I FUIl AND COOLER TONIGHT AND THURSDAY. ', , . ) AIL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL I I saijBM, pRBGoyr, Wednesday, july si, 1007. NO. 170. YSTERY Or DEATH DEEPENS i aiFa Million Dollar Train Wreck in Tennessee IANA . TRAIN WRECKED hundred feet, "and a box factory and store caught fire and were complete ly destroyed. A hole ten feet deep was blown In the ground. Loss half million. INE EXPLODED Killed, Thirty-Two Cars of lit Destroyed, Box Factory and fought Fire From Explosion 3urned. b.Tcnn., July 31. An engine Blllnois Central banana train, iinnlng CO miles an hour, ex- last night near here, killing ir Moloney, of Chicago and Henderson, of JackBon. The ! and two tramps were fatally and tureo other train men. bars of freight were deBtroyod batch at noon says: "It Is ported two more tramps wora making eevon. Conductor and Flagman Emerson wore atty feet, but wore not sorl Bjurcd. A carload of sewur scattered over an area flvo 0- Vill Fight Itullng. San Francisco, July 31. The Southern Pacific contemplates fight ing the ruling of the Interstate com merce commission ordering the rall toad to desist from charging coast Hue shippers an extra toll of 50 cent a ton. The ruling goes Into effect August 25th. The railroad, won't wait for the date, but nsk an Injunc tion immediately. " Some Low-Grndc Honors. Oxford, Eng., July 31. L. H. Gibson, of Idaho, and B. B. Wallace, of Minnesota, are among the six American holders of Rhodes scholar ships who gained class honors In the finals of the school of modern his tory. Wallace won second class hon ors, and Gibson third class. o Wage-Earners Incorporate. Albany, N. Y., July 31. The wage earners' cnpital alliauco was incor porated here today, with a capital of $10,000,000. A majority of tho stockholders are wage-earners. The object of the alliance is to lift labor ing men. o Taft to Chase Fairbanks. Washington, D. C, July 31. Tatt will Bpcak in Seattle September 9th, and on route thoro will probably Bpcak in Tacoma and Portland. 1CAG0 STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE a rices Slaughtered ON I Summer Goods ou want to buy now tho biggest bargains you over bought in Hlfe come to tho Chicago Storo and see tho prices wo are offering per goods at away less than cost. Read en: &0 yards pretty fancy lawns Mmltles, 10, 12 and .15c Fy now. 5c yd invisible plaid dress goods tho latest Bhades an styles, hard 19c yd $20.00 silk rubberized ladled' coats in all tho now shades, now $12.50 GOO ladles' white India llnon shirt waists, handsomely trim med, prices now 45c Ladies, Coats, Suits and Millinery Going at small prices. BRITT NELSON FIGHT HIGH-HANDED PROCEEDINGS. 1 DECIDED TONIGHT Both Boxers Arc In Good Form and Each Confident of Victory-Odds Are Today 10 to 6 In Favor of Nelson. Miic Owners in Minnesota Copy After Colorado Operators Nnshwauk, Minn., July 31. Ore mindrs, meeting in their own hall, were driven out by Sheriff Hoolihan and a hundred deputies all heavily armed last night, At the point of rifles the strikers were driven from tholr room. No resistance wns made, nB the strikers realized they would bo killed. They are angry over this action, as tholr meeting was peaceful. Governor Johnson promises to In vestigate it. The situation is moro serious than ovor. . . Selecting Their Own Judge, y Georgetown, Ky July 31. Spe cial Judge Bobbins, whp wns nppoint JlRl j i JOMtO sit In tho Caleb PowerB trial for the murder df Governor Goobel, today announced he wquld no Iongor resist tho attempts of the defenso to remove him. Ho vacated tho bench and notified Governor Bcrklmm, Tho nttorneyB will select nnothor Judgo. LOVER COMMITS SUICIDE ON DEATH OF GIRL men prominent in Now York, Chica go and Donvex with tho girl's death, but no names will bo glvon out, pond ing tho inquest and arrests, If tho testimony warrants. Colorndo Springe, July 31. THHo Green wns arrested today after tho telegram from Cooy from 'Chicago waB found In hor possession, saying: "Will meet you at train; keep your own counsel." Tllllo said at tho In quest alio thought MIbs Matthews committed suicide, fearing Bho would bo murdorod by Rumbaugh. She de clared two men in tho hotol Sunday morning heard Rumbaugh Bay to tho girl: "Glvo up Cooy, or I'JI Authorities PuZZlcd OVCr thO MyStC-lmurdor you," and said arrangement rlous Shooting of Laura Mathewlhttdboonnin,,ol)ynumbn"Bu t0 mar- Followed by the Suicide of Her 'Suitor. Amos R. Rumbaugh. MOUNT TACOMA ; WORMY San Francisco, July 31. Bottlnc on the Brltt-Nelson, fight opened llvo ly this morning with plenty of monoy in sight on both Bides. Tho Nelson ites continued betting their monoy ac 10 to 0, and Britt admlrorB nro kcon to take It up. So much Nelson coin wbb on tap, however, that tho odds In all probability will go to 2 to 1 beforo liightfall. Both fighters aro resting only a fow miles apart in sunny Marin county, whoro a lols urely walk will bring outporsplrntlon They slept lato this morning and nf tcr breakfast went out on tho road for a breather, but did so moro than to tako a short walk. They will not Tacoma, WaBh., Juy 30. In tholr do any work, as both aro down to 'assent of Mount Balnlcr Professor weight, nnd ready for tho weighing 'JonB, , Fi6tt,Jy'f,,thlsclty, and Pfo feasor Gowios and a Bdentinc party from Chicago, discovered in tho Ico of Urania glacier millions of small worms. Tho discovery astounded tho scientist's, who could hardly bo llovo their eyes until thoy had cut into the hard ico and removed ndmo of tho worms for microscopic oxnm ination. Tho worms woro abonl an Inch in" length nid tho also .of a hair, and ' presented a wriggling, squirming mnss in tho solid Ico. In places the Ice was almost black with them. Colorndo Springs, Colo., July ,31. Imponotrnblo myBtory scorns to hang about tho death Monday on n lonely mountain sldo of Miss Laura Matthows, a beautiful young actress, who enmo hero from Chicago rccontly accompanied by her nurso, Miss Tll- He Grcon. Furthor mystory was In jected Into tho cns today, ry MIsb Matthows Sundny, and to go to Now York Monday. Tho Btatlon ngont says Rumbaugh engaged a stnto room for Monday. Tho nurso is in Jntl. Colorado Springs, Colo., July 31.- Amos R. Rumbaugh, who Is supposed to bo n suitor of Laura Matthows, who suicided .horo Monday, Is doad from self-inflicted wounds. Colorado Springs, July 31. Tllllo Grcon, Miss Matthowa' nurso, Bnya when .hor opinion of a cortnlh Chicago mnn. Amos R. Rumbaugh, an army offl- whoso namo Is montloned in tho cor, who had posod as tho avenger of story, is changed, and Hho Intends to Miss Matthows, attempted to, blow ,rovoal somo sensational thlnKB in out his brains Just before ho wbb connection with his relations with nBked to testify at tho InqucBt. In Chlcngo, Charles A. Cooy, mll- thQ grl. She 1b frantic with grief, i and tho authorities fear Alio will nonnirq automobllo manufacture-, commit Bulcldo. At tho inquost this vehemently denies thnt ho was be,-1 morning Mrs. Knox, a guout at tho. v.uw.vu .mi ,oumj uiyuiwYB., hq was .Hotel whoro Miss Matthew Htonpod. poBltlvo In his declaration that Mini PLEASANT PORTER. KAISER GOING TO FLY TIImIIm Tilw 01 Tl.n TfnldAH In. Noted Creek Indian, mentioned . ' . ',.,. Bllhmr,o is a candidate for United States atuut by talclng nn njr8hi,i trip In senator from the stati of Okla homa. August. Ho wants to Investigate per sonally the qualities of tho now mil itary air shlpB. It Is reported horo In process, which takes placo at G ho has been Jealous of Roosovolt ovor slto white goods and table at manufacturers' prices. fanc lawn dressing sacques ! 19c yd lies' 15c summer vests, now 9cyd o'clock. They aro not to como to San Francisco until lato this after noon. Nelson in his "Just beforo tho battle statement," says: "I never have been In better condition In my 'since tho latter went down In n sub marine boat. If 9 vM&S&zmA . WlfnAit 'W,ii". SEiks' jm&Bgmzsrri MtokH&'WfKkiS 'f.T, testified that tho latter told hor slit) was afraid Rumbaugh would kill hor becnuso alio refused to marry him, Tho boll hoy said tho girl received a warning ovor tho telephone-. bofor'Q sho wont on tho Inst rldo. Governor JoKm Tckly. Elkhart, Ind., July 31. Govornor Hnnloy, of Indiana, addressing tho Chautauqua auaomhly horo, said ho did not llko Roouovolt'c method of obtaining luhorltnnco tax; that tho President Is great, hut not Infallible, and that proposals from him affect ing tho relations of tho government to vnrlous Btaten should bo studied and analyzed beforo being adopted , Ho rapped tho government's action In meddling with the affairs of statoa, declaring tho states, and not tho mic tion, should solvo probleniH coming up. FREDERIC REMINGTON. Hun fitroko on tho Hound. Bolllnghnm, Wash., July 31.- -Tho Whoso drawings and paintings ""; B,m HroiQ reported In thin part - T ,. ii' 't i of tho world for many years occurred ox xuumiw unit irouuer mo nuvo horo yoBtordllyf tho vctlr made him a lnmous nrtist. Street coats and dress hats now sold at about half-prico BALKM'S FASTB6T GROWING BTORE. McEVOY BROS. ittROUI, AJfD COURT STRBBTI. IAJLBM. OR. Tho MuGIII Case. Clinton, III.', July 31. According life, and will prove to tho public tho. to tho chemists who oxaminod Mra. report that I am In bad condition as "Pet" MaGIU's organs hor death was the result of a fight with Gana Js duo to chloroform. No traco of false. I expect to put Britt away In strychnine waa found. Tho announce less tlmo than It requlrod In our fight jmont of tho analysis was made by at Colma. Britt says: "I am hot- Prosecutor Horrlok, who said: "Tho ter satisfied with my condition than chemists' report will not weaken our I was when I mot Nelson two yeari case. Wo contend that a sulcldo pact . . .....,... ... ... . ... ...... ago. I havo been preparing mysoii uxmiea uuiween .mouiii ana jub wiie, for this fight for almost six months, and tho law makeB It murder If ono and if I don't whip tho Dano tonight, of tho persons drives another to su! it will bo because ho Is tho bettor cldo In such a part. That wll bo our man, and not because I'm not In lino case," condition; but I know I am tho bet Matthows did not commit suicide, nnd Bald ho did not know Rum baugh, and had never heard of him. Broken Sulcldo Part HunpocU'ri. Im bolni? Fnnk Barnlck. Bnrnlck was brought to tho hospital In a critical condition, but Is hotter this morning, Killed by u Burglar. Chlcngo, July 31. Albert Walsh, Tho belief Is gaining ground that "Kcd 22, a draughtsman, nrouBed by thoro was another sulcldo pact, In his sister's screams, entered her bed whleJi the girl nlono kopt faith, or 'room early thin morning and wnu that she was dono to death. How sho killed by tho burglar, who obeapod. was lured to tho mountnln nnd how I sho mot death promlsos to provo an engrossing mystory that will create a tromendoiid soneatlon In at loat throo big Eastern cltlos, If It is ovr explained. Arid T4tml Matter. Oyster Bay, July 31. Roosovdlt is holding a conference today with Clilof Justlco ICmt of tho supromo court of Arizona, and Governor ter man, and If I don't win I'll quit tho game." Both fighters expect to be pronounced physically perfect. Tho reserved seat portion of house was almost entirely sold out this morning. Boston Cheers Fairbanks. Boston, Mass., July 31. Fair banks, riding with Mnyor Fitzgerald, received a great ovation along tho route of tho monster parade today of the civic and trades organization, who aro celebrating tho old-homo week. Ten thousand wero In Una. Fifteen hundred marines from tho United States warships In tho harbor attracted most attention, next to Fairbanks. May Btnrt Copper War. New York, July 31. FInanclora aro expecting a fierce copper wai tho, with Heinz, who is seeking to bo tho I.., . ... m .. . ... uu-jiu cruii King oi tno mining, miu ang and smelting Industries. Heinz is believed to bo preparing to con solidate several valuable mining properties in tho United States, Can ada and Mexico. It is knwn ho backed the recent Incorporation of tho Miners' Smelting Company, and that tho United Copper Company, of which ho is president, owns 'stock In 1 the former corporation. -o- Ivloctrociited (ho Old Man. Auburn, N. Y., July 31. Charles Bonior, ngod 80, was olootrocutod this morning for tho murder of Franz and Jonnna Fraho. Two shooks worn required. ChlcHKo Markets. Chicago, July 31. -Wheat Slt tCor S3tte3. oU 4.jh,ghJ), j,! Jttri invoking Suspicious clroumctnnca It the, Curry of New Moxlco on problouiH fact that tho nurso sent out, or hnd confronting tho government on tho prepared In ndvance of tho finding of "d lands of thoso territories. Miss Matthews' body notices to her friends that sho had committed sui cide. Sho explained this today by tho statement that sho knew tho girl waa riding to hor death when sho left tho hotel. Another point which tho authorities deem suspicious Is that thoro aro no powder marks on the girl's tomplo. Had she fired the shot herself It is almost cortain theno would havo Bhown. Lettcra Involve Prominent Mi'ii. Tho mother of tho girl Is hasten ing from Kansas City to Chicago to learn what sho can of tho girl's rela tions with certain rich men thoro. Sho denies that she and Laura had been estranged, and threatens to bring to punishment all connected with (h dMth of her child. The authrftlM havs discovered ' CroNK.Country Run. In the fivo-mllo cross-country run at Clioinawa today, William Halght won. Tlmo 20:10; Sam Johns sec ond, tlmo 20:38, and Low Is Sander son, third, time, 30 0G. Dr. J. F. COOK THJJ BOTANICAL DOCTOR, MOWN TO BIS LJHBKTr ffflUMM! FOR AXY RiMCAIK CALL OK RR. COOK. COWVLTATON TOJML "j$?'J?llJ2t?,f1 '"ffT'CJll tfIJTiffiiliiii"r1TOlIT'Tr Tnr- rrnnil.n --,. ..-.