? m m II '. H ftl i 1 i Id'M -, j- J8 DAIL1' CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1007. mwwmmmmmamiiiKmKammmmammBmmmm BEEwHrlHIHBEvf v .i fK I Indications of Stpmach Storms sometime appear wheu lca3t expected. Aculc iudiKcfllioti, iimuiciicc, iinuBcn, kick, jiuiiu nntio Iil1(nttatiiaa. emir priifln. ....,., .-....' ...... v. ........ lions arc n few Biennis which should not pass unheeded. Any oi llicsc couumous muicaic iiriff a 1liittrltttirr fOrMtiiMif vlilfli needs to be calmed and removed. Take MAP OP TJII3 MOUNT WHITNEY' QUADRANGLE fleechamll UU and you will snfely weather nil ' Hide Riuriim ui piiKiii-an. Their heuiau find healthful ill fluence In felt at once. They aril1iA IsitfA ntwl I tivltrnrnl o t Iff organs of dlKCHtion, regulate inc Ulic, umpci wic uiuca turn crcnte a settled condition of stomach health, uuy n iox at the Jicarent drutf store and keep llicmon lianu tor emergencies. They will Make all th Difference In boxes with full directions, lOeoud 26c MTONK'H HEAVE DROPS. Gret"U known remedy for hoavo. Price To oxprotis olllcos away from Salem I pay 2C cents ca oxproua chargoa. For solo by nil druHKlnto. Highland, Orogon, Oct. 31, 1002. This Is to certify Mint I utivo my tuaro ono bottlti of "Stono'a Ilonvo Drops" and cured hor of hoavos, This was laBt winter and sho has not feeon ntlllctod nlnco. 0, Wallnco. Dr. H. O. HTONK, Halom, Or. Underwood Standard Typewriter A PurvlinMcr of nn Underwood lleoomca iv incmiKT of nil Asso cUthui mirhl mtowmM for ita np pm-lntloit of combined VUlblllty, BlMMMl mill DiiiuMlliy, Tlw "Witllliij; 1.1m" U num. fccml by IIh UitiuMimW, Underwood Typewriter Company 8 SUtli Hlitvt, Portland, Or. Himilllllllllliniiii), :: Salem's Favorite!; i: Best Cooking : ; ! lt.VHUST K.VTVUl.RS '. ; ; choicest rue its ; ; ; I Alva Served at tho : ; White House i: Restaurant:: ; : McClllc hrlst & Sou . Props. ; ; WHiiiiiiHHiiiii mm A HOUSE AND ONE ACRE OF GOOD LAND FOR $675.00 A broad desert valley, through which a Hlugglsh river flows, walled In on both sides by rugged moun tnln rnngos, whoso peaks tower thou sands of feet above, Is tho striking feature nrosontod by tho man of tho Mount Whitney quadrangle, Juat published by the United Statos geo logical survey. Few of tho maps is sued by tho Hiirvov can bo examined with grontor Intorost, since few areas within tho United States comprise grontor variations In topographic forms than tho 900 square miles thcro dollnontod, Tho Mount Whitney qundrnnglo is apart of onst central California nnd Includos portions of Inyo, Tnlnro and Fresno counties. It Is crossed In a gonoral BouthonBt- northwost dlrcc tlon by OwenB valley, with OwenB river huculnc tho onst aide and dis charging Into Its sink. Owous Inko. In tho southonstorn corner of tho area. On tho onsl Owens valley Is bor dered by tho Inyo, or White, moun tains, a typical desert range, with a number of ponks over 11,000 foot high, with no porjunlal streams, and with fow springs, Thoao mountains, howovor, contain valuable mlnornl deposits, which nro mined at n num ber of plncos. Along tho wost side of tho valloy stretches tho Slorra Nevada, present ing to tho onst nn nhrunt. nlmoHt precipitous wall, rising from a holitht of about 4000 foot to ovor 1-1,000 In n dlstanco of less than five miles, nnd topped by tho hlghost peaks In tho main body of tho United States. Mount Whltnoy, nnmod from Prof. J. D. Whltnoy, former stnto geologist of California, risos M.GOl foot ahovo soa lovol, and, closely rivaling It In liclu'llt. Molinr WIlllnniHnn nUnhin 'n,38-l feet. Six other ponkB In this roglon nro ovor 14,000 foot high, nnd thcro nro many that fall Just bolow that holght. Tho numerous high peaks, glacial gorgOB, and thousands of llttlo lakes thnt diversify tho rug god west slope of tho Slorra nro fam ous Hummer camping groundH for Cnllfornlnns. Across tho northwost- orn comor of tho qundrnnglo wind: tho South Pork of KIiiks river in a gorge a thousand foot dcop. while In tho southwestern part of tho nron Korn river trnvorsos Its wondorful canyon. Owons vnlloy Is a barren dosort. oxcopt whoro rcolnlmed by wntors outoring It from tho mountains, and Owons lako contains so much soda that Its extraction has boon found commorclally profUnblo. Tho rlvor Itself for many miles nbovo tho lako Is aluo snlino. but tho uumorouq Btronmu that drain tho west slopo of tho Slorra carry fresh water In nbun- dnuco. Tho valloy Is travorsed by tho Nevada and California railroad, a narrow-gtingo lino that will prob ably soon become pnrt of a trunk lino connecting tho gold flolds or Nevada with I.os Angolw. Another connoctlng link with tho city of Los Angolos will bo formod by tho pipe lino which, taking wutor from Owens river uoar Its head, will pass along tho mountnlu straams which It cross ed, and llunlly dollvor Its supply to tho city. This Rlgmitlo ontarnrlso will bo aocompllshud at n cost of $33,000,000. Tho various natural and cultural friituro of tho raglon aro shown on tho man with na iniinli fhlalltv in .In. tall as tho cnU, one Inch to two mllos, permits. Valloys nnd poaks, lakos and rlvr. ottloments and lao laud houMM, ntniU and tralU aro no- ouratoly locatwl, and thiro Is ovn marked, on tho snuthwtstorn corner of tho htr. th fault lln riwultlng from tho grant eurthquakt) of 1ST2, A Sustaining Diet.. TIiwm nro tho uwvatluic day. when, as iomlKdy ha wld, men drop by i ho auuatroke a If th Day of Ptm Uml dfiwnid. 'l'kwy nr frauKkt with dHB9f to imoiiU wUom yttmR arv iworly guaUlned: and thin lad iu to any Ik th Ititor- oat of tho 1mm robuat of our radn. that Ua full offoet of llooil's Shna- iwrUlu la such tu to auuat tha pro lirtaiv at nallluir ihla im.IIi.. a.u.n thlnic Ual(! a Ubod purltUr and I tonic aay, a austatlulMB did. It taaktta It maoh oaalar ta kaar tho hoat. aaawrw rafraaktag Up, and will without aay doabt a-art much ulckHMM at tUU Uia of yaar. Pure Teas are healthful-nerve soothing-delicious. FOLGER'S GOLDEN GATE TEAS Ceylon Japan Oolong English BroaHfast Gun powder BlacK EL Green arc pure, racked flavor- tight in dust-proof car tons to protect their purity and flavor. J. A, Folger (EL Co. San Franolics Importer of Pure Tea AT THE (JoIdenGafe ITX . Lu...li TEA CEYUI FAIR GROUNDS Many New Walks Being Constructed Flower Gardens and Buildings mSmr.JmK THK OIMKCT OP THH AD.MIUA- TION OP A Mi IS Kl'PMJV'S PKH- I'KCTION IIAKINO 10VUHII. HOW Hl'l'KHIl ITS (.'OODXKHH IS CAN O.VIiY 1110 1U:.ST DKMOXSTUATKI) IIV AtTl'AIi ACOUAINTAXOK. YOU AVILIj AllHi:CIATI3 An I.. iHODurnox to hi'pmjy'h veu- FKCTIO.V IIAKIXO POWDKH. SOLI) 1IY ALL flKOCKHS. MUAXUFAC TUHKI) I1Y C. M. KI'l'MIY, SALMM, OUKO'OX. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR WUl treat yon with OrleaUl hwbi and cure any dlwwo without operation or ialn. Dr. Kum la known everywhere la Salem, and baa cured many prominent people here. He has lived in Salem for 20 yeraa, and can be trusted. Hi utea many medieinea unknown to white doctors, and with them can eura catarrh, asthma, lung trouble, rheu matism, stomach, liver, and kidney dla eaaea, Dr. Kum make a specialty of dropey aad female troubles. His remedies euro private diseases when everything eUe falls. He has hundreds of teiti moniala, aad glvea conjultatioa free. Prices for medicines very moderate. Pereons in the country can write fof blank. Send stamp. If you want soma wttra fine tea, jot It from us, DR. KUM BOW WO CO., 187 South Illjrh street, Salem. Oreiroa. The many lmnrovoments which are being nindo at the state fnlr grounds and the lntoratt that has boon shown by exhibitors nnd other citizens of the state Insure succoas for tno iau fnlr. The croamory building which formerly occunled a strnce northwost of the navlllon has been moved to n plot some fifty ynrds directly north of tho pavilion. I All tho stnnds will occupy places nlong the walk to the grandstand and poultry building, and tho plot of ground between the nnvlllon nud tho creamery building Is being adorned with flowers, walk ways and stntues. Xow walks aro being constructed from tho pavilion to tho poultry building and to tho grandstand, the grass Is being mowed nnd wntored and the grounds will soon bo In ex cellent shape. Tho work on tho now barns Is progressing nlcoly and will bo finish ed nt tho onrlicst prosslblo date. Tho work of shingling will probnbly bo flnlshod noxt Mondny. Tho barns will bo painted red nnd trimmed in whlto nnd when completed will pre sent ns lino nppcaranco and will bo ns convonlontly arranged ns any fnlr grounds In tho northwost. Tho fair mnnngoment hnvo bright proiipocts for tho racing program which will probnbly bo tho host over seen In Snlom. Among tho recent jrnclng onthustnsts to nrrlvo Is Fred Drooker, of Ynklmn, who enmo to Snlem Inat Frldny with threo flno horses. Mr. Drooker nnd his family aro camped in tho fair ground's tout city whoro thoy will romnin during tho stato oxposltlon. FWaaSSsBMml : ' ii K nl rift n mm tr For cool cooking, less work and least fuel-expenso uso a NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove tho ideal stove for summer. Does everythine that any other kind of stove will do. Any dogroe of heat instantly. Mdo in three sizes and fully warranted. At your dealer's, or write out nearest agency for dcscnptivo circular. " uso. Mado of bra throughout aad boaal&ulry nickeled. Perfeafiy ck ttructed; absohatcly safe; unexcelled i UtkfrM(f power ; aa otnameat to any room. Uvcry lamp warruttd. If not at yoar dialer's, write to oar nearest aganoy. STANDARD OIL COMPANY line? rated) 9 USB SELF RISING B. B. B. Flout For Boston Brown Bread, Griddlo Onkcs, Mufllna and "Plum Pudding. ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUB CO., INC., BAST Joso, Cal. -sMvti NHHHHnMHHHnHHniHBHiia Installation. District Deputy Grnnd Mnstor A. C; Llbby of tho stnto grand Iodgo of Indopondont Order of Odd Fellows was In Salem Wcdnosdny evening nnd conducted Installation of ofllcora for Chomoketa Ixjdgo Xo. 1, tho old est lodgo of this ordor iu Oregon. It is said It has not missed holding reg ular sosalons onco In ovor fifty yonrs, Mr. Llbby Is a vory ofllclont loduo olllcor, nnd tho work wns carried out without n broak. Constipation. For conatlpntlon thoro is nothlnir qulto so nlco as Chnmborlaln's Stom- nch nnd Llvor Tnblos. Thoy always prouueo a ploaaant movomont of tho bowles without any dlsagreoablo of fect. Prlco, 25 cents. Samples frio nt Dr. Stono'a Drug Store. STEER THIS WAY A SQUARE DEAL iWtu A l7lll( TKIAIi OF OUIl FARM IMPLEMENTS AMI MACIIIXEUY OF ALL KIXDS. IF YOU ABE NOT SATISFIED v nil A FAIIt TllIAL YOU NEKD NOT BUY. i Hisiiii XJIAOTION AND STATIONERY ENGINES, mtmam AND SIIEPARD'S RED RIVER SEPARATORS, nAY BALERS, Diiumi' Aft ii itoau GIIADIXG MACHINERY. vk iLtlAUliK TILE BURG WAGONS, ENGER BUGGIES, HACKS AND CARRIAGES. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE ADRIANCE, BUOIOEYE BIOW. o, viarrAK rixWH AND BLUE RIBBON CUIHVATOM, "wu av oiivumt ILND FARM IMPLEMENTS AND WAGONS VERY CHEAP. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES AT WHOLESALE AND I TAIL, GLASS AND STAINS OF ALL KINDS, AND PAINTERS SUPPLIES. BUGGY TOPS, DASHBOARDS, WHIPS, ROBES, ETC. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIRCULARS AND DESCTIP. TIVE CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Ptop. I HONE 104 MAIN COR, FRONT AND PINE STREETS ?TS mmmmtmmmaam'mmmmmmmamjmmmmmim OREGON STATE BANK Jefferson, Oregon Capita! $25,000 Best facilities known to fellable banking offered patrons. Jefferson is a good town, has good stores, good mills, a good bank, and good people. Come and see us. Oregoa State Bank J. A. AUPPERLE, President M. J. CAMPBELL, Cashier for your Deof, Pork, Imb, Mutton and Veal and you will got tho tlneat Meat ever killed. Tho testy, Juicy, nppotlilng kind that raakos you want moro after tho flrat holping. Only the best fad cattle are evr killed for our trade, and our cus tomers rany always rely upon tho vory bast quality of meat, cleanly nnd proporly drasjed, and In every way fit for tho boat table. 0 F. A. Kurtz Phone 205 277 N. Com. St. Undertaking and embalming BEST SERVICE COMPLETE OUTFIT On!y Whlto Hearso and Whlto Horses In Marlon and adjoin ing counties. W. T. RIG DON I. O. O. F.Bldg. 45G Court St NOW IS THE TIME t0 save your clothing by using Dr. Rosemer's Moth Powder xv.nT knWn, t0 (al1, Leavea no grease, has a pleasant odor, and ill keep art cles freo from moth and Is germ-proof. l-or sale by all druggists, 25 Manufactured bv BERLIN MEDICINE CO. WaiMiMMWilWHBBBBBJ Governor Skaldon, of Xebraskn. has spruug a uv aud nobby silk tie. But tho Kowrnor knew enough not to mako a br,k 0f that kind durlne tho campaign -Soutx city Journal, i fJHIUHESTER'S PILLS fn v & nWr wt ?tS V l 1 Jl5"ftTB; Will IIIIIIU UL- :: Paints, Oils, Varnishes, :: :: Brushes, Window Glass " : : nt : : !! Fry's Drugstore:: ;; aiO Coiu'l St., Salciu, Or.,. ; ; ; ntssr goods prices re.i- ; I ; SQX.UILE. - Bend Cnll. Notice Is herobv etvon ti,n .i..i thlr.y days from tho date of this no tice I will redeom Bend No. 3, Series Xo. 2, iaauod by school district Xo. 17, Grant County. Orecon. it presontod within tho dato mentioned ,u""wl saia oond shall cease i!?4 ttt,CTaayon cuy. Oregon this 13th day of June, 1907. C11(PI N- H. BOLEY, C-U.-StFrl county Tran.fa. W1LL.IMETTE FRUIT AND PRODUPR rv Wholesale dealers and commission' merchants. Cash nM V. Eggs. Poults at: w,,U "" l0r' L Sallownese Transform tn TicV-ir Pi,1tV A dark skin become fuciM&f when delicately eoft, undenp"" with the radiant glow vrbich Uw1 cateiahealthy, active ian. kow inc keep the kin refined in quw keeps Dorei free from clos&zz and stimulates the tinr capilbrifiM contribute thecolorwhichchana kt-.i trt. DoVft- iHlfl inc is certain protection agsiwtl III Jl I ,untmadfrccklesifappKM.II K fore exposure to sun or w-tl Spreads like an imperceptible K" i fiiac oversxin sunaee, 1 w-r. 1 puiiiuiaunj aiiu ji,m- , deiicatc,luitroup-v- skl.M . jlJfDntl TtMJt tftmr mo" : -C.Wltcraft,Cobr t i3HawWMw0 tay. StlHtttSTSEffl!ftMfg M I 1 1 Ml II I I I i n i i 1 1 . " il ' wP'exon, 86 Unloa 2i.,