.JUS""8"""" LJ ." tf "!- ik oau? Br DAK CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALES!. OREGON FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1007. H I i I 1 1 II 1-H-l 1 1 1 HI I 1 1 II ! Out Stoe Will Be Closed Until TUESDAY, JULY 9th In order to nllov us to ronrrnngo our atock, mark new goods, etc, Ladies9 Ready-to-we a? Department Will bo situated In tho room Junt wont of the aloro building nnd will bo complol with fashion's most favored stylos. J IttHIMMMMMHMHtHf iiiiinn nt tinnnnn tuna nllntrml to CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Par rtiplM for Your Consideration If J fnllnti nt Cinn nnn tttna nllnirml to lmvo boon taken In violation of tho constitution by Sccrotnry of Stato Dunbar. Tho matter will bo argued on u motion to dismiss tho ontlro proceedings. i SoHTenlr roetate New subjocta today, at Patton'a. I'rcnljHHrHtoKn Chlpw At'W. A. Irvln & Co.'s grocory,203 North Commorclnl street. Jin. fioodc'H Mm Mra. J. 1 Gootlo hns boon III nt tho family homo In North Salem for tho past two months, Buffering with catarrh or tho atomach. 8ho In nomowhat Improved today. Mnrrlngo Limine Hnymond I'owoll, of Jefferson, nged 20, nnd Dorn D. Moon, of Sa lem, aged 10 Itobert W. I'owol witness, (tainted Divorce Mrs. M. 1, Donnoll was granted a Idlvoreo from G. S. Donnoll this morning by Judgo Galloway. ' HIGHWAYMAN AND IIOIIHKH. l-'rfHh Hamtogtt Chlpi At W. A. Irvln & Co.'s Brocory,203 North Commorclal Htreot. Fourth of July Hill Tho general committee on tho Fourth roquuBts that nil bills bo pro obnted to tho uecrolnry, Z. J. IllggB, at once. 'Appointed Immigration Innpccto ConunllH Two Crlim-H nnd In Quickly Caught. S. S. Shublo was nosnulted nnd robbed Inst night In tho vacant lot back of IJutto & Woudcroth's saloon, on Commercial street, nonr Ferry, Shublo was struck on tho head with 8onio blunt Instrument, and a discol ored oyo and bruised head this morn Ing glvo evidence that tho blow was a forcible one. Tho blow knocked , Shublo out vora than Burns did It. P. Ilonham, who Is well-known Buulro. nnd whon ho recovorod con- horo, has recently been appointed scloiiBnous his watch wns gono, nnd Immigration Inspector lu tho United with It had vanished olght big dol eintoi bureau of Immigration, and law. Doputlon Sheriff Mlnto nnd will romovo rrom Portland to As- HhcIi wero stationed nt tho doot to torln, to fhko chnrgo of tho work, watch for tho criminals, and arrest- Mr. uonham gained his promotion od Tom Drlseoll as ho wbb attempt uy merit, as the mudu after a competltl lOU. "Jiaei- 11111(10 tUO I UtUSt tllllu In both Pn Ifiirnln nml luirn grade of any candidate lu tho lust lit 'and whon nrruatod a full Bet of bur tho Btate, which fact Is very gratify- Jglnr tools were found In his posset ing to him, nnd a pleasure to hU.slon. I PERSONALS Hill Ml II I II HI llll HUH- W. N. Cherrlngton Is In Portland on business. Attorney M. K. Pogue went to Woodburn today. Clnir Dakar left this morning for an nnMnir at Newport. El State Veterinary Surgeon Korluek wont to Portland today on buslnoM. Chna. C. Patrick, the Independ ence banker, spent the Fourth nt Salem. Miss Sabine Dent, a talented Port land musician, Is n Fourth of July guest of Mrs. E. Hofer. Ilex niihop spent the Fourth in Salem, returning to his home In Portland this morning. Claude Townvmd and slster-ln-Inw, Mrs. Kd. Townsond, and son, Ctirtlg, left this morning for a visit in Gorvals. Mrs. A. n. Haberly, of Woodburn, nftor a short visit here, has roturned to hor homo, Mr. and MrB. John Longcor left this morning for Bay City, wliero they will roaldo. Ward Fisher and Lyle Lewis went to Newport this morning to II 1 1 a Hummer's musical engagement. Mis9 Klon Thlelson and Miss Alice Meyers wore nmong tho pns3engorB going to Newport todny. MIrb Graco Tohnan, after a visit In this city, ha rcturnod to hor home at tho reform school. F. G. Sannor left this morning for his homo In Mnryavlllc, Washington, after having vIbIIoJ Snlom relatives and frloudH. Miss Elwlna Schrnm left this morning for St. Paul, Or., for a two-montliB visit to relatives and frlonds. Jno Kupotz, who hns been tho guost of Andrew Andregg, has re turned to his homo In Boeschen, Washington. Miss Teresa Knmph and brother, Ilobort, of Albany, who bavo boon visiting MIsh Ruby Long, of East Sn lom, left today for their home. MIbb Emma Warren, county super lutondcnt of Clatsop county public schools, after a visit horo, has re turned to hor homo lu Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Ilalph Uonham bavo roturned to their homo In Portland, nftor having visited relatives and spen ttho fourth In Salem. o A Wonderful Happening. Port Dyron, N, Y has witnessed ono of tho most romnrkablo cases of healing over rocordod. Amos F. King, of that placo says: "Duck Ion's Arnica Salvo cured a soro on my leg with which I sad Buffjrod ovor 80 years. I am now clchty- flvo." Guaranteed to euro all Bores. by J. C. Perry, druggist. 2Cc. JdA 'k ' iiiWT l naivJ. i a L amMUijdkr tfPJkSjk L w uy ewii ftfMV with the use of CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER can bake delicious, healthful food. The essential requirement for pure cookery is a pure Cream of Tartar baking powder. The absolute purity and wholesomenes? of the ingredients '! .. L - . . Ka , JZ fillet t of CLEVELAND b insure the healthtulness and superior quality of your food. You can be sure or i"j tJYIyU vXpEf? pv-cr CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER Made, from a Superior "grade, of Pure Cream of Tartar. 0ESH CALL FOR CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER AND INIST UPON-. HAVING M Sold and Recommended by the Following Gwcets: WELLER IlltOS., COSOIERCIAIj STREET. I). R. GILDERT CO., COMMERCIAL STREET. ROTH & GRADER, COMMERCIAL STREET. DAMON & IXJSTER, COM2KERCIAL STREET. J. M. LAWRENCE, COMMERCIAL STREET. W. A. IRVIN CO., COJDOJRCIAL STREET. A. DAVE, COSIMERGIAL STREET. IF., H. RAGAN, COURT STREET. A. L. HARVEY, COURT STREET. J. L. MOORE & SON, CAPITAL STREET. RUTHERFORD & DOE, FAIR GROUNDS. ROTH & GRA1JER, STATE STREET . J. W. ILVRRITT, STATE STREET. MOIR GROCERY CO., STATE STREET. H. M. BRANSON, STATE STREET. JOHN HUGHES CO., STATE STREET. A. A. ENGLEBAHT, ST.ATE STREET. F. G. BOWERSOX, YEW PARK. II. L. SCIIULTZ, ASYLUM AVENUE. W. I). WHEELER, NORTH SALEM. A. CHENOWETII, NORTH SALEM. FAKRINGTON & VAN PATTON, STATE 8ISOT JCr. nnd MrB. Cloyco Matthews, aftor Bpondlng tho Fourth lu Snlom, bavo roturned to their homo In As torta. Both Mr. Matthews and his wife nro well-known In this city, tho former having been In tho grocery appointment wauling to board the 1:30 train. Drls-1!';'81"088 ,n, S!,l" for 1 yr8' npetltlvo oxamlna-'coll Is n ox-convlct, having don? " l8r,n0W ,n ho TonB,,l l 0,nt LMin" mrtrt thn i.i0i,.,.iti..... i.. ... r.iu......i i ibor Company general merchandise tunny friends. Railroad CoiiiiiiUnIoii HiNirliig t ho Oregon railroad commUalon burglars tore off u ploco of tho sheot' iin ei juiy mm. ny iu u. in., at Ha- Iron vldlng on tho building In tho It wn discovered thin that tho seeuud-haud store of O. I MoPook had been burglarized. Tha storo lu Astoria. Bad Burn Quickly lleolod. "I nm sn ilnlli'htA.I i-U. ...!. morning CnftmborftU.B SalVd baa a . mo that I feol bound to write and tell Sold in Neighboring Towns by the Following Grocerc PETER COOK, RICKREAL. QMS. D. HEIN, AUMSVILLE. I.. ABRAMS CO., LINCOLN. T. H. DRAKE, MACLEAY. E. W. SMITH, LIBERTY. cmTn G. L. PARSONS, FRUITLAND. J8' SC1I.MUS, SHAW. RANSOM & SON, TURNER. 31. A. BARBER, MARION. rcAjn & ItASIP, BROOKS. F M KEEI1, JEFFERSON. NIBLER & NATH.MAN, GERVAIS. SMITH & FONTAINE, JEFFERSoV. PATRONIZE THESE GROCERS you bo," says Mrs. Robert Mytton, LRRIED. DAKBR-BENTON. On Wednoidny ovonlng, July 3, 1907, at the homo of W. H. Dalrymplo In Inglewood nddltlon to Salem, J. Wayne Bn ker nnd Minnie J. Ronton wore united In marriage, Row P. S. Knight ofllciatlug. Tho groom is a son of Owen Ba many as fifteen or twenty In a day. Tho silos woro, an far as I know, tho first to bo sot up n Switzerland, urlng .tho jmat winter they have fed t rty head of fino catlo. Tho prac tical lhutrntlon of wintering thirty hofid of stock on tho twolve-acre crop of corn has rosultod In Inquiries tor seoti corn and In ordors for three kor. Krnndson of John iininr Aiw ' un., i... . - " Mintvii iiuuul oiiwn i iiiriTiitrii vit .. 467 John SL. llninllti.n n,,nri tlilrfv r.lnti,.,.. ...i i...,. ..... ' '" """ vuuw S-W ana , w.,,w. : j ....,,v ami Miuinib ware wore nnnv nnn. Jem, for hearing tho Oregon railroad roar of tho 1n. brok a patio of "M' ,ltt, HtluBhtor h bd burn .prosont ns guwts. Tho young couple I ach of thrso'thrcc silos wll h n lnanaRonna to roforma lu condition- glaM In tho back door, and unlocked ?" !,0ro ,n00, I n,',,1,,d Chamber-1 loft on the northbound night train new lulvortkomont fo- the svstL of utatlon hntiuMit uti.i iiiHu.iiii.ir .. it i,.i. '. ,. laln'a Salvo and It healed beautiful- i for a short weddine- rii .h.. .,,1,1.1. 1k.i. t . . . "e 8'stoni nnd July 11th. at 10 a. in., at Al- luatlon this mornlnc. i...t f.......t. ) Th,a BU,Vo ,U,a'8 th I'nl tl0' will roaldo In Salem. Tho same loan nmiAi t ".'" ' .,0 Amor T ' Iiiih.. I..1 I....1...1I.. m . I -w- mn-m (ttu ill ii iiiwi inn irpimm 11 is iop Kaio .inmirttnr unitAii i .w... ... i.i .. . . .w huuuo , -.... .--.,., . ww 'mitt,, IMV itl IJII11I Wk IllirHTlf u " ,v " milium iiim wioniiiig, uui loumi, W) , , . ," bany, tor a hearing an to the necos- nr na ho onn toll, that lilo loiw bur" ft,m08t ,8tftnt," nijy or a now Albany. paMoiigor itatloti at 1-Yo t"o Argued Next Mouda) will b. hirt th r- Kiuiiuni in iiu suit to ioinp.1 rtt- th. m n wr four niwrs, a sold watch and ohalti, and a pair of hnmlouffa. WhlU thoro was prolMibly moro than oua ooniitfctthl with tlm two crimes, the by Dr. Stono'a Drug Storo. 0 Oixgtm Stnto Prison, A splendid musloal, lltorary aud pmcvm an rtrtuin tluy have one of (lramtle aaUrulnmont was given In In marrlaga In March 1S7-I. Abriiluun Lincoln iB",ll',ll,ll,'l,'l',''IB,,,,,l,l',,i IPS ALL RIGHT The Salem Shoe Store PRICES ALL RIGHT QUALITY ALL RIGHT And the poonlo tivat us all right, for they Uep coming In num. .. Bk ,Huru man Miury our expevtatlous. Wo must bo ins guou, ear nmk- Salem Shoe Store EYRE & MAPLeTHORPC was a man who, .ignlnst all odds. I tho Urtv new dining room ou ihe lnttn,"'d th Kt honor n man evening ot July lil to a large and . b " iM" UH,l states. Bal cuttlvatetl niuHonoo. who vajoxed ,nnl'8 HonhouHll Syrup has attained themselves ImmoiuMly. It tr 'he ft pInco' n0Wr nwMa by any other beat thlug of tho kind ovor e, u st Jiko romot,'- U s a sure euro for the prlww and show that thvre e Coughs, Colds, BroncUItU, Influen tnen of bright parts out there, and !? and aU PttImry dlseaaej. they are not allowing taolr talents VOry moUlw sliould keep supplied to grow ruoty. w,th tnla wondorfal tough medicine The sueetal nrMlogo wm allows iSoUl by D J Pry on the Fourth of July of a game of baseball, ta wkleh the orlton aiae defetel a ploked Salem crow by 13 Kvory man in tko uriaon at hk oiwllage by electric powor. It may o that, in a country abounding In watw power, tho spread of slloa will cromo a demand for electric motors, lu which our American maker, may find It profitable to seek their olmre o l i """oBHBpw H to 7. for the woa'a good twhaMor. Model AmwJcnii Vurnt in Sultrprlnml ' In dooorlblHg the latroduuion of I t. lAmorlma alliw bttn c,,.i, ...... , . lenUoil tho Uawoull gam.. mU tk'su P. . Room wrttoo from v were allow! to m as a reward of ,W: "' merit. tUooo vlolaUwg rule being r. Jus outelde of Geneva there u . uwd tkl. (HHYtlon. It Nka wen small bnt model Amorlci ta the iHuiNiru 01 an American gentleman ' u ujii long resided In thte cky (uamo on fllo at the Bureau of Man ufnourw). To a model dairy and oqualy utOHlato quarters for fowls ad swlao the owner lt , T IITS: toa Alc r:r.. "'. :ww, a offlnoi v..u corn wo.- being ground and pnoked Into these, farmer came In from t rmmir.. , . i ' uuu aoout to All tho World. knowa that Ballard's Snow Untmont haa no auiuvlor for Rheumatism Stiff Joluta. CuU, Sprains, Lum bago and all nalna. Buy it. try it and you will always uu it. ny body who haa usc4 Ballard'a Snow Ualmentia a living nroof nf.u.,.. 1. doi All wo ask of you Uto s a ' ooiue, rrico 35c. 50o ?l 00. Sold by D. J, Fry iust Received A Shipment of fine Limberger and and I I 60 what wa to tw, . aud a revelation it" - , .v aj Cream Brick Cheese Try Them and Be Convinced Moir Grocery company Frank Ison, Lloyd Hunt and CMJ Frnkes loft this morning for WtQ Walla for a several wfioka' visit III friends, A woll-known Oregon pioneer man spent tho Fourth at Sales- Mrs. IT. J. Barnett, of John PJ Grant county. Sho arrived on V nesday evening, and stopped at t Hotel Wlllamotto until her brotw. J. T. King, of Macleay, came In t day and took hor to his home. Mrt Rarnett Is 87 yoars old, and Iw at Canyonvlllo in 1864. Norwich Union Fife Insist ance Socty Prank Meredith, Resident As Office with Wm. Brown & Co.J" 129 Commorclal street. ..MONEY TO LOAD" THOMAS K. TOW Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, SaUM NEW TODAY Xotlce On and after July 1. Ryan's real eaUt, loan, losura and employment .offlco will De Commercial Hall, corner of Co - merclal and Center streets. 6-29-tf- Wantetl. Good teamster tor ranch. Anniv tn t. A. LlresKT Co. Phono Main 109 or Fars 161. TiH- ror Kent Three furnished roj for Hcht hoiiRfikeenlng. with Bl and phone, 486 North Libert? Phone 1043. 7'5 L Lost In Saleni July 4tb, brawn 1oqVii. YM.i.cn tODl 25 in gold an4 small gold Hsh coin. Return to Mrs. A. Berry, care Oregon Nursery and recelva reward. . S