Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 08, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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New Today
Embroidered Turn-overs 5c
.ii.m1 by express from Now York. They nre equal to
16c values ever shown In Salem.
Semi-Stiff Collars for Ladies 1 5c
The newest things in neck fixings for ladies.
Embroidered Stiff Collars 25c
The reigning stylo In the East right now. Now shipment just
reached us.
Semi-Stiff Collars With Overlace 25c
Don't fall to seo these new ideas; thoy will interest you.
Windsor Ties 25c
25 dozen of the swellest patterns you over snw. All silk, high
grado; .23c each.
Wash Belts 20c
Embroidered white holts, tho regular quarter kind, but wo
marked 'em 20c ns usual.
Wash Belts 35c
Very swell white wash belts, ombroldorcd, with pearl buckles
and enamel cj.lcts. 35c each.
Smoke Glasses
Protect your eyes from tho glaring
ion. Wo have them in all sizes and
We do all our own lonso grinding,
Yoa get tho benoflt in promptness,
tirefol workmanship, and tho prlco
It so small niattor to ovorlook. Wo
an savo you monoy. in case you
meet with an accident wo can roplaco
the lenses tho so mo day thoy nro loft
vita u.
MS Coml Street. Graduate Optician.
A Collection of ImnortAnfc lnr
iMfraphs for Your Consideration J
Tlw Ilest Postals
New subjects today, 'Grootlnc
CardV at Pat ton's book store
Concerning Depot 1
Tho railroad commission civos
"Leo that It will invostlgnte tho
DlUCf nf flirt ailfllAtniinif nf Annnia
wd other eanltnry mutters portnln
lS to ho railroad sorvlco Tuesday,
My 16,
!' for Go-Curts
to L. I. Josso's this weok for
MWclal bargains on go-enrts.
(New Postals
Monday Patton Tiros will nlmw n
(line of now subjects in souvenir
Vm comprising Scotch studies.
fVT Our ice C tvnm Sodas
way ned Cross Pharmacy.
I1 Concert
me Salem Military band gave an
"er of Its popular open air con-
WU In t-i- . . .
i - -.anon squaro yesterday ar
fntoon. Tin day was Ideal and a
, -,,,, v-l-IUIIVU UUU1UUCU
P out fo rnjoy the music.
Try Our In? Oram Sodas
Today. Rod Cross Pharmacy.
To Commence. on Fifteenth
Geo. C. Will Intends to commence
taking stock on tho 15th a wook
from today. As 'ivory buslnoss mnn
knows, thcro Is no tlmo Hint n per
son wants to soil so badly ns just
boforo taking stock; In order to put
everything posslblo Into cash or ac
counts. So If you want, n piano or
orgnn, musical instrument, talking
mnchlne, tnlking machino records,
shoot music, or n sowing machino,
you will find this weok nn excellent
tlmo to got a bnrgaln. Go to tho
music houso of Goo. C. Will, Com
mercial stroot, Snlom, oppoBito tho
Lndd & Bush bank.
Try Our Ice- Civmn Sodas-
Today. Rod Cross Pharmacy.
Ciiiiio from the East
J JiiBt recolvod from the East BO
, bountiful oak extension tables. Thoy
npcAAjrBEHg Hr i 5M
If tho stom
ach, Liver or
Kidneys ore
In " b n d
shape" tin
Hitters will
restore them
to a normal
c o n d I Hon
and euro
Diarrhoea, t.
Hlliousncss, )
rf Indigestion.
MM HfrH I I I I I I HI 1 1 1 I 8 I 1 1- I
aro beauties.
U. Josso.
Call and boo thorn. L.
It Is Anti-Trust
For bargains' this week, go to L.
U. Jobso'b nntl-trtiBt furniture store.
You will nlwnys find his nrlcis low
er than olsowhorc.
Art Goods for Summer Work
At tho Variety Store.
For Your Doors
And windows nnd all kinds of
mill work, go to tho sash and door
factory of A- M. Hanson, Church and
Mill streets.
Art Goods for Fancy Work
At tho Variety Store.
Ice. Cream Soclnl
Wanted 500 people to eat Ico
cream Tuesday evening, from 5 to
0 p. m at tho Central Congregation
al church, corner of Nineteenth nnd
Forry streets.
Summer Rending
Five hundored new, tup-to-dato
stories in paper binding, Just re
ceived at Patton's book storo, rang
ing in price from 25c to 50c. Spe
clal salo this week. Ten cents a copy.
Largo Assorted Stock
Of art goods, nt Variety Storo.
Salem Girl Weds
Cards received by friends In Snlom
announce tho wedding of Miss Alma
Chlqua Wngner, oldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Wagner, of Stock
ton, California, to Mr. Albort L.
Barnes. The Wagners formerly con
ducted tho Wlllnmotto hotel at Sa
lom, nnd are now prominent hotel
peoplo of tho San Juoaquln valley
Completing Cosy Cottage- -
Charles Goodalo will in a fow days
move Into his now modern cottngo
on Mill street. Tho building Is a
nent and modern soven-room dwell
ing, nnd is il valuable acquisition to
tho many substantial homes of that
Secretary Benson to Return.
Secretary of State Bonson Is ex
pected homo from California, whero
ho has boon slaying for a fow
months for his health. Tho strnln of
tho loglslntlvo soislon wn too much
i for' Mr. Bonson, nnd ho hns takon
much-nc.odcd recuperation.
A Rare Plant
The rnro and beautiful Indian
Plpo, a species of iloworlng fungus,
is found in deep, dark and wt
places of tho forest at this soason
of tho year. Mr. A. D. Pettyjohn, of
Ilnll's Ferry, brought this ofllco n
bonutlful specimen todny. It Is a
great curiosity In tho wny of a con
necting link between tho vogotablo
nnd fungoid growths.
Going to Coos. Bay
Railroad Commissioners Achoson
nnd West loft todny for tho Coos
Bny oo un try to cxnmlno Into somo of
tho transportation conditions thoro
that aro complnlned of. Tho office
will bo in charge of Chairman Cnmp
boll until their return. .
Want a Five-Cent Fare
Mayor Schlndlor nnd Alderman
Strold, of Mliwnuklo, wore boforo tho
railroad commission todny, con
toning for n flvo-cont faro on the
oloctrlc lino from Portland to thoir
I city. Tho faro is now ton conts,.
wJilla from Portlnnd to tho Golf
Links, Just ono milo nwny, tho fur
Is only five conts.
Woodbiirn Flection Cases
Tho grand Jury or Mnrlon county
has beou summonod to Investigate
tho olaotlon frauds at Woodburn, In
connoctlon with tho Inst city eloc
tion. W. L. Toozo, of Fnlls City,
and Grant DoGulro and othors aro
horo to apponr us witnesses. Fred
Oster, who was voted without hav
ing hnd any naturalization pnpors,
and others, may bo Indicted.
Inspection of O. & E. Railway
' General Manager O'Brien, of tho
Southern Pacific Company, and Guy
W. Talbot, of tho C. & E wont
through tho city Sunday night In
tho prlvato car of Mr. O'Brlon, to In
spect tho Corvallts & Euutern from
Detroit to Ynqulna. A nyw mnnagor
.T. A. Johnson went to Hubbard on
business today.
Hurley Bosler and Allen Pugh
spent Sunday In Dallas.
Rov. A. A. Mro went to Port
lnnd on business todny.
Frank Munson loft today for
Walla Wnlla to spend tiio summer.
Dr. .T. II. Onlnmnn nil fnmllv nrn
In Newport forfajnfminer's outing.
Miss Nellie Derby, of Portlnnd,
spent Sunday with her parents In
this city.
Miss Mary Evans, after a visit
here, has returned to her homo in
Miss Mima Smith loft todny for
her home In Sllvorton, to spend a
two weeks' vucntion.
Mrs. J. P. Cole, who bus boon vis
iting her daughter here, has re
turned to her homo In Astoria.
Edgar Morrcsse, of tho Statcsnfan
roportorlnl stuff, spent Sunday with
relatives in Forest Grove.
Miss Clnrn J. Boring bus returned
to her homo in Portlnnd, nfter hnv
lng visited Salem friends,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlos Powell hnvo
returned to their homo In Enstern
Oregon, nftor n visit in this city.
. D. M. Smith, nftor n visit to his
brothor, J. N. Smith, nnd other roln
tlvo3 here, bus returned to his home
In Portland.
B.'f. Salmon nnd family went to
Cnnby for a short buslnoss trip. Ho
will thou go to tho mountnlus for a
woek's outing.
Miss Mllllo Roberts loft todny for
Glndstono Pnrk, whero Bho will tnko
part In tho enntntn which will bo
glvon Saturday ovonlng.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. McClnnnhnn, of
Los Angelos, nro vinitlng Mrs. Mc
Clnnnhnn's pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
E, Godfroy, of Enst Snlom.
Mrs. R. Cnrtwrlght bus gono to
Klnmnth Fnlls, whoro Bho will spend
tho summor with hor husbnnd, Dr.
Tho Lowo Stock Company, which
hns boon plnying nt tho Kllngor
Grnnd, loft todny for Newport, to
fill n summer's cngngomont nt tho
Newport opora houso.
Miss Lena Mclntlro nnd two girl
friends, Miss Suo Mnrtln nnd Miss
Mnmlo Ulln, nil of Portlnnd, Bpont
Sundny nt Miss Mclntlre's homo on
South jCommorclnl stroot.
W. M. Welch, tho contrnctor,
went to Portlnnd todny on buslnoss.
Ho -hns tho contrnct for tho now
high school building in St. Johns,
nnd nl8o n lurgo building In Port
lnnd. Miss Nnnnio Wilson, Mrs. Elma
Currln, Miss Almn Pohlo, Miss Em
ma Grahnm nnd Mrs. Robort Enkln
nnd dnughtor loft for Sonttlo this
morning to attend tho mooting of
tho Christian Endouvorors.
Attorneys A. C. Woodcock nnd II.
W. Thompson, of Eugene, nro In
tho city on lognl buslnoss In tho
Gnlbralth vs. Southorn Pnclflc suit,
which will bo hoard In circuit court
Miss Ernestlho Hulloy nrrlvod
Inst ovonlng from Lowlston, Idaho,
whoro sho Is omployod, nnd will
spond pnrt of her vuotlon In this city
with hor pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. R.
a Halloy.
Jnmes E. Murrny, Pnul G. Hugus,
nnd Thomns Powoll enmo up from
Portland Snturdny ovonlng. Whllo
horo thoy wero ontortnlned by Miss
Nolllo Derby. Sundny thoy loft for
Lnkovlow, Oregon, whoro thoy will
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dun Tnrploy nnd
Mrs. II. C. Tnrploy nnd dnughtor,
Miss Leln, left this morning for n
summor'B outing nt Newport. Thoy
Which we are closing out at 75c yard. . Reduced
from $1 , $1 .1 0 and $ 1 .25 lines.
Also another lot of seasonable patterns of Nov
elty Dress Goods at 35c yard. Reduced from 50c.
All our 50c Fancy Organdies now 35c
Our line of Fancy Printed Lawns in 13c, 14c and
1 5c values now 1 0c
A small lot of Fancy Printed Lawns, 1 0c values
now 5c.
Are your children supplied? We have a good line
of "Barefoot" Sandals at extremely low prices.
tOfl yfc
Steel Camp
Ono, two nnd four holes. Pnckod
for shlpmont. Plain nnd nsbostos
lined. Prlco from $1.25 up.
Is to bo nppolnted In pluce of Mr. w, bo Jlod a"ri tho w b4y
Tnlbot, who becomeo
tho Oregon Eloctrlc.
mnnuger of
The Salem Shoe Store
nd tho nnnnio . 11 t.. m i. . . i
bera iY "cut uu iwi r-iKiu, lor iuey Keep cumiug in uuiu
that more than satisfy our expectutions. Wo must bo mak
- boa, en?
Salem Shoe Store
Our price on suit b tho low
est In tho city, so romombor
whoro to buy.
Keeps the
Flies Ott
There is nothing so good as
S0-B0SS-S0 to keep tho files
off your cows and horsos. Tho
cost Is very llttlo when com
pared with tho benefit. Try It
and seo tho difference.
Salem Ageats
255 Commercial Street.
Pkoae 189.
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Tnrploy, of Port
I. W. Nowcomb, of Tnngont, wns
In tho city Sunday to attend ser
vices nt ono of tho ahurches of tho
Cnpltnl City. Ho wns a blnoksmlth
for many yours, koVt a groo-ry
store, nnd now nt tho ngo of 7-1
works nt common labor. Ha has
boon haying at $2.00 a day, nnd
mnkos a full hand. In his youngor
days ho taught school in La no coun
ty. Ono of his pupils nt tho Grond
Prnlrlo school, ton mllos from Eu
eoeo, was tho progont chief justice,
R. S. Bean. Mr. Nowcomb says
Bonn was a bright boy.
F. A. Darling, who lenrnod tho
painting trade, in this city 20 yours
ngo of Billy Warner, dropped off at
Salem tho other night botweon
trnin8. Ho looked up a few old
friends and then wont to his homo
In 'Frisco. Ho is Just out of tho hos
pital, whoro ho lay for 13 months
with a broken back und hip, from
tho earthquake. That trernblor de
stroyed his shop and a flno business
he had built up on Valencia street,
and, worst of all, killed his wife and
twin daughters. Teh pleasures of
life In tho Golden State aro not what
In tin nnd grnnlp Iron wnro sold
nt prices so that you enn afford to
throw thorn away nftor tiBing thorn
on your outing nnd hnvo your good
things in tho houuo snvod for use
on returning homo,
Steol Fry Puns 10c up
Coffee Pots 15c up
Spoons 10c per dozen
Knlvoa nnd Forks... 5c per dozen
Brond Pans 10c up
Covorod Palls 10c up
Sao our folding ovous, tho finost
nnd most convenient thing mado for
baking bread by n qamp flro. Prlco
$1.25 und $1.75.
Just receiving a now stock of
tents In vurious sizes.
GRABI3R. In Snlom, Ore, Thurs
duy, July 1, 1907, to Mr. nnd
Mrs. Jos. Grnbor, n son, Kohnoth
GRADER. In Snlom, 0ro Satur
day, July C, 1907, to Mr. and
Mrs. P. E. Grnbor, a aon, Evorard
Secretary of Normal Board.
Thoro nro sovornl applicants for
tho position of Bccrotnry of the
Stnto Normal School Bonrd, nnd
probably othors will bo brought out.
Alrondy in" tho Held nro County Su-
porlntondont E. T. Mooros, of Ma
rlon county; County Superintendent
Stnrr, or Polk; A. P. Worthlngton,
Portlnnd, formorly socrolnry of tho
WoHton normal school. Tho olllro
will bo worth $1500 n your, will bo
locntod nt tho stnto houso, nnd will
perform tho functions of purchasing
agent of tho four normal hoIiooIr, uh
well ns hnvlng n genornl oversight
of tho details of mnungomont. The
bonrd moots Wednesday of this wook
to orgnnlzo.
Trusty !-cnpcd
A trusty, Wllllnm Wllllnmson,
gnvo tho gunrds tho slip Snturdny
night, nnd up to tho hour of going
to pross hud not boon r.ecupturod.
Doputlcs, with u good memory of
criminal faces, nro In search of him.
Phone Main 1 9 Salem, Oi
Norwich Union Fire
Insurance Society
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent.
Office with Wm. Brown & Co., No.
129 Commercial street.
Ovor Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or.
Notice On nnd aftor July 1, R. R.
Ryan's roal ostat", loan, lnsuranco
nnd omploymont ofllco will bo at
Commorclal Hall, cornor of Com
mercial und Confer streets.
Wnntcd, Good touniBtor for tho
' ranoh. Apply to T. A. Llvosl6y &
Co. Phono Main 109 or Furmort
1C1. 7-3-tf
Lost or Htruyt-ri. A small, bright
bay horse, weight about 950
pounds, yoll built and In good
condition. Roturn to J. II. Stan
ton, comer of lGth und Mill
streets, phone 1212, and rocctvo
rowurd, 7-Slwk
Logan Berries Thiu wook, 50 conts;
a cruto, If you pick them. G. M,
Loaso, South Thirteenth street.
they art cracked up to be.