It. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1007. 3 Stop It, tin.". m..h wbv not? Falling hair is our own q knows improved for mula, uuicfcly stops Whine hair, cures dan druff, and makio llic hair grow. Just ask him. WnnubHBawiorormvira .u niiri-o. of n our preMMllowi. .... . YJfi a disease, a regulur disease, and y 1IV ilCSsF doctor will tell you the remedy. F. fill A T that Aver's Hair V;.-r, new imprt towcll, 2tit. 1 DROWNED IN SIGHT OF WIFE. Jack Niishnuin "While Huthlug at Long Itoach Is Drowned Wife Wndctl by Ills Side. Jnck Xusbuum was drowned nt IG THE MAGAZINES I Long Bench yoBterdny whilst his wife tic record of all the little incidents Ln8 Wftdlng ,)y hIg sl(,0 A Bftll(ler Lr bod's for August. o midsummer number, that occur in the lives of the 'denizens of the n arest piece of woods during the yonr, ho would have a most en tortalning chapter." 1j fatality could not well bo Imagined The couple had only boon married a week or two and had gono to Long Bonch for a short vacation. Yestor dny Mr. Nusbaum decided to have a swim, and at the same time his new ly mado bride doffed her stockings and wont In wading, Nusbaum got out a little wny and was seized with cramps. It was impossible to j)t assistance and at the vory side of his The World of Art. New York is waking up to the re markable landscape work being done bv n hitherto nrnctlcnllv unknown - .. l Arfrtiiltiir nn 1tt i .... . ith color ana unci iiib .... . painter, tne storm scenes of van nail of "ort stonoa 1Q1 vn" Hearing Perrlno impressionistic iinimiw. rnnin wnu .. ... . ..,i. i n... .-- a. i.u"w -"- ,,, IWK cu tne must spiritual quu.uj w,f ,, .. t , - ,.. .. f a magazine ioi soniuu. .... nml flno vigorqus technique. "Van, M, XllR,mum wnfl nlimif ,n vpnr9 entertainment, even in not (rorrine," as he is affectionately call- of ac0 nnd wn tmvonir Rnloamnn havc not boon forgo ton no d by hlg fr, ,S( ls oninlmt,cnl,y fjjr ft c(mcorn mnco of fiction being hap- American nninter of Amorlcnn 'i.i ..... ,..i.. no r . . .. .1.. !.. Innlnllmnnr I .. ..... mini. noiuntui, OIUJ -o. Inceu u mo 1,,'M- '"" cenos. lie lives on tno nignest eugo esby Charles Edward iiB-.of the Palisades and paints them in der the title "Wliero uw cloud and shadow. John Spargo has tti Gentlemen? the auth- writton the interview which appears 'nato investigate the source ln tho August Craftsman and there , of our swollen roruines, nro flno reproductions of some storm lard'B Horehound SyruD has attained . I I - Iglathia number wun an ac-iscen08 nmi nn excellent likeness of tho rise of Thomas F. Ry- lno artlst from a photograph by Ger- gcriC3 pr-mlsos to stand jtrda Kasebier. ah rtlclo of cx ho Hat of sensational flnan- tromo significance to practical re- tics that have appeared In formers and poltical economists, in ailne. tho August Crnftsmnn, is "British cent newspaper beauty con- substitutes for Saloons." The entlro mpts James Huenkor to In- BChomo of England's public houso Tbero an American Typo of trusts Is explained. There aro In- Uenuty?" and tho article tcrcstlng and valuable statistics and atcd with photographs of ' tow g00d uill8tratlons of tho charm. tho prize wiuners. Anoiiwi ng now public houses. If you aro i..- in I'TIm Mvatnrv nf ',-.. ... ... i i i.. uiiurusieu in iubu kiuuuiih, runu in tho August Craftsman of how Mra. TWO AMONG THE Francos Hodgson Burnett fcaturo is "Tho Mystery or Ight," In which Harold Bolco iomo nor; light on the proli fic! navigation. iclds Within the Artie Circle. Abrnbain Lincoln was n man who, agnlnst all odds, attained tho highest honor a man can got ln tho Unitod States. Bnl- a place, novr equalled by any other Uko romedy. It is a sure euro for CoughB, Colds, Bronchitis, Jnfluon za and nil Pulmonary dlscasej. Evory mother should koop supplied with this wonderful cough medicine. Sold by D. J. Fry. o GETTING MILK. How Will Forty to One Hundred Tons a Iny Come to Albany. Tho problem of bringing 80,000 to 200,000 pounds of milk a day to tho evolved condensed milk factory ln Albany, is ono irom an oiu orcnaru in Kent. , There nro beautiful pictures of varl- llmax of Nr turn's Irony in 'ous ,mrta or thc Bnrien. Tho Crnfts-, lo tho cotton-plnnt. wnor- nmn for August has four Interesting otton blooms, uccinres ino nrticles on tho building of slmpio le ls not far below. Ono nmy ; modern houses. All nro practical far miles through neius or nnd won illustrated. Iho whlto, nllky tops swaying In tho nrtic breeze. Tho 13 silky, dainty, illuslvo an of our ow.i yellow dnndp- Tlw August Ainerlrnii. This ls also a story number from beginning to end. Even tho lcnd- Its way to seed. From Juno jng article by Lincoln Stoffons Is n August the tundra is whlto fltory. It is nn nccount of tho early cotton plant. Unlike the uf0 0I Francis J. Henoy, tho man if tho touthorn states, the wj10 jin3 prosecuted "Abo" Ruof and hort and soft, having more Ulayor Schmltz in Snn Francisco and xturoof silk than of cotton. Ul0 jand thieves in Oregon and olso-on-plaat will, In all proba- whore. Mr. Steffons describes Henoy e day, bo tho means of do-' ns n "fighter who has fought, not an Alaskan Industry giving only for his life but for his prin cnt to thoaunnds. Today, 'ciplos." In this first article of his I, tho cotton-fields nro purely nGW series Mr. Steffons takes up ic a splendid sweep of Jm-:jjeney as a fighter for his own llfo i bloom In a bleak, tlmborloss jn tho wild W03t. The stories ho tolls pogunrded by hills over hung'aro exciting, and, in somo Instances, of deepest purple. In great blood-curdling. it is occasionally mot in a . o- ehack, whilo not a few house- ather the qotton for plllow- aghout tho cotton-fields flow- pm In abnormal splendor, ns a country In which tho nun ontlnuously during summer's ous r Ign. It Is an Intoxlcat- far tho flower-hunter to gath- armfuls of purple larkspur, Is. monk's-hood, nrlmroscs. -- f t- - eas, beautiful purplo and red largo as tho most cultivated, the valley, baby-breath, yel- &w, sage-rose, pink and whlto nwer, gentians of many hue3, pranhm, crimson rhododon nd giant flre-weed, all grow- tho hillsides to enumerate is to reproduce a florist's no' From "A UMhl-Flowor tho Frozen North." by Llda be, in the August Circle. IIVT MTUIIE MEANS. Caiuutt Graisp mid Interpret It All. moT ed " aneat :far jtb , tna r I study, tho more I am v John Burroughs In I)eafncs Cannot bo Cured by local applications, "as thoy cannot roach tho diseased portion of tho ear. Thoro ls only ono way to cure deafness ,and that is by constitution al romedioa. Deainosa is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of. tho Euetachian Tubo. When this tubo is inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when It la entirely closed, Deafness ls tho result, and unless tho Inflammation can bo taken out and this tubo restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed, forever; nine cases out of ton aro caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mu cou surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (cauBod by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall'o Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, froe, a problem that Ib already being taken up. Thnt In tho country will bo brought hero on wagons and tho cars, and thoro 1b even talk of a milk train in thc valley as there aro In many places In tho caBt. Ono means that Is being worked up is by rlvor navi gation. J. B. Marvin nnd Frank Kill er wore In tho city this morning, milking nrrangements to put a gnso Ilno launch on tho rlvor betweon Cor vaills nnd Albany, tapping tho Cor vnlils country and along tho wny, and will do so If after a canvas for customers enough nro secured to Justify it. Thoy want about ten tons of milk, nnd If obtained will secure n boat of that capacity drawing about ton Inches, which would run in all seasons of tho year. Already ono gasollno launch has been built on tho Long Tom for tho business nnd an other ono will , bo. It Is probnblo sqmp will como up tho river. Theso things suggest tho propriety of tho factory being on tho river bank. Albany Domocrnt. Tho Magic No. 3. Numbor throe la a vrondorful mas cot for Geo. H. Parrls of Cedar Grove, Mo., according to a letter which readB: "Alter sufforlng much with Hvor and klduoy trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by th Jalluro to And rollnf, I tried Electric BIttora, and as a result I am a well man today. The brat bottle rolloved and threo bottle comploted the euro.' Gurantoed best on earth for stomach, Hvor and kldnoy troubles, by J. O. Perry druggist. COc. o IT WASN'T ON THE I1ILL. I'urt of the Swimming Exhibition Tlint Was not Advertised. An exhibition occurred at Coffin's swimming tank Sunday afternoon thnt wasn't on the bills, snys tho Ya kima Republic. Word went around F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ln tho neighborhood that nn expert Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. . o Falls City Man Appointed. County School Superintendent H for August, "that one C. Seymour has appointed Hon. W. "'e cannot penetrate L. Toozo a member of tho executlvo Jv-ble, fascinating mys-'committee of the Polk County School Nature Is nil things Children's Industrial fair. Mr. Toozo pitn She is ono thinir in thn ' i n mnn nf notion nnd enorv and en- Ju 'lur to the scientist, an-'terprlso and may be relied upon to tno farmer, still another to represent this section of tho county EC. t anil nslii.ii.lniio inn ln r n.ii1 1 ol.l n mnnni. Qnnorln- - .., .......i.. tut ci llftvj ill u btuunuuiu ........ m,.. 1p do not all see the samo!tendent Seymour and his ablo com- 3i'4'ie we do not all have an mlttee are meeting with remarkable 1 ir yt in the same things I success ln securing cash and other du bee tho same things, we Icontributlons and the fair will with- " get the same imnresslon 'out doubt be a crand affair. Such ha we see. n is onlv Imnor. success cannot be achieved by tho lat Up Pci ,. , . ..,!. .... .1,... nnocnnB l.llf ). c- vi uc iiujn cssiuii, nuijv ui iwu ur iuivu icieuiib, wuv - do not see double, or. If we quires the combined efforts of all ?ng for purposes of science or concerned. Every man, woman and child of ever section of the county should lend a hand to mako this fair the best county fair held In the state. -Fall City. h8torv, that we dn not anK fthat We think or fnnn. fnr e real,y see, as some of our ! fure writers have done. own chief interpst t i , Phases of nature, principally P!y of wild Hf ,. Jt me v i., v,i . U'B same, one irei far, but stav at hnmo eP Tour er -j -' u cra open my have somn tr, v.i lrl history almost . a Cosfttlpatioa. For cocstlpatlon there Is Bothlse quite so nice m Chamberlain's Btom ack aad Liver Tablets. They always produee a plutat moyeBt of the bowlea vltkoat any dLwKreadUi ef fect. Prtoe, 1 Mots, Stemplee fre swlmmor was about to give an ox hlbtion in tho tank. A crowd, composed mostly of ladles, gathered to witness It. The gentleman who was to do tho stunt retired at tho proper tlmo to put on his bathing suit, and presontly re appeared through tho side of tho tent minus any costumo at all. This prematuro appearance wna not hi fault. When about to put on tho bath ing suit ho leaned against tho can vas wall, thinking It was backed up by a wooden support. Tho canvas wasn't strong, and his weight split It open. Tho crowd scattered In groat hasto, but the best record mado for swiftness mado by anyono was that of tho swimmer In getting back Into tho tent through the unfortunate hole that he came out of. . o Ttiere Are Fevr People who know how to take care of themselves the majority do not. The liver la a most Important organ in the body. Herblne will keep It in conditio. V. O. mpkla, Alba, Texas, write; "I kate used Herblue for ttllhi aad Fever and lad It the beet aedletae I ever meed. I would sot be wkaout It It la as goood for efclldrea uXUlor grewa-HB people aad I reeomaiead It. It U flae fr n-"- - nrr k'X DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN Put theso good resolutions thnt you made on January 1st Into effect nt onco by replacing your old plumb- lug with tho nowost Ideas In sanitary open plumbing, and you will bo rid of tho nnnoyanco of lenkiug pipes and flooded floors, as well as doctor's bills. Wo will furnish estimates for plumbing, gas fitting nnd satisfaction J 1b guaranteed ns to workmanship and charges, A. L. FRASER 258 BUto Street. Phono 180. BUILDING A HOUSE Wo can Bupply you with tho luvn bor you need at tho price that will materially economize In the cot JtiBt como nnd bco ub and look over our yardB. GOODALE LUMBEIt CO., Yard Near Depot. IJJ-HI-rH T ! -i 1191919)1 MP CLASSIHED DEPARTMENT 1 4-f9-i4-9i-44494-r9Hri49-r9M-9 1 9 1 fJftfMR, X V JM1-UB ,l,,1l,,,l,n,1 nnnnlttlnn Onnll.Tl. I.. UIIIUUIIVU llllIll.ltlUE. llIal, Commission Co., 2G7 South Com mercial streot, Snlom Phono Mnln 179. !'or snle Good 8-room house, Sov enteenth Btreet, 7 lots, small nnd large fruits, would sell on enBy terms. Also good houso ln Oregon City, nnd nlso SO acres of timber land six miles from Oregon City. W. N. Munsey, 35G Sovontoonth streot. Phono 1171. 7-29-2wk For Sale Plenty of clover hay, flrnt quality. Phono 157 Suburban. 11. Walker, Routo No. 7, Salem. 7-2 9 -lm For Snlo Ono Jorsoy cow, will bo fresh ln Soptombor. Inquire at 290 Twenty-first street, South. Phono No. 471. 7-20-3t For Sale $100 buggy nnd a good cart; you fix tho price. Como and get thorn. C. Marsh, 101 South High street, Salem, Or. 7-27-3t For Sale Two extra good Jersey milk cowb, four years old. En quiro of J. P. Emmott, Oak Btret, or Yow Park grocery store. 7-27-3t For Snle Fresh thoroughbred Jor soy cow, calf of Loonoy'B stock. Will be at Holsl place, at end of brldgo Wodncadny, July 31, from 2 to C o'clock. 7-27-3t For Sale Two Hamblotonlnn maro coltB, now rendy to wean. Sired by "Blacksmith." O. F. Homyor, Routo No. 2, four milod wost of brldgo on Popcorn road. 7-23-lw Timber for Sale Thirty ncros of second-growth fir; somo old fir, and somo big oak; 2G00 to 3000 cordB of wood on place. Two and half miles from Snlom. W. M. Schutt, Salem, Routo 2. 7-2 0-2 wk M li(l Vt LkfliltAfnJuSr ISl I TNIONT THE I JEST ROAST TME FAftOLY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our prime tendor and Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats are solected from tho choicest, and prepared for the table to suit tho demand of the fastidious. Our prices aro lower for quality than you can find at any plnco in Salem, E.C. OltOS 8, Phono 201. U70 8 to to St, Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll never bothor with having It done at home again. Time was when every family could not afford to send the washing to a laundry, but tlmos have changed so, too, have the methods and prices. Today you can better afford to send the family washing here than not to Ask about our prices on family wash ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry I'hoaa 25. 180-lflfl 8. Liberty Ht. O C. T. Co. STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGONA TiEAVB FOIt PORTLAND DAILY, EXCEIT SUNDAY AT O A. M. P. M BALDWIN, Agt. OAUFOKNIA) BAKJWY. I FRENCH FEMALE PILLS- "ik!SlVl" Rn"' mwuVi OTMI m ,"''Ml IS ill. nut K.f.1 Jd.-jv .., JT8MCBALCa...).T4.UWMrt. 1. SoW In Salem by Dr. S. C. Stone' BUTTERNUT BREAD It to wortk sere tfcaa aay otker bread, yet tke prlee k so kicker. For mo at your growers. For Sale or Rent Attontlon nurBory mon and farmers, 320 acreB, all ln cultivation, deep aoll, flno lmprovo monts, convonlont to rail and nav igation. This fnrm 1b OBpcclally ndaptod for nursery bUBlnoss. In qujro of owner, George O'Brien, 490 North Capital Btreet, Salem, Orogon. 7-20-tf. For Sale Two elnglo top buggloa, in flrst-clties condition. Ono rub ber tired. Apply to C. W. Yannko, Fashion stables. Telephone 44. 7-18-tf Highland Store. Wo handle a full lino of grocorlos and fresh moats and havo lately put In a supply of tlnwaro. Call and loavo order or phone 496, and try us for prompt dollvery. W. D. Wheeler. 7-1 6-1 m . For Sale Old papers, 10 cents per hundred. Inquire Journal offlce FOR RHNT ForItetit--Sovou-room house, hot end cold water, electric light, bath room. Inquiro of Aug. Schrelb er, 560 North High street. 3-26-tt MIHOKLIiANBOUS. Vogrt Lumber and I'el Co. Lura- bor .alilnglen, building matrial, wood and cool. Low pricou and prompt dollverles. Ono block eaat of S. P. paseengtC depot. Phono 198. 7-2-tf Plaao Tuuei- L. L. Woods, piano el pert tuning, repairing and polish ing. Leave ordors at Geo. O Wills' music store, Salem. 2- 9-lyr Concrete Work. Oet my prices ob sidewalks, curbs, septic tanks and coment work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phone 669 6-11-tf Uutte & Wenderoth Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We haudlo ths colebrated Kellogg and CastU whiskies. Cool and refreshing bee; constantly on drough. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma chlnlsts and blacksmiths, Mann facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drylni stores, etc. Manufacturers of tki Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Salem Box A Lumber Oo, Removed from South Salem to 14th street, sear the S. P. depot. Boxes, Berry Orates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit evaporators. Phone 201. BaUrged Our meat market on East State street has bees doubled la size and we are better prepared than ever te serve customer. Prompt service and tke beet ef Meats ear wetto. Call or pkoae It 9, S. . JM wards. Prop Attention, Ladles. I hnvo opened a parlor at 401 Court street, in tho I. O. O. F. building, whoro I am prepnrcd to do shampooing and, manicuring. Scalp trontmont a speclnlty. Children's hntr trontod. Phono 477. 7-291m LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sher wood Foresters, No, 19. MeeU Tuesday in Hurst hall, State Btroe) Loo Abblo, O. R,; A. L. Brown F. 8. Central Lodge No. 18, JC. of P.- Castle Hall ln Halmah block, cor ner Stato and Llborty etreeta, Tuesday of ench wook at 7:30 p. m. OBcnr Johnson, 0. 0.; E. IL AndorBon, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Meete evory Thursday ovoning at 8 o'clock ln Holman hall. W. Ytf. Hill, V. O.: F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Moet ovory Fri- day night at 7:30, In Holman kail. J. A. Dickey, C. S.; P. L. Frailer,. Clerk. Llncola Annuity Union. Sick, aect dent and pension Insurance; 2, 000,000 plodgod; evory. claim palA Good agents wanted. J. H. O". Montgomery, supreme organliert Box 432 Salem, Orogon. R. It Ryansecrectary, 646 8tnte Btreet. MUSICAL. NN Arthur Von Jcsscii Tcncsor of pi ano; touoh, tochnlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced students proparod for public appearance Residence 668 Center St. Tel. Main 626. 2-28-tf. SAB AND DOOR FAOTOXIM. ank M. Brown. Manufacturer or ask, doom, mouldings. All kials.&? boufto flaisk and hard wood werlu Frost etroot, hot. State and Otnutii Makf all omplalnt at the offine. LOST. i,ou in front oi car Dura, n watcc charm with threo sets. Finder pldso lonvo nt Journal olllce. 7-20-31. mmtmm tm 11 I DRAYMEN. . CiuiuiiIiim IlroM,' Transfer CempaHy All kinds of transfer work done. Furnlturo aud pianos boxed ready for shipment, Prompt service Ja our motto. Stand nnd office nt 253 South Commercial streot.. Phone 210. Rvsldonco Phono 968. PLUMBBHJ9, AJ lturf.Pliitnri,nu tit wmi.i and steam heating and tlnnlasj, street. Phoae 9-1-ly 164 Commercial Mala 192. M. J. Petsel Plumbing, ateum asl gaa fitting. Suecwior to Knox M Murphy, 220 Commercial atreet. 'Phone Mala 17. WANTED. Wanted Tcnmstor, good uteady Job, good wages, Apply at onco at 1790 East Stato streot or call 1419' Main. MP. Dennis. 7-27-3t" We Ah CVufc Vwetktumm Of pol- WankHl To borrow ?1000 on the. beBt of real ostnto security. Ap ply to "J, P.," caro Journal office. 4-20-tf Highest Cash Price Paid for chick ens at Willamette Hotol, 4-19-tf J. M. LAWRENCE Formerly Raker, Lawrence Baker. Reliable Grocer, At the Old Stand SALEM WATER C0MFAHV , ornow omr jlaxl. JVr vfler eerriee afeJy al E". Itonoi,a a gymDatae- at Dr. 's Drue Store, LJ!? JawlP-.-ril,9F? -Wff..5!V? -SkWBf. H5R-T- " Jf3- rM-tA r