DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, .1ULY 13, 1007. "U. STOCKTON i THE OLD WHITE CORNER New Marion TOWNS GROWING Embroidered Turn-overs 5c Tn.t received by express from Now York. They aro equal to JlBc values over shown in Salem. . Semi-Stiff Collars for Ladies 1 5c , Th0 newest things m nock fixings for ladles. Embroidered Stiff Collars 25c The reigning stylo in tho East right now. Now shipment just i. .1 ita r4C f AAt- tAStfi AtnHlaro r1 SemiOUTT V-Uliai a ttiuivtwiuwi . Don't fall to sco thoso now ideas; thoy will Interest you. Windsor Ties 25c 26 dozen of tho swellest patterns you over saw. All silk, high grade; 25c each. ! . . Wash Belts 20c Embroidered white bolts, tho regular quarter kind,, but wo marked 'cm 20c as usual. -1. STATE NEWS Wash Belts 35c Very swolt white wash bolts, embroidered, with pearl buckles and enamel eyelots. 35c eacn. I Silvcrton Is Dooming. Sllverton. has a fine high school under construction, tho plastering belnc done at present. A. E. Smith has erectod a two-story brick block, and Johnson & Co. another. Thoro aro said to bo 35 residences and cot tages under construction. O. M. Woara Is finishing a general mer chandise store. Tho Sllverton Mill Co. has Its Immonso sawmill nearly completed, as far as tho-bulldlng Ib concorned. Tho mnchinory is being installed. Tho mill will easily cut 100.000 feet nor day. A pond Is be ing constructed to hold tho logs. Three crews aro at work on tho building and in tho timber, a payroll of $5000 per month being tho pres ent expenditure, and that will bo doubled as soon as tho mill is in op eration, which -will bo in November. W. A. Reynolds, one of tho proprie tors and in charge of tho work at Sllverton, is a man of great enter prise and exocutivo ability. Tho com pany has fivo miles of standard gauge road laid to tho timber on tho Ablqua, where logs are being boomed and will bo hauled to tho mill with a 35-ton locomotive. Eugene Presbyterians are to erect u new $18,000 church house. A. W. Kuykondnll has bought up tho Delano cut-rate drug store at Eugene, nnd thus strengthens tho local druggist trust. , The bureau of animal Industry has taken up the enforcement of sheep quarantine regulations in Linn and Lane counties. Tho Southern Pacific Is talking of putting on a dally pass'engor train from Eugene to Wendllng, via Springfield. Four men were hurt by a team running away at the Eugene Lum ber Company's mill, knocking a post from updor a platform and precipi tating tho men. XRAY$ SOME NEWS AND MUCH GOSSIP OF NEW YORK ( since Uncle Sam has taken to ielghlng tho malls, some of It Is i eighed In tho balance, and Is then cund wanting. This morning tho toseburg Review of July 9th nr Ircd at this ofllco. It was somewhat ale and haggard, and unfortunately neechlcss. or it might hnvo fur- iljhed a hot story of tho Btronuous me It has had. Astoria has nrrnnged to quit busl m when Fairbanks visits that city. robably expects' tho river to freeze ip, and stop fishing, anyway. ' Lincoln (Oregon) Leader: Last eek wo said that wo saw a man nigging a girl on the Newport beach, md that tho girl would discount tho 'ortland Journal prize beauty 100 er cent. Thero Is no doubt but that he three young ladles who wrote hanking us for tho compllmont nro he Idontlcnl ono wo saw. The pulpit Ib giving tho press a r.tck-and-ueck raco for sensational ism, with tho pulpit's noso n triflo to the front. Dr. John Ronch Stratton, for instance, In locturlng yestorday pa tho subject of tho "Destiny of HVomen" slopped ovor Into tho yel low Journal hendllno field, and on Iltled his spell "Tho Destiny of tho M Rib." As thero was no ''lost lb," the lonrned lecturer was talking ibout nothing. There Is not much In a namo, but '"'I It seems Incongruous to seo the ume of "Rov. Myron L. Boozer" fading all tho Soattlo, official En- pavorer news articles. (Continued from pago four.) j Circuit Court Bushiest). , The following entries were made Ibis morning by Judge Burnett In department No. 1 of the Marlon tounty ceurt: In the money action of C. A. Clark, administrator, vs. A. A. Spor rr. dismissed on motion of plaintiff. , In the case of Daniel Donahue vs. F E. Ilussoll; Jury trial, plaintiff was pn-sulted as to third cauBO of ac wn over verdict for plaintiff $147. o Tho Coming Guest I seo you j-barge five shillings for a room. When I was j,ero in December you ly charged three shillings a day. re Landlady Ah, but tho days aro 'nger now. Sketch. A man Is never alone when with a w oook Smoke Glasses Protect vnur oiaq fvnm . nu.u "ao. We havo them la all size and Prices. . REMEMBER ' W e do all our own lcne grinding. get tho beaoflt in promptness, earful workmanship, and the price 1 ao small matter to overlook. We mL8!0 you aoney Ia e T; wlta accldeat -we reftlswe iae leases tho some day tfcav r t and unfair and prejudicial to tho interests of Muhllg. In his chnrgo tho justlco said that tho day Muhllg "accepted tho whale Just as It was, stuffed full of straw and plaster; tho day ho put on a gold trimmed Bea captain's cap and Invited tho public in, ho was wh'olly and entire ly a party to tho conditions existing nnd for hotter or worse ho cast his fortunes in with tho whale. No can not como into court and recover from a defondan ton tho theory of fraud unless you bollovo from tho testi mony that fraud was practiced un fairly upon him without his consent or admission." To Movo Meteorites Ono of tho most stupendous engi neering tnskB recently undortaken in Now York la thnt of moving tho mammoth motoorlto, which Robort E. Poary found in Groonland, from Hh nroBQiit rosting place on tho 'grounds of tho Amorlcnn Museum of .Natural HlBtory to a place In tho hall of meteorites. This great mass of iron weights thlrty-sovon and a half Jtons and Is tho largest of tho kind known. In ordor to got It into tho 'great-lobby of tho museum tho doors nro being thoroughly braced. A Bolld pier of concroto has boon built In tho basement' on a foundation of solid rock, which will bo used na tho permanent rosting place of tho celes tial stone. Ever since It was brought to Now York tho giant meteor has been an object of great Interest to 'scientists nnd laymen alike and In Its now position It will doubtless at tract moro attention. Negro Was Society Lion. Tho Bonsatlon of tho day among Now York's "smart sot" now con crecated at Newport and othor fash ionable resorts Is tho rovelatlon that has torn the mask of duplicity from tho faco of a man who posed ns An tonio Apache, alleged grandson of tho famous Indian chief Cochlso. For a time the bogus redskin, now known to bo a negro and tho son of a former cook employed by Mrs, Russtll Sago, engaged In a Beau Brummel career that victimized many leading society people of tho metropolitan "Four Hundred" and onco made him a guest at a dinner party given by President Roosevelt. -According to information iurnisn ed by William N. Carey, an artist, "Apacho's" real namo Is Tony Simp son and he was onco a resident of 'Loulsana. Coming to Now York to aid his mother In tho Russell Sago kitchen, ho attracted much attention because of Ills close resemnianco io the Indian chiefs painted by artists who. havo never been west of Hebo- ken. Simpson was clever ana me frenuent comments on his aboriginal appearance furnished tho Inspiration which later made him a society uon. Going to Arizona, ho made a close Btudy of Indians and their ways and later returned to the metropolis to enter upon his brief but triumphant social career as tho grandson of an Indian chief. Prosperous Woodlturn. Old buildings nro being- removed and building mntorinl- Is on tho ground for novcral now brick blocks. All brick buildings on Main street, all tho two-story buildings, nnd no cheap construction Is tho program. Tho Farmers' and Merchants' bank Is doing a growing buslnoss, and tho ontorprlulng proprietors nro friendly to now industries. They ao very much Interested In securing tho es tablishment of a cannery, ns thoro aro tons of fine cherries nnd othor small fruit going to, wnsto about Woodburn. An effort will bo mndo to organlzo a cannery nnd havo tho plant Installed this fall In tlmo to handlo Into fruits, llko fall buttor penrs and apples. Tho Hofor & Martzolf brick yards nro running with a largo forco, and havo con tincts for brick far In ndvanco. Tho Wooburn brick nro giving good sat isfaction, nnd whorovor used nro crctitlng greater demand. Thoro aro about 20 now homos being built In and about Woodburn. Progressive Scuyton. Stayton shows slgnB of bolng tho most flourishing manufacturing nlnco In tho county. All tho Indus tries thoro are thriving. Tho woolen mill Is running with 30 hands, and will havo twlco that many ns Boon as tho knitting mnchinory Is Installed. Hill Bros, nro oroctlng a largo bil liard hall and amusomont parlor. Dr. Brewer Is erecting a flno resldonco Thoro nro about ton othor dwellings under construction. A cannery would find a good field hero, and thero is crent IntorcBt In the proposod elec tric lino from Snlem to Lyons. Such a lino would build up Stayton from both directions. Building at Mt. Angel. Thoro aro several now buildings going up at Mt. Angel this year. J. W. Ebner and others aro preparing to build. Thoro Is some talk of building a brewery at Mt. Angel, as tho amount of boor shipped in hero would almost support a local plant. Tho shipments sometimes fill a car load In a slnglo week. Tho hop yards around hero that havo boon properly cultivated show up fine. YardB poorly worked havo a light crop. THE ELEVENTH HOUR 1 It is not quite that late In j the sale of the crockery. gU9 ware and dishes at our store. But they will soon be all gone, as they are being sold below cost, to make room for more groceries. A Mark Twain Slogey Story. Woll. that night at tho club (th Hartford Monday Evening club) meeting as I was saying George, our. colored butler, came to mo when tho supper was nonrly ovor, and I noticed that he was pale. Normally his complexion was a clear black and Very hnndsomo, but now It had modi fied to old amber. Ho said: "Mr. Clemens, what nro wo going to' do. Thoro Is not a cigar In tho houso but thoso old Wheollng Ioug nines. Can't nobody smoko thorn but you. Thoy kill nt thirty ynrds. It is too iato to telephone wo couldn't get any cigars out from town what can wo do? Ain't It best to say nothing nnd lot on that wo didn't think?" "No." I said, "that would not bo honest. Fetch out tho long nines" which ho did. I had Just como across thoso "long nines" a few days or a wcok boforo. Whon I was a club pilot on tho Mississippi In tho 'BOb I had had a groat affection for thorn becauso they woro not only to my mind perfect, but you could got a basket ful of them for a cent or a dlmo, thoy didn't uso conts out thoro In those days. So whon I Bnw thorn ad vortisod In Hartford I sent for ti tlfbuannd nt onco. Thoy camo out to mn in imdlv hnttorcd and disreputa ble looking old squnro pasteboard boxos, two hundred in a box. George brought a box, which was caved In on all Bides, looking tho worst It could, and bogau to pobs them around. Tho conversation had boon brilliantly animated up to that mo ment but now a frost fell upon ench man as ho took up a cigar nnd hold It poised In tho air and thoro, In tim middle, his Bontnnco broko off. That kind of thing wont on nil nround tho tnblo until whon George hnd comnlotod his crlmo tho wholo plnco was full of n thick solomnlty nnd Bllonco. Thoso men began to light tho cigars. Rov. Dr. Parker was tho first man to light. Ho took throo or rour heroic whiffs thon gnvo It up. Ho got up with tho romark that ho had to go to tho bedside of a sick par Uhlonor. Ho started out. Rov. Dr. Burton was tho next man. Ho took only ono whiff nnd followed Pnrkor. Ho furnished a nrotoxt, and you could soo by tho Bound of his volco thnt ho didn't think much of tho protoxt and wns vexed with Parker for get ting In ahond with a fictitious ailing cllont. Rov. Mr. Twlchell. followed, and said ho had to go now becauso ho muBt tnko tho midnight train for Boston. Boston was tho first placo that occurred to him, I suppose It was only a quarter to ojovon whon thfiv boenn to dlBtrlhuto pre texts. At ton minutes to eleven all tho people woro out of tho house. Whon nobody was left but George nnd mo I was cheerful! I bad no compunctions of conscience, no griefs of any kind. But George was beyond speech, becauso ho hold tho honor and credit of tho family above his own and ho was ashamed that this smirch had boon put upon It. I told him to go to bed and try to sieop It off. I went to bed myself. At breakfast In tho morning whon George was passing a cup of coffee T saw It tromblo In his hand. I know by that sign that thoro was some thing on his mind. Ho brought tho cup to mo and asked impressively: "Mr. Clemens, how far Is It from tho door to tho upper gate?" I said, "It is a hundred and twon- ty-flve steps." Ho said. "Mr. Clemens, yoni can start at tho front door and you can go plumb to the upper gate and tread on ono of them cigars every time," It wasn't truo in detail, but in es sentials it was. From Mark Twain's Autobiography in Tho North Ameri can Roviow for April 19. Just Received Ladies' Long Silk Qloves Ladies' Long Lisle Gloves IN BLACK AND WHITE New Laces, New Embroidery, b- bons, Lace Curtains Men's Harvest Gloves Wo havo received another lnrego shlpmont of Conklln'a Horsohldo Gloves. Thoy nro tho most sorvlcoablo glovo on tho mnrkot for hard wear. Oat Ptice is Still $1.25 Becauso our orders woro plncod many months ago, but this is tho last lot of this famouB glovo that wo shall bo ablo tp soil at $1.25, owing to tho heavy advanco In all leather goods. v , ' ,. J&I yjv&& loadA' Je& WE UNDERSELL "REGULAR STORES." iv condition nnd almost pootlcal pa tience, has played an Important rolo In tho commercial llfo of this coun try as ono of tho meanB ot tnuw portntlon of morchnndlso. Tho traf fic botwoen tho rnllrgiid stations nnu Intorlor points must still bo hnndlod by burro transportation. Whllo tho ny nm-t In In ubo In many pnrtB of tho country, tho burro is much tho HWlftor cnrrlor. Tho burro Is nlso nn Important factor In tho mining In dustry, chlolly as an oro carrlor. In tho cities ho sorvoa In a variety of cnpncltles, bolng used to carry charcoal, vogotablqs, forago or any othor artlclo that his mnster desires to transport, n mattor guagod only by tho strength of tho burro'd back. Tho llttlo animal's ration consists of bnrloy, wheat, Btraw, alfalfa and othor forago. An animal of average weight, fiOO pounds, will carry in tho neighbor hood of 220 pounds nnd travol an averago dlstanco of 30 mllos a day. Vory fow burros aro sold in tho City of Mexico, tho prlnlcpal mnrkot bo lng in tho stnto ot Guorroro, Hidalgo, Puobla nnd Oaxaco. Prices vary from $12.50 to $17.50 Unltod States cur rency, and in tho City of Moxlco n burro tralnod to certain work will bring an nvorago prlco of about $20. Tho burro Is rnlHod almost Bolely for homo uso, thoro bolng vory frvr oxportod, and thoHO going to tho Unltod States and Culm. During tho first hnlf of tho fiscnl year 1001-OBJ ilinrn wnrn (mtinrtnil front (llO Unltod) Staton twenty-four head of nssoa;? during tho Hocond half of tho year, 181 head. j FlrBt Man How do you do? Hoc-, ond Man Beg pardon, but you havo, tho advuntngo of mo. First Man Yos, I Bupposo I havo. Wo woro en gaged to tho mimo girl; but you mnrrlod hor. Tlt-BltB. There Is no lovo ho Btrong, so pas sionate, as that of a fool for his own volco. I H. M. BRANSON Fvprvthiriff for the Rsher man Hunter IT'S NHARIXG THE TIMI3 WI1UN YOU WILL NKE1) AN OUTFIT L17T US SHOW YOU OUR LINKS TIIKV ARE COMPLETE. Is your dog feeling woll this hot woather. If not, try a bot tle of Clayton. Dog Remodlos. Clayton's Dog Remodlos havo no equal. Try them. Tlie Mexk"H Burro, Vice Consul Albert de Baer of Mexico City, reitortinff on the rela 06Zt& njrj Ita . - f. , - tive commereUl poMlbllitUM of the . t GLENN GUERNSEY,