rm- iT" i"s?wjirKBLvRrr--!: Mcmrxym'msK&-i!M!yatKB!. ifciiiiKaBascaESLL-ja: L ...JU .ft. JF.-K.1 -TS 'SK!War--vUJiV.J.!,t. rf t-c fy$N: Pvjifc i -'., TP? a DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, " nitKflOM. MONDAY, JOLT 2D. 1007. HOFER BROS., P""8 and Proprietors K. UOPflR, Editor. A. F. 110PKB. Manager. TUB JOUUNAL STANDS POIl PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT, AND NO DEGRADED LABOR. GOOD WHAT WOULDST THOU. MOKE? P (John Vanco In tho Mldsummor Holiday Century.) ThoBtin and all tho stars ahlno on thy head, Tho grafls and blossoms all aro at they feet; Nature's glad pageantries for thee are spread, Hor winds loosed for thoe, seminal and sweet; For thco young morn binds his bright Bandals 6n Palo evening loads thco to the mothorfold; Tho patlont seasons servo thee; nono aro gone Of alt tho glorlos thronging from of old. Hoar nllenco sings thco her primoval lny; Apt dream wraps round thee her enchanting light'; Auguat companions walk with thco by day, Thoy sharo thy bod In darkness of tho night: Tho full years pour upon thco of tholr store, Thoy gathor for thy lap. What wouldBt thou more? o RIG TRUSTS AND LITTLE TRUSTS. Hbo pcoplo of Fresno aro oxaBporatcd over tho conduct of a groat trust which tit allogcd to have llxod Ub tentacles on that untortunato city and &o l drlctng Its prplo to dospornllon. INrw Ihoro can bo no monopoly In boof, mutton or pork. "Thoy aro produced by hundreds of thousands of pcoplo nnd arc for snlo o anybody. Fonnorly local butchors bought nnd filnughtorod tholr own nnlmnlo and would havo continued to do bo had It not been that tho groat pnek 4ns linunoH could soil them tho moat choapor thnn thoy could purchase nnd slaughter H.t Thoro aro many butchors, howovor, and vory llkoly tho majority, who vould profor to do business In tho good old wny. THUS PACKERS, HOWEVER, DEMAND TIII01R TRADE. IF TIIKV 11)0 N(l' GET IT TIIEVSTAFtT AN OPPOSITION MEAT SHOP AND UX- iwhskll. Thwy can nfford In Mil ovon nt n low, for what thoy tomporarlly lose Hboro thoy aru milking up olsawhor. And tho curious thing Is that, badly ns tho puoplo prof tan to hato rtmustM, thoy will Hook on masso to thalr counlor If tlivy uavo a dollar a Tonr by ho doing. Tho moat trust could novor linvo got nny hold at Fnxmo If tho poople who nro now howling so loudly hnd Htuck by tholr old frlonds. Ono nflur another, howovor, tho old hiilohor woro loft without cua ttomora, nnd woro compelled olthor to closo down, soli out to tho trust at its own lurms or promise to bo good and buy nil tholr mont of tho tniBt. And o no of thoso things always hnppoiiii. Whon tho trust gotB possession of nil tho moat tthops In town It hns n Bocnl monopoly and can got back nil It loit In tho light. Tho Fresno pooplo nay thnt that Is what Is happonlng thoro now. Dut ihoy can nt any tlmo drlvo tho trust out by guiirantoolng Biilllclont "trndo to Indopondonto shops nnd Htandlng by tholr ngrcomont which with ono nccord thoy would rofuso to do. Honco thoso tonra. As n mm tor of fact THE HMAIJj UJCAL TRPSTS OR rOMII! NA TIONS TO WHICH THE PEOPLE GIVE VERV LITTLE THOUGHT ARE "U'lll-J WORST TORMENTORS. A big trust can bo located and lUnlt with If tho people ho desire. Ah a rule thoy do not greatly, If nt all, liinroaso prlcoB to consumers xeopt whon thoy rtnch out and control tho rotall trade. Thon tho puoplo "got It." llul rotall trndo la ml I of local ngronmonts backed up by largo wholo wilu combinations behind thorn, nnd It Is thono which mako life miser blo. o SUUJUGATION OK THE COLORADO. COLUMBIA MAV HK RAISED. In 00 Fnthoms Grappling Irons Could He LM-d to Snvo Her. U U niinouncod that tho work of controlling tho Colorado rlvor below Yumn Is eouiplotcd, tho Hood season of tho yonr Is ovur, tho pooplo of Impmlnl valloy fool secur In thwlr pnwuatiloiiM nnd tho works hav Jioon returned to tho enri of tho California Dovolopinont Company. For thin work, for which thtre wn linporntlve nocoMlty, tho Southern Pni'lltr Company Iihh paid out about $1,600,000. It ouiuo to tho rsouo whon congress rofusod tu npprnprlnto a dollar. It win no moro tho duty of tho Southern Pncltlc Company to do this work than It wan tho duty of tho czar of Hiiusla. Of coins... It was moro to Its Interest, for IT HAD VALUABLE PROP ERTV IN DANGER, UPT WE Kl'HPKPT THAT IT WOULD DAVE COST CMUCH L1WS TO pianc ITS TRACKS in SAPICTV THAN IT HAS MX VENDKD IN THE WORK OF CONTROL. Thoro was uUo a groat futuro t rathe to bo oxpoded from the rich lniuU if thi vnlloy. but In llkt inanuor a groat tralllc could bo developed from tho swamp binds of thtt Rnotwnonto, but ono would not oxpoot a railroad company to pay for reclaiming tluno lauds for tho sake or tho futuro IirolU It might ilorlvo from hauling tholr produco. THE FACT THAT THE Pl'llLIC HAS A Jl'ST GRIEVANCE AGAINST niENOUTHKRN PACIFIC COMPANV for tho corrupting Inlluonco which U Iuih oxortod and contlnuos to oxort In our public affairs NEED NOT PREVENT US FROM RE(X)GNI.IN(f THAT IN THIS CASE IT HAS 1IENDERED A GREAT PUBLIC SKRVICE, FOll WHICH IT SHOl'IiD atK UEIMRPRSED RUT MAV NOT HE. Of course, thin now work will require constant attontlon. Very llkoly It still need strengthening. AV do not know what innunor of hondworks havo boon provided for tho Intake or tho canal, which la In charge of tho California Dovolopmonx "Co in puny. This Intako. wo suppose, is still In Muxloo. Tho protootlng lavaas run for miles back Into California. Tho dovolopinont company Is without nny title ns ngalnst tho Unltod states Kovorumunt. Tho roehunntlon strvio U doing work whleh may cause conflicts bo twoon tho gov amnion t and tho dovolopinont company. The sottlors In tho Imparlftl vtiUty aro standing upon what tha bo llovf to tiM tholr oqullablo right to all thtt low.wntor flow of tho river. Tht Moxlonp Kovoriunent may quostlon our right to divert tho Colo rado m our pUwvsuro for Irrlfiallon purposaa. It may rfus, tf we perulst, to permit any part of tho diverted watwr to bo bitiught bark Into this country uvr Moxloan soli. Thoro U no ud of muidl, whlrh U as had as ever It was, with no HoVtUuuont In sight. Th ono think w hav don U to control tho river and turn It back Into 1(4 Niurso. whrt It will flow pHofulli' on until tho stttlomont, which must como some time. Going down, from most accounts, In not moro than CO fathoms of water, thoro Is a chance that tho Btcamer Columbia may bo raised and saved from hor resting place, 14 miles off tho Eureka bar. With a smooth sea and favorable weather conditions, such an engineering feat, it Is said, would not bo impossible by any means. By tho UBe of grappling lions It is declnred that tho task might be accomplished. Somo years ago, when tho bark Andelann turned turtlo on Puget sound and sank over 70 fathoms on a mud bottom, Bho was located by divers nnd two year,s later efforts were mado to raise hor with grappling Irons. Tho shifting mud made It im possible, but tho Columbia rests on hard sand. More thnn that, It Is not Improbable that tho Columbia Is in much Bhnllowor water than supposed. Cnptnln Doran for years sailed In the "thirty-fathom circle," following by soundings whoro that depth of wator waa shown by his chnrt. He rnrely wont Into deeper wntor, for ho said that 30 fathoms kept him "In the clonr" and out of danger of hitting rooks. For this reaBon, it Is believed that tho Columbia was cloBor In than M mllos. No doflnlto plans hnvo boon mndo by olllclals of tho company towards saving tho ship. Oregon Inn. o Deafness Cannot 1h Cured by local applications, "as thoy cannot ronch tho diseased portion of the oar. Thoro Is only ono wny to euro donfnoss ,nnd thnt la by constitution al romcdloB. Donfnoss Is. caused by nn I nil am od condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tubo. When this tubo Is Inflnmcd you hnvo a r.uinbl'ng pound or imporfoct hear ing, nnd whon It lo entirely closed, Donfnona Is tho rosult, nnd unices tho inflammation 9a n bo takon out and this tubo rentorcd to Ita normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed ROADSIDE IMPRESSIONS. Hills In Eastern Polk Arc Becoming One Vast Orchard of Apples, Peaches nnd Cherries. Passing from the district around Eola Into the Lincoln road west of Salem, one sees for miles on either hand acre upon aero of broad, well cultivated orchards, promising hop yards, and the nodding seas of ripen ing grain. Scarcely a farm is found which does not havo a few acres planted in fruit, nnd from all indications tho in dustry of fruit farming is destined to supplant tho growing of grain In this district. Hopyards of courso will contlnuo along the rich strips of bottom land, but a decado perhaps will soo cherries, apples and pears reigning supremo along the curved flanks of tho Eola hills. John Walling of Lincoln, Gilbert (c Patterson, Q. II. Crawford and others prefer tho culture of hops to that of fruit, and a glance nt their well-cultivated yards shows how carefully thoy havo followed tho lino of their choice. Mr. Walling has 40 acres of fine hops planted In tho rich In ml lying Just within the elbow of tho Wlllnmotto rlvor nt Lincoln. 011 bort & Pnttcrson hnvo also 40 acres, nnd Mr. Crawford has 23 ncros. Othor nnd sninllor ynrda nro In evi dence at various placos, all well kept and for tho greater part trelllsod In nn up-to-dnto mnnnor. Tho hardy vigorous growth of these hops prom ises woll for the hnrvost In Septem ber. The whent floldg dp not oxtend far from tho road this season, nnd many plncos back on tho hills nro vncnnt where nlwnys beforo woro largo fields of grnln. Tho fnrmors, how over, nre congrntulntlng thomsolvos that they nro no doopor In whont, for labor Is so linrtl to obtnln this yonr that grave doubts aro entertalnod ns to tho possibility of getting a aufll clont numbor of threshing crows to enre for tho grain thoy havo. Most of tho farmers glvo tholr at tention to chorrloB nnd othor Hinnl! forovor; nlno cases out of ton nro fruits, moroly rnlslng onough npplos caused by Catarrh, which is nothlngnml penrs for tholr own use, but tho but an Inflamed condition of tho mu-.Wnllnco farm Is n notable oxcontlon con Bur faces. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dol lars for nny case of Dcafnosa (cnused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sond for cir culars, freo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Tnko Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o LOCAL SLEEPER PUT ON, to this rule. This Is tho lnrgost or chnrd In castorn Polk county nnd consists nlmost entirely of npplos and penrs. It Is manngod by C. A. Pnrks of Salem. LnBt yonr tholr npplo crop wns sold for ?2.75 a box, nnd they nro hoping to do ovon bottor with this yonr's fruit. Tho pears promlso nn excellent yield, nnd nro, In fact, tho only ronlly good crop of that fruit In oastorn Polk. Others grow ors of poars oxpect to havo bottor fortuno noxt yonr by moro assiduous oultlvation nnd enro of tholr troes. Jackson Purvino dvnls almost ox oiiislvsly In th Phenomennl borry, Addition to Train Servleo Hetween Poi'llaud null Ashland. ( Roglnulnx next Thursdny, August 1, a Htnndnrd Hlooplng coach for thowhlch. It Is claimed by thn crowors oxcluMve use of passengers trnvollug'of Umt locality, is deatlnad to crowd betweon Portland nnd Ashlnnd will (ho Loganberry off the market, bv be added to tho Southern Pacific r0nson of Its groater adaptability to company to tho oqulpmont of Its 'rmnmornlnl nsu through Caltrornla train. This n, u ,,, hni groftt guccwg ,n couch will bo atached to south-bound tll0 mnnKemont or nn 11-ncro rarm No. la, lonvlng Portland nt 11:30 p in., dally. At Ashland It will bo de tached nnd returnod to Portlnnd n rrom tholr salo. on which ho producos various small rrults nnd ronps yeatly a fnlr profit Tho Charming Woman I not nNMArUy ono or perfect form and feature. Many a plain woman vrhe could novor servo as an art Ufa urodol, po'wowea thwo rare qualities that all 'ho world admire; nwvtne&a, vletr oyos, clean, smooth skin nnd tbt eprlghtllnwd 6f atop nud action tkt nccompany ooJ health. A phy- lwlty wck vfoiuutj U nover attrao etJvtfk, aot ovon to herioir. Elotrlc IMMJw rxwtore wek womea, give ntrrwwc rwtw, brlut ym, waooUt, kl4 bMUtUul ocmup'.wIo. Your Liver U out or ordor. You go to bod In a bnd humor and got up with a bad tasto In your mouth. You want something to stimulate your llror. Just try Herblue, tho lltor rogular tor. A pMltlvo euro for Conatlpa tton, Dyspopala and all liver com plaints, Mrs. F , Ft. Worth, Tex as, wrltea: "Havo used Herblne In my family for yow. Word caa't .xiirNM MthU I tktak about K. Kvrbody la my 1khm4bq?4 arc feajn py atMl wU, ui w owe It to Hr- r. part of north-bound No. 10, which pnHsos through Ashland nt 4:20 p, m. Owing to tho honvy tralllc between this city nnd San FrancUco, much complaint hns boon mado by pnsson gers trnvollng botwoon Portland and Ashlnnd over tholr Inability to got stooping car accommodations, It Is to Insuro those pooplo this doslro that tho additional car has boon addod to tho two tralna. Tho enr will be held for tho uso of porsons trnvollng bo twoon this city and Ashlnnd only. o The Texas Wonder, Oures all kidney, bladdor and rheumatic troublo; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for II. Dr. B. W. Hall, 3926 Olive street, Bt. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials . 8old by Stone's drug stora. dw-lyr Your Indlo money will earn In terest If depoaltod with us. whito nwnltlng an opportunity for In vestment. It can bo withdrawn when wanted. Savings Department Capital National Bank J. ir. ALUKRT, PRESIDENT K, M, OKOISAN, PlttSIDKXT XS. H, ALRKR CASII1KII J. R. Shepnrd, although raising othor fruits, has had tho most success with his cherries. Tho Bpoclmons of Hlngs nnd Lnmborts which ho took to tho Snlom chorry fair won him ono cup nnd throo diplomas. Mr. Shep nrd will onlargo tho size of his chorry orchard and will undoubtedly havo ovon grontor success than herotorore. Notlcoablo as a type or tho wondor rul productlvonoss or tho soil In thoso hills, Is tho crop or cherries picked this year by D. Q. Henry. From a smnll orchard of 100 troos, he gath ered something ovor 12.000 pounds. At tho ratos paid for chorrlos by tho Salem cannory, this crop must hnvd notted him botwoen $500 and $G00. Among thoso who have lntoly sot out chorrlos are W. J. Crawford and Q. A. McKlnloy. Mr. Crawford oloar od n goodly sum from the snlo of tlu fruit produced by 50 trees that ho lntoly sot out 1000 more of the Bins nnd Lambert varieties. Mr. McKlnley has an orchard of 750 small trees, whleh will be bear ing Inside of two years. The ravorlte ohorry among the people or this local. Ity seoms to be, not tho famoiu Royal Anne, but the Ding and the Lambort, both of whleh are undoubt edly prize wlnnors. A. A. Roy has not engaged In farming to nny great extent but has been wry successful in raising poul try. His chickens numbor botwoon 300 and 500, all sturdy and reliable Plymouth Rocks. A coop or spring chickens about 10 weoks old was sent from this fnrm to Vie Portland market a short tlmo ago, and upon being weighed tho birds were found to average two pounds each. Tb.9 farms mentioned In this brief article aro only a few of the many Irofroua homes to be found In the hill and valley ot eastern polk limited, ho was able to visit only a few homes Bltuated on tho main thoroughfares. The entire range of hills lying along the western bank of the Willamette river is dotted with orchards and gardens, furnishing em ployment andi support for a prosper ous, contended people. The reign of wheat in tho Willam ette valley Is almost over, and tho production of this staple In Oregon will In time be confined to tho eaBtern part of tho state, the place best adapted to ita cultivation. Fruit, the natural product of tho hill country, will, within the next decade, como to Ita own, and where now n Blnglo bushel 13 gathered, a hundred bUBhela will be sent to tho markets of tho world. Tho Willamette valley deserves to bo known as tho "Para dise of Fruits," nnd It will not bo long until this title will be attained. Polk County Observer. 0 - Hascball Players nnd Foot Rnccra! Lcula J. Krugor, ox-champlon long distance foot racer of Germany and Holland, writes, Oct. 27, 1901: "During my trninlng of eight wcoka root races at Salt Lake City, In April last, I uaed Ballard's Snow Liniment to my grcntost satisfac tion. Theroforo, I highly recommond Snow Liniment to all who aro trou bled with sprains, bruises, or rhai matlsm." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. . -o Real Estate Transfers. Tho following doods hnvo boon placed on record in the ofllco of tho Marlon county rocerdor: M. It. Mooro ot ux., to O. W. Mooro, land In Marlon coun ty, w d $ 1 O. A. nnd C. A. Chnpel to Henry Stelnknmp, 20 ncros, t S s, r 1 w, w d 750 Phlnons Whitman to W. A. Roberts, land In Woodburn, w d 2200 Ann Scott to L. W. Hnmmer, lots 9 nnd 10, block 14, In Scotts Mills, w d Lydln P. Blakloy ot al to E. T. Merrill, s w i of n w and w Vj of s w M of n w Vt or sec 12, t 10 s, r 0, w d. . Martha J. Stalgor to J. L. Green, 23.53 ncrcs In Marlon county, w d TriiBtooB or Wlllnmotto Unlvor Blty to C. nnd M. Krort, 38 ncros in t 7 b, r 3 w, w d. . II. E. McBrldo et ux to F. E. Smith, lots 7 nnd 9, block 3, Brooklyn addition to Snlom, w d A. and H. Chenoweth to E. F. Buell, 10 ncros In t 7 s, r 2 w, p c d :C. L. nnd E. Watt to It. 11. Bone, 4.18 ncros In t 7 s, 1). A. Torry to J. N. Torry. lots 1 nnd 12, Hampden Pnry, w d G. R. II. nnd M. A. Potterou to II. E. Stoon ot ux, C norot In t 0 a, r 1 w, w d Inn D. Bonney to W. D. and A. Slmmlns, 4 ncros in t 5 s, r 1 Him in in nt 1 T. B. Kny ot ux to C. A. Wal lace rrnctlonnl blooks 25, 2C, 27 and 28, Capital Park nddltlon to Salem, w d.... P. N. nnd II. E. Ponnobnkor to A. J. and M. E. Etrubhnr, land In Woodburn, w d .... W. A. Roynolds et ux., to Ethel Poo, lot 0, Mill addition to Sllvorton, w d 200 All tho World, knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment has no superior for Rheumatism, btlff Joints, Cute, Sprains, Lum bago and all palnB. Buy It, try It and you will always uso It. Any body who has used Ballard's Snow Liniment Is a living proof of what It dooa. All wo ask of you Isto gdt a trial bottlo. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. Rheumatisi .. ... . vi.u "Biitutionai dw " '""," "u" '" wai ache jnuaiuuu juiihs ana Btin na It requires constitution,! 7 tho best la a courso of the groin . lying and tonic medicine Mnr.rl'c fiou "" wioana which neutralises the acidity aC nnd builds tin thn nt.ni. - . wll Tn tfat.nl 1ln.l.t .. UoUU. iLimu iorm or b uiuimaKiiuwniiB sarsatim. markets; 50 3S50 1200 5200 25 2450 2000 1500 900 400 O f A t '.111111111111-1 I THE Jiaice Bnicm a Good Market. m-nii mi iii,ij SALEJI MARKET, Local Wholesale j Eggs 20c. Butter 30c; fat, 28c. Hens lie; young chlckeot, J uutui wau.lL voc. OatB 37c. Barloy $21. Flour Hard wheat, )5,( $3.85'$4.00. Mill food Bran, 19.5o('( ?i. Hny Client, $8.50 9, yjl vor, ?7.uu per ton; timothy, $12.00 per ton. Onions $4.00 per cwt; $1.00 per cwt. Hops Choice, 10llc;pn choice 839c; medium to 1 8 Chittim bark 4 V& 5c. Wool 20c. Mohair 29c. Tropical IVult. Bannnaa $C75. Orcngoa $3 $4. Lemons $G.OO$C.60. Rotnll Mnrkct. Oats White, $30; wheal, M bu.; rollod barloy, $27. Egga 25c. Butter Country, 20fl25c;rJ ory, 30c. Flour Valley, $1.15U Back; hard wheat, $1.35Qllt Bran C5o por sack; Hjei Hay Timothy, 85c pr cheat, GOc; clover, 50c pun shorts, 95c por cwt. Livestock. Hogs Fat, Cc. Cattlo 1100 1200 ft 3'jC. Lighter steers 33ic. Stock hogs 5Cc. Cows and heifers 900O1H 22c. Lnmbs 40. Venl Drcssod, 57c. Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven ulre Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors and Adjustible Window Screens All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore Portland Wholesale Mirtel Whent Club, S3c; valley, ibluo stem, 85c. Onta Choice whlto, 85c. Mlllstuff Bran, $17. Hny Timothy, $170$!!; 1 $13. Vetch $8.50. Poultry Hens, 1313tft;i chlckons, 15lGc; dressed ct llvo, 11 13c; ducks, yonafc - pigeons, $1.25. Pork Best, 7ffSc Lambs Spring, 99c Mutton 7c. Hops Cholco, per pound, j Hops Cholso, per pound, IS' Wool Valley, coarse to 20 21c; eastern Oregon, HI A Memorable Df. Ono of tho davs we rememb1! pleasure, as well as with Pl our health on which we tea! qaulnted with Dr. Kins' Pills, tho painless purlrt euro bofldaeho and liIllloa5 koop tho bowels right J5e!'l Perry's drug Btore. o n"r,"B1ftWBBIHiaBBgilggi)agjjl S - 1 I ijrold Dust Flout J -: 1 Made by THK 8YDNKY POW- ' OOMPANY, SCdaey, Oregea. j m lor raiaiiy b Ask jobt groctr tot it. Bran and akerti always oh kad. P. B. Wallace AGENT SOUTHERN PACfflOCA MBM 1'lnin r,iwl SO. 4S Juno 10 Tnirnr,! Portland I' No. 165:23 a. m, O"'51 nrnsis. ... , , No. 188:30 a. m.coiw Passenger. No. 124:25 p. m., bb"- No. 14 9:28 p. m., Po p,es8, . , PHi Toward Portland twj Vn 909 10!5i a. 0, 11:38 a. m., Portland FaJ No. 22610:40 a. . 11 -as n. m.. Way Freight- m . o rVnnrlSCO J.CMVHTU " DIl ,- .. .,1 No. 11 11:03 a. m., -1 pre83, rrtiO( No. 176:42 p.m.. C0" Passenger. .,, No. 15 9:56 p. O..WW i' aa a.. No. 13 l:Sl a. -i co BzpreM. M..J D.n WflBU No. an t:i lso F Fright ty- JM reporter's time ba! Ko. Ill U:i