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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1907)
1 ws-'r; " f'7?P? If DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGON. MONDAY, JULY 15, 1007. HOFER BROS. PttMkhers and Proprietors JB. HOFKR, Editor. A. P. IIOFEIt, Manager. TUB JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LADOR. GOOD RECOMPENSE. How high aro tlio heavens? How (loop Is tho sea7 So high and bo deep is my paBslon for thoe. How low bow tho osiers nt Spring's glad caress? So low would I bow at thy foot and confess. How far comos tho boo for tho sweotn that ho sips? So far would I come for tho touch of thy lips, How strong is Juno's sunshlno? How steadfast Its boat? So ntoadfast and strong is my love for thee, sweet. How cold aro tho snow-wreaths that drift o'or tho lea? So cold ah! so cold Is thy smile, dear, for mo. ; From tho July Bohemian. o NEW RECORD FOR AN OPEN RIVEN. Peculiar to Itself In selection, proportion and combination Of ingredients, In tho process by which their remedial values are extracted and preserved, In effectiveness, usefulness and economy. Curing tho widest range of diseases, Doing tho most good for tbo money. Having tho most medicinal merit, And tbo greatest record of cures, Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. THE CASE AGAINST HARRIMAN Tho battlo of wostorn Oregon Is for nn open Willamette rivor. Thl3 moans not only froo locks and cnnal at Orogon City, but a oloar chan nel for nteumors AH FAR AS CORVALLIH OR HARRISIIURG. Following significant nows Horn Is from tho Corvallls Times whoso editor Is a mombor of tho Opon Rivor associations "'Tho Orogona Is making a record In Into summer navigation to CorvalllN. Hlio contlncs to mako two trips a wook, In splto of tho Oact THAT THE RIVER IH ALMOST AT DEAD LOW WATER. Agent Stelts said yestordny Hint tlioro Is prospect that sho may con tinue on tho run until August 1st which will bo a now rocord In nummcr navigation to Corvallls. Sho is ospoclally built for low -wntor uho, nud Is accomplishing things that havo novor been nccom pllsliPd boforo. SHE CARRIES A RIG FREIGHT IN AND OUT OF 'CORVALMH EVERY TRIP, nnd allows, with a llltlo oxpondlturo of Tnonoy for drodglng tho Wlllnmottc to Corvallls nn nll-yonr-round unvlgntlon to this city would bo both jirofltnhlo anil prnctlcnblo, It is n. condition that will como In tlmo, and Corvnlllsltos should do n they can to havo that tlmo hurrlod along." Tho Importance! of the opon rlvor to tho Wlllnmotto valley producor "cannot woll bo statod In a moro nowspnpor artlclo. Tho splondld presentation of Hon. 11, F.Tonos, mnde'rocently for tho XSoltngo Orovo Dovolopmont convontlon, and printed In this pnpor. SET JHU MATTKIt FORTH MORE ADEQUATELY. But consldur what othor cities aro doing to get rlvor navigation. rittHliurg gots coul for four cents por ton on tho Knnawa rlvor, whoro tho govorumont spout six nud n half millions. Tho mayor of Kansas City, n largo Jobber In hunvy grocorlos, bought ti steamboat at St. Louis last fall, loadod It with 200 tons of grocorlos, jNI IIIMHELP PILOTED IT UP TO KANSAS CITY. Ho did this to havo mi unanswornblo argumont that tho Missouri rlvor Is nnvlgablo nnd ns n basis for aid from tho govorumont In Improving that mighty watorway. Blxtui'ii lockH and cannls nro under construction on tho Ohio rlvor for thu purpoHo or ruduulng freight botwoon Plttfburg and Now Orlonm J-'ROM SIXTY TO FIFTY CENTS PER TON. On tho Wlllnmotto rlvor wo nro allowing a prlvnto corporation to tax tho producers' fifty cunts pur ton for more lockago charges-'at tho falls of tho Wlllnmotto. Thu Mtuto Ioglslaturu has appropriated $300,000, In throo annual In- MtnllmontH of $100,000 each, to nld congress In purchasing tho lock) nnd canal at Orogon City. With froo locks nnd somo money spout onch yoar In olonrlng tho uppor rlvor of obstructions, horo Is a lino nnvlgablo rlvor that enn bo Jtopt opBii FROM ONE END OF THE YEAR TO THE OTHER. As fast as pormanont linprovumouts aro made, tho navigability or tho rlvor can he oxtondod up tho rlvor until we havo nn opon watorway from tho Columbia to Eugene. . In order to accomplish this Oregon people must niovo solidly to nc compllMb their purpuao. Thoy must support mon In congrons. nnd In tho HOimto WHO ARE PREPARED WITH INFORMATION AND READY AND WILMNG TO FIGHT THIS RATTLE FOR AN OPEN RIVER. The tlmo will come when tho gront bulk of thu lumber In wostorn Oro Hun, the fuul auppllve, nud building matorlul, ns woll ns tbo heavy Mtnblo, fruit, grain and liny orops, ns well as tiling and s trout paving nn) Jimterlul for good roads will Mil bu oarrlod on tho bargu linos that will run on thu Willamette. A bargo 30 foot wide, 1X6 fuel Ions, will carry twonly tons to tho Inch displacement, or 300 tons to nu IS Inch load. Tho ompty barge will drnw six itiohe of wntar. RUT AT MANY STAG S THE HARGE CAN CARRV (100 TO IOO TONS. That menus that the luiubor cut of towns on tho Wlllnmotto enn bo pill iihotud Huagoliig voxels for u noinlnal freight, and sent out to the mnrkotH nf thu world. Tho tonnage otuirgo at the looks at prenont ARE PHOIIIIUTOIIY ON MUCH IIIJAVV TRAFFIC. This In hut one feature of thu possibilities of an open river. Tho rec ord In favor of an opon river shows that It Is tho most vltnl question liuforu thu people of Oregon. o r Substance of the Charges Made By the Interstate Commerce Commission Hnrrlman's crlme: Violation of the act of Juno 20, 1874, In practic ing discrimination In tho manage ment of tho Central Pnciflc railroad; lino $1000; Imprisonment not Ios3 thnn six months; conducting a com bination In rostralnt of trndo Inter state nnd forolgn commerce Ills pelicy: To gathor undor ono bond nil transcontinental lines and to oxcludo tho incoming or nil competitors. Ills pewer: Woll nigh absolute ovor his ontlro system. His railroad contrel: Sovoral groat systems, ovory stonniBhlp lino on tho Pacific south of Pugot Soiiu.1 nud two big stonmshlp linos on the Atlantic. Ills partial railroad contrel: Elovon systems and threo oxpress compnnlos. His "lndofonslblo financiering:" Taking a rnko-off or noarly $111,- 000,000 rrom a railroad that cost $G8,000,QjOO nnd nothing tangible added sluco tho property camo undor his control. His recent vontures: Acquiring luturost In Enstern rallronds within thu last year amounting to $132,000, 000; Biipprosslon or all railroad com petition, ir not headed off, by federal Interference. Ills burden on the administratien: Presidential vexation; oxhaustlvo In vostlgnllon; legal perturbation and general denunciation. Probable rosult of It all: Bursting of bis railroad combinations, crim inal prosecution, undor tho net of 1S7-I and onactmont of laws confin ing Interstate railroads oxoluslvoly to the biisluods of transportation; pre venting the control by ono lino or parallel nud computing linos nnd regulwtlug the Iwiimnoo of rnllrond ueurltlee. - -o ed by his dangerous foe. After a fast chase of 100 yards the former drew away from the weasel and es caped. The food of the chipmunk Is cniei- ly soeds, berries and nuts, but in sects, flesh and birds eggs also enter Into It summer bill of faro. A. J. Cook of Lansing, Mich., Btates that a chipmunk was observed nibbling at a Bnake that had been recently killed. He could hardly bo driven away and soon returned to his feast when his tormentors had withdrawn to a short distance. "My venerable friend, William Bartham, lnrorms me that he saw one of these birds (tho spotted sand piper) defend her young for a con siderable tlmo from tho repeated nt tacks of a ground Bqulrrol. Tho sceno of action was the rivor shore. The parent bad thrown herself, with her two young behind her, between them and tho land, nnd at every at tempt or tho squirrel to seize them by a circuitous sweep, raised both her wings In an almost perpendicular po sition, assuming tho most formldnblo nppearanco she was capablo of, and rushed forward on tho squirrel, who, intimidated by her boldness of man ner, Instantly retreated, but present ly roturnlng was met as before, In front nnd on flank, by tho daring nnd nffcctlonnto bird, who with her wings and wholo plumage bristling up, scorned swelled to twice her usual slzo. Tho young crowded to gether behind hor, apparently sensi ble of their perilous situation, nnd moved backward and forward as bIio advanced or rotrentod. This Inter esting' scouo lastod for at least ten mlnutos. Tho stregnth of tho poor pnront bognu evldontjy to flng when my good frlond drove the nssnllant bnck to his hole and roscucd the In nocont from destruction." Ernest Thompson Soton In Success. o ""' "' " Words of Praieo For tho several Ingredients oi which Dr. pierco's medicines aro coroposca, 8Vi by loaders In all tbo sovcral scnooW. of Kino, should have far more weight than any amount of non-professional to Imonlals. Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescrlp- bottle-wrapper, In a full list o all Its In grcdlonts printed In plain English. If you aro an Invalid woman and suffer from frequent headache, backache, gnaw ing dlstrSSJ In stomach, periodical pains, dlsagrefiblo, catarrhal, poivic uru.u. draBgltfeAlown distress In lower abdomen or pclvtf, perhaps dark spots or ipw danclg oeforo tho eyes, faint spells and klndfcd symptoms caused by fcraalo weak ness, otethofderangemont of the feminine organsTWcan not do better than take Dr. Plerjw Favorlto Prescription. Tho hsfiltal, surgeon's knife and opera' ting tahjrnay bo avoided by the timely uso of VFavorlte Prescription" In such cases. Thereby tho nhnn;nii3 exam rH ntlnns anTTFrjil jrH "f " ra"llV'1 nKvslclan can ho avoided nnd a thorough Cplifse ol SllCCCSStm trpiiimnnt cnrneti uiu native medicinal roots known to med cal -!- tnr thn rnrn nf woman 8 DCCU1 M ailments, contains no alcohol and no harmful or bablt-formlnp drugs. Do not expect too much from "Favorue Prescription; "It will not perform mira cles: It will not dlsolvo or cure tumors. No mcdlclno will. It will do as much to establish vigorous health In most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly Incident to women as any mcdlclno can. It must bo given a fair chance by perseverance In Ite D m .. .1.1. I.u-tt. ftf ll rt use ior a rcasnnaDic iuukiu ui uui Public BulldlngB stock. Gosnor. Sewerago, Stolz, Jacob j Plumbing Frasor, Do' ner. Fire and Water-L0 Ooodo. ' Bridges Qosner, Churchl er. Health and Police -in. Waldo. Lights Ooodo, Haas, rjf. PrlnUng Radcllff, Ha&. Public Parks Dayneae Stockton. Coafd of Educatloa W. H. Byrd, Chairman A. A. Leo, H. C. Epley Crolsan, Directors. H. A. Johnson, Jr., Clerk J. M. Powers', City flupt. tru 'Y"!lfll!l i'lTflPl fn '"'''P1 n prroLnni urn as a u hultuto for tllh rrnT"'r " Sick women arolnvltcd to consult Dr. Plcrco, by letter, free All correspond ence Is guarded as sacredly sccrot and womanly confidences nro protected by professional privney. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, I'uffnlo. N. Y. . .. . , Dr. i'iorrc's Plpnsnnt Pellets tho best laxative and regulutor of tho bowola They Invigorate stomach, liver nua bowels. O'o a laxatlvo; two or threo a cathartic. F.asy to takn as candy. HI II M I IH1 H I I I H M i I I I. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Tako tho Postnmster's Word for It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Chcrrycalo, Ind., keeps also a stock of gonornl morchnndiso nnd patont modlclncs. Ho snye: "Cham borlaln'o Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea Romcdy Is standard hero in Its lino. It novor falls to glvo satisfac tion and wo could hardly afford to bo without It." For salo by Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. n run coxtixuaxcu tiniiniiiiiMiiimiiH- OF PROSPERITY Wo may then concludo that the fall In Wnll-stroot stock quotations of tho pnst six months forotolls In dustrial depression only to tho ex tent thnt It dostroys gonornl confl donco In busluois conditions and thus crontes Itself tho condition which It Is currontly supposod to In dicate. In othor words, Wall stroot at the profleut time is not n bnromo ter but a clinical thermometer, which who it tho patient ee It creates an alarm thnt producos the fever the thermomotor Is supiioied to Indicate. And now what of the futuro? With tho present activity In all brauchos or industry, there seems no reason to look for serious loss of I business to railways or manufne- JAOKKOX t)X .MOXKY. An Orugon rentier of thu Commoner, that paper says, bus n Republican neighbor whoau son U studying public quastlous. The young Rupuhlluan hns buun Informod that Jnokfton'i views on tho money question were applied with disastrous results by that great Domo oiat. This Is luoorreut. Jnoksuu opposed tho iinttotiul batik as it o-lnted in his day lor two vwuHona. Flrit, bwcaiiHo It violated tho Democrntlo tlootrlne of equal rights to nil nnd special privileges to none; nud second, RHOAUS1-J Till-: 11AXK "wah ArnwiiTixu m (MtM'iioii tiik politics efthi: couxtry. Jneksuu'H portion was uouiul ou both nropoilMoiis. No ono ha stateil mure clearly than he the fuiidmontul objections to u Uimnolul policy that beetows upon the banks the enormous privilege of Issuing money. The heed of thu national Iwuk attempted to Intimidate by telling him that Till! HANK OOl'U) WMCV HIM OR DltlMiAT HIM, histoid of being frlghteiiMl Into HUhmlselou, UK TOM) UIDDI.K, THK HANK'S IMOiSIlUCVr, THAT t nK RAXK HAD THAT POWHH, IT HAD MOItK I'OWKR THAN IT SHOll.l) IIAVK, AXH SIOUH THAN IT WOl'l.l) IIAVK U)X(1 IP UK cori.n PHKVKXT IT. Whoa an Uve.tljcatloH was. made. It wb found that the hank had ttubvldlted meH tu uUUc life by loaning them money, and hud subsidised the proAN. It wue a Ktml ourrmitlnB tnatltutlon, d Jnokwm's high poeltlou In history hi largely duo to the fot that he hftil the oourHgo to nttnek It nnd overthrow It. Wontou. In speaklug of his work, eomparetl him with Cloero. nnd said that In overthrowing the bank he had wtvud Amerloa ns CIcoro hud saved Home hy overthrowing tho oausplrnoy of Ctttallue. As Jaoksou's fume rests uvou his succewful attack utMu Intrenched prlvllego. so the abuse heaped upon him in his life and tho calumnies circulated ngalnst htm since hU death have boon duo to the mnltce of those who, durlug hU tlmo nud since, have rupreseutod predatory wealth. 3 Hunt Metllclnu In (ho World for Colic nnd Dlnrrhotii. "I find Chamberlain's Colic, Choi- era and Dlarrhooa Romedy to bo tho l)OHt rmilllllv In iliu wr.rlil anva xr.. O. L. Carter of Sklrum, Ala. I am mib '""'. T V'0 T' Km fnU,nB JOOt t., OOlIn ...l .lln.rl.nn,. T . ff ' tllP VU,le Of trHUlf Will ll tVR mirliiu It Hoamn.1 . i' .a..m "mny compensating advantages, on- mlssloner, Portland. tile, and I think I would If I hadn't ,lbU,IB. 000"om,M t0 " '"troducod. tnkeu Chamborlttln'a Colic, Cholorn ",uwb ,nrcM l0 miprovod, hot and Diarrhoea i i,nvn'r ,or't wo"k to be carried out with been troubled with It hIi. ..ntn o, !l088 lcult Tho snmo things aro ' ' ' - ""- !.. Delegation in Congress. Senator Chas. W. Fulton, ABtorla. Sonator Jonathan Bourne, Jr , Portland. Itoprosontativo W. C. Hawley, Sa lorn. Ropresontativo W. R. Ellis, Pondlo ton. Stnto Ofllclnls. Governor, George E. Chamberlain. Sorotnry of State, Frank W. Benson. Stato Treasurer, Gcorgo A. Steel Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, J. H. Ackorman. Attornoy Gonornl, A. M. Crawford. Stato Printer, W. S. Dunlway. Stato Labor Commissioner, O. P Hoff. Supremo Court. Chlof Justice, Robort S. Bonn. Assoclato Justice, Frank A. Mooro. Assoclnto Justice, Robort Eakln. Commissioners, W. T. Slator, W. R. King. Clerk, J. C. Morolnnd. Roporter, It. G. Morrow. Bnlllff, P. H. Raymond. Circuit Judges, Goo. II. Burnett, Salem; William Galloway, McMlnn vlllo. District Attornoy, John H. Mc Nary, Salem. Other Stoto Officials. J. W. Bailey, Food and Dairy Com- I 111 U 1 1 1 111 1 1 4-Hh ;i THE MARKET fnko Salem a Good Rlnrkct. I III 1 1 1 1 1 II I l-H-HH- BAliEM MARKET, Local Wholesale Rtnrfc Eggs 19 c. Butter 27 c; rat, 25r Hone 10c; young chlckot Ducks 10c; geeso, 8c; 13lCc. Local wheat 80c. Oats 40 '12 c. Barley $21. Flour Hard wheat, $5.flo $3.85. Mill feed Bran, $19.60; $21. Hay Cheat, $8.B09, t vor, $7.00 por ton, timothy, $12.00 por ton. OnlonB $4.00 por cwt; p $1.00 por cwt. Hops Choice, 10 lie; p choice, 8 9c; medium to 8&c Chlttlm bnrk i45c. Wool 20c. Mohair 29 c. Tropical FrulU. Bananas $6.75. Oranges $3 $4. Lemons $5.75. '. wook, whon I had a vory sovoro at tack and took hair a bottlo of twon-ty-flvo ennt slzo Chamborlaln's Colic, Cholorn and Diarrhoea Romedy, nud truo of many Hues of manufacture. In all linos, projects ror Improve ment will bo recast and roplnnnol on tho basis or hlghor prlcoa ror cap. this morning I rool llko a now man." Unl thft" ,,avo 1,,t,lor'o Provnllod. For salo by Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. o- Mnny Jirojocts will bo postponod until n ronowod demand ror bonds onablos funds to bo secured on a The chipmunk Is not generally known as a good swimmer, but J. W. Curran of Montreal describes nn ox citing water chase of a chipmunk by n brown wonsel. The chipmunk plunged Into the hike, closely follow Log l)rhv. jlntuuto will bo eomlug In In nbout a The fljmuldlug Logglug Company wook. I.ogu are being taken out lias a big drive of logs going by In the rlrer for the various mills of tho company. The uresont drive Is from tho Sautlam, and ono from the Luclc-J horo for uso In the local mill, and later tho slough opposite the mill will bo filled for futuro supply, West Side Enterprise. A Bright Future Is In storo for the jouug man or woman who eaves or deposit money regularly in a good sav ings bank. Whon you boeome old or un able to work you'll flad tt0 frjond so helpful none so rwuunslvo to your ueeds as a hank account. Put your money to work by opening a savings account. Ono dollar Is enough to start with. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank CHIP.MPXK AXI) (HOUND StJl'lRRKLS r ft,ul n,oro economical bnsls than wiu latum or snort-term notes, Whllo tho demands for new capital will be adjusted to tho supply In this man nor. the operation of naturnl lnws will Incronso the supply of available funds. Tho gonornl Impression that prosperity's continuance may be doubtful Is nn Impelling force to ward oconomy In millions of house holds. The high prices ror capital are an Inducement toward thrift which can have enormous Influonce. If money saved will Mm B or C per cent, insteful of only 8 or 4, then U thre fnr more Inducement to save money, particularly wltH H dollar spent buy so little In n era of high prlcee. In no nation on earth Is there anything like the wealth-produolns powor of the United States. None other compares with it In abundance Qf natural resources, in Intelligence nnd Industry or the population and In the oxtonslve use or that labor saving machinery thnt has multiplied many (old tho wealth-produclng pow- i or oi oivuued nations. It is certain, then, that 'tho onhancod demand nnd hlghor price paid ror capital will re sult In a greatly Increased supply And with avallablo capJral at hand." a thousand now wealth-producing en terprises will novo whloh aro at present oniy marking time. Engl- J. W. Baker, Gamo and Forestry wardon, Cottage Grove. Robt. C. Yenny, Stato Health Offi cer, Portland. J. II. Lewis, Stato Englaeor, Sa lem. E. Gllllnghnm, Stato Librarian, Saeom. H. O. Van Dusen, State Fish Com missioner, A6torla. Chas. V. Galloway, Stato Land Agont, Salem. W. W. Elder, Commander Soldlera iiomo, Roseburg. Marion County Ofllclals. John II. Scott, County and Probata Judge. R. D. Allen, Clork of Courts. w. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, Troasurer, E. T. Moores, Superintendent of Schools. F. J. Rice, Assossor. Retail Market. Oats Whlto, $30; wheat, I bu.; rolled barloy, $27. Eggs 26c. Butter -T-Country, 25c; c ory, 30. Flour Valley, $1.15W sack; hard wheat, $1,350)11 Bran C5o por sack; Hlpt Hay Timothy, 75c 85c p cheat, 60c; clover, 55c per shorts, 95c por cwt. Livestock. Hogs Fat, Cc. Cattle 1100 1200 3 V a LIghtor stcors 33Hc Stock hogs 5 Yj Cc. Cows and heifers 90061k 22aic. Lambs 4 c. Venl Dressed, 5 7c Portland Wholesale JIrl Whoat Club, 85c; 'valley, blue stom, SSc. Oats Cholco white, $27.51, MUIstuff Bran, $17. Hay Timothy, $1618;'J $13. i Vetch $8.50. J Poultry Hens, 12 13c; chickens, 13c; dressed cW 1414c; turkeys, Uve.'H ducks, young, 10 lie; phjf $1.25. Pork Bost, 6c 6 c. Lamba Spring, 10c10Ht Mutton 5c 7c. Beef Dressed. 5 6c. Hops Choice, por pound, tl Wool Valley, coarse to wi 1921c; Eastorn Oregon, W 2i SOUTHERN PACIFIC C Time Card No. 48 m Juno 10. Toward Portland Pawf Vn 1 r. .OQ n m.. f)rM 'W. 4U .MM U. ') ' -l I II. Tl. Tlai-rlnU T O ,. I."""' J1" ourvoyor. nress. I;l::rtan'' w- Gout. com. i No. 188:30 a. m., cott A. M. Clough, Coroner. D. G. Drager, Rocorder. Salem City Ofllclals. Go. F. Rodgers, Mayor. W. A. Moorea, Recordor and Pollc Judgo. m. RhuU I I neerlns Nows. D. W Gibson, Marshal and Chle' of Police. Frank Meredith, City Treasurer A. O. Condlt, City Attornoy. Jas. W. Martin, Street CommlB sloner. Mark Savage, Chief Fire Depart- W. C. Smith. Health Officer. City Standing Committee. Ways and Means Janh w...i- Churchill. ' "wuu Ordinances GreenhBnm t Goode, ' Accounta and Current Expense OhurchlU, RadcliJT, Bayne. Street Downing Stockton, Stoli. Passenger. No. 124:25 p nrfiss. No. 149:28 p. m., Perth1 mess. TowamI Portland FrP No. 222 10:5t a. m., l 11:38 a. m.. Portland Fn No. 226 10:40 a. m., 11;3S a m . Wav Freifibt. TAirowl dan KVunrlBTO ttm No. ll 11:03 a, m., S press. ! No. 176:42 p.m., Cott T ' No. 159:66 p. m., CallWI press. -J No. 131:31,l co Express, Toward SUn PraBClK xr m.. " AK. AA'.WW daeo FMt FrelshL Ne. 22111:65 a- 11:25.