i -irf " DAMiT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORHSON MQNIMY, JULY fr JOOT TUESDAY, JULY 9, Wt RE-OPEN SALEM'S GREATEST GOOD GOODS STORE mmmbmmimbhbmmmbBIBWHBBWWHMI " fc r m CM BARGAINS ABOUND IN THE CLEANUP Remnants-Odds and Ends and Special Lines ioj Dress Goods At Sacrifice Prices 50o and G5c Suitings In light plaids, checks, Invlnlblo effects all high-clans and tills Bprlng'8 nowest showings. Clean-up prlco 23 ft yard . Silks This ocnBon'B first showing of plnln, figured nnd fancy offcctB, nl moHt giving thom away. Cloan-up priced 10 ....83 (350 value at . . 1,C0 value at 100 pieces, nil wool suitings, plnln nml fancy at ONK-HALF PKICi: Wash Goods Tho Intrinsic values shown In our mesh CloodB dopnrtmont needs no comment tho host In Oregon nil ONK-IIALF 1'HIOH II ' ' I ' ".Ml Lawns, Dimities, Batistes OIKIANDIES and NOVELTIH8 that sold up to 25c a yard, begin ning Tuesday, as u clean-up surprise O A YARD. HUH COURT HTHKKT WINDOW. Wednesday Special Shirt Waists AH New -Newest New York Styles in Lingerie Waists First Show AH New A Sensational Surprise Values to $7.50 - - $2.48 This Season's Greatest Sale Shown in Our Ready-to-wear Department, First Floor EMBROIDERIES Values to 50c yard for -Values to $1 .50 yard for ALL NEW 5c yard 1 5c yard Novor shown hero heforo In an endless variety. Tho ahovo selling prices arc but a frnctlon of their real worth. Thoy aro In 1, 5, C ynrd lengths. Greatest In extent, greatest In value, greatest In asHortmont. Over 3000 yards on sale commencing Tuesday. WOMEN'S HOSIERY SALEM'S GOOD OOODS STORE offors a great lot of Black and Tan, Laco and Embroidered Stockings, values to 75c n pair for 17. 3 I)nlr for 50 MEN'S TWO-PIECE SUMMER SUITS Tlincn wnrm clnVS lirinit "w" l thoughts of comfort, we can ; supply your wants at prices vv that aro surprisingly low. $15.00 values 19.75 4v. $12.50 values $7.73 . i PANTS FOR MEN) Commencing Tuesday. Regular $5.00 values. . .$3.75 Regular $1.00 values. . .$2. C5 Regular $3.50 values. . .$2.35 Regular $3.00 values. . .$1.95 HirtSdutfna V Mux tUodTiikxtd MBfiTikKiSSSBWSilPN: imaimrAix&y.wjm'KiAMi . imk tEsmr&ym ,j MHvssni&mcY Kit !l IiJij mutt ;v5 w-sSBJMWl lW WBwKXk ' tfrui iiSE-jf 1h;JHm1 Menfs Colored Stiff Bosom Shirts Tako your pick of all tho $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts Tuesday morning nnd until sold for 45c Broken Lines Less Than Half Tan Calf ShoOH, $3 50 value, Illuo Camas, $2 00 values .. .. Patent Bllppers, $3.00 valuos..... . ., Patent Oxfords, $3.50 valuos Patent Shoes, $3.50 values Kid Shoos, $3.50 valuas 9 .os 81.1)5 Women's Summer Vests 35 to 50o values In white and colorod sloovlos vwU, llslo, ami cotton, plain and lacy trimmed 1'Inuiiip Prhv TINY TAPS Will appoar twlco each wcok In Jolly stunts; watch for tho funny fellows In our ads. 1000 Tiny Tads Souvenir Calendar Post Cards Cllvon froo each month 'to every child nccompnnied by their pnronts; now ready. Ssl K3K m ft r Www ' WHiigggfe H .ffw u vffwf TiMW!m& I MUKmwK Jr v I s v ,. AAff ?rr iw -- - .. ' Ll WILUnfSVj . I .31 f , f o Kki') vy I Vliwt taw Co .. 'TV.wJra jgv J(. 'ZLbLf" M& '-m Broken Lines of Men's and Boys' Straw and Felt One Half Price .' Ready to Wearables at One-half All lines of Kiinonas, Stirts, Hotise Dresses at one-half former Price This onormous prlco concession applies toall lines of above re ceived by us during the big fire aalo and which have not been entire ly olosod out CLEAN.UP SALE. XO l &ZZZZXllU,l. J5c Muslin Underwear New York's Exclusive Showing in Ladies' Lingerie $1800 00 worth of M. M. & Co and II. II. II. Co.'s plumo and Vassar UueN of Gowns, Corset Covers. ChomUo and Petticoats, Just opqntjd. Tho humlsoniost showing of th -so dainty garments ever attempted In this vicinity. All now all good. WHITE SKIRTS l)y express, ready Tuesday morning, some oxt round y new styles; duck, linen, lawn, etc.. at lowest prlco. READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT Two Dors Wtt of Main Store-First Floor t AJ& . (Re u&lA IVVJPMBiri ja arm mm s m m mm wb .'. lp' 6 A JS.u4IAX0 I7, - 07l4 Tho Tiny Tads of great renown llavo como to visit in our town, And ovory wook thy will appear Upon this spaca that we have here, To do tholr clover llttlo stunts With Doojums and Umbrollaphants And Knngaroosters and Kuboks And strange naiooks and Jabberwocks, Aud all that wolrd and Jumbled moss Of boasts from the Hewilderness. You ask us why gt those Tads To do tholr frolic In our ads? Well; first of all tky catch your eye, And next our offorlngs you spy, Thou, Just to try us once, you come (Tho rest is simple as a sum) Onco come, you'll ton times como again. Small prollts multiplied byton, Good deals which bring you o'er and oVr" To help yourself and help our store. And now, wo pray you watch this space With pleasure written on your face, So wo may know that goodly check Domunded by Gustav Verbeok Has not been altogether tost -A SMILE FROM YQl repays our cost! NEW! NEW! NEW! And Shown for First Time Tuesday. SILK PETTICOATS SILK WAISTS SILK. JUMPER SUITS NOVELTY SUITS Advance Full Stjlej. f nA W. R. CORSETS Xew models. INFANTS' WEAR VOILE SKIRTS PHROALES GINGHAMS PRINTS , UBLTS GLOVES-HOSIBRY UNDERWEAR SHQES-NOTIONS-SILKS-J RIBBONS EMBROIDERY.. READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT Two Doors West of Main Store-First Floor n ?T 1 1 iii ie). Ill eu&t4 fK0ffpamrO