Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 16, 1907, Image 1

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    v vr' pvlw, rflf7Wwfif,irvi
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NO. 157.
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i. i . -. i , . . . i
Idier Boys Caught Between Ocean and Sky
Liion Has Witnesses Arrested
Perjury Because His Test!-
I Is Disputed by a acir-ton-
I Murderer Whose Testimony
b Face Is False
, July 10. Tho testimony of
fcs wno swore uiruuuj uijiiu-
bll tho witnesses who alleged
i un't present at tho blow-
iihe Bunker Hill and Sullivan
J the recital of Crlpplo Creel:
n$ covered this morning's
In the Haywood trial. Noth-
r was brought out. A. Thol-
Irmer president of tho Minors
lion In Cripple Crook testi-
iMcCormnck Beck was killed
llndlcator by a bomb. Ho ox-
how Orchard got into tin
pdwhy ho mado a mistake In
111. Otherwlso his testimony
ho, July 1C Herman BUlok,
of poisoning to death six
Is of the Verznl family, took
id In bis own behalf today. Ho
ho wns Intlmato with tho
end admitted ho duped thorn
P6 them "charms" ho know
prtblesB. Ho said tho fnmllv
bHevo anything. That ho
member cold cream for
pm, and gavo another whls-
wlt petro Ho declares he
In lore with Mrs. Verzal.
Clouds of Ashes nml Dust Bring
Death to Natives.
San Francisco, July 16. The out
burst of a volcano on tho peninsula
of Kamtchatkn, oil February IS, last,
threw the whole country into utter
darkness for more than 48 hours,
and resulted in tho starving of scores
of natives, according to the officers
of tho barkentlno S. N. Castle, which
reached port last evening direct from
tho Okhotsk sea.
Tho natives, some of whom could
speak English, told Captain Pederson
and his' men that they had no knowl
edge of tho Bourco of tho terrible
storm that had camo upon thom,
Thoy know only that while they wero
crossing tho valleys In tho first flush
of spring a wavo of dust fell upon
thorn, followed by utter darkness
that continued for two dayB and
nights. Lava, almost hot, foil all
about them, and thero wero such
showers of black ashes that their
progress was stayed, and they wero
lucky to find undricd creeks and
springs. But tho party of natives
wns In diro straits, and some of them
had succumbed to their hardships.
In response to their request, Cap
tain Pcdorson sent off two boatloads
of provisions, which tho suffering na
tives said would Bufllce to keep them
on tho wny to Potropnlovsk.
Third Infantry Boys Compelled to
, -Climb For Tjiclr Lives-Held Priso
ners All Night By Wind Lashed
tho surf, their clothing was kept sat
urated by tho rain, which continued
until nearly daylight.
'rncUco, July ic mifif w
U thta morning on an indict-
-""Bias offering a bribe
arkslde rallwnv frnnrilsn
1 iranted a week's contlnu
"a he win make a motion to
9 the indictment. Schmltz
1 to court to hear the de
3 aside the Indictment
-hlm with tho acceptance of
- ueai. The motion
'W and the defend nniimit.
'"WW, which will be argued
'ftaw Surveying rarty.
a City. juiy i6. Twenty
e been working all winter
S a route for a railway In
1Uy of Mount Hood and last
ed the divide and are now
on tho east side of the
a Th? Party started up the
a went on up Salem river
--. uR,uK a Wl(j0 detcmr tQ
0 of rn, .
:nrt :''-r.0ment CP.
- uuu grauo that will not
Percent In any one place,
' ;PrtMd at the ease with
IZ itabea the 8umm- The
.It 'ches presume
- Party s Vorkln for
fc St. Pul .
Identity of the party U
St. Petersburg, July 1G. General
Allkhanoff, fbrmor governor-general
of TI1J Is, was assassinated by a bomb
explosion at Aloxandropol today.,
Tho revolutionists wero angry ut
Allkanoff, who ' is commander-in-chief
of tho Caucasus, with a popu
lation of 1,000,000, because of bin
methods of suppressing disorders.
Ho was a Mussolman, with a reputa
tion for cruelty toward nil Christians
and was twico degraded. Once for
embezzlement and again for man
slaughter. Ho was assassinated on
his way homo from his club.
Vienna, July 16, Visitors at tho
summer hotelB in the mountains aro
Bnowed In, and mountain railways
aro not runnlng.on account of the se
vere cold wavo in Austria-Hungary.
It is the coldest summer In 130 years.
Moro of the Victims of the Georgia
Accident May Die.
Washington, July 10. Command
ant Snow, of the Boston navy yard,
today wires tho navy department the
condition of the battleship Georgia,
as follews: Cruse, worse; Walsh,
fatal; Meese, worse; Bush, critical;
Fone, critical, but hopeful; Sclopp,
favorable; Tagland, critical, but
hepeful: Gilbert, critical; Thomas,
critical; Rosenberger, fairly hopeful;
Elch. faverable: Hansel!, favorable;
Mallet, critical. Thero have been no
additional deaths.
Seaside, Or., July IC Six .rifle
men of tho Third Oregon Infantry
regiment, In camp at Seaside,
reached their quarters at 10 o'clock
yestordap badly exhausted,- after be
ing caught by tho tldo on a perilous
point of rocks undor a cliff known as
tho trap Tillamook Head. Their cs-
capo from death was nothing short
of miraculous, and thoy got" away
only after a fearful experience. Thoy
wero compelled to cling to project
ing rocks on tho porpondiculnr cliff
for a poriod of nlno hours-until tho
tldo receded.
All this tlmo a drenching rain was
falling and a heavy wind was blowing
In from thgaon.. Drenched and.near
ly frozen,' , tho' six. Infantrymen hung
on through tho night, calling and
shouting to ono another to keep
awake. Mlrncoulously onough, nono
of tho boulders to which thoy clung
J became loosened and all wero ablo to
near up undor tho strain until tho
tldo receded at daybreak.
Few pooplo havo over boon caught
In tho trap and Hve'd to tell of it,
That tho guardsmon escaped a tor-
rlblo death wns dim only to tho fact
that thoy wero ablo to climb 75 foot
up tho cliff and hang there. Tho de
tail was in command of Captain Don
ny, of tho ordinanco department,
nnd First Lloutonant Dlsch. of Com
pany II. Tho onllBted men wero
Sergonnt-Major Howard, of tho non
commissioned staff, and First Ser
geant Geer, Sergeant Oosch and
Corporal DIckol, all of Company II.
Tho squad loft Camp Everott at
Seasldo late Saturday afternoon, In
tending to search out a favorablo
place for rlflo practlco along tho
coast. A route was pointed out to
them, and thoy set out at 6 p. m. Pasa
Ing around Tillamook Head, threo
miles bolow Seasldo, they came to
tho dangerous rocks known as tho
trap. Unaware that It was tlmo for
the tldo to como In, Captain Donny
and his men marched under a tall
Fifteenth Annual Session Will Open
With Large Attendance.
Newberg, July 16. Tho fifteenth
annual session of Oregon Yearly
Meeting of Friends Church wftl open
hero today with delegates in attend- f
anco from the various local churches
throughout Oregon and Idaho. Vis
iting ministers will nlso bo prcsont
from New England, North Carollnn,
Ohio, Iowa, California and Washing
ton. Profossor Thomas Newlln, who for
some years held tho "position of
president of Pacific College, is in at
tendance and will deliver a number
of addresses. The sessions will con
tinuo with two sessions a dny for a
Matamoras, Mexico, July 10. In
a pitched battlo between rurales and
bandits', 22 of tho lattor wore killed
near Culdad Victoria, a fow miles
from tho Toxsb border. Tho bandits
wero yoking for Texas, after mur
dering f and robbing1 a party of Hun
garians and Mexicans. Five rurnlcs
wero killed. This exterminates a
dosporato gang of robbers.
Washington, July 10. Thoro Is
serious friction betwoon high naval
officials. The question has b.en
raised, nro tho great naval move
ments planned without consultation
with tho heads of bureays, through
which their execution must dopond.
Tho question was prompted by tho
discovery that no verbal or wrltton
order referring to tho movomont of
tho fleet to tho Pacific Iibb been ro
colved by nny ofllclnl of tho navy de
partment hero? Officials and ofllcorB
only know by public announcement
that the greatest fleet of American
battleships ever assombled Is to mo
bilize in tho fall for a journey to tho
Pacific. Thoy wonder If they are bo-
He Was Convicted of Perjury On the
Testimony of Ono Witness and tho
Court Holds This Insufficient Cor
robqratlon and Refuses Rehearing.
In Stato vs. Kolllher, rehearing
dented. Kolllher wnB convicted of
perjury on testimony of ono witness.
Supreme court haldB Insufficient cor
roboration, and donics a rehearing.
Brldgot and Peter Grant va. O. It.
& Co., appellants, from Clatsop coun
ty; reversed, and motion to rotnx
costs allowed.
BurnB vs. Kennedy and R. D.
Humo, Humo, nppollant; decision of
Judge Hamilton; affirmed.
Pacific Mills Co. vb. Inman, Poulr
sen & Co., plaintiffs; appeal from
Multnomah count; nffirmed by Eaktn,
Estato J. J, McCoy by Snow Down
ing, vs. heirs, plaintiffs; appeal from
Douglas county; affirmed by Bonn, J.
H. M. Hondorshott vs. H. L. Saga
veld, appellant; Marlon coanty; ro
vorsod, . ,
W. R. Hawloy vs. Sumpter Vnlloy
Ry. Co., appellants; from Baker
county; rovcrsod and remanded.
men claim that tho average will bo
40, 45 and 50 bushels to tho aero.
and others claim It will bo only 25,
SO and 35 bushels, but most of thoso
estimates nro based upon varying
conditions in different parts of tho
county. Tho largest wheat harvest
this county has over known was 4,
GOO.O'OO bushels In 1902. Ono fea
ture of tho crop thl a year 1r that ou
tho light land tho output will bo
about as good as on tho heavy land.
Evorybody concedes that nil tho
wheat will bo of good weight. Last
year tho avorago wolght a bushel
was from 50 to 00 pounds, but thta
year U will not fall bolow 60 pounds-.
Walla Walla's main difficulty will
bo in tho harvesting. Laborors wore
novor so scarco, and novor boforo
woro wages so high.
Reports from Eureka Flats aro
that tho Crop thoro this year will be
aB largo, If not larger, than In 1803,
tho year of tho panic, when tho crop
wnB ruined by excessive rains nftor it.
hud boon cut and stacked In tho
Ing slighted, or if tho head of tho
cliff that Beemed to set well back!nav' torot to five thom official no-
Striko In Washington.
Washington, July 10. Iu tho
fight against the open shops in this
city, the bricklayers and Btona
masons' unions declared a strike on
every building where non-union men
are employed, and on every stone
dealer supplying stone where non
union men are employed.
Chicago Market.
Cako, July 1 Wkwt $
StU. eora 53, oat Sestt,
from tho ocean. Passing among tho
rocks thoy woro well along toward
the other sldo when a swirling lino of
breakers boro down upon thom, cut
ting off retrent from both sides.
Thoy had not an instant's warning,
for it appears that the tide floods tho
trap from both flanks before appear
ing In front. The name "Trap" is
well applied to tho Bpot, tho guards
mon say. Up to their waists in the
water, tho six men tried to wnda back
whonce thoy had come, but tho tldo
dashed in stronger tfnd Btronger and
beat them against tho cliff. Had tho
men lost their heads thero would
havo beeu no hopo for them. Find
ing they could not got back or for
ward, they splashed through the
boiling breakers to the cliff, fortu
nately chancing on a shelf where
they wero safe for a time. Tho tide,
however, soon drove them from thin
shelter, and they wero compelled to
climb for it. It was dangerouB work,
trusting their weight to tho boulders
and crevices of the cliff. By careful
cllmblms the b!x entrapped men got
out of reach of tho ocean.
Then followed a night of. suffering
such aa tested their endurance to tho
utmost. Holding taeraselveu against
tho face of tke cll, taey waited hoar
aft or tour, for tke tide to reeeje. A
cutting wind chilled them
Lay Asleep on (lie Truck.
Tho Dalles, Or., July 10. Hall
Wilkinson, an employe of tho North
Bank road, was run over and fatally
Injured hero yesterday morning by a
switch engine of tho O. R. & N. Com
pany in tho railroad yarda. Tho un
fortunato man had fallen asleep
across the tracks of a siding and was
not observed by tho railroad crows
until after tho accident. Both logs
wero novered abovo tho knees. Ho
expired a few hours later in tho hos
Wilkinson was a young man of 21
years nnd leaves a mother In Salt
Lake City.
o 1
San Francisco, July 10. Tho stato
Buffered a setback In tho Glass trial
today whon two of Its Important wit-
nosses, both omployos of tho tele
phone company, failed to stand by
tho ovldonco glvon by thom boforo
tho grnnd Jury. During tho exam
ination of Mary Ryan, HnlBcy'u
stenographer, Honey and Delmns had
a wordy clash, In which Honey said
he would meet Dolmas outside Dol
nias responded by laughing at Honey.
John KrauBO, assistant to Halsey,
was tho flrBt witness. 'Ho had a
poor momory," Tho only admission
secured from him was that ho saw
Mayor Boxton In Hnlsey's ofllco a
number of 'times. MIbs Ryan's mom
ory was equally bad. Honoy could
got nothing from her to prove thnt
Glass ordored Halsey to brlbo tho su
pervisors, Ho admitted many su
pervisors wero frequently with him,
O- ' i
Wullii Walla County Expect to Ilur-
test 5,000,000 Itusliels.
Elks on Way to Philadelphia Havo
Narrow Escape.
Connelsvlllo, Pa., July 10. An at
tempt to wreck the Baltimore &
Ohio train, loaded with Elks, bound
for Philadelphia, waa frustrated
near here last night by Stephen Ker
rigan, the liveryman. He found a tie
fastened to the track and tried to re
move it. He was Ired qpoa from
the bushes, but eecaped la tlwe Ut
Already Mag the traia and save the Uvea ot
dreacbed froai their hapleae dip lathe paeeetgere,
Walla Walln, Wash., July 10.
Harvest In Walla Walla county com
menced yesterday, tho section ready
for harvest being In tho vicinity of
Prescott. By July 20, It is claimed
that all wheat will bo out of danger
of damage of any kind. At present
everything Is favorable for tho har
vesting of tho largest crop of wheat
in tho history of the Walla Walla
valley. From every section of tho
county somes tho report that grain
waB never better.
Although estimates of the total
output this season differ greatly,
there Is every reason to bellovo that
It will amount to 5,000,000 bushels.
There are 160,000 acres of wheat
land la Walla Walla eoaaty, sad If
the average aa aere eaauals it hueh
ehi, the total output will he. S.250,000
baeaaia. In jaaay inaUnees wheat
Standard Denies It All.
St. Louis, July 10. Attorneys for
tho standard Oil Company, of Now-'
Jersey, and Its 70 subsidiary corpora
tions, ngalnst which tho government
has InHtltuted Injunction proceed--lugs,
filed nn answer In tho United'
States circuit court today to the por
tion of tho complnlnt'B original bill
to which tho' defendants hnd made
The answor specifically don low each
and ovory allegation of tho govern
ment' that tho Standard 'Oil Com
pany, Its subsidiary corpornt lons-nml..
tho Individual defendants havo
formed a conspiracy or combination
In restraint of trado.
Tho filing of this answer la tho luat
fcrmollty In court prior to tho tak
ing of testimony by ox-Judgo Frank-'
lln Forrisfl, of St. Louis. A dato has
not yot boon set for tho hearing..
Big Halo of Hango Hornet.
What will bo the largest buIo of
rango horses over hold In Orogon,
will bo held at Umatilla on July 22
and 23, whon 8a nils Brothers will
offor for salo tho bulk of tho Swltzlor
horses which nro now being gathered
tfrom tho ranges in Benton, Douglas
and Klickitat countlos, Washington.
Ono thousand head of horses will
bo gathorod for this salo and it hi
oxpected over 100 Uiyor will bo
present to attend tho salo. Rldoni
aro now scouring tho ranges itsod for
tho past 40 years by tho Swltzlom
on tho north sldo of tho Columbia .
rlvor and theso wild horses will bo
rounded up from ovory part of south
ern Washington at Umatilla.
This hord of horses will comprlso
animals of ovory kind and descrip
tion nnd many of -thom nro exceed
ingly well brod and many lino teams
of driver a and flno saddlers aro
among them as well as many heavy
draught horses.
Sottlors aro crowding Into tho
ranges usod for so many years by
John and "Jndo" Swltzlor nnd it In
the Intention to close out tho vast
herds which havo rangod for 200
mHos on tho Columbia rlvor from
tho Rattlcsnuko hills to Tho Dalles.
Thoso horses havo watered on tha
Columbia river and ono of tho most
plcturesquo sights to bo witnessed In
tho northwest in tho piiBt has boon
tho galloping herds mllos iu length
going down tho duty tralbi from tho
sngobrush plains of Klickitat county
to drink at their acoustomod water
ing places. East Oregonian.
Blow tho Safe.
Sail Francisco, July 10. Tho safo
In the post ofllco in South San Fran
cisco was blown open this morning,
and (1800 iu stamps and monoy was
takon. Tho burglars escaped.
Dr. J. P. COOK
movbd to sis iiBwwrr TKwr
VOK AXY WWiliM aalili ON .
ooK. cowmMJumm