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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1007. U x m h HOFER BROS., Pushers and Proprietors E. IIOFEH, Editor. A. P.' HOFER, Manager. TDK JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LABOR. GOOD f FATE. Two shall bo born, the whole wldo world apart, And Bpcak la dlfforont tongues, and hnvo no thought Each of tho other's bolng; and have no heed; And those, o'er unknown Bean to unknown lands Shall croaa, escaping wreck; dofylng death; And, all unconsciously, shape every act to this one end That, bno day, out of darkness, they shall meet And read llfo's moaning In each other's eyos, And two Hhall walk somo narrow way of llfo So nearly Bide by sldo that, should one turn Evor so llttlo Bpaco to right or loft, Thoy needs must stand acknowledged face to face. And yet, with wistful eyes that nover moot. With groping hands that never clasp; and lips Calling In vain to oars that novor hear; Thoy seolc oach other all tholr weary days And (llo unsatisfied. And that Is fatol Susan M. Spauldlng. o" THE FIGHTING JAP. NORMAL SCHOOL BOARD Organized and Asks for Information On Which to Base Its Work TEXAS GIVES HERSELF A BIG JOLT Allelic talk about war botweon Japan and tho Unltod Stntos Is much tuaggoratcd by tho yellow Journals. Rut ihoro Is ono fact about tho Japs that .MUST NOT HE OVER IOOKED OR DISCOUNTED FOIt A MOMENT. Thoy are a fighting nation, and an undovoloped and uncivilized mom Lcr of tho family of stiitcs. Llko a llttlo follow In a lumber or mining camp, who has Mcleod two W follows, HE THINKS HE CAS Willi' ANYONE. Tho Japs hnvo Hckod tho CIiIiioho and tho Russian In tho past few years, and hellovo tholr destiny llos In warfnro. Tho llttlo scrapper In tho mining or logging ramp will novor quit hi Dghltug uaroor until ho has boon licked out of his boots. There will he no pence In t,lie world until tho lighting Jap HAS HAD A GOOD THRESHING. It may bo the unpleasant duly or Undo Sam to do that Job. JIo should bo ready, and make thorough work of It. ' - ' o THE CAUSE OF A VhKAS SENATE. The first meeting of the board of regents for tho normal schools of Or egon was hold Wednesday, and or ganized by electing Governor Cham berlain president of ftlio board and C. L. Starr, of Polk county, secre tary. Tho secretary at onco entered upon his duties, and sent to each of tho Institutions a resolution of the board asking for an Inventory of the property, a financial statement, and notifying the presidents of the Insti tutions to moot nnd submit a tenta tive courso of study to the next meeting of the board. Govornor Chnmhorlalu linn taught school. Suporintondont of Public Instruction Ackorman Is probably tho leading educator on tho Pacific coaBt today. 'cont of'the rosorvo on Toxas business Austin, Tox., July 11. Some of the mo3t drastic laws over passed by the legislature of any state were en acted at the session of the Thirtieth Toxas general assembly and will be come effective tomorrow. As a re sult, nearly all tho larger llfo In surance companies will close their offices and retire from tho state to day, many bucket shops will quit business and tho saloons of Texas will bo closed for ten or twenty days or until new licenses can bo secured. This Is only a small part of the imvoc worked by tho solons and many declare that they "didn't know it was loaded" when they fired tho legislative broadside. By tho terms of tho Robertson bill regulating life insuranco companies, all companlos doing business in tho stnto nro required to deposit 75 per Folger's Golden Gate Tes are packed flavor-tight in dust-proof cartoi They reach the tea drinker in the san clean, pure, perfect conditio in which they left the ham of our tea experts. Six flavoi r-Si EX- tho Tho Orogon political machlno hns dotihtliwH decided that tho ill root -olootlon of Utiltod States sountorH is unprofitable. It loaves the Ioglslnturo with nothing to do but ratify THE MIHHHICI) WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Tho corporations mid tho big grafting politicians who bundled lilg sacks bofoio and during tho olootlon oppposo popular oloollon. Honno tho machine organs decry tho dlroct nomination and tho dlroct 'olootlon of United SluloH senators. Ilonco tho machine candldaloH have cotno out early In opposition to 'direct nomination and dlroct election of United States sunntorfl. Tho Republican luadors In Oregon hnvo noarly all gono buck on stato Tiient No. 1 WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It inoanii that tho Aaron ilurr and llonodlct Arnold t-lnss of politicians hnvo no iiho for a slmplo and unity method, froo from corruption. Tho rauso of a clean United States sonato Is bolng abandoned In Oro Kon, UNDER THE GUIHE OF PEOTECriNG THE REPUUMCAN PARTV Tho Orogonlan of July Oth had tho following editorial, which you ran read both ways: "Klvo or hIx men nro starting In nl ready to got tho Ropubllcan nomina tion for (ho ofllco of United Statos sonator. A word right horo to thoso onthuHjnHlH. If thoy don't kliow It thoy ought to know It; that THE MAN WHO MA (JET THE PM'tlAMTV NOMINATION WILL UN KNIFED' IN THE UENERAh ELECTION V THE SUPPORTERS OK AM. THE REST, AND THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE WILL COME OUT AHEAD. This will shelve every one or tho Republican candldntwt; and tho IeglHlaturo then will decldo It iiv ELECTION OP SOME .MAN WHO WAS NOT IN THE RUNNING, m gon.ral It may bo sot down as nuioiuiM nun mo majority puny, under the present primary system, novor will elect a candidate to any leading olllce. It might bo a good thing for aHplring politicians to note this, AND THEN CLIPTHE WINGS OP THEIR AMIUTIOUS HUSKIES." In other word, wo are unwilling to mo before the people upon the principle of a cloivn somite. Tho old way, under which the Honntorahlps woro gold In tho tthumhlea of corruption SEE.M TO SUIT THE AVERAGE POLITICAL HUCKSTER 1IETTEE. Secrotnry Starr has a reputation of bolng one of the most progressive county Huperlntoudouts of tho stnto. Ifo rocontly rosignod to bocomo edi tor of a country newspaper, when ho wait getting $1000 a year, which shows that ho Is a man of norvo nnd dntorprlBo. II. J. Mnlor, of Tho Dallos, Is a momher of tho board of education of his city, and was ono of the main factors that secured the lino high school for that city, llo Is one of tho foromost business in on of Wasco county, and has a positive K'nowlodgo of tho value of fuol nnd other Htippllo. County Suporlntondent Drngg, of tho board Is considered the lending educator of tho Inland Emplro, whllo Mr. Spouco has boon a country school tonohor, and Is now n successful farmer, and mombor of the oxccutlvo council of tho Stato Grange A com mittee was appointed to draft rulos for tho government of tho board of rogonts, composed of E. Hofor, J. If. ! J.A.fol9eriG a UnnLl (jOluciiuaie tlSN eBAO1 TEA I IV I H m. 1GJ Coylon Gunpowder Japan English Broahfa . Oolor 'BlacH (Si Gree To all who enjoy a cu of fragrant, full flavored, fu bodied tea there is no equj The choice of flavor to Folger's Golden Gate Te is a matter of taste. J. A. Folder (EL Co. iSan Francisct Importers of Pure Teas Insldo tho state, and pay a tax of 1 per cont on gross premiums collect ed. Among tho companlos which have loft tho stato rather than com ply with tho torma of this law aro the Now York Llfo, New York Mu tual Llfo, Northwestern Mutual, Equitable Llfo, Manhattan Llfo, Home Life and Massachusetts Llfo, While the big companies nro leav ing, uumorous smaller concerns have applied or permission to conduct ofllcps In Toxas and the citizens of tho state will not bo deprived of op portunity to got llfo Insurance, lloreafter pulley holders of tho de serting life Insuranco companies will hnvo to remit premiums due to the agents In Texas for tho collection of premiums on luminous socured prior to the time of withdrawal or ovon to collect such premiums through any bnnk or other agency within tho state. Tho loss of rovonuo to Texas will bo about $200,000 or nbout onc twontleth of the stnto's annual In- Ackorman and C. E. Sponco. Tho coino from all sourcos. Tho action board Is called to moot next Thurs- ol tho Association of Life Insuranco Presidents In deciding to withdraw NovortheloHH, statement No. 1 U not dend, nor asleep. It will not bo 0,lt 0,,l("' of l,l Mlti City newspn abandoned by tho people without a struggle, Is It true that candidate of tho dlmcl primary are. knifed by the Hiippoitorrt of the tithor itHplratitH? IT HAS NOT REKN TRUE IN ORIMJON, fiom Jonathan lloiimu to tho manliest city otllcos. Tho last Rupubllrnn legislature was strongor from the party stand point than any that was over olocted In Orogon too strong. It I a froo country. Any man lias a right to bo a candidate for nuv nllluu, WITHOUT CONSULTING THE MACHINE OR THE ROSSES, The people might as well begin at onco orgtmUlng their campaign to rotalu the rights thoy now have of adlrect vote on U. 8. senators. M tho onomlos of direct election show their hands early In the gamo. Thou tho people will know what course to take. uay at l p. m Win. I). Ayro, of Portlnnd, nnd Secrotnry of Stato Reason could not be prosont at tho first mooting of tho board, but both aro strong mon for tho work of reorganizing tho nor mal schools upon a busluoss nnd ed ucational basis. . The soloctlon of a secrotnry was not a matter of politics. Tho mom bors of the board dollberatoly onn- Mtssod the situation, and both Starr and County Suporlntondent Mooros received auloglos at tho hands of gov ern! members of the board, who spoke on the subject of iuall(lcnttous for that olllce. Mr. Sturr was In structed by resolution of tho board to divest himself of nil otltor business engagements and opon nn olllce at the state hnue and dovoto hli entlro time and energies to tho work for which he has beon choson. He Is an uumurrled man, at pros- IVviillur Accident. Report bus mac lied this city of tho death a few day ago by a pecu liar accident f line $300 mare bo longing to Chile Tomllnson, of Wolls, The omiff was itdlug the animal along tho public road, con- A Bright Future Is lu store for the young man or woman who save or deposit money regularly lu a good Hav ing bank. When you buotmio oM or un able to work you'll tliul no friend bo helpful none so responsive to your needs as a bunk account. Tut our mony to work by opening a avlng account. Ono dollar la enough to start with. SAYINGS DCPARTMCNT Capital National Bank versing with frltvjuls who wero rid ing lu a buggy, when suddenly the maro stepped on a stick, which broke and How up. ontorlng the abdomen to tho depth of several Inchon. For a moment there was no sign of trouble, and then the Btlok How out and tho blood gtiBhod lu a honvy How fiom the wound, tho poor boast bleeding to doath In an hour or las. --Albany Herald. "Q To Collect Notes, The Mutual lttrvo Ulfo Insur hiu'o aumimny ha commouood pro oUhiw In diwrtinant No. 1 In tlm Marlon oounty circuit oourt against Chan. II. Chiuwoii to roeovur from the (ltfndaHt the sum of JiH.SJi with luterMt on 38. 11 thoroof from AuguAt 81. 1906. till Mld at tho rato of T per com and for tho further sum of $10 for attorney fee, per, and will make his home In Sa lem. County Judgo Jewell, of Joaephlno county, on tho now normal board, Is a natlvo'of Kontucky, lived In Texas for 16 yoars, and enmo to Orogon about 20 years ago. Ho has been a school teacher for many yoars, and raised a family of ton chlldron, who aro scattered over tho stato. Judgo Jewell read law and Is a groat ad mlror of Hlackstono, and thinks ev ery Amorlcan boy should be mado familiar with lllaokstono nnd Chan cellor Kent as a part of hs educa tion. Tho old snylng that the knowl odge of the law should bo a part of overy gontleman's edueatlou found a deep lodging In his mind whon a young man, and to his knowledge of tho law he attributes much of his success In life. Judgo Jewell la a staunch friend of tho common schools, and his soleotlou to reure nt the IntorostB of Southern Ore gon on the board was a very Uanny ono on the part of Governor Cham-bwlaln. Now-ji.Hu).. Mrs. Smith Urldgt, art auy absolute 'uooogiltiw you for tho kltchtn? Hrldget Yhi. mum. , Ol want a plush rookln' chair au'aomo pillows for tho ooiy comor. HrtMiklvn HobIo. thero wunt Rati liuni Quickly Hwlcd. "I am so delighted with, what Chamberlain's. Salvo has dono for mo that I fool bound to wrlto and tell yon bo," says Mrs. Robert Mvit, 457 John St.. Hamilton. Ontnrin . v CoiiKtivatioa. For ottsUpalloti thero U nothing qulto so nloo n Chamborlalu's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. They always produw a pleasant movement of tho bowloa without nuy dlaagrvHviblo eM"M)r utu Jawshtor had a bad burn foct. Price, 55 cent. Samples frvo on hor Kuo' applletl Chambor- at Wr. Stono'a Drutr Store, j Iain a Salro and It healed beautiful- i This salvo allays tha naln of . burn almost lasuntly. a Is for sl Vacations aro usually unloved from Toxas mnrks tho first tlmo In llfo Insuranco that all the leading companlos havo unltod In n plan to practically blacklist ono of tho states of tho Union. Hy tho terms of tho bill, compa nion romnlnlng In tho stnto will bo roqulrod to show nn Investment of !!fi por cont of tholr rosorve on Tox as busluoss whon tho lnw goos Into effect tomorrow and tho bnlanco of tho Investmont or 7fi por cont must bo made beforo January 1. Tho In surance oompnnlo are authorlzod to Invest In tho stocks of nny solvont national bank doing buslnestt undor the laws of this stato or the stock of any stato bnnk orgnnlzod undor the laws of Texas, provldod that not more than -10 per cent of tho stock of nny such bank ahnll bo ownod by Insuranco coniimnloa nlso. inviwit. monts mny bo mado In tho first mort gage bonds of any solvent dividend- paying corporation Incorporated nnl doing busluoss In this stnto and which has nover defaultod In tho pnymout of Intorost. Tho companlos aro also allowed to Invoet funds In tho purchaso of not moro than one building site nnd tho oroctlon of not more than one ofllco building In any city of tho stato having ovor 25.000 population. Tho Raskln-McCirogor bill, rogu latlug tho bnle of liquor, also goes Into full force and offect tomorrow nnd will force ovory saloon kooper to take out a now license. Through an oversight no provision was mado for tho contlnuanco nf business under old lloonsos until now onos were grantod. Tho attor ney genoral caused groat constonm- Hon In the ranks of tho liquor dls ponsers by ruling that It would bo noco.ry for them to closo tholr place of business for ten to twontv days aftor the law becomes effective. wnemer thU decision will t. mi. horod to by the saloon men depends largely upon the attitude of tho looal ottlclaU In the various "wef coun tlos. in San Antoalo and several other large cltie the saloon keepers will probably disregard the ruling and continue to dispense their wares under tho old llcenfiM. A bill Imposing aa occuuatlon v of $2000 annually UMm dealers jn ""no." -mo" and other cheap bers which aro highly uonular l ini option districts will also go nt0 of. feet and will drive most of those doalors out of business. Another new law win suppress bucket shops and after inmn,.. fc, 14 -- mv.,k m jumroe wlu t a thing of tho past In Toxas. provldod tho law la strictly onforcod. Proprietors of bucket shops In several cities it j3 said, will disregard the law .itiARi A SQUARE DEAL AND A FAIR TRIAL'oP OUR FARM IMPLEMENTS AX MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIE WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NI5KI) NOT BUY. I SELL TRACriON AND STATIONERY ENGINES, NIClIOl" AND SHKPARD'S RED RIVER SEPARATORS, HAY RALKR STREET AND ROAD QRADINQ MACHINERY. WE HANDLE THE HURQ WAGONS, ENGER IlUGQIEt HACKS AND CARRIAGES. WE ARE AGENTS FOIt THE ADRIANCE, 11UOKEYK MOW ERS, CLIPPER PLOWS AND DLUE RIHHON CULTIVATORS ALSO SOME SECOND HANI) FARM IMPLEMENTS AM WAGONS VERY CHEAP. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES AT WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL, GLASS AND STAINS OF ALL KINDS, AND PAINTER' SUPPLIES. RUGGY TOPS, DASHBOARDS, WHIPS, IIOBES, ETC. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIRCULARS AND DESCIUP TIVE CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Pop. PHONE 101 MAIN COR. FRONT AND PINE STREBTtl USB SELF RISING B. B. B. Flout For Iloston Drown Rrcad, Griddlo Cakes, Mufllns ami Plum Pudding. AJjUhtVb H. II. II. FLOUR CO., INC., SAN Jose, Cal. 'i constitutionality In tho courts The telogrnph companies will lose hun-. drods of thoiiwinds of dollars through this law. Among othor bills passed by tho legislature wore thoso prohibiting betting on bnsoball or football games; abolishing cock fights, which aro highly popular In Texas especial ly among tho largo Mexican popula tion, nnd the county nudltor's bill, which provldos for tho appointment of county auditors in all counties having cities of 25,000 or ovor. A stringent anti-pass law also uiKua uneci tomorrow nnd all tho holdors of tho magic pastobonrds, Non-bcrg to Have a Cannery, Newberg is to havo a caonerj cost. $20,000. A Scattlo conp. offerod to put in tho plant If gin alto, and this has been done 1 tho intention to hnvo the plact running order in tlmo to handle f ponr and npplo crop this fall. o For Sale. At n bargain, tho Candolarlah Form, sltuatod three-fourths ell ntllo from tho southern limits crfj city. Ono-hnlf mllo from e!& street car lino. Ono of flnost locations in Marion cos A cnlnnllil uln... a1a oxcopt employes of tho roads and n ... ."JUV. .V" : row m.l.lin fnii .,. I." - I"4U' "imuhiowo nvor, root lit... , , . u" B"erm3 , hills, cltv of Dallas, Monmoutil IlVe StOOk n8l)0Ctor nn,1 JionlM. r.m . ' . wmiuo, huu.u j ojnls, will be compollod to nnv or walk. dopondonco and city of Salem, I fair grounds, capltol bulldlnr,! lmn, ponltontlary, asylum muto school, roform schoolt Jefferson, Hoovl, Adams, RainfcM I St. Holona. A good crop notriij Ho FIrcl tho Stick. i navo nrcd tho walklne-stlr' iw ....i.i . ioi. riuiuns, a gooa crop now i rrL4..3:?"'0110" orchard, of chorrlos, Bartletti ,;".::. rlru. VGrL K,nd ot Peachoa and Italian prunes. H' Aral r'i "'.,. I. "e tho next ton daya tho crb? ROrft nn7 ',:" a. UCM,ea with tho salo. This year's cro? writorj;,;; 1 : .! .""' "" "ore than w tho -""i ui iMorin alius, ". v,. guaranteed for Piles, Burns etc., byj c. Perry druggist. 25c. y " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u i, vestment two yoars In advance. J. G. WRIGB 7-2-4m tMUMHMOIIIIIlM i i ij Outing Shoes jjij! THE l! ELEVENTH ;: For seashoro and mountains. ;; ' styles In loathors and can vas. Ladle' now Men's now $2.25 Tnn Shoes ,?2.0() 4. ?3.R0 Tnn Shoes ?.oo t ' Children's Tan Low Show :: 'l-25 uow $1.00 :: I; Children's High Shoes ; ...1.73 nnd $'2.00 : WIIITK OANTAS SHOES i" ..tor Mon, Women and Chll- " dron at lowest prices. HOUR ij Jacob Vogt j ; ; 813 State Stroet. ', . . It Is not qulto that M tho salo of tho crockery. waro and dishes at our But thoy will soon be all I as they are being sold cost, to make room lot groceries. i H. M. BRAN! that U It a violation of In'crsta'e most In prospect and ieriectlve, by Dr. Stoao'a Dru Store. ! Phofll31. 432SU- I wmCrVw ngnw, and will test Us ,fW4w444: : WIIIIMIIIIIMK Luuitcr .' ,