DAIL1 CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALBM, ORH ION FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1007. SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER. INDIGESTION. hSSSSVBSSSSHbT 118. K. XBOOH, mw mo a ncrson who suffers from In istioa or dyspepsia and I will show you a person with tho meanest dispositioa on earth. You can't blamo them. Nothing in the, world takes "all tho cheer and bright ness out ofllfo like a balky stomach. Peopla who suffer in this way feel out of humor, out of sorts and Irritable all the time. They can't eat a meal jthout "suffering intensely afterward. elr faces are usually covered with inles and blotches. They always have idache. constipation, are tired and tless and as many whom I have talked Jput It 'just feci mean and bad all over. icy ere always dosing themselves on is and pre-digctted foods and the liko til they have so weakened their stom as that they can't cat anything. It's all asense. 1 have seen and talked with sple who had lived for months on milk J toast, tako a bottto or two sf Cooper's sw Discovery and inside of two weeks E' down and cat a big meal at night then to bed and sleep as well as any one ere is ono case I have in mind, t Mrs. Ellen Kcoh, 1907 Ogden Ave, nerior. Wis., recently wrote me: f 'No ono knows what awful suffering I ve endured from indigestion. Mv imach wohld not digest the simplest ads and no matter what I ato I would bo re to suffer afterwards. I was also con futed and had queer diazy spells and ijhtful headaches. Oft times I felt bo Jly that I could scarcely walk. I had ccn Cooper's New Discovery but a jrt timo when I noticed a decided im ivcmcnt. Now I can truthfully say I 1 greatly improved in every way and fay for tho first timo in ten years I en ed a hearty meal. I am indeed very stcful to you." i lio fact that Mr. Cooper's medicines ay larger sales than any others is proof heir great merit. J. C. PERRY kUXTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT I 'till List of Illlls Allowed at tho Last Term. Road and Highway. imo. Am't tl, August tea, S RUE)! Jt Xj t luorts u i iderson, E lort, Follx lUSf 2 300, Geo Bhoy, W. M Iffnlo Pitts Co V A Iequ, Gua kdloy, Elmor C JO, S icol, Frank CUl lUt u i'son, Sotli R.Kj I j rkurst, Ralph ' ill & Co sll, E .. jr, Robert cor, J. W rns, A My. Wm Uy, Cnrl wn, Leo & Sons iwn, Geo Allowed $ 24. GO 0.25 23.2D ' .45 G.50 9.00 G.00 25.00 218.17 3.45 44.25 12.25 15.00 21.00 25.31 40.25 1.50 o o. 1.G0 23.50 5.25 3.00 21.00 5.25 15.00 15.75 18.48 34.00 teeeees YVScKe? 'J-L.l rMSllh. SOPVRISHT L, FOR OUR DAILY DIET. 1, nutritious broad Is Just as lm- tant as clean, rich milk. Our relclana tell us of tho disease rms that breed bo readily In 1m- nillk, which no doubt Is true. Is equally true of uncleanly and rholesomo bread, which Is the rea li you should use Ullora'a bread. It not only clean and nutritious, but Ffs mixed and baked under abso- ely sanitary conditions. CAPITAL DAKERY, C. ULLOM, Prop. Phono No. 380. Iherries Wanted! ighest Market Price Paid iteo Other Canning Fruit I. S. Gile & Co. Trwfc and tiigk SU. Brown, Herbert Becknor, L ; Bockner, Chas Brassfleld G. L. .'. Brown Hi '. . Bostrack, Fetor . .' Ballwober, Geo. ,. ' Burnett, M. J. . .- Bntlor, O. . . Butlor, Oliver - Butler, Frank Bartruff, Elmer Boedlghclmer, I.J Carter, J. K . . Cramer, Frank CornlBh, Andy ' Chamnca?, Guy Chamness, Arthur Cutsford, Clydo Cutsford, Frank Cutsford, Sid Cllno, All 7.!.... Cook, I. M Cornelius, O. H. P Church, J Curtis Lumber Co Cannon, S. A Conlck, A. G Cochran, E. B Cummlngs, W. L Davidson, W. F Davenport, Z Dlttor, Ed Dllley, Oscar DUley Sebastian Drommond, J. T Denis, Will Dawson, Tom ' Down, Al ; Desart, Earl Dorns, S Dake, Everett '. Downing, E, C. . . '. Denny, Elmor Denny, Elmer Donny, "Byron Davis, Lincoln Darby, J. D Doorflor, John Doerflor, W Donkcr, E. . . . Day, Geo Edwards, J Edwards, Geo. . . Edmunson, E. R. Englehnrdt, Mlko English, W. H , English, J. M Ector, W. W Evans, Mrs. J i2.an, jLi. lj. .............' Exkow, J. M Eastburn, D. F Elgin, C EdmonBon, J. W. Eply, Chas Frohmndor, Geo Frohmandor, John Frohmnndor, Lewis French, Frank R Froshor, Joo Fnrris, Ed Farris, G. W Flotze, Alois Ferris, J. E , . . Fryer, G. J. H Fryor, C. A . Frank, Albert Fischer, Andrew Flshchor, D. W Feller, Fred Fondrlch, August Frnyer, Frank , Foroth, E Fessler, M. C. -. Fred Rock Merchant Co. . . Geo, Fr.d Geo, Earl Gooding, Geo, X. . .' Gooding, Win. O. '. (. Givons, Chas Glvons, W. T Golsnor, D. E Goulet, Will Goodale, Frank Gunderson, Zlvlc Gundersou, John Gullckson, Henry , . Grahenhorst, W. H Jr., . . . Garner, Chester Geer, Ira W Gibson, M Gardner, J) M uom, ii. it. .............. Glebler, Crls liUllVi Jt A ftastaa Hunt, W. T. Hartman & Shlndlor Hartley, Albert , . . .- Hartley, C. L Hoover, Wm. Hemick, Fred , Horrlck, B. B., Sr Herrick, B. B., Jr Hall, Henry Holllngsworth, J. M Huldt, C. J Humphrey, W. H Hottinger, Frank Herren, L. M Hunke, H. Hooper, G. W Hepner, John Htrzslefen, Pito Hunsaker, G. W. Haack, Fred ". . : Herrington, L. O HottlBger, Frank Hemick, Fred ,....- Hohart, A. F, ........ Hawaii, Chas. 3.75 10.50 8.31 10.75 19.20 COO 9.00 1.50 8.25 3.00 3.00 1.50 11.07 38.50 7.50 b.oo 4.50 G.00 33.00 39.75 6.00 7.50 7.50 52.50 2.25 3.75 5.54 36.00 25.00 13.00 9.00 48.00 12.00 .75 25.62 6.00 33.25 9.00 29.75 17.00 l'2.75 6.00 9.00 15.00 10 50 18.50 .75 7.00 56.75 4.50 27.62 30.00 10.50 4.50 27.00 1.50 9.00 37.50 33.50 7.50 5.30 15.98 109.25 190.92 13.00 3.00 1.75 3.00 3 OH 6.00 ' 24.00 3 no 7.50 23.25' 25.00 9.00 48.75 15.00 3.00 18.00 10.33 3.00 1.50 6.00 4.50 3.00 5.40 4.50 3.75 10.00 6.00 12.00 28.50 15.00 21.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 .75 4.00 14.00 1.50 16.00 38.r0 6.72 39.00 3.00 21.00 21.73 16.80 42.00 41.25 4.00 7.00 14.40 73.95 2.50 9.3S 12.20 26.25 8.00 27.00 6.60 14.50 1.60 7.50 13.50 17.50 13.50 9.00 3.50 15.1G 24.10 ,76 34.87 2.1 Irwin, K. 1 10.50 Robins, Percy 4.00 Jefferson, J. A 15.25 Rlnhdrdt, John .......... 6.00 Jefferson, Chester 24.00 Roister, F. J 1.50 JetTerflon Mill Co 6.91 Royal, C F. & Son 1367.00 Jorgenson, C. W 41.12 Sanders, Edward 35.00 Jaguenant, Chas 14.00 Shepherd, Andrew 30.00 Johnson, Chas JohnBon, F. O. Johnson, Albert Jonhson, Hans Jackson, Geo. Jnnz, C. M. Janz, R. J. ( 9tt Joajt, Rudolph Knsor, Fred 53.40 Schmidt, John Kelly, L. D 261.53 Slmornl, C. J. 1.50 Shopher, Floyd 3.00 11.25 Shepherd, Jas 12.00 1.50 Shepherd, John 7.50 5.00 Smith, Edlo 75 4.50 Smith, Roy , 10.50 7.50 Smith, Ed 3.50 4.00 Smith, Martin 22.50 1.75 Schmidt, R 9.00 4.50 19.84 t ' Kelly, J. A 13.33 Solvert, A. D. KraUBe, August ' 3.50 Steel, D. D. a 8.00 5.25 G.00 Strod- Wm 21.00 6.00 tSlmpson, F. B 10.75 1.50 Short, Roy 43.50 18.08 'Slofer, Anton 16.50 6.00 ,Schllndor, Fritz 18.75 27.00 Stevens, Ellis 13.50 11.50 'Stevens & Waltman 50.00 .75 3.50 Kulcer, John Komp, Kohn . . . . l Kolnlg, Joe Ktlian, Geo Keeno, H. A. Juney, C. Kerig, J. M Kohn, Mnthlas 16.50 (Sandborg, Chas. Kohn, J ' 8.25 jStlncr, D. J. .. Lang, Fred 15.75 Stelnborger, J. S 11.25 Lang, Joo : . 27.70 jShultz, J. M., et al 266.06 Lacy, Jesso 2.25 :Scott, J. H 6.10 i 15.00 .Schlfforor, John 19.50 Laforo, W. S. Lafollot, Perry 14.00 Salem Iron Works 49.00 tea 12.50 .Sommors, E. C. t t 31.50 1.50 36.90 1.80 n.nn Lewis, A. E. .. ; 10.2S Shlpi), Wattf 103.96 Lewis, Newton ......, 6.00 Shipp, Watt 175.00 Ltndsey, Fred 15.00 j Shipp, Watt 93.88 Livingston, A. L 21.00 .Tnylor, Earl 26.15 4.50 Lnmbort, L. S. Lander, Arthur 13.50 .Schulto, Jns. Lander, Ralph 1.60 Spauldlng Logging Co. Loren, Ira 3.00 Shantz, J. N. Little, Thomas 3.00 .Stnlgor, J. J 1.50 .Taylor, Frank Livingston, A. M. Livingston, W. II. 9.00 .Taylor, Virgil 24.00 Low, Carl 18.00 ! Taylor, Walter 34.95 Lomkor, John 12.00 (Taylor, F. M 8.00 Lawrence, J. M 49.65 :Taylor, W. A. 18.04 jToylor, W. A. 8.00 , Taylor, E. A. 22.56 Tnylor, E. A t McKay, G. A Macey, Jcsoo . Mahonoy, M. W. McKco, Earnest 3.00 ,Townsond, W. It. McKco, R. E '. McKpe, Chas. A. tsastt 5.50 Mcllwalri, Wm .' 20.00 3.00 .Tucker & Son. i .TiicKor & son ! i s I 7.00 8.00 3.00 18.00 13.50 9.00 9.00 McCrory, D. B. Moorhouso, R. B. McAllister, C. Mooro, Fred, . Morris, W. C. Morris, O. I. Morrln, C. C. . Morris, E. D. Mower, Will . McCorklo, M. A .v. ....39.95 Murphy, J. E 7.35 Murphy, J. E .' 2.80 Miller, Frank 10.00 MUlor, John C 8.00 Miller, S. A 8.O0L. Mlor, Chas .'. . 11.37 Mlor, Phillips 2.30, Mloor, Phillip Mlstorok, John 16.20 12.00 10.00 66.00 35.00 7.95 7.85 8.00 3.50 7.00 15.00 9.00 3.00 2.25 7.50 Mason, II 22.75 .Wlllson, Bon McConvillo, Hugh 48.00 Williams, By v . .-. la . n n Nwrilti l. money, uvurou la.i Morgnn, C. F 3.00 Morgan, Wm 5.00 Martin. E. L 12.30 Trocch, Goo, Trumbull, Alex . Trombly, Frnnk . Vnndnlo, F Vandalo, II Van Handel Matt Vinton, Geo. . . . Vnnnmum, J. . . . 6.00 Voget, Bros 17.10 9.00 .Voget. Fred 4.08 Volz, G 9.00 Voz, Fred 18.75 West, A. L 38.25 White, II. F 02.50 Whlto, E. II 27.00 Woodward, T. H. 12.50 Wado'-Poarco & Co 14.73 Wolshaar, Andrew 75.00 .CO .Waltman, J. E 3.00 46.00 jWlppor, Herman 18.75 1.75 9.00 Williams, mos 12.75 Western Union Tol. Co 1.09 Work, C. II 20.12 Won'. D 37.02 Martin, Jonso 7. CO Wyldor, Cnjvln OOiOO McClenry, Elmor . .' 12.50 .Wilson, Jesso 0.00 Mlnch, J. P 9.60 jWestorn Storago TranBf. Co. 1.30 Mlnch, Elmor 4.80 ,Wlndlshor, John 7.20 MIsslor, J. II 4.25 Wolls, John 8.25 McKlnloy, Fred 8.40 Weathorlll, Geo 12.00 Meyer, Chaa ' 11.80 (Williams & Gosser 5.00 Molson, M. T 60.00 .Warner, Chas 17.25 Winter, J 6.75 Yates, Bort 23.40 Zurchor, Fred 24.40 Mortonson, Wm 12.09 Mulkoy, Albert 24.00 Nelson, Haii3 6,00 Notaon. Arthur 12.00 ,Zollner, Jos 3.00 Nelson, Ogglo 9.00 Zlollnskl, Honry . . . 45.00 Nelson, Andrew 6.00 JziolBlnskl, John . . ."$ . .'. . . 0.00 Norton, S. W. . . . ." 3.00 Zuber, M ,y. 27.00 Nenlon. Peter J 47.79 Zubor, A '.V. 0.75 fcoyes, 0 10.00 Newbrcdgo, Jacob 7.00 Nlcolepn, Wm. 22.75 Oneal, Jas 8.75 Ohmart, Roy V 7.40 Ott, F. T 4.15 Oleson, Martin 70.50 Portor, Glen 1.C0 Prnngo, B 7.54 Palmer, Goo. . . . .' '. . . 13.00 Polrols, S 4.80 Pendleton, M. E -. 12.00 Pugh, E A 26.25 Pomoroy, G. C. 35.00 Page G. H 15.00 Palmer, H. K 28.25 Pohlo &, Bishop C9.00 4.UU A' aaastt Pratt. P Poe, A Perry, E. W. Pope, T. L. . Peterson, A. Peterson, S, A. Rice, Clydo . . . Rice, CD RlceR, W. A. . . Rice, W. A. Richardson, Jim . . Richardson, .W. W. Rlngwalt, Mathow 6.00 Rubens, Theo 7.00 Redmond, Chas. 5.25 Robertson, A. E 13.92 Robertson, B. E t 8.25 Robertson, C. H 12.00 Raamussen, Mrs. T 1.20 Rasmussen, Peter ........ 3,37 Rane. C. F. 10.50 Rabeas, A. G. 14.5ft Ra.bf, W, H 3.7S RoaaJUr. Cha. H. 6.25 Bates, Roy 3.50 Borgolt, Frank 5,25 Brosslor, J. P 4.50 Cox, Sam 10.00 Goodie, Robt 7.50 Goodie, Tom 8.00 Goulet, W. II ' 71.00 Needham, W. 1 80.00 Noedham, I. C 101.50 Richardson, W. Y 42.00 Ashton, Fred , 4.00 110.00 41.72 4.00 4.00 1.00 43.25 t t t nankin, A. Baskln, B Blckot, C. A Birr pee, Honry Chamberlain, B. H. Chamberlain, M. E. Chamborlaln, M. W 42.50 318.50 i t t t t t ttaaaaatt 45.00 .Chul-ch, J. II. 9.00 ,Cox, N 47.75 11. 00, Hough, Joe C0.00 O.OOjLomkor, John 30,50 7.50 Louis A. E 68.35 60.00 JLowls Lestor 21.00 24.00 .Morehouse, A 72.10 3.68 6.00 12.00 4.37 Morohouse, B 59.99 Morehouse, R, B 58.08 Payne, T. L 4.20 Pone, Carl 48.37 Pope, T. L 47.75 Roda, A 05.25 Reeco, II. M 70.50 Shoemaker, C 12,00 Shoemaker, E 20.00 Smith, H. H 64.00 Smith, C 37.26 Smith, Lyle G. 62.25 Sullivan, H. ? 40.25 Cox, 8m 28.00 Gmh11, Rt 34,99 Goodie, Tow .( Treech, II ,. . . ... . . ., Volz, G. Volz, Fred Bockor, Jos Burns, A Downing, E. C Frank, Albert Glscher, Bon 111111 ts J JL t Klnlz, John Poterson, A Rnbons, A. G Relstoror, F. J. Starr, Sylvcstefr ; . . Lambert, L. S Mitchell, A. L Parker, E. E Richardson, W. Y Murphy, J. J MoBhborgor, Chas Current Expenses. Allen, R. D. Conger Printing Co Drngor, D. G Elliott, N. D Horrlck, B. B Jr Herrick, B. B HaiiBcr Bros Ilofer Bros Moorcs, Ross E Moore, E. T .' McCorklo, M. A . . . Pac. States Tol. & Tol. Co. . . Putton Bros Richardson, V Y IvlCCi J1 J t Statesman Pub. Co Shlpp Watt Wcstorn Union Tol. Co Scott, John II Court Honso Expenses Derby & Wilson Hofcr Bros Hughes, John & Co Martin, J. M Myers, Job. & Son Pnc. States TeU & Tol. Co. . . Portland Gon. Elec. Co Portlnnd Gen. Elec. Co Rlchnrdson, W. Y Salem Water Cc Smith, Homor II , Stuart, Albert Whlto, Sim II Poor. dough, A. M Aim, Julius Chomekota Lodgo I. O. O. F. Clymer, G. W LrOBSf V lis Hughes, J. II. & Co. i Houso FurnlBhlng Co Jarvls, W. W Lowls, Miles jMorley, Waltor :Pac. Tol. & Tol. Co Rosonbnum, N Richardson, W. Y Fennel & Bnrr Smith Frank E. . . .- Smith & Jones Snlom Hospital Ynnnko, C. W JiiNtico Court. Wobstor, Dan Johnson, J. C Moulott, LoulBa Moulot, Mary Johnson, J. C. StovouR, Ellis Stovons, Isnac Moulott, J. O, Cutforth, J, M Hugol, J Stovons, Millard Stovons, Mrs. Iaano Wobstor, D Johnson, J, C McElroy, Mnrthn McElroy, Clalno . '. McElroy, 'Ida Gleason, F Stoolo, D. D '... Bntty, C. A. .'. Breslor, F WobBtor, D. . , Johnson, J. C MUlor, Wm Bullock, Ed. , Hnuser, Paul FolBom, L Cross, E. E Kurtz, Fred 'Pnllnnf Tn.11t Swaford, E, J Ilayos, T. F Beach, Amos Pronost, AKx ............ Colo, Dan ' Sandors, C. II Rlddlo, Zack Gorman, L Luyman, Honry Plank, J, F. Englo, Geo iiuycH) I i ttssitt Beuch, Amos , Toozo, W. L '..,.. IlUlla J J f StSfSt McGulro, G. N Llncsly, Phil , FIchcr, John Prlco, OBcaiy Allen, R. D. ............ Knight, J. A Hunt, John B Bogard, T Hicks, R, M Cook, J. V. .......,.... Lawrence, O. B Schmabauer, A, Uwlman, F , Remlyate, Jo KayM, T, F, Bach, Aww .. .. 8.00 0.40 25.40 18.75 24.75 24.00 3.00 6.00 24.00 24.00 25J50 5.00 9.00 13.50 38.20 18.00 15.00 34.80 60.00 15.00 20.00 3.50 5.00 32.00 1.00 10.25 .25 10.50 85.63 2.7.85 2.00 28.90 82.90 3.60 3.90 26.75 .25 .82 6.00 90.00 8.00 4.50 42.40 .90 15.00 64.10 50.70 1.00 23.70 45.00 2.50 1.25 12.00 .00 30.00 101.88 .50 COO 12.7G 31.90 4.00 4.00 24.75 3.80 5.00 2.00 8 25 80.00 30.13 23.00 1.50 DOCTORS MISTAKES Are said often to bo burled six feet under ground. But many times womon call ok tbolr family physicians, suffering, as they Imaglno, ono from dyspepsia, another fro heart disease, another from liver or kid nor dlsoaso, another from nervous pros tration, another with pain hero and there, and in this way they present allko to themselves and tholr easygoing or over busy doctor, separata diseases, for which ho, assuming them to bo such, prescribes his pills and potions. In reality, thoy am all only nimptoma caused by some uterine aisoaso. uno'imxsician, ignorant or ta ouutc of sufferlner, Rups uphisJrcatBaent until largo bills are nnide. ,T4unuIJerlnf patient gels no betteAJWaikke wrontr treatment, but probably woreTA iULmcujcinn 'W HT riirMHxzxox. InxllWrn fipScrl piroOlrcctCTl to the cause wnut Ivuvt entirely rOiuovOd the disease, then oy aiiXjclITTiE all those aTStreSslrnrsvmn- tonis, and Instituting comfort Instead proiongeu misery, n nas occn wen saw, ibafadlscaso known Is half cured." . Dr. Plorco's Favorlto Prescription l a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, find ftdanted to woman's delle&tn bvsIam. It Is mauo of natlvo American medicinal roots ana is perfectly harmless in tlhii c.)Htllim oTIfci iirnmr AS a powerful Invigorating tonic "Fa vorlto Proscription" imparto strength U ttio wnoio system ana 10 mo organs ais tlnctly foralnlno In particular. For over worked, "worn-out." run-down," debili tated teachers, nulllnors, dressmakers, seamstrosses, "shop-alrla," houso-koopers, nursing mothers, and fooblo women gen erally, Dr. Plorco's Favorite Prescription l.i tho greatest earthly boon, being un equaled as an appetizing cordial and re storatlvo tonic. As a soothing and strengthening ncrv Ino "Favorl'o Prescription" 18 unonunlcd and Is lnvr.1ab!o In allaying and sub duing norvous nxcltablllty, Irritability, nervous oxhapstlon, norvous prostration, nouralgla, hysteria, spasms, St. VUub's danca, and athor distressing, norvous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic dlsoaso of the utorus. It Induces refreshing sleep and rallavos montal nnxloty and dcstiondoncy. Dr. Plorco's rioasani Pollots Invigorate tho stomach, liver and bowols. Ono ta threo u done. Kaay to tnko as candy. Pllmalo, Wm 1.70 Alpln, Gib 1.70 McCormlclc, Chas 2.10 Kennedy, Thos 2,70 Hunt, Thos. ............. 1.90 Englo, Alllo 1.70 Gorman, L 1.70 Toozc, Lcsllo 1.70 Haborly, A. B 1.70 Knight, J. A , 1.70 Brown, That '. 15.00 Crlttondon, G. Mv -......... . 5.05 Klnzcr, Chas 7.50 Circuit Court. Western Union Tol. Co. ... 0.63 Elliott, N. D 18.00 Hofor Bros 20.00 Culver, W. J 4.00 Craig, Honry E 2.20 Jnll. . Culver, W. J 48.06 County Court nntl Com. Low, W. 8 23.50 St. Joseph's Blatt 10.00 Assessment nml Col. Tax. 1.00 eee Brown, G. O. School Hupt. Ofllco. Cosi)or, Mnrgarot E 9.00 Cornollus, Llzzlo 9.00 Frost, Albert 9.00 Moores, Mrs. E. T 9,00 Roland, Carrlo E 50.00 13.85 Slock Inspector. 22.70 'Elliott N. D 5.00 4. CO iKoolor, D. D 75.00 4.50 Rclmto of Foes. 1.-70 Adams, L, J 20,00 4.60',Nnncy, Cooloy . . .' 80 4.50 4.50 4.30 4.50 4.30 4.50 13.80 16.55 1,70 1.70 1.70 1.90 2.30 2.30 2.10 15.50 9.25 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 9.40 8.40 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1,70 1.70 1.70 18.95 15.10 1.70 1.70 1.70 .1.70 1.70 1.70 5.10 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1,70 1.70 1.70 1.79 15.58 15.00 5.00 3.00 6,00 5.00 Fruit Inspector. Armstrong, C. C. 04.50 Current Expenses. McNary, John II 3.00 Culver, W. J 20,00 Patton Bros 39,25 n.s(nsli)g mid Cruising. Rice, F. J 171.00 Poor, Smith, J. N Ryan, R. R Bcharlmck, Sob Iloollor, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Coutln, Kuthorlna Tax Rclmto Cnroy F. Martin 210,22 Insane. Smith, J. N 5,00 County Court ami Com. Noedham, I. C 61.40 Goulot, W. II 63.60 Roads nml Highway. Hanson, A. M. 0.00 Cnpt. Imp. Co 99,50 Ross, E. W 5.85 Sponcor Hw. Co 59.00 KIntz, John C4.00 RIOHter, F. J 15.37 o Open 8ukoii u Mouth Earlier. Something which probably not ono BportBinnn In fifty la awnro of, Is that tho open sonBon In Oregon for buck door oponn on July 15, ono month oarllor than lost yoar. Pre viously tho Beason for buck dcor has oponod on August 15 and closed on tho first of Novombor, giving aports mon comparatively llttlo timo In which to hunt. Tho chango In tho law was mndo at tho last eosslon of tho state logls laturo'by an amondment introducod In tho Houso by Roprcsontntlvo Bonos on January 22, and numborcd Houso Bill 151. . o CoRstJpatloa. For constipation thero la notklsg a ui to so nloo as Chamberlala'a Stom ach and Liver Tablets. They always prpduee a plecusaat movet of tha bwlM without ay dlMcre&sI h v IAaekmaa, Fraak , , . Harris, L. B fat, Prk, t w. bMmisi iiw Jtobtsfcarr, Fri . 17.Jt iWopdwertk, T. H. 8.99 8.19 at De, HX4H'a Dff iirt. .. i ,Mt( 1