Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 09, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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g Your
m A Doctor
WVM Will
W ' Tell
You Need
A Natural Tonic
r".....r- ,iti.fl "Snrinir"
1 ThlSe stimulation to
,om.-but this ia not the natural
e body-cut ,n hei0in
EfSSnto overcome lassitude.
"S n TAYNE'S -
. ... ,nA builds up the body In tho
tones na "'"".' h thn om.
HW; 'TZ '""rnTllon Off
ch. A ""-"."" ,rr;-J..-.-1
health Is almost invar K' --
Kfs" Jaync" Tonic vSuge" I
tesVKact ud restores I
ItSnes , -it, condition. I
' 'nr"iATnmnch does the
aXup nnd brings the body
Kk to a state of perfect health.
P la thru iImj, 11.00, B0. nl ISO.
ladmoil reliable Cough Cureknown.
:tWfcuBii"ii- " "
A town, to bo pleasing, must havo
& smooth, oven surface. It enn bo
perfectly level, or It enn slopo ovon-Ij-
from tho house to, tho street. A
lerel lawn is easiost to make, unless
there happens to bo a good deal of
toll about tho liouoo, from tho ex
cavations ot the cellar. In this enso
it U an easy matter to sccuro a.
slope. Unless n houso stands veil
above ground, on a good foundation
of stone, I would ndvlso a lovoL
Go over tho ground with spado
and hoe and cut down - nil knolls.
The toll thus obtained should bo
tiled In filling hollows. But do not
' u ar
undertake to fill any depression of
tho surface by simple dumping looso
soil Into It. Put In a little, work it
over until mellow, and then beat It
down thoroughly. Then put lu'somo
more, and repoat the beating pro
cess, and keep on doing this until
tho surface Is ovn. It Is very necej
sary that this part of the work
shopld be cnrofully done. If It Is
not tho soil will settlo and your
lnwn will havo llttlo inequalities all
over its Biirfaco and be anything but
After having leveled the ground
tho Burfaco of it should bo scarrifled
In some manner to prepare It for tho
reception of seed. Some persons go
over it with tho hoo, making llttlo
cuts all over, tho surface, following
this operation with an Iron rako, to
pulverize tho ooil. This does very
well whore tho grounds aro smnll,
but is a somewhat tedious task on
largo grounds. I would advise using
n harrow drawn by one horse. Go
over tho ground thoroughly one way
and then crossharrow It. Do not
havo tho harrow teeth set to cut
deeply Intp tho soil. This is unnec
essary, as all you want to do is to
prepare the surface for tho seed.
If ihero are any bits of sward or
clod3 aftor harrowing Is completed,
pulverize them with tho iron mites.
If harrowing is not fenslble, tho
spndo can bo resorted to ub a level
ing tool. Or a garden cultivator
can bo used with a fair tlegroo of
success, unless tho soil Is grassy.
Ilanuro should bo applied liberally,
and crfn bo tlono most effectively
when the process of lovellng is going
on, for then It becomes thoroughly
mixed with tho soil. I could ndvlso
chemical fertilizers, bone dust or
gunnn, bocauso with these wo got no
wood seed. Ebon E. Roxford In
Husolmll IMnycra mid Foot UncorsI
Loula J. Krugor, ox-champion long
dlstanco foot racor of Gormany and
Holland, wrltos, Oct. 27, 1001:
"During my training of eight
wbokB foot racoa at Salt Lake City,
In April last, I usod Ballard's Snow
Llnlmont tomy grcntost satisfac
tion. Thoroforo, I highly rocommond
Snow Liniment to all who aro trou
bled with sprains, bruisos, or rheu
matism." 25c, GOc and $1.00. Sold
by D. J. Pry.
Portland General
Electric Co.
Satem Division Cor. State and Commercial Sts.
Now is the opportune
time to install a gas stove.
Service extensions can be
made with reasonable
promptitude where busi
ness justifies.
Come and See
or anything that excites
and exhausts the brain
nerves, causes headache.
Some persons cannot
even attend church, thea
ters, ride on cars, or on
the water, or go whero
there is the least excite
ment without an attack.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain
Pills, taken as directed
will stop the pain. To
avoid suffering take one
as .soon as you feel an
attack coming on. Your
druggist can tell you of
many who would not be
without them.
"I havo boon troubled with oovero
headnchcH for many years. I began
to use Dr. Miles' Antl-Pnln Pills.
It is tho only remedy that lias
kIvoii mo or my family any relief. I
do not now havo such spells, because
whon I foci ono comlnp on I Imme
diately take orio of tho tablets, never
moro than ono is required, they nro so
effective, and I apprccltato them bo
thoroughly I nlwayn havo them with
me. My wlfo and family always use
tlipm, cannot do without them."
S. A. QAUDNKn, Joncsvllle. Wis.
Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills aro sold by
your druaalst. who will guarantee that
tho first packano will benoflt. If It
falls, ho will return your money.
25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
A Modern 'Lliici'."
Imnglno a Bhlp closo on seven
hundred foot In longth and with a
tonnngo of sixteen thousand driving
through tho hugo Atlantic waves nt
tho rato of more than twonty-sovon
miles nn hour? Tho "Augusta Vic
toria" dlsplacos ovor forty thousand
tons of wntor, and her longth Id over
ono hundred foot moro than doublo
tho height of tho domo of tho capltol
at Washington.. Sho has a music
room and a library, a flower shop, a
string bnnd and n brass band, n
candy shop, nn information bureau,
a mnnlcuro parlor, olectrlc and salt
water baths, a gymnasium, a nur
sery, a palm- garden, nn "a lacarto"
restaurant and a "tablo d'hoto" res
taurant with scats for ovor six
hundred dlnors, two smoking rooms,
, t '
nnd an elevator to carry pnsseuger3
between tho six decks on which they
nro berthed. Sho hns a crow of
nearly six hundred men, not to
speak of ladles' maids, trained nur
ses, gardeners and musicians. Hor
furniture Is of raro nnd beautiful
vnrlotles of wood, upholstered In
silks, tapestries and brocades.
Seen by a pa.ning ship nt night,
her thousands of olectrlc lights mak
her look llko n brilliantly Illumin
ated town on a hillside. Loitering
now in tho drawing room and then
In tho palm garden, ono hnB to soo
Ihe surging bllllows to bo convinced
that ono Is not In some fashionable
hotel ashore. Sho Is steered by
stenm, and her rudder, weighing
many tons, Is controlled by a wheel
not moro thnn four feet In diameter;
n child could turn it easily. An
electric telegraph nnd telephones
put tho cnptnln In communication
with all pnrta of hor.
High over the bridge ono can seo
whnt seems llko nn empty kite
frame, nnd that Is" tho wob that
catches tho wireless moBsnges from
other Bhlps von tho lnnd, nnd keeps
a In touch with both whon nothing
la visible of elthor. They glvo their
nows to us, nnd wo glvo ours to
them. It ail appears In tho llttlo
newspaper that Is published on
bonrd ovory nftornoon.
Wo are not llkoly to soo this lux
urlousnoss and substantial comfort
surpassed In our time, although
further novelties, such as a swim
ming tank nnd a tailors' nnd dress
mnkors' shop for pressing nnd re
pairing clothos nro to bo Introduced
In a slightly larger Bhlp which tho
Hamburg-American lino Is now'
building. William E. Rldolng In
Tho Youth's Companion.
Dcnfnfrw Cannot bo Cured
by locnl applications, "no thoy cannot
reach tho diseased portion of tho
cnr. Thoro In only ono way to euro
Ltloafnoss ,and that Is by constitution
al romcdloB. Deaf now Ib caused by
an Inflamed condition of tho mucouB
lining of tho Euatnchlnn Tubo. When
this tubo is Inflamed you havo a
rumbling Bound or lmporfoct hear
ing, nnd when It Is entirely closed,
Deafness is tho result, and unices
tho inflammation can bo takon out
and thlB tubo restored to Us normal
condition, hoarlng will bo destroyed
forovor; nlno cases out of ton aro
cauBod by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of tho mu
oou surfaces.
Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dol
lars for any caso of Deafness (causod
by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Curo. Sond for cir
culars, freo.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Tako Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. Tit for Tnt.
Mr. Fussoy I don't aoo why you
wear thoao ridiculous big bIoqvos
whon you havo nothing to fill thorn
Mrs. Fussoy Do you All your silk
hnt? Excango.
Lour Llvo tho King!
is tho populnr cry throughout Eu
ropean countries; whllo In Amorlcn,
tho cry of tho prooont day is "Long
Livo Dr. King's Now DIocovory, King
of Throat and Lung Remedies!" of
which Mrs. Julia Rydor Palno, Tru
ro, Mass., eays: "It novor falls to
glvo Immodlato rollof and to quickly
euro a cough or cold." Mrs. Paino's
opinion Is sharod by a majority of
tho Inhabitants of this country. Now
Discovery cures voaV lupga and soro
throats aftor all otLor romodioa liava
fallod; and for coughs and colds
llt'a tho only sure curo. Guaranteed
ny j. j. rorry, uruojioi. u rm
$1.00. Trial bottle freo.
TJmo for Thought.
"Speaking of bad falls," romark
ed Jones, "I fell out of a window
onco, and the sensation was terrlblo.
During my transit through tho nlr
I really bollovo I thought of every
mean act I had over committed In
my life."
"H'm!" growled Thompson, "you
must havo fallen an awful dis
tance!" Philadelphia Inqutror.
A Memorable Day.
Ono of tho days wo romombor with
pleasure, as well as with profit to
our health on which wo bocamo ac
qaulntod with Dr. King's Now LIfo
Pills, tho painless purifiers that
curo hoad&cho and bliliousness, and
keop tho bowels right. 25c at J.C.
Porry'a drug store.
, o
Special Eastern Excm-slon ratefl.
May 2u, 21, June 6, 1, 8, July S,
i, 6, August 8, 9, 10, September 11,
12, 1$. To Chicago and return,
173.15. St. Louis and return, ?69.15
St. Paul and return, Omaha, Council
BIhKs, 8(ohx City, St. Jee, Kansas
City and return 161.85.
t-ll-tf , Fas. Act.
A Wonderful Oil Stove
Wick Blue Flame OH Cook-Stove
Its het Is highly coneentmted. Does not overheat tho kitchen.
OH always at a maintained level. Three slses. Fully warranted.
It not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive
JgXyO Lamp
fcusu round household use. Made
of brass throughout and beautifully" nickeled. Per
fectly .constructed ; absolutely sale ; unexcelled in
light-giving power; an ornament to any room.
Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's,
write to our nearest agency.
Agricultural Implements and vehicles at a bargain for two days
Monday and Tuesday, Jtily 8 and 9
Ono now blndor, best mnko. Sovoral now pumps.
Two now buggies.
Two now mowing machines.
Two now wagons.
Ono now hay rako.
Onp now hack.
Ono now cream soparator.
Several now plows and harrows,
walking nnd riding cultivators,
Tho reduction on now articles will bo from 10 to 20 por cent.,
and second-hand articles at a groat sacrlflco.
For Iloston Drown llroad, Grlddlo CnkcN, Muffins and Plum Pudding.
ALLEN'S 11. II. II. FLOUR CO., INC., SAN Joso, 0l.
for your Doof, Pork, Lamb, Mutton
and Voal and you will got the flnost
Moat ovor killed. Tho tasty, Juloy,
appetizing kind that raakos you
want moro aftor tho first holplng.
Only tho beet fod cattle are ovr
killed for our trado, and our cus
tomers muy alwayB roly upon tho
vory best quality of moat, cleanly
and properly droajod, and In ovory
way fit for tho boat tables,
F. A. Kurtz
Phonc205 277 N. Com. St.
Salem Fence Wire
IleadqBArtcrc for Woven lrt
Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shlnglos, P
& D. Ready Roofing, Screon Doors
and Adjustible Window Screens
All at lowest prices.
Walter Morley
250 'Court St Salem, Ore
Entirely different
from all others. Em
bodies new ideas,
new principles.
Easily managed.
Reduces fuel ex
pense. Ready for
business at moment
of lighting. For
your summer cook
ing get a
Two socond-hand bugglos.
Ono socond-hand mowor and rako
Two socond-hand cultivators, al
most as good as now.
Ono socond-hand wagon and a va-
rloty of othor usoful nrtlcloo.
B. B. B.
Will treat you with Oriental barbs
and cure any disease without opsratioa
or pain.
Dr. Kum is knows everywhere ia
Salem, and lias cured many promise
people hertz. lie has lived in Sal mi
for 20 yeras, and eaa be trusted. He
sees many medicines tisksown to wWts
doctors, and with them can stare
Catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rhen
matlssi, stomach, liver, and kidney dls-
Dr. Kum makes a specialty of drepsy
sad female troubles. His reaedJes
enre private diseases whea everytlisf
else faila. He has hundreds of UU
moaials, and gives eoBsultatioa ttt.
Prices for medicines very moderate.
Persons la the country can write for
blank. Bead ttamp.
If yon wsut some extra Une tea, gut
it from us.
167 South High street, Salem, Oregon.
Kills plant Insects on flowers,
fruit trees, vinos or vegotablos,
On human body, dogs cats, fowls,
and In the house.
Colorless, Odorless, Stainless
Price, 25 and 60 cents at
FRY'S RRUG STOKE, galea, Ore
Headquarters for all kiss's of
spray materials.
Ask for necklet, "JHenr te Destrey
Plant IaseeU nnd Yerselsu" .