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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1907)
api DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1007. 5 i HHHHMH L L. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER su . .. n trln to the coast. A trln to the conat .. i ni'B H lUKCOd - f -- - - m These ua suitable wearables. For instance, a Bweater, and geests a stipi norhnnr. don't care to Invest vorv much. --.. Id HIMJ1L. JW" ..-.- i-- -- . ladies' Sweaters Half Price "" ....$2.00 $3.00 values $1.50 M'00 va, ...$1.75 $2.25 values $1.13 3-50 Va,"5.00'and.t6.0(l, values reduced 2.50. ttrffH i i "II 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ' ' r n 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 ri i m mi Bathing Suits and Swimming Trunks We have a splendid new lino for men and boys. jjjHt-KH HW- m'l I H 111 I I I H I M-W-M-H-H- rtfe Shoes Windsor Ties Regular athletic shoes with can ms tops and rubber soles. XEW LINE.' Wash Goods Prices nre reduced far below .our expectations. Some offered at HALF PRICE. Wo aro showing tho swelloat lines of new Windsors in all Salem 23c EACH. White Parasols A glance will convince you that wo hnvo tho assortment. 23c to $3.00. SALEM GIRLS TELL THEIR EXPERIENCES 1 ,vv i "wj.tficnjr " Write Interestingly of German Capital, and Paint a Word Picture of Euro pean Life From the American Viewpoint ALAND'S ENDLESS TROUBLES & (John. F. Coburn.) Entirely satisfactory hnvo boon tho tltude and action of tho Irish raco homo and abroad in roforonco to e alleged homo rule bill recently offered by tho English radical gov araent, from which something uch better naturally wns expected, le bill, known as "Blrroll'a mouso," iw Is as dead ns Queen Anno, but ipular disappointment in Ireland la eat and bitter, nnd tho long amold Ing embers of political and ngrn an agitation aro boglnning to blnzo ircely throughout tho island. In the state of discontent that now ovalls looks of doubt nnd reproof e being cast towards tho Irish .'tubers of parliament. For years ese gentlemen, through foellngs of nsldorntlon for tho interests of Mr liberal nnd radical allies, havo en pursuing a policy of what they med "mastorly inactivity." They re been waiting, Hko Mlcnwbor, something to turn up. -Now, at igth, that only disappointment i chagrin hnvo turned as tho re t of elghtoon months' Bllonco on part of tho chosen ropresontn es of a country all but ruined by eo rule, disabled, depopulated, a bleeding to death, tho Irish mbers of parliament may well k with doubt nnd alarm on tho ult of all tholr years of oxpecta m and alleged labor tho mlaor le rodent that lies dead at tho ?r of tho radical administration. "3 In their ears they now hear demand that they abandon pur "K tho dehulvo phantom of par mentary agitation In England 't, following the successful oxam- of the representatives of Hun 7, they come home and work for ' political salvation of their coun- on tho soil of their own land, !f there was ono thing more than )ther about tho proposed "homo e blU" which was calculated to "se popular contempt and resent nli and to brand It ns a Bham and abortion. It was the proposal to dntaln tho present dlsproportlon "'' and absurdly large army of al Irish constabulary as tho sh police are called and to keep under Imperial control. rne existence of this peculiar gar )l. the like of which does not ex ,l any other country on earth, 5 has been a standing demonstra 1 f English unlltness and guilty 'aslnesg n governing tho green In Scotland, with a larger pop tton and ten times more crime a Ireland, the annual cost for no- 'Is 2.500,000; in Ireland the cost- inree times that, or $7,500,000. England and Scotland the equip J of a policeman consists, along a bis uniform of a batoa ad a "; In Ireland he "has a rept rlfle and a regulatloa feayoaet. rt. the Irish police foree is a U3n lnPerIal one. rua oa the 11km a garrison array Is a. heetile eoua- ecruite U the Mai fro the peasantry, especially those of M CCleee:.,., lice of Ireland hnvo been appropriate ly compared to tho defunct jnnls Bnries of Turkey, who wero Christian children captured young and brought up in hostility to their race. They consist of 11,700 men, in chnrgo of nbout 400 officers, ranging from In spector general down. On Joining, each man has to spend nbout six months .learning English nrmy drill In tho depot In Phoenix park, Dublin, after which ho is sent to a barrack defended with loopholes and bullet proof piatcs, like a fortress a far fetched ldoa, bogotton of grotesquo olllclnl cowardice. Theso fortified bnrrncks aro numerous, so' that in Ireland on hardly over Is out of sight of a policeman; and tho mom bora of this Btrango forco nro train ed to look upon tho gonoral public, upon strnngors, and upon ono nn othor with distrust and suspicion. Pnsslng from tho pollen, thoro Is another unsatisfactory feature in Ireland, not a governmental but an agricultural ono. It Is a serious standing detriment to tho race, a monnco and a peril. Sixty years ago it cost Ireland tho loss of ovo'r 3,000,000 of her populnion by famlno and emigration, nnd over since, at froquontly recurring porloda, It con tinues to work havoc and misery. Tho national ovll I refer to Is tho po tato, on which tho Irish penBantry put -their chief, general Infatuated dopondonco for food. This tuber wns introduced to Ireland from Vir ginia throo centuries and a half ago by that Inveterate courtlor and pol ished plrato, Sir Walter Raleigh, who obtained In tho county of Cork a grant of tho confiscated landa of tho Gornldlnes. In course of tlmo tho people largely abandoned In fav or or tho Virginian imponauun wiuir own indigenous cerenls, wholeuomo and nutritious, and thus acquired what has proved to bo a heritage of evil, productive jf national decay, physically and otherwise. Tho po tato, with over 81 per cent of water and only a fraction of 1 por cent of either protold, fat, or mlnoral mat tor Indeed, only so much carbohy drate,, flavored with potash salts proved an Inferior subsltute for tho staff of life. It undermined tho physique of the people, and, when the crop failed in "black '47," those who mainly depend on It for sub sistence collapsed and perished in tens and hundreds of thousands. Ireland may have to wait tho will of tho British government before she gets rid of or reduces tho Intol erable burden of the police, or tho "peelers," as they popularly aro called, from Sir Robort Peel, who established them. But It depends upon herself to rid of tho potato, that innutrltlve "piece do resist ance" in her national bill of fare. She Is afflicted with far too many police and with far too much potato, and, though she cannot presenttly rid herself of tho one, she easily can thin out tho other. Editor Capital Journal, Salem.OreKon. ' A beautiful landscape, unexpected presented to view for tho first time, produces sensations of keenest do light. Visited n second time, tho. Joy of surprise, is missing and final ly all tho wonderful beauty becomes accepted as a matter of course. Ono, may como to loye tho scone but tho first thrill of pleasuro Is never qulto reproduced. Tho form of govern ment, tho homage paid; tho porson of tho kaiser, tho military air, which surrounds tho town. In brief tho nendo. (Wo learned later that a very pretty compliment hnd beeu paid the kalsorln. Tho kaiser arriv ing at the parade grounds in his au tomobile nnd having mounted his hdrso tho signal for tho saluto was given. Tho kaiser looking about and finding that tho kalsorln had not yet nrrlved ordered It to conso that she might hnvo tho pleasuro of shar ing tho honor with him. So in a few minutes for tho Becond tlmo martial music in tho dlstnnco reached jus and gained in strength as each i,g Umt splrlt WQ mom that movement of horses. Tho horsos wero mostly brown, and they kept strnightor lines than tho Infantry. As each regiment passed, tho com manding officer took, hla plnco beside tho kaiser. All tho soldiers woro supposed to pass tho kaisor thrice, but it began to rain so after tho sec ond march they woro ordered to dis continue. Wo watched tho kaiser nnd his staff depart and thou went to our carriage. All tho carriages had boon re-arranged in rows nnd tho numbers incluslvo in each line woro placed on a small Blgn board. All ono had to do was to find-tho right row and call tho number on hla card it was slmplo nnd onnblod tho crowd to bo handled efficiently and quickly. All that day whonover wo closed our oyes wo saw soldlors ami colors. But with all the glory of tholr uni forms, tho discipline of Uioir troops, nnd tho multitude of tholr numbora something our boys possess Is lack ing in tho Prussian aoldlors, It la a trait ono cannot exactly doflno, but wo could call it nbroAthat quality which makes'an Amorlcau company an organization of individuals not a mass of bodies. Wo not only could but wo would dofeat them In war, it whole life here, la now and inter- .band took it up. Fancy hundreds of estlng to us, and as a consequence .instruments pinying at onco an piny- iiib wiu same Bciucuun, uui a icw measures apart. A Chirteso Now I wo are in that plensurablo state of mind whero wo enjoy any new ex perience to tho fullest extent, nad be. ing thus, wo' attended tho "parado" or annunl review of tho troops of Prussia, for tho first time. Wo had procured our tickets, at a cost of fivo marks each, and ordered tho carriage to bo at tho American Woman's club at seven o'clock in thu morning. It wa3 necessary that we bo In our senta promptly at 8:30, ns tho tfarado commenced at 9 o'clock. Having no alarm clock wo retired with tho firm determination to awaken promptly nt 5:20 and as a consequence awoke at intervals of five and ton minutes duration from 3 o'clock on. Tho weather wan1 threatening so wo droSsed in com moner clothes thnn nt first planned nnd took wraps nnd umbrellas. Wo ronched tho Amerlcnn Woman's club at Just seven and wonderful to re late tho carriages woro waiting" nnd tho eleven ladles ready, tho drlvo was of perhaps 25 minutes duration. As wo drew nonr tho parado grounds ninny men, women nnd children lined tho sldownlks. They had not "das geld" to attend, and had como enrly to procure deslrablo places outside the grounds, hoping to obtain a gllmpso of tho troops aB thoy return ed from tho review. Thoy expected to Bland thoro ultll 11 o'clock nnd hnd brought sandwiches nnd other rofroshmonts to whllo away the tlmo. ThlB lino extended for porhnps half a mllo and becamo donser near er tho ontrnnco. Mounted policemen woro Btntioned nt all corners to di rect the crowd. Carriages, droschkons and nutomobllos formed a aolld lino of traffic as far na tho eye could see, and ono noticed thnt tho occupants of tho more pretentious hired turn outs woro foreigners, mostly Ameri cans. Mounted poucomon uirecieu Miss Sanders left tho first weok of Juno for a tour of southern Ger many nnd Frnnco 'and Is, having n Suspect Banker of Murder. Chicago, July 16. Assistant United States Attorney Mitchell, of DeWitt county,, and Mayor Edmund son, of Clinton, Ills., are here aeek lag he service of a vhemlst to ex amise tho remains of Mra. "Pet" Mc GUI, whose death is attributed, to her fcafeB4, Frederick MeGlU, a baaker, who bag fceea arretted la 8a Diego. TW VeeV wWbe eftkitd; IninUf rinllchtfnl trln. I nm BtudvlnR Year Is mild in comparison. Amid ' vlth Horr Aronaon nml nm ,nuch this clamor and the cries of "Hoch lon80l, wlth hlm nmi with tho ro 'Hoch" and cheers of "huzzah" lsult8 obtnU0(1, Mr, Qodowsky will from tho throats of thousands of nccopt n0 1)UpB who lmvo not hnd warriors, tholr emperor appeared. n toohincnl training undor Mb care. Ho and threo of his sona rode benutl- A grndunt0 o tuo Royni Il0ch ful bay horses. Their uniforms woro 'Schu,0t who. nt preBont iB principal white, tho helmets silver with an 'nnJ concort p,nn,8t0 nt tho inrg08t cngio oi go.u. tuo Kaiser carried a con80rvntory ln AthonB, Bludled wlth silver scoptro; nnd woro nn ornngo I h,m nflor comIotlnR m,0 n0ch band from right to left acrosa his Schu,0 cour80 ft plnn0 sho 8nU shoulder. Those of tho princes hor gnlll wllh hlm wnB "colossal." It wero of a lemon yellow. Tho trim- WM IndlrcctIy through hor tlmt i mlngs of tholr Baddies and bridles ,oft Mp Sponuth nnd wont t0 Aron. woro of purple nnd gold. Tho kaiser- 8Qn ftnd r flml ho , mor0 Umn ho in rode in a carriage lined with QVOn clnlrnod hlm to l)0t Wo visited white satin and drawn by six coal thQ Royftl Hoch SchuIo on PrdRy nnd blnck horses, with gold trimmed bar- ..,. tllo rn1, nf ihn flrRt r. nologlst, spent twelve years studying tho Indian, hla language, traditions, otc, from threo very old chiefs ho collected tho data which served a plot for tho opera. Tho American coiiBitlnte Is much Interested nnd also tho courts. It stands a very good show of making an Immense hit. Mrs. Novln gave us a booklet con taining a' synopsis of tho story, but tho letter Is already too long. Mr. Novln said Evelono certainly had great talent and ought to do much worth whllo in'tho" vhy of composi tion and that ho would bo vory glad tp accept her as a pupil, ho la vory oxponBtvo, in fact, every ono with whom ono wants to study is. Wo came thinking tho lessons cheap aud living high but wo find lessons vory expensive True, tlioro nro, many cheap tenchers here, but In tho end lessons with a cheap teacher aro al ways more expcnslvo bosldea losing tlmo, so wo nro with tho best wo can find, for our present nooda. As our needs demand bigger tenchora we) shall go to tlicm. At presont wo hnvo ontf lesson in French, four in Gorman, nnd eight ln iiiubIc, botween us, and theso with our prnctlco, study and sight seeing lonvo voryf llttla tlmo for writing letters. Matorlnl and good will nro not lacking but tlmo Is. . With tho kldneat regards and bcBt wishes to all, wo remain, Vory alncoroly yours, HELEN CAJiBREATH nnd EVELEN OALBREATH. Borlln, Germany, Juno 25, 1907. o ness. Tho outriders woro whlto chestrn. Joachim la Bupposed to dl- Batln kneo trouBors, high top bootB, . . .... . . ... ,.,.,. black velvet coats, black caps and nbgont nnd IIttU8mnnn, principal of whlto wlga. Tho kalsorln has gray v,oHllcoUo and conlat ,n thoJoochln hair nnd she woro a vory dellcato 'qunrtot wnB dIrccting. Tho bulldlnix light green gown of some soft cling- ,g vopy (irgQ ftnd U0r0 ,H ftn n,r of Ins mntorial, a picture hat of palo fnBcInntlon nbout tho plnc0t nB thoro soft pinkish lavender with green nnd ,8 ,n nH flchoo,8 OBpoclaiIy co.0duca lavendor plumoB, a long fluffy lavon- tIonft, ,nBttuto8 of i0nriilng. Joa dor ostrich boa and cnrrled a lovon-lchm ,mg undouutody dono imich to dor Biinshado. Tho crown-prlncoBa olovato muslo In gonornl, and his In woro a princess gown of a silvery 'Btrumont In particular. Ills Ufa ha pink Bhndo, pink ostrich boa and a boon UBQful nnd t ,g ,ndood gad beautiful hat. In another cnrrlngo .hon 0,d ftgQ cnmB 8Uch mon camo tho two princes, but thb "Httlo Wlthln tho Inst two wooks wo have princess" did not attend. Bohlnd mot throo brininnt nlon A vocalist, ho carrlago camo tho gonoralB' staff. ft VollnlBt nnd n compoaor nnd Frl I should Judgo this number to bo dny W(f nro lQ moot nnothor 0fiuaiiy over n hundred nil In dress uniform BUCC0BBfu, Jn hli nn0( vlz m,., Iloth nnd mounted on splendid horses. iwoll ho cnpoIlo ninIator.. OP dIroc. Tho uniforms nil bonutlful but varied top of Sftvng0.8 Opom COmpany of nu to color and inniininga. ihu Now York city. Evoleno Is much disgusted with mo for tolling what I am nbout to tnkon togethor Boomed llko n bcoho from tho mlddlo nges, not llko n very modern nrmy. Tho kaisor and knls- iis, nnd It Is to thorn I wrlto. Through n frlond of ours, Arthur Hnrtmnn, tho concort violinist nnd composer, hoard of Evolono and hor efforts In brilliant nnd unlquo uniforms, tho clink of spurs, tho .creak of lenthor, im, ,i. i.i,.u - ;,,",:" i 1" nnd rofuBOs qulto emphatically to arms, tho coromony, tho music, nil ... . . . at hid, i.. -v. ,, ' . co-opornto with mo longer, but I nrn proud of her as a pupil and na n als ter and I fcol sura our friends and ilinnn lut ahaiiIiwI I it tt if I I 1 ttnwlln coachmon to the right or left, nccord.,jorIn and escort passed before each thQ . nQto ftnd ,)o R,ad for ing 10 IIIO iriuuuui iur iiiuii uiu ri'Hlllluiu, nun luiimivu jiuumy, ticket called. Arrived at tho TrI- half nn hour then thoy took posl bunnl n policeman presented tho tlon Just In front of tho Trlbunnl conchmnn and tho "faro" with tick- nnd tho troops marched by them. eta bearing a corresponding number Tho kaisor was facing the field con-,com Q nnd hQ ftHkod th8 nnd tho carrlago took Its place In scquontly hla back was toward .'frIond to br MB t0 cn nnd p,ny waiting accordingly. (At UUb tlmo tho carriages of tho Bi1R,nnm n,n Tho Tribunal la a vory primitive ministers and foreign embassies woro gr, Jb playIng flomo aort Qf mud,c form of grandstand, having most allowed to enter the field Just in oncouragomont or ill- ' f.nnf nt ftift Trlluiniil nnrl to tllG uncomfortable aeata and no roof or Qf ftnd u gtaf rcct.on may mnko a career and tho covering The parade ground, took horo porh a h ndred of l oM reak like an immense level field with a jthese carriages-Chinese, Japanese ' ft vloJln J BnrneaH nm, few trees scattered about, it pre- Italian, etc.; men mu hikiuu " Bents a front of a mllo, or mllo and a tho review was given. Tho inrantry quarter in length and half or threo 'came first. Tho band of each regl nuarters of a mile ln depth. The mont marched and faced the omper- troops wero arriving. To tho right, or and stood there playing until tholr Wq md xq vRa yQry channng( to tho left In front, in fact, almost as entire company had passed then thoy Qf Wg Qwn ,fo ftRd worR flnd far aa eye could see, In every dlrec slopped, no matter where they were glvJng . maiwM wh,ch nmny u tlon appeared approacnuin Bo.mB. m u. uiuiu, -.u uu w. noWBpapor roportor would bo quto Ab to uniform me majority ui mu nuxt rumuiuui. lnonib "" Infantry wear whlto duck trousers, now selection took their place. "The blue coats with red trimmings and Giants" tho compnny composed of the high, be-tasseled caps which mon of equal bIzo and height and fasten undor tho chin with black wearing tho unlquo red and gold cap . elastic bands. The uniform of the is the handsomest regiment. It was ... U4. .nMn nMvtnn- Itm ...fill T?In!nrlflr ttl.t I musicians is buiuuwihu mum i- . '"' "" .v-v..v.. jnnt jl0 aao her a tlous their coats being of red with Groat and la tho aristocratic rogl-' Llhll. No gold trimmings, uy o biubk mi. ui uwua.v. ... D BthoJbort NoyIn and a composer of field was a mass of men arranged in when on review or passing a super- Ag ft furUor ahow Qf gn- formations of squares of a thousand lor, march with stiff knees throw ( Jn hQ Ja tQ men each, then a space, another ono foot out vory far. and plant ho hof loaaona di ,n square and bo on, tho Infantry In heel first, Just as children act ng DorI b gQOa qb Mp front, tho cavalry behind. The prldo "smart." sometimes do, After the . Q&yca fo hIg vacat,on of Prusala onmasse. Suddenly we infantry came the cavalry and that Jfl tho Mf Uartman heard an order pass from regiment ms a beau I ul sight. Lveleno ac- I BOmetlmo, and to regiment. At once, almost a counts for it by Baying: "The horses , onQ conB,dor8 Umt men 0,der anuaro mllo of aoldlora camo to at- woro so pretty." Each cavalryman .. . .. . .., X-RAYS Tho Bluo Mountain American snyB MIbs Wndo, of Pilot 'Rock, Ja ono of tho best oquostrtomios in tho state. Sho mounted n buckskin cnyuso the othor dny, however, which throw hor. Tho roportor nnlvoly addB that "no othor "girl In tho stnto would hnvo mado a hotter 'showing." It Ib nil off with Fairbanks now, that Toni Rlchnrdson, F. W. Mulkoy nnd othor of Orngon'a mighty ouoa hnvo gono down to tho Bcnsldo to glvo him wolcomo. - Vlco-Prouldont Fnlrbahks says Or egon nuiBt got moro pooplo of tho light kind, nnd that wo must provldo schools for tholr chlldron. Wonder If ho thinks Oregcnlnna can't read? M Sonntor Fulton HnyB: "No warm er heart bcatB 'than that which beats benonth tho brent qf Charles Wnrron Fairbanks." From which It la por mlssablo to presumo that tho vlce prosldcnt cnrrlcs his heart around In his stomach. OF AGH AT EIHHTKKN YI3AUS. Mr, Hart man said he waB an excel lent up-todato teacher, ho waa glad sho was In good hands but that ho wanted to hear hor compositions. keen to got. Aftor hor first piece ho said, "Tho girl is brim full of tal ent," and compllmonted hor on hor piano playing. Sho played perhaps a dozon of hor little themes and ho was dollghtod, so delighted In fact card of Introduc- Novln, a brothor of Important Uullng by Commissioner of Gciiei'iil Idiud Office. In January last tho Chronlclo pub lished n ruling of tho local land of fice rojoctlng tho timber application o MIbs Emma M. Keep, of Portland, for tho renfion'thnt alio wan undor the ago of 21 yonra. An npponl waa tok en In hor bohnlf to tho commissioner oi tho gonoral land offico, In which It una contondod that na alio was 19 yenra of ago alio waa qualified 'to mnko tlmbor entry, and thnt tho pro visions of tho state law govorn, In which wanton nro declnrod of legal ago nt 18 yonrs. By decision of tho, commissioner of tho gonornl land offico, recolved In Tho Dalles thla wook, tho decision pt tho roglstor and, rocolvor wan re vorsod, and It waa decided that In tho Btato of Oregon women may make applications nt any tlmo after reach ing tho ago of 18 yoarB. Thla decision may bo regarded aa tardy, flliico tho beat tlmbor claims havo all boon tnkon, but Mio fact that a number of bccUojih nrp bolng re stored to ontry mny mako tho 18-year-old womop of Orogon moro In terested In tho decision. At any rato, tho decision la mi Important ono. Tho Dalles Chronlclo. tentlon. From the extreme lert camo carried a small pennant on a aiare the faint sound of marital music, perhaps' 8 feet In height and these each band along tho line took up the flatter la the breeze as the horaea same air, tho only perfect crescendo trotted by and waa most plcturesquo. I havo ever heard. Tho crowd arose, Tho musicians wero mounted, Uio straining every nerve to obtain a drum major needing his hands to dl vlew of the kalaer. Suddenly the rect the musicians had the relna music becamo less in volume. A fastened to his stirrups and guided mounted dfflcer rode at full speed tho hdrso with his feet while he dl along the llae, and aa ho passed eac rected and also played the kettle ... . . i .w...Ml atf1 rtnltf Jftius arlLi taf IiomTu HHia wiuatft dK tmaa, it ceawa . ., -. -.- - - --..-- ----- ,HaUll Mythology. A frlead of Mr. the ot dlataat uaaa to iae riwiwe wrry, w ht, h t-i . Walter MeOHatwk. a etk remalaed phiyims a prft dlf- said "taV ' Ut Ue tfeture t ,lM w"1, . in years than ho, pupils of Joachim, Yaaye, Soveek, Hallr, etc., havo como to him from them, ono can't help feeling gratified to bo accepted aa a pupil. Ho presented tho billet of intro duction to Mr. Nevin. Ho la horo In tho Intoreat of an Indian opra "Pola," which ho has Juat completed and hopes to got presented at tho Royal opera house. It deals with -o- Whlto ahoea aro aald to bo on fashion's blacklist, whllo darker ouea nro aeon on tho "groat whlto way." Smoke Glasses Protoct your oyoaffrom the glaring sun. Wo have thorn In all sUea and prlcea. REMEMBER Wo do all our own lonae grinding. You got tho bonoflt ln promptness, careful workm&nfcbJp, and the prlee la no small matter to overlook. We can save you money. In eae yo meet with an acetdent we as replace the lenaea the earn day thoy are left with u, r" " " CHAS. H. HINGES IIS Cel Wretf, Orad.OeJel.