r g DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. TfKSPAY, JCLg 80, 1007- "HOFER BROS. Pbnggs anc Propfetogs K. IIOKBK, Editor. ' A. F. MOFER. Manager. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADIH) LABOR. ALL THE OLD FAVORITES. There aro no birds In last year's nosts ndown the flood of years, Ttetma Mtillor on a summor's day lay dying In Algiers. 3Ann wants but llttlo bore below thy cold gray crags, O seal "i wcot to hear the watch dog's bark across tho Bands of Dee. Ml midnight In his guarded tont, when all but him had fled, TLIIeluii but beautiful ho lay, the bivouac of the dead! TPasst IFonlcnoy, paBt Fontenoy, to hastening 111 a prey, tUnAer a spreading chestnut tree my fondest hopes decay. ho was a phantom of delight that man was made to mourn Tho mill will novor grind again only live grains of corn! 'Oh, como Into tho garden Maudo and list unto mo toll Of fcaw Horatlus lcopt the bridge ivhon Kosciusko fell! Courier-Journal. DENATURED ALCOHOL. meBulallons to comply with tho amondod act for tho production of tnx frco denatured alcohol hnvo been IsBuod by the commissioner of Intornal rovonnn and enn bo obtained by nddrosslng that ofllcor at Washington. TEbo Tegular dlsllllora need no Information from us, but tho constant HnuulrlOH which wo recclvo are ovldenco that thore Is a vory general iw itnnnd for Information on tho part of tho public at largo. Alcohol Is UHod In a groat many of tho Industries. ' Those Industries whoso requirements aro for tho hlgh-prlrod othyl al cohol, but can bo met by tho denntured nrtlclo, will bu at onco and vory mbtimiIIv lifilfiml. Tbero has, howvor, boon n vory lnrgo uso of tho poisonous wood ulco- liol In many Industrlos. Thnt alcohol has novor boon subject to Intornal rovoniio tax, and Vhulhor or not It will bo displaced by the donnturod Ethyl alcohol will iQummt IiukbIv on tho rolallvo price "Tlmro will doubtless bo a protly active compotltlon for n time which, normally, ahoiild ond In tho formation of a trust controlling both kind. Thoro Is, of coursu, tho nntl-trust lawn to be considered, but thore are ttlcohol trusts now and tboro Is no apodal reason to supposo that tney ,fll not Ibid a way to unite. TIMIU3 IS, IIOWKVHH, A REAL AND SKIIIOI'S DANGER TO THE TRUSTS IN THOSE PROVISIONS OK THE LAW WHICH PERMIT ANV- 1IODV TO PRODUCE ALCOHOL OUT OF ANYTHING RY COMPLYING TimH SOME VERY SIMPLE REGULATIONS. Ethyl alcohol can be mnilo out of almost any fermontnblo vegetablo product and tho apiiaralus and plant for producing It may be vory Inox 'fienalvc Most farms have refuse prmlucti from which alcohol can bo made by 4.1io fnnnerH themselves on tholr own grounds. Thuy would not bo likely, bowovcr, to do so, woro It not for tho unlver nl ilumund for powor and boat. For till purpose denatured alcohol will come Into direct competition with potroloum products. Nobody knows whether donnttirod alcohol can bo producod to sell at i lower prlcu than giiHolouo, but nobody will doubt that, whethor It can or not, tho oil trust and tho alcohol trusta would arrango vory quickly thut tburo should bo no "cutthroat competition." 9n tho end alcohol stands to win, becauso thore Is a limit to tho out 'put of pulroluum, whllo thoro can be no limit to tho output of alcohol. lint 1' r tho prosont generation the Interest lies In tho fact that it is .nlmoHt olf-ovldont that tho farmer by his own labor, on bis own farm, can produce alcohol from his rofuso or least Hiilablo products for his own iiho and that of his uolghbors at a lowor prico than It can be comniorclnl ly manufactured and delivered through coiumorclnl channels. Tho law permits him to do this, tiimdy requiring that a rovunue olll hsIm) Hball seal tho still, and when tho tank Is full como and soo It do Matured. , SIMPLE AS" Til II PROCESS OF DISTILLING IS, THE FARMERS OF THIS GENERATION DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT. The ritrinwn of tho revolutionary period knew all about It and start id "whisky luaurrectlons" when compelled to submit to regulation and jxiy Mxm on their product. What Is needed to bring deiiHturrl alcohol into Immediate and Kneral luii at low priest Is general liuitriiatloii of farmers how to produce It. Obviously t tint Is (he proper work of the agricultural collogoe and fHriiHTs' lustltutoa. Tho MluueeotH AKrtcult iiihI collage Iini already ordered Its still an an iioiiucus coursia of Instruction In the art. Doubtlew our own college will do likewise. AND WE MIGHT Sl'tlGEST FOR OUR FARMERS' INSTITUTES THAT TWO OR THREE MOONSHINERS PROM EAST TENNESSEE RE DROUGHT OVER AS LECTURERS AND DEMONSTRATORS, with the proviso that thoy shall not Instill tho notion that It will bo most prollt ttblo not to denature the alcohol at Mil, but try and sneak It out and soil U In lis natural form. That U a horribly dangerous road which leads tsralght to stato's prison. ItOUGHT NO COAL. HIo1m Goimiu'ivliil ('tub Not Success ful So Fur. A HoIho dispatch of July 27 says: Tho coal question has buuu receiv ing moro discussion of late than any thing uls. Even tin Haywood trial finds second place whoa tho question of uonl Is iiumtlnuud. Pooplo hero Cully tonllxo what a prudlcniueut thoy Hru In as the oxperiuuco of last your Your ladle money will earn In teruet If doposlttd with us, whllo RwulUuc au opportunity for In- VOMtUlltllt. It can be withdrawn when wanted. Savings Department Capital National Bank i U. AlJlltUT, PRESIDENT K. M. OROISAN, V. PRESIDENT X. L AMIKllT, 0A81UK11 inmmtmimammmmmitmatmmmaaimtmtummmtmumtmut taught thum a fuol lesson thoy will not soon forgot. Sonio tliuo ago tho conimurolal club and tho city coun cil took the mutter up and did con siderable corresponding with dlffoi ont fuel conipanlos only to tlnd that tho uomiuodlty can not at this time bo purchasod In any quantity. Now tho coal njiostlon has boon taken up with the railroad otllclals and the in Urstatos commerce commission with a view to obtaining a cheaper rate front Omaha wost. if this Is obtain ed Boise will go Into tho onstoru markets and buy bur winter supply. I: was found after investigating the rate on coal from Pennsylvania that railroads rate are prohibitive, tints compelling tho people of tho wust to buy the soft coal uf tho Mliwourl val ley If they cannot get the western product. o- - - Host Medicine hi tho World for Colic nnd DlnrrlitKMi, 'I find Chnnibarlaln'a Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Romcdy to bo tho boat remedy In tho world," says Mr. C. L. Carter of Sklrum, Ala. I am sub Ject to collo and diarrhoea. Lo.t spring It aoomod as though I would dlo, and 1 think I would If I hadn't tnkon Chamborlalu's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Roinedy. 1 hayen't boon troubled with It elnoo until this wook, whon I had a vory so vara at tack and took half a bottlo of tweu-ty-flvo wnt elxo Chamberlain' Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy, and Ivuo niuiuiuf 1 li tiaa K dan la. I For sal by Dr. Stoae's Druf Store. I The Quality of tea depends on soil, climate, cultivation. Folgfer's Golden Gate Teas e;S 4ft JAFolJrtG1 m 01 Oolongf EnIlih BreaKfast Gun powder BlacK (D. Grcon are selected and blended by tea experts. Packed flavor-tigbt in dust proof cartons. J. A. FOLGER J CO. SAN FRANCISCO Importer of Pur Taa k ..I TEA GEYLOH HERMIT KINGDOM OF KOREA STItKiri' JMPROVKMKNTS. City of Vaklina Is Speiulliig Nearly Street and sldowalk improvomentc now under way and projocted In North Yakima, wiys tho La Grande Observer, roach a total of a quarter of a million dollars, according to an estlmnto mndo by City Engineer For mnn. Whon all aro completed, which Is expected to bo ilono boforo winter, this city will havo tho largost paved nroa In tho northwost nutsldo of tho largo cities. Yakima avonuo will bo pnvod for a dlBtanco of 12 blocks on both sides of tho Northern Pacific railroad, which will make one of the boat buslnoss streots In the stnto of Washington. o The Doctor Away from Home When Moat Needed. Pooplo aro vory much disappoint ed to find that tlnlr family physician la away from homo when they most nocd his sorvlcos. DIscnsos llko cramp colic and cholora morbus roqulro prompt troatmont; and bnvo In many Inntancca provon fatal boforo medi cine could bo procured from or a physician suinmouoJ. Tho right way Is to keep on hand a bottlo of Chamborlnlu's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Homody No physician can proscrlbo n bettor mcdlcluo for thoflo dlsonaefl. Ily having It In tho houso you oscipo much pain and suffering and all risk. Huy It now; It mny envo llfo. I'or salo by Dr. Stone's DruiT Storo. Will Slug ut l-lii p. Dr. 11. A. HorltnKo. dean of the Willamette college of mimic has boon engaged to furnish a chorus of one hundred voices for the opening even ing at tho state fair and nlso will have charge of tho beautiful cantata, "Months and Seasons" which will bo given on tho closing ovonlug by GO children ranging from 6 to IB years of ago. The talent for both tho enn- tata and chorus will bo principally local and It will douhtjess bo nniong tho host treats of tho fair. o Long Llvo tho King! Is tho popular cry throughout Eu ropean countries; whllo in Amorloa, tho cry of tho proaont day Is "Long Llvo Dr. King's Now Dlscovory, King of Throat and Lung Honiedlos!" of which Mrs. Julia Ryder Paine, Tru ro, Maaa., says: "It novor fails to give Immodlato rollof nnd to quickly euro a cough or culii." Mrs. Palne's opinion Is shurod by a majority of tho inhabitants of this country. Now Dlscovory euros won.' lungs and sore throat after all otlor rouiedlw hava failed; and for coughs and colds It'a the only aur euro. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist. 50o and $1.00. Trial bottlo froo. -o- llor .Mind, "What's that you're so busy writ ing? You're regularly perspiring ovor It. "My wlfo U glviuK an address on Wanton's Hlghu' tomorrow, and I am proparlng it for her.'1 Lusttgo llluottor. o ILiiaoIniU Players nnd Poot HacersI Louis J, Krugar, es-cbamnlon lone distance foot racor of Germany nnd Holland, wrltoa, Oct. 27, 1901: "During my training of eUfat wooks' foot racca at Salt Laka CRy, in April last, I used Ilallard's Snow Liniment to my greatest satisfac tion. Theroforo, I highly recominoad Snow Liniment to all who aro trou bled with sprains, brutau, or rtuu matlm." 25c, 50c and J 1.00. Sold by D. J. Pry. Almost Exactly the Area of Kansas, Having 83,000 Squnro Miles Jap anese Most Numerous Foreigners Women Arc Roasts of IJurdcn In Theory and Practice Admlnlstrn tlvo Classes Arc Weak and Cor rupt Paradise of Quacks. Korea, called by outsiders tho "Hermit Kingdom," Is known to Its own people as Che-sen, meaning "morning calm" or "morning fresh ness." n. pomnrlscs a peninsula of Asia, nortbenst of China, COO mllos long, 1135 miles broad and Including an Inrea of about 83,000 Bquare nille3. JThe population Is estimated at from 18,000,000 to 16,000,000 people, io j eluding foreigners, of whom tho 'greater numbor aro Japanese. Thoro nro about 300 Americans resident in Iip ponntrv. Tho Koreans arc of Mongolian or igin, tall, robust and rather prepos sessing. Their language Is polysyl labic. In dross, customs and archi tecture thoy show tho Influence of Chlneso civilization. Tho Chinos claim to havo clvlllzod Koroa in tho 12th century II. C. Korea has boon under tho suzoraln tv of China from oarllost tlmos, ox- icopt a brlof period botwoon 1092 and 1C0S, when It wns undor Japan w protoctlbn, until 1S7G, whon Jnpan slgnod a troaty recognizing It as an Indepondont nntlon. Tho bunions of llfo fall moro heav ily upon tho wo mon of Koroa than In most countrlos, ovon In tho orient. Indeed, It would bo dlfllcult to point to any nation whoro the lot of wom an Is moro complotoly unenviable than In Koroa. Tho male Korean, oxcopt In tho highest classos, rogards his wlfo as tho bunion boaror of tho family. Curiously onough, however, tho mnlo Koroan doos not attain to tho full dignity of man's ostnto until he mnrrlos. No matter how long ho mny dofer that event, ho Is compollod to bo baro-hondod and to woar his hair In a pig-tall until his woddlng. Ho Is troated as a boy, excluded from tho councils of men nnd Is a porson of no consoquonco during tho pig-tall period or his life. Korea Is tho paradlso for quack'?. As modlclno tho ground skull of a tiger Is high In favor for all Ills, while ginseng, pulvorlzod horns of n Tawn, maturated spiders nnd similar mixture nro consumod In groat 'quantities with trust and confldonce In tholr virtues. In surgery tholr ipiactlco Is limited to the crudoJt 'operations. Religion In Korea, as far as there may bo said to be any. Is modeled on Clilno patterns with such results ai mlnlit be expected. Law and the administration of justice are uttorly feoblo and rooking with corruption. Tho rolns of govornmont, as in China, nro In tho hands of a class which, by family tradition, live by the flhamoloss oproesion nnd robbery of the poor. Tho bind Is generously blossod .with animal llfo. Thoro aro no oxen, nowovor, ami Koroans never use milk or any of Its products. The work Is nil dono by bullocks, which usually attain magnlllcent develop ment. Without his bullock tha (Korenn would bo helpless, and this rnct Is cited to prove that tho Kor 'onns havo novor boon n nomadic poo plo. Koroa produces no shoop, but nono la that country Is so poor as not to J own nt loast ono dog. No family would bo comploto without a dog. Koroans, unllko tho Jnpanoso, lovo a goou nro whon tho chill blasts of winter bwoop ncross the barron coun try. This fondnoss for warmth Is tho cnuso of that barren nppoarnnco which so often bus been roforred to by trnvolors. Tho Koreans koop tholr loresis ciu to tiie quick to provide fuol, whllo tho canny Jap let their forosts grow and shiver. The Koreans are essentially an ag ricultural peoplo. They como from a stock ontlrely different from their two groat neighbors. China, the mer chant nntlonand Japan, tho fighting pooplo. They are undoubtedly of Turanian origin with n strong ad mixture of Chinese and Manchu blood. Seoul, tho capltnl, Is an ancient walled city built in a notwork of hills IS mlloa from the sea. It is for tified in tho strongost fashion by a systom of smells that would drlvo any. but nn Asiatic nrmv unsninr- in. to tho soa. It Is poor In appoaranci? oui rtcti in iteas. On autumn nights Agora and other beasts of prey fre quently contest tho rlcht of wnv wih tho belated traveler in tho streots. The vista across tho housetnna nt Seoul Is ono of appalling monotony All chimneys empty Into tho narrow streots about two feet from the ground, and at eventide when tho n,i xvlvns Rtnrt their fires tho pall of smoke and ashes that settles upon i, inn wnnld mako a London log look llko a section of tho cerulean blue. The ono advantage or tno smoke ovil In Seoul Is Its ability to suppress tho ordors which rise up from Its dreadful thoroughfares. Seoul Is the homo of mourner3. Indeed It mny bo said literally with the scriptures that "tho mournors go about tho streets." When a Korean Is bereaved by tho death of a close relativo ho Is entitled to mourn his loss for a period of threo ydars, and during this tlmo he is not expected to perform any labor. As tho aver age male Korean professes of lofty scorn for labor at any time, it is qulto fn tin Mnected that the period of woo la accepted with resignation If not embraced with joy by nearly nil. o He Fired tho Stick. "I havo fired tho walklng-fltick I'vo carrlod ovor 40 years, on account of a ooro that resisted every kind of treatment, until I tried Bu.cklon'a Arnica Salve; that has healed tho soro and mado mo a happy man," writes John Garrett, of North Mills, N. C. Guaranteed for Piles, BurnB etc., by J. C. Perry druggist. 25c. o CALL OUT TIIK TROOPS'. Another Casus lli'lll Is Furnished the Mikado. -t-M' 1 1 lH-MAATrl JEmIm Three Jnps and as ninny Ameri cans becamo embroiled In n mix-up on Main street In Orogon City Satur day night, nnd cnuscd an uproar which rosullod In tho nrrost of Theo- itnrn Mlllni' unit Olio Of tllQ llttlo I brown men, who were roloasod upon 'deposit of $25 each to appear boforo Itocordor Dlmlck Monday afternoon. Tho Japs camo out of the Planet snloon nnd started across tho street, whon Miller, who was standing on tho sldownlk, playfully heaved a brick at one of his frlonds, nnd tho missile .landed within a few foot of tho Japs. Two of thorn turned nnd commenced to nbuso Miller shamefully and ex plosively, tolling him that ono Jnpa noso could lick 300 Americans nnd threatening to kill him. Tho blggost ot tho threo waved a brick frantlcnl jly, but no damago was done, and tho Japs finally started across the street'. Minor's frlonds ndvlsed him to pun ish tho big Jnp and aroused his Ire. Walking to whoro the Jap stood, ho procoodod to show him that ono Ainurican wns more iiinn a mnicn tor ono Jnpanoso. Tho proceedings wore nt this point Intorruptod by tho ar rival of the polieo, who took tho com- bntants Into custody. Tho othor Jnpa started toward tho Southern Pacific depot, nnd ono of thorn, mooting Tuck Surface, shook his fist In tho fnco of I the whlto ninn and wns beaten for his pains. This was too much oxcttomc.it J for Orango Ilarbur, and ho stnrtod after the brown mon and Indulgod In some punishment on his own nc- .oiint. No other nrrests woro mndo Sevoral hundrod men gnthorod to dis cuss tho affair, and for a short whllo tho stroet had tho appoaranco ot n riot. Tho Japs aro omployod on tho railroad. o All tho World, knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment has no superior for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Cute, Sprains, Lum bago and all pains. Buy it, try It and you will always use It. Any body who has used Ballard's Snow Llnlmont is a living proof of what It doos. All wo aok of you isto get a trial bottlo. Price 25c, GOc and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. o The old Pennsylvania Dutch Duti kard recommends "Hickory Bark Cough Uoniody." Guaranteed to euro your cough, nnd guaranteed to be pure. Mado from the bark of tho shell bark or whlto hickory tree. For sale by dealers everywhere. fake icm a n. . MT RAl.Pvt ..77Hb oiAn.Kjj Local AVholcMiJ Buttor--30c: fn ,.. sa?i Oats 33 c. Barley $21. i! Flour-Hard wheat, 5 1 .85 $4.00. MM Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Win Fencing, Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors and AJJustlblo Window Screens 'AH at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore gt1Mlgmilmiiwfrf.TtBBBat)MM-(B 9 m Gold Dust Flotttl Made by THE SYDNEY POW EX COMPANY, Sidney, Oregoa. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for it. Brsn sad ikorti always oa hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT $3 Mill food Bran, iuJ $21. '""i Hay cheat, ilra. vor 47 fin .in- .- . ..',! .-., v..vu ,,cl ,nn. ,l,l . . i Q) $12.00 per ton. Onions $4.00 per M. J V --- v v j' w 4 V VI l j Hodb Choice. ift,.. nhnlnn Q7n. fl v..v-v, mu-tft., med Hm il o 72 o. Chlttlm bark IHQtJ wool uuc. Mohair 29c. Tropical Prnlu. I imnanas $u.75. Oranges $3(?Z)J4. Lemons $C.OO?6.50. ltcmll Jlnrii, , Oats Whllo, $30; tlA on.; ronou uariey, 21, Eggs 25c. rtilHnr Piiin.. 'I w,, w, ( HOC. Flour Valley, Sl.lEdr sack; hard wheat, ? 1.35 (J urnn use por sack; il Hay Timothy, 85c U cheat, COc; clover, 50c J Bnorts, yoc per cwt. Livestock. Hogs Fat, Gc. uauie lioo 1200 i 3c. Lighter steers 3011 siock nogs 5 6c. ' Cows nnd hclfera 90l 252ic Lambs Jc. Vonl Dressed, 67t Portland Wholesale W Wheat Club, 83c; Til blue stem, Sue. Oats Cholco white, ! Mlllstuff Bran. $17. Hay Timothy, $168111 $13. Vetch $8.50. Poultry Hens, 12 H 6llJ chickens, 14 fj) 15c: dresJ: llc higher than Itaj young, 10(ff lie; plBml Pork Best, 7 8c. Lambs Spring, Ofilt Mutton 7c. Hops Choice, per powi Hops Cliolse, perpousy wool vauey, coantu! 20 21c; eastern Oreov. Progressive Ulna Mr. Fodder- I guwj Enl 'a Jolnod tho band In Mrs. Fodder- How'itW Mr Vndfl.r Hn writ! bo's playing second baw now. Tho Chaparral. A Memorable DM. Ann nt lwt flnva tVA tKM pleasure, as well m vrltij our health on which If qaulntod with Dr. Klnr'iJ puis, tho painless w euro headache and bllllw konn tho bowols right " - "- i Perry's drug store. n-- SOUTHERN PACWCl Tlmn Ponl KO. " Juno !' ! Toward Portland ft? No. 165:23 a. m. press. ' No. 18 8 :30 a.m., Com Passenger. i No. 124:25 p. B., press. No. 14 9:2S p. -" pi oss. ' Toward rortlas-r? No. 222 10.5S t. 11:38 a.' m., Portland F No. 22(110:40 a-1 nr.t Prtll li:38 a. ro., Lji Toward San Francis No. 1111:03 a.P- press. i No. 17-6:42 p.m, Passenger. r No. 15 9:56 p. m-.1-. press. ; No. 131:31 a-m-5" i co Express. j Toward an i'- No. 2212:33 a,-, i. rli'L ' CISCO aai n-'ef -. No. 22511:9 - 11:25. NVrLLAVEUTTFRJ Wholesale deal?1' 3 merchants. Cart Jm Kggs, Poutiry, aadl O. A. wnv ,i 1mub. row" ' - r M