-w--4 fm J -rf1 )tant-' DAIMT OAPITAIi JOURNAL, 8ALKM, OREGON. MONDAY, JCJA IS, 1007 EUGENE . FORGES AHEAD STRIKE Ipls Up the Coin, and Electric Road ; to ilw Sluslaw Is Assured STILL PENDING Eugene, July 1G. This city ontors jodny upon a now period of expansion "in tho rnco for the rank of second fyby of the Htato. Work stnrts today vn tlio bltullthlc paving contrnctn, ind tho now electric lino to bo con structed from thin city to Springfield, money from outside sources. Local Js'ow York, July 15. It Is expect ed tho question of a local strike will bo definitely settled this afternoon, when a special meotlngbf tho execu tlve committee of tolecraphcrs will be held nt 4 o'clock. Small has giv en tho commltteo full power to act. Tho secret board 'of strategy, which will tako charge of tho strike, If one 1b called, has been In session all day. Local officers are ' raiding expense r "'" I THti OLD RELIABLE J lJf O I SALEM GUN STORE. (. sZ-r f A V? A i LA II QUALITY. jfejggjB H THE OLD nELlAlitg SALEM GUN STOltR, THE HOUSE OP QUALITY. ONLY A FEW DAYS MORE You will soon And tho open wiison for hunting der, Hint much sought-for nnlmnl of the woods will Iw here. woods or mountains. When you go In, sure your outfit Is complete. Como to our store mid let us outfit you with falling ammunition. Uelow nro some of tho nrtlclw) suitable for use in tlio woois or minimum:.. uiko your vacation n $. tackle, guns ana trnd on up tho McKcnzlo. Tho required $50,000 stock sub scriptions for tho railroad which Stophon Carver proposos to build from Kugono to tho mouth of tho 81 tislnw rlvor litis at last boon Bccurcd among Iho pcoplo of Eugene and along Iho routo of tho proposod lino, nuiil tho road Is now assured. Tho tommlltQo of Eugene bitsluoHs men w'ho "hud til 1h matter In ohnrgo ro 'ceTvecl tho last subscription yostorday ftltornoon, and Mr. Carver was nt "onto notified. Tho noxt stop to bo taken will bo tho organization of a compnny among tho citizens of tho city and nurroundlng country, with Mr. Car eor nB proHldent, and aftor that tho "work of constructing tho rood will -trt onco begin. Fifteen mllos of mils siro now on tho way to Eugene from .rmauiirg inr ino rond nnti thoy nro "now luu to arrive In Portland. Thoy vlll bo shipped on up to IIiIb city "upon their nrrlvnl thoro. It is plannod to build at least ton Ktnlloa of tho road this Hiimnior and i-xall and uomploto tho first .10 iiiIIoh noxt spring and 8 tun in or. This will Mnko tho road Into tlio tall tlinbor on tho upper Hluslaw, and If It novar ox tondud furthor, It will bo a paying Dioposltlon, as tho tlinbor traffic would ho luimuiiHo, to say nothing of tho hundrodH of tons of fruit and country produou that It would af ford transportation for. Tho right-of-way for tho road for several miloft out of Eugene has nl- rimily boon secured, and option hnvo "boon taken on land horo for tormlnul grounds. Ah soon as tho company In Incorporated surveys will at once bo 'Mlartod, and construction work will follow lis soon thoroaftor as posslbla. Aftor tho 30 miles of railroad aro finished, It Is planned to bond tho Ulno and ontund It on to tho huad of mnvlgntlon on the Sltulaw rlvor or .possibly op to the mouth of tho rlvur itt Florence. It Is thought that tlio untlro lino can bo completed within thror yetira from now. There In a good route ovor tho Coast mountains with mi enay grade and few If any vtuiiiioln will have to be conatrui'ted. It In reported Hint Mr. Carver Iim Made h proposition to the uople of Corvallls that If they will rait $80.- 000 In slock subscriptions he will build a lino out of tlinl pity to eon utii't with the lino from hhigeno to tho Sluslaw. If (his la built It will Illvo Eiikmuo an Independent II no to Willamette rlvor navigation, thus giv ing tho local shippers ontlro Inde pendence from tho Southern Pacific Company. o Prosldont Ahern said this afternoon that tho tolographors and tho West ern Union hnd roached tho parting of tho wnys apparently, o lap Admiral Going Home. Now York, July 15. Admiral Ynmnmoto goos to Hoston, thence to tho Pacific const, stopping nt Mon treal and Ottnwa, and sailing for homo from Soattle. Jfgmingtori -o- HleiiNlofiV Sanitary Market I'uro homo lard, 5-pound pnlls, GCc; 10-pound, $1.20. Try our 12 different vnrlotlea of sausages. Ev ery pound gunrantood. Steusloff liros., cornor of Court and Liberty stroots. 7-15-3t. Chicago Markets. Chicago, July 15. Whont 01 & 00 V6. corn 63, nnti 1 1 VI Hfe. o ' Autoloading' Rifle. The latest stylo big gamo rifle comes in 25-35, 32, 30-30, 35 cal ibre Fires six shots automatically by simply pressing tho trigger for each Bhot. Price $25.00 X-RAYS SIGHTS Wo enrry in stock Lyman, Marble and Shoard'B riflo sights. Wo fit tho sight and sight tho rlflos. m open. m&' Tho Nebraska supromo court, In a rooont decision, snys: "Every wlfo Ih ontltled to a homo to correspond with tho circumstances and condi tions of hor husband, ovor which sh shall bo pormlttod to proslde as mis tress. A wlfo (loos not forfolt her right to nmlntontinco by refusing to live In a homo with nud under con trol of tho husband's mother." Say, that Judge has a head long enough to eat oats out of an old-fashioned churn, it llov. W. P. Wilson, of Toronto, Canada, a delegate to tho Christian Eudoavor convention, got ojithuslus tlc while sponklng In tho convention Friday, and nominated Fairbanks for president. Ho probably overlooked tho faot that while Fairbanks would harmonize with tho color hcIioiuo of the Canadian climate, It Is warmer on this side of the line. kTJHHBSH BOOTS Wo hnvo boon handling tho famous "Witch Elk" lino of Hunting Boots for throe yours. Thoy nro first class, as wo can provo by our customers. MARBLE GOODS Wo havo n complete line of tho Marble Axo Company's specialties for out door people, such as CAMP AXES 11ELT HATCHETS WATICItPHOOF MATCH HOXES COMPASSES RIFLE SIGHTS HUNTING KNIVES FISH KNIVE S ii i ii 1 1 ' " i i A lni 1 t tmix i 1 OIL When you go to tho const or tnouutnlns do not forget gun grenso and oil. FISHING TACKLE FINE FISHING TACKLE IT IS OUR iioimt Wo aro fishermen ourselvei, and try out tho nowvthlngs In flsh- Ing tncklo boforo wo offer them to our customers, our "Acme" brand of trout files cannot be boat. Ask for tho "Knmloopj," "Yellow King' 'or "McGlnty! Thoy havo proven great killers. Our No. 010 rod, at $3.00, is a bargain. LINES, REELS, RODS, RASKKTS LEADERS, SPOONS. COME IN AND GET A COPY OF THE NEW GAME LAWS How It Hiuvads. Tho flrHt package of Dr. Loon liurdt'a Hom-Uold that was put out vent to a hiuuII town In Nebraska. It cured a case of Piles that was vomtldorod hopeless. Tho news nprend and tho demand prompted Dr. J. 8. Loonhardt, of Jdneoln. Neb., tho discoverer, to pre Vuro It for general use. Now It ta bo tug Bout to all parts of tho world. It will euro au.r case of Piled. Bold for 100, with nbsoluto guar antee, Dr. Loonlmrdt Co , Nlngnra Falls, N. Y , Proprietors. Bold by Dr. 8. O Stone. Salem. He Fired the Stick. "I hnvo firod tho walking-stick j I've carrlod ovor 40 yoars, on nccount! of n Horo that roalotod ovory kind of' treatment, until I trlod llucklon'a' Arnica Salvo; that has healod tho soro an.l made mo n happy mnn," wrltos John Onrrott, of North Mills, N. O. Gunrantood for Piles, Rurns etc., by J. G, Perry druggist. 2Cc. o Headquarters for Sportsmen Headquarters for Sportsmen Hot Game of Hall. The Falrmounta yeaiorduy met and umuteur players or MImIou Dottom (H)iitalnlng uoitie of the strougeat nmateur plays of the M Union Ilottom country, by a acoro of 10 to 2, The Falrinounts are tho Invincible, nnd a Inrge orowd turned out to soe them play. N o All tho World, knows that Ilallard'a Snow Llnlmeut has no superior for Rhoumatlam, Stiff Joints, Cuta, Sprains, Lum bago and nil imtus. Uuv It. trv It Mlllil VHII will nltv'nva ilc It An.. .-... v. .. ... .......jo au IV. 4UJ body who hna used Ilallard'a Snow Liniment la a living proof of what It does. All wo aak of you Uto got ft trial bottlo. Prleo 2Gc, 50o and $1.00. Bold by D. J. Fry CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Checking accounts enable folk to dopoalt their money and ro elvo a passbook, against these accounti they Are pormlttod to draw ckecka. Checka may bo glvou' to parties far such sums nt 4olrd, hut RYQldluv froquont trtua to Ut It hitct4 cU amlv 8. Satlem Sttc Bank X. W. MAXARI1, CiW. i:iK Trains Dclnynl. PlillHdelphlH. July 15. Trnlns friun the Weat and Suiitheaxt, bear ing Elks to the convention, are b hind schedule, causing a dluarrangc mont of the plana of the rectntlon comnilttoe. The Cluoiuuntt herd, on Miuir. iiinr.u a wreutu.or ross on tho grave nf Muule Detwllder, late exalt td ruler, at llurrlsburg, Pa. ' Constipation. For constipation thoro is nothing qutto so nice as Chnmborlalu's Stom ach nnd Llvor Tnblots. Thoy always produce a pleasant movoment of tho bowjoa without any dlsagreeablo of fect. Price, 25 cents. Samples froo nt Dr. Stone's Drug Store. Americans .May Win. London. July 15. Wright and Ilehr, Americans, today won the doubles In the preliminary round for the Dwlght-Davls tenuis trophy, de feating Wilding and Ilrooks, tho Aus tralians, and giving tho Americans still a chance to win the trophy. I Is oertalnly what you got. so you seo now U the lime lo buy that oolo bruted PlymotJtlt Twine that ruus so smooth, (live It trial and you will be Just na all other who have trlod It yon won't Imvo any other. S.- A. MANNING At FiW Wltfglut.' Old StnHd. The Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatio troublo; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for fl. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2936 Olive street, St. Louts, Mo. Send for testimonials . Sold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr Alter I'lillctl States AiulMwiidor. Constantinople, July 15. A bomb explosion occurred yestwday in Vult od States Ambassador LelaUman's summer home, on tho IHwphorus. Four native were slightly Injured. o Abmlmni Idncoln was a man who, against all odds, uviuiuvu iuu nignosi uonor a man can get In tho Uultcd States, Dal lard's HorohouncJ Syrup has attained a Place, novr oquallM by anv other llko remedy. It Is a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Rronchttls. Influon- a and all Pulmonary dlseasej. Every moUior ahould keep supplied with this wonderful cough medicine. Sold by D. J. Fry. Men who take advantage of oar Semi-Annuaf Clearance of Sammer Sails will strike it rich BISHOPS READY TAILORED SUITS at these exceptionally low prices. $25 andl$22.50 Salts now only $18.00 , 1 $20 and $8 Solts now only war -. .. ' $15.00 $ J 6.50 and $15 Salts now only $12.00 $13.50 and $12.50 Salts now only $9.00 $10.00 Salts now only $6.50 TOth' KCk k. a V ihiE X c Il kasliincton l(FasWoHidAipirel K. Mill! - - - " "''C55? Salem Woolen Mill Stofe