ry 'p T(F tJStsn" jwtr.-xetr.x-i r iYffu89 vlWr11 -1- .w - - kAf. 5tVi 0AM L . " flliS I PINK PILLS WILL CURE RHEUMATISM Every Form of tlio DlMrnso Yields to This Wood Dulldlng mid Puri fying Remedy, Kvpii Obstln olo Ciinch of Long Standing. Ono roatilt of tiio unusually trying weather of the pout spring Is tho general provnlonco of rhoumntlsm throughout tho country. Whllo rheu matism Iti n dlseaso of tho blood, shown by lt hereditary charnctor, cold, dampneaa, and changes of eathor nro exciting causes. Ily ar resting tho usual eoorotlons they causo tho latent poison In tho blood to dovolop and acuto rhouinatlBin Ib the result. It generally comtnoncon with stlff neM -and lameness and nomctlmoH with chills and fover. Tho fialn In the Joints bocomoa moro sovoro and causos agony at ovory attompt to move. Tho dlsoaso la llablo to shift from ono portion of tho body to an other and Bomotlincs Involves tho heart. "Whllo Dr. Williams' Pink Pills havo cured somo of tho moat obstinate cases of rhoumatlBm much imJn may bo savod by taking tho remedy whon tho first symptoms ap pear. Mr. P. A. McOIuro, a travelling ealosmnn, living at No. 1G0 North Pearl stroot, Albany N. Y eaysi I had muBoular rlioumntlsm for ten ywira, often bo novoroly that I could ot lonvo my bed. Nono of tho nov eral phyulslan who proscribed for tne at vnrlouB times wnB able to hoip me In tho lonst. All this tlmo tho dlaonso wan becoming moro chronic HBd my Bufferings was awful. Fin ally It liecnmo bo bad that 1 had to go to bod and stay thoro as I could net movo without torrlblo pain. My slkncBB now worried mo greatly for early tho following month I had to start out on tho road and thoro I -was almost holploas, In bed nd all run down In health and strength, "My wlfo wild sho had heard that Dr. Williams' Pink Tills woro good for rhoumntlsm and It was upon her aavlco thnt I trlod thorn. After tak ing them-for throo or four days tho pain began to lwwo mo and In a short tlmo I wos on my feet again, feeling as woll and strong as over. Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills cured mo and I am willing to have this stato went published." Dr. William Pink Pills lmvo also cured ruch blood diseases as anae mia, oblllty. turofuloim conditions, ftor-offcte of tho grip and fovoM. Owlug to tho Inllmato rolatlou be twoen tho blood ami norvos. tho pills Itavo beon found Invnlunblo In such nervous diseases as dlxlnei, norv ous debility, omiralgln, 8t. Vitus tfancn and ovon piutlnl paralysis and looonu)or toxin. Dr. Wllllnms1 Pink Pills aw sold by nil druggists, or will bo ssnt, post paid, on receipts or prluo, 10 emits per box, six boxoa 12.10, by the Dr. WIlllaiUH Medlelaa Company, Schen ectady, N. Y. DON'T YOU WANT TO BUTT IN LAST YEAR'S RECORD. And Go Willi the Mazama's to the Summit of Ml. Jefferson Tho Mazama's are going to climb Mt. JelTorson, sometime tills month probably about tho 22d. A Mazama Is a wild mountain goat, but these Mnzamas that nro montlonod here aro not thnt kind. Thoy nro thor oughly gentlo, aro mostly Indigenous to Portland and fit Plato's descup tlou of a man perfectly. Thoy take their namo from the animal, how over, and tho sooloty wns christened on tho summit of Mt. Hood In ISO I, nt which tlmo MIhb May Fullor, a charming young lady and bright newspaper woman, becamo a Alaz.i ma, and, as was romarkod at tho tlmo, wan not only Fullor, but "Ful lor an' a goat." Thoobjoctsof thoBO clety nro to exploro mountains, dls Bomlnato Information concerning them, protect tho forests and on courogo mountain climbing. Uo Hldoo this, tho society carries with It an assorted collection of names, ono of which It burns Into any "sllck oar" lake, or hill, or any old thing that Is found loallng around without u tag on It. This Is of great conven ience to enmpors, And especially to such poruoiiB na uiIbb their bearing, for all thoy havo to do Is to ask tho lako or other object Its namo, and thoy know whoro thoy nro. llosldos It makes tho objects named fed llko thoy amounted to something nuil gives them a ohnnco to bo wrlt un about im-l gushed ovor. Tho so ciety has a rtilo strictly forbidding tho saddling of nnmos Imported from Mnlno containing any moro syllables thnn tho alphabet does lot tors onto nny. thing It finds. Onco there was u llttlo inko up nnrtli nf Mount St. HolOUB In Washington, and n Bplnstor H Shows 108 KHltHl and 0,808 In jured. It will only bo u short time until tho returns ar oln for deaths and ln- u,na nttnntllne the celebration of tho Fourth. The celebration last year made a very flno showing in una lino, and Its follews: One hundred and fifty-olght were klllod outright or fatally hurt, while 5,308 were Injured. Of tlie 103 Kill ed, 76 died of tetanus. Tho Sd Kill ed outright are classified as follews: Gunshot wounds killed as, oi wnicn 1 a m.t .instil from strny bunots; nro w-niMtiir from fireworks, burned 13 to death, most of them children; dx- ..tn.inna of railway torpedoes, ciyna- mite nnd powder klllod 18; glan nrocrnckers ondd the llvos of 3, and cannon klllod the snmo number; u misdirected skyrockot, nn efTort to nvniii n L'lant flrocracker, and a run away whore horses woro frightened by flrocrnckors killed i oacn. ;m oxploslon of powdor at wiiKosuont?, Pa., killed C boys outright. nt Mm G.308 injuries, many were of a serious character, and If there had boon no donths at all theso in jures should serve as a warning. Twonty-two lost tholr slgnt com- nlotely. 72 lost ono cyo, 5G lost legs, arms or hands, 227 lost fingers. u wns tho Riant flrecrncker that caused most of tho accidents nt tho celebration of Bunker Hill tiny, Juno 17, In Massachusetts. It was this samo nolso-mnker rosponslbip for tho grontest nutnbor of injuries tho Fourth of 190G. Next In order of tho number of Injuries caused was firearms. Thoro woro 187 injuries from strny bullets and, ns has al ready apoarod, 11 deaths outrlgnt from stray bullets. Tho total of In juries from ilrcnrniB wns 532. Tho toy cannon Btood third, nnd oven tho oxploslvo enno sont Bllvors into many lega and nnklos. about her rhln, who paired tho earl- Women Avoid Operations When a woman Buffering from female trouble Is told that an jjgr ntlon is necessary, it, of course, "$& very thought of thohospUal, tho operating table and the knife Rtrikcs terror to her heart. It Is quite true that these troub les may reach a stage where an ope ration is tho only resource, but n Seat many women have been cured b L$ayE. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound afr an opera on J," uccuacciacu upuu uo .. rf -- - Tho strongest and niost gmtef u l by taWnff iSSSye&tM Compound Lyaia C. ""WWlll a b operations as iClSS ROSE MOORE DnifncoH Cannot bo Cured by local applications, "as thoy cannot resell (tho dlsonsod portion of tho car. Thoro Ib only ono vay to euro doafnoss ,and that Is by constltutlon- 1...1.. nl romedloo. Dcufnow Ib caused by :zzrL:::::, lining of tho Eustachian Tubo. When -"n"w.1.-'J'' atook county, Malno, hnpponed -. - ""-- "" -o- ltalii Ih Khoriium County, 8evuty-oiie huudrodthn of an Inch of rain was the amount whloh fell hero latt Huiulay. Tho fall was gen eral throughout thU neotlou, bulng moro In fcniut pluc and Iodh In other At The Hallos tho gauge read only two-tentlu. Akiag the !) outoa In Hhsriunu county muasuvo-m-iit showotl about an luch. At Graan VulUy tho uovrnmnt gaui roa'd tumuity-throo huiidrsdtlui of aa Inch, and on (lordou Ulils one luck and four-mi ml riHUhH fell. la every part of Bhoritmn county the fall was enough to luur good crops, as far as moist tiro U eouoemed, sad grain amplM tire eoiulug Into town from ovory direction whleh prove Ue ns euranoo of au (uuneiue or op. .New. .... , -, ,. .0 n- .... . Xo Surli l,uek. HI Wl( Do you IhlNk talklHg will ovor btKumw a lHt art? I lei hulmHd.Nat durtag ytutr so journ on earth. ia- dear. Chteafe Pally News. across It," and no't seeing nny brands on It oh. though, of Uv .'e:ii nitisci names of hor long-ago childhood's homo, nrd sho billed that Innocont and helpless llttlo lako "Pnssadum- Keng," and blow tho nnmo Into tho glass. That was tho last ovor soon of that lake. Two years afterward, a couplo of piparoctois, camo across tho placo whuro the 'tko wiis, but It wan dry Thoro wns n notice, posted on the tmif, tho llttlo pond's last faroweii. It Btnted that It had "boon porfMly ccnli'Rtv.l until that man with n bluo Bhlit on had saddled that Infornnl namo on It, It would bnvo flood for 3km hegnn, Magngua- dnlo, CuuqvoiPKonu c, Moouotocmn- guntic, or any llttlo thing llko that, but to lmvo to pass tho years com ing to It with tho suggestlvo tltlo of TaB-n-dumb-kog' t.u-kod on to It wan no ii nch. Tht namo mndo It go do lt will bo" seen from this llttlo true story, how IumiHIpIwI It Is to lmvo a Mmtiiiun society, with a lot of assort; ed uauios, wiu runted to fit, to rind nil the lnl(K't and hi. Is and streams, and things that are still nameltss, out In thtf woods, nud put a label on them boforo aouio fomnlo with a limited imagtuAl e: and a double- hlugod tongue gets a ohnnoo at thorn, with a Memphroumgog voeabulnry. Houco wo should enoournge tho Ma mmas, from the lurgeet William to tho Himiloet Nannie. The patty leaves Portland, July It and returns on the 19, and It you want to bo ami be with the jolltest, nicest kind of people, aud have ths tlmo of your life, aud oome back suu-buriuVl aad dellgMeil, wiyi a inn that will have to wear off, sad a reoollecllon that a ever will: besUlos necNMiilatlng au sppettte like s rock- cruaaer. write lMmaud P. Sbeldoa, til WasklHftoa street. Portland, nt once, nud tell him ike CapUsl Jour nal reierrwl you to him for particulars. Ing. and when It le ontlrely closed, Deafness Is tho result, and unices tho Inflammation can bo takon out nnd this tubo restored to Its normnl condition, hoarlng will bo destroyed forevor: nlno oosob out of ton aro caused by Catarrh, which Ib nothing but an Inflamod condition of tho ruu oou surfaces. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dol- lam for any caso of Doafnoas (causod by catarrh) that onnnot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 7 Be Tako Hall's Family Pills for con- Btlpntlon. .. . .i JOE DAIICV KILLKI). made from native ronu - """-, ,07 w, 20th St., JM. X . bho Wi "" evidenced by Miss Rose Moore senso of 307 W. thQ compound has r..- t v n1fhnm:-"Lvdla L. rinKiiain a y-a , T . , t ..vrcss enfea me of" the very wrmoJS for tVo years so that to vou my deepest gratitude, .f,?"?"0,? burden to my family. I I was nnable to attend to ; my duties i and as .u"rdcon9tntlyobjecting doctored and doctored witu oni3' " 'dc " o. I decided to try Lyti a nn nnnminn which I was advised to unucrgo. x - trnublo uy .... w,. - -- ., . r nn..1.1 E. l'inlcliams and I am now tion which I was advised to Jjnaorgo. - "troublo i's Vegetablo Compound; it cured mo o'"01" 15 in tetter health than I have been for many years d other such cases shouia pnwrK - ,r,tean operation. dlaE.lMnWiam'sVegotabloUompounQDciU4UD-""-"-" - Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation Jto Women Women suffering from any form pi icinuio w. way of recovery auvisco. Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll never bother with ha? i- Its win nrvnln rtii It uonu ut uum ucu'u. nine uj. whon overy family could not an to send tho washing to a launA I. .a iimAn tmvn nlinntrnrl - . 'DUl UUlun ,.., uuuuquu 80( j . it vviAtlinrln ntl.l ni1riAH n. . liaVO III" .ucwwvu ...w pwuia, X04f you can bettor nfford to Bend tk family washing horo than not h Ask about our prices on family W14 Ing, rougn ury, or unisnou. The Salem Steam Laundry .Phono 2. 130-inO R. Liberty (J Hacehorho Killed. Whllo crossing tho Southern Pa cific Railroad track at tho myrtlo grove, two miles south of Ito3cburg. Snturday afternoon, George Turpln, of Inland, Josophlno county, lost a running hose, valued at $300, which ho wbb leading on nccount of tho animal's lameness. Tho horse was Btruch and killed outright by tho northbound llyer, No. 14. Being almost totally deaf Mr. Turpln did not hear tho approaching train and had barely clear d the track with another horse which ho wns riding when the train struck tho runner ho wns leading. Mr. Turpln wns return ing with the horse from Independ ence, whoro a racing meet was held last week. Tho original Uncle Sam has been discovered. Ho lives In Polk coun ty, and ho Is a "Gibson" girl. USE SELF RISING B. B. B. Flout For Boston Drown Dread, Griddle O nkes, Muffins nnd Plum Pudding. ALLEN'S D. B. B. FLOUR CO., INC., SAN Jose, Cnl. &mifo -o- Tho Msglo No. a. Nmnbor thro U a wonderful mas Mt for Geo. 11. Parrls of Cedar Oruve, Mo., according to a loiter WkMt reads: "After suKorlug much wttk liver aud kidney trouble, and tteeottilng greatly dUcoumscd by the fellur to lad rUef, 1 tried Kloctrlo JMttere, and as a result I am a well ja tc4y. The tret bottle relieved 4 tkrea boHle coaplet4 tke cure." Mver d VMaey troVU, by J. O. IPerry druU. sc. Tho Patluuco of Mr. Job, Teaaker Yko was tke tuoat ua- Ueat iMreoa tkat ever Uve.1T StUeal-Mr. Job Teacker How da you wake that out? Sm4etfrWky, Job eudurod a whole kM. but ke kad to anduro Job. judge. lie Plrvd tho Stick. "I havo fired the walklne-ttlek I've carried over 40 years, on account of a eora that resisted ovory kind of treatment, until I tried Hucklon's Arnica Salve: that has hcl4 the lore and made mo a happy man," xrtie Jobs Garrett, N&rtk Mills, N. O. Garantee4 lor Pllee, Burnt etc, by J, 0, prry arunbU 5c Droppinl Telephone Wire 011 Light Win-. Joo Dnrcy, of this city, sas th' Albany Democrat of Wodnosdny, this forenoon was nt work on the Ion,; distance lino of tho Home TeUphou Company In tho olty of Corr.UI, wheu ho necldoutly dropped a loos. wlro down up on tho load wlr af th electric light plant nenr him, receiv ing a Bhook from tho wlro, which re sulted In his death about an hour afterwards. He was taken to thr home of Jack Clark near by, and everything possible done to mu him, but the shook of the 10.000 volt wlro was too much to overcome After tho accident tho body had be hauled down with ropes HU wife and brother-in-law wwit ocr In a hack getting thoro just before he expired. Th body was biouuht to Albauy this nftornoou and tkn to tho undertakers, Mr. Darcy had worked for the Al bany electric light company several years, aad for others, rocentU uc eetitlug n )vosUIoh as'llaemaa lth the Home Company. He mi woU liked. Ho leaves a wife who is srif stricken ovor his death. She hss tke sympathy of all la ker !-,. Mr. Darcy was one of the b.t baseball players in tke vallev for many years being promluent lu tho gnmas played by ths Albnuy club. Mr. Unrcy's parenta reside at Akenleon. and aa soon aa tkev can be heard from arraugements will be iaado for the fu serai. Tho deceased was & mouther .if iho Cathollo church and service wll tho Catholic church and services will bo hold at tho chunk. The Texaa Vfourtrr. Care all kidney, bladder and rkeuaaatle trouble; told by all drug gists, or two woatkt' treatment by main for f 1. Dr. . W, Hall. 10:1 CHtrs etret, U. Lvtkt, Ho, W for teftliooaiale . I0I4 br ftoeVfi U School In session throughout tho summer. Plan now to enter. Students may cntor at any tlmo. Tho sooner you begin, tho sooner you will bo ready for n placo. Of tlmo and monoy In a business education Ib not a vonturo. Tho boneflts to bo dorlved from such a courso last for Ufo and pay sub stantial dividends ovory day. Theco facta aro amply shown by tho uniform success of tho grnduntco of tho CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Our studonta aro offered tho advantngo of n school woll-known for Ub thorough work, pleasant rooms, skillful tcachors and modorn methods. Class and Individual Instruction. Living exponses low. Send for cataloguo J. W. I, Staley, Principal, Salem, Ore. LITTLE BO-PEEP LOST HER BH But no ono ncod worry about mutt Vila limn of tho Tear, if thoy can m dainty and dollclous Bprtag lamb an appotielng and nourishing Be mor meal. Wo have ovoryohinglj choico meats, and all tho dollactaf of tho season In both fresh u smoked moats that will plew tho most critical epicure E. O, CROSS, States Street Mnrkot rhono XI i The Fashion Stables Formerly Dlmpson'a Btftblet, Up-to-date livery and cab Uh Funoral turnouts specialty. TtEy ko for picnics and ezcursioso, Plw 44. 0HA8. W. YANNKE, Pk 247 and 249 High Street O C T. Co ! "Wo havo scvornl calls for teach ors of shorthand. Public school toachers should Investigate. Wo rent or soil typowrltors. Havo several bargains in sec-on-hnnd machines. Guaranteed -STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGONA LKAYI FOR PORTLAND DAILY, BXCS! SUNDAY AND VBDNESDAY, A! 0 A. M. FOR COItVALLlS TU DAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT I P.M. P. M BALDWIN, Agt Putting In Modern Plumb """"HiMMHHHBHHHIIfllHHHHiHHBVBBBSaBB SPECIAL SALE F0R wrvDAYS Agricultural Implements and vehicles at a bargain for two days only. Monday and Tuesday, July 8 and 9 INCLUDING Ono now binder, best make. Two new buggies. Two new mowing machines. Two new wagons. Ono new hay rake. Ono new hack. Ono new cream separator. Sewral new plows nud harrows. waiKing ana riding cultivators. Sevornl now pumps. Two second-hand bugglo. One second-hand mowor and rake To itcond-hand cultivators, al most as good as now. One second-hand wagou and a va- rieiy or other useful articles. TERMS CASH OR APPROVED NOTES Tlli rftllliWlnn r .ii... ntll.- .. ill . . v, "" ii' m oe irom 10 to and socund-hand articles at a gieat sacrifice. GEO, B. TACOB. CORNER FRONT AND PINE STREETS Maira'm-vW&L T'T ""K il?'. ? . r.ii -H--T 4 liHlJ ifiifl s In now houses and building, "1 Well na rnfUMne nlrt houses. kfi us pretty busy in tho spring, j building is nt flood tide. Our "i ties aro alwnvn nnnal to th8 WS Hlon, and wo would invito bulMj and contractors to get estimate "nj us on nlnmhlnp. cna fitting, fitting and roofing beforo going d where, as wo do expert work si '" sonablo prices, A. L. FRASER 268 State Street. Phono 180. it You Arc Looking For :: Good Shoes j; that give good service - see me before buying. - Large line of Oxfords for ' men, women and children. : Best Shoes at honest :' prices. ; ; Repairing neatly ctone. JACOB VOGT, I 345 Stntn Cf -.. ' ' a TTTTT.TrTT-i A ITnTTSB We can Riinnlv voa witk th 5 rr.w , ber you n,d at tke price i Tnn(Ai.lnll.i AKr.A Ivl fn ""VOllUJ HCIMUHH JuBt coma aad see us aad lk eur yards. . GOODALS LTJHB.W "" 4nu Hfora. 4-lrr Miiimmiiinisi &SAMS YmUKn'