmlos of tho 1903
crop. Thoy nro In good condition,
but buyers aro not tempted.
Caiitorliury and district Unless
thoro Is a upoody change In tho woat'i
or to bright sunshlno and a higher
Present Inrfffflffnirc Am Fnr i Yl,.,rlo"u,oralllro' n" llocti of ovon a
irwuii maicauons Aro lor a Yield m0(i()rat0 ,.,,., iiuimr UmWn wm .m.
always keep a bottle In tho house, and
Mrs. Dukes thinks It has done her
moro good than anything she has ovor
"Mt llttlo bO0 Ion Voar nlil. wma llOOtl U'nll nnnwl fi iini tV. ..! ..
To-day his face Is rosy, and he Is out In nBrco thnt un'088 Ho tmoxpectod hap
the yard running and Jumping with tho Pons tho quality will bo A No. 1.
rest of thorhlldMi I Tl,o Chorrv Vnllnv fin,nn t.,i.
1 1 Sth, says: Hops havo grown rap-
henco tho uhortago Iu nttrlbutod to " during tho past two wooks, and
Thoro remains tho indications now polnU.to a fair
' tYty lit lliln nnnlln.. T . 1 At
111 i ui: i i no crop
horo crI in this section.
promtsoH won throughout tho
Much Below the Avcrayo
Bouth.Uiwtorn (Inzolto,
July 0.)
Aallflll'il'l'lm ittniiMin. I. ..11 ......il..
nod to retard growth, and tho vormlii !ro,,,n nuclwin of a bad attack of
appear. Tho condition (if tho nliint
ilu, In fact, rapidly becoming critical,
tho HiiuloHH days and cold nights,
with occasional frost, making the
hlno vory backward. Thoro Is, unfor-
.uiiiHiviy, a Hiiiilclonoy of voriuln to
district of. Haiti state and on tho Ir,
clflc const.
Willi CUII HUH HOIIIU tl'OUhlu. Hllltll-ii
Hon Is ImpOHHlblo, owlngto tho ro
cont hwtvy nilns. A slight rlso In
tumpurattiro during tho past two
dayti ma do somo good.
Ashford (WohD Tho Hops aro
porhapH looking an woll as could bo
oxpootod under tho advorao atmos
pheric conditions, hut tho bluo Iiiih
blight, If woathor H.ultablo for Its do
voiopmout should unsuo.
Farlolgh (Haul) Tho gonial
woathor of the st fow days has
wrought au Improvement In tho look
of tho hops horo. Tho goldlngs have
made groat strldou during tho mist
wook, and aro a good, hoalthy lot.
no nram inuH nro t iinm-im.
not grown or HirUoit much during Unilty laterals. Washing Is going on,
tlllt Itllll fltt't ill.tt.t II . !llU MlllM.I I . ..Illl ...-
tho last fortnight. Llco can bo found
ovorywhoro, and washing Is being
dono, hut tho attack Is not serious.
A run of mould Is most foarod.
llouondim Vormln havo Inaroasod
during tho wook, and sovoral growors
nro wushlng. Home gardens aro get
ting yellow, but others look vory
HnrrlHburg Tho hop crop In tlih
vicinity Is reported to bo consider
ably bus than averago. Tho cultiva
tion has boon thorough, as a rule,
Chocking accouuts ouablo folk
to deposit their mouoy and re
ceive a pasubook, against thoso
tccounU they are permitted to
draw chocks.
Checks may bo given to parties
tor aucu luiui as doalred, thus
vYoldlaur frequeut trips to the
It Iuterete4 call and ui.
Salem State Bank
m w wAwamatkAitr.
nn thoro Is still ovldonco of vormln.
Tho quantity loft, howovor, Is not
groat, except In nogleoted gardens.
FaverNham Thoro Is llttlo ohniu
to report. Tho plant makes vorv lit.
Ho progress, owing to uncongenial
woathor. There Is rathor moro vor.
Maldstono and dlstrlot Tho hopa
hnvo not dono much during tho past
mook, tne woathor st III boliL mfn.
vorablo for the plant. Frosh fly con
Huuos to arrive, and this fact oausoi
somo anxiety. At prosont nnnoar-
uncos aro against a largo crop.
Mimngtiourno and district 'nh.
Ing Is haiug pushed on with in nmnv
gardens. Generally npeaktng, tho
hops look woll. Tho laterals nro grow
,lng freely and strong, and If nn un.
toward circumstance arUoe there Is
i'uepevt of a hoavy orop.
rarnham--(,ontlmiod wwt weath
'. atrong winds and cold night are
playing huvoo with the linn cminn
- -.- -r...-(
aim not more than a moderate ylold
icau be anticipated. Tho hoavy rains
hno kept down blight, and washing
has not become gonoral. Unfortu
nately tho weather shows but little
signs of Improvements and It la prtih
ublo that the 190? season will be
rathor worao than that of 190G.
Hereford Thoro li a fair t,in
doing in old hops with prloes ttrm, In
rogarn to tho new cron th niuiiinn
Is not satisfactory, owing to the coa-
llllllUUd COId Hllil wot WPiitnnr n...1
now that laterals 'are throwing out
thoro cannot be -wore blno. The
amount of fly U conspicuous ononsh
to start a considerable number nf
grower wms11rcv
Thero nro reasons why California,
while ranking only twouty-flrat In
population and fourteenth In agri
culture among tho statos, ranks
iwoitth In mnnufaoturos. it i3 be
cause of .California's dlstanco from
tho largo manufacturing contora of
tho country, and bacauso a sonao of
.iiuuiiiiuiii'u oi an things that aro
grown inovoH it to lay hand upon tho
variety of Its raw matorlal nnd scok
to achieve, in Home dogreo at lonst.
a similar Independence In tho thlngu
that aro wrought.
SOVUII thOUHlllliI llliinnftiKfiil.,., nn.
tilbllshmonta in California, employ
ing one hundred and twenty thou.
Hand mon and producing an nnnual
output worth $4 00,000,000, represent
California's half answor to her own
wauta and exported product moroiv
or those commodltlos for which
because California onjoya a great
superiority or u complete monopoly
In tholr production the ontMr
market has como a-boKulntr .it iini
door. The figures toll almost noth
ing of Hint Importance in ih cmtt
ami arts of tho world which Califor
nia Inevitably and speodlly must as.
L'lbo'r Oitctlilrd .olv lnidnctlve.
And as soon as California .niwrJ
the tlrat period of her Inevitable Im
portance as a manufacturing ,,
Industrial commerce will iwnk,n f
a fact which already ha been domon
stratod sclontincally and exactly by
tho federal governmont: that fact Is
that raw matorlal can bo h..
horo from tho Atlantic K...iimn...
manufactured, and shipped back to
bo sold profitably at a nrlco ! i.
the cost of manufacturing it thore.
A pig of Iron can be fetched from
Pittsburg and a baU nf mi
nirmlngham, workod into n, .1M.1 ....
and cloth In San Francisco and tho
iintsaeu product freighted back to
Pennsylvania and Alabama and sold
below cost of similar hMH,ii.. .
thoso centers. Tho unlouo nini.
tlon nf KIj ....... .
. . . ,,.,. uimiuK ana soon-to-be-Ircallied
stated of affairs U that In hl3
climate the California workman pro
duces 32.9 per cent moro in value
nf nrodtict. with less fatigue, than
his eastern fellow-craftsman!
Manufacturing generally has been
nn Incident of tho second epoch of a
state. Factories como after a gen
nrntlnn nf farming. Climate and
soil have mnde agriculture so Inviting
nnd so profitable in California that
Pnllfornlans havo been Blow in add
ing lathe and spindle to tho plow nn.l
spado as factors In their wealth. A
more nositlvo drawback to manu
facturing, perhaps, has been tho lim
ited area of ground actually border
ing deep water harbors upon which?
factories might bo built. The big
gest opportunity here was tho manu
facturing of. goods to see tho orient,
on tho shore of San Frnncisco nay.
Tho southern extreme of tho San
Francisco waterfront presented tho
Ideal location. But horo manufac
turing was met by tho incxorablo
limits of Insufficient area nnd high
realty values. South of tho Union
Iron WorkB deep water And an un
occupied shore offered ovory advan
tage to big manufacturing concerns
save one. Ranges of barrier hills
cut off tho sites from railways and
from that close contact with a city
which Is cssontlnl to the prosperity
of n gigantic concern having ninny
wants and dependent upon tho labor
of hundreds or thousands of men.
Tho Day Shore cut-off of tho South
ern Pacific, gaining a roadbed as
levol as a billiard table by means of
flvo long tunnols which pass under
these harrier hills, has united those
factory sites to the heart of tho city,
to Its wholosnlo and supply districts.
and romovod as by mnglc the great
est ohataclo to manufacturing on
San Francisco bnyr It Is the now
nvalllblllty of thoso sitos that now
makes manufacturing foromost In
tho biiBlnoss mind of tho metropolis
and tho state.
Will llcconio Loading Factory District
That this district stretching south
ward from San Francisco, now mndo
nccoBslblo by tho oponlng of tho Day
Shore cut-off will becomo ono of tho
gront factory districts of tho country
Is Indubitable. Abundant laud at
roaHonnble cost, Ideal climate condi
tions, cheap powor, cheap fuol, raw
material within the Btnto, a growing
demand for California manufactures
of ovory class, a ship anchorago at
ono door nnd now at tho other door
railroads that run east across tho
continent nnd Bouth to Now Orlcnns!
For thlB last Is what tho Day Shore
cut-off means to thoso mnnufnetur.
lug altos. And It means close touch
with tho city of San Francisco, nnd
tho oponlng of a splondld suburban
territory In which tho fnctory worker
and his family, as woll as tho city
bulsnosB mnn, will find tho happlosl
Hltuntlon for the homo. July Sun-
sot Magazine. i
Apes Royalty and Metaphorically In
jects inuiyu iiiw iii5 reins
feeling, but th .....
strict Mr. n.u . "Iti
m B..(Tn
was lost. "li8j
When Mr. tm., I
Choate as en,bau.d0r JM
he began tho sn.u, lM
: been bum. - .... .
Whltelaw Reld Is well fitted for
this trying position. Ho has had
long experience In the diplomatic ser
virn. For four years he was om-
l.nHsmlnr to France, and his magnifi
cent entertainments are still romom
bered In Paris. Mr. Reld paid 1000
n vn.ir fnr his residence, unfurnished,
and his establishment was maintained
on tho most generous scnle.
On relinquishing this post Mr.
Reld became a candldnte for vlco
nrosldont of tho United Statos. No
one was sorry when ho was defeated,
for his countrymen felt that ho was
of much moro service to tho nation
abroad than buried at Washington
as the presiding olllcer of tho Bon-nte.
Mr. Hold upheld the trndltionnl
n3' ? r"
ims..s lv'
J. O. A. IflLLER.
ATiBeouri'a stnto fnctory inspoo
tor. prominent in tho cruRad
imuinsr tho abuses of child labor.
splendor of IiIh position when ho
camo to Englnnd to attend tho coro
nnflon. IIo took Brook Iioiibo, In
Park lane, at 1000 a week, and tho
spocinl ombassy of which ho was tho
head figured largely In tho sociol
A fow onomlos Amorlcnns of tho
old school nttacked Mr. rioM l.it.
terly at this timo. and thero was nn
agitation In congross, headed by
Sonntor Bailey, to provont him from
wenrlng knoo broochos, n cocked hat
and n court sword at tho coronation.
rtM. - . -i. a
i lie ueuato in congress created groat I
nas been such a dai:.M:H
Which fnr ,.t-u, "u8IUi
-" "uiauinoa vi. T-
forts. "" im
Americans whn i...
rmtn. onu . "'
iiuuhu in ,
House, the palatini v ' M
bnssador, have been ,'W
pressed by tho ,?!
viceregal estab).ghme
itself is ono nf n, .!
private residence .. .i
yol the rental patd b "gl
G000 guineas-13 , Zh
pared with his total ,tZl
Mr. Reld's salnrv ,T.
hardly pays for thn ,., A
for his state dinner nariij i
Tho retinue of ,,,
vnnts nt Dorchester Mft..r
0I1W nf .n iL .1
u man ons J
"multl" who ha3 been
guest. Tho household Itaft
nged on almost royal ',JJ
bassador having treated J.?
post of controller for Willi,!
M. V. 0., Lord OrmathJ;
It Is tho duty of Mr. nWs
lor of tho household to
tho details of tho expenlS
as tho king's control.., ,.i
housohold expendlturejjti
ham palace. j
A well-known Amerin.J.
ilnnnnlliliin .. i . . J
uvou'u'"B reccni visit U J
tor House, declared that tl(l
nnd formality which mull
caslon could not hare l5
marked at a royal dinner j
Mr. Reld has also tain
park, tho late Lord CctjJ
In Bedfordshire, for a la:
nnd his week-end partletiJ
foromost people In Europt'
Mr. Reld Is, of course, i'
nlro, for othorwlso the enor&
Iny ontnlled by his preset!
wouiu oo impossible. i
brought him a grcnt fortnai
tho daughter of Darlui Q
woll known American rapW
wont to California durlct :
boom of 1849. .London &jB
Tho old remedies art
Hickory Bark Cough fa
uoon in uso for overoal
yoara by tho old Dutch fcfcfl
PonnBylvnnla, and la still M
nil tho old families of Weil
sylvanln. Is absolutclrow
from tho bark of the whllsi
bark hickory tree. The kirk
ped from tho east, and niifl
Li Salem, Ore., For salebft
ors ovorywhoro.
True Heroism.
Said She Yousayroj)
but aro you willing lo Jwi
In order to prove h?"
Said IIo Certainly, I'od
marry you. Chicago Dally)
Men who tafce advantage of oar Semi-Annual Clearance of Summer Stifc
wilfstrlfce it rich
at these exceptionally low prices,
$25 ancT$22.50 Suits now only
$20 and $J8 Suits now only
$ J 5.00
$ J6.50nd $t5 Suits now only
$J3.50 and $(2.50 Salts now only
$0.00 Salts now only
'jSHh If illIsS I
JirItaJriit7V I I I I I I 1 Ma I 1 BUbbI
'" MM ml J ll m WM
5 -v Washington M
tmb v, otftshtofled Apparel
Woolen Mill StlJ
a - . j aaaaaaa