I m DAILY OAPI TAJj JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 0, 1007. AMONG THE MAKERS OF THE GOLDEN WEST r A railroad man whd holds a posi tion of tho groatOBt responsibility In the ' Ilm'rlmun Bystom Is J. P. O'Brien, vlco pronclont and genera1 ttupiorlntendonl or tho Southern Pa ella His flrot cxporlonco was gain ed n telegraph oporalor, and all his Bparo Umo wa put In educating Jilmsolf In tho last detail of tho transportation biiDlncss. Ho had a practical training nn genornl mana ger of tho lovn Contral, a road run ning from Mason City to Marshall town, nnd on southwest. It had brahchoH to l-'ort Dodge, nnd othor good towns In contral Iowa, hut It vraa sandwiched In between tho Chi cago and Norlhwor.lorn and tho Mll- for a hroeezy way of moving and a bracing way of getting their offi cial duties. Tho man of tho west belloves In doing things and doing them within tho memory of tho pres ent gonoratlon If possible It Is Roosevelt's Inhalation of tho wild western ozono that furnishes tho key to many of his preclpltnto movomentA that sot tho world won dorlng whnt is coming noxt. Tho western man Is always appalled at tho deliberation and slow methods of perception that prevail In official clrclos of tho national capital. Many of tho employes nnd especially thoso under the civil sorvlco system aro apathetically slow to movo. and wiuikoo and Bt. Paul, so that It had whllo thoy aro studying a cnllor's that lively llttlo city of eastern Ore gon. Mr. McCann Is a student and man of liberal and progressive Ideas of education. He will work hard to advance tho boys and girls that como into his care and-keeping, and If ho has tho hearty support and co operation of parents and friends of the cause of education he will mako the school a very successful ono. Tho touch of the school teacher up on a community Is formative, and to cto Tuotlo for huslnoss. O'Brlon tprovod a mighty good rustlor for "trniric, nnd used to run whole train loads of fat slock out of tho terri tory of hlH rivals. Ho nlso built up n hlg coal bunlncs and showed nbll- 4ty to got business In so many wnys thnt boforo many yoarH ho was topottod for n position nB traffic man sigor on ono of tho transcontinental 3lnen. Ills promotion from tho O. 3t. & N. to tho gonornl Biiporiiitond- oncy of tho 8oulharn 1'aclllc linos In Oregon Is mnttor of recent his tory. It HhnuliI also bo understood Oint tho construction of tho now Blnon from Drain to Coos Hay, known card tho man from tho west feels Ilko hurdling ovor thorn and gottlng through with IiIj business. R. A. Unlllnger, tho new commis sioner of tho general land offico, has that colorlty of movement and action which In supposed to bo character istic of all tho puoplo of tho great west whonco he camo to tho capital. Tho gorm of tho "govornmont stroko" has not affoctod him not yot, at loaBt and his acltlvlly fro- quontly provoke commont. A day or two ago ho attomptud to enter tho land olllco building nftor hours, and had succeeded. Dot Mr. Jdselyn, when he was given a free hani. went to the men's headquarters and after a heart-to-heart talk with them they nil roturned to work. This will glvo some Idea of the new president of tho Portland railway. Ho is not tho kind who would try to settle strikes by sitting In a luxuriously furnished offico and smoking cigars. HO bolongs to tho typo who get out and hustle. "Mr. Jossolyn Is something'1 of a fraternal order man and Is high up In Masonary. In rollglous tenden cies ho Is a Christian Scientist nnd whllo at Daltlmoro took a very prominent part in tho affairs of Third church. This church is at tended by some of the best known people thoro, among them Mrs. Car roll Brown, daughter of tho lato Marcus Daly; Mrs. Alexander Brown wlfo of tho woll known banker of that name and Mr. Oscar O. Murray, prcsldont of tho Daltlmoro & Ohio railroad," Tho Portland Democratic paper announces that Win. M. Cako Is to become a candldnto for governor, whllo II. M. Cako Is to forego his ambition to become United States sonntor, and that Stephen A. Lowell Is not to become a candidate for tho United Statos somite, otc. It is also announcod that Frederick Mulkov Is All the World. to enter the race for tho sonnto with knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment Mr. Fulton, and that Mr. deer, etc., otc. The poopjo will paH of a wholo lot of this kind of information and will sottlo down to a lot of hard CHAUTAUQUA CONVENES TOMORROW X-RAYS The Willamette Valley Chautau qua assembly opened It's fourteenth be at Its best It needs sympathetic 'annual sosslon at Gladstone park to- support no matter who tho Individ- day and will continue until July 21 Ono of the most attractive programs that has ever been offered will be clven this year. Salem will furnish several able speakors and much of the excellent music for the series of entertain ments. Congressman Hawley, president oi' tho association, will deliver an ad dross Wednesdny evening, July 17, on "Some Present Day Amorlcan Problems." Mr. Hawley has had charge of tho American history class al Chautauqua slnco It's beginning. The class has been well attended during tho past sessions nnd this year the courso will bo made more '. . .. . -. ,..., . At... LI.. ual. To get the best out of any man wo must soo tho best thoro is in him, and instead of tho teacher's host work being measured by tno salary ho gets, It Is only an inci dent. o A Wonderful Happening. Port Byron, N. Y., has witnessed ono of tho mo'rt. romarkablo cases of healing ovor rocordod. Amos F. King, of that placo says: "Buck Ion's Arnica Salvo cured a soro on my leg with which I Bad Buffered ovor 80 years, i nm now eigmy- flvo." Guarantood to euro all sores, by J. C. Perry, druggist. 25c. Tho man who waits to grasp op-.Interesting by including tho later nortunitv is not in it wun tne nmn i"""" " " ."... who makes opportunity. o thinking along tho lino of whnt doos It all amount to, whom we honor wtlh our votes. Tho quoatlon askod by all who think bononth the skullhouo, and whoso thought Is not has no superior for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Cuts, Sprnlns, Lum bago and nil pains. Buy it, try It and you will nlwnys uso it. Any body who has used Ballard's Snow m. and will embrace sight reading Llnlmont Is a living proof of what it i harmony, voice culture nnd chorus Dr. U. J. Hoadley, formerly of the Willamette Unlvorslty, will re turn for the seventh yoar to teach English and American literature. Dr. R. A. Ilcritago will go for tho fourth tlmo to bo musical director at Gladstone. Music clnsuos will bo conductod dally from S to 10:30 n. is urn urogon western, and Mm "iloro, yUU L.'t ,.mo In horo," lino from Natron to Klamath Falls L(,lil tho doorkoojior. "Who are you, nnd ncrow tho mnlo to Ontario, 'anyway7" Itnown mi tho Orogon Eastern, aro I j nl ComiiilMlnnar Ilalllngor," not in cuurgo or Air. u'lirion, but was tho roply. "Furthermore, I am under tho construction depnrtmont tho sumo Commissioner Ualllngor presided ovor by .Chlof Englnoor whom you have stoppod three tlmos Hood of Han Francisco. Only nflor boforo this." tlioso llnon aro complotod will thoy r ,0K ',. ,mr.oii a dioiiHand lio turnod ovor to tho operating do- tlmcw. sir," said tho croHtfnllon om. luirtmont. Mr. O'llrlon makos con- p0yo. "I hopo you'll ovorlook what tructH reaching Into tho millions, pvo dono. Tho truth nt . ...niin. Imvlng ruceutly bought coal In Aus tralia, Vaucouvor and Rook Springs tho mtino day. Tho coal from Aus tralia, HOOO tons, Is to arrlvo at Portland by Htoninor, as dooH tho BOO barrels or oil used dally. From tlio Hinallciit maltor of locating a MWltch for a sawmill Hiding to tho lnrgost affalrH of construction, Mr. O'BrJon glvoH tho biislunss his pur iionnl attoutlon. Ono of tho Hoorots of Mr. O'ilrluu's nitccoB Is his uni form disposition lo bo fair nnd cour teous, and look at a matter oncu In uwhllo ami ovou oftuuor from the othor follow'M standpoint. That Is Mhnt u grunt many muu connected lu, nmj ltmiQ nKlt ,, was Incontinently linked by tho moro moroly a kind of dlnphanous nion- or less nrgUH-oyotl doorkoener. tal iiorsnlratlon. will bo. whnt lnnn ho roprosont besldos a moro doslre lo bo honored, to bo puffed up with official Hwollhoadlsm? Is ho roally hunting an opportunity to do somo thing ueoded to bo dono, or does ho simply wnnt to graft tho easily gullible public In tho much-abused namo of party patriotism? All thoso gontlemout who nro allowing their r.umos to bo used by tho newspapers In connection with high nnd mighty officoB should got It Into their omn iums, by a surgical process If neod bo, that ofllcc-gettlng and olllco holdlng nro not whnt thoy used to bo. Tho poolo havo sot up now standards. The knight Hint gooth forth to slay tho political dragon those duys 1ms got to havo some thing bosldos party loyalty, voting tho ticket through thick nnd thin, does. All wo nsk of you lsto get a trial bottle. Prlco 2Cc. 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. o A lot of men would bo londers If for $1. If Judge Lnndis is In doubt '"Greaser John's" nblllH- . fine, ho should try tho Dln Montana Justice of the peace I ll iJiiauiii-i uv iiuu iineu, n frl(ij his who had "shot up tho toil romnlalncd that lm iii,in t "! .uu t nays j amount of tho fine. "Well tiV remarked th6 judge, "tlp,' 5 can't he fooling awny Us Utile SO II1U ,UUIirt 'IJJB JOU. t " . f If the Japs aro so badly treatJt tins country as thoy nsserf would think thoy would quit ,' n it .. .. " gung inuiiiBivu8 into it, f What's tho matter with the rll snow mm, was to run in conned wun tne cnerry rair? Seemi have been lost sight of. Tho express companies are guilty of exorbitant charges. ThZ lo a point wnoro things ceaBe ti cttiieu cnarges and are classed tuert. Governor Chamborlaln Is emlnfJ ly correct, n wo must ask other i tlons when and whoro wo ninr mw our battleships, what have we u, snips lor 7 T nt'd onnl WnnnD 11 "" w jiuouu mere soa fnnM AVttinooni1 n a -i II & fM,VMCU ilk UUU IIIHO C5t l Spnnish fleet should head off the b J tloslilp Oregon whllo sho wns oa hi way from this coast to Cuba? I rrltni l.r. nnKn 11 i work and will be froe to nil slngors i ""l """ b "n uio Fonrtl who will help In tho Chautauqua "llB LM,"-'U uhbb commut chorus during tho sosslon. Mombors' of tho chorus also get reason tlckoU villi mnuaguuiout of corporation oast and wiwt have never lotirnud to pruotluo to any grout extent. Mr. O'llrlon Hiiyu ono of tho groatont Is that you get about ho quickly that I've novor had a chancn to got a gooil look at you. That's tho ronnon I didn't rumomher you." V Mr. II. 8. JoBHolyn, Iho now gon ornl manitgor of tho Portland, 8a- lom, Oregon City ami Vaucouvor oloctrlo itroportluH, has boon glvon u very cordlnl rocoptlon on IiIh arrival ut Portland, and Iiiipiohhuh nil favor ably us tho right kind or a man to plnno In ohnrgo of hiioIi lurgo Intor- oits. No pultlle norvlco forporatlon coinoe In contnet with ho Inrgo a portion of tho public as a streetcar powor only they could find men willing to follow thoni. o Constipntlon. For constipation thoro Is nothing qulto bo nlco as Chamberlain's Stom- ach and Llvor Tablots. Thoy always produco a ploaoant movomont of tho bowles without any dbwigrcoablo of foct. Prlco, 25 cents. Samplos frio at Dr. Stono'a Drug Store. o Wo run a good many schemes In to tho ground by not aiming thoni high enough. Abrnlinm Lincoln was a man who, acalnst all odds, attained tho highest honor a man can got in tho United States. Bnl- lard'a Horohound Syrup has attalnod Insorlbod on his bnnnor to win. Tho 'n n,nc. novor equalled by nny othor plant. To Interpret this Horvleo to tho Hiulkfnotlon of (ho publle on n largo h1o tnkoa a vory high order of ability, tho hrondot kind of liitol- probtoniH of railroading Ih to Kl.,I0,,M, .,nd that Hy.npathetlc touch Inbotlng mon lo carry out tho 1 nt- lirovomunlH that tho company lio raprorioulH would really Ilko to liinko. Ilo HiiyH that ovor two mil lions dollars of uxpundllurtw ordered In Oregon aro untouched horuuHO It linn not boon possible lo get tho work carried out by any contractor. Mr. O'llrlon wan recently oluvntud to the presidency of tho Corvnllls .t Hust on) roai. Ilo say It will eventually lie extended Into tho Bend country nnd through Crook county, and that It will become a great wheat and with the miiHSOH that Is only attain nb by n man of tho right dlsponl Hon ami with tho right preparation for IiIh vork. That hooiuh to bo the endowment of Mr. Jossolyn. Ilo has tho iiunluicutlons of a worthy hoc co8or to Mr. Gooro. Mr. Hondo was worlh millions to tho propyrtlos ho hnndlotl becrtns. of IiIh basle lutolll- gunco ami luviu'tii or treatment. Public and (npllallstH frit secure la his hnndH. ills souhq of rluhtonn. muu who aro doing things political from Roosovelt down to Governor Chamberlain or M'nyor Lnne, nro men who nro tearing tho old pnrty Hhlbholeths to tailors, and running tho long Hjiear of non.pnrtlHniuhlp down tho throHt of tho Hpolls-conuum Iuk ta.-atlng dragon. Nolther Is It so popular att It imuil to ho to moroly hold down n Job In a por- runctory iiolltlcal way, but publlo olllolalH nro now roqulrod to do somothlng In tho way of fighting tho bnltlo or publle rights, Instead of moroly using public office to foatlur tholr own nostH and promote Jobs for spoclal IntorostH at public oxpenso. About ono olllclnl In ton has awaken ed to litis fact and the rost aro still office-chimors and doad asloop to tho fact of tho now ordor of thing. Ilko romwly. It Is n auro euro for CoughB, Colds, Bronchitis, Influen za and nl Pulmonary dlBoaooJ. Evory mothor should koop Biipplied with this wonderful cough medlclno. Sold by D. J. Fry. Tho wluo wlfo lends, iuvor drives. Tnko the PostmnKtor's Wortl for It, Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Chorrycnlo, Ir.d., kepps also a ntook of gonornl moroliandlso and patont modlclneo. Ho nays: "Cham borlnln'o Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea Remedy Is standard horo In it lino. It novor falls to glvo satisfac tion and wp could hardly afford to bo without It." For Balo by Dr. Stono's Drug Store. Mr. Arthur von Josson, one of tho most nblo pianists, will bo tho rogu lar pianist fur the sosslon. Wodnosdny ovonlng, July 10, Dr. Iloritugo, Mrs. Halite Parrlsh Hinges vocalists, and Arthur von Josson. plnno, will give nu evening's concert. Saturday ovonlng, July 13, tho chlldron of the Orogon City schools, who havo boon trnlnod by Dr. Heri tage will presont tho beautiful rustic cantata, "Tho Months and Seasons" In four nets and full costumos. The students hnvo boon working hard on this olahorato piece nnd It Is expect ed they will give ono of tho flnost on tortnlnmonts ovor prosentcd on a Chaiitnuqun stage. o . Outing In New Launch. J. P. Rogers and sevoral frlondf. had a vory pleasant cruise down the rlvor Saturday ovonlng In his now lnunch "Eagle." Tho ploasuro sookor3 spoilt Satur day night nnd Sunday noor Lincoln nnd roport n delightful time. Thoso composing the party woro Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Rogers nnd dnughter, Elomior, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. D. Brant, Mr. nnd Mm. R. L. White and Charles Denlien. o -' . somo people going so far ns to c! Ify It under tho plain but soracwb omphatlc namo of hlghwny robber; wniio omcrs cnu it jubc petty If cony. A press dlspntch soys the SUtl ard Oil flvo gnllon enns are thro pints short, but then Grcnscr Joti doos not know It, and his son, Willie hasn't tlmo to toll him on nccouc of his Bible class needing him cos- stnntly. Xlu news and imiilio Juatlco woro Btroim b' (UlVOtOPOd .Hill WI'Ollt!.lltllltr In nm- vntllo lino. Tho timber I.ubIiiobs he relation did not booiu to bo a com- iuuh hoc iook upon hb uio pnnmpui nniwu UMi I of his makeup iiiaci. ( uiu ruaii n iiuitiu, inn iitvurn nilxod firinlng. that requires moro people, moro small fnruiB, inukos luoro bunlntiKa ut nil tlmos of tho nr, an -I Is tho host territory to sup port railroads. Weutorn mon are becoming noted CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Chocking account onnblo folkt to deposit tholr tnonoy and ro who a passbook, against thoau account4 thoy nro permitted o draw ohecka. Okeokii may ho given to partial for such utns as doilrod, thui arolding frequent trips to the If Intoreulod call and oe ut. Salem State Bank b. K. PAGK, iYeMt. X. W. WAJUW), CVuMr, I The real vulue or corporato pgp orty. and ospoolally publlo sorvlco corporations oxIbIm In tho mental at titude of tho men In control and In aolual administration qf tho propor- ty. Is their mental nttltudo. he con- ouptloii of tholr relation to tho pub lic rigiit, tlio property grows In value and the Horvleo In popularity. Tho imoplo pay cheerfully for good sorvlco proffored them In the right unlrlt. Thoy pay grudglnglj- nnd with constant oomplalnt If tho har .iHwuloit rolatlon of a publle sorvlco corporation is once dtroyil. Mr. .jwweiyn'ii reconl us provon hy hU Jconatuttt promotloiw, baa boon that 'of a builder and populnrlxor of tho leoruoratloH he has servud. Ha !... !mnde thvm all good money nnd has jinndo them vahmUIo and Bought after by imbetuutlnl sorvlco. A i Portland paper bus thedo paragraphs lu a sketch of Uio now munugor of tho Portland olectrlc propertltw: W hllo gjinoral mnnngor of t lio Hudson VtUIoy road, tho longest In torurban lino In tho country. Mr. Jiwselyu had a Btrlko ou his hands. or rather It fell to hi lot when ho was given chargo of tho property. Tho grievance it Booms, had been, of Iouk standing, and tho men. un- ublo to hold up any longer, stopped work. ThO Company had boon Irvine? Waiving tho U. S. sonntorshlp mot tor, the Rupubllcans of Oregon might as woll awaken to tho fnct that no moro spoils party-machlno polltlolan Hhould be nomlnnteil for governor. Unless a condldato hnR tho right political altitude toward the stato administration of Its Insti tutions, townrd tho administration of public Innds. townrds tho duties of corporations, and sovoral othor mnt tor of equal Importance, ho cannot be elected governor. If he simply wants tho olllco to ndd to his own personal iiutor and family fame, nnd baa no dollnlto Ideas of curbing abuse in tho legislature, of check ing land-grabbing, of holping break up tho monopolization of tho nubile lands, has no idoas of anything but I to graft the olllco for hlnuclf am! 4" nu political creditors, then lu had bettor not be nominated. No urh man will bo oleototl by tho Reimb llenns. Tho Ropubllean jarty has too much of tho blood of the cove nant of the now conscloiuu in ita makoup to-oleot a mere party huekatar. IgnoinliiioiiN End. BUI Blastore So Jim died n dis graceful death, hoy?" Tom Trapper Orf ul. Ho wuz shot ay n nlgh-slghted tenderfoot whot tuck him for a mountain sheep Chicago News. At tho Comer Itccoptlon. Tho following program will U rendered nt tho Baptist church rJ coptlon this ovonlng In hocerl of Row Dr. J. R. Cemer: Instrumental music Miss Duslinell. Prayer Rov. F. E. Dell. Music Stnlwart quartet. Address of wolcomo to cltj-l Mayor Rodgers. Address from tho Mlnlsterul Union Rov. P. S. Knight. Solo Miss Mlnotta Mngcrs. Rosponso Dr. J. R. Comer. Music Stnlwnrt quarct. Bonodlctlon Rov. Robinson, o Bud Burn Quickly ncnlcd. "I am so dollghtod with wti! Chnmberlaln'a Solvd has done fa? mo that I feel bound to wrlto andtdl you so," says Mrs. Robort Myttoi 157 John St., Hamilton, Ontirit "My llttlo dnughtor hnd a bad ban on her kneo. I applied Chaobtf laln'a Salvo and it hoaled boautlfnl ly." This salvo allays tho pain of burn almost Instantly. It Is for ( by Dr. Stono'a Drug Storo. t n i n 1 1 1 1 1 n m Salem's Favorite ji Best Cooking ltAUKST EATAHLICS CHOICEST KHUITS Always Served at tho I White House Restaurant i McGllchrlst & Son . Props. "mmnmillHH 7mmammmmeHHmmmmmmmMmm n ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii n 1 1 1 1 1 n i Outing Shoes I For sonshoro and mountains. All style In leathers and can- vos. H. L. McCann of this cttv. and formerly ot tho McMlnuvllle Tlo-phono-Uoglster. has gono to take ohargo of tho Wheeler county high sohool at Fossil. Ho tans'lit tho North Salem schools during I he 111- nesa of Principal Poohlo. and Is a man pretty well qual!flM to haudla tho high school at Fossil. HU niauy friends horo will wish him success nnd bespeak for Mr. nnd Mrs. Me. .Cauu the usual courteslea and hos ljidlos' now Men's now 5225 Taa Shoe .!?2.oo 13.10 Ilia Shoes 3.00 t (to operate caw and after a fashion, I pltallty cxtoudod to 1nfctl ! 1 1 1 1 1111 1 ; ; Qhlldron's 1Hr Uv Shoes ;; -' now i00 :; Ghlldrqn's High Shoe ......... .t,"$ mul a.00 WHITE CANVAS SHOES '.'. tor Mon, Women and Chtl- ',', uron at lowoat prices. I Jacob Vogt i! 315 Stato Strwt. The Grand and Glorious Fourth la now n thing of tho past. . Now for Your Vacation You wish to havo tho best tlmo possible. A few articles that will ennblo you tp onjoy yourselvos. HI PLUS POU TAHGCT WUCTICE. HAMMOCKS VOU CAX PUT IX YOUR POCKETS. SWEATERS AXI) JERSEYS IX ALI, COIX)RS AND STYLES. As woll ns many otlnr articles too numerous to mention In fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, Etc. Call and see us. Our stock is complete v'Lty 'l'FM & J mL mmil. f'