Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 16, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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HClSISIviSI'Vl lwl 9l0vldt99i(Bi STfeTOJ'vO'f 0 l,liS,H I "JE
lll(mlffl8ggHH Wf IMliKlKlf HHIIM
Tho Capital City of Oregon Is oc-dUcus3cd In our columns, and foo
knowlcdgcd to bo naturally one of llevo tho matter should be Borlously
, tho most beautiful cities In tho considered by the now charter board.
"world. A great plain lying pn a beau
::-"iT'i " ' "
tlftil river, elevated grounds for res
idences nnd Bites for public buildings,
"wide Btrcols laid off In rectangles,
lino park, spaces and backgrounds of
Thoro Is talk or a new bridge poli
cy for the Capital City. Well, this
Is a refreshing and beautiful proposi
tion to dwell upon. Of all tho con-
"forest ami moiyitnin sccnory form a glomerate, tumblo-down, lot of
Avondorfiil combination for a groat i bridges and viaducts, considering
this Is a capital city, and representa
tive of tho gdod tasto and spirit of
pi ogress of a groat state, Salem can
posltlvoly furnish tho worst. Most
of them would not bo a credit to a
forming community. Wnn county
Tind charming homo city. Tho ap
pointment of a new chnrtcr commis
sion It a- nmttor of tho greatest 1m
"portnnco, nnd Mayor Hodgers hns
placed thin work in tho hands of men
llko J5. 1', McCornack, John If. Al
bert, II, II. , Thielson nnd Alonzo nnd Tillamook counties have a hotter
YScsnor, all pioneers of tho Cnpltnl lot of bridges thnn this city. The
City, ami somo of thorn who have bridges of the Capital City should bo
trnvoled a great deal and soon othor built from tho standpoint of porma-
cltlcn, nnd who hnvo the Intclllgonco nonco and beauty. Architectural
to give tho mutter of a grcator and grnco and symmotry' should enter In
n moro beautiful city somo nttentlon. J to them. Hns It ever occurred to
Jany of our conservative officialdom
Tho Capital Journal bollovcs tho 'that brldgoB nnd culverts suitable
:plnn of government by commission Jsjfor a country road nro ontiroly out
ti 'growing one, and many cities nro of placo in n capital city with broad
considering tho matter. Thoro nro'Btrcots? Has It ovor occurred to the
'innny Intelligent citizens who bollovo
n cbrarnlflslon of throo or five men
t tho outside thrco preferred
would glvo iih a bottor city govorn
Tniont than 1G councllmon nnd mnyor,
'Tib tit present. Tho commission plan
would do iiwny with a largo and cum- with stool
liorsomo body of aldnrmon, who rep-'diivoways.
gontlomn who nro doing things for
tho public that there Is no excuse for
putting up any moro woodon struc
tures? Tho modern street brldgo In
tho cltios nro all resting on concroto
plorri, nnd hnvo stool superstructures,
nnd concroto reinforced
That olnss of structure
rosonl lonnl cmmUtuonclofs, and sub
Htllnlo inoii oloctod by tho city nt
costs but llttlo moro than woodon
bildgos nnd culverts thai rot nway
lnrso, who would roprosont tho whole Jnnd nro unsightly. Tho street depnrt
'clty, nnd hnvo in tliolr hnnds n groat jmont should have completo plans nnd
'ooncuiitrallon of power. Thoro would 'spoclflcntloiiH for building such spam
"ho no mnyor, nnd each niombor of Jnnd tho ninn who tnlkir seriously
ftho cornmlHslon would bo tho head of about a now brldgo. policy for tlw
-n doparlmont. Ono could bo nl tho j Capital City dosorvos a gold medal.
pollno nnd fire dopiirlmonl, oho of . lfu also might state to tho city conn-
ntroutH un.l parks, nnd tho other of jell that our vlllngo stylo of fronting
'fihnticoH and (irdlnancos. Thoso throo 'those mutters, and drngglng out for
grout HUb-dlvlslons coiiBlltuto tho. two yoarB a Hlruoturo that should go
...-. en -tiToir curivn wn Tiirc nimritm. j
. .. m.im u'U ir.tviz THAT 1VR IIAV13 TUV. 111,'tm ..?.
It's Y out's for the Cost
1 we simply desire to convert what stock wis iiavk into cash, anyhory can have any part of it oh AMi onr
wholo of a city government. The
throo mon would nlwnys work on
vnoh problem, and throo heads nro
ltottor Ihnu one. If three men can
run all tho Htnto Institutions, three
mon run tho wholo county govern
ment, and live thb whole school dis
trict, nil three examples of a com
mlsulon bundling successfully n larg
er bunluosH than tho Ifi do In city
up in 00 days not only destroys tho
value of property, tho Bplrlt of enter
prise, but will laud us In tho snmo
boat with Hncrnmontn, whom tho
state capltol Is to bo removed to
some more Amorlrnn and up-to-dnto
community. Hy nil -menus glvo us n
now brldgo policy, somo now bridges
and less resolutions and loss referring
everything for u legal opinion to th
Kovornmo.it, why cannot three mon city attonicys. .llusluoss men nro
Klvo uh a bolter city government? supposed to bo nblo to think wlth
Wo would llko to have this mnttor out legnl ndvlco.
I The House Furnishing Co
"C?rl)oit A Hoiunrldiblo Mineral.
Tho moHt romarkublo of naturo'H
inlnoiul products Is curhou (some
times culled hlnolc diamond)
iiiihliio la ovory iinrtloular, found In
only nun looulHy throughout tho
world, an enigma to sclouuo, and one
tif the gruatrMt curiosities In tho
mlnonil klugUom.
It Is absoluttly pit re carbon,
jfillghlly bin dor than tho eryatul or
KMin diamond, and In fact tho hard
ohI Hulmttiuuo known; tough though
not brittle llko tho gm tllamond,
therein lies tho vnluu of the carbon,
which Ih iihwI piiuclpiill yln deup
Tiorlng with diamond drills, and to a
Kiiuillor uxtoiu for other uiuchuulcnl
rurpoHON to which It Is mi ossoutlivl
Tho uuihon Is without eryHtallluH
form, ns a rule , and found In plttcioa
ut from ty karat or smallur up to
HO, 75 and !00 karats, hut suldom
turgor than COO karats.
Carbon Ih opaque, dark gray or
blauk In color, unututlmos with a
brownish Lingo. Although It Is n
veal diamond (being puro carbon)
It In no way outwardly rosoiubUw
tli crystal or goni stone.
Is subsoauontly
tho river, which
hand Hortod.
Tho Importancb of the tough quul
Ity of tho carbon Is ovldoncod par
ticularly In diamond drilling, work
In which It Is subjected to great and
contlnuud pressure, which constantly I
IncreasoB with tho depth of the ImM
bored. The heavy
ally boon adopted for stone saws, for
If tUono cuttors continued to uso tho
carbon tho output of this diamond
would not bo Hiilllclout to suplly tho
demand for this purpose In addition
to diamond drills. Many experi
ments hnvo been made with bort'z In
dlnmond drilling, but without sue
cftss, by reason of tho fact that (t Is
brlttlo and will not stand the
lifuail. ,..,... I I ' V
l"""" """' ' i I,.... I .....l ..,.....,. Ill,-
nush tho goni or crystal dlnmond In- ,,,,M "w,u """ "UTO'"U "' r1
to powdor. Thoro Is, however, n : "' , . . . ,
great dlffuronco In tho quality or Uw L tso'ow tunce can over take
dugruo of hardness or toughnos of ho ,,,,,c0 " "'J011 ,n lm?ml MXlB
the carbon, which cannot always l,.:fop lroootliiK for go d, silver, cop
.ini....i...i i.i , i l,ur ,ro ntl ol,lur mlnonil deposits.
by shade or color. Color is nbso-1 or ,lhl8 ,work ,thu itlx '"lloyod
lutoly no nooiirnt Indication ()f " various sUos, being from ono
quality. In diamond drill work tho I tnrnt or os,a " to, fi or 8 k"rHt"' nml
carbon Is set m circular pieces of ,' jny ln-lttnci larger. Iho favor
soft stool or iron, usually dono.nl-1" l8,z,nro "7" t0 B, "ml G k,ttra1ts
natod hltd onch. Tho tendency of those who do
Those hits nro attached to tubing '" Kr,tat n,nof1,,lt of drl,,,nB U t0 us0
conuoctod to tho diamond drills audi ,.,,l1r.K0,i.B , "T ., . ., ,
depths, vory.ofton to great doptlia " mk tho ro.t off onch drill bead
and In ono Instance, 1 bollovo, to , hit greater thnn thpsmnllor onos,
ovor 0,000 foot; tho core being lifted "M.orlenco has proved the former to
out from tl.no to tl.no, showed tho I w ohw,f"'" h """"T1,
oxact nature of the formation that jG' ,lWK'' ,n TUo Mln,ng Wor,,,
was borod through.
A sot of carbons for onoh drill
had or hit usually consists of eight
-rnvomr luanu in tiiu mum uiiwv ,tomM( 00H(K cousldornblo. For
vnrlton bus ovor been found U In 'Vlnstanco. taking nil nvorago weight of
email wolloii off llriull off nbout 7B3 karat8 f()r tmoh CHrbo( totnl
limBuus vsiuni. ino oaruon is ro- of 28 karats ffor tho kit. at tho prw-1
uovormi innimy irom river uw i onl prco of 8B m hftnU Ul0 80t
nutlvo who dlvu nnd bring to thowou)a ooal ,a380 fur ouly oue l)U
tiurfaco tho gravel and washings of Notwithstanding this heavy cost, tho
lonrlioii becomes a very small Item
compared with tho riwutu obtained,
and mora particularly ho, as In no
other way would It ho nowllilo to ob
tain like results so nccttrntly and
I Tho. prloo por karat has varied
greatly during thti last Si or 30 yonrs
jaa may ho seou by tha follewing:
ilST'J uml prUvlous J f
1SS5) ?12 to Jlfi
(1899 $36 to I3U
I Since 1S99 thor has boon grad
ually an Unnl movement In prices
and nt nwont JS6 par karat Is oh-
Cheoklug accounts euablo folks
to dopotlt their niouoy nud ro
wlvo a passbook, RgKlnst these
Kccouuts thoy nro pormlttoj to
druw ckecka.
Checks tu&y bo rIvou to partlM
(or such sums m doilre, thus
MYoldlug frequent trips to the
It lutfrrested cU and m us.
Salem Staie Bank
Thoro Is no thing under the sun.
Many of our bonstod now "Inven
tions" are simply second editions of
things which were Invented a thous
and yonra ago.
Tho tnxlcnb, nbout which we hnvo
bcon getting so excited lately, Is by
Wf M
In early ywars. lioforo prospecting
with diamond drills on mo Into gen
eral uso, tho enrbou was vory largo
ly employed In dlauioud saws for
cutting brownstono and other build
ing stones. When tho prlco began
to advance, huwovor. It was found
nnprofltnbe to employ tho carbon for
stono cutting, honco borts was sub
stituted. HorH Is an imperfect crys
tal or gom diamond, and Is now uni
versally used wltli success in dia
mond saws. In a way It Is perhaps
vory fortunato that borts has sener-j
It Is not qulto that late In
tho sale of the crockery, glass
ware and dishes at our store.
Dut they will soon bo all gono,
as thoy are being sold below
cost, to make room for more
I Pfto 131. 432 Stalest.!
no menus n now Iden. A Gormon pro
fessor has written a letter to tho
Frankfort Gazette, In which ho sny.-i
ho has discovered that Vltruvlus, tho
Roman historian, describes a taxi
meter cab in uso in Home nbout tho
ymr 70 A. D. Tho mochnnlsm of
tho taximeter caused a stono to drop
Into n box undor tho cnrrlngo ovory
thousand pneos. At the end of tho
Journoy tho drlvor counted tho stono
which had fallon Into tho box, nnd
In this wny wns nblo to calculato tho
Within tho last fifty yonrs an 13ng-
lls,hninn producod n pnrtlculnr kind
of pin, which he callod a "safoty"
pin. For this admlrablo sorvlco to
mankind ho wns highly honorod, nnd
feloi nnd favors wore showorod up
on him.
Just n year or two ago, howovor,
whou soinoono wns poking nbout
among tho ruins of Pompoll, they
enmo upon a largo number of bronze
snfety pins. Thoy woro qulto up-to-dato
pins, too, thoro was a colled
Bprlng at ono ond nnd a catch at the
other Just llko thoso In constant
uso at the prosont day. So that, far
from safoty pins holng a modern In
vention, thoy nro roughly nbout 2000
yenrs old.
Thlmbl8 have boon found In pro
historic mounds, nnd combs nnd hair
pins wore In oxlstonco boforo tho
Chrlstlnn ora. It Is guessed with
somo cortalnty that tho firjst needle
must have been threaded by a thrifty
housowlfo nbout S000 years ago.
Tho combination looks wo uso to
day which can only ho be opened
by a combination of certain
lot tors and figure woro woll
known nud used extensively by
the Chinese many centuries ago.
Tho telephone also, or, at any
reto, an Instrument similar to It. was
uaod by them. Moreover, ono of their
wrltors mentions boxe which re
pented the sounds of people's voices,
oven though tho people were dead,
which lends us to suppose that they
had discovered the phonograph.
In China, too, thoy Illuminated
their houses n coup! of thousand
years ago with natural gas. which
was convoyed to the consumor'j
liouso by moans of bamboo tubes.
But, thon. tho Chinese doclaro that
what wo have dono In the realm of
science was all discovered by them
ccnturlos ago and dlscardod ns use
leas. At present thcro is no positive
proof that In tho offices of the
ancients a charming young lady sat
in a corner clattering away busily on
(a typewriter, but it Is a fact that the
kindred accomplishment, shorthand,
wns well known to them.
It Is calculated that somo systems
go back to Bomowhoro nbout BOO 13.
C. If this Is so, thon It Is probnblo
thnt Xenophon took shorthnnd notes
of Socrntos' locturos. At nny rnto,
thoro seoms no do.ibt thnt tho ora
tions of Cicero woro writton with ns
much skill nnd rapidity ns tho mod
ern stonogrnphor could boast.
Tho nnclonu know nbout oloctrlc
Ity, nnd though wo usunlly credit
Wntts with tho discovery of Btonm as
n motive power, Noro doscrlbos ma
chinos drlvon by stonm 2000 yenrs
before Watts was born. This snmo
gentlomnn Invontod n doublo forco
pump, such ns Is used nowndaj-B ns
n tiro ongino, nnd ho anticipated tho
modorn turblno wheel.
In tho British museum can bo
soon the dolls of thousands of yenrs
ago, nnd tho furnlturo which filled
dolls' households long boforo our
own forofnthors camo to liavo n table
or a chair of their own. Exchange.
Drowned nt Ncwbcrg.
Whllo playing on a log tee
tho Willamette river nt Sn.
Sunday nftornoon, Edson Iljlt,
year-old son of II. A. Hyde, ft
off nnd wns drowned. An nadi
with him, but, being unity
8 wlm, was unnblo to get tbefci
tho river bolng very deep whe
accident took place. In aur
cnlls for help somo young meal
or up tho rlvor hurried to tao
nnd hoenn divine for tho unfi
j i
boy, but without buccoss. Tti
has not yot boon recovered,
profosslonnl divor has comet)'
Portland to assist In tho seirdj
Tho newspapers report a t
Ico Btorm In Nowburgh" Pf?
a mossngo from Oyster Day tit
on tho Now York postmnstcni!)
a -J
Life Is just as sweet toG
Mngoon na to anybody else-
Juit refused to act ns "umpln
cigar-makers' strike at Hansi
Everything for th
Fisherman 8 Hunte
Is your dog feeling well this
hot woather. If not, try a bot,
tlo of Clayton. Dog Reniodlos.
31ayton's Dog RomedlesJ
no equal. Try them, ft