Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 26, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Inr Judge George Gray.)
ar ". L,i Government
on ana ofmle. in-
lent one bo .!V --'' rfll
!nf the peoples ui -
t ..,..!. ia honed to be nccom-
1 1 do not know by the fa-hion
fuced within compwu..--. -
In the singiar nuiuu.
. ..i-i.. tn,1lrntlnn of tho
.. mlovcd In the constttu-
tsdf that the United States are
pie and not unmuj, i."- -
"iH'innw that tho plain facta
,ory cannot be thua contradicted
iclr significance ooscuruu. i.
,.nnn la not necessary to en-
tho truth, which calm and dls
... nvnnaltlon has abundantly
llshed, that In tho practical par-
0 power between mo Buun
ederal government lias plenary
rto govern our intercourse wim
nUlde world, and may do and
la all thoBO acts and things
-r ronllv necessary lor our
lendent cxlstonco In tho family
fetlona. For all practical pur-
w nower Is national.
hhs scheme of government thud
liulied there Is no place for nb-
liam. Arbitrary power Is overy-
o clrckcd, even should Its oxcr-
L nttf rnntcd by the people tnem-
s. Much more Is It denied to nnd
held from the moro govern-
lal ag nclcs that have been eB-
hp-i. Tho fathers who rrameu
loMtitwtlon had a keen reallza-
lof the lmtcf ulnoss of arbitrary
Ir, and they took caro that no
hould bo found for us cxer-
ln tho framo of tho govornmont
woro nbout to orect.
arbltrnry power loss hateful now
then to tho people of this coun-
if not. lot us remember that
hm only nreservo ourselves from
Inioful swny by keeping nllvo In
ibrcaats of the men of today tho
foments that animated their fa-
nnd tho hatred of tryanny and
fclutlsm from whntovor sourco It
ellngs of just nnd pntrlotlc prldo
iur hearts as wo turn tho pages
ur diplomatic history nnd read
American consclonco nnd Amor
altruUm hnvo monsurably raised
standards of International mornl-
nd strengthened tho mornl sanc-
of International law.
constitution which has enabled
o occup so high a plnco In the
illy of na Ions nnd hns clothed our
ernment with every national nt-
u'o nccc"ary for tho nssortlon ol
cilf-rcspcct nt homo nnd nbrond
Ja no amendment In tho diroctlon
increased powers thnt would de-
iy tho balance between thorn nnd
;e r served by tho Btatcs.
ut i would bo Idlo to close our
is to tho fact that thoro nro many
d people In this country to whom
enlargement of this nntlonal pow
seems attractive, and who would
nsfer to tho genornl govornmont
) of the responsibilities and
les which have from tho bcgln-
S been recognized ns bolonglng to
local government and soverolgn-
of tho states. It has been moro
m suggested that this enlargement
federal power should tnke place
the result of Judicial action, and
't by same of thoso Bubtlo roflnc-
nB of which tho human mind Is
faya carablo and to which human
Buago Is always amenable wo may
ate and aggrandize a national gov-
ment that would strin tho states
much of their reserved soverelgn-
Tho greatest blesslne of our sys-
n of government In tho past has
a that the people of tho states, as
arate lodles nolitlc. havo been
ropelkJ to develop their capacity
ir-govcinment and provide, by
!Ir Own rlvlr noHvlfv frr tho
althful cxerclso of thoso grent po-
' r"n. rs upon which tho well be-
aM Mfety of the Individual and
K fnmmiinltv mnat ilnnnnri
T iKcr of this contrallzlng sen-
ls hat it appeals to the self-
? human nature and to tho
ea -, to be relieved of tho bur
s' 1 n Snonsihllltln of anlf.fnv-
' Rut I am porsuaded that
rTai!lng sentiment of the
rrlran r,r-nnl lnns ni n.. i.
Change Of Olir BAir.cnvnpmxl nm.
unties and the indlvdual liberty
; mey xosier for the paternalism
uuuonai government which sup
ees the one and must. In tho na-
re Of thlnCS. tonrl tr, ovUm.lo fhn
Iher, """""
, There Is no danger that our courts,
. - "Penan- our supremo court,
' respond to such a suggestion,
Meter be its 8ource.
he few and simple words which
i re , errea on congress the power
vue comerce oeK the
states havo served as a door which
has been opened wider and wider In
recent times for the admission of tho
general government Into participation
In the Internnl affairs of tho states.
Wo do not wish to close that door,
but it does behoove all who love our
institutions to guard, so far ns they
can, against entry through It of
those forces of centralization which,
under tho mere pretense of regulating
interstate commerce, are now clamor
ing for ndmlssion.
Admitted unguardedly, they will
throng thick and fast over all tho
barrlors of tho constitution nnd re
duce to ruin the citadel of local self-
government, so long and so fondly
believed to bo the palladium of our
liberties. It is no fancied danger
against which I presume to warn you.
Exnmples of this modo of seeking
to surmount the bulwarks erected by
tho constitution against oncronch
ments on the rights of tho states are
iu ovldenco nt each session of con
gress. It is a trick ea3lly practiced.
If Is only to insert in' a bill tho words
"so far as affects commerce among
tho states," nnd thoro aro novor
wanting those who, to forward pri
vate Interests or clnss interests, pro
pose onactmonts by congress to con
trol tho most intimate nnd exclusive
pollco powers of tho stnto powers
which affect tho everyday business
and conduct of their citizens.
It hardly needs pointing out how
dnngorous such nbuso of the tremen
dous power conferred by tho com
merce clause of the constitution mny
become. Thanks to tho common
senBO nnd wisdom of congress, many
When Iliuwlowit ami Dcblllntcd Trjr
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, n Tonic
Thnt Is Also n Specific for
Mnny Disorders' of tho
lilootf nnd Nerves.
When tho honlth Is run-down
from overwork, overstudy, or from
whatever cause, a good tonic is need
ed. But sometimes what is mistaken
for simple debility Is a symptom of
a moro serious disorder, anaemia
perhaps, or a breaking down of tho
nervous system. By taking a tonic
that is also a specific for many dis
orders of the blood and nervos the
threatening disease may bo prevent
ed. That is what was dono in tho
case of Mrs. Ora Ford of 1008 Wash
ington Boulevard, Chicago, 111., who
was undoubtedly in tho early Btages
of anaemia before Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills cured hor. She says:
"I was completely run down In
health for about a year. My blood
was thin nnd poor nnd I had a great
deal of trouble with my stomach nnd
kidneys. My nppelto was poor and
1 had no desire for food. What I ato
distressed me. I had always been
troubled v,ith Blck hendaches which
camo on as often as threo or four
80 IIUU WI3UUIU ui (jlJllbcno, lining .. . ,.
.i. ... ..,, .i nnr nDn,.n times a week. I also had dizzy spoils,
tho Umbo of the committees tp which '"' l,reath wns 8hort nml l frequently
...... Mintl Tinliia In nv nliln. T linil tin nill-
thoy aro consigned, uut it some - -
times hnppens otherwise. A coii-""" ur uu,,u lu "" uit...B. -
splclous instance of this occurred In "amo B0 P'- nna """ " l OOK;
tho last session of congress. An ap ". -iy "." ""'"
peal to place all child labor under was going Into consumption.
fcdornl control, on tho pretext that "llur - "llu " -
Its product might enter into inter- mouicino mat am mo no i goou wi a -stato
commerce, was reported from over I read of Dr. Williams Pink
m n,m.t(n nn.i.orin,.BiVnn,inhlv. Pills In a nowspnpor and decided to
discussed by Its dlstingushed advo-B-vo them a trial. I began picking
cnto. Of course, If ono kind of labor '. -- ll "'b - -"-can
bo brought In this way within tho ,"es of tho pills and noticed that I
i r nnnBannn loiriBinHnn. I was getting nn appetite. I gradual-
all kind's of labor can, and It Is easy .' got stronger, tho dizzy spells loft
to see, If such projects were success- 1 my color camo back. Tho head-
ful. that llttlo power of managing ." wnua io uo u wU.1uu..l w.
tholr own affairs would bo loft to sevoro. I can rccommond Dr. wu-
tho states. Emasculated and dcgrn.l-;nn8- i-inic i-iiib ior irouu.us uuu
ed, wo might expect that they would .to poor nnd Impure blood.
soon lnpso Into the condition of pro- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills hnvo
... . i. -.i i. n.n cnirm.9 'corroctou serious (iisoruors oi iu
viiicua, iu uu ,""" "J v"u mi
of a central govornmont.
Zealous reformers, as well, as so
stomach, revitalized tho nervous sys-
tom and reBtorod to health suf-
clal sciolists, possossod with tho forors from Bovoro disorders of tho
sonso of tholr own altruism, aro eager .blood and nerves. For rhoumatUm,
to enlist for tho ndvancemont of Indigestion, norvous headaches and
tholr schomos tho nil porvndlng nnd many forms of weakness and dobll
powerful ngency of tho centrnl gov- u ur. wuuanis i-mit rum ... .uu
arnmont. Thoy lUtlo heed tho con- ommondod oven If ordlnnry romedlos
sonuonces that may flow from tholr havo beon tried without rollof.
mistakes, which will fall at once up-1 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nro sold
on the wholo pooplo, from oconn to by all druggists, or sent, postpaid, on
.,., .,.! -, Hi inkns in tlin cillf. fCCOlpt Of prlCO, 50 COlltfl l0r l)OX, dlX
nnd not upon tho people nldne of a boxes for $2.50, by tho Dr. Williams
slnglo stnto. Mouicino company, ociiwhuuuhi , .
It Is a doctrine full of porll to our V.
liberties that congross may selzo up- (
on any weapon It plonBOs out of the terproted by reading tho Inngungo
groat armory of fe'doral powers and omployed In Its nntural 8onso and
wield It for a purpose for which it 'giving to words tho natural moaning
of mon, whoso Intention, in ino worus
was not there doposlted.
And what aro wo to say of tho sug
gestion recently made that If con
gross is dissatisfied with tho control
given it by tho constitution ovor in
torstates commerco It may arrogate
to itsolf tho power of control all
commerce that which Is confined
within stato boundaries as well aa
that which Is Interstates in Its char
acter? "Tho specific power under
which this claim Is to be made la, I
bollovo, tho power to establish posi
ofilcos and postroads, which Is among
the loglalatlvo powers enumerated In
the eighth section of the flrBt artlclo
of tho constitution. No intimation
Is made as to the creation and build
ing of a postroad by tho government
or of any needed regulation In the
interest of tho postal service of those
roadB over which that service Ib con
ducted. It Is a bald assertion of tho i
of Marshall, "required no conceal
This Evldenco Should Provo Every
CIhIiii Mado for Dean's Kidney
Pills in Salem.
Rollef from tho- pains and aches
of a bad back 1b always wolcomo to
overy backocho sufferer; hut to euro
a lame, weak or aching back la what's
wanted. Curo It so It will stay cured.
It can bo done. Horo's the strongest
ovldenco to provo It:
Jacob E. McCoy, rotlred, living on
Capital St., beyond Mill creek, Salem,
Ore., says: "There has boen no roa
Bon for mo to change my good opin
ion of Doan's Kldnoy Pills which I ex
ducted. It is a ham assertion oi mo i od through our papers three
right to exercise a power not gram-ye&ra agQ x procured tho roraedy at
ed, under color and gulso of an essen-Dr 8tono,8 drug Btoro at that tlm
Hniiv iHfToront nnwpp crnntod for a! . .... .. ...., ,.
' ." , .and received tno mpsi graiuyuiK --
specific purpose, in tho exercise of ,BuU( ffom tg use j wns roil0Ved
itrlilnV. tlio nnn'dr nrnnnKful in OB .... . .1
of kidney complaint or aovorai yur
which the power proposed to be
usurped Is not Involved. It is a
claim of the right to regulate Inter
state commerco though tho consti
tution that' has expressly confined tho
power of regulation to Interstate
commerce. . . -the way of modlclno gavo mo any
If this suggestion can be carried . .,... . nHi t mt noan's
out, what police power of the state,
standing. The principal symptoms
.wero In connection with the kldnoy
secretions and any strain or overex
ertion often caused hemorrhages of
the kidneys. Nothing I had found in
however essential to Its existence,
will not be at the mercy of tho ca
price of congress, under some such
fanciful construction as this, and of
what value is our boaBted right of
local self-government If a legal
caulstry can be Invented for tho per
version of the plain language of tho
constitution? It is not a question
between a strict construction and a
liberal construction. That distinc
tion is no longer to be recognized.
It ia the honest construction of the
coRdtitutloB upon which we should
always IaW. It ea aly he o U
satisfactory relief until I got Doan's
Kldnoy Pills. They gavo prompt ana
lasting benefit. I havo recommend
ed them every since then when occa
sion has arlBen."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., uunaio,
New York, Bole agenta for the Uni
ted States.
Remember tho name Doans and
take no ohter.
Within the nast month four asthma
patlenta haye beea seat. from Port
land to Penlletoa for the benem or
their health.
For Sale Upon Every News Stand
every line has the peculiar
interest that assures popularity, and
to meet a demand that is constantly becoming
greater, a special distribution of THE BOHEMIAN for
has been made in your city. Get it and read it to-day!
"Thm MgmzlnBlthmtU Different"
is devoted to crisp fiction, to the study of American personality, to satire and lo
humor. It holds a new field, the most entertaining neiu iur uic icauu
who wishes primarily to be entertained, amused, brightened.
in its illustrations has real life in all its beauty, seriousness,
humor, pathos and irony. Full page portraits tnai aie
models of the engravers' art, drawings tnat aaorn a
. 4
tale, point a moral or sharpen a satire, iena an
artistic aid in making a magazine tnat is
truly a peerless entertainer.
One Dollar
a Year
I0ME OFFICE : Deposit, New York
NEW YORK OFFICE : 35 aid 37 W. 31st St. WESTERN OFFICE-CHICAGO : Hey worth Bid
10 Cents
a Copy
Tho Oldt'Ht Hook.
Tho oldest book In tho world to
which n positive dato can bo assigned
la nn assortment of proverbs Bonm
wlint after tho Btylo of tho provorbB
collected by Solomon. Tho work Is
accredited to Ptah-hotop, an Egyp
tlon king, nnd Egyptologists nsslgn to
It nu antiquity of at least 300 D. C
Abraham was called to lcavo hlB
homo In Ur of tho ChnldeUB 1921 B.
C, so that this volume was written
1100 yoars beforo tho beginning of
Jewish history. Tho deluge la plncod
by most chronologlsts nt 13. C 2348
so tho book, If Us dating Is corrocr,
must hnvo boon written boforo tho
Hood. Mothusolnh was born 11. C.
3317, bo that this papyrus was pre
pared and thoso proverbs woro col
lected whon tho oldest man on record
was a lively young follow of 300
11U ,11 ' -II WW
to inako tho breakfast a dollght aa
well as a fortifier for tho day? Thw
Capital Bakery's fr'Bh baked rolls
will help out amazingly. It's a mat
tor of prldo with us to turn out rolls,
broad, pies, cakea and all kinds of
pastry to mako tho household heal
thy and happy. Trial orders pleaso.
O. ULLOM, Prop.
Phono No. 3HU.
Bi2 Sale On This Line of Goods. Bargains
All Over the Store
Tho bOBt prlco you can get olsowhoro. Wo havo to havo room for
our fall goodH. Tho following nro tho bargains:
$l.r.O whlto underskirt, now $1.00.
I-I.C0 Whlto undorsklrt, with hoavy ombrohlorod llounco, now $-.00.
$5,00 HnndHomoly ombroldorod Bilk walBt, now $3.00.
$8,00 nllovor laco ovor Bilk walat, now $5.00.
$4.00 Embroldorod lawn walstB, now $5.00.
45c China silk, now 25c por yard.
$1.75 yard wide blaok silk, yard, now $1.25.
$1.50 dress silk, yard, now 75c.
Crnshos, towllngs going nt tho low prlco.
Any old prlco on fancy Inwns nnd dlmltlos.
45c corBot covorB, laco nnd ribbon trlmmod, 25c.
15c fancy dross ginghams, yard, now 10c.
25c India llnon, yard, now 15c.
Bolts, collars, long gloves, handlings, neckties, silk and linen hand
korchlofs. All going nt cost prlco.
Chinese and Japanese Ba$aa
346Coort Street Salem, Oregon
For Boston Brown Bread, Grlddlo Cakes, Muffins mid Plum Pudding.
...... ,. .. ., inryMTft nr IWO.. HAN Jwu. Till.
Aliiai B i. . v.. ww ...., ,
! GoW Dast Flout
JSS. OOMPAITY, 81dAr, Oregoa.
If ad for family ut. Ak your
jjrocr for it. Bran and BBorti
alwayu on hand.
P. B. Wallace J
mwm wtmiinn'
A. A. BURTON. Prop.
Prick always on band, la car lots
or otherwise. Preased brick nads
torder. Yri 0B -Hftte rt' Htk
of BactliMttary.
BH ju-i- mVutasafsjB
YermtrlT Baker, Lvrreee Baker.
Rflifefck Groawr, Attm OU
s&wmwMViivmmm mmmmmtiiimmii