Hff-ilSfT JSJLi HM ".WW DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON F1H1IAY, JULY 12, 1007. T A TT "I A TfLTO A mttct abased wod, but no oihe seems XXnLJEv vJXTLJLaI i to fit this case. Every garment up to the Meyers & Sons Standard ate being sold at fom one-tbfad to a half less than iotwetly. Dress Goods J 00 pk-ci-H plain and mixed Niilt- Ing onc-luilf price. Ileimimita of Mlk find dri-HS goods unc-Imlf iirlce. 92.50 valuo IlrussrllH net", J I Indies wide, $J.7.'. Many other too iituneroiiH to mention. WAI An air of newness permeates or entire waist section. The many new styles of lingerie waists received during the past few days will surely impress upon you the extensiveness of oar showing of these stylish creations. There are so many models to choose from and all so reasonably priced. First floor, 2 doors west main store, Court St. Today Is Remnant Day A SNIP OF THE SHEARS. The length th.it falls on one nlde has been sold for foil price. The length that's left goes TODAY FOR HALF PRICE. Wash. Goods A showing of dainty designs and patterns. 25c values 9c yd SILK ORGANDIES 50c values 1 8c yd Men's Two-piece Stits What is yotfr price? Do yoa wisely limit your expenditures for clothing to a certain price? Anyway, you ought to be a critical buyer, anxious to secure the best that price permits. $ 1 5.00 Values $ i 2.50 Values $9-75 $7.75 I New Tailored Wash Belts A complete new line and assortment of black and tan leather belts. Broken Lines of Shoes FOR LESS THAN HALF Tan calf shoes, $3.50 values $.95; blue canvas $2 values 95cj patent slippers, $3.50 values $ J. 95; $3.50 patent oxfords $2.35; patent shoes, $3.50 values $2.45 A Nice Cool Drink of Hygenic Ice Water Free, Just Inside the Coutt Street Entrance, Main Store iail iii-..a sr jv a f rn I -2xrJ. tilVUVLJ SJZJOTMi U0e. Ill l " gaTTTTTTtTTMr WtSfmmma''mmmmm''mKmmm'mtm'mmmmm'm'mf''''''i!f''i'Bw WMIWHHIIIIMWWIIIIH eueAA 6 A g INCORPORATED cnA CITY NEWS X A Collection of Important Par- ftjfmptHi for Your OorhIiIiwhUoh WmminMimiiumgt Capital City Htowm Laundry- Will opun July in, under new man irsmont. SutUfuctlon guaranteed 1h ll work. All orders promptly walled for ami delivered, Phono ICG, Keeso & Strung, propH, 7-9-tf Will IteNiimo Work Monday Tlio Charles K. 8pnuldlug vuwtnlll, f thin city, which shut down on July 2d, In ordor that muoh-noodod ro jwlrs ho Hindu to thu engine, nnd awing to tho ucarolty of low, will atnrtod again during the ourly fonnod for the dofondantB. imri e: next week. Concert Tonight At tlio Spa Peerless orchestra, Oregon HultN Them. Churlos .Scott has returned from n visit In Oklahoma. Mr. and Mm. .ArnoH Scott nnd hoii, Carl, who went to Oklahoma several months ago to locate, will rotum In a fow weeks, Thoy say that Oregon lu good enough for thum. Concert Tonight At the Spa. Peerless orchestra. Holme Ioncn Sult lu the caso of Frank Holmes vs. Stayton Woolon Mills tho Jury yes- torday roturnod a verdict for tho do fondants. This suit was tried boforo Judgo Ilurnott, ami tho claim was vet forth as being for legal Borvlcos per- CIIHHIIV FAIR ENDS. A Highly Huct'ChNftil mill Mooting. Profitably Off to UlndMoiie George W. Hyro and family left this nioruliiK for a week at tho Chau tauqua nsnombly at nladstono Park. TWoy will have a constant feast of reason mid other good things, nnd CkorRe. Hr , won't mts n game of tHUwbnll, even If It brings him in lato tor the opening hymn occasionally MrCorklt (Ivu Verdict In tho appeal from tho Just too court of M. A. McCorklu, respondent', vt. William C. Tlllson, nppollnut. tho Jury returned a verdict for tho plain tiff for 137. 02, In department No. 1 of the circuit court this morning. Concert TonlKlit At the Spa Peerless orchestra. IT'S ALL RIGHT The Salem Shoe Store PRICES ALL RIGHT QUALITY ALL RIGHT And tho people trvat us all right, for they keep coming in num Vn Hint moro tlmu satisfy our expectation. Wo must bo mak Imk good, eh? Tho big cherry fair Is ovor, and the many visitors will loavo for their homos tonight. It was n highly suc cessful mooting, bringing togothor ninny of tho stnto'a most prominent fruit growers, and demonstrating that tho Wlllnmetto valloy Is tho greatest chorry country on earth. Much of tho success of tho nieetlnu wbb duo to tho Bplondld work of those having tho affair In charge, and too much prnUo cannot bo Klvon them. It Is qulto probable tho cher ry fair has como to stay, and that each succeeding yoar will find n blu- gor and bottor exhibit, of blggor and bettor chorrlos. It Is undoubtedly true that tho Interoit nwakonod In cherry culture, by tho fair, will bring forth fruits, which will be moro chorrlos. 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n h .i PERSONALS tiiiiiiini imiiiii Mini- Lemons at Special Price Saturday. W. A. Irvln & Co. Salem Shoe Store EYRC & MAPLCTHORPC Cast'M Sot for lloarlng. Tho following ensos hnvo bon mt for hoarlng by tho Orogon supremo ceurt: Ttiosdiiy, July 23 State of Oregon vs. Henry Carmody (two comk). State of Orogon vz. H. U Hmton. j Wednesday, July 24 August Krause vs. Orogon Iron and Steel Company. Stato of Orgoi . T. J. I.uper. I Thursday, July 26 Martha V. Davidson vs. A. J. KlolinrdsoN (r honrlng). Johnson, at al., vs. Sav- age, et nl. o- . Trout Fry Shlpintl, Thousands of trout lr; are being shipped away from the xClaekamn. station of tho United Statoa bureau of fisheries to Orogon and Washing, ton points, and Thursday a ship meut of 26.000 Eastorn brook trout .went to H. Helf, state flah warden tfor King county, at Soattle; 13,000 rainbow trout to La Grand t .. Jacont streams; 2000 rainbow trout to O. Pierce, of Hood River 2000 rainbow trout to Cajcado Locks, and 5000 rainbow trout to L. 8, FrlU, f Tk Dalles, hola ihtni to M osier. Wllllnm S. Walton loft today for Portland on buslnoss. George Grlswold left today for nn I outing nt Newport. Hon. Claud Gatch left today for nn outing at Newport. Mrs. II, M. Uransou loft today for a short outing at Newport. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. G. Dockcbach loft today for nn outing nt tho boach. Miss Helen Stolwor of Jefferson is guest of Salem frlonds and rolatlvos. Mrs. M. J. Uarnett left todiiv fnr Portland to visit rolatlvos. Mrs. N. II. Loonoy, of tho reform school, is visiting In tho city. Mrs. A. M. Stump left this morn ing for a visit In Portland, Mr, and Mrs. S. L. Hulon, or Tur ner, are In tho city on buslnoss. Mrs. A. E. Starr loft today for CInqknma8 to visit friends. Mrs. Grnco Chonowth loft today for a visit in Portland. Miss Caroline Dick has gone to Portland for a visit to relatlvos. Miss Ilaulnh Holman. after n visit to Miss Luolllo llelle, has returned to her homo In Portland. Goo. P. Folts, of Portlnnd. arrival mis mornuig to attend tha oliwry fair. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cal Moretn hnv gono to Eugane for an outing In the mountains. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Atwood of luiiiiuiusn. waan., ar vlsltlnc in th! city. Mr. nnd Mra. Ohnrlas Hinges have gone to Newport for an outlne on hrt boaoh. Mrs. J. H. Gllman and dauchtn Miss Leln, of Spokane, are cuiL of Miss Velma Glover of this city. .miss lessa Dont. who hn i the guest of Miss Marie Hofor, has roturneu to her nomo In Portland. Superintendent James, of tha prison, nnd Mrs. Jamos left ,r. ,i Mrs .Tohn Valentine, after ." 'ii tur n a. Jl. convention at iNewborg and visiting Salem friends, have returned to their home In ttose- I Mrs. David B. Smith left today for her home In Gates, after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Kress, of this city. Mrs. J. H. Hnll and daughter, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J Webster Holmes, left this inornbig fnr thPir home In Portland. Miss Carrie Grimes, of Burling ton, Kansas, who ha3 been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cntlln, has gone to Portlnnd for a short visit. MUs Mildred Kelly, of Wisconsin, ,..i, imo impn vlaltinc her brother, V. F. Kelly, of this city, has gone to' Woodburn to be the guest oi rela tives. Mr. and Mr3. Ed. Hazard have re turned from n little outing on the Columbia river. Mr. Hazard Is ox- jpocting a visit from a brother who i lives in New York. Mrs. R. H. Wormoth, of Portlnnd, 'after n visit here, has returned to .her home. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. II. Heckmnn, and nephew, Chester Hcckman, who will visit In the metropolis. Mr. and Mrs. A. Spangler, of Iowa, wlm hnvc benn vlsitlnir in the city nnd taking in the cherry show, left this mornlnc for Portland. This Is their first visit to Snlem. nnd thoy are very favorably impressed with tho city and surrounding country. Mlhvnukle Merchants Kitk Mllwnukie merchants hnv .'. complaint with tho railroad com ' - na in,ji nuate service. Thev elm.. .,. bv IQA fcfci ivlfli rltimnlnir trnnrlei n. r()t ...v.. , o n--.j uu ,n and with no protection from ' rnln. k Sicily Lemons Special price Saturday, w S ..I., a nn ' fc lit L W. Mrs. J. W. Driver, of aii. -- "luauv. r. Mrs. J. W. I'lUHns. nf ai..'. 2 Wash., are visiting their ParJi I'ntirnin nnri nira Mmt.n.i .. t '" - """"'"I una theft brother, Silas, tho well-known LIU in-i vji iiiia uiij'. Special- Price on lemons Saturday. lrviu . vju. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Snlem. L. M. Morley, Sllverton, Mrs. Seth Leavens, Portland. M. Remllngor, Vancouver, Wash. L. Rcmllnger, do, Daniel Klein, Roanoke, Va. S. M. Daniel, Monmouth, J. D. Qulnn, Portlnnd. John A. Stewart, Christopher, C. R. Grelsen, Hood River. Chris. Zelnier, San Francisco. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Spangler, Adnlr, Iowa. J. C. Lehman nnd wife, Molnlln, Oregon. Wm. OIso, HuBiim, Wash. W. N. Paton, Mllford, la. J. Hanson, Salem, H. WIntze, Chicago. Win. F. JncobB, San Francisco. II. M. Rombough, Hull. W. E. Burns nnd wife, Hutchinson Willamette. E. E.' Whiting, Chlcngo. H. K. Lawson, Portland. J. L. Smith, San Francisco. J. E. Mayor, Portland. F. A. Frozlor, Portland. Miss Clydo Nalvoss. MIbs Hoyto, Seattle. Norris Grogg, Portland. II. A. Forbos, San Francisco. C. A. Cogswoll, Portland, M. O. Lownsdnle, LaFayotto. Hubbard Bryant, Albany. A. B. Cordley, Corvnllls. C. C. Ue, Chicago. Jas. McKlllop, Portlnnd. S. L. Jonklns, San Francisco. Chas. Blom, Portland. M. H. Gllbertson, Portland. George H. Benedict, Portland. Wm. II. Barry, Portland. II. T. Johnson, Portlnnd. Jamos V. Sayro, Portland. George W. Holcomb, Portland. A. J. Honnoman, Portland. E. H. Shepard, Hood River. Cottage. v W. II, Rold, an Francisco. J. Touschor, Jr., Portlnnd, Phllomson Jones, Newberg. G. D. Banniste, Newberg. John M. Scott, city. W, H. Jonklns, city. J. B. Ryan, Portland, A. Nondol, Woodburn. Asks Delivery of Goods Rev. J. It. Comer, of this city, if filed a complaint In the rall'J; commission office against the Somvl ern Pacific Company to have certiij liousenom goous ueiiverea to hhai1 Salem, which had been shinned f- Kansas, and, by being missent, jjj noiu in i-urwumi. i no cnarges W prepnld in Kansas, but ns the e: wore sent from San Francisco ti Portland by uoat, they are held b tho steamship company for an tional charge of $198.42, before ft. uvoring the goods to tho Souths Pacific. BORN. AUFRANCE At tho resldenco aboet three miles east of Salem. TW day, July 11, 1907, to Mr. itj Mrs. E. E. Aufranco, an eight.' pound daughter. Lemons! Lemons! Lemons! Special price Saturday. W. A. wl vin & Co. 3 Cninpers Drownctl. Springfield, Ky., July 12. Four! members of n camping pnrty, Nellis Noo, Mnry Comstock, Jacob Pari-j grow and n colored boy, W drowned today In Littlo Beech Fort Tho boat was overturned by a audita' squall. A "General" Inspection &Wii mi Siivctl All Right. Two fnrmors woro Btnndlng oj tho rondsldo tnlklng ovor town top- les, when Sllns said: "1 hear Mrs. Jones Baved her kw band from a drunkard's grave." jiirnm inquired: "Don't aj why dpw did sho do It?" Sllns Sho hnd him cromatcd.-J Judge's Library. o Governor Hughes says reason li his only guide. That's ono that most of tho politicians hnvo overlooked! Baltlmoro Sun. o Hill Nye'H Cow. Bill Nye, tho humorist, onco hdi cow to soil, tho Btory goes, and id vertlsed hor as follews: "Owing to my ill hcnlth, I will sell at my resl denco in township 19, range 18, ac cording to tho govornmont sumj; ono plush rnspborry cow, age clgbt years. Sho Is of undoubtod courage nnd gives milk frequently. To a man who does not fear death In any form sho would bo n great boon. Shs h very much nttnehed to hor present homo with n Btaychaln, but she wW be sold to any one who will agree to treat her right. Sho Is one-fourth Shorthorn nnd three-fourths hyena. I will also throw In a double barrel shutgun, which goes with her. I May sho usually coes away for weok or two nnd returns with a tall, red calf with wobbly legs. Her name Is Rose. I would rather sell her to a non-resident." ..MONEY TO LOAN.. THOMAS K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem. Or. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Ageat Office with Wm. Brown & Co., Ko las Commercial street. NEW TODAY morning for a visit to Chautauqua Secretary Forbes of the local v. M. a A. has returned from SonMA whoro he attended the Y. M. C, A. convention. Mrs. John Sholund left this morn lug for qranU Puss where she will Join MIsi Gertrude Galbralth in . Of our superior linos of groceries Is respectfully reouesteJ. w .. that a trial, after inspection, will re. au' m eniutlug you as a porma. nont customer. Our goods are all chosen with a view tn hi. .?" th,s ,f 2i-afvd aro thus ,n position to offer them to our cu ZTl ft guarantee. Wo do nnr c,i nTt3 f,VUtUr 6a,e3' but a point of havintr ...m.. , . Hsht along. ""' "b ire3U Moir Grocerv Tn Awr t- -w.x Notice on and after July 1, B. P Ryan's real esUit, loan, insurant and employment offlco will bo Commercial Hall, corner of Com mercial and Center streets. 6-23-tf Lost Street car conductor's puncb somewhere on State street Hne Finder leave at electric office, cor ner nf sfnto nmi nommercU' streets. 7-12-St Lost Male Collie, with characteris tic markB, ono mllo west of Cne mawa, July 10, Wore leather col lar with short ropo attached. Ft' er will receive reward by notiff' trip to CrUc Lakt. noo latest. Phi82 ing ST. W. Coopr, Cbema- 7-1S-" ITMJ ul a an m i