DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1007. 3 OREGON SIENNA PAINT COMPANY utonj MANUFACTURERS OF sann j . aitioil hand avorj I SJSy I leai B I PAINTS, WOOD FILLERS, STAINS I S -- " ! I , , I 111 1 I , , .-....- 1 111,1 , . II , AM ISFIEI J1IOL' VLBlti Giai MOV TO an; K TER cihpJ ng, aKfa oW Gre lade in Oregon" cuj 1, ful above slogan is n good ono for Oregon but wo should raako it mean somo- Tho American people nro ready to homo product when it is aB good as and they should not buy It unless it is ' But when you can buy a nomo pro- Quapat s 'J0ttcr t,mn anythlns elfl0 of tho Ijtbo world, of course, thoro is no room gument. Such is tho coso with tho Oro- enna Paint, mnnuiaciureu ni saicm. in nt our stato nas urougui upon mo t a product mat win not oniy auu i but also stoning commercial ropuin- i'her credit. orocon Slonna Paint Company's mine tM near .tho Willamette Rivor, in tho Astern part of Lane County, two milcB c walker, a small town on tno mam f the Southern l'nciiic u. it. iioro wo sixty-two acres, undor wiilcli lies "Slon- the king of pnint pigments. paint pigment when scientifically pro- maKCS nn einsuc imiui; una timt win e. crack, scalo or blister; ono tnat will the olemcut3 of weathor. s Is the greatest Slerinn Paint Mino in orld. and tlio only Blonna Paint Mlno tins moro than ono natural color. ; Oregon Slcnnn Paint Company's Mlno mm lorty-iwo natural snaucs, anu py og can mako many moro. Analysis. egon's Sienna sIiowb tho highest analysis ilnt properties, as shown by Thomns & Sou, analytical and consulting chom- 509 Commercial street, San Francisco, given as follews: Per Cent. n Dlosido ...... 40.12 IcOxIdo . 13.02 ou Oxldo 2.G3 Inum Oxldo '. 1-1.12 am Oxldo 0.12 ledum Oxide 0.G3 20.18 .lies and loss :..'. 0.08 mn.nn tfJT jjjition to tho nbovo wo lmvo had n test mado by tho U. S. Government En- gineers, tho results of which aro sot forth in tho following letter: Portland, Ore., Aug. f, 190G. Tho Oregon Sienna Paint Co., G12 McKay Building, Portland, Oregen: Gentlomen: I havo boon using ono of your Slonna Points as a ruddlo for marking crucibles, scoriflers and pupols in my assay work. I find .that It makes an excollont paint for this purposo, nnd can bo boated to 1200 dog..-1300 dcg. C. or from 2192 dog.-2372' dog. F. without burning off or changing color In tho least. I tako great pleasuro in recom mondlng it for uso whoro subjected to high temperatures. Yours truly, FREDERICK W. IIORTON, In chargo of U. S. Q. S. Assay at Lewis & Clark Exposition. In past years tho Sienna of tho world camo from Tuscany, Italy, producing but ono color, "yollow," when burnt changed to a reddish brown, known as "burnt Slonna." A few years ngo a mirio of liko charactor was dis covered in Pennsylvania producing but ono color "yollow," nnd when burnt changed to n reddish brown. For years thoso two mines was all tho world contained Statistics show that tho great volumo of Slonna used In America comes from Italy. Tho latest U. S. government roports of minornl resources show tho production of Sl onna in tho United States as about 3G0,000 pounds. Tho imports for .tho same year woro 1.S73, G32 pounds, in tho dry, and 1,387 pounds ground in oil. Slonna is ncknowlodgo ovorywhoro ns tho best paint pigment known, but in tho past it has been too expensive to uso for gonornl purposoa owing to tho coat of importation. But slnco tho dlscovory of tho groat Oregon Slonna paint mines it is producod cheaper than lead or zinc, and hns wearing qualities that aro far superior to cither. Besides all this our Slonna Paint is cheaper than any paint on tho market. Bosldcs, tho white lend paints nro much less adhosivo .to the surfaces to which they aro applied and havo a marked tondoncy to rub oft or blister. Tho Oregon Slonna Paint Co. will propaio nnd manufacturo tho nearest porfoct paint that It is possible to produce, from tho high est grndo of Slonna, and tho best quality lin seed oil obtainable; also dry point of liko quality. Testimonials. Salem, Ore., May 20, 1907. Tho Oregon Sienna Paint Co., Salem, Ore: Gontlemon: Your Sienna Paint is giving us good satisfaction in ovory way both out side and Insldo and wo considor it a superior ready-mixed paint, and boliovo it worthy of alt you claim fo It. Whenovor wo nro in tho mnrkct foj; paint you will hear from us nnd wo would bo glad to recommend it to any ono wanting a good paint. Yours truly, MUTUAL CANNING CO. Salem, Ore., Juno 15, 1907. Tho Oregon Slonna Pnint Co., Salem, Ore.: Donr Sirs: Tho paints which wo lately purchased from your company and used on our various buildings havo glvon good satis faction. Tho color is good, they work nlcoly and mako a good finish. Also tho stain and hnrd flllors which wo used on tho Insldo work mukes a good llnish. We aro thoreforo well pleased with, your goods. Respectfully, THOMAS KAY WOOLEN MILL CO. Portland, Ore., May 1C, 1907. Mr. D. II. Woyant of Oregon Sienna Paint Cempany: Dear Sir: I havo used sovoral barrels of your proivircd paint on boat work and am pleased to Bay that it has givon flrst-clnss satisfaction. It covers well and so fnr as my oxporionco with it goeB, it is durable. I havo tried nenrly nil tho prepared paintc in this market nnd havo had to discard thorn for ono reason and another. Yqu paint has proved a surprise 'to mo us I had como to tho conclusion that tho only way to got a satisfactory paint was to buy tho load and oil and mix it here. I am glad to bo ablo to uso an Oregon product, nnd am moro glad to find It superior to all others that I havo tried. You may sond mo nt onco another bar rel, of bargo red and a barrel of whito for iminedlnto uso. Yours very truly, JOSEPH SUPPLE. Salem, Ore., Juno 8, 1 907. Tho Orogon Sienna Paint Co., Oalom, Oro.: Gontlemon: Wo doslro to stnto In reply to your inquiry as to whether wo havo been Batlsflod with tho product of your fnctory, that.lt gives us pleasuro to answer In tho nmrmativo. Wo havo been using your Slon na Paints for tho past year and tho snmo havo given tho vory 'boat of antlsfaetion. Wo shall continuo 'to uso thorn and wo heartily recommend their use to tho gonornl trndo. Yours truly, SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, F. G. DECKEBACII, VIco President. Salem, Ore, Juno 11, 197. Mr. D. II. Woyant, Mgr., of Tho Slonna Paint Co., Salem, Oro.: Dear Sir: I havo been using your paints ever sinco thoy woro first put on the market and I find them entirely satisfactory. I painted nn old house Hint was badly woathor benten and put on two very hoavy coats dur ing ,tho very hottest pnrt of Inst summer nnd thoro hns been absolutely no blistering whntover. I nm glad to gtvo tlilo unsolicited testimonial. Yours truly, C. O. BOYBR. P. S.: Wo aro going to uso your paints en tirely ou tho College of Music building soon to bo plnced on tho camp mi. C. O. B. Wo havo horotoforo staled- that wo havo a paint plgmont that is king of nil other paint pigments. Why? First: Bocnuso it Is a puro minornl plg mont. Socend: Bocnuso wo enn produco over forty-two natural shades. Third: Bccauso it Is moro adhosivo to tho surfaco to which It is applied. Bcalo or blister. Feurth: Bccauso it will not fado, crack, Fifth: Bccauso it is olastk. Sixth: DocaiiBO It will bo scientifically prepared in 'the purest boilod Unseed oil ob tainable, giving to tho public tho purest pnint poHslblo to manufacture. Wo uso nothing but tho host linsood oil. Seventh: Bccnuno Orogon Slonna Paint onco used nhvays UHcd. For pricos, tonus or color samples address? THE OREGON SIENNA PAINT CO., Salem, Oro. Sua Temple? Found. 0, July 10. In threo crum- tumns of snndBtono, in nn wccesslblo region of Nubia, aes Henry Breasted, of tho T of Chicago, hns disco v- only remaining monument .ton, "the grontost of tho ," nnd ended a search of an 3000 years by tho scion- centuries past. Tho rolics, to bo the most vnlunblo he preufnt century, nro all left of the gorgeous Sun 'f S.sebl, in tho burled city tn. sor Robert F. Ilarnor. of ferslty, director of tho orlon- watlon fund, undor which r Dreastcd worked, received 1 today In a bulky letter ofessor Bnastod. Tho llfo the famous Pharaoh lies all lt)le at the foot of tho third of tho Nile, approached by iserous rapids that oxnlor- P' century havo feared to n. Tho temnlo nnd tha been h in a great plain I wes f,om tho N1, t t. "9 Sa' .1 desnrr i0r Rr i il uncovered tho is of iK'ihaton in tho midst wheal desert storm. which lm to W v tho rolics only a a t.mo before seeking In spl'c t,r this, ho took nu Pnotographs mil drawings, ond dispute tho authon D's discovery. Ho wnn orced i fv,-, frnm i, .w. wiu M.VUU auser o' tho falling Nilo. DRAW :CKS. . . kns accounts enable folks lp0!'t their money and re- Passbo, k, against thew tu thoy aro permitted to rtecks. k ttar be given to parties 8ch umg as desired, taut P tre1ent trlpa to tae Nested call and tee u. lt State Bank S4. PrfWe.t LARD. nii. " ' In addition to tho Pennsylvnnin delegates the Knox boom is weighted down with tho endorsement of bov eral Pittsburg millionaires. o Tho Magic No. 3. Number threo' is a wondorf ul mas cot for Geo. H. ParriB of Cedar Grove, Mo., according to a lottor which reads: "Aftor aufforlng much with liver and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by tho 'alluro to find roliuf, I triod Eloctrio Bittors, and as a result I cm a woll man today. Tho first bottle rollovod on1 Mirin lintfln nnmnlAtn fTin nnrn Guranteod bost on earth for stomach, livor and kidnoy troubles, by J. C. Perry druggist. GOc. In viow of tho stories thoy havo been forced to wlro out wo do not blnmo tho Snn Francisco telegraph ers for striking for shorter hours nnd bettor wages. Mr. Rockefeller has pnld a fine for "scorching" with his automobile Up to dato ho has not paid Taxo3 that flno for "burning thorn up." o Tho Charming Woman is not necossarlly ono of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who could novor sorvo as an artist's model, possesses thoso raro qualltlos that all ho world admires; neatness, clear eyes, clean, smooth skin and tliat sprightliness of stop and action that accompany jooJ health. A phys ically weak woman Is never attroc tlvo, not oven to horsolf. Eloctric Blttors restoro weak vomon, glvo strong norvos, bright eyes, smooth, volvoty skin, beautiful complexion. Guaranteed at J. C. Perry, druglgst, SOc. With a ?24,000,000 dividond on a $12,000,000 capital tho Adams Ex press company does not seem to bo on tho ovo of bankruptcy. o The Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mail for $1. Dr. H. W. Hall, 2926 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. lead for testimonial . Sold by Stone's drag store. 4w-lyr o . Tho New York World, having re ceived tho answer to its question, "What Is a Democrat?" should not blame others because it Is not ablo to graBp It. A Meiaor&blo Day. Ono of tho days wo remember with pleasure, as well as with profit to our health on which we became ac qaulnted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the paialeM purller that ere feeadaeha and bllltouinegn; aad keep th bowel right. 25e at J.C. Perry Arvm'wion, Deafness Cannot bo Cured by local applications, "nB thoy cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho oar. Thoro is only ono way to euro deafness ,nnd that is by constitution al romedics. Deafness is caused by nn inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of the Eustachian Tubo. When this tubo Is inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or lmporfoct hear ing, nnd when It Is ontlroly closed, DenfnoBs Is tho result, and unless tho inflammation can bo tnkon out nnd this tubo restored to its normnl condition, hoarlng will bo destroyed forovor; nlno cases out of tort nro caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tho mu cou surfaces. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dol lars for any case of Doafnoss (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Sond for cir culars, freo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., -Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 7Gc. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. If ProBidont Roosevelt wnnts to fncklo a really llvo question, lot him considor a fow momonts tho addlo putod man who porslsts in rocking tho boat. STEER THIS WAY Senator-elect Goro of Oklahoma has been blind sinco boyhood. But he has been able to seo a great many ovlls perpetrated by tho trusts and monopolies. o All tho World. knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment has no superior for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Cuts, Sffralns, Lum bago and all pains. Buy It, try it and you will always uso it. Any body who has used Ballard's Snow Liniment is a living proof of what It does. AH wo ask of you lsto gat a trial bottlo. Prico 25c, GOc and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. . o It strikes tho unprejudiced obser ver that the Japaneso aro awfully anxious to secure admission Into a country whore they claim to bo so badly troated. Tho Doctor Away from Home When Most Needed. Pooplo aro vory much disappoint ed to find that tlnlr family physician io away from homo whon thoy most need his sorvlccs. Diseases liko cramp colic and cholora morbus roqulro prompt trentmont, and havo lu many instances proven fatal boforo modi cino could bo procured from or a physician summouoJ. Tho right way is to keop on hand a bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy No physician can proscrlbo a bettor modlclno for thoso diseases. By having it in tho houso you oscipo much pain and sufforlng aud all rl3k.' Buy it now; It may cavo llfo. For salo by Dr. Stono's Drue Storo. o " A largo numbor of newspapers owned by men who also own tho rnll- , roads nro oxplnlnlng why Governor Hughes was right In vetoing tho two cont faro law. O1 " Best Meeliclno In tho World for Colic and Diarrhewit. "I find Chamberlain's Colic, Chol ora and Diarrhoea Romedy to bo tho best romedy in tho world," says Mr. C. L. Cartor of Sklrum, Ala. I am sub ject to colic and diarrhoea. Iat spring it scorned as though I would die, and I think I- would if I hadn't tnkon Chamborlaln's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy. I haven't beon troubled with It sinco until this week, when I had a vory severe at tack and took half a bottlo of twon-ty-flvo cent olzo Chamborlaln's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Romedy, and this morning I fool liko a new man." For salo by Dr. Stono's Drug Store. for your Boof, Pork, Lamb, Mutton and Veal and you will got tho finest Moat ovor killed. Tho tasty, Juicy, appotizing kind that makes yo'u want moro aftor tho first holping. Only tho bost fod cattle are evor klllod for our trado, and our cus tomers may always roly upon tho vory best quality of meat, cleanly and proporly dnuued, and In every way fit for the boat tables. o F. A. Kurtz Phone 205 277 N. Com. St. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR Will treat you with Oriental herbs and euro any disease without operatic or pain. Dr. Kum la known evorywhero ia Salem, nnd has curod many promi&eat pooplo hero. Do has lived in S&Ioai for 20 ycras, and can bo trurtod. He uaus many medicines unknown to white dootorB, and with thorn caa eure entarrb, asthma, lung trouble, rhea matiam, stomach, livor, and kidney; dis ease. Dr. Kum makos a specialty of dropsy and female troubles. nis remedies eure prlvato diseases whoa everything elso fails. He has hundreds of teotl monlals, and glvca consultation free. Prices for medicines very moderate. Persons in tho country en write for blank. Bend stamp. If job want some ftxtra flno toa, get It from ua. DR. KUM BOW WO CO., 107 South Hlgk street, Salem, Ocegoa. I I H I 1 1 HI I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ) It 1 1 i: Salem's Favorite ;; Best Cooking : !! HAIIKKT IJATAIILK8 '.'. CHOICEST FRUITS ; Always Served nt tho ; ; J White House Restaurant : : McGilchriBt & Son., Props. ',', luiiiiiunniiiiiiinni Abraliam Lincoln was a man who, against all odds, attained tho highest honor a man can got In tho United States. Bal-1 in the body. JEIerbiae will keep it In jara s iiorenouna syrup nas auainuu. cuumuua, v. j. rii General Funston's remnrk about tho "unwhlpppd mob" Is Jn vory poor taste. That "unwhipped mob" helps to pay for tho Funston,Ian ehoulderstraps. . o " There Are Few People who know how to take care of themselves the majority do not. Tho liver Is a most Important orgaa a place, nevr equalled by any other liko romedy. It is a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Influen za and all Pulmonary dlseasej. livery mother should keep supplied ytHh ibis wosuterful cough mediciae. 8o44 by D. J. Fry. Alba, Texas, writes: "I hava used Herblae for Shllls and Fever and lad It the best medicine I ever used. I would not be without it. It is as goood fer children as R Is for grewa-UF seph I and I recommend It. It is 1m fj La Grlpps." Sold hy D. J, Fry. ' ATTENTION IS DniISOTEO TO KPPLEV'S PERFECTION RAKING POWDKIt. IT IS A I1RANI) THAT IS FAR ABOVE THE AVERAGE AT A POPULAR PRICE. PUT UP IN GLASS JARS. HANDLED AND SOLD BY ALL LEADING GROCERS AND DEALERS. MANUFACTURED RY ,0. M. EP PLKY, SALEM, OR. BUTTERNUT BREAD- It is worth mors thaa aay etas: bread, yet the pries Is bo higher Fer sals at your grocer's. CALTKOKJflA HAKMKY. THiBBSftsUI A" CMUBF IHssMbsbI. S JBSWaPBf fJSV 1BIBSB f 4V svstbtw WiLTiAMuriTia li'imiT AND PRODUCE CO. Wholesale dealors and commission merchants. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry, otc. W. E, Cummlngs andi C. A. Wltcraft, Cottlo block, Sa eom, Or.; J. O. Stupleton, 8G Uniou Avenuo, Portland. CHICHESTER'S PILLS W? TUB DIAMOND IIKANW. y I Idlr.l A.U ryrlrurUUAl thlHikM-Ur DIlM. Jrudy 'III In K.d (ml tl.ld iwUlliAVy Ijic, nlil villi hu mUiva. V I Tile wilier, Htir of rouf. V J Hrtuffl.t. Atkriri.OMV.M.TKK1C SlASTWNH IIKA.M I'll.lJI. fcf ii Jt.lt ykiowniillot,JUlot,AIylKlUila SOID SV DftUGOISTS EVERVVKERE' HOLUSTErV Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggafs A Dair Modlelne for Boiy PmdU. Sriass QolJin Health tod Rntw4 Vigor, X sp 'IlJo ror ejiulliutlon, lodlgMtloa, I.lv.' nil Ki.nuy Trouble". ririii)le. Kotma, Inmur HUxni Dad Uroall). HIukuUIi HowcU, UMuinclut and Kliinoy 'froublw, oii HackitcIiM. Jt'u Kooky MoumUIb Tm l UU lt form. 8.1 cents a box. (JeuulM Hto4a itn .