DAILY OAPCTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 0, 1007. JferA J. L STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER reparingfor Another Busy Month two aro turning tho dull summer days Into busy ones by off or is to tho public such Inducements as will bring them to our storo, Bplto tho burning sun. Our store Is cool all day long, nnd our kstomers say It Is a Very plea3n,t placo to spend nn afternoon. l ' . .... ..... beater bargains will bo offored on account 01 tno approacning iau son being -closo at hand. Only two more months for us to aso out our Immense stock, of summer goods. ANOTHER GRAND ASSORTMENT OF SKIRTS Drummers' Samples-One of a Kind liTho Now York travelers are now touring homoward. Tho30 who ilsh tholr work In Portland or Salem close out tuolr Bampies at eat sacrifices, rather than carry thorn bade Home Being in v, tnnh with ttinnv of them, wo havo secured several good sea at a reduction of one-third. They aro now on salo at prices Inch loss than you expect. New Long Coats for the Coast feSlxty-flvo sample coats, no two alike, Just rocolved from our Utorn representative. They aro tno aavanceu inn siyies sent on Hy especially for vacation traao. SUITS REDUCED Imo half-price. imo reduced one-third. imo reduced one-fourth, imo $15 to $30 values. $5.00 a Suit SHORT COATS REDUCED Our ontlro stock la on salo at a reduction of One-third MMHHniiMHHnMMI dug Good Use of Formosa. lower house of tho Jnpanc30 ins sanctioned a lonn of $950,- jld to tho Formoaan govern- ftto bo paid In two Installments, ling with tho fiscal yonr March, 'for tho Installation of a plant ipplylng 3,000,000 gallons of .dnlly to tho city of Talhoku. iter Is to bo pumped from tho ito a settling tank, thonco over of two filter beds. A second Pwlll force It Into a doublo- Prtmont rcsorvolr upon a hill it directly above. Theso pumps bo operated by oloctrlc power, rfurnlshed by a generating plant miles awpy. From tho resor- tho water Is to bo conducted In lenty-lnch Iron pipe a dlstnnco mlleo over an alluvial plain to Ity of Tnlhoku. Tho main con- tho wator through Uio. capital jr distribution will bo a twolvo- Iron pipe. As thoro Is at pres to running wator In any of tho dolds In Tnlhoku, tho Installa- )f this plant will necessitate ig In completo piping and flt- oquIpmonU for prlvato con- re and flro plugs for public mo. buildings aro almost ontlroly iod to one nnd two-story struc- and thoro aro no Indications tghrr buildings being oroctod; the prcssuro to bo obtnlned by icntlon of tho reservoir upon a LOO fret above tho lovol of tho Us sufficient, liins not yet been decided wheth- odwrtlso for bids for materials make tho purchasos direct. In caso tho law provides that ran- for public works must bo pur- through hoiiBca resident nud rod In Japan or Formosa for than two years. Thus American with agencies in Japan for a of two years aro entitled to tondors on bids for public iro 13 nt present a GCO-horse- electrlc generating plant at Mgu, which transmits Its powor inco of flftcon miles to Talhoku, ipltal city. Th'.s plant Is inado- for presont demands. Tluro bw before tho Japanoso Diet a itlon providing for a loan of ,000 gold to the Formosan gov- lont for tho purpose of install- in Qlectrlc-genoratlng plant at i, five miles distant from Tal- clty. It Is proposed to run a from Shin Tlom, on the liead- rs of tho Tamsul river, to Kel- dislanco of two miles. At Koi- jbcl thoro Is to bo erected a powor house for tho generation of 2000 mlslson to Tnlhoku. Tho specifica tions will call for five DOO-horse-powor alternating current genorntors nnd for turbines, transformers, con ductors, and other equipments. Tho present plant is equipped with Amer ican nmdo machinery throughout. It is proposed to utillzo tho powor gen erated by this now plant for operat ing the ,pumps In connection with tho ! water works mentioned, as well as to supply light and powor. to Tnlho ku city. It Is qullo posslblo that In tho ovent of tho comunmtion of tho schomo for a systom of tramways for Talhoku, motlvo power will bo .furnishol by this plant. Tho ndmlnlstrntlon Is nt present houcetl In what wns boforo tho Jap anoso occupation tho Chlnoso official quarters. Thcso nro poorly adapted to presont needs. Tho insular gov ernment Is desirous of erecting a building for civil ndmlnlstrntlve pur poses. Tho civil Qovornor has ap plied to'tho Japanoso Dlot for n lioan of $7C0,000 gold for this purposo. As Formosa has boen financially Independent of Jnpnn sinco 1901, thero Is ovory roason to bollovo that tho Japanoso Diet will sanction tho purposed loans, In tho ovont of which work upon tho public Improvomonts ns set forth will shortly begin, Tho Formosa Iron and Engineer ing Works, Llmltod, has boon or ganized In Toklo, with a capital of $500,000 gold. Tho bulk of tho com pany's stock has been purchased by tho owners of tho Formosa sugar mills , who find tholr work greatly hampored by tho lack of propor fa cilities for short-notlco repair w6rk. Tho proposed foundry will be orected Mn South Formosa, and will havo u business office In North Formosa. Consular Roport, is a tormlnal built of carbon rods, to which Is connected tho cables con veying the current. Tho trough Is filled with nnthrnclto coal, In which Is embedded a carbon rod to mnktj electrical connection between tho termtnnls, ns the coal Is a very poor conductor of electricity. Tho tom poraturo t owhlch tho coal Is raised boforo conversion Into graphite Is very high, and Is said to npproxlmat0 7500 degrees Fahrenheit, a temper ature at which all bpdles except car bon aro evaporlzed and driven off. It is possible to make the graphlto prnctlcally chemically pure, but for ordinary commercial purposes such a high degr&e of purity Is unneces sary, but it Is posslblo to bo regulnto the operation that a degree of unl fqrmlty of purity Is nttalned which Is not posslblo to secure In tho pro duction of natural graphites. Whon tho furnnco has coolod sufficiently tho graphite Is removed, but it is not yet in commercial form and has to bo ground to powder nnd finally sep arated Into tho sizes necessary for tho various uses to which graphlto Is put, one of tho most Important of which Is Its application as a protec tive coating for Iron and other metal structures. During tho year 190C there were upward of '15-1,311 pounds of grnph Ite manufactured here, tho greater part of which was exported to tho United States. Tho demand In Cnn ada, though steadily growing, has not warranted tho construction of a completo grinding factory such as would bo necessary to mnko all tho forms nnd grades ordinarily re quired In tho trndo. it Bhould bo emphasized that this graphlto Is not a mined product, nnd In comparison with tho production thereof of tho quantity mined In Canada 13 sur prisingly smnll, tho report for 1905 Bhowlng Mint only 5-11 short tons woro mined, valued at $17,032, whllo tho valuo of artificial graph ite for 1900 was $21,579. Consu lar Report. ioke Glasses rotect your eyes from the glaring Wo have them la all sizes and w. REMEMBER re do all our own lease grinding. get the bonoflt in promptness, ful workmanship, aad the price small matter to overlook. We save you moaef. la ease yoa with an accident we can replace lenses tho samo day they are left us. V - IAS. H. HINGES .Coml Street, Graduate OpUtiaa. Abraham Lincoln was a man who, against all odds, attained tho highest honor a man can got In tho United States. Bal lard's Horehound Syrup has attained a place, novor equalled by any other llko romody. It Is a euro cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Influen za and all Pulmonary diseased. Every mother should keep supplied with this wonderful cough medicine. Sold by D. J. Fry. u Manufacture of CJrapliKe In Canada. Ono of tho most Important olectrl cal industries at Niagara Falls, On tario, manufactures graphlto from anthracite coal and petroloum coko and converts Into graphlto tho forms of raw carbon used in electric fur nace work, whore high tomperaturo 13 required, and for electrolytic work such ns tho manufacture of causltc sodas, bleaching powders, etc.; In fact, practically all methods of elec trolysis. Tho raw materials used consist of anthracite coal, glass sand foundry coke and sawdust, all of which are imported from the United States except the sawdust. The furnaces used for tho conver sion of tho anthracite coal or petro leum Into graphite aro in tho form of long, narrow troughs, built of flro brick and lined with some suitable refractory or insulating material, In this case the sand, coke and saw- :anBi are useu lor jasmauag oy raix ling thea together la the proper por- 'tioBS. At the end of each trough J Salt Making in Mexico. Tho manner of oxtrncting tho salt fiom tho many shallow lagoons nlong this coast Is prlmltlvo nnd simple. At a convonlont placo, gonornly at hlgh wator mark, tho following Is con cen structed: On topof fourstrong posst, placed upright and protruding out of tho ground about bIx feet, a flat cov ering Is built of polos; on top of those about a three-foot thickness ot dry grass or straw Is placed. Whon complotod It Is a flat-roofed shod, with straw covering. This Is to serve as tho flllor. Underneath this a re ceiving bowl Is mndo of stono and llmo mortar. At ono sldo of tho fll tor nnd bowl tho ovnpornting pnns aro made of limo mortar, being shal low tanks not ovor slx Inchos doop nnd divided Into squnros of about 150 suporflclnl foot onoh. This com pletes tho salt works. A layer of earth ono-fourth to one-half Inch Is then scrnpod dally from tho oxposod land that wns covorod with wator when tho lagoon was full In the wot season. Tins enrtu is cnrricu in baskets on men's hoadB to tho top of tho filter nnd emptied on to tho strnw roof. Wator Is then filtered through tho oarth and straw, and falls Into tho receiving bowl highly chnrgod with salt. Tho liquid Ib passed to tho evaporating pnns, this bolng dono with onrthon jars. Tho sun ovaporates tho wator and leaves tho puro salt, which Is piled up In tho sun to dry. It Is thon packed In bngs and convoyed by mules to tho markot. Tho cost of making this salt Is about $3.50 United States gold per ton, and it soils for nt loast twlcothat much, oven when tho prlcos aro low est. It is considered tho best of the Republic, and commands tho highest prlco. Amout 15,000 tons nro now produced each year during tho three months season. With machinery much moro could bo mado, and no doubt nt much less cost. Thero Is a ready market for many times tho quantity now produced. Consular Report. , COMING BY WAY OF VICTORIA Vancouver, 13. C, JUly G. Labor men nro up in nrms ovor tho threat ened Invasion of thousands of Jap nnoso from Honolulu. Tho labor mnrket is now almost overstocked, and will not stnnd for tho coming of such numbers. Immigration de partment records show thnt 1500 havo arrived in British Columbia since tho first of tho year, 700 from Japan and S00 from Honolulu. Theso wore ndmltted without much question by tho Immigration depart ment, ns help was much needed In many Industries, but now Dr. AIox. S. Monroe, Dominion Immigration In spector, nnnounces thnt the law will bo rigidly enforced, nnd all who can not qualify will bo refused admlt tnnce. Tho chief requisite qualification Is possession of nt lenst $25 ensh, and Mr. Monro says this Is to bo rigidly enforced, Past experiences with tho Jnpanose from Honolulu shows thnt not ono In ton has this amount. This menus they will havo to return, ns thoy will not bo allowed to land either horo or nt Victoria. Tho French stonmor Admiral Jaurlborry Is duo horo Saturday morning with 225 Jnpaneso from Honolulu. Thoy must qualify or go back. Ono thou sand more havo alrondy loft Honolu lu Acute complications nro almost certain, as the local JapanoBo eonim lnto Is qulto nwaro thoy aro coming. All tho World. knows that Ballard's Snow Llnlmont hnB no Buporlor for RhoumatlBm, Stiff Joints, Cuts, Sprains, Lum bngo and all pains. Buy It, try it and you will always 'uso It. Any body who has used Ballard's Snow Llnlmont Is a living proof of what It doos. All wo ask of you lsto got a trial bottlo. Prlco 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. YOU WILL PIND ON OUR BARGAIN TABLES SPLEN DID VALUES IN NOVELTY DRESS GOODS Which wc arc closing out at 75c yard. Reduced from $1 ,$1.10 and $ 1 .25 lines. Also another lot of seasonable patterns of Nov elty Dress Goods at 35c yard. Reduced from 50c. All our 50c Fancy Organdies now 35c. Our line of Fancy Printed Lawns in 1 3c, 1 4c and 1 5c values now 1 0c. A small lot of Fancy Printed Lawns, 1 0c values now 5c. THIS IS THE SEASON FOR "BAREFOOT" SANDALS Are your children supplied? We have a good line of "Barefoot" Sandals at extremely low prices. CfrJ y t Ai.trsv&zd' (Dadi- uWCS& &3TJ8ivuk &yfa Tho Telegraphers' Strike. Onkland, Onl., July G. Furthor offort to affect a sottlomont of tho tolcgrnphor's strike emtio todny when Attorney W. W. Alien, ropro sontlng tho oporntors, had a con ference with Assistant Qonornl Su perintendent Miller. Nolthor tho nttornoy nor Millar would discuss what took placo nt tho conforonco, but It Is bollovod that an under Binding was arrived at that Is ex pected to greatly clarify tho situation. The Gillette Idea Bssfl BMissssssBSiMEHHBissssssssssI CMM THE II ELEVENTH iHOUR It is not quite that late la tho salo of the crockery, glass ware and dishes at our store. J But they will soon be all gone, as they are being sold below X cost, to make room for more groceries. I H. M. BRANSON ! Phone 131. 432 State St f iimitiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiM NO STROPPING NO HONING This is tie feature of the Gillette Safety Rasor. The secret is in the blade. The Gillette Blade is thin flexible steel, hardened and tempered by our secret method which produces a cutting edge not only of marvelous keenness, but of such endurance that each blade will givz an average of twenty satisfying shaves without stropping. When dulled, throw away as you would a used pen. A new blade inserted in a second. The Triple Silver Plated handle is a marvel of work manship and mechanical ingenuity, and will last a lifetime. The blade is tightly held between the cap and guard, giving it absolute rigidity. The edges and corners of the blade are perfectly protected, making the Gillette a safe safety. It is the only raor that can be adjusted for light and close shaving. The Gillette is unique. It stands by itself. A trial convinces every user. The Standard Gillette Raor outfit Include the Triple Silver Plated handle and twelve doefcle edgd blades, 24 cutting edges, in compact full leather case. Wade, Pearce & Co, 204 Com'i St. Phone Mkt W -r.y ddiSfWi-it i MtIBi! WHWf' d rWjLK"'4'