Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 15, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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w-f- iv, f'iflirQitTvw$w' "
Annoying ana untiay, isn't it? And
worse still, it invariably leads to bald
ness! Ask your doctor what to do. See
if he doesn't tell you to use Ayer's Hair
"' iJ'v f ' uusau i icn yuu u use nyer s Hair
- J vigor, new impruvcu iormuia. cures dan
ntltl VII TT f druff StPs MHng hair.
l(tW " " WepublUhthofortaulM J.O.AyerCo..
y of ll our preparation,. Iwelt. Mni!
imtoon Tells of His First Ex-
Unccs In Willamette Valley
. - iinn trn nf
illllam R. Anderson u u...
, then called an. I'uiasai, u
r on a farm between Mt. Pu-
llllnols. and Springnem, men
capital and chief city of tho
Mt. Pulaski was its miiea
Snrlngflcld, nnd one of thd
RtinnB ho hns of tho farm
was that It was on tho main
lied road, and a favorite stop-
place of ono Abraham Lincoln,
a prominent country-smo iaw
He was an old acquaintance
Iwarm friend of the father of tho
toon boys after whom Geo. W.
I rinifa tt'nci nnmnft
rrson "' " "uo ...
oln and the senior Anderson
sit late Into tho night visiting
talking over old border state
Farmer Anderson was from
hern Ohio, near tho river, and
j Anderson was n Kentucky worn-
jind her family nnd tho LIncolns
I the Andersons knew many of
older people from that section,
r were what you would call warm
lalntanccs, nnd would sit up nnd
late into tho night. Lincoln
ted very common, ns in thoso
i he had no stovopipo lint or flno
ties, and his practice was mostly
country towns, but ho wnB
bating known far nnd wide ns an
i lawyer.' Lincoln beenmo attneh-
lo the little boy Dill, joshd with
a great deal as a man would n
kid, told him stories, and some-
when tho houso was crowded
Weeping room slept with him.
1852 when Bill Anderson was
a neighbor's boy, Bill Eng-
was 22, their fathers fitted
out for tho trip to Oregon.
gavo them threo yoke of steers,
two cows, and n heavy wngon,
Plenty of grub. With this out-
tbey croised tho plninu coming
Oregon via tho Umatilla route.
en they reached Umatilla landing
bad left tho oxen dend on tho
Ins, the wngon and ono cow wore
i behind, and they trnded tho re
ining cow for a whito envuso
pe. of tho worst kind of tho buck-
iTarlety, to carry thoir clothing
personal effects. Soptombor 14.
2, they landed In Oregon City, by
Barlow pass. Thoro woro then
40 houses and cabins thoro.
fas a bigger place than Portland.
pise It was tho only place known
east it was tho big town of
KOa, There Wn nno hnimn nn
Is now known as tho eaBt alda
Portland. Lots could bo linncht
Third lft. Portland for $25,
!lte young men hadn't 25 cents
peeathem, Portland. wn ro in.
Meant In thoso dnys it wns not
mentioned In tho eastern pa
'"J emlgrnuts arrived from
N the plains nnd n-nrn mm.
'J to hear of an upstart village
u me Willamette river, it wn
noted for many Indians going
re to trade
Je two rlUk mon from Mt. Pu-
ho landod at- Orecon
were not only about broke but
wea difficulty in 0mnn.
lush to eat. So after two or three
- -"i up io saiem, nnd
Pa t to ti, . flr8t ,nan who hnd
In thei" caso it nroved tn lm
rero Kaiser, tho fnthoi. nf vii
Kalser of Salem, who hn.i nni
rn and e .w. i.. . .
- .oS simi out ror n
resij.nce nf ..,
1 , - ..uwub UUO IUUIII
t He ttaa nt.n.. ...
I - .,,, wu Ulecl anu taKQ
;Piare arnrmn- , ..!... i.. ....
u took the Job for so much
air loard. To get through ag
l;-"lbl thoy would go to
at daMight, and" as Mr. and
"yo,15 ' Wero not early risers,
young carpenters wore general
tL , J 'C,0ck whon breakfast
tbalT? ," !t hadn't been for a
lDaM latch noar ht. . i.,
e cat . " VMWJ nuum
ea'n thA iv-oi . .
bome. ;. rr::"ulornouse
a porch nnd somo fonces for Dr. Belt,
the father of Mrs. Geo. H. Burnett
and Geo. Belt of Dallas. It stood
northeast of whoi(o the Central
school stood, nnd Belt was a neigh
bor of John C. Belle. That Job last
ed two weeks, and they got slich pay
as they could agree upon. They had
no regular wages and thero'wero no
unions in thoso days.
In November tho young men took
tho overland train blankets on
your back and hit Iho road for
Jacksonville. That was a great camp
In thoso dnys. At night they would
Bleep in a shriek or under a tree on
tho soft spring of the ground. They
carried no guns but each had a good
knlfo. There were plenty of Indians.
Reached tho camp all right but
couldn't stay as living was nearly as
high as at tho Waldorf-Astoria and
not near so good. Provisions were
very high salt worth its weight In
gold dust, flour $80 to $90 per hun
dred no sugar or coffee. A meal
of wheat coffee, wheat hominy, and
a pieco of unsalted beef, $1.00.
Thoro was snow on tho ground, they
could get no work, bo thoy stnrted
on foot for Port Orford. Took eight
to ton days. Got carpenter work
there. Thoy were wagon makers by
trado but shifted to carpentering as
work of any kind was very scarce.
Anderson stayed only threo weeks
at Port Orford, when ho worked his
way out to CorvalllB. England re
Hell or No Hell Subject of a Five
Dnys' Debnte. ,
Tho Hop Crop.
Oregon's hop crop will bo about
one-third short of Inst year, accord-
malned nt tho coast until spring. At ,ng t0 R- D- Col,or' tho grower, of
Hattlesburg, Miss., July 15. Ono
of the hottest debates over held in
Mississippi is scheduled to take place,
beginning tonight, at Friendship
church, near Ellisvlllo, tho subject
of controvery being "Is Thoro a
Hell?" Tho Rev. A. O. Strain, a Unl
versnlist minister of Alabama, will
attempt to relievo tho terrors of tho
heated season by holding that hell
is a myth, while Ills opponent, tho
Rev. J. J. Porter, a Missouri Baptist
preacher, will como to the aid of tho
Weather man by holding tho sulphur
and brlmestono Idea. The debate,
will continue for five days nnd many
heat prostrations are expected to re-
Mtll. Tho verbal battle has attract
ed wide attention and tho defenders
and opponents of "hell fire" doc
trines will probnbly attend In largo
Tho Magic No. 3.
Numbor throe is a wonderful mas
cot for Goo. H. Parris of Cedar
Grove, Mo., according to a lottor
which reads: "Aftor suffering much
with llvor and kidney troublo, and
becoming groatly discouraged by tho
alluro to find rolif, I tried Eloctria
Blttors, and as a reuult lunn woll
man today. Tho first bottlo rollOTOd
and threo bottlo complotod tho euro."
Gurantocd host on earth for stomach,
llvor and kidnoy troubles, by J. O.
Perry druggist. 60c.
. o
Corvallis board was high and tho Jnlpondonco, who has Juat made n
Bimw wnn two to thrnn foot lno,, .Journey oy team, tnrougli tho pnn-
Tho country was nearly out of pro-! c',)a.1 hopgrowlng counties of tho
visions for man nnd beast. Horses J wuiaraouo vnuey.
and mules woro starving. Thoy went I ouul" "l 0ffBBr8 crP8 J00K vory
nhout tho streotB eating each other's "oor't ho BnyB' "ns thoro nro a.nuhi
mnnes and tails off. Horses ato thor of m,salnB vinos In every yard,
clapboards off tho houses, and mules Tho rn,ns hnvo not boon B0 frequent
ato tho sashs and doors out of cabins. twoon Nowhorg nnd Independent
In tho spring of 1853 Anderson went ns thev lmvo uoe th'8 8,do of Now
to tho Chohnlom valloy near Dayton, bors' nnd u ,s now to lato for rn,n3
whore ho mndo rails for $1.25 perlu BiBnu mw unaon.
hundred and his board. The rancher ljH8t JCIir urBm prouueeu aoout
had a great many Mexican cattle, and ir,0000 ba,cs- but lf tho croP ot
butchers camo all tho way from 1907 ourus to 100,000 bnlOB, it is
Portland nnd Oregon City to buy ,al1 tlmt cnn bo expected. Tho prico
beof. ItwnB dressed on tho ranch nu "X prouueors win inrgeiy
and thoy hauled it with wagons to ' dI)0nd on tho "unt of hops raised
thq city market.
Scores of Salem Citizens Have Learn
ed It.
6Hor , As !t was they ate the
turnip patch, and at times Bill
Wo tbey Could have caten
' dog. out of those poles and
1468 they nut - ,...,
Pe for tnnc i j a lUlrly SOOX
f J J!?0? days and U tood on
" nce UDt that waa h,.lH .
KCldbMk &moue the
Tears' 8a,nndce"aTh?dd,DK l
I cai ' The doors, sash,
U Z 7T. aU Pta out by
ZZ l K Imlidlaf
If you suffer from backache,
Thoro Is only ono way to euro it,
Tho porfect way is to euro the kid
neys. '
A bad back means Bick kidneys.
Neglect it, urinnry troubles fol
low. Doan's Kidnoy Pills nro made for
kidneys only. "
Aro endorsed by Salem people.
W. J. Carlton, of 14CC Third St.,
Salem, Or., says: "Doan's Kidney
Pills, which I procured at Dr. Stone's
drug store, not only strengthened my
kidneys but they speedily removed
the backache and lameness. A romo
dy that acts with such prompt and
beneficial results as Doan's Kidney
Pills is worthy of all confidence. I
can conscientiously recommend thorn
to others for I know I never had any
modiclno of tho kind equal to them
for curing backache and kidney
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
Now York, solo agents for the Uni
ted States.
Remember tho name Doans and
tako not other.
Showing In Independence.
Kloppin's tent show which hold
forth the first threo evenings this
week at their station noar tho depot
proved a very satisfactory ontertnin
r.'oiit. Mr. Kleppln formerly resided
In Indeppndonco and has numerous
friends here. Ho is mooting with
food Buccess with his tont show. Tho
attendance was very largo at each
evening's performance. Independ
ence Enterprise.
Mr. Kleppln Is well known In this
cHy and most of his present stock
company aro Salem people, among
whom are Jay Avery and Oren Miles.
Tho Charming Woman
Is not necessarily one of perfect form
and features. Many a plain woman
who could novor serve as an artist's
model, possesses thoso rare qualities
that all ho world admires; neatness,
clear eyea, clean, smooth skin and
that sprlghtllnesa of step and action
that accompany ko&I hoalth. A phys
ically weak woman la never attrac
tive, not even to herself. Electric
BltUra retore weak wonea, giv
ttroug km-tm, bright eyea, snooth,
vslwty aicla, beautiful eomplclo.
GuaraaUd at J. C. Parry, drugifft,
In Englnnd, nnd as conditions aro
usually precarious, tho English grow
'or is novor suro of his crop until It
is in tho bale.
Konrnd Krobs, tho largest hop.
grower In Oregon, snys ho expects to
rnlso 5000 bales this year, according
to prcsont indications, nnd lf good
I prices prevail tho Krebs Bros, aro
llnblo to mako a great deal of monoy.
"Wo havo 020 ncros In hops," ho
Bays, "and thoy all look woll. Wo
havo tho largest hop yard In tho
world, although wo aro not tho larg
ost growers. Our big field situated
in Polk county is 400 acres in slzo.
Horst, of California, however, leads
In tho amount of hops raised, as ho
has yards In all threo of tho coast
states. If ho has good luck Horst
will havo 25,000 bales of hops in
1907. Benton County Republican.
Tho fact that Hostotter's Stomach
Hitters has restored thousands of
Blckly men nnd women to robust
hoalth during tho past 51 years
should convince nnyono that It Is
tho only medicine thoy need. Try
today nnd you start toward good
health. It cures Poor Appetite',
Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion.
Costlvencss, lilontlng, Cramps or
FOR $675.
ThlB property is located two blocks
from car lino and about one-half
milo from tho business section of
tho city. Can make termB to Buit.
Must sell at once.
Room 11, Mooros Block.
Send the Family
Washing To Us
and you'll novor bother with having
It dono at homo again. Time wai
whon ovory family could not afford
to send tho washing to a laundry,
but times havo chnngod so, too,
havo tho methods and prlcos. Today
you can hotter afford to send th
family washing hero than not to
Ask about our prices on family wash
ing, rough dry, or finished.
The Salem
Steam Laundry
Phono 25.
180-100 H. Liberty 81
-A- --
Your Liver
is out or ordor. You go to bed in a
bad humor and got up with a bad
tasto in your mouth. You want
Bomothlng to stlmulato your llvor.
Just try Herblno, tho llvor rogular
tor. A posltivo euro for Constipa
tion, Dyspepsia and all llvor com
plaints. Mrs. F , Ft. Worth, Tex
as,, writes: "Havo used Horbino In
my family for yoara. Words can't
express what I think about It
Evrbody in my housohold aro hap
py and woll, and wo owe Jt to Hjr
btno. Sold by D. J. Fry.
A Yellow Preacher.
Pacific Grove, Cal July 15. Dr.
Henry A. Buchtol, governor of Colo
rado, chancollor of tho University of
Denver and Methodist preachor, will
be tho prlnlcpal speaker at tho twen
ty-ninth session of tho Pacific Grove
Chautauqua assembly, which opened
today. His address will be an eulogy
ot President Roosevelt. On tho oc
casion of a recent, visit to California,
Governor Buchtol crented a sonsa-
tion by denouncing tho officials of
the Western Federation of Miners
and indorsing President Roosovolt's
opinion of them ns "undesirable citizens."
But no one noed worry about mutton
this time of tho year, lf thoy can got
dainty and dollcious Spring lamb on
an appotlzing and nourluhipg Sum
mor meal. Wo have everyehlng In
choice meats, and all the delicacies
of the season in both fresh and
smoked moats that will please
tho most critical epicure.
States Street Market Phone 291
Salem Fence Wire
lleadquRrtera for Wovea tvlr
Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P
& B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors
and Adjustlblo Window Screons
All at lowest prices.
Walter Morley
250 Court St Salem, Ore
O C T. Co.
wood Foresters, No. 19. Moeta
Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stnto Btroet
Loo Abblo, C. R.; A. L. Brown,
F. S.
For Salc Ten head of good milk
cows. FredA. Mclntlro. Salem,
Route No. 3. Phono Farmers'
36. 7-13-3t
For Sale. Good 4-year-old driving
maro, also a good workor. Weight
about 1050 pounds. Route No. G.
Phono 233 Farmers. W. A. Bar
kus. 7-13-3t
Phonomcnnl Berries Bettor than
Logan borrlos, fresh from tho
vino. Phono your order in for
prompt dolivery. Geo. W. WooIcb,
phono Farm 41. 7-2-2w
Voget Lumber nnd Fuel Co. Lum
bar .shingles, building material,
wood and coal. Low prlcos 'and
prompt dollvorlos. Ono block oast
of S. P. pascengic depot. Phono
198. 7-2-tf
For Salo New nnd second-hand fur-
nituro, kitchen utensils, bicycles,
tonte and camping outfits. Wo
aro monoy-BavorB for our dustom
ors. Conrad Dlllman. G-20-lm
For Sole RoKloborod Borkshlro
hogs, slro by Woetern Star 3d,
88,046, bred up closo to grand
champion of St. Louis exposition,
good piano blndor. H. A. Clark,
corner B nnd Sixth streots, Ploas
nnt Home addition to Salem, Ore
gon. C-20-lm
For Sale Ono twenty-ton Champion
balor, quick relief, ono water tank,
ono onglno tendor on whools, ca
pacity 400 gallons. Phono 154 Su
burban, or nddrosa box 285 Salem,
Or. T. F. Wnlkor. 6-12-lm
For Snlo Old papers, 10 conta per
hundred. Inqulro Journal ofllco.
Why Pay Rent Whon you can buy
a nico homo at 580 N. Llborty St.,
on torms to suit tho purchnnor.
AddroBB C. H. Burggraf, Albany,
Oro. 5-17-tf.
.'" ' Tsars
Iioubo, or would soil; nnd nlBO
smaller place. Enqulro of Mrs. A.
Strong, 483 South Commercial
street, or phono 1447. 7-13-lwl:
For Rout Furnished and unfur
nished rooms. Inqulro at 790
N Commorclal street. M. A. Dice,
For Rent Sovon-room house, hot
and cold wator, electric light, bath
room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrelb
or, 560 North High streot.
Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P.
Cnstlo Hall In Holman block, cor
nor Stato and Liberty strooU.
Tuosday of each weok at 7:80 p.
m. Oscar Johnson, C. C; E. H.
Anorson, K. of R. and S.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Moot
ovory Thursday ovonlng at S
o'clock In Holman hall. W. W
Hill, V. 0.; F. A. Tumor, Clerk.
Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri
day night at 7:30, In Holman halL
J. A. Dlokoy, O. S.; P. L. Frazler,
Lincoln Annnlty Union. Sick, accJ
dent and pension insurance: 92,
000,000 plodgod; ovory claim paU
Good agents wanted. J. H. C
Montgomery, supreme organizer.
Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R.
Ryan, aocrcctary, 646 Stato street.
Lost Street car conductor's punch.
somowhoro on Stnto Btroot lino.
Finder loavo nt electric ofilco, cor
nor of Stato and Commercial
streotB. 7-12-3t
Lost Mnlo Collio, with characteris
tic mnrks, ono mllo west of Clio
mawa, July 10, Woro leather col
lar with Bhort ropo attached. Find
er will rocolvo rownrd by notify
ing M. W. Coopor, Chomnwa.
irtmir von Jesscn Toackor of
ano; touch, tochnlch, Interpreta
tion, Thorough preparatory course
Advancod Btudonts prepared for
publio appearance. RoBldonce 653
Contor St. Tel. Main 526.
Wanted To borrow $1000 on the
host of real ostate security. Ap
ply to "J. P.," enro Journal office.
Piano Tuucr L. L. Woods, piano el
pert tuning, repairing and polish
ing. Lcavo orders at Goo. O
Wills' music store, Salem.
2- 9-lyr
UighcHt Cash Price Paid for chick
ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tl
Wanted Dining room girl nt Cot
tngo Hotel. 7-13-lt
Wanted. Paintor, good brush hand.
Enquiro of T. J, Kress, 306 North
20th Btreet, 7-13-3t
"-" " ' ' ' ' ".fr.
aak m. Brown. Manufacturer
ash, doors, mouldings. All kiads 4
house finish and hard wood worH,
Front street, bet. State and Court,
Make all complaints at the offle
Concrete Work. Get my prices oa
sldowalkB, curbs, soptlo tanks and
comont work of any kind. All
work guaranteed first-class. M
Ward, Highland add. Phone 669
Butte & Wcnderoth Fine wines,
liquors and cigars. Wo handle ths
colobratod Kellogg and Caatlt
whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer
constantly on drough. South
Commorclal street 9-8-lyr
Putting In Modern Plumbing
Salem Iroa Works. Founders, ma
chinists and blacksmiths. Manu
facturers of all kinds of sawmill
machinery. Hop and fruit drylni
BtovoB, etc. Manufacturers ot the
Salem Iron Works Hop Press.
Salem Rex & Lumber Oo. Romovod
from South Salem to 14th Btroot,
near tho 8. P. dopot BoxeB, Borry
Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection
Fruit Evaporatora. Phono 201.
Rasoball Players and Foot Racers!
Louis J. Krugor, ex-champlon long
distance foot racer of Germany and
Holland, writes, Oct. 27, 1901:
"During my training of eight
weeks' foot races at Salt Lake City,
in April last, I used Ballard's Snow
Liniment to my greatest satisfac
tion. Therefore, I highly reeocaasead
Ssow Lialmeat to all who are trou
bled with swals, bruhttt, or rht.
mattow." We, fie aad M9. Sold
by D. J. Try.
We gab supply yoa with the lum
ber yoH aed at the prlee that will
Materially eeoaonize la the eott.
Jast cone aid see us aad look over
eur yards.
Our meat market on East State
streot has been doubled In slzo and
we aro bettor prepared than ovor to
Borvo customers. Prompt sorrlce and
tho best of meats our motto. Call
or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop
Wo Aro Cash Purchasers Of poul
try, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produce. Borry crates made up
in unlimited quantities. Capital
Commission Co., 267 South Com
mercial street, Salem. Phone Main
PUeo. M. Uarr Pjurablag, hot watw
aad steam heating aad tlnalag.
164 Commercial street. Pkosi
Malm 193. 9-1-1?
Iu now bouses and bulldlnra, as
woll as rofittlug old housos, koops
ub pretty busy In tho spring, whon
building 1b at flood tido. Our facili
ties aro always equal to the occa
sion, nnd wo would Invito builders
nnd contractors to got estimates from
us on plumbing, gas fitting, stoam
fitting and roofing boforo going else
where, as wo do export work at rea
sonable prices.
Sfi8 State Street.
Phono 130.
H. 3. y4ei-PltiWaff, tteaat ea
g iitfaf. lass r te Kmsc 1
Formerly Baker, Lawrence & Baker.
fUliftUe Grocer, AUke OW