rl( --.v Sa r n U. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALBM, OBKGON, WEDNESDAY', JULY 10, 1007. HOFER BROS. Pdbtoh and Proprietors K. 1IOFHH, Editor. A. P. HOFER, Manager. XHK JOURNAL STANDS FOIt PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DKGRADHD LABOR. GOOD THE TREASURE TRAIL. Tho bright torch of tho sinking mm Lights a gold-path acrosB tho soa. Could I but track It to Its end What treasures would not flash for mo? To low keys whoro old picaroons, . ' , Their plunder-chests Bunk In tho sand, Tho flaring lamp might gildo my Balis ' ' And light mo na I delved tho strand. Tho wldo ndvontures of my droama Might como to pass, could I but bo ; Tho Bk'lppor of a bark and know No mastors savo tho sun and soa! J i Yot from tho sunset trail I turn- - Its luro would lead mo blind and did; And, by tho light In my lovo's eyes, I scok what treasure a heart may hold! From tho July Bohemian. , o GRATIFICATION THAI' LEAVES A HAD TASTE. General Debility Day In and day out there Is that feeling of weakness that makes a burden of Itself. Food docs not strengthen.' Sleep docs not refresh. It Is hard to do, hard to bear, what should be easy, vitality Is on tho ebb, and the whole system suffers. For this condition tako Hood's Sarsaparilla It vitalizes tho blood and gives vigor and tone to all the organs and functions. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100dorcs$l. STATE X-RAYS NORMAL SCHOOLS the wholo community rejoices with them ovor their good fortune a m. wise choice of a man for their pulpit. o ' General Hup Report. Board of Regents Meets At Salem and Organizes Watervllle Tlmos and Hop Reporter. The hop market continues quiet and pricos have shown a slightly easier tendency. A sale of 200 boles of low grade Washington hops Is renorted locally at Gc, and somd prime Oregon are said to have been Rnl.l nt 10c. On tho coast, a few Harney Oldflold admits the race meet gotten up by him was a fnko; asserts that ho himself Is absolutely sincere; lays th blamo on his agent, Moross, and keops the money. Josso Grant has tho presidential bco In his hat, says a recont dispatch Who the dlckons 1b Jcsso Grant? mam To gratification oxprossod by tho pooplo of San Francisco ovor tho conviction and sontonco of tholr mayor has a tlngo of sadnoss In tho Imelcground. ".That pooplo should leap In tho air, throw tholr hats, and hug oach Olhor OVER THE FINAL CONVICTION OK THE ARCH-GRAFTHR IN AMKIUOAN POLITICS, WAS JUSTIFIAHLE, HUT PATHETIC. Thut Hchmltz desorvod his Bontonco, and probably ton more Just Ilka St, that ho Is a disgrace to tho pornlclous spoils HyBtem bo practiced, Mint ho J hypocrite and criminal Ih all iiiuiuostlonod. Hut Hint thoro should bo such rojolclng over tho conviction of such m mini, when ovory day hundrods of potty thlovos and pickpockets aro aont to Jail, on loss testimony, Is pitiful In tho oxtromo. It Is so seldom that big criminals nro convlctod that wo should go Into lolJrIum of rejoicing ovor It? Tlmt seems to bo tho caso and onuses Uho thinking man to fool melancholy. Schmllr. has dlsgrucod tho cause of orgnnlzod labor that made him Its candidate; HE HAS PUT A STAIN ON THE NAME OF THE GERMAN JOIEItlOAN RACE: HE HAS IllT.MII.MTi'ii H,v i.n. vniur. But all thoso things nro not so pregnant with tho acidity that ought on",,y on ,hnl ,,e lB rkl' trutli to j)roduco HournesH on tho Btomach of tho American neoplo. uh those ",,0llt ,t ","1 tllu loarn0(l nrofoH- It Is protty oasy guessing for tho woathor man these anyu, An English scientist nssorts there Irf nothing moro poworful thnn an nlllgntor's jaw. It would add much to one's valuation of that opinion If ono know whether tho scientist had ovor marrlod, attended a womnn's rights convontlon, or mixed up with tho nvorago politician. The new State Normal School '8niau transactions are reported from Board met at 2 p. m. today and or- Oregon at Cc to 7c, and some Sonoma ganlzed by electing Governor Chnm-'i.onB 80(j at 0Mc. Crop conditions berlaln chairman. The regents were tne worid OVor aro excollent. Tho nil prosent, except Win, B. Ayre, of very favorable weather of the past Portland, who meets his family at Jfortnight in this state has caused n Of Interest To Weman: Jo such women as aro not serlouji.. of healthVbut who have exacting dd perform- either in tho way of hoiiiT Id caresXor In social duties and hZi .l..l . 'uo ihlchXserldusly tax their mrslng mothers, Dr. pe7 riimoii nas proved & ibJ Prof. Hugo Mueustcrbergcr, n Gcr man psychologist and phrenologist, has oxamlnod Orchard's head, and says: "Orchard Is n truthful man." As Orchard freuly admits ho has Hod Indiscriminately all his life, It Is to go bo- tfriintlc lenplngs for Joy that at loust ono polltlcRl rascal wa 111 ml tho bars of a statu prison. Well may tho people' go mad with Joy. A now day Is broaklng. The Jtullnncu of a brighter public coii-aclousnoss Is appearing over tho horizon of American publlo llfo. Tho Ignominy of having produced a Hohmlu Is bad enough for the liny City. Tho oartlmuako nronsud Hympathy for that stricken com munity. Tho strike was a blow nigh unto death. Ilut thu Snlunltz cor ruption has been a disgrace that can only bo useful iim a torrlblo ox snmplo to other ultloj. o "A TIP ON WALL STREET." Very few mini suorood In running tho gamut of orlmo ho nomplotoly !u an short a Hptieo of tlmo as did Chostor H. Hunyuii, tho defaulting ' toller of tho Windsor TniHt Co. of Nuw York. Luhs titan a month ago ho received a dead Hiiro lip on tho Htoolc inur kot, and tho noxt day took IiIh Hrat dlhhouost dollar that hu might Invest mid reap and luirvust on that "tip " HUT THE .MARKET WENT AGAINST HIM AND HE LOST. 'Tho Hiicoodlng day ho stole again to make up his lossos of the day IJororv, but tills inonoy wont JiiHt as thu other did. Mor Is correct. a Of courso, It' was at Salem whoro a man was so groon that ho advor- tlsod for a lost umbrolla. Uakor City Herald. Yos, but It was In Jlakor county )'horo thoy woro ho wIho they tuulor took to quench a lire started by un slacked lime getting wot, by putting more water on It. Mnjor-Gonornl Grcoly Is to take command or tho department of the Columbia. Pity thoro should bo ho much whiskers whoro thoro Is ao llt tlo wind. Banff, Canada, and goes with them to Alaska. The other regents pres ent were the State Board of Educa tion, Governor Chamberlain, Secre tary of State Benson, Superintend ent of Public Instruction Ackcrman, C. 13. Sponcc, Carus; E. E. Bragg, La Grande; II. J. Maler, Tho Dalles; Stop'ien Jewell, Grants Pass; E. Hofer, Salem. A commlttoo on drafting rules for the government of tho board was ap pointed that will roport a complete set of rules for tho government of th i board at Its noxt mooting, Wed nesday, July 17th. At that tlmo the presidents of the four normal schools will bo Invited to moot with tho re gents, submit an Invoutory of tho property at each feehool, a financial statement of oach school. Tho board will choose a socrotary who will have his o'flco at the statu house, and be tho general llnunclal agent of the four schools. Long Lfv tho King! fs tho popular cry throughout Eu ropean countrlou; whllo In Amorfca, tho cry of tho prosont dny Is "Lone Jt was gutting easy Hum for him to tako tho inonoy of h! employers Iifvo 1)r- King's Now DIscovory, King jHattorlug tonus of -his llrst Impros Reception to Now Pastor. Tho Baptist pooplo or this city gave a vory cordial grootlng to tholr now pastor, Rev. J. P. Comor, who recently cnnio to the church In this city from Kansas. Tho pulpit and church woro docoratod with massos of tho laco-llke Oregon splrea, or ocean spray, rorns and other floral wealth of tho soason. Tho ladles served rorroshnionts nnd a commit tee on Introductions had Mr. Comer noatly presontod to all the visitors. Thoro was a musical program, II. S. Gilo prosldod; .Mayor Rodgors do llrored tho formal address of wol como; Itov. P. S. Knight extended giuotlnga from tho Ministerial Asso ciation, and Rev. Comor responded for tho man from Kansas. Ho has brought to tho clerical clrclos of tho city tho fresh, broozy ways or the plain KauniB pooplo, and spoke in wonderful growth of tho vine, and conditions aro now normal all through tho state. It Is now esti mated b conservative houses that tho crop will bo up to the average In quantity, provided woather con ditions continue favorable. Tho Pa cific const crop continues to grow rnpldly with vory favorable weather, and ostlmatos today nro for a crop noarly if not fully as largo as last year, ino Lionuon uroui s uum nnl, under date of June 10th, gives n very invornblo report of conditions In England. Thoro Is some decrenso In ncreage. but tho yards nre In ex collent condition. Mail advices rrom Gormany and Austria report tholr crops In good shape, tho vine being strong and developing nicely. On account of the oxcollont crop pros pects wo hesr thnt merchants aro of fering new eosst hop Treely to brew ers at 12fcc to lie, snd It Is re ported that considerable business has hen transacted at those llguros. Somo contracting with growers at 10 to 10 Vic is reported from the const, but only on a llmlto.1 scale, growers at present showing no Inclination to accept such pricos. o .Minder ami Suicide. Fort Worth. Texas, July 10. Charles Datomau shot and killed .loslo Colomnn, fatally wounded her brother, Edward, and then blew off his own bond. o Clik'imo .Markets. Chicago, July 10. Wheat 92 a fir 92 '4, corn 51', oats 43 ?M-I78. to h tld as w( Favorite ' valuable suprtlng tonic and lnvlg0rul fnrlmn sickness and SU'rlflugqT? avoided. Tho -Operating tabttTpS Kiifgnons' knlfo. would. ltjT--pfflrg tpldom'havft toJ)Q employed If thjTTS to in good tl-ne. , Tho" Favorite pfescrhv tldn" has proven a great boon to etpccuai mothers by preparing tho system for t coming of baby, thdr6by rendering chrw.1 oirtu suio, una 1 " uiuiuat painless, I Jjear in minu, pioaso mat Dr. piMV ruvuiuu iiH.uiuuu o '(ui n secret n patent modlclno, against wSdch the a Intelirgont people aro quite natuaif, tholr composition and harmless character) but lS a MEDICINE OP KNOW.V COMron' Tioif, a full list of all its Ingredients bel J printed, In plain English, on overy bottk! wrapper. An v:nralnatlon of this lbti. Ingrodlonts will dlscloso tho fact that hfci non-nlcohollc In Its composition, cheBij tho placo of tho co.mmonly used alcohol in Its mako-up. in this connection i! may not bo out of plnco to stato that tk Favorlto Prescilptlon" of Dr. rierceti tho only medicine put up for tho curf wonWs peculiar wcuknossas and in, monts, and sold through druggists, m the InsredloJits of which hnvo thetj.' anlmous endorsement of nil tho leadlar medical writors and teachers of all t3i Eovonil schools bf practice, and that to as remedies for tho ailments for whlefc "Favorlto Prescription' Is rocommendei A llttlo boon of theio endorsements wl3 do seni io miy uuuruai, jiuMf oaia, w absolutely free If you request sama S postal card, or letter, of Dr. It. V. iW' ilulTalo. N. Y. , inu Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pollets enrecov stipatlon. Constliiatlon Is tho causocl many disease. Cure tho cuuso and i euro tho dlsoaoo. Easy to take as caadf, tuul oiirh HUoeudliiK day saw him pliiiiglug with tho iflsliouHt dollurs, but tiudor an uwtumed uitiiui mid how thoso liiekloss dollars flow! Then he took to dissipation. He. had mi Invalid wlf st homo Hml he, hlinwolf, Ik n eoiiHiimptlvo. but ' heodloM or all these facts, hv took up with u woman and In bur dsliHtiehe with Iiit ho soiiKht to forgot his troubles mid his crime. Pllllllly. UK TOOK ALL Tllll CASH I.N SIGHT IN THE HANK HO.MK NINIfrV Ollll TIHH'SAXH DOLIrfVICS and. liHI In a sumpioiH flat tho woman hud furnished with souui or tho stolen tuoiioy. Then I'ltme thw old, old rosult. They quarreliHl ami she belrnyM him to I he police. Now he Is In Jail seeking the fortrtveues of tho poor wlfu Iim d'worUd with only $10 to hr uamu ami ruminating ovor the mimtit or orlmo he has run In (he brief space or a mouth. It Is u story with which Wall street and tho publlo nro unly to fa miliar yet how tfrteu Is It repetited by both young and oldl , o "A MHNACH TO HU.MAN LIFIV of Throat r.nd Luns Romodicfll" Orl8los f Salem. Cromer was which Mit. Julia, Hydop Pnlno, Trn ro, Mnna., says: "It novor falls to glv ImnuKllato rollof nnd to quickly euro n cough or vxiKu" Mrs. Paluo's oplnfon Is shnrod by n majority of tho InlmbltanU of thin country. Now Disco rory cures won' lungo and eoro thtonts nrtor hII qt'.er remedies have fulloil; nnd ror coughs nnd colds It'a tho only bum cure. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist. GOc nnd 11.00.- Trlnl bottfo troe. Just ror the purpogu or showing that tho people or nrglula don't nil ngroo with thu Jury who ncqulttod JiiiIbo Loving rrom tho ohurgo or iiiurilor, the following letulor Is reproduced from tho Klohmourf, Vn.. 'flmoil)Umtuh: Tho ueqiilttiil or Judge living Is enough to alarm the stHto. If this trial iiml vordlot iwHibUsli a piueodout In Virginia, horonrter vun n woman charge a man with an offttiiso iiKaliist hor honor, and rulatoM It to a matu member of the family nnd ho luttamu his pmwlon as to eaiiee a "brain stiirin," suoli n man will hu Jiistlflud In slaying tho lorion awiirtttd. It will mutter not whether tho womnn's story be true or raise; whether It bo mi oxugKorntluu or u pure Invention. Not n woid or toetlmuuy mm bo Introduced In court to Impeach tho wltiio. The only thing uecetssry will he to mske tUe Jury believe that she told such n story to the prisoner m thu bar ami tlmt tho shook or It deprived him or his ronton ror thu moment. If thu prlHoitur was onoe a drunkard and had Injured his brain and weakened his will power hj strong drink, so much the better for his case. Ho will be less rugpuuslUle lu w than otherwise Ue would have been CAN ANY IMHTrillMI MORE HANGIIHOl'S THAN THIS IHI IMA(L 1M1D! It Is simply astounding. We have the southern iHttUot. Wo umleretaml why a VlrglHbt Jr will not oamvIM k ihclh who hits Hlnlu Runtker. If that other line retisU Motker, If tnl (Miter he .! Ilut we balk m this uew verelOH m Ue "SMWrittM lnw," whloh U the vorsi form ur lynch law. ' THIS INHn'IMN'U llll ACCIirnil) LV viucnxiA, IT WILL lilt IM. lMMMIItl.il TO CONVI(r AXV MAN WHO HAS Ml'RDHRHl) AN OTHER, provhUd only he eun IndMe mum woMftti te Ul fsuUb to swear u court that she told him the victim had dishonored her. It matter not how bad the man tHuy Ue. It mutters uot how bad the woman may Ue. Tho law la no lespftcler of persona. A plea whloh Hutttoe Is one omo mint he qelle sulUeUdt Ih atioUiQr. And Ui should a woman he mtoeaarUy ImvoJvIT If n nmn lioars from any iouroe ; charse h.UH saother whlah so onraBQS him as to product) n lira In storm, whether the tory bo true or not. ho Is justified lu committing muntor. This will not Ue tho prmjtlco In Virginia. Wo aro enrrylug the, "unwrlUan law" and the dtatrUe of Irrovponsl. lUIIty to absurd and dngorou oxtreme. Puhllc sentlmont must Uo nrou! nml crystallttwa. and ihcro must li r radical ovlalou of the crlntlual law Uy tho next legUlature, For Salr. At n bargain, tho Cundolaria Fruit Furm, idtuutod thrt)o-rourth8 of a mllo from tho southorn limits of tho city, Ono-half mllo from electric Btrtxit cur lluo. Ono of tho finest locations In Marlon county A Hplendld view of tho beau tiful Wlllamotto river, Tolk county, hills, cltr of DalliB, Monmouth, In depondonco and city or Salem, stato fair grounds, cnpltol building, asy lum, pwtltontlary, asylum farm, muto ochool, roform school, Mta Jofforoon, Hool, Adanui, Rainier and St. Holer. A good crop now In tho orchard, of ohorrlee, Bartlett pears, noaxihfn and Italian prune. If nold In tho next ten dayii tho crop will go with tho aalo. This year's crop will moro than pay tho interest on the In voMmont two years In advance, J. Q. WRIGHT, 7-2.1 m Agent. school tenohor, then u financier and later a minister. Ho seomed to please tho audience, nnd hns n natural st'iiw or humor that Ik nlvas a means or saving grace ror n minis, cer. Tin Hantlsts arc lunnv nvi.r tho Mflt'itlon or their mw aHtor, an 1 M CELEBRATED 'U JITTERS ir tho atom ach, Liver or Kidneys nro In " b a d shapo" (he Hitters will restore them to a normal c o n d I tlon nnd euro Cramps, NaiiMit, l)laiTli(Ka, lllllousnc.s.s Indigestion. HHHI STONE'S HEAVE DROPS. Groatnt known remedy ror heir. Prlco Ji. To express offices any rrom Salem I pay 25 cents ci expreo chnrgos. For salo by all druggists. Highland, Orogon, Oct. 31, 190!. Thls is to certHy that I gave Ef maro ono bottlo of "Stono'a Hem Drops" and cured hor ot heart This was Inst wlntor and sho has not been nllllctod slnco. O. Wallace. Dr. S. C. STONE, Salem, Ore. 3 BISHOPS READY TAILORED A Bright Future Is lu store tor the oung ' m or woman who saves or dofif-. money regularly In a good s., tugs bank. When you become old or un able to work you'll llnd uo friend ho helpful none so romuivt tv pour needs ns n jank account 1 l'ut your monay to wo.k l oponlug a savings account, one dollar Is enough to start with SAVINGS DtPARTMiiNr Capital National Bank Regular Prices $1 0 to $25 On Sale-Sale Prices $6.50 to $18 This is indeed a rare opportunity for you to pur chase one of these celebrated Suits at a saving of from n K( f Wfcjf to $7.00. t Salem WooW .-,L v ' ..i4 "mk. H7 V VrA 3UIIKIUII .iit-r . k i i .. . i e v&M X. NjrasBKMtea Apparei Mill $tite