Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 30, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 10.
oycrls Out On Bail But Pettibone Held in Jail
t m .iii.. i i ' j "" '1
Mnnlla, July 30. The election la
j proceeding quietly and practically a
full vote had been polled at noon. No
disturbances have been reported, and
people do not seom to realize tlio
methods of the mnnngement of the
election, and are continually asking
'tho officers to Interfere with elec-
jtldncorlng near tho booths. Tho
authorities aro trying to Impress tho
Ipcoplo with tho idea that the elec
tion Is entirely within tho rights of
, tlio people, and there should be no
Interference. Hcnvy rains fell
throughout tho morning.
Manila, July 31. Tho Independ
ence party wins an overwhelming vic
tory. A small percentage of tho vot
ing population voted for Dr. Doraln
ndor Gomez, who was olected whllo
,ln Manila undor a prison sontenco for
allcgod. frauds. There were no dis
orders. '
which he is elected, and no person
holding any ofllco under the Philip
pine government can be a delegate.
Delegates shall receive 20 pesos a
day for actual services, and also ac
tual traveling expenses, stationery,
etc., of first session.
Delegates must be at least 25 years
old, owo allegiance to the United
States, and bo qualified electors of
the election district for which they
There are of male adults over 21
yearB old about 784,095 who can
.read and $539,749 who can both
read and write. Theso are all Chrls-
tian and civilized Filipinos, accord-
iii.. Xr. r ThsAr FIrcl 1"E to the United Slates census. Of
Wards Get ineir nrsi nB((mtn,, ,, im nnn
In HOW tO Swat ThClr PO' aro qualified to vote. The American
EnemieS-AmCrlcan PrOfeS- males number 7000, Chinese males
.. , ,. .. I- it 4U.UUU IIHU OIHWllllIUB OUUU. iU UI1W
MUSI KCip lidiiua ui 1 Jnl)WB how Inanjr of thcse nre elec
tors, but it is estimated 10,000.
b, July 30. Tho first election
jbers of the Philippine assem-
iaccordanco with an act of
J at Washington, is being held
The election is progressing
iy the most modern method,
y restriction of tho most nd
amerlcan order Is being
Into piny. The campaign,
osed Inst Sunday, was most
between tho two principal
lot the "progressists" and
lists." Indications point to
ess of the "nationalists."
Ilonnllsts" lmvo fused with
I various political parties ad-
Indencndcnce, and havo
faulted and enthusiastic can-
iere and in other pnrtB of
Icy seem to havo excellent
i of sweeping everything be
lt. The opponents, of whew-
n are mainly tho governors
Ices and other ofllco holder.
le Insular government, aro
vigorous contest, pnrtlcu-
the country districts. Tho
lament of tho progressists
; that the nationalists aro
I violent measures, and that
ople elect tho nationalist
to the assembly war with
llcans will bo tho result.
harrowing pictures of tho
caused by tho former re
list American rule. Tho na-
denled that they would
v, and denounced tho pro-
Readers as "bloodsuckers,"
i servers," who wore bought
s and other governmental
They claimed to want to
he Americans that the FI1-
nt Immediato independence
ng nationalist detonates to
ply, there to demonstrate
y of the Filipinos to man-
own affairs. Whllo the po
pments have been going on
1 snp the excitement hns
fntense that Manila papors
i the cockpits have beon do-
iN'o cockflghtlng is permit-
ana liquor is not permit-
soU within 175 yards of
Americans in tho islands
1'alloh at tho election by
lose hfir cltlzonshlp in tho
f. 3
clcn law, under which the
rg held, provides for
pns rf delegates to the as-
Qay and thenceforward on
ottdav after the first Mon-
ovetnbrr, 1909. and ovorv
liTrafter At tho regular
e illlll. honlnnlnn 1 O A T
ar- and third members of
arI the presidents and
c-a of all municipality
c ffed But municipal
rHa.l be elected half at
"gJlar elections, so that
rfflce for four years, and
''r Officials for twn vonra
I1 of votes shall elect.
oa bo Si delegates, or one
"0 of population, and
ajor traction thereof,
in tot be more than 100
h 8ha te privileged from
p or treason, breach of
icony Felony Is ex
ean any crimo m.H.1,.
fiath or Imprisonment for
or more.
Kate can be appointed to
ng me two years for
Senator Dupont One of the Indicted
Magnates Who On Being Elected
Said He Would Cut Loose From
Powder Concerns Said to Be the
Boss Offender
Washington, July 30. Tho pow
der trust is trying to outwit tho
truBt busters and prevent tho suit
which Bonnparto had arranged to bo
gin at Wilmington, Del., and today
anticipated tho filing of tho bill In
which ho nsks for tho dissolution of
tho trust. Tlo Duponts, undor dato
of July 25, filed in court a certificate
of dissolution for tho E. I. Dupont
nnd do Nemours Powder Company,
the big holding company, one of tho
concerns for which a rccolvor will
bo asked. Bonaparte wired Bpeclul
council IloadBtrum to mnko tho nec
essary chango In the bill before it
is filed. .
Government Will Havo Wireless
Along Const and In Alaska.
New York, July 30. The Unlt-d
Stntes government has let a contract
to tho United States Steel corpora
tion for tho transmission towers
which are to bo utilized for wireless
service In Alaska. The gpvernment
intends to havo a chain of tower
erected along tho Atlantic and Pa
cific coasts and tho Gulf of Mexico.
They will be 175 feet high.
Drought hi Jamaica.
Kingston, Jamaica, July 30. Tho
central districts of this Island arc
Buffering from a severe drought, and
tlio outlook for tho banana crop is
not bright. It is said tho drought 13
causing greater loss than tho eartli
quako In January. Thero 1b a sovco
famlno In some districts of St. Eliza
beth's parish, and bIx death a from
starvation have occurred. There
wna a short earthquako' Sunday, but
no damage was done.
liy What. Authority l)o-s This
"Somebody's Cousin" Speak
Rumors That Sclimltz Has Appointed
a Board of Supervisors and Will
With Aid of Chief of Polled Cap
ture Council Chambers Stir Trlsco
San Francisco, July 30. Unloa
all signs fall Nelson will bo a top
heavy favorite over Britt when thev
face each othor for tho"thlrd time to
morrow night. From 10 to 9 the
odds havo gone to 10 to C, nnd be
foro tho day Is over tho wise ones ex
pect to see tho prico 10 to 1. Quite
a lot of money was placed at 10 to
8. Brltt admirers are taking all at
that prico thero Is In sight, but des
pite their eagerness the wager odds
becomo longer. This condition is
primarily due to tho one decisive vic
tory Nelson scored over Brltt, but
tho Nelson sentiment has been given
great strength by tho dissipation of
reports that ho had not only gono
.back as a result of tho beating Gana
gnvo him, but that he had an nllmont
.that would novor again permit him
to get into condition. The Dano is
in splendid shape, and looks like a
tough piece of whalebone. Brltt is
also in grand form for n gruelling
mill. Both laid off today, content
ing thomsolvos with a little road
work. Tho Indications aro for a big
Washington, July 30. A dispatch
to the navy department today an
nounced that a boiler tube exploded
yesterday on tho United States gun
boat Washington, at Naking, China.
Fireman Philip Hind was killed and
three others scalded.
Country Is S&ta Now.
Hamilton, Ohio, July 30. Bryan
said today ho admires Senator For
aker's answer to Taft'B challenge. He
say Foraker Is standing on Demo
cratic ground, but does not agreo
with aim on the tari subject.
Wilmington, Del., July 30. Tho
government today began suit for tho
dissolution of tho powdor trust.
United States Senator Dupont is ono
of a score of individual dofondants
to tho action, which chnrges a com
bination and conspiracy in restraint
ol trade. Tho bill filed asks nn in
junction restraining 26 soparato cor
porations from further operations of
tho powdor and dynnmlto business,
and prays that a receiver bo appoint
ed for three o"f tho leading compan
ies, E. I. Dupont do Nemours Tow
dor Company, Lnflln & Rand and tho
Eastern Dynamlto Companies. Tho
bill was filed by District Attorney
Nields, after eight months' probing.
Among tho dofondnnts aro tho Cali
fornia Powdor Works, of San Fran
cisco; tho Judson Dynamite Powder
Company, of San Francisco; tho Met
ropolitan Powder Hercules Company,
or California, nnd tho Peyton Chem
lcnl Company, of San Francisco.
When Dupont entered tho Bonato, a
llttlo more than n year ago, tho an
nouncement was made that ho would
withdraw from all active participa
tion In tho operation of all powdor
concerns. Tho bill says: "That at
tho tlmo of this petition Dupont was
ono of tho principal stockholders in
said company, and that during all of
tho tlmo mentioned ho has been and
now Is exorcising a dominant Influ-,
enco over tho management of tho
buslnoss of said companies, and Is re
sponsible for tholr acts."
Young People Engaged.
Washington, July 30. Tho en
gagement of Lloutonnnt U. S. Grant,
third, and Edith Root, only daughter
of the secretary, Is announced to
day. Ho Is a son of Major General
Frederick D. Grant, and grandson of
the late President Grant. Miss Root
does not caro much for society. Sho
la a splendid horsewoman and fond
of travel. The couple became ac
quainted whllo he was military aid
to tho President.
It Was Not Suicide.
Kansas City, Mo., July 30. Mrs.
Jennie Mathews, mother of Laiun
Mathews, who was found dead at
Colorado Springs, left this mornhig
for Chicago. Sho does not be
lieve her daughter Intended to com
mit suicide.
Washington, D. C, July 30. It
wns announced today that Secretary
Taft Vui mako no speeches In Idaho
on hlartrlp coming to tho West. Mr.
Tnft a year ago waB sont to Idaho
by thb President to speak for tho ro
olection of Governor Gooding, tho
ninln(iBuo being the attitude of un
relenting purBuit of tho murderers of
ex-Governor Steunonbarg, which hnd
been assumed by tho stnto administration.
TIiIb was the first movo mado by
tho President to lndlcnto his belief
in tho undeslrnbillty of tho loaders
of tho Western Federation 'of Miners
nnd tho acquittal of Haywood is be
lieved to bo harmful to tho presiden
tial aspirations of Mr. Taft In tho
Far WeBt.
San Frnnclsco, July 30. It Is per
sistently reported that Schmltz last
night nppolntcd 15 men to tnko tho
place of tho supervisors who re
signed. Tho county clerk Is said to
havo sworn tho men In secretly, but
ho denies this. Schmltz threatened
thlB nctlon some weeks ago. If tho
report is true tho existence of two
setB of supervisors will cause n hope
less tanglo. Two of tho old board,
who were permitted to rotnln their
Bents, havo announced tholr intention
not to Bit with tho board named by
Tho report spread like wlldflro, and
others soon followed, ono being to
tho effect that the Schmltz board
would attempt to solzo tho council
.chambers this afternoon, aided by
Chief Police Dlnnn, who refused to
recognize Taylor as mayor. Dlnnn
and Pollco Commissioner linger hold
a secret conference early this nftor
noon, supposedly for tho purposo of
making pollco arrangements. Inng
don hurried to tho hall of Justice,
whore tho board of supervisors holds
Its meetings, to nwalt dovolopmontH.
Schmltz confirmed tho report that
ho hnd appointed a Bocond Bot of supervisors.
Chicago, July 30. "Roosevelt will
not bo a presidential candidate again.
Ho is afraid to run, and no nWunt of
persuasion on tho pnrt of hla frlondu
will quell his fears of tho four
headed bugaboo, tho loss of tho negro
vote, labor antagonistic, capitalistic;
distrust and Brynn." This statement
Is mado by Dr. W. A. Guild, of Dei
Moines, cousin of Governor Gulldi
of MnBBachitBOtts, author of sovoraV
medical works and sociological loot
turor, who will addrcsa tho home-,
coming gnthorlng In tho Bay stato
next month.
ColumbuB, 0 July 30. A resolu
tion endorafng Taft for tho presiden
cy was ndopted this afternoon by n
vote of 15 to C by tho Republican
state central committee Tho For-akor-DIok
combination wns routed.
Taft sentiment was so strong before
tho commlttoo met that Forakur
practically gave up.
A Dynamite Plot.
Odossa, Russia, July 30. By a'
narrow, margin tho city authorities
today nipped a plot to dynnmlto a.
crowded political prison hero. Ar
rangements wore completed for firing
a mine laid in tho prison by whlcn
in.l !!.. ...... 1.1 1 l..... Ii T nn I
lyu uven wuum iiiivu uuvii moi. iwihu
quantities of dynamite and sulphur
were found in sovornl colls. Tho
plotters are now In solitary confinement.
No Moro Stage for Evelyn.
New York. July 30. Evelyn Thaw
today emphatically denied tho story
that she Intends to return to mo
Will VlHlt Newport.
Newport, July 30. It Is reported
tha tRoosevelt nnd wife accept tho
Invitation to this city August 15th,
as the guests of Cornelius Vandor
bllt. For several days they havo
been tho recipients of many entertainments.
Carnegie an Orangeman.
The Hague, July 30. In tho pres
ence of a distinguished International
audience tho foundation of the Car
negie peace palaco was laid today by
President Nelldoff, of tho peace con
ference. The Btono was laid In hon
or Queen Wilhelmlna. Tho Czar and
the peace conference paid a trlbuto
to Carnegie, and Wllholralua appoint
ed Carnegie an officer of tho Order
of Orange and Nassua.
Boise, July 30. Charles H. Moy-
or will walk out of tho Ada county
court houso this afternoon, freed on
bonds of $25,000, mado posslblo by
tho generosity of local unions of tho
Western Federation of Minors, who
guaranteed with $30,000 cash, tho
personal bond of Timothy Regan, a
resident and proporty owner here.
Moyer Is Jubilant at regaining his
freedom, nnd his attorneys snys ho
will novor bo called upon to face the
chargo. Orchard's tale 1b tho only
evidence against him, and during the
Crlpplo Creok troubloB.Moyor waB In
jail, and could not havo had part In
them. Ho snld, whon rolonsoch
"You may toll tho readors of tho
United Pross I nm grntoful to frlonds
for having sided with me, and my
associates for combatting tho vllo
conspiracy, As far aB my plana aro
concerned I'm going to return to
Denver. Pettibone will nlso bo ac
quitted If they daro to try him."
Pettlbono was brought Into the court
room at 10 o'clock and Dnrrow mado
a formal motion asking ho bo admit
ted to ball. No nrgumont wub mado
and Judgo Wood denied tho requoat.
Pettlbono had -tlttlo hopes of secur
ing favorable action, and was hardly
DepoHitioiiH lu Mrx. Eddy's Case,
Condon, July 30. Tho attorney
for tho "next friends" thlB afternoon
announced that on Thursday thy
would begin taking dopoaltlonB to bo
submitted to tho masters In Mrs. Ed
dy's case beforo Attorney Fornald,
In Boston. '
Trotter Sold.
Glenvlllo, Ohio, July 30. Tho
wonderful trottor brought East by
Charley Dreyor waa sold this after-
nooa to George II. Etabrook, of
DBVtr, for $10,900.
San Frnnclsco, July 3Q. Tho
brnlu of Robert Hawse, third ofllcor
ot tho lost steamer Columbln, suc
cumbed to tho nbiiBo, rldiculo nnd
contempt which hns boon heaped up
on him ovor slnco tho Investlgntlou
of tho disaster has boon In progross.
Holding tho nowspnper articles con
taining tho criticism of his actions,
subsequent to tho crash In his bands,,
n brain fibro snapped, and ho. was v,
Tho Ignomy honped upon- him wna
more than ho could bear, After
brooding for several days ovor tho
charges which havo been mado .
against him, hi Intellect lost that'
koon adjustment that naturo provides
botwoon thought and act, nnd hhl
mind reeled off into Insanity.
Hnwso spent tho evening at his
rooms, 138 Fair Oaks atroot, Sec
ond Ofllcor Riclu'rd Agerup was with
him. Hnwso had Bpont ah hour op
moro rending tho censure which had
boon printed against nim. With :v
cry llko n wild animal ho clenched
tho clippings In his hnnda and leaped
to his foot. Agorup looked at him
and Hnwso looked nt his friend, hut
did not seo him, His eyes wore-glazod.
Tho pollco were called and I In who
wbb taken to tho dotontlon ward at
tho Central Emorgoncy Hospital,
AlpliulK't Undor HoikIn
Now York, July 30. Father Le
vont MnytooggcBulun, nn Armoninu
priest, accused of having knowledge
ot the operations of a secret socloty
supposed to bo engaged In blnckumlU
Ing wealthy Armonlana, wna today
hold undor bonda of $10,000 to np
pear for examination by tho grand
Jury which is Investigating (ho mat-.
tor. Flvo mon nrrcHtcd with hlm
wore rolcascd on $500 bonds. Tho
fact was brought out that $25,000
was demanded from IledroH Kazanlnn
and Mlrlm Karagusolan, and $500
from Mlrml Hnpullan,
The Columbia InvcKtlgutlon.
San Francisco, July 30. Captain
Hanson, o,f the schoonor Han Pedro,
and First Mate HeudrlckHon arrlvod
this morning, and this afternoon ap
peared before tho Columbia board of
Inquiry. Hanson denied tho chargers
mado by Hawso and clalmud ho did
everything possible to aid In tho ro
cue. Ho took aboard all tho vessel
would hold.and admitted warning tho
lifeboat away, giving as a reason tho
fear that it would bo staved in by
floating lumber.
ChrlNtluu RcJentlNtfi
Mid-week mooting Wednesday ov-
onlng will bo hold in tho Unitarian
church at 8 o'clock. By ordor of tho
hboard. 2t
Dr. J. P. COOK
cook. QommjTATmx mum.
f1M..1i!frVf' '
: ar. . -Afi-SEVki
jftHw-tffWi, in fnw.rmffli J WV WW "' -nBiTnn.HJIWMiWjJUJ jg rymiwit'W''?y'fP''''j